Reconnecting with Past and Present
Personalizing Sensory Stimulated Reminiscence Through Immersive Technologies
– Developing a Multidisciplinary Perspective on the SENSE-GARDEN Room
Jon Sørgaard
, Mihai Berteanu
and J. Artur Serrano
Department of Neuromedicine and Movement Science, Faculty of Medicine and Health,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila, Bucharest, ELIAS University Hospital, Romania
Norwegian Centre for eHealth Research, University Hospital of North, Norway
Keywords: Dementia, Sociotechnical Network, Sensory Stimulation, SENSE-GARDEN, Immersive Technology,
Personalization, Active and Assisted Living, Welfare Technology, Assistive Technology, Emotion
Quantification, Actor Network Theory.
Abstract: Dementia is a degenerative disease affecting the cognitive abilities in a serious way among the persons living
with it. Through different kinds of sensory stimulation, one may slow down the deterioration processes among
persons with dementia. The use of personal photographs, storytelling and familiar question-and-answers in
an informal setting and with informal caregivers may be very valuable. Several national health services around
the world have established sensory stimulation gardens (sense-gardens), as well as sensory stimulation rooms
(Snoezelen rooms). In the SENSE-GARDEN room, we build on these concepts to develop and implement
immersive technologies that create multisensory stimulation – sound, sights, smells, movements. We propose
technology-based tools that link the stimulation experience directly to the personal history of persons with
dementia to help them reconnect with their past and present. The professional participants in the project come
from different fields and have different expectations and views on the various aspects of the project. This may
have affect on elements such as goals, strategies, and tasks. In this paper, we sum up our work to build a
common understanding and definition of these elements. By using a qualitative approach, we have mapped
the different perspectives among representatives of the professional groups involved in the SENSE-GARDEN
room. The methods used for mapping and analysing these differences are described. We have discovered
some a priori differences that mainly seem to be related to the professional groups. To some extent, this may
be due to each group’s tasks and responsibilities within the project, but most likely also to different
professional cultures. However, through the process we have found a strong commitment to define a common
ground from where the project can progress. The differences we are left with are complementary, not
contradictory, and will be valuable as they allow to shape synergies within the development of various aspects
of the project.
1.1 The Challenge
One of the main characteristics of dementia is the
deterioration of memory capabilities. This represents
practical challenges in everyday life for diagnosed
individuals, with capabilities in remembering how to
perform daily activities becoming progressively
The ability to perform these activities on an
efficient level is a prerequisite for an independent life.
When the ability to do so is restricted the person’s
independence will also gradually be reduced. (Holthe
et al., 2017, Dooley and Hinojosa, 2004))
Dementia is a serious problem, both on a personal
and on a societal level. On an individual level, it
affects the ability to take an active part in one’s own
personal life (Nguyen et al., 2017). For society, it
places pressure on resources, both on human
resources within the health services, and on economic
resources. The demographic changes in Europe most
likely implicate that the prevalence of dementia will
grow in the years to come. Both on personal and
rgaard, J., Berteanu, M. and Serrano, J.
Reconnecting with Past and Present.
DOI: 10.5220/0006792302340240
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2018), pages 234-240
ISBN: 978-989-758-299-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
societal levels every serious effort to meet these
challenges should be regarded as important
Our lives are lived in a complex context. Our
reality is not purely social or cultural, nor material or
biological. Our health issues relates to social
relations, genetics, biology, chemistry, psychology,
economy, climate, and more.
One might say that technology is the link in this
complex weave: All technology – ideally, and in its
core – is designed to help people meeting different
challenges. This may be done through extending,
strengthen or improving the individual’s capacities
and competences, by replacing or compensate for
capacities that are not present, available, or sufficient,
or by reducing the effects of unwanted individual
We want to explore whether – and how - we
through careful use of different technologies within a
SENSE-GARDEN room may be able to stimulate the
memory capacities among persons with dementia so
that they more easily may reconnect with their own
lives. If this is shown to be the case, one might expect
significant positive effects on life quality, social
participation and communication with others.
1.2 Project’s Aim
Several health organizations and national health
services around the world – for instance in Canada,
Denmark, Germany, Norway, Sweden, UK, and
many more - have established sensory stimulation
gardens (sense-gardens), as well as sensory
stimulation rooms (Snoezelen rooms) (Cox et al.,
2004, Berentsen et al., 2007). Most of the sensory
stimulation gardens, however, have been gardens in a
horticultural sense.
Systematic use of different stimuli has of course
been used extensively through the years, and has a
central place in dementia care. This goes for both
photographs (Yasuda et al., 2009), videos (Capstick
and Ludwin, 2017), music (Onieva-Zafra et al.,
2018). However, the potential in the various
technologies has not yet been fully exploited (Bejan
et al., 2018; Lorentz et al., 2017, Lazar et al., 2014;
Westphal et al., 2010).
The SENSE-GARDEN room proposes an
innovative approach to the care of individuals living
with dementia. Within the project, we will develop a
therapeutic environment through blending
technology together with architectural, social,
emotional, and physical elements. Through this, we
will provide a platform and means for creating
individually adjustable visual and sound stimuli, as
well as stimuli for tactile and olfactory senses.
In the SENSE-GARDEN room, we build on these
concepts, but take it further by creating a mixture of
natural and technological environments, which are
linked to the individual memories of the user, and
automatically adapt to them. To actually design a
technical solutions with the ability to adapt
automatically to the users’ individual preferences and
capacities is one of the ambitious aims of the project,
and one that calls for a creative and ground-breaking
multidisciplinary approach.
SENSE-GARDEN rooms are filled with familiar
music, videos and photos from known places and with
known people. Pictures and videos are combined with
music – such as a large image of mountains together
with singing birds, for example. Smells - for example,
the odour of a pine forest - are dispersed with a scent
delivery system. This provides an immersive space
that is automatically adjusted to each visitor, the
person with dementia, creating a connection to the
more active areas of the memory. Relatives will have
a key role in providing information regarding the
users’ past life.
By stimulating the senses, we hope to create
reminiscence activity in the minds of persons with
dementia, which may help them to reconnect with
reality – both with their own personal history and with
the present moment. The underlying idea is that this
will benefit not only the persons with dementia, but
also their close and loved ones, as well as the health
services (Macdonald et al., 2017). Most of all, our
ambition is to improve quality of life and sense of
wellbeing among the persons with dementia.
1.3 The Task at Hand
The project includes public and private partners in
Belgium, Norway, Portugal, and Romania. Its
multidisciplinary team comprises elements from a
wide range of professional activities such as care-
giving, medical aid, technical, law, architecture,
business, research, etc. With this wide range of
competencies, there also comes a wide range of
perspectives on what should be achieved, what may
be achieved – and how to achieve it.
The most important questions in establishing a
common ground for the development of the
technological solutions, including the technological
framework, are the familiar what, how, and who.
What is this project really about? What should be
the outcome? What are the key success factors? What
is needed to achieve the – hopefully – common goals?
Reconnecting with Past and Present
What is the new vision we can bring into the treatment
of dementia?
How can a technical framework be of help to the
persons with dementia and their caregivers? How
shall we define and develop the right technological
solutions? How can the solutions proposed be turned
into real innovations? How can we be sure that all
relevant competences and groups – engineers,
designers, health professionals, architects,
economists, informal caregivers – are represented and
their competences used within the project? And how
can we ensure that the voice of the persons with
dementia are integrated in the project?
Then the ‘whos’: Who defines which technology
is needed? Who defines which technology is the best?
Who does what in the project? Who defines what is
needed throughout the different stages?
And maybe more important than any other
question: How can we be sure that our achievements
actually will benefit persons with dementia?
The project is carried out by a wide range of
professionals, within medicine, health sciences, care,
architecture, technology, economy and
administration, social science and more. Most
important, we have been able to open up a discussion
by ‘exploiting’ the different professional approaches.
In this paper we describe how the basic ideas in the
project has been established as a collective property
within the project group. To create this kind of
common platform we have conceived as important
especially with reference to the multiprofessional
background among the participants. From this
platform, we also will describe the initial stages of the
project so far.
2.1 Artefacts – and More
One should notice that our point-of-departure is a
relatively broad understanding of the term
‘technology’. Any given technical artefact is part of
what may be called a sociotechnical network (cf. 1.3)
(Bijker and Pinch, 1987).
Within STS studies (Science, Technology and
Society) the term sociotechnical network is used to
describe technological artefacts within their relevant
context, a context that can be viewed upon as a
heterogeneous network where humans and non-
humans are mixed together in a dynamic co-play
(Latour, 1992).
This leads to the notion that one needs to take both
technical and social elements into consideration to
fully understand technology, why it may or not may
function in a proper way, and therefore also the
prerequisites for technical development. These
‘additional elements’ are ‘everyone and everything’;
they may be human actors such as designers and
constructors, users on different levels and different
users’ competences, other artefacts, necessary
knowledge and skills, a variety of stakeholders, and
so on.
In our case – the immersive sense-garden – the
architecture, the different sensors and devices for
distributing stimuli, computers that control the
system, formal and informal caregivers, technical aid
and support, health authorities, the users’ needs and
competencies and more must all be brought together
in a functioning collaboration to make the technology
This is what we have tried to take into account
when we organised a seminar with the project team
defining an early challenge to create a common
ground. This process is described in the Method
2.2 Script and Program
Actor Network Theory, influenced by semiotic
analysis, points out that any artefact can be said to
contain a script. The artefact can be viewed as a form
of text, and through narrative analysis, this text can be
read. Through this narrative analysis one can extract
the meaning and so it may be ‘de-scripted’ (Akrich,
The script tells us about the designer’s/
constructor’s intentions with the technology, his or
her visions of what it can do, and how it should be
used. This can be interpreted as guidelines for how
the technology should be used – a program.
This des-cription, this reading of the technology,
this identifying of a program, is not something that
we do in our everyday life. Still, on an unconscious
level, maybe this is what we do after all: Facing a
given technology we interpret what it can do for us,
what we have to do in order for it to do what we like,
and what we need to achieve this. We will find
ourselves facing three options:
- We may accept the program – in the way that we
can and will use it according to the designer’s
intention, to achieve what we are told that we can
achieve (i.e. subscribing to the program)
- We may reject the program, by just refusing to use
the technology, or by being prevented from using
it, not able to meet the demand of necessary
resources and competencies
ICT4AWE 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
- We may reject the program as it is presented to us,
but by redefining the program and/or reshaping
the technology we may use it for another purpose
or in another way according to our own needs,
goals, and capabilities (i.e. creating an anti-
Why is this important for our project? As we want to
create and implement technology that will prove to be
to the end-users’ benefit, we need to establish a good
relationship between all relevant social groups within
the sociotechnical network (Bijker and Pinch, 1987).
3.1 Reflections upon Methodology
Throughout the project, we will apply a variety of
methods, both in order to gather and analyse data
needed for the development/construction process, and
also for the analysis of effects and outcomes of the
technology we implement.
Both qualitative and quantitative data is needed.
To gather these data we will include tools such as
surveys/questionnaires, different measuring devices,
demographic and economic statistics, observations,
semi-structured interviews, and through sessions of
group interviews and discussions. During the project,
we will gather interview data from all relevant groups
within the project as well as with end-users, informal
caregivers and professionals within formal health
care not participating directly in the project.
Likewise, the analysis of these data obviously has
to span over a wide range of analytical tools – from
statistics to narrative analysis.
The overall methodological framework may be
described as action research: We are introducing
certain stimuli during the project. Not only as stimuli
as part of the SENSE-GARDEN experience in itself,
but also by introducing a new service within health
care. The project aims to have an effect and an
influence on the field studied, and as the project
moves forward the object of our study will change,
partly due to our interventions.
In the same way, since we are studying the
processes as they take place, the development of the
project, and the changes within it, will affect our
study. The development and implementation of
technology, the reconstruction of the social and
sociotechnical setting, and the research project should
be seen as interdependent, and as constantly
influencing each other. From a research point of view,
this means that the research design will have to
change during the project – not only by taking into
account the changes that occur in what we study, but
also by considering how the research itself may affect
what is going on in the project. (Creswell, 2007)
3.2 ‘The Yellow Sticker Approach’;
Finding a Common Ground
We now describe an initial qualitative study
performed with the aim to build a common
understanding between the project members. For our
purpose, the qualitative approach has two main
advantages: Firstly, qualitative methods are well
suited to map attitudes and values so that one can get
a broad picture of the actual variations in the field
studied. Secondly, a qualitative approach may open,
as we saw above, possibilities to initiate changes
throughout the process. Whether this is the case
depends on which method one has chosen.
The methodology we chose included a group
session with the various professionals represented in
the project team. The method was organized in two
Initially we collected information using yellow
stickers on the participants’ views on certain aspects
of the SENSE-GARDEN room, its basic concepts and
strategies. This was done on an individual level, and
provided us with information on the thoughts and
ideas that each participant was bringing into the
project. This stage may be described as a process of
opening up the width in perspectives.
In the second stage, the group discussed the
content from the yellow stickers. The individual
perspectives were processed collectively, and this
stage may be described as consensus-seeking.
4.1 Findings
An initial analysis of the yellow stickers show that
different views may be identified and classified:
usefulness, ethical judgement, feasibility.
Through our analysis, we could see that the
participants – quite loosely – clustered into three
groups or personas: 1) formal caregivers and other
staff from social care institutions, 2) representatives
of specialised medical services and medical doctors,
and 3) researchers/technologists/designers. This is
reflected also through an underlying view on the
relation between the user and the project itself.
Reconnecting with Past and Present
4.1.1 Variations
As we went through the keywords that were given on
the yellow stickers, we saw that they could be seen as
positions along a continuum from ‘the active’ patient
to ‘the passive’ patient. Many of the keywords
referred specifically to what the project can ‘deliver’:
‘Help’, ‘give support’, ‘provide better health’ –
implicating that the project itself can be seen as a
provider and the person with dementia as the
On the other hand, we found keywords on how the
project may affect the patients so that they can be
active participants in improving their lives. These
keywords contained, for example, terms such
‘empower’ and ‘stimulate’, terms which imply that a
central goal within the project is to support and
encourage the user to be a more active participant, to
provide them with opportunities to use their own
resources to improve wellbeing and life quality – to
be an active patient.
It should be noted that these differences were
more of a complementary character rather than
contradictory, but still with some different notions of
the relation between the project and the patient.
We understand this mostly as an effect of the
different tasks these groups are expected to take care
of in society. The medical doctors, for instance,
possess some highly specialised competences – these
are primarily meant to be used on behalf of or in the
service of the sick person, rather than to be spread to
and adopted by the patient. For the professional
caregivers, the interaction with the patient and his/her
primary network is essential – to establish a close,
although not private, relation with the person that is
in need of care. Finally, technology developers and
designers focus on creating something for the user.
Doing so, they know that one needs to take the user’s
perspective into account, to be sure that the solutions
will work for him or her.
4.1.2 The Essence
The process led to identifying common keywords:
“emotions”; “reconnected”; “their social
relations/their life”. In the end a common essence, an
expression capturing the goal of the project with a
consensual agreement, was achieved: “Emotions
reconnect us”. We therefore could see how the
professional groups were able to define a common
ground, instead of letting unnecessary controversies
dominate the collaboration throughout the project
The arrival on a common platform grew out from the
discussions. Through the discussions, the
Figure 1: Word-cloud extracted from the brainstorming.
various views and ideas were presented and
elaborated, for then to be validated by the group. In
this way we achieved two things: We became able to
construct a common understanding, and achieved a
kind of collective ownership to the final findings and
4.1.3 Sociotechnical Networks
Through our analysis, we confirmed that the
perspective of sociotechnical networks, with the
conception of how different artefacts and social
elements together form a functional technical
solution, seems very fruitful. This was an overall
understanding among the professionals, however
different their basic tasks and views were. The
concept highlights the importance of bringing
together all the relevant social groups within the
network so that they may be able to reach a common
Figure 2: Translating different competences into one
unified solution (inspired by Latour, 1988).
The process of reaching a common understanding
can, with reference to Actor Network Theory, be
described as a process of negotiation and translation
(Bijker and Law, 1992). Different competences and
basic views from the different professionals are
negotiated between the participants, and translated
accordingly to fit into an emerging common platform.
ICT4AWE 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
The overall ‘negotiation guideline’ is the
reference to the user’s perspective. How the
competences are to be translated to form the basis for
the further work has to take this into account. In the
end, the critical factor for evaluating a given technical
solution is whether it will function for the user within
his or her context.
The project challenges the way we look at dementia –
an innovative view on dementia treatment, one that
engages the patient and reconnects her or him to
reality. In the SENSE-GARDEN room, we will
develop and implement immersive technologies that
create multisensory stimulation – sound, sights,
smells, movements. By doing so, we go from
standardized designs to personalized solutions. By
linking the stimulatory experience directly to the
person’s own history, we may have an even stronger
tool for helping persons with dementia to reconnect
with their past – and through this their present life as
well: Activities, values, family, loved ones, etc.
In projects like this, the different groups of
participants will typically have somewhat differing
expectations and views on the foundation of the
project. This will affect perspectives on elements
such as goals, strategies, and tasks. To achieve
success in the project, it is necessary to reach a
common understanding of its basic concepts. We
have attempted at building a common understanding
and definition of these elements. By using a
qualitative approach, we have mapped the different
perspectives among representatives of the
professional groups involved in the SENSE-
GARDEN room. In this process, we have discovered
some a priori differences that mainly seem to be
related to the professional groups. To some extent,
this may be due to each group’s tasks and
responsibilities within the project, but most likely
also to different professional cultures.
The user-perspective is crucial when developing
and shaping technology in general, but even more so
when it is a strong emphasis on personalization or
individualization of the technical solutions. You can’t
personalize without knowledge about, and from, the
persons in focus.
What has been achieved? Within the project we have
developed a common understanding, but still
managed to take care of the complementary
differences between the participants. In this respect,
we have a very good platform for our further work.
Users and informal caregivers have been included
in the project, and 50 interviews have been carried
out. This number will be extended, and we will follow
the user’s experiences with the SENSE-GARDENs as
they unfold. This will be important data, and
supplemented with other types of information as well.
This variety of datatypes will help us to continuously
develop the project further.
We have developed and built the first virtual
SENSE-GARDEN prototype in Belgium. More are in
progress, and will be taken into use as they are
As mentioned above we have an ambitious project
with respect to develop a method for individualized
stimulation of senses, where possibilities for this is
built directly into the technology. To further develop
these solutions are the main task in the further
progress of the project.
We have also an ambitious task with reference to
how we shall measure the outcomes of this project.
This is a challenge not only in our project but in most
projects dealing with health, well-being and quality
of life. To further develop these methods of
measuring are therefore also an important tasks to be
addressed. It seems clear that no single datatype or no
single research method will be sufficient to provide a
full picture of the knowledge generated in the project.
To develop and implement welfare or assistive
technology is a truly multidisciplinary task. It
depends on a wide range of professionals with
different backgrounds, and therefore different
perspectives and expectations. However, these
differences are more of a complementary character
rather than contradictory, and can help in the creative
process. In the SENSE-GARDEN the fundament of
the work is not only to develop the technical
solutions, but also to lay the foundation for the
technology to be taken into use.
In addition to the professionals directly involved
in the project, there is a vital necessity to establish a
close collaboration with both the persons with
dementia and their informal caregivers. This process
is known as users’ co-design, and is also being used
in SENSE-GARDEN. This will be the focus of
another paper. Inclusion of the users’ perspective is
essential to ensure that the outcome of the project will
Reconnecting with Past and Present
actually benefit them. In the end, it is the users that
may define the outcome as a success or not –
depending on whether the solutions can and will be
used, and whether they actually improve the users’
sense of wellbeing, their reconnection with and
participation in their own lives, and their quality of
We would like to thank David Ashford Jones, CEO
of Sagio Ltd., for facilitating the brainstorming
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ICT4AWE 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health