Software Evolution for Digital Transformation
Alfred Zimmermann
, Rainer Schmidt
, Justus Bogner
, Dierk Jugel
and Michael Möhring
Herman Hollerith Center Boeblingen, Faculty of Informatics, Reutlingen University, Reutlingen, Germany
Faculty of Informatics and Mathematics, Munich University, Munich, Germany
Keywords: Digital Transformation, Digital Enterprise Architecture, Software Evolution.
Abstract: In current times, a lot of new business opportunities appeared using the potential of the Internet and related
digital technologies, like Internet of Things, services computing, cloud computing, big data with analytics,
mobile systems, collaboration networks, and cyber physical systems. Enterprises are presently transforming
their strategy, culture, processes, and their information systems to become more digital. The digital
transformation deeply disrupts existing enterprises and economies. Digitization fosters the development of IT
environments with many rather small and distributed structures, like Internet of Things. This has a strong
impact for architecting digital services and products. The change from a closed-world modeling perspective
to more flexible open-world and living software and system architectures defines the moving context for
adaptable and evolutionary software approaches, which are essential to enable the digital transformation. In
this paper, we are putting a spotlight to service-oriented software evolution to support the digital
transformation with micro-granular digital architectures for digital services and products.
Nowadays, data, information and knowledge are
fundamental core concepts of our everyday activities
and are driving the digital transformation of today’s
global society (El-Sheikh, et al., 2016; Schmidt et al.
2015). New services and smart connected products
expand physical components by adding information
and connectivity services using the Internet (Porter et
al., 2014) (El-Sheikh, et al., 2016).
Digitization (Schmidt et al., 2016) is enabled by
four megatrends of cloud, big data, mobile, and social
technologies. This disruptive change interacts with all
information systems that are important business
enablers for the current digital transformation.
Digitized services and products amplify the basic
value and capabilities, which offer exponentially
expanding opportunities (Schmidt at al., 2016).
Digitization enables human beings and autonomous
objects to collaborate beyond their local context using
digital technologies. The exchange of information
enables better decisions of human beings, and of
intelligent objects. Furthermore, social networks,
smart devices, and intelligent cars are part of a wave
of digital economy with digital products, services,
and processes, which are driving an information-
driven vision (Zimmermann et al. 2018).
The Internet of Things (IoT) (Uckelmann et al.,
2011) connects a large number of physical devices to
each other using wireless data communication and
interaction based on the Internet as a global
communication environment. Additionally, we have
to consider challenging aspects of the overall
software and systems architecture to integrate base
technologies and systems, like cyber-physical
systems, social networks, big data with analytics,
services, and cloud computing. Typical examples for
the next wave of digitization (Zimmermann et al.
2018). are smart enterprise networks, smart cars,
smart industries, and smart portable devices.
Objects from the real world are mapped into the
virtual world (Zimmermann et al. 2018).
Furthermore, the important interaction with mobile
systems, collaboration support systems, and service-
based systems for big data as well as cloud
environments is extended. Additionally, the Internet
of Things is an important foundation of Industry 4.0
(Schmidt et al., 2015) and adaptable digital systems.
Both business and technology are impacted from
the digital transformation (Zimmermann et al., 2015)
by complex relationships between architectural
elements. This directly affects the adaptable
digitization architecture for digital services and
products and their related digital governance (El-
Zimmermann, A., Schmidt, R., Bogner, J., Jugel, D. and Möhring, M.
Software Evolution for Digital Transformation.
DOI: 10.5220/0006815702050212
In Proceedings of the 13th Inter national Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2018), pages 205-212
ISBN: 978-989-758-300-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Sheikh, et al., 2016). Enterprise Architecture
Management (EAM) (Lankhorst et al., 2017) for
services computing is the approach of choice to start
from and to organize, build and utilize distributed
capabilities for the digital transformation (Weill et al.,
2015), (Westerman et al., 2014), (Brynjolfsson et al.,
Digitization (Schmidt, et al., 2016) requires the
appropriate alignment of business models and digital
technologies for new digital strategies and solutions,
as same as for their digital transformation. Current
digitized applications are integrating Internet of
Things, Web services, REST services, Microservices,
cloud computing, big data, machine learning with
new frameworks and methods, emphasizing openly
defined service-oriented software architectures
(Zimmermann, et al. 2015) with extensions for
semantic support.
A lot of software developing enterprises have
switched to integrate Microservice architectures to
handle the increase velocity (Bogner et al., 2016)
(Zimmermann et al. 2018). Therefore, applications
built this way consist of several fine-grained services
that are independently scalable and deployable. The
fast-moving process of digitization demands
flexibility to adapt to rapidly changing business
requirements and newly emerging business
Unfortunately, the current state of art in research
and practice of enterprise architecture lacks an
integral understanding of software evolution (El-
Sheikh et al., 2016), when integrating a huge amount
of micro-granular systems and services, like
Microservices and Internet of Things, in the context
of digital transformation and evolution of
architectures. Our goal is to extend previous quite
static approaches of enterprise architecture to fit for
flexible and adaptive digitization of new products and
services. This goal shall be achieved by introducing
suitable mechanisms for collaborative architectural
engineering and by positioning open micro-granular
Our current short paper is part of an on-going
research and investigates the following main research
What are main software evolution approaches to
support the flexible open-world transition of systems
for the digital transformation?
The following Section 2 sets the fundamentals for
the digital transformation of digitized services and
products. Section 3 focusses on architecting digital
structures, systems, and technologies, while Section 4
presents suitable service-based software evolution
approaches. Section 5 puts a snapshot on main related
work. Finally, we summarize in Section 6 our
research findings, mention some limitations, and
sketch our future research steps.
Digital transformation is the current dominant type of
business transformation having IT both as a
technology enabler and as a strategic driver for
digitization. Digitized services and associated
products (Westerman et al., 2014), are software-
intensive (Schmidt, et al., 2016) and therefore
malleable and usually service-oriented (El-Sheikh, et
al., 2016). Digital products are able to increase their
capabilities via accessing cloud-services and change
their current behaviour (Zimmermann et al. 2016).
How value is created by these changes is shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Hybrid value creation of Digital Products.
By combining a product consisting of hardware
and software with cloud-provided services new ways
of interaction with the customer are enabled (Möhring
et al. 2018). Current research suggests that different
customers will use such devices for different use
cases enabling new ways of triggering and interaction
with business processes (Möhring et al. 2018). An
example is Amazon Alexa (Warren, 2016) that
consists of a physical device with microphone and
speaker e.g. Echo Dot, and services, called “Alexa
skills”. The set of Alexa skills is dynamic and can be
tailored to the customer’s requirements during run-
time. The lifecycle of digitized products is extended
by the acquisition and decommissioning of services.
Digitized products and services (Schmidt et al.
2015) support the co-creation of value together with
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
the customer and other stakeholders in different ways.
First, there is a permanent feedback to the provider of
the product. The internet connection of the digitized
product allows to collect permanently data on the
usage of the product by the customer. Second, the
data provided by a large number of digitized products
are able to provide new insights, which are not
possible with data from a single device.
Current research argues that digital products and
services are offering disruptive opportunities
(Westerman et al., 2014), (Brynjolfsson et al., 2014)
for new business solutions, having new smart
connected functionalities.
In the beginning, digitization was considered a
primarily technical term (Weill et al., 2015). Thus, a
number of technologies is often associated with
digitization (Westerman et al., 2015): cloud
computing, big data often combined with advanced
analytics (Veneberg, et al., 2016), social software,
and the Internet of Things (Atzori, et al., 2010). New
technologies are associated with digitalization such as
deep learning (Schmidthuber, 2015). They allow
computing to be applied to activities that were
considered as exclusive to human beings.
Therefore, the present emphasis on digitization
become an important area of research. Our thesis is,
that digitization embraces both a product and a value-
creation (Schmidt et al., 2016) perspective.
Classical industrial products are static
(Brynjolfsson et al., 2014). You can only change them
to a limited extent, if at all. On the contrary, digitized
products are dynamic. They contain both hardware,
software and (cloud-)services. They can be upgraded
via network connections. In addition, their
functionality can be extended or adapted using
external services. Therefore, the functionality of
products is dynamic and can be adapted to changing
requirements and hitherto unknown customer needs.
In particular, it is possible to create digitized products
and services step-by-step or provide temporarily
unlockable functionalities. So, customers whose
requirements are changing can add and modify
service functionality without hardware modification.
Digitized products are able to capture their own
state and submit this information into linked contexts.
The provider can remotely determine, whether the
product is still functional and trigger, where
appropriate, maintenance and repairs. Evaluation of
status information and analysis of the history of use
of the product can be predicted when a malfunction
of the product is probable. A maintenance or
replacement of the product is performed before
predicted data of failure. The data collected also
provide information for a repair on the spot, so that a
high first-time solution rate can be achieved. At the
same time, storage can be improved in this way of
spare parts. By this means, preventive
maintenance can be implemented. Unscheduled
stoppages can this way be significantly reduced.
This is the basis for the servitization of products.
Not a physical product, but a service is sold to the
customer. The service usage is measured and lays the
foundation for usage-based billing models.
Digitized products also enable network effects
(Weitzel et al., 2000) that grow exponentially with the
number of participating devices. An increase in the
number of digitized products increases the incentive
for providers of add-on services and complementary
skills (Brynjolfsson et al., 2014). At the same time
this increase the attractiveness for further digitized
products. In summary, an exponential growth can be
Therefore, significant first-mover advantages
exist. Network effects emerge not only for the
functionality but also for the analytical exploitation of
data collected by the digitized products. These effects
are called network intelligence (Schmidt et al., 2016).
By bringing together data from many devices and not
only single devices, trends can be detected much
earlier and more accurately. Further improvements
can be achieved by linking data from different
sources, also external one. In this way, it is possible
to establish correlations that would not have been
possible considering data from a single device. This
effect increases with the number of devices.
The digitized products become part of an
information system, which accelerates the learning
and knowledge processes across all products (Evans,
et a., 2012). The manufacturer can win genuine
information about the use of the product. Important
information for the development of new products can
be obtained in this way. Therefore, a number of other
beneficial effects can be achieved as network
optimization, maintenance optimization, improved
restore capabilities, and additional evidence against
the consideration of individual systems.
The presented concepts enable a fundamental
change of the value-creation model. Traditional
products were created with a tayloristic view in mind,
that emphasized the separation of production and
consumer in order to enable centralized production
and thus scaling effects. Now, the co-creation (Vargo
et al., 2008) approach of service-dominant logic can
be implemented because of the continuous
connection of the products with the manufacturer.
The consumer converts dynamically to be co-
producer. Platforms are complementary to products,
which cooperate via standardized interfaces.
Software Evolution for Digital Transformation
The new possibilities enabled by digitized products
also require new approaches in Architecture
Management (Lankhorst et al., 2017). Today several
standards are available (TOGAF, 2011), (Archimate,
2016) containing a large set of different views and
perspectives for managing current IT. Therefore, an
effective architecture management approach for
digital enterprises should support digitization of
products and services (Schmidt, et al., 2016) and
should be both holistic and easily adaptable
(Zimmermann, et al., 2015). Architecture
management should also enable both digital
transformation of existing processes and the creation
of new business models. At the same time they have
to support technologies that are based on a large
number of systems with micro-granular architectures
(Zimmermann et al. 2015) like IoT, mobile devices,
or with Microservices. It is a huge challenge to
continuously integrate numerous dynamically
growing architectural models and metamodels from
different microstructures with micro-granular
architecture into a consistent digital architecture.
A Digital Architecture (in Section 3) provides a
conceptual blueprint to help define the structure and
operation of an organization having the goal to
determine, how a digital transformed organization
with their digitized products and services can most
effectively achieve its current and future objectives.
Several approached and methods have been proposed
in (El-Sheikh et al., 2016) to address the challenges
and trends in the evolution of Service-oriented and
Enterprise Architectures to manage the digital
To cope with these challenges, we extend our
previous service-oriented enterprise architecture
reference model for the context of digital
transformation with Microservices and Internet of
Things considering associated architectural decision
making (Jugel, et al., 2015), which is supported by
functions of an architectural cockpit (Jugel, et al.,
Enterprise Services Architecture Reference Cube
(ESARC) provides an architectural reference model
(Zimmermann et al., 2015) enabling specific
viewpoints for evolved micro-granular enterprise
architectures (Figure 2). ESARC for digital products
and services is more specific than existing
architectural standards of architecture management
(TOGAF, 2011), (Archimate, 2016).
ESARC provides eight integral architectural
domains to provide a holistic classification model.
While it is applicable for concrete architectural
instantiations to support digital transformations, it
still abstracts from a concrete business scenario or
technologies. The Open Group Architecture
Framework (TOGAF, 2011) together with
(Archimate, 2016) provides the basic blueprint and
structure for our extended service-oriented enterprise
architecture domains.
Figure 2: Enterprise Services Architecture Reference Cube
(Zimmermann et al. 2015).
Our research extends an existing metamodel-
based model extraction and integration approach
from (Zimmermann et al., 2015) for digital enterprise
architecture viewpoints, models, standards,
frameworks and tools. The approach supports the
adaptable integration of micro-granular architectures.
Currently, we are working on the idea of continuously
integrating small architectural descriptions for
relevant objects of a digital architecture.
We are currently formalizing small-decentralized
mini-metamodels, models, and data of architectural
microstructures, like Microservices and IoT into
DEA-Mini-Models (Digital Enterprise Architecture
Mini Model). DEA-Mini-Models consists of partial
DEA-Data, partial DEA-Models, and partial EA-
Metamodel. They are associated with Microservices
and/or objects from the Internet of Things. These
structures are based on the Meta Object Facility
(MOF) standard (MOF, 2011) of the Object
Management Group (OMG).
The highest layer M3 represents abstract language
concepts used in the lower M2 layer and is called,
therefore, the meta-metamodel layer. The next layer
M2 is the metamodel integration layer and defines the
fundamental entities for M1 (e.g. models from UML
or ArchiMate (Archimate, 2016). These models are a
structured representation of the lowest layer M0 that
is formed by collected concrete data from real-world
use cases with instantiations of architectural data.
By integrating DEA-Mini-Models micro-granular
architectural cells (Figure 3) for each relevant IoT
object or Microservice, the integrated overall
architectural metamodel becomes adaptable and can
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
mostly be automatically synthesized by respecting the
integration context from a growing number of
previous similar integrations. In the case of new
integration patterns, we have to consider additional
manual support.
Figure 3: Architectural Federation by Composition.
The challenge of our current research is to
federate these DEA-Mini-Models to an integral and
dynamically growing DEA model and information
base by promoting a mixed automatic and
collaborative decision process (Jugel, et al., 2015)
and (Jugel, et al., 2014).
We are currently extending model federation and
transformation approaches (Trojer et al., 2015) by
introducing semantic-supported architectural
representations, from partial and federated ontologies
and associate mapping rules with special inference
Fast changing technologies and markets usually
drive the evolution of ecosystems. Therefore, we have
extracted the idea of digital ecosystems from
(Tiwana, 2013) and linked this with main strategic
drivers for system development and their evolution.
Adaptation drives the survival of digital architectures,
platforms, and application ecosystems.
The digital transformation (Porter, et al., 2014) highly
increased the competitive pressure and urges
enterprises to quickly develop new digitized products
and services. Time to market is a key differentiator in
digital transformation. The quicker a business is, the
more successful it is likely to be. But more
established businesses have delivered technology
solutions to their employees and customers on
lengthy release schedules that no longer make sense
in today’s accelerated environment.
The nature of digital assets disaggregates value
chains, creating openings for focused, fast-moving
competitors. Furthermore, the customer expects to
interact seamlessly across different channels.
Enterprises have to analyse customer behaviour in
real-time. At the same time digitization lowers the
market entry barriers for new competitors, by
dissolving long-understood boundaries between
sectors. These challenges require a better support for
software evolution.
Principally we can identify, as in (Wilde, et al.,
2016), two broad perspectives of software evolution:
First, software can be designed anticipating change
by the original software developer to make evolution
easier by predicting possible change perspectives of a
new software. The main mechanism of proactive
change is based on modularity structures of services.
Secondly, software evolution can be handled during
the maintenance phase by using special tools and
methods. The intention here is to support
understanding of software structures of the existing
code, as fast and easy as possible.
The implementation of flexible and maintainable
services strongly depends on service quality of
services (Gebhart et al., 2016). In the past, most
quality of service indicators were designed for
method-driven Web Services with SOAP. Today,
many new services are designed in a resource-
oriented way using REST or Microservices, to follow
an easier technology-independent approach. Many of
the existing quality indicators for Web Services can
be mapped to resource-oriented services. Resource-
oriented services can also be engineered using
Microservices, as mentioned.
Decision analytics (Zimmermann et al., 2016)
provides increasingly complex and decision support,
particularly for the development and evolution of
sustainable enterprise architectures (EA), and this is
duly needed. Tapping into these systems and
techniques, the engineers and managers of the
software and system architecture become part of a
viable enterprise, i.e. a resilient and continuously
evolving service-oriented architectures and systems
that enable and drive innovative business models.
Main challenges of service computing for the next
ten years guide a redefinition of service computing,
which are postulated by (Bouguettaya et al., 2017).
The service computing manifesto maps out in (as in
Figure 4) a strategy that positions emerging concepts
and technologies to support the service paradigm. The
service computing manifesto recommends focusing
on four main research directions by specifying both
challenges and a research roadmap: service design,
service composition, crowdsourcing based
reputation, and the Internet of Things.
An important prerequisite for building and
analysing sound service systems and architectures is
a formal understanding of the nature of services and
Integral Digital Enterprise Architecture
Federation by Composition of DEA-Mini-Models
Integral DEA Model
DEA Composition
DEA Composition
Zimmermann, A. et al.: Adaptive Enterprise Architecture for Digital Transformation. ESOCC / IDEA 2015
Software Evolution for Digital Transformation
their model-supported relationships. We have to
currently consider a big change from traditional
closed-world software engineering approaches to the
open-world of service systems with autonomous parts
(Zimmermann, et al., 2015).
Figure 4: Abstractions along the Computing Value Chain.
An important prerequisite for building and
analysing sound service systems and architectures is
a formal understanding of the nature of services and
their model-supported relationships.
Cloud computing as a new service delivery model,
which gives inspiration to integrate service
computing and cloud computing. So, cloud
computing is a main influencing factor for the service
computing manifesto in (Bouguettaya et al., 2017),
while other important influencers for service
computing are mobile computing, big data, and social
In the next wave of service composition
(Bouguettaya et al., 2017), we have to integrate a fast
growing and large set of non-WSDL-described
services: REST services, Microservices, and partial
services, like IoT or Android apps. In an open-world
setting of big data existing static service selection,
composition, and recommendation are inadequate
and should be extended by large-scale Web and cloud
service composition, big data driven service
composition, and social network based service
Trust plays an important role for a functional
service ecosystem. Crowdsourcing provides effective
means for collecting data through collaborations
within communities. Reputation mechanisms and
crowdsourcing in social networks support predicting
credibility, which is important for derive trust.
Innovative models are required for the
composition of Internet of Things (IoT) (Bouguettaya
et al., 2017) and (Patel et al. 2015). IoT poses two
fundamental challenges: communication with things,
and management of things. One additional challenge
is that things are resource-constrained, making it
practical impossible to combine IoT with heavy
standards like, SOAP and BPEL. The IoT component
model is further heterogeneous and multi-layered,
typically with devices, data, services, and
organizations. The IoT designed functionality is more
dynamic and context-aware than in traditional
The resulting fundamental IoT challenges
(Bouguettaya et al., 2017) are related to continuously
maintaining cyber personalities and context
information for IoT devices, and continuously
discovering, integrating, and reusing IoT and their
data. Graph-based approaches and machine-learning
techniques can facilitate discovery of hidden
relationships between IoT and helping detecting
correlations among IoT.
Research published in (Veneberg et al., 2016)
combines the more large-grained enterprise
architecture and fine-grained operational data, which
is an interesting approach. The intention of the
approach is to fill the gap between the disciplines
enterprise architecture and big data and to set a new
base for architectural decision support.
This quite new combination was called enterprise
architecture intelligence by the authors. It is aimed at
compensating existing shortcomings from each of the
two unrelated base disciplines and to provide an
integrated architectural model. Central in this
research is the new enterprise architecture
intelligence lifecycle (EAIL), which follows the
design science methodology.
Two-speed architecture (Bossert, 2016) has the
objective to separate elements that are required for
quickly changing the customer experience from other
elements that are more important for the integrity of
transactions. It differentiates systems that must be
more flexible and agile from those that must be more
reliable and deliver high stability and quality. To
enable a differentiating customer experience, a two-
speed architecture must cut across different layers of
the technology stack
The fast-speed-architecture contains the channels
that are pivotal for the customer experience. New
functionalities must be implemented at the same
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
speed within the same deployment cycle. Also, the
traditional systems of record systems must move into
the fast speed architecture. It must be possible to
quickly adapt customer and product data structures to
enable new digital business models.
Based on our research question we have first set the
context of digital transformation for evolving
software systems to support digital architectures for
new designed digital services and products. We have
leveraged an adaptive architecture integration
approach for open-world integrations of globally
accessed systems and services with their local
architecture models, to be able to support digital
transformation mechanisms for flexible software and
systems compositions.
We contribute to the literature in different ways.
Looking to our results, we have identified the need
for a bottom-up integration of a huge amount of
dynamically growing micro-granular systems and
services, like mobile systems, Microservices and the
Internet of Things. To integrate micro-granular
architecture models from an open-world we are
extending more traditional enterprise architecture
reference models with state of art elements for agile
architectural engineering to support the digitization of
products, services, and processes. Secondly, we have
exemplarily focused on Internet of Things and
Microservices architectures, which are much
influencing the current digital enterprise architecture,
by changing the viewpoint for modelling complex
systems in an open-world. This is a fundamental
extension of our seminal work on architectural
reference models to be able to openly integrate
through a continuously bottom-up approach a huge
amount of micro-granular systems with own and
heterogeneous local architectures. We have thirdly
investigated current and next elements of a service-
oriented enterprise architecture to point to main
influence factors, challenges and research areas for
the evolution of enterprise architecture and the
evolving discipline of service computing.
Some limitations (e.g. use and adoption in
different sectors, or the IoT integration technologies)
must be considered. There is a need to integrate more
analytics-based decisions support and context-data
driven architectural decision-making. Limitations
can be currently found, while integrating Internet
of Things architecture in the field of multi-level
evaluations of our approach, as well as in
domain-specific adoptions. Furthermore, empirical
evaluations via case study research would be a good
starting point for future research.
We are currently working on extended decision
support mechanisms for an architectural cockpit for
adaptive digital enterprise architectures and related
collaborative processes. Future work will extend
mechanisms for adaptation and open integration.
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ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering