Designing an E-coaching System for Older People to Increase
Adherence to Exergame-based Physical Activity
Despoina Petsani, Evdokimos I. Kostantinidis and Panagiotis D. Bamidis
Lab of Medical Physics, Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Keywords: E-coaching, Physical Activity, Exergames, Elderly.
Abstract: E-coaching technologies constitute an emerging trend because they differ from the ordinary methods that tend
to patronize user’s behavior. E-coaching focuses on co-organization and personalisation of the intervention
by the user and the system. The current work describes some important features that must be studied in the
design process of an e-coaching system that promotes the adherence of physical activity in older adults. The
proposed system will be based upon already existing exergame platform for elderly, the webFitForAll. Firstly,
the significance of physical activity in elder’s everyday life and how the physical activity guidelines are
implemented in webFitForAll are discussed. Furthermore, the behavior change techniques, that are an
important part of e-coaching systems, are presented as well as the design plans for the e-coaching
For the last few years it has become notable a constant
shift from instructing and patronizing a person during
her daily exercise to coaching and helping towards
making own choices. It is now well known that it is
crucial to encourage patient involvement, motivation,
and empowerment in adapting to lifelong changes.
The key term of co-design with seniors their everyday
exercise plan has been dropped in the scene. To this
extent, coaching has been defined as an ongoing
process of self-enhancement and effective goal
striving with the observation, aid and collaborative
conversation with an expert, referred as coach(Ives,
Another emerging necessity both in industry and
academia is the digitalization of various functions in
a wide variety of domains, including coaching
practices. An automatic, digital coaching system
could be ubiquitous, individualized, constantly
adapting and gathering information while providing
the necessary feedback. Human-to-human interaction
is irreplaceable but the financial cost and the human
resources needed may be dissuasive. The rapid
advances in technology along with its broader
penetration in our everyday life may increase the
acceptance and necessity of non-human coaches that
may also cover the inclusion of human coaches.
At this point, it needs to be highlighted that most
articles use the term e-coaching for systems that are
used to enable communication with human coaches
(Boratto et al., 2017)(Allen et al., 2008). However,
the terms should not refer to systems that facilitate or
conceptualize the coaching but to systems that do the
coaching (nonhuman coaches).
It is also important to accept an explicit definition
of what an e-coaching system is and what are the key-
points that must include, in order to effectively
develop the e-coaching environment. As B. A.
Kamphorst (Kamphorst, 2017) states, the e-coaching
system must have a sufficient level of sophistication
and independence and he defines it as “a set of
computerized components that constitutes an
artificial entity that can observe, reason about, learn
from and predict a user’s behaviours, in context and
over time […]” (Kamphorst, 2017, p. 5). This
definition underlines some key-points in e-coaching
must be context-aware (Ives, 2008)(Pecora et
al., 2012)
must be personalized
must collect information from the user (direct
or other measurements)
needs to have the ability to forecast and plan
future steps
This paper presents a proposed e-coaching system for
promoting physical activity for elderly population,
Petsani, D., Kostantinidis, E. and Bamidis, P.
Designing an E-coaching System for Older People to Increase Adherence to Exergame-based Physical Activity.
DOI: 10.5220/0006821502580263
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2018), pages 258-263
ISBN: 978-989-758-299-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
expanding an already existing exergaming platform.
Three major points are covered, including the
importance of physical activity for older people, what
are the behavior change techniques (BCTs) that have
been developed for physical activity enhancement
and the designing goals for the proposed system.
As the aging population is rapidly increasing in size
and is estimated to keep increasing, the concept of
active and healthy aging has become a significant
socioeconomic phenomenon. According to the World
Health Organization (WHO) physical activity plays a
decisive role in maintaining or achieving a good
quality of life (QoL) (World Health Organization,
2010). Regular physical activity has been associated
with reduced risks of developing Alzheimer disease
(Laurin et al., 2001), osteoporosis (Nguyen, Center
and Eisman, 2000) and cardiovascular disease
(Geffken et al., 2001). Furthermore, a great cohort of
studies has exhibited the positive impact physical
exercise has on psychology, functional capacity,
autonomy and general QoL(Taguchi et al.,
2010)(Vagetti et al., 2014)(Konstantinidis et al.,
2016)(Chodzko-Zajko et al., 2009).
Although the positive effects of physical activity
in health are well established, activity levels are
decreasing with age. Elderly face cessation of
physical activity as an inevitable consequence of
aging. They believe exercise to be a time consuming
task that often perceived as having negative effects on
their body (sweating, muscle soreness, etc.)(Schutzer
and Graves, 2004) while 50%
of exercise
intervention participants tend to drop out before
realizing any health benefits (Bennett and Winters-
Stone, 2011). Another deterrent factor is the abstract
guidelines given by the healthcare specialists. All the
above indicate the need for an e-coaching system.
Furthermore, environmental factors may restrain
elderly’s devotion to physical activity more than
younger people. For example, most elderly will avoid
walking outside when it is raining or snowing. Social
or economic barriers are also reported (Brawley,
Rejeski and King, 2003). Apparently, e-coaching
system could and should facilitate the personalization
and adaptability on each individual’s needs.
2.1 Physical Activity Guidelines
In accordance with the key-points mentioned above
for e-coaching systems, the context and the target
group have to be carefully studied in order to
elucidate specific needs and barriers. For this reason,
we present the recommended levels of physical
activity for elderly as reported by the academic
community. The Center for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) propose that every adult should be
as active as their abilities allow, avoiding inactivity
(CDC, 2015). The minimum suggested activity by
CDC for achieving health benefits is 150 minutes of
moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of
vigorous-intensity aerobic activity and muscle
strengthening activities for all muscle groups on at
least two days of the week. The American College of
Sports Medicine (ACSM) also suggests at least two
days per week strength exercises to improve
flexibility and balance(Chodzko-Zajko et al., 2009).
Aerobic activities may include bicycle, dancing,
walking or jogging, swimming, tennis etc. (U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, 2008).
Muscle strengthening activities are carrying
groceries, pilates, washing windows or the floor,
some activities of gardening, etc.
2.2 The webFitForAll Exergaming
There are also exergame platforms that encapsulate
the necessary amount of exercise in an attractive way
for the elderly (Konstantinidis et al., 2016)(Brox and
Hernandez, 2011). Since the physical activity
solutions for an older adult are of great amount, the
need and potentiality of developing a personalized
plan is even greater.
In our approach the basic exercise plan will be
based on the webFitForAll (wFFA) game platform
(Konstantinidis, Bamparopoulos and Bamidis, 2017).
The wFFA is a web based serious game platform
specially designed for elderly. It consists of physical
exercises and games that promote physical activity
and contribute in advance and maintenance of
wellbeing and QoL. A wFFA session constitutes of
aerobic, strength, balance and flexibility exercises
designed in a playful, simple and understandable way,
lasting for 60 minutes. A participant can complete the
proposed physical activity per week if engaged for a
minimum of 3 times per week with wFFA.
Its predecessor, FitForAll (FFA) has been widely
tested and exhibited significant results in
improvement of QoL and physical
condition(Konstantinidis et al., 2016). The wFFA has
shown high acceptability rates between elderly and
increased the ease of use of FFA (Konstantinidis,
Bamparopoulos and Bamidis, 2017) while as well
Designing an E-coaching System for Older People to Increase Adherence to Exergame-based Physical Activity
displayed effective differences in participants’ fitness
(Zilidou et al., 2016).
Figure 1 Example of two wFFA games. In the hiking game
(above), the user walks in a Google Street View
environment according to his/her body posture and steps. In
the golf game the user moves a ball according to his/her
body movement, trying to put it in the hole.
As mentioned above, e-coaching systems support an
ongoing process and effort to achieve a goal, improve
or change a situation. Consequently, it is critical for
the design of these systems to focus on the inclusion
of BCTs that can be associated with effectiveness.
The use of persuasive strategies have demonstrate
positive influence on the outcome of the interventions
in physical activity.(Orji and Moffatt, 2016)
Although the importance of inclusion of BCTs is
undeniable, the majority of e-coaching systems lack
examination and adjustment of that techniques (Orji
and Moffatt, 2016)(Mollee et al., 2017).
3.1 Proposed Taxonomy of Behavior
Change Techniques
Michie et al. have defined a taxonomy including 40
BCTs that should be implemented when developing
an intervention for physical activity behaviors, the
CALO-RE (Michie et al., 2011). However, it should
be carefully considered how these BCTs are altered
in accordance with the corresponding target group.
Elderly are more susceptible in quitting and it is often
more complex for them to make long-lasting changes
in their lifestyle and behavior.
The BCTs of the proposed e-coaching system will
be designed in 3 phases: the starting, the design and
adaptation and the intervention phase. The design
and intervention phases are not strictly segregated as
the design phase could re-implemented through the
In the starting phase, the readiness for change and
motivation should be assessed and enhanced. Firstly,
it is critical to recognize which adults are at risk of
developing adherence issues by determining the
willingness to change and improve self-regulatory
skills (Culos-Reed et al., 2000). The main challenge
is to adequately answer the question “Why changing
my physical activity routine if I currently function
satisfactorily?”. For this reason, the system has to
provide information about the consequences that the
upcoming intervention will have in the individual and
in general, based on existing studies. Information
about the general approval of the system, the
behaviour of other groups and the reliability must also
be reported.
Consequently, the behavior goal and overall
outcome goal would be clarified in the design phase.
In this section the main effort should be to personalize
the intervention. The system and the participant must
co-organize the actions that have to be taken. Asking
the right questions to the elderly is crucial in order to
engage him in the process. The general plan is
constructed, giving special attention to the
environmental, socioeconomic and individual
barriers each participant may face. These information
is stored for possible readjustment of the behavior
plan. The participant is encouraged to participate
actively in the problem solving procedure. Depending
on these information, the tasks must be realistic and
avoid overestimating each person’s abilities. The
coachee, in our case the elderly, will make a
behavioral “contract” that they accept the designed
plan and will commit to it. This may be in form of
formal consent with the system or a selected familiar
person (Michie et al., 2009).
The most significant phase is the intervention
phase, when the behavior change happens. It consists
of the tasks that were agreed in the previous phase. To
retain adherence, the system must reward the
participant for achieving goals or for making
progress. That can be in terms of collecting points that
are shared among a groups’ members that go through
similar intervention, using the same e-coaching
system. In elderly population a common practice for
maintaining dedication to a goal, is to inform their
ICT4AWE 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
family, friends, spouse or a special selected person for
their progress. The e-coaching system facilitates and
plan this social support based on the participant’s
desire and encourage social comparison. However,
the reward must be proportionate to the progress and
each time an anticipation must be created for future
rewards. Feedback is provided in each separate task,
on general performance as well as demonstration and
suggestion to achieve better results. Especially in
elderly the instruction must be simple, supported with
audiovisual content and do not assume that the
directions are clearly remembered every time.
Throughout the whole process, the system must
take into consideration to prevent new physical
activities to be abandoned. Stress and time
management is also crucial for the participant’s health
and must be taken into account (Abraham and Michie,
3.2 BCTs Implementation
The wFFA exrgames are a well-established solution
that has been widely tested and the results are
scientifically documented and supported. In the
starting phase the system should exhibit the benefits
that people in the pilots of wFFA had related to
physical condition and overall QoL. More precisely,
the system compares the user’s profile and presents
charts and images of the progress of people with
similar profiles in the database. The presentation of
real statements will empower the reliability of the
system. Also, statistics for the value of physical
exercise in the elderly population must be presented
in a comprehensive way e.g. charts and images.
Our exergame platform incorporates a default
protocol of four difficulty levels but it also provides
the option to manually modify the intervention. The
design phase aims at individualizing the sessions of
wFFA based on the overall goal and participant’s
preferences. However, the e-coaching system can
also motivate the user to do other physical activities
besides wFFA, if her/his character and environment
allow. For example, the user can agree to take a walk
outside instead of the hiking game of wFFA (Figure
1) once a week. The agreed plan will be forwarded in
a familiar person, given the participant’s consent.
Before each game in the wFFA platform there are
audiovisual instructions accompanied by a simple
text (Figure 2). In the current form, the user collects
points e.g. number of balls in the hole (Figure 1). In
addition a scoring functionality has been designed
and is under development. The score for every game
will be calculated depending on the in-game metrics
that the system collects during the intervention and
will reflect the actual improvement in physical and
cognitive cognition. To do so, wFFA correlates in-
game metrics (users’ gaming performance
measurements) with neurophysiological assessment
test of previous users and compares them with the
current users. wFFA is a web-based application
which can easily support social interaction between
users. The achievement of a goal or the augment of a
score will be shared among desired users to promote
competition. Concluding, the system can provide
additional instructions, when an exercise is being
executed, correcting possible mistakes.
Figure 2 Visual and text instructions before an exercise.
There are two aspects that should be considered when
designing the framework of an e-coaching
environment: what are the suggestions that the system
would do and how these should be addressed to the
user. The former is based on option generation
techniques and effective counseling dialogue system
development, while the latter is about defining the
most appropriate interface and information gathering
technique, taking into consideration the target group.
The options that the system proposes to the user
can have two possible implications. Firstly, they can
affect the decision making process and influence the
final decision (Fogg, 2003). As mentioned
previously, coaching is an ongoing process that
encapsulates BCTs so, in fact it intervenes with
people’s decision. Consequently, the suggestions
must be carefully studied. Secondly, if the system
repeatedly make suggestions and indications that a
person rejects, because they are not contingent on his
character, may harm the system’s reliability. The
proposals must in general agree with what a person
consider as an option (Kamphorst and Kalis, 2014). If
a suggestion is rejected or not followed by the
coachee, the system must produce a dialogue
explaining its importance and making questions to
identify the reasons of its rejection. The new
Designing an E-coaching System for Older People to Increase Adherence to Exergame-based Physical Activity
information provided by the user will help the system
learn more about his character. In case of an option is
accepted and successfully carried out, the system
encourages and praises the participant. Obviously, an
holistic dialogue ontology must be created to support
counseling and enhancement of physical activity,
taking into consideration the specific needs of older
Vision impairment and reduction of precision in
motor skills are frequently encountered as normal
consequences of aging. These difficulties can prevent
elderly from using conventional computer interfaces
like mouse, keyboard, small buttons or gestures
requiring slick movements. The user interface must
be clean, friendly and not include redundant material.
From our point of view, three points that a user
interface for elderly must have are: usability,
acceptability and reliability. That means that the
elderly can easily interact with the technology, accept
it in their everyday life and last but not least be sure
that the system effectively interacts with them.
A proposed technology, which has not yet been
used in e-coaching, is augmented reality through
projections. This means that the system could project
contextualized information, wherever needed,
without the use of devices like mobile phones or
tablets. The user could interact with the system by
touching or moving actual objects, without the need
of a specific skills and preexisting knowledge. This
way the e-coaching environment will blend in the real
life environment, making it easier for older people to
accept it. Furthermore, the absence of buttons or
touch screens will reduce the stress of touching or
pushing the “wrong” button as the interaction will be
done by real life movements (Steele et al., 2009).
The wFFA games are controlled by the users
movement using information from a 3D sensor
camera that detects human body joints. Projection
technology can be exploited in order to replace
computer screen. It can also be used for direct
instruction when using technical equipment like
blood pressure meter. Audiovisual direction on how
to place the device and take the measurement would
be projected near the device.
It is also of vital importance for the system to
gather behavioral, physiological as well as emotional
information about the user. This can be done
unobtrusively with the use of 3D sensing systems.
The potential uses are of great amount, including
facial image technologies to capture emotional state,
gait analysis, communication with traditional devices
like blood pressure meter and pulse oximeter and
physical and cognitive state indicators through
serious games in-game metrics.
The current work presents the main issues that have
to be studied during the design process of an e-
coaching system aiming to promote physical activity
in older adults. This system will be based upon wFFA
exergame platform which is an effective way to
improve physical condition, specially designed for
older people and already widely tested. This work
tries to indicate the basic components of an e-
coaching system and address the necessities in its
Although the e-coaching systems are, fairly, an
emerging trend, questions have been raised on the
exclusion of the human specialists. The current
system aims at the inclusion of human
therapists/doctors or a familiar person chosen by the
user who can have access to the stored data and
involve or interfere in the coaching process (Geissler,
H. Hasenbein, M., Kontouri, S., Wegener, 2014).
In conclusion, the construction of an e-coaching
system must not be confronted with naivety. It is a
complicated process that demands careful planning
and cooperation of many scientific domains like
psychology, computer science, and medical science.
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Designing an E-coaching System for Older People to Increase Adherence to Exergame-based Physical Activity