An Optimistic Fair Exchange E-commerce Protocol for Complex
C˘at˘alin V. Bˆırjoveanu
and Mirela Bˆırjoveanu
Department of Computer Science, “Al.I.Cuza” University of Ias¸i, Ias¸i, Romania
Continental Automotive, Ias¸i, Romania,
Electronic Commerce Security, Complex Transactions, Fair Exchange, Security Protocols.
In this paper, we define the concept of complex transaction as a combination i n any form of aggregate and
optional transactions. Even if there are many multi-party fair exchange protocols with applications in buying
digital goods, digital signature of contracts and certified e-mail , no one can be used to solve our problem:
complex transactions where a customer wants to buy several physical products from different merchants, pro-
viding fair exchange while preserving atomicity. In this paper, we propose the first fair exchange e-commerce
protocol for complex transactions in that the customer wants to buy several different physical products from
different merchants. Our protocol uses as building block the fair exchange internet payment protocol (FEIPS)
for physical products that considers only one customer and one merchant. Also, our protocol provides effecti-
veness, timeliness, non-repudiation, integrity and confidentiality of data exchanged between the parties.
In order to assure security, e-commerce protocols
must satisfy some fundamental requirements: confi-
dentiality, authentication and non -re pudiation. Now-
days, in the electronic commerce, it is usually that a
customer wishes to buy a pack of products/services
composed of several products (physical or digi-
tal)/services from different merchants. In this type of
e-commerce transactions, the customer is interested
in buying all products fr om the pack or no product
at all, namely aggregate/atomic transactions. For
flexibility, in the optional transactions, the customer
wants to buy exactly one produ c t from many mer-
chants, and for this, he specifies in his request more
possible products according to his preferences but
from this options only one will be committed. We
will refer to the combination in any form of ag gregate
and optional transactio ns as complex transactions.
In e-commerce protocols, fair exchange is anoth e r
essential property. For complex transactions, an e-
commerce protocol in that a customer wishes to buy
many products from different merchants assures fair
exchange if:
for any optional tran saction from the complex
transaction, the customer obtains exactly one di-
gital receipt for the product’s payment, and
for any aggregate transaction from the complex
transaction, the custo mer obtains the digital re-
ceipts for the pay ments of all pro ducts,
and each merchant obtains the corresponding pay-
ment for the prod uct, or non e of them obtains no-
thing. In a complex transaction , the issues that can
appear are when in a aggregate transaction so me pro-
ducts can be successfully acquired, but the others not,
or when in an optional transaction more than one pro-
duct is successfully acquired. In this cases, even if
each corresponding merchant gets the payment for his
product, fair exchange is not ensured.
To achieve fair exchang e, the proposed protocols
are based on a Trusted Third Party (TTP) that can be
inline, on line or offline. The protocols that are based
on inline TTP (that is used in every message) or on
online TTP (that is used in every protoco l instance)
are not efficient because TTP becomes a bottleneck.
Using offline TTP (that is involved in a protocol in-
stance only when a n exception appea rs) removes the
disadvantage mentioned above. One goal of our pro -
tocol is to o btain the fair-exchange requirement in
complex transactions using an offline TTP.
In the literature there are many e -commerce pro-
tocols that consider only one customer an d one me r-
chant, mo st of them for buying digital products and
only few for buying physical products.
Even if there are many multi-party fair exchange
V. Bîrjoveanu C. and Bîrjoveanu M.
2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
protocols with applications in buying digital goods,
digital signature of contracts and certified e-mail, no
one can be used to solve our problem : complex tran-
sactions wh e re a customer wants to buy several physi-
cal products from different merchants, providin g fair
Our Contribution. In this paper, we propo se the
first fair exchang e e-commerce protocol for complex
transactions in that the customer wants to buy several
different physical products from different merchants.
Our protoc ol uses as building block the fair exchange
internet payment protocol (FEIPS) for physical pro-
ducts proposed in (Djuric and Gasevic, 2015). The
FEIPS protocol considers only one custo mer and one
merchan t. In our scenario, a complex transaction is
a combination in any f orm of aggregate and optional
transactions. Also, our protocol provid es effective-
ness, timeliness, non-repudiation, integrity and co nfi-
dentiality of data exchanged between the parties.
The paper is structured as follows: section 2 gives
application examples of our protocol, section 3 defi-
nes secur ity requirements. Section 4 discusses related
work, section 5 briefly presents the FEIPS protocol.
Our protoc ol is presented in section 6. Section 7 con-
tains the security analysis of the proposed protocol.
A comparative analysis is provid ed in section 8 and
section 9 contains the conclusion.
Our protocol has use cases in Business to Consumer
(B2C) and Business to Business (B2B) scenarios. For
a B2B scenario, the customer is the Electron c ompany
that manufactures electron ic board s for different pur-
poses, on request from his clients. To plan its busi-
ness, Electron uses an online catalog from where it
can buy several ele ctronic components from different
merchan ts denoted by M1, M2, M3, e. t.c. From the
online catalog, Electron can select products like: re-
sistors (R), capacitors (C), integrated circuits (IC), ca-
bles, conn e ctors, printed cir cuit boards (PCB) and so
on. Electron wants to start the production of a new
electronic board and therefore wants to prepare its or-
der in form of an e-commerce c omplex transaction as
follows: (100R of 10k from M1 or 70R of 20k
from M2) an d (5 0C of 100mF from M3 or 100C of
70mF from M4) and 70 connecto rs DB35 type from
M5 and 30PCB from the M6. The complex tran-
saction is composed from an aggregate transaction
and two optional transactions. For the first optional
transaction if Electron can no t acquire 100R of 10k
from M1 due to lack of stock or delay in delivery
time, then its second option is taken into considera-
tion to acquire 70R of 20k from M2. To start the
production, Electron needs all types of componen ts
specified in its request, so a partial combination (e.g.
100R of 10k, 100C of 70mF and 30PCB, but wit-
hout 70 connectors D B35 type) is not useful for him.
For an optional transaction, Electron must not acquire
more then one product (e.g. for the first optional tran-
saction he must not acquire both 100R of 10 k and
70R of 20k) because th en he will remain with un-
necessary pr oducts. For example, a pack of products
that solves the customer’s option s is: 100R of 10k,
and 100C of 70mF, and 70 connectors DB35 type and
A similar scenario can be used in B2C applicati-
ons. In this case, the customer is a person that likes
electronics and wants to build an electronic hobby kit,
and for this he uses the onlin e catalog to order the nee-
ded components.
In what follows, we will discuss the security requi-
rements we want to achieve in our optim istic fair ex-
change protocol for complex transactions: effective-
ness, fairness, timeliness, non-repudiation and confi-
dentiality. These requir ements are stated and analy-
zed in (Ferrer-Gomila et al., 2010), (Liu et al. , 2011)
for certified electronic mail protocols, (Draper-Gil
et al., 2013) for contract signing protocols, and (Dju-
ric and Gasevic, 2015) f or electron ic payment proto-
cols for physical produc ts.
Effectiveness requires that if every party involved
in the complex transactions protocol behaves hone-
stly, does not want to prematurely terminate the pro-
tocol, and no communication error occurs, then the
customer receives his expected digital receipts from
merchan ts, and the merchants receive their payments
from the customer, witho ut any intervention of Trus-
ted Third Party (TTP). This is a requireme nt for op-
timistic protocols, where TTP intervenes only in case
of unexpected situations, such as a network com mu-
nication errors or dishonest behavior of one party.
Fairness for complex transactions requires:
for any optional transaction from the comp lex
transaction, the customer obtains exactly one di-
gital receipt for the product’s payment, and
for any aggregate transaction from the complex
transaction, the custo mer obtains the digital re-
ceipts for the pay ments of all pro ducts,
and each merchant obtains the corresponding pay-
ment for the pro duct, or none of them obtains nothing.
SECRYPT 2018 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
This requirement corresponds to the strong fairn ess
requirement stated in (Asokan, 1998).
Timeliness requires that any party involved in the
complex transactions proto col ca n be sure that the
protocol execution will be finished at a certain finite
point of time, and that after the protocol finish point
the level o f fairne ss achieved cannot be degrade d.
Non-repudiation in the complex transaction pro-
tocol requires that neither the custome r nor any of
merchan ts can deny their involvement in the complex
Confidentiality in the complex transaction proto-
col re quires that the content of messages sent between
participating parties is accessible only to authorized
Until now there a re protocols proposed for the pa y-
ment for physical products, that provide fair exchange
and consider only one customer and one merchant
(Birjoveanu, 2 015),(Djuric and Gasevic, 2015),(Ala-
raj, 2012),(Li et al., 2006),(Zhang et al., 2006).
There are known many multi-party fair exchange
protocols proposed with applications in e-commerce
transactions for buying digital goods (Liu, 2009), di-
gital signature of contracts (Draper-Gil et al., 2013 ),
(Mukha medov and Ryan, 2008), ce rtified e-mail
(Zhou et al., 2005) and non-repudiation (Yanping and
Liaojun, 2009), (Onieva et al., 200 9). Despite great
variety of multi-party fair exchange protocols propo-
sed u ntil now, there is no solution to address our pro-
blem: com plex transactions where a customer wants
to buy several physical products from different mer-
chants, providin g fair exchange.
From a ll solutions for multi-party fair exchange,
we distinguish some of them (Liu, 2009), (Draper-
Gil et al., 2013), (Yanping and L ia ojun, 2009) that
solve related problems with our problem, but in other
The scenario most clo sest to our scenario is the
one proposed by (Liu, 2009), where in an aggregate
transaction a customer wants to buy several digital
products from different merchants. The solu tion from
(Liu, 2009) can not be applied to our problem because
in our problem we want to obtain fair exchange bet-
ween payments for physical products and digital re-
ceipts for physical pro ducts. Also, in (Liu, 2009) are
taken into consid eration only ag gregate transaction s,
but optional transactions are not considered, and ti-
meliness requirement is no t assured.
In (Draper-Gil et al., 2013), a multi-two party con-
tract signing protocol is proposed, where a consumer
and many providers want to sign a contract pairwise.
The solution from (Draper-Gil et al., 2013) assure s
weak fairn e ss and can not be applied to our problem
because it is applied in a contract signing scenario that
is different from our scenario. Weak fairness requires
that all parties receive the expected items, or all ho-
nest parties will have enough evidence to prove that
they have behaved correctly in front of an arbiter.
In (Yanping and Liaojun, 2009), an optimis-
tic multi-party non-repudiation p rotocol is proposed,
which allows the sender to exchange different messa-
ges with multiple recipients for non-repudiation evi-
dences. The solution from (Yanping and Liao jun,
2009) can not be ap plied to our problem because it
does not take into consideration atomicity an d is ap-
plied in a non-repudiation scenario, while our scena-
rio requires atomicity and fair exchange between pay-
ments for physical produ cts and digital receipts for
physical products.
As a result, from all known solutions for multi-
party fair exchange problems related with our pro-
blem, no one can be applied to solve o ur problem.
Our protocol is based on the fair exchange internet
paymen t protocol (FEIPS) for the payment of physi-
cal products, pro posed in ( D juric and Gasevic, 2015),
that is why we br ie fly descr ibe it. This protocol consi-
ders only one customer and one merchant. The FEIPS
protocol involves the customer (the payment Web seg-
ment), the merchant, the payment gateway and the
The payment Web segment is a soft digitally sig-
ned by payment gateway an d it is automatically down-
loaded b y customer from merchant before the proto-
col execution. The role of the p ayment Web segment
is to perform customers side protocol actions.
The FEIPS protoc ol consists of three sub-
protocols: the setup sub-protocol, the exchange sub-
protocol and the resolution sub-protocol. All me ssa-
ges transmitted in protocol are protected using hybrid
encryp tion. In the setup sub -protocol, the cu stomer
sends his session public key to the merchant, that re-
plies with an unique identifier of the transaction. In
the exch ange sub-protocol, the customer sends to the
merchan t a payment message encrypted with the pay-
ment gateway’s public key and the purchase order. If
the merchant a grees with the order received from the
customer, then he sends the payment message to the
paymen t gateway. On reception of the payment mes-
sage, the payment gateway decrypts it, verifies the
paymen t info rmation and if the customer is autho ri-
An Optimistic Fair Exchange E-commerce Protocol for Complex Transactions
zed to use the card. If all checks are su ccessfully, the
paymen t gateway sends the payment message to the
bank. Depending on the customers account balance,
the bank makes or not the transfer a nd provides an
appropriate response to the payment gateway that for-
wards it to the mer c hant. Finally, the merchant sends
the response to the c ustomer. The response is digi-
tally signed by the payment gateway and it means the
digital receipt of the payment for the ord ered product.
The fair exchange in the FEIPS protoco l is defined
w.r.t. exchange of electronic payment for a digital
receipt. The resolution sub-protocol is used to pro-
vide fair exchange for cases in that the customer pays,
but he does not receive the digital receipt because the
merchan t behaves dishonest or a network communi-
cation error appears. In the resolutio n sub-protocol,
the customer sends to the payment gateway (TTP) a
request for r esponse, and the payment gateway sends
him the response. (Djuric and Ga sevic, 2015) have
shown that the FEI PS protocol ensures fairness and
confidentiality using the AVISPA tool (Vigano, 2006).
In the com plex transactions protocol (CTP), we con-
sider that one customer can buy prod ucts in complex
transactions fr om many merchants. CTP has the fol-
lowing participants: the customer (the payment Web
segment), the merchants, the payment gateway and
the bank.
Ta ble 1 presents the notations used in the de scrip-
tion of CTP. We use hybrid en c ryption with the same
meaning as in (Djuric and Gasevic, 2015). Hybrid
encryp tion {m}
of the message m with the pu-
blic key PubkA means {m}
, {K}
: the message
m is encrypted with an AES session symmetric key
K, wh ic h is in turn encrypted using PubKA. If two
parties use the session symmetric key K in a hybrid
encryp tion, th e n they will use K to hybrid encryption
of all the messages that will be transmitted between
them for the remainder of session. We make som e
considerations about the commun ic ation channels we
will use in CTP. (Ferrer-Gomila et al., 2010) consider
three types of communication channels: ope rational,
re silien t and u nreliable. Op erational communication
channels (messages are correctly received in a finite
amount of time) impose a not realistic assumption for
the cu rrent networks. In CTP, we consider resilient
communication channels ( messages can be delayed
but not lost) between PG and C, respectively between
PG and M, that is similarly with assumption from
(Djuric and G a sevic, 2015). The other communica-
tion channels are unreliable (messages can be lost).
6.1 The Preparation Phase
Before CTP execution, a preparation phase is needed .
The customer is browsing throug h the online catalog
where the products from merchants are posted. Af-
ter the customer decides the products pack he wants
to buy and the options/alternatives for each product
from the pack, he clicks a submit” button on the on-
line catalog and the download of the payment Web
segment is started. The payment Web segment has
the same role as in the FEIPS protocol, thus we use
the term customer and payment web segment inter-
changeable, the context indicating which of them we
refer to. The pa yment Web segment is a software di-
gitally signed by payment gateway that runs on the
customer’s computer. The p ayment Web segment re-
quires fr om custom e r the credit card inf ormation and
a challenge code that will be used to authenticate
and authorize the customer for using the credit card.
For eac h subtransaction involved in the complex tran-
saction (corresponding to the produc ts the c ustomer
wishes to buy), the payment Web segmen t generates a
RSA session public/pr ivate key pair for c ustomer. We
consider that the payment Web segment has the digi-
tal certificates for the public keys of each merchant
and payment gateway. Also, each merchant/p ayment
gateway has the digital certificate for the payment ga-
teway/each m erchant’s public key.
For an aggregate transactio n, we define the aggre-
gation operator, denoted by , as follows: Pid
. . .
meaning that C wishes to buy exactly k prod ucts
with product’s identifiers Pid
, . . . , Pid
. For an opti-
onal transaction, we defin e the option operator, deno-
ted by , as follows: Pid
. . . Pid
meaning that C
wishes to buy a product that is exactly one of the pro-
ducts with product’s id entifiers Pid
, . . . , Pid
, where
the appar ition order o f the product’s identifiers is the
priority given by C. This means that C wishes first of
all to buy the product Pid
, but if this is not possible,
his second option is Pid
, and so on.
From the c hoices of C describing the sequence of
products he wishes to buy, we build a tree over the
product identifiers selected by C using a nd opera-
tors. To repre sent the tree , we use the left-child, right-
sibling representation in that each internal node cor-
respond s to one of the above operators or to an identi-
fier, while each leaf node corresponds to an identifier.
Each node of the tree is represented by a structure
with the f ollowing fields: info for storing the useful
informa tion (identifier or one of the operators), left
for pointing to the leftmost child of node, and right
for pointing to the sibling of the node immediately
SECRYPT 2018 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 1: Notations used in the protocol description.
Notation Interpretation
C, PG, Mi Identity of Customer, Payment Gateway, Merchant i, where 1 i n
PubKA, {m}
RSA public key of the party A, hybrid encryption of the message m with PubKA
The digest of t he message m obtained by applying of a hash function h (SHA-2)
RSA digital signature of A on h(m)
A B:m
A sends the message m to B
to the right. The access to tree is realized trough the
root. An example of tr e e derived from the complex
transaction from section 2, is shown in Figure 1.
correspo nds to R of 10k, Pid
to R of 20k ,
to C of 100mF, Pid
to C of 70mF, Pid
to con-
nectors DB35 typ e and Pid
to PCB. The root node
has oper a tor as info. The root does not have any
right sibling and its children are two nodes having
operator as info and the nodes w ith the info Pid
Next, we will describe the subtransaction protocol
(STP) in which the customer C buys a certain physical
product from a certain merc hant M.
Figure 1: Tree describing the customer’s choices in left-
child, right-sibling representation.
6.2 The Subtransaction Protocol
CTP uses STP. STP is based on FEIPS protocol, but
STP has a significant difference from the FEIPS pro-
tocol, namely, STP consists of four su b-protocols:
the setup sub -protocol, the exchange sub-protocol and
two resolution sub-proto c ols.
Next, we will describe STPs sub-protocols mes-
sages that are graphically represen te d in Figure 2.
6.2.1 Setup Sub-protocol
Message 1: C M:{PubKC}
In the first message, the pa yment Web seg-
ment sends to M the customer’s session public key
PubKC ge nerated in the preparation phase. Th e mes-
sage is hybrid enc rypted with Ms public key PubKM.
Message 2: M C:{Sid, SigM(Sid)}
, or
M C:{Resp, Sid, SigM(Resp, Sid)}
, where
Resp = A BORT
Upon receiving the first message, M generates a
fresh random num ber Sid that will be used as an uni-
que iden tifier of the subtransaction. M sends to C, Sid
and his signature on S id, both encrypted with PubKC.
If upon receiving the first message, for any reason,
M does not want to continue the setup sub-pr otocol,
then he will sen d to C a signed response Resp with
the value ABORT . Upon receiving the message 2, C
decryp ts it and authenticates M by chec king Ms sig-
6.2.2 Exchange Sub-protocol
Message 3: C M:{PM, PO}
If C receives a message 2 that does not contain a
response A BORT and he authenticates M, then in the
third message, the payment Web segment sends to M
a payment message PM and a purchase order message
PO, both encrypted with PubKM.
PM = {PI, SigC(PI)}
PM is build by payment Web segmen t by encryp-
ting with PGs public key of the payment informatio n
PI and the customer’s signature on PI. The encryp-
tion of PI with PGs public key assures that PI cannot
be found out by M.
PI = C ardN, CCode, S id, Amount, PubKC, NC, M
PI contains the d ata provided by the user: card
number CardN and a cha llenge code CCode issued
by bank. The challenge code is provided to user by
bank v ia SMS a n it has a minimum length of four cha -
racters. Also, PI contains S id, the amou nt Amount,
PubKC, a fresh nonce NC generated by C, and the
merchan t’s identity M.
PO = OI, SigC(OI)
PO is build from the or der information OI provi-
ded by C and the signature of C on OI. OI contains
the order descr iption for the product OrderDesc, Sid,
and Amount.
OI = OrderDesc, Sid, Amount
Upon rec eiving the message 3, M decrypts it and
checks the signature of C on OI. If M agrees with P O
received from C, then he stores PO as an evidence
of Cs orde r and sends the message 4 to PG. Other-
wise, M sends to C a me ssag e containing a response
ABORT for aborting the subtransaction.
Message 4: M PG:
{PM, SigM(Sid, PubKC, Amount)}
In the message 4, M sends to P G the paym e nt
message PM and his signature on the subtransaction
identifier, Cs public key and amount. Upon receiving
An Optimistic Fair Exchange E-commerce Protocol for Complex Transactions
the message 4, PG decrypts it, checks Cs signature
on PI and ch e cks if C is authorized to use the card
by checking if the combina tion of CardN and CCode
is valid. If these checks are successfully passed,
then a lso C proves as being the owner of the public
key PubKC. PG checks Ms sig nature, and if the
checking is successfully, then it has the confirmation
that both C and M agreed on Sid, PubKC and
Amount. Also, PG checks the f reshness of PubKC ,
Sid and NC to avoid any r eplay attac k from dishonest
merchan ts. If some check fails, then PG sends to M
a response ABORT fo r aborting the subtransactio n.
If all checks are successfully, PG sends the payment
message to the ban k. The bank checks Cs account
balance, and if it is enough, then the ban k makes
the transfer in Ms acc ount providing an response
Y ES (Resp = Y ES) to PG that forwards it to M in
the message 5. Otherwise, if c hecking Cs account
balance fails, then also the transfer fails and the bank
provides an response ABORT (Resp = ABORT ) to
PG that forwards it to M in the mesage 5. Also, PG
stores the messages 4 an d 5 in its databases as an
evidence of the subtransactions d etails.
if t1 = false then 2.
if t2 = false then 6.
else 7.
else 9.
Figure 2: STP mesage ow.
Message 5: PG M:
{Resp, Sid, SigPG(Resp, Sid, Amount, NC )}
Upon rec eiving the message 5, M decryp ts it and
sends to C, in the message 6, the response and PGs
signature on response both encrypted with PubKC.
Message 6: M C:
{Resp, Sid, SigPG(Resp, Sid, Amount, NC )}
C decrypts message 6 and checks PGs sig-
nature. If checking is successfully, then C has
the guarantee of the response’s authenticity (it is
from PG) a nd it corresponds to the current subtran-
saction. The presence in r esponse of Sid, Amount
and NC proves the response’s freshness and it is
not replayed by a dishonest merchant. A response
with Resp = Y ES me ans that the subtransaction
successfully finished and the content of message 6
(Resp, Sid, SigPG(Resp, Sid, Amount, NC)) is a digi-
tal receipt for the payment of product. A resp onse
with Resp = ABORT means that the conte nt of mes-
sage 6 is a proof of the subtran saction’s abort.
6.2.3 Resolution 1 Sub-protocol
If C initiates STP, but he does n ot receive any mes-
sage from M or receives an invalid message 2 fr om
M, then the current subtr a nsaction’s state is undefi-
ned. If we consider only the current su btransaction,
then STP does not give any benefit to any party: the
paymen t is not sent to M and no digital receipt to
C as well. However, this case must be solved if we
reason that the current su btransaction belongs to an
aggregate transaction that contains subtransactions
that already successfully finished, as we will see in
CTP. In this case, a timeout interval t1 (e.g. in the
order of secon ds or minutes) is defined, in which C
waits the message 2 from M. If t1 expires and C
does n ot receive the message 2 from M or receives
an invalid message, then C initiates the resolution
1 sub-pro tocol with PG (the messages 7 and 8) to
receive a response w.r.t. the current sub transaction.
Message 7: C PG:{ PubKC)}
C sends to PG in the message 7 a response request
for the current subtransaction. Upon reception, PG
decryp ts the messag e, checks that no respon se has
been gene rated for PubKC, generates a subtran-
saction identifier Sid and sends to C in message
8 a signed ABORT response. Also, PG sto res the
response in its databases.
Message 8: PG C:
{Resp, Sid, SigPG(Resp, Sid)}
, where
Resp = A BORT
Upon receiving the message 8, C decrypts it a nd
authenticates the response by checking PGs signa-
6.2.4 Resolution 2 Sub-protocol
If C sends the pay ment in m essage 3, but he does not
receive message 6, or rec e ives an inva lid message
from M, then an un fair case appears: C send s the
paymen t and it was processed, but C did not receive
any response. In this case, a timeout interval t2 (e.g.
in the or der of seconds or minutes) is defined, in
which C waits message 6 from M. If t2 expires and
C does not receive message 6 from M or receives
an invalid message, then C initiates the resolution
2 sub-protocol with PG (the m essages 9 and 10) to
SECRYPT 2018 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
receive a response w.r.t. the current sub transaction.
Message 9: CPG:{Sid, A m ount, NC, PubKC ,
SigC(Sid, A mount, NC, PubKC)}
Upon receiving the message 9, PG decrypts it and
checks if a response has bee n generated for the entry
Sid, Amount, NC and PubK C. If PG finds in its data-
base a response for the entry above, and checking the
signature of C using PubKC is successfully, then it
sends to C the response in message 10. Otherwise, if
PG d oes not find a respo nse for the entry above, then
PG sends to C an ABOR T r esponse in message 10 and
stores it in its database. If PG receives the payme nt
in message 4 (sent by M afterward or replayed by M)
that contains the informa tion from the en try above,
then PG sends also an ABORT response to M.
Message 10: PG C:
{Resp, Sid, SigPG(Resp, Sid, Amount, NC )}
6.3 CTP Description
In the complex tra nsaction pro tocol we proposed, a
subtransaction s, denote d by STP(C, M
, Pid
), is an
instance of STP in which C buys the physical product
with Pid
identifier from the merchant M
. We de-
fine St(s) the state of the subtransactio n s as being th e
content of one of the messages 2, 6, 8 or 10 (identical
with the message 6) that the customer will receive in
s. More exactly, St(s) is:
(Resp, Sid, SigM(Resp, Sid)), where
Resp = A BORT , or
(Resp, Sid, SigPG(Resp, Sid, Amo unt, NC)),
where Resp {YES, ABORT }, or
(Resp, Sid, SigPG(Resp, Sid)), where
Resp = A BORT .
For St(s) a state of the subtransaction s, we de note
by St(s).Resp the response (Resp) in St(s), and by
St(s).Sig the signature in St(s).
We define Ns(p) - the state of the node p as a se-
quence o f subtransaction states St(s
). . . St(s
) cor-
respond ing to the product defined by p. For a node
p, Ns(p) is calculated dependin g on the p info as
if p info = Pid
, where 1 i n, then Ns(p) =
, Pid
)). For simplicity, we consider
that M
is the merchant that sells the pr oduct with
identifier, where 1 i n.
if p info = , then
Ns(p) =
Ns(l), if l, the leftmost child
of p such that St(s).Resp =
Y ES, for all St(s) Ns(l)
Ns(r), otherwise
where r is the rightmo st child of p.
The node p corresponds to operator w.r.t. the
customer’s choic es and this p references are prio-
ritized by appear ance in the child nodes of p f rom
left to the right. Ns(p) is the node state of th e left-
most child of p, denoted Ns(l), for which all sub-
transactions from Ns(l) have successfully finished
STP. Otherwise, if all subtransactions from no de
states of all children of p are aborted, then Ns(p)
is the node state of the rightmost child of p.
if p info = , and c
, . . . , c
are all children of
p, then we have two cases:
1. if St(s).Resp = Y ES, for any St(s) from
), for any 1 j k, then Ns(p) =
). . . Ns(c
2. otherwise, let be c
, where 1 j k,
the leftmost child of p with Ns(c
) =
). . . St(s
) such that St.(s
).Resp =
ABORT , for all 1 l m. In this case,
Ns(p) = Ns(c
). . . Ns(c
). Even if the sub-
transactions states from Ns(c
), . . . , Ns(c
are Y ES (that means that the subtran sacti-
ons from Ns(c
), . . . , Ns(c
) have success-
fully finished STP), the aborted subtransacti-
ons s
, . . . , s
from Ns(c
) lea d to aborting
the entire aggregate transaction corresponding
to p. That is why all subtran sactions states from
), . . . , Ns(c
) will be aborted. Thus,
will set St(s).Resp = ABORT , for any St(s)
), for any 1 r j 1.
Because the node p corr esponds to operator,
Ns(p) is the sequence of node states of ps child-
ren. For efficiency, the sequence of node states
of ps children is calculated until c
the leftmost
child of p for that Ns(c
) contains only ab orted
subtransaction states.
Thus, Ns(p) contains a sequence of subtran-
saction states in which either all subtransactions
successfully finished STP or all subtra nsactions are
CTP, described in Table 2, recursively calculates
Ns(t) (t is the root of the tree derived from the custo-
mer’s choices), traversing the tree in a similar ma nner
with depth-first sear c h. For any node p of the tr ee, we
use a child array to store the node states of a ll children
of p.
At the lines 2-3, the protocol computes Ns(p) for
a node p, depending o n the node state of the le ft most
child of p. For a node p with a least two children, the
while loop (the 5-12 lines) computes the no de state
of any child of p except the left m ost o ne. We re-
mark th at way in which nod e state is computed is es-
sential to obtain the fair exchange and atomicity of
An Optimistic Fair Exchange E-commerce Protocol for Complex Transactions
Table 2: Complex transactions protocol.
1. if (t l eft 6= NULL) child[0] = CTP(t left);
2. if ((t info = and St(s).Resp = Y ES, for all St(s) from child[0]) or
3. (t info = and St(s).Resp = ABORT , for all St(s) from child[0])) Ns(t) = child[0]; ret urn Ns(t);
4. j = 1; k = t left right;
5. while (k 6= NULL)
6. child[j] = CTP(k);
7. if (t info = and St(s).Resp = Y ES, for all St(s) from child[j] ) Ns(t) = child[j]; ret urn Ns(t);
8. if (t info = and St(s).Resp = ABORT , for all St(s) from child[j])
9. for (c = 0; c j; c = c + 1) Ns(t) = Ns(t)child[c]; end for
10. AggregateAbort(Ns(t)); return Ns(t);
11. k = k right; j = j + 1;
12. end while
13. if (t info = Pid
) Ns(t) = St(STP(C, M
, Pid
)); return Ns(t);
14. else if (t info = ) k = t left;
15. while (k right 6= NULL) k = k r ight; end while
16. Ns(t) = Ns(k); return Ns(t);
17. else for (c = 0; c j - 1; c = c + 1) Ns(t) = Ns(t ) child[c]; en d for
18. return Ns(t);
19. end if
20. end if
a co mplex transaction (lines 7-10) : if an aborted sub-
transaction/sequence of subtransactions leads to abor-
ting the entire aggregate transaction, but so me sub-
transactions from the aggregate transaction success-
fully completed STP, then the ones that are success-
fully must a lso be stored in the node state correspon-
ding to operator (line 9) and afterwards ab orted
by applying AggregateAbort sub-protocol (line 10).
We will describe AggregateAbort sub-protocol in the
section 6.3.1.
At line 13, the protocol comp utes Ns(p) for a node
p with a product identifier as info.
The nod e state for a node that correspon ds to
operator, for which all subtransactions states fr om all
its children are aborted, is c omputed at lines 14 16.
The node state for a node that cor responds to opera-
tor for th at all subtransactions states from all its child-
ren successfu lly completed STP, is computed at lines
17 18.
6.3.1 AggregateAbort Sub-protocol
As we discussed in the pr evious section, in
CTP, there may be cases in which an abor-
ted subtransaction/sequence of sub transactions le-
ads to abo rting the entire aggregate transaction,
but some subtransactions from the aggregate tran-
saction successfully completed STP. As a result,
an unfair case occurs for C: the entire aggre-
gate transaction is not successful, but C has paid
for ce rtain produc ts. For example, for a node p
that corresponds to operator, CTP computes the
node state Ns(p) = St(s
). . . St(s
). . . St(s
where St(s
).Resp = Y ES for any 1 i k and
).Resp = ABORT for any k + 1 j m. The
entire complex transaction corre sponding to the node
p is not completed successfully because the compo-
nent subtransactions s
, . . . , s
are aborted, but in
the same complex transaction C paid for the pro-
ducts involved in the subtransactio ns s
, . . . , s
. So,
the fairness will be obtained by applying Aggrega-
teAbort(Ns(p)) sub -protocol in that entire aggregate
transaction will be aborted. Next, we will describe
AggregateAbort(Ns(p)) sub-protocol.
To solve the unfair case mentioned above, the
paymen t Web segment initiates the AggregateA-
bort(Ns(p)) sub-protocol by sending to PG in th e
message 11 a customer req uest to abort Ns(p). The
message 11 is build from Ns(p) and the customer’s
signature on Ns(p), both encrypted w ith PubKPG.
Message 11: C PG:
{Ns(p), SigC(Ns(p))}
SECRYPT 2018 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Upon receiving the message 11, PG decrypts
it, ob tains the sequence of subtransaction states
). . . St(s
) in Ns(p), and c hecks the signature of
C on Ns(p ) to be sure that this request comes from
C. PG checks the signatures involved in all subtran-
saction states from Ns(p) as follows:
PG checks Ms signature, for any St(s)
Ns(p), such that St(s) = (Resp, Sid, SigM(Resp,
Sid)) with Resp = AB O RT ;
PG searches into its databa se the appropri-
ate entry for St(s) and checks his signature,
for any St(s) Ns(p), such that St(s) =
(Resp, Sid, S igPG(Resp, Sid, Amo unt, NC))
with Resp {YES, ABORT }, or St(s) =
(Resp, Sid, S igPG(Resp, Sid)) with Resp =
If all checks are succe ssfully passed, then PG
sends to the bank the customer’s request. The
bank aborts any sub transaction’s state St(s) =
(Resp, Sid, S igPG(Resp, Sid, Amo unt, NC)) Ns(p),
such that St(s).Resp = Y ES by canceling the transfer
correspo nding to St(s) from customer’s a c count into
merchan t’s accoun t, and updating St(s) by:
1. OldSt(s) = St(s),
2. St(s).Resp = ABORT and
3. St(s).Sig = SigPG(St(s).Resp, Sid, Amount, NC,
By updating St(s) as above, St(s) becomes abor-
ted, and PGs signatu re is updated including the old
subtransaction state. In this way, any party (C, M
or PG) can check a fterward PGs signature from
the update d St(s) to ensure that th e subtransaction s
that successfully completed STP has been a uthorized
aborted. Thus, we remark that no party can have 2 dif-
ferent independent subtransaction states for th e same
The bank sends the new Ns(p ) computed above
(in th a t any subtransaction state is aborted) to PG that
forwards it to C in message 12.
Message 12: PG C:{ Ns(p), SigPG(Ns(p))}
PG stores message 12 in its da ta base for tran-
saction’s evidence.
Also, in message 13, PG sends simultaneously the
subtransaction state St(s) Ns(p) just aborted by the
above procedure, to each merchant M involved in the
subtransaction s.
Message 13: PG M:{St(s)}
In this section, we will analyze the security require-
ments stated in section 3 for our CTP.
7.1 Effectiveness
If every party involved in the complex transaction pro-
tocol from Table 2 behaves according to the proto-
col’s steps, does no t want to prematurely terminate
the protocol and there are n o network communication
delays/erro rs, then our protocol assures that the cu-
stomer receives the digital rece ipts from merchants,
and eac h merchant receives his corresp onding pay-
ment from the c ustomer without TTP involvement.
Therefore, our protocol meets the effectiveness requi-
7.2 Fairness
In our CTP, the fairness may not be insured only for
C. There are some arguments for this. The payment
Web segment performs cu stomer’s side protocol ac ti-
ons and is a soft digitally signed by PG that is a trus-
ted p a rty. So, any corruption of the payment We b seg-
ment by user o r M is im possible. Moreover, C recei-
ves the digital receipt for payment only after C sends
the pa yment to M. We remark that C can not chea t
M by sending an inappropriate payment message PM
directly to PG, bec ause PM is sent first by C to M in
message 3, and after M agr ees with PO, then M sends
PM to PG in messag e 4. As we saw in section 6.2.2,
if all checks of PG w.r.t message 4 are su c cessfully,
then it has the confirmation that bo th C and M agreed
on the subtransaction data (Sid, PubKC and Amount).
From these arguments, M is in a more advantageo us
position than C in the exchange of the payment for the
digital receipt and C is the only party that could have
CTP uses STP. To obtain fairness in CTP, a neces-
sary but not sufficient condition is to obtain fairness in
STP is based on the FE IPS protocol, with the ma-
jor difference that STP has the sub-protocol resolu-
tion 1 in addition to th e FEIPS protocol. (Djuric and
Gasevic, 2015) have shown that the FEIPS protocol
ensures fairness u sin g AVISPA tool for a utomated va-
lidation o f large-scale Internet security protoco ls that
provides four back-ends th at impleme nts different ve-
rification techniques (Vigan o, 2006). More exactly,
in (Djuric and Gasevic, 2015 ), the authors used for
FEIPS’s verification two back-ends from the AVISPA
tool: Cl-Atse (Constrain t-Logic-based Attack Sear-
cher) - a model ch ecker that uses constraint solving
An Optimistic Fair Exchange E-commerce Protocol for Complex Transactions
techniques (Turuani, 2006), and OFMC (On-the-Fly
Model-Checker) - a model checker that uses symbo-
lic techniqu e s (Basin et al., 2005). In AVISPA, the fair
exchange requirement between payment and digital
receipt for the FEIPS protocol, is ensured b y proving
the authentication goals PG authen ticates C on P I and
C authenticates PG on dig ital rec eipt, or by finding
attacks for both authentication goals. The fairness ve-
rification results obtained in AVISPA for the FEIPS
protocol showed that there is no attack (Djuric and
Gasevic, 2015).
However, the only case in S TP in that the fairness
for C is not insured is when C sends the payment in
message 3, the paym ent is successfully processed, but
he does not rece ive the digital receipt for payment in
message 6, or receives an invalid message from M.
This case may arise in the following scenarios: M
sends the payment to PG in the message 4, but M
does not receive message 5 from PG, or M receives
message 5 but does not send the message 6 to C, or
M receives the message 5 but sends an invalid mes-
sage to C. The scenarios above c an appear because M
behaves dishonest or a network co mmunication error
occurs. In this c a se, C waits for the message 6 from
M until the timeout interval t2 expires in which case
C initiates the resolution 2 sub-protocol with PG to
receive the digital receipt. Afte r PG receives the mes-
sage 9, he sends to C in message 10 the digital r eceipt
for payment because the payment has been success-
fully processed and PG finds the digital receipt in its
databases. We remark that if C initiates the resolu-
tion 2 sub-protocol a nd M sends the message 4 to PG
afterward, the fairness is preserved because PG will
send to both C and M an ABORT response as is men-
tioned in section 6. 2.4. Thus, the unfair case is sol-
ved: M receives the payment and C the digital receipt,
or M does not receives the payment and C receives
an AB ORT response. The resolution 1 sub-protocol
from section 6.2.3 is necessary only when we take
into consideration the complex transactions (in which
is mandatory to have a defined state for each perfor-
med subtransaction), to solve the case in tha t in a sub-
transaction C initiates STP, but he does not receive
any message from M or rece ives an invalid message 2
from M. This case can appear because M behaves dis-
honest or because of a network communication er ror.
In this case, C waits for message 2 from M until the ti-
meout interval t1 expires in which case C initiates the
resolution 1 sub-pr otocol with PG, and PG sends to
C an ABORT response for the current subtransaction.
We also note that in the FEIPS protocol was not ne-
cessary to consid er a resolution 1 sub-protocol as in
section 6.2.3, because th e FEIPS protocol take into
consideration only one customer and one merchant.
As a result of the discussion ab ove, from the fact that
the FEIPS protocol ensures fairness, we obtain that
STP ensures fairness.
The fairness obtained in all subtransations from
a complex transaction does not directly implies that
fairness is ensured in entire complex transaction. So,
in addition to fairness in STP, to obtain fairness in
CTP, two requirements must be also ensured. First,
for a ny optional transaction from th e complex tran-
saction, C obtains exactly one digital receipt for the
paymen t of o nly one product, and corresponding mer-
chant obtains the payment for the pr oduct, or none of
them obtains nothing. The product is either an in-
dividual product, or an aggregate product that corre-
sponds to a operator. Also, the digital receipt is
either an in dividual rece ipt corresponding to an in-
dividual product, or is a seq uence of receipts corre-
sponding to an aggregate pr oduct. As we have seen
in Table 2, CTP ensures this re quirement: the n ode
state corresponding to ope rator is the node state of
its leftmost child for which all subtr ansactions have
successfully finished STP. Otherwise, if all subtran-
sactions from node states of all children of the node
are aborted , then its n ode state is the node state
of the rightmost child of . Secondly, for any ag-
gregate transaction from the complex transaction, C
obtains the digital rece ipts for the p ayments of all pro-
ducts, and each mer chant obtains the corresponding
paymen t fo r th e product, or none of them obtains no-
thing. In CTP, the node state for a node corre sponding
to the operator is computed as fo llows: if all sub-
transactions from all node states of all child ren o f th e
node have successfully finished STP, then the node
state of is the sequence of node states of its child-
ren. Otherwise, the node state of is the sequence of
node states of its children until to the leftmost child
that contains only aborted subtransaction states in its
node state. But, in this last case, an unfair case occurs
for C: the entire aggregate transaction is not success-
ful, but C has paid for certa in products and he recei-
ved the digital receipt for these. We note that this is
the only case in that the fairness for C can b e violated
in CTP. In this case, as we h ave seen in CTP, the Ag-
gregateAbort sub-protocol is applied. More exactly,
C (payment Web segment) initiates the AggregateA-
bort sub-protocol from section 6.3.1 to abort any sub-
transaction th at successfully finished STP and that be-
longs to the unsuccessful a ggregate transaction , by
sending to PG (message 11) the node state corre-
sponding to operator. After checking the signatu-
res from all received subtransaction ’s states, PG sends
the custome rs request to the bank that aborts all sub-
transactions that successfully finish e d STP (including
the canceling the corresponding tra nsfer) and that be-
SECRYPT 2018 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
longs to the unsuccessful aggregate transaction. The
bank sends to PG the new n ode state coresponding to
operator where all subtransaction’s states are abo r-
ted. Also, C and each merchant involved in these
aborted subtransactions receive fr om PG (messages
12 and 13) the new subtransaction’s states abor te d.
Thus, the unfair ca se for C is solved: the entire aggre-
gate transaction is aborted, mea ning that any subtran-
saction which belongs to the ag gregate transaction is
As a result, fairness exchange of payment for digi-
tal receipt in complex transactions a nd complex tra n-
sactions atomicity are preserved.
7.3 Timeliness
Any party can be sure that CTP execution will be fi-
nished at a certain finite point of time, for two rea-
sons. First, we have introduced two timeout intervals
in STP when C waits the message 2 from M, respecti-
vely, whe n C waits the message 6 from M. If these
timeout intervals expires, then C initiates the resolu-
tion 1 sub-protoc ol with P G , respectively, C initiates
the reso lution 2 sub-protocol with PG. Secondly, if
in CTP, a complex transaction contains subtransacti-
ons that successfully finished STP and also contains
an aborted subtransaction, then the AggregateAbort
sub-protocol is executed betwee n C and PG, to abort
any subtransaction from the complex transaction. The
communication channel between C and PG is resi-
lient, and as a result, CTP execution will be finished
at a certain finite point of time. After the CTP finish
point, the level of fairness ac hieved cannot be degra-
ded. If after the finish point, C has the digital receipts
of payments for produc ts, then each merchant obtains
also the corresponding payment for his product. On
the other side , if each merchant involved obtains the
paymen t f or his product, then, after th e protoco l fi-
nish point, C gets the corresponding digital receipts
from the messages 6, or messages 10. Moreover, if
after th e finish point, C has not received the digital
receipts, then also the corresponding merchant does
not get the payment; if each m erchant involved has
not get the payment, then C also does not receive the
digital receipts.
7.4 Non-repudiation
In a ny subtransaction from CTP, C cannot deny
its participation in subtransaction because he canno t
deny its signature on the payment information PI. If
C tries to deny its participation in a subtransaction,
PG has in its database the evidence of Cs signature
on PI. Also, no merchant can deny its participatio n in
a subtransaction be c ause he cannot deny its signature
which he includes in the message 4. If a merchan t
tries to deny its participation in a subtransaction, PG
has the evidence of the merchant’s signature on th e
subtransaction identifier Sid, Cs public key PubKC
and the subtransaction’s amount Amount.
7.5 Confidentiality
Every message transmitted between parties involved
in any subtransaction from CTP is hybrid encrypted
with the public key of the receiver: every message is
encryp ted by sender with a symmetric key, and this
symmetric key is encrypted with the receiver’s public
key. So, only the authorized receiver of a message
can read the message’s content. In particular, in any
subtransaction from CTP, the confid e ntiality of the
card number CardN between C and PG is o btained
because C sends (in message 3) CardN hybrid encryp-
ted with PGs public key. Also, in any subtra nsaction
from CTP, the con fidentiality of the order description
OrderDesc between C and M is obtained because C
sends OrderDesc hybrid encrypted with Ms public
key. As a result, CTP ensures the confidentiality re-
quirement. This requireme nt is also satisfied for the
FEIPS protocol only taken into consideration one cu-
stomer and one merchant.
Ta ble 3 provides a comparative analysis between the
security requirements obtained by our protocol and
the security requirements obtained by the most related
solutions to our propo sal.
In this pap e r, we proposed an optimistic fair-exchange
e-commerce protocol for complex transactions. Our
protocol is based on FEIPS protocol (that consid ers
only one customer and o ne merchant) for which was
formally proved fairness and confidentiality require-
ments using AV ISPA. The main streng ths of our pro-
tocol are: ensures strong fair-exchang e and a tomicity
for complex transactions, uses payment gateway as
offline TTP, provides timeliness, no n-repudiation, in-
tegrity and confidentiality.
An Optimistic Fair Exchange E-commerce Protocol for Complex Transactions
Table 3: Multi-party fair-exchange e-commerce protocols: a comparative analysis.
Our protoc ol Liu Draper-Gil Yanping
Scenario Payment for Payment for Contract signing Non-repudiation
physical products in digital products in
complex transactions aggregate transactions
Atomicity Y Y Y N
Effectiveness Y Y Y Y
Fairness Strong Weak Weak Strong
Timeliness Y N Y Y
Non-repudiation Y Y Y Y
Confidentiality Y N Y Y
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SECRYPT 2018 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography