Health Evaluation in Software Ecosystems
Iuri Carvalho, Fernanda Campos, Regina Braga, José Maria David,
Victor Stroele and Marco Antônio Araújo
Department of Computer Science, Post Graduate Program in Computer Science,
Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), Brazil
Keywords: SECO Health, Software Ecosystem, Quality, Process, Metrics, Systematic Mapping.
Abstract: Context: The quality of a Software Ecosystem (SECO) platform and its available products are important
characteristics to ensure its success. However, this concept goes beyond the traditional approaches of quality
assurance, including concepts such as SECO´s health. Objectives: The aim of this study is propose an
evaluation process to application of health metrics. In addition, this metrics were formalized to make feasible
your application and improve the obtained results. Method: A systematic mapping was conducted with the
aim of analyzing the SECO quality research area, highlighting the state of the art and identifying its main
characteristics. In addition, the main approaches and metrics present in the literature for SECO quality and
health evaluation are detailed. This work presents an observational study used to define relevant heath metrics
considering an evaluation process. Results: The metrics were formalized and evaluated by specialists. A health
evaluation process was developed to applicate this metrics. This process is supported by an architecture named
Software development scenario has rapidly been
changing (Jansen 2013). Currently, there is a massive
presence of Software as a Service (SAS) approaches,
driven mainly by ubiquitous computing. In this
context and with the emergence of challenges such as
Distributed Software Development (DSD), just
maintaining a central architecture is not enough for
most enterprise developers. They need to open their
architectures for the collaboration of external
developers (Bosch 2009). This has given rise to a new
concept of development, where several software
solutions, companies and developers adhere to a
common platform. This scenario is called Software
Ecosystem (SECO) (Jansen 2013).
A SECO is considered an open software platform,
is basically composed of a keystone, a platform and a
set of niche agents (Bosch and Bosch-Sijtsema 2010).
The centralizer acts in the development of the
platform and in the management of relationships with
external parties. However, niche agents are those that
influence the development of the ecosystem.
For the companies that maintain the platform, i.e.,
the keystones, there are several advantages of
adopting a SECO approach. Increase their platform
scope, reaching a greater number of users with their
software solutions, is one of them. Also, the cost
reduction with R&D (Research and Development)
can be considered, since several new software
solutions are developed by external companies
(Bosch 2009).
However, the scenario created by SECO brings
new challenges. Among them we can highlight the
quality assurance of products and platform. The
independence of external developers as well as the
platform characteristics can influence the quality of
the entire ecosystem. In addition, due to the
complexity of the scenario, quality assurance in the
context of SECO has its peculiarities (Santos et al.
2014). Unlike traditional development, the SECO
platform maintainer does not have control over
models and development processes used by outside
companies. In this way, the keystone cannot directly
guarantee the quality of the products developed on the
platform (Santos et al. 2014). Some keystones
strengthen the distribution of these products, making
a deep quality control before providing them.
However, certain companies avoid developing on
these platforms due to the difficulty of making their
products available (Jansen 2013). Therefore, in
addition to the quality standards observed in software
Carvalho, I., Campos, F., Braga, R., David, J., Stroele, V. and Araújo, M.
Health Evaluation in Software Ecosystems.
DOI: 10.5220/0006699202630271
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 263-271
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
products, considering the product and the process
quality evaluation, there are other dimensions to be
observed in the context of a SECO. Some of them
have a platform-oriented approach, such as the SECO
health dimension (Santos et al. 2014).
Common quality concepts do not cover the
complexity of the environment created by a SECO, as
the large number of employees grouped in
development communities, as well as a large
relationship network (Fotrousi et al., 2014).
Furthermore, independent developers and a larger
number of users, each one with his/her own needs,
make quality assessment processes a challenge. This
situation led to a new evaluation dimension, known
as "SECO health" (Amorin et al., 2017), as mentioned
According to (Santos et al. 2014), SECO health is
the degree to which a Software Ecosystem provides
opportunities for collaborators and for those that are
platform dependent. Health can also be defined from
the point of view of SECO investors. According to
(Bosh 2009), one of the advantages of adopting
SECO is the reduction of investments in R&D by the
keystone, since these investments are carried out by
companies that join the SECO. Investments applied
in a SECO are high, besides the dependency between
the components and the platform. In order to avoid
losing these investments and to meet the expectations
of those who adopt it, there must be no risk of SECO
death or failures (Amorim et al., 2017).
With the goal of identifying researches in SECO
quality, mapping the state of the art and detecting
possible shortcomings and research gaps, a systema-
tic mapping (Kitchenham 2004) of the literature was
carried out. With the results, it was possible to
identify specific key points on SECO quality research
and, to propose a quality assessment approach
focused in health considering SECOs context.
Among the papers selected during the systematic
mapping process, some of them propose health
assessment metrics for SECO. These metrics were
automated by the HEAL ME architecture, described
in (Carvalho et al., 2017), as our first effort to define
the process. However, the applicability and adherence
of these metrics were not evaluated within the
suggested context. We then proposed the evaluation
of these metrics through an observational study,
executed considering SECO´s experts.
Finally, in order to provide better application of
these metrics and evaluation effectiveness, an
assessment process was proposed. This process tries
to formalize the application and validation of the
metrics through the observational study. This
evaluation is important to encourage SECOS´ new
collaborators, users and partners, providing a first
step to ensure SECOS´s health.
This paper is structured as follows. Section two
presents the systematic mapping execution and
results. Section three describes a set of metrics for
SECO quality and health, grouped in an architecture
named HEAL ME. These metrics were extracted
from the systematic mapping, and evaluated by
specialists. Finally, section four presents the final
considerations, threats to the validity, and future
Basing the answers of research questions in evidences
is an important approach to results effectiveness. For
this reason, (Kitchenham 2004) presents the
evidence-based Software Engineering paradigm. The
principle of this paradigm is to answer research
questions, based on evidences found in the literature.
Considering this approach (Kitchenham 2004), a
systematic mapping of the literature was carried out
to evaluate areas of interest related to SECO´s quality.
The objective was to identify the main approaches
present in the literature, trends and state of the art of
SECO´s quality assurance. To perform the systematic
mapping, three phases were defined: planning,
conducting and reporting the study (Kitchenham
2004). For the execution of the entire mapping
process, the Parsifal tool was used, available at:
2.1 Planning
The first step in the construction of the protocol was
the definition of mapping and research questions,
with the goal of finding SECO quality assurance
approaches and its state of the art. As ecosystem
health can be considered a sub-area of quality, the
mapping was carried out under the theme of quality
and later the study was specialized for the SECO
health area.
Three mapping questions were presented: MQ1:
What are the main publication venues in the area?
MQ2: How are papers distributed over the years?
MQ3: Which authors are outstanding in the area?
Four research questions were then proposed:
RQ1: Which quality assurance approaches are used
for SECO? RQ2: Which quality attributes are more
often used to evaluate SECO? RQ3: Which model is
the most used in the evaluation of SECO quality?
RQ4: Which model or quality approach is more used
in SECO health assessment?
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The PICOC (Petticrew and Roberts 2008) was
defined as follows: Population: solutions that
address the quality assurance in SECO; Intervention:
attributes and processes for quality or use of actors'
perceptions or health and prosperity assessments;
Comparison: no comparisons were defined;
Outputs: methods, techniques, approaches, models,
solutions, metamodels, dimensions and other
solutions for quality; Context: Software Ecosystems.
Then, the inclusion criteria defined were: IC1:
Publications from the year 2009 ahead, since SECO
area has gained focus from the work published by
(Bosch 2009); IC2: Open publications type, due to the
need to evaluate their contents; IC3: Publications of
the Computer Science area, because of its specificity;
IC4: Publications which main theme is SECO quality
assurance. The exclusion criteria were defined as
follows: EC1: Publications before 2009; EC2:
Publications that are not of the Computer Science
area; EC3: Publications that are not open
publications; EC4: Publications that do not focus on
SECO quality assurance.
In the sequence, the research bases were selected.
They were selected considering publications on the
Computer Science area. Another criterion was the
ability of using advanced searches to apply the
mapping search string. Finally, all the selected bases
should be compatible with the support tool. The
selected bases were: ACM Digital Library
(http://dl.; IEEEXplorer
(; ScienceDirect
(; Scopus
(; and Web of Science
With the bases defined, the next step is the
definition of the search string. The PICOC items were
used to identify the most relevant words and
expressions. As a result, the following string was
generated: (quality OR "quality assurance") AND
(perception OR perceptions OR attribute OR
attributes OR process OR health OR evolvability)
AND ("software ecosystem" OR "software
ecosystems" OR SECO OR "software digital
ecosystem" OR "software digital ecosystems"). This
is a generic string considering that each base has its
own search syntax. In order to effectively do the
searches, the string was adapted for each base,
maintaining its basic structure.
An important parameter to evaluate the search
effectiveness is the definition of control papers. They
must be important papers in the area, and that is useful
to evaluate if the search is correctly reflecting the
proposed objectives. Five control papers were defined
for this systematic mapping. They were also
presented by (Manikas 2016) as important quality
assurance papers in ECOS. The selected papers are:
(Schugerl et al. 2009), (Hmood et al. 2012), (Jansen
2013), (Stefanuto et al. 2011), (Franco-Bedoya et al.
2014). The next phase is the conduction of the
systematic mapping.
2.2 Conduction
In this phase, each database was accessed and the
search string was executed. The searches were
performed between August and September 2016 and
updated in May 2017. The total number of studies
founded was 109. Table 2 shows the distribution of
these results by bases.
Table 1: Search results.
Database Number of Papers
ACM 16
IEEEXplorer 12
ScienceDirect 9
Scopus 56
Web of Science 16
Total 109
Among these papers, 29 were duplicated and were
automatically excluded by the Parsifal tool, resulting
in 80 papers. Then the titles and summaries were read
and the inclusion and exclusion criteria applied. In
this process, 57 files were excluded, remaining 23 for
text full analysis. After this stage, 11 papers were
excluded, resulting in 12 papers classified as relevant
for the area of SECO quality assurance. Reflecting the
effectiveness of the search, among the relevant papers
were the control papers, that the search string is
consistent with the study objectives.
2.3 Study Report
Analyzing the distribution of publications we can
answer the first question (MQ1): What are the main
publication venues in the area? A widespread venue
distribution is observed as only two papers were
published in the same conference, the proceedings of
the International Conference on Management of
Emergent Digital EcoSystems - MEDES. Another
important note is the fact that 10 papers were
published in proceedings, and only two in journals.
This situation denotes a lack of specific conferences
and journals in the area.
In order to analyze the evolution of the area, we
can observe the graph in Figure 1, where the number
of publications per year since 2009 is presented. With
this data, it is possible to answer the second question
Health Evaluation in Software Ecosystems
(MQ2): How are papers distributed over the years? It
is possible to visualize the growing importance of the
area in the last four years. This is an expected
outcome, since SECO approach is increasingly
present in the context of current software
development (Manikas 2016). However, between
2011 and 2012 there is a discontinuity growth, since
the number of publications is lower in 2012 than in
2011. This situation may point out to the immaturity
of the area. In this way, we may consider that perhaps
the basic concepts of SECO are not fully established.
Finally, we can analyze the distribution of
publications by author, answering the third question
(MQ3): Which author or authors are most outstanding
in the area? By observing the results, a dispersion can
be detected. Among the twelve selected papers, only
the ones published by (Alves and Pessôa 2010),
(Stefanuto et al. 2011) and (Alves et al. 2015) have
authors or co-authors in common. The remaining
papers are from different authors.
Therefore, from this systematic mapping, there is
evidence that the area is still emerging and is not fully
explored, considering the small number of works
about SECO quality assurance. In addition, we
identified the importance of software quality
assurance in the context of SECO research. These
results are detailed reported in the following section.
2.4 Results
To answer the first research question (RQ1) - Which
quality approaches are used for SECO? - Several
different approaches can be mentioned. Among the
papers are quality models, QuESo (Franco-Bedoya et
al. 2014), CoCoADvISE (Lytra et al. 2015), SE-
Advisor (Schugerl et al. 2009) and the meta-model
SE-Equam in (Hmood et al. 2012). As quality
frameworks, we can cite the BISA (Kajan et al. 2011).
In (Alves and Pessôa 2010) the framework named
5CQualiBr is presented, and the PRO2PI-MFMOD
framework is present in (Alves et al. 2015). The BPS
Maturity Model is addressed in (Stefanuto et al. 2011)
and (Alves and Pessôa 2010). Finally, (Mhamdia
2013) presents a literature review, listing several
measurement processes applied to ECOS from a
quality perspective, while (Frantz et al. 2015) present
the application of Markov Decision Processes, with
the same objective. The results reflect the area
diversity, considering the identified approaches. Each
proposal has its unique characteristics, ranging from
maturity models to decision-making processes.
However, one can observe the use of common
techniques, such as semantic analysis.
Considering the second research question (RQ2)
- Which quality attributes are more often used to
evaluate SECO? - we can highlight the ones from (da
Silva Amorim et al. 2014), i.e., communication,
teamwork maturity, technology and integration.
These attributes, which are linked to the SECO
software platform, are also addressed by (Franco-
Bedoya et al. 2014), (Jansen 2013) and (Jansen 2014).
These three papers also share other attributes, such as
sustainability and openness. Identifying these
attributes is of great importance since they are the
basis of the main quality models. In this way, it is
evident that such attributes are of extreme importance
for an evaluation and quality assurance in the context
of a SECO.
The third research question (RQ3) - Which model
is the most used in the evaluation of SECO quality
assurance? - can be answered from the two-
dimensional analysis. The first dimension is the
recurrence of models in the papers. It is possible to
highlight the maturity model presented by (Stefanuto
et al. 2011), which is directly or indirectly addressed
in three papers. The second dimension analyzed was
the number of citations of the papers in the bases. As
a result, we can present the (Franco-Bedoya et al.
2014) and (Schugerl et al. 2009) as the most cited
quality models, and again (Stefanuto et al. 2011) as
the most cited maturity model.
Finally, the fourth research question (RQ4) -
Which model or quality approach is most used in
SECO health assessment? – presented the models and
Figure 1: Publications evolution graph.
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
metrics proposed by (Franco-Bedoya et al. 2014)
and (Jansen 2014), where SECO platform quality
dimen-sions are directly addressed. Other models that
treat health and prosperity in a less expressive way are
found in (Schugerl et al. 2009) and (Hmood et al.
After analyzing the results, we can highlight some
points. First, researches in the area follow the trend of
creating quality models for SECO evaluation.
(Franco-Bedoya et al. 2014) and (Jansen 2013) are
concerned with evaluation of software characteristics
and attributes through metrics. Another concern is the
automation of processes and the use of semantic
analysis to carry out the evaluations, due to the
complexity of the processes and the environment to
be analyzed (Schugerl et al. 2009). However, the
papers do not address SECO in a generic way, only
specific contexts are analyzed. In addition, process
automation is still immature, and we believe that it can
be substantially improved through the use of specific
tools and intelligent analysis. Another drawback is the
presentation of the evaluations results of the proposed
models, whereas a more elaborate analysis with
adequate visualization resources is not usual.
Considering these observations, HEAL ME
architecture was proposed (Carvalho et al. 2017). It
aims to evaluate the quality and health of a SECO in
a generic and semi-automated way, analyzing data
using metrics from the literature, ontological rules
and visualization techniques to improve their
In order to present the HEAL ME metrics and also
evidences of its usefulness, an observational study
was carried. Specialists validated the set of metrics,
with the aim of performing an initial validation of
HEAL ME utility. In the next section, this process is
detailed, focusing on SECO´s health characteristics.
Based on the previous results, 58 quality and health
evaluation metrics were defined and detailed in
HEAL ME architecture (Carvalho et al. 2017)
context. The complete list of metrics is available at:
HEAL ME architecture aims to automate the
health assessment process of a SECO. Based on the
systematic mapping, the HEAL ME metrics were
reviewed and evaluated by three SECO experts, based
on an observational study. Each specialist
individually assessed each metric to define its
usefulness and importance. The conduction of the
observational study is presented in the next section,
showing the steps from the data collection to the
reporting of results.
3.1 Observational Study
The study was conducted in two steps. At first, the
data was organized, aiming to capture the specialists’
perception about each metric. Then, a structured
questionnaire with all 58 metrics was sent to
specialists. Each of them individually analyzed the
metrics. During the second step, specialists’ answers
were quantified assigning weights to their responses.
Then, it was possible to formalize the metrics and
define their components using the information
obtained from the study results. This formalization
will be presented in section 3.2.
The study was also organized considering five
phases: Definition, Goals, Planning, Execution and
Results. The study definition aims to outline the
initial steps of the research. The goals phase defines
the main objectives of the study. The planning phase
aims to define the application of the study itself, as
well as the required items for its execution and the
selected data sources. The execution phase details the
steps to reach the final results and, finally, at the
results phase, the data analysis is detailed,
emphasizing how the goals were reached (Perry et al,
The scope of the observational study was defined
based on the GQM method (Basili et al. 1994): “to
validate the metrics used by the HEAL ME
architecture with the purpose of verifying the
usefulness and importance of each metric from the
point of view of specialists in the context of a SECO".
In order to define the scope, the following
research question was proposed: Which metrics used
by the HEAL architecture are useful for the
evaluation of a SECO health?
The goal of the observational study was to evaluate
the usefulness and adherence of each metric present
in the HEAL ME architecture from the point of view
of specialists in the context of SECO. To achieve this
goal, the study was applied to the subjects using a
questionnaire as the main instrument. Each subject
evaluated the metrics presented within the defined
Health Evaluation in Software Ecosystems
To evaluate the proposed metrics, the study was
performed considering SECOs experts and their
background. The subjects were Software Engineering
specialists, two from the industry and one from the
academy. Data collection was based on online
interviews with the subjects, supported by a
structured questionnaire available at: https://drive.
D_yZ8i0qCfpMKtv3NnZPOoKk. Each subject
should evaluate each metric, considering its utility
within the following scale: Essential, Desirable, and
Dispensable. The use of a multiple-choice scale to
answer the questionnaire reflects the precision needed
in the metric assessment.
The application of the questionnaire was done online,
without interviewer´s interference during the process.
All subjects answered the entire questionnaire and did
not report any doubts about its completion.
The subjects accessed the questionnaire and
individually selected the responses, on different days
and times. Each subject took, at average, about 20
minutes to complete the questionnaire. An important
point to be emphasized is that all subjects have a good
knowledge about SECO, and one of the subjects is
currently working with SECO in the industry. After
the study was carried out, the responses were
collected, analyzed and the results are reported below.
The results were analyzed to evaluate the adherence
of each metric to the health and quality assessment
process proposed by the HEAL ME architecture.
Each response was distributed considering three
scales: Essential, Desirable and Dispensable. To
perform the analysis, each response received a
weight, respectively, 2, 1 and 0, considering that
essential is a mandatory metric, desirable is a metric
that may be considered and dispensable are the ones
that must be discarded. The weights demonstrate the
relevance of each response set in a numeric way.
These weights were totalized in each metric
considering the response of each subject. The
averages were calculated, and classified in the
following scale: Essential (average greater than 1.66),
Partially Essential (average less than 1.66 and higher
than 1), Desirable (average equal to 1), Partially
Dispensable (average less than 1 and above zero), and
Dispensable (average equal to zero). The results are
shown in Figure 2.
It can be noticed that 81.03% of the metrics were
evaluated between Essential and Desirable, totalizing
46 metrics. This result shows evidences that the
metrics are useful and adherent to the proposed
context. On the other hand, it was detected that
18.97% of the metrics were evaluated between
Partially Dispensable and Dispensable, totalizing 12
metrics. This demonstrates that new studies should be
conducted in order to validate the evidence collected
in this first evaluation. However, with these results,
the research question could be answered, considering
the 46-metrics positive evaluated. It should be noted,
though, that this is a primary study. New experiments
should be conducted in order to conclusively validate
the research question.
Figure 2: Study results.
3.2 Metrics Description
The list of formalized metrics is available at:
HEAL-ME.pdf. There is also a need to define
metrics´ components and evaluation procedures.
Therefore, the metrics components are: Description,
which shows the utility of the metric; Measure and
Formula, that details the application of the metric
using its data; Interpretation, which shows the
meaning of metric result; Unit to quantify the result
measure; and Actor, the individual related with the
metric. With these components, the metrics
evaluation precision is increased, and the results
reflects the reality of the evaluated context. In
addition, to facilitate this interpretation, the metrics
were grouped in three SECO dimensions: Technical,
Business and Social (Barbosa et. al. 2013).
3.3 Definition of Evaluation Process
Based on the metrics validation through the
observational study, it was possible to improve the
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
health assessment process considering the HEAL ME
architecture, evolving the architecture, as well as
increasing its effectiveness in the evaluation of
SECO´s health. Additionally, the metrics formaliza-
tion improves the effectiveness and result precision.
The metrics grouping in SECO dimensions have the
potential to show the SECO environment, using a
simple and realistic structure.
As stated before, the metrics used by the HEAL
ME architecture were automated through semantic
rules specified using an ontology together with the
Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL). Therefore,
the SECO data are instantiated into the ontology to be
evaluated. Some metrics are captured automatically
by the HEAL ME architecture, through the
interaction of the architecture with SECO as an
application integrated to SECO´s core. this processes
is described in (Carvalho et al. 2017). This evaluation
process can be seen in Figure 4, using the BPMN
model notation.
The evaluation process consists of five steps. The
first is data collection. The data are collected
considering several SECO parameters, which are
related to development, users, relationships network,
among others. This data is collected automatically
through specific APIs that communicate with existing
repositories and / or with relevant applications and
with the platform. Each data collected is evaluated by
a metric. The second step is the parametrization of the
metric. These parameters are informed by experts and
vary according to the characteristics of the SECO.
The parameters are used to evaluate whether the
collected data are in accordance to the metric. The
third step is the instantiation of the data and
parameters into the ontology. This step is necessary
for the semi-automated execution of the evaluation,
through the semantic rules. The fourth step is the
execution of the rules. Using the parameters, the rules
automatically evaluate if the data is in accordance or
not to the metric. Finally, the last step is to visualize
the results generated by the evaluation process. In this
step, visualization techniques are used in order to
facilitate user’s understanding. Clustering techniques,
filters, among others are used. It is important to point
out that process-based automation is very important
due to the large number of metrics and the complexity
of executing quality and health assessment without an
automatic support.
Quality assurance is an important non-functional
parameter in software production and development. It
is also present in SECO context as the number of
SECOs' users grows on a daily basis. This also causes
a growth in the need for new functionalities and
resources to be developed. In addition, the quality
vision in this context goes beyond the traditional one
of software development, for instance, addressing
concepts such as SECO's health. This concept is
stablished considering the reality of distributed
development in the SECO's context. In order to know
more about this panorama, a systematic mapping was
conducted. This mapping made it possible to find
specific papers presenting models, attributes and
solutions for SECO quality assurance.
Through the systematic mapping, health metrics
for SECO were found. These metrics were than
inserted into the HEAL ME architecture, which aims
to perform the SECO's health assessment
automatically. However, assessing the applicability
and usefulness of these metrics was necessary to
allow better reliability on the results of its application.
For these metrics' evaluation, an observational study
was carried out with domain specialists. After the
metrics were evaluated, they were formalized and
their main attributes were described. The
formalization of the metrics allowed the definition of
the evaluation process. This allows the improvement
of the accuracy of the evaluations, as well as
facilitates the automation of the SECO's health
evaluation process. As future work, we can mention
the conduction of formal experiments to validate the
use of the HEAL ME architecture in SECO specific
contexts and the effectiveness of the metrics and the
evaluation process.
To FAPEMIG, CNPq, UFJF and Capes for financial
support to the project.
Figure 3: Evaluation flow of the metrics in the HEAL ME architecture.
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