Analysis of Ensemble Models for Aging Related Bug Prediction in
Software Systems
Shubham Sharma and Sandeep Kumar
Computer Science and Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Uttarakhand, 247667, India
Keywords: Aging Related Bugs, Software Fault Prediction, Software Aging, Stacking, Bagging, Boosting.
Abstract: With the evolution of the software industry, the growing software complexity led to the increase in the
number of software faults. According to the study, the software faults are responsible for many unplanned
system outages and affects the reputation of the company. Many techniques are proposed in order to avoid
the software failures but still software failures are common. Many software faults and failures are outcomes
of a phenomenon, called software aging. In this work, we have presented the use of various ensemble
models for development of approach to predict the Aging Related Bugs (ARB). A comparative analysis of
different ensemble techniques, bagging, boosting and stacking have been presented with their comparison
with the base learning techniques which has not been explored in the prediction of ARBs. The experimental
study has been performed on the LINUX and MYSQL bug datasets collected from Software Aging and
Rejuvenation Repository.
The complexity of the software system are growing
continuously. It has resulted in increasing the rate of
software failure causing undesirable behaviour of
the system along with poor services and sometimes
complete outages. Dealing with software faults is
very important task. Faulty modules present in a
software deteriorates the quality of the software and
also increases the overall cost of the software system
(Menzies et al., 2010).
Various studies (Huang et al., 1995; Trivedi et
al., 2000) indicated that in many cases software
aging phenomenon is responsible for software
failures. Software Aging refers to the phenomenon
observed in many software systems, such that it
results in increased run time of the system as well as
increased failure rate.
It is very necessary to identify the aging
phenomenon in the early stage of the software
development, in order to prevent the damage and
extra cost needed to cope up the software aging
effect at the later stages of software development.
The sooner these aging related bugs are predicted,
the lower it will cost to remove or modify these
bugs. The objective of the prediction of these aging
related bugs is to make them available to the tester,
even before the software testing phase takes place.
Software rejuvenation is the mechanism used to
counter the effects of the software aging. It is very
effective in nullifying the effect of ARBs (Aging
Related Bugs) during runtime phase (Vaidyanathan
and Trivedi, 2005; Zhao et al., 2008), but it can be
more economical and effective to use them at early
stage (Matias and Paulo Filho, 2006). Thus, it is
very helpful to predict the aging related bugs as
early as possible. Thus, we aim to predict the ARB’s
in a software system in order to minimize their
We may take necessary preventive measures, but
our ability to understand the software and predict its
future is uncertain and we can approximate it to
certain level only. Over the period of time, we will
somehow make certain assumptions that will be
inconsistent with our initial assumptions. Preventive
measures are effective but cannot eliminate the
aging completely (Ahmed, 2016).
Various works such as (Cotroneo et al., 2013;
Qin et al., 2015) are available which study the use of
various learning models for ARB prediction. In
addition, works such as (Ahmed, 2016) have
explored the use of some ensemble methods for a
learning technique for ARB prediction. However,
there is a need to study the behaviour of various
ensemble methods for different learning models for
ARB prediction. In this work, we have presented the
Sharma, S. and Kumar, S.
Analysis of Ensemble Models for Aging Related Bug Prediction in Software Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0006847702560263
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2018), pages 256-263
ISBN: 978-989-758-320-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
analysis of ensemble models to predict aging related
bugs, which are responsible for the software aging
phenomenon. Evaluation has been performed on the
datasets available from software aging and
rejuvenation repository (Cotroneo et al., 2013).
Preliminarily, we have evaluated various machine
learning techniques such as Support Vector
Machines, Naïve Bayes, Logistic regression,
Multilayer perceptron, K Nearest Neighbour and
Decision tree to predict the bugs. These techniques
are highly explored in the area of software fault
prediction but the study of these commonly used
techniques in comparison with their ensemble
methods has not been explored for the prediction of
aging related bugs in software system. Thus, we
have developed ensemble models using bagging,
boosting and stacking methods on these machine
learning techniques. We have compared these
ensemble models with each other and also with the
participating base learning models.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2
presents the related works done regarding software
aging. Section 3 describes the work plan followed by
us for developing various ensembles for prediction
of software aging. Section 4 describes the
experimental set up used for performing the
experimentation. Section 5 presents experimental
results and analysis followed by conclusion in
section 6.
Andrzejak and Silva (2008) presented an empirical
study for prediction of software aging using SVM,
Naïve Bayes and decision trees techniques.
However, the testing was limited and the authors
didn’t explore their approach for the cases involving
multiple resources and in dynamic environment.
In another work, Cotroneo et al., (2013) tried to
find the aging prone source code files and predicted
the aging related bugs using predictor variables.
Furthermore, Qin et al., (2015) presented a TLAP
(Transfer learning based aging bug prediction)
approach which provides cross project prediction
using transfer learning among different projects. It
used the cross project approach, where the dataset of
multiple project was used to develop and train a
prediction model that can be used to test any of these
projects and have shown significant improvement in
prediction performance.
In Cotroneo et al., (2011), various works in the
field of software aging and rejuvenations were
surveyed and it highlighted the aspects that requires
special attention and the important trends observed
in various experiments performed in software aging
and rejuvenation field. It also highlighted the various
aging indicators which should be focused during
prediction and provide a direction for further study.
It is evident from the works such as Misrili et al.,
(2011), Wang et al., (2011), Khoshgoftaar et al.,
(2003) and Aljamann and Elish (2009) that ensemble
methods helps in achieving better prediction
accuracy in comparison with individual machine
learning techniques. But, all these works are used in
the field of software fault prediction in order to
predict the software modules to be faulty or non-
But as per the study by Cotroneo et al., (2011),
the ensembles methods are rarely used in the field of
software aging to find the aging related bugs in the
software system and is not fully explored. Thus, it is
required to construct and evaluate ensemble methods
for finding the aging related bugs. This paper
presents the ensemble methods for predicting the
aging related bugs in the software system.
In this section, we present the ensemble based
prediction model to predict the aging related bugs.
Using this process, various ensemble methods such
as bagging, boosting, stacking, etc. are explored to
predict the ARB’s.
Our main target for prediction is to do prediction
at the level of a file with reference to its proneness
for ARB. We have to predict whether the file is
ARB (Age related bug) prone or ARB-free. Samples
are classified into two classes. We are concerned
with the presence of ARBs in a file, not their count.
Even if file contains one ARB, it is considered as
ARB prone, else it is considered as ARB free.
The aging dataset used suffers from the class
imbalance problem as the number of bugs belonging
to ARB prone class is very less in comparison to
ARB free class. So, we perform the class imbalance
mitigation procedure to counter the effect of class
imbalance problem (Qin et al., 2015). After the class
imbalance mitigation procedure, we split the dataset
into five parts according to bug proportion and then
assign four parts for training the model, while one
part is used for testing the model. Each case of
experiment is done five times and the mean value of
output is used as the final output in order to avoid
any occasional error. The final output of the
Analysis of Ensemble Models for Aging Related Bug Prediction in Software Systems
ensemble model is the mean of five iterations of
each case.
The flowchart of the ARB prediction process is
shown in Fig. 1.
Figure 1: ARB Prediction process.
4.1 Background
4.1.1 Machine Learning Methods Used
We have used Naïve Bayes, SVM, Logistic
Regression, KNN, MLP and Decision Tree, MLP for
the prediction of aging related bugs. These are
highly explored machine learning techniques in the
area of software fault prediction and are rarely
explored in prediction of ARB’s. In this section, we
have discussed these techniques in brief.
Naïve Bayes: Naïve Bayes classifier is a
classification technique, which works on the
independence between the predictor variables. It
uses Bayes theorem, which finds conditional
probabilities among variables. A Naïve Bayes
classifier considers various features and checks their
contribution independently to the probability of
occurrence of any event (Dumais et al., 1998).
Support Vector Machines: Support vector
machines (SVM’s) are linear classifiers which is
generally used for two class problem. Its working is
based on margin maximization principle. It classifies
the data optimally into two categories by
constructing hyperplanes in higher dimensional
space. The idea of SVM is to select the hyperplane
that separates the two classes with maximum margin
from the hyperplane (Adankon and Cheriet, 2009).
We have used SVM with radial kernel basis function
for this implementation.
Logistic Regression: It is a statistical model which
uses fitting of logistic curve to the dataset. It is
generally preferred when the outcome variable or
target variable is dichotomous. It is used for
estimation of discrete values based on the given
independent variables. It provides output in terms of
probability. Generally, it can be used for both two
class problem as well as for multi class problem
(Cohen et al., 2009).
K Nearest Neighbour (KNN): It is a classification
algorithm, which is non-parametric in nature. It
selects an unlabelled dataset point and assigns it to
the nearest set of already classified set of points by
majority vote of its nearest neighbours. It is well
suited for multi-modal classes but can perform on
two class problem too. It needs many iterations and
is lazy in nature. Its efficiency is dependent on
selecting a good value of ‘k’, where ‘k’ refers to the
number of nearest neighbour points which are used
for voting while classifying a data point into one of
the classes (Cover, 1968).
Multilayer Perceptron (MLP): Multilayer
Perceptron (MLP) or neural network (NN) is a
machine learning algorithm that works on the
principle of biological neural network (Kotsiantis,
2007). It consist of series of processing layers
interconnected, with each connection possessing
some weight. During training, based on the
knowledge of domain, it develops a representation
that maps input space to output space. MLP uses
supervised learning technique called back-
propagation to train the network.
Decision Tree: Decision tree are the trees that
classify the example by sorting them on the basis of
their feature value. Decision Tree classifier
generates a tree based on C4.5 algorithm (Quinlan,
2014). Each node represents one of the feature of the
example to be classified and the branch from that
node represents a value that can be assumed by that
node. The feature that divides the training examples
most appropriately would be used at root node.
Similarly at each level, the feature that best divided
the training data represents the node at that level
(Kotsiantis, 2007).
ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies
4.1.2 Ensemble Methods Used
The ensemble methods used to predict the aging
related bugs are Bagging, Boosting and Stacking. In
this section, we have discussed these methods in
Bagging: Bagging uses Bootstrap Aggregating
algorithm for classification process (Breiman, 1996).
In bagging, various classifiers used as members of
ensemble are constructed from different training
datasets, and the combined prediction is usually the
uniform averaging or voting over all the members.
Each classifier is trained on sample training example
take from training dataset with replacement such that
size of each sample equals the size of actual training
Boosting: Boosting is one of the popular ensemble
technique, which generally uses AdaBoost algorithm
(Freund and Schapire, 1996). It uses sequential
training of models and performs training using
multiple iterations, with a new model used for
training in each iteration. It constructs an ensemble
by using different example weights at different
iterations. The prediction output is combined using
voting on output of each classifier.
Stacking: Stacking is an ensemble technique which
needs two level of models to construct an ensemble
(Wolpert, 1992). These are base models, also called
as level-0, and meta-model or level-1 model. The
level-0 models uses bootstrap samples of the training
dataset, and the output of these base models are fed
as input to a level-1 model. The meta-model aims to
classify the target correctly by combining the
outputs of base models and correcting the mistakes
made by base models.
4.1.3 Evaluation Metrics
There are several performance measures to evaluate
the performance of the classifier and some of the
most common performance measures are: Accuracy,
Recall, F-measure, and Precision.
For classification problem, with data points
belonging to two classes positive and negative class,
TP defines Positives correctly predicted, TN-
Negatives correctly predicted, FP- Positive wrongly
predicted as Negative and FN – Negative falsely
predicted as positive.
Accuracy – Accuracy performance measure
calculates the number of data points correctly
predicted. It is calculated by the equation-1;
=(TP+TN)*100/(TP+FN+FP+TN) (1)
Recall (True Positive Rate (TPR)) – It calculates
the fraction of positive class data points predicted as
positive. The equation-2 is used to calculate it;
Recall(TPR) = TP / (TP + FN) (2)
Precision- Precision is the fraction of predicted
positive class that is actually positive class. It is
calculated by equation-3:
Precision = TP / (TP + FP ) (3)
F-measure - F-measure depends on recall and
precision and is defined by equation-4:
F-measure=2*Prec.*TPR/(Prec.+TPR) (4)
4.2 Class Imbalance Mitigation
Class imbalance is one of the major challenges and it
represents the cases where the examples in one class
is very less as compared to other classes. The class
with higher size of data is majority class, while the
class with smaller size is considered as minority
Minority class is unable to draw attention of
classifiers in comparison to the majority classes.
Let us assume that D is a dataset with N samples
and out of it a part of dataset D
includes the
examples belonging to the minority class (ARB
prone class in our case) with size N
, and another
part of dataset, D
contains the N
belonging to the majority class (ARB free classes).
We calculate R = N
/ N
, termed as size
ratio to calculate the relation between the size of
minority and majority class. Consider that O
are the sizes of the parts of datasets after the
mitigation process. During mitigation, we keep the
majority class as it is, such that size of O
while we change the minority class by
enlarging it such that size of O
= R * N
. Thus,
both the majority and minority classes are now
equally attended and considered by the classifier
(Qin et al., 2015).
4.3 Dataset and Tools Used
An overview of software aging datasets are shown in
Table 1 (Cotroneo et al., 2013) above. We have used
two real software system datasets: Linux and
MySQL. We have performed analysis on four
subsystems of Linux project and three subsystems of
MySQL project as described above in Table 1
(Cotroneo et al., 2013).
Analysis of Ensemble Models for Aging Related Bug Prediction in Software Systems
Table 1: An overview of software aging datasets.
Project Subsystem ARB’s Files ARB- prone files % ARB-prone files
Network Drivers 9
3400 20 0.59%
Other Drivers 4
Filesystem 5
IPv4 2
Storage Engine 6
470 39 8.3%
Duplicate files 5
Optimization files 5
The datasets consists of aging-related metrics
(Huang et al., 1995) namely AllocOps, DeallocOps,
DerefSet and other memory usage related metrics
(Cotroneo et al., 2013) along with Halstead and
McCabe complexity metrics. Tai et al., (1997)
provide the details about all these metrics.
Tools Used:
All the implementation in this work have been
done in Python programming language version
In this section, we have presented experimental
results by performing ARB prediction by using
SVM, KNN, Decision Tree, Multi-Layer Perceptron
(MLP), Logistic Regression and Naïve Bayes and
subsequently by applying stacking, bagging and
boosting based ensemble models on each of these
learning models. The comparative analysis and the
conclusive observations are also discussed. In this
section, we have presented experimental results by
performing ARB prediction by using SVM, KNN,
Decision Tree, Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP),
Logistic Regression and Naïve Bayes and
subsequently by applying stacking, bagging and
boosting based ensemble models on each of these
learning models. The comparative analysis and the
conclusive observations are also discussed.
In this experimentation, AdaBoost algorithm
(Freund and Schapire, 1996) is used to model the
boosting based ensemble method. Also, for
implementing bagging and stacking approaches, we
have used bootstrap aggregating algorithm
(Breiman, 1996) and stacking algorithm (Wolpert,
1992) respectively.
Tables 2,3,4,5 shows the detailed result of the
experiments performed in terms of accuracy, recall,
precision and f-measure.
Table 2 shows the detailed analysis of machine
learning algorithms such as SVM, Decision Tree,
KNN, MLP, Naïve Bayes and Logistic regression.
SVM performs best in terms of accuracy and recall,
while logistic regression is performing worst. In
terms of precision and f-measure, decision tree
performs best, whereas Naïve Bayes shows the
worst performance.
Table 3 contains the detailed analysis of Bagging
based ensembles.SVM performs best in terms of
accuracy, recall, precision and f-measure. Logistic
Regression performed worst in terms of accuracy
and recall, while Naïve Bayes performed worst in
terms of precision and F-measure.
Table 4 shows the detailed analysis of boosting
based ensembles Decision tree performs best in
terms of accuracy, recall, precision and f-measure
and SVM performs worst in every performance
Table 5 shows the performance of stacking based
ensemble performed on top three performing
learning models: SVM, KNN and Decision tree. The
combination stack of SVM, KNN and Decision tree
outperformed other ensembles in terms of accuracy,
recall, precision and f-measure.
From the analysis of these results, following
observations are drawn:
1. The accuracy for the used machine learning
techniques are generally high (generally >0.75).
TNR is also quite high. Recall is comparatively
low in range of 0.57-0.96.
2. The classification accuracy of SVM is very high
(>0.95 in most of the cases) and it predicts best
as compared to other classification techniques.
3. The ensemble learning methods improve the
prediction accuracy of the machine learning
algorithms in almost all the cases for ARB
prediction as shown in figure 3 and 4.
4. The performance of the weak learners such as
Logistic regression, Naïve Bayes and MLP is
significantly improved by the useof ensemble
models as shown in figure 3 and 4.
ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies
Table 2: Comparative analysis of different classifiers.
Technique used Accuracy Recall Precision F-measure
SVM 0.9891 0.9892 0.8461 0.8523
Naïve Bayes 0.6894 0.8496 0.4620 0.5994
Logistic Regression 0.6296 0.5789 0.9823 0.7320
Decision Tree 0.9807 0.9654 0.9545 0.9484
Multi-Layer Perceptron 0.7173 0.6476 0.9962 0.7849
0.8545 0.9509 0.8882
Table 3: Comparative analysis of different classifiers using Bagging approach.
Technique used Accuracy Recall Precision F-measure
Bagging on SVM 0.9961 0.9952 0.9937 0.9961
Bagging on Naïve Bayes 0.7364 0.8550 0.5570 0.6731
Bagging on LR 0.6746 0.5985 0.9512 0.7121
Bagging on Decision Tree 0.9960 0.9922 0.9845 0.9960
Bagging on KNN 0.9712 0.9556 0.9862 0.9706
Bagging on MLP 0.7476 0.6368 0.9112 0.7758
Table 4: Comparative analysis of different classifiers using Boosting approach.
Criterion Accuracy Recall Precision F-measure
Boosting on SVM 0.5661 0.5652 0.6137 0.5561
Boosting on Naïve Bayes 0.7990 0.7850 0.7870 0.7731
Boosting on LR 0.5646 0.5385 0.8852 0.5721
Boosting on Decision Tree 0.9757 0.9632 0.9889 0.9758
Boosting on KNN 0.9244 0.8448 0.9459 0.8912
Boosting on MLP 0.7194 0.6884 0.9084 0.7842
Table 5: Comparative analysis of different classifiers using Stacking approach.
Criterion Accuracy Recall Precision F-measure
Stack of SVM 0.9881 0.9622 0.9871 0.9861
Stack of KNN 0.9771 0.9785 0.9855 0.9731
Stack of DT 0.9655 0.9641 0.9489 0.9717
Stack of (SVM+KNN+DT) 0.9889 0.9778 0.9685 0.9888
Based on this experimental analysis, the following
research questions can be answered as below:
RQ1: How do ensemble methods perform in the
prediction of aging related bugs?
Answer: It has been found that discussed ensemble
methods shows good prediction accuracy, precision,
and recall for almost every dataset.
RQ2: How do ensemble methods perform in
comparison to basic machine learning techniques?
Answer: When compared with the individual
learning techniques, we found that ensemble
methods have either performed better or at least
comparable with that of individual base learning
techniques in every parameter.
RQ3: How does the ensemble methods affect the
performance of the learning models?
Answer: It is observed from the experimental study
that ensemble methods improved the performance of
most of the base learners. Weak learners like Naïve
Bayes, Logistic regression and MLP show
significant improvement, while SVM, KNN and
Decision Tree performed same or have shown little
improvement in every parameter.
RQ4: Are the accuracies of various used ensembles
Answer: From Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, it can be observed
that the accuracy obtained from the various
ensembles are comparable with each other.
Analysis of Ensemble Models for Aging Related Bug Prediction in Software Systems
Figure 2: Prediction Accuracy for various classifiers used.
Figure 3: Comparison of Prediction Accuracy of Bagging
and Boosting ensemble with Base Learning Techniques.
Figure 4: Comparative analysis of performance of base
learning techniques with stacking approach.
In this paper, we have investigated the use of some
machine learning techniques and ensemble methods
such as bagging, boosting and stacking for the
prediction of ARBs by building a classifier from the
examples of ARBs; and then using it to classify new
files as “ARB prone” or “ARB free”. The study was
performed on the LINUX and MYSQL bug datasets
available in IEEE software aging and rejuvenation
repository. For this purpose, we have used six highly
explored machine learning techniques such as SVM,
KNN, Decision Tree, Naive Bayes and Logistic
Regression and evaluated their performance along
with their ensembles. This approach have produced
significant results in software fault prediction, but
not explored in prediction of ARB’s. The
experimental analysis highlights that the use of
ensemble models is effective in improving the
prediction accuracy of the base learning techniques
and have significant improvement with prediction
accuracy close to 0.99 in some cases. The high
accuracy using ensemble methods can be helpful in
identifying ARB’s accurately at early stages and can
reduce the cost and damage caused due to software
aging. In the future, we can evaluate the
performance of these ensembles with different
combination rules.
This publication is part of the R&D work undertaken
in the project under the Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme
of Ministry of Electronics & Information
Technology, Government of India, being
implemented by Digital India Corporation (formerly
Media Lab Asia).
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Analysis of Ensemble Models for Aging Related Bug Prediction in Software Systems