Efficient Dense Disparity Map Reconstruction using Sparse
Oussama Zeglazi
, Mohammed Rziza
, Aouatif Amine
and C
edric Demonceaux
LRIT, RABAT IT CENTER, Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed V University, B.P. 1014, Rabat, Morocco
LGS, National School of Applied Sciences, Ibn Tofail University, B.P. 241, University Campus, Kenitra, Morocco
Le2i, FRE CNRS 2005, Arts et M
etiers, Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comt
e, France
Stereo Matching, Superpixel, Vertical Median Filter, Scanline Propagation.
In this paper, we propose a new stereo matching algorithm able to reconstruct efficiently a dense disparity maps
from few sparse disparity measurements. The algorithm is initialized by sampling the reference image using
the Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC) superpixel method. Then, a sparse disparity map is generated
only for the obtained boundary pixels. The reconstruction of the entire disparity map is obtained through
the scanline propagation method. Outliers were effectively removed using an adaptive vertical median filter.
Experimental results were conducted on the standard and the new Middlebury
datasets show that the proposed
method produces high-quality dense disparity results.
The stereo matching problem is one of the most im-
portant tasks of computer vision domain, as it is vital
for various applications, such as remote sensing, 3D
reconstruction, object detection and tracking, etc.
The aim of stereo matching algorithms is to esti-
mate the depth of a scene by computing the disparity
of objects between stereo pairs. There exist two clas-
ses of stereo matching algorithms: sparse and dense
ones. Sparse matching algorithms are based upon
key-point matching process. The resulting depth map
is sparse due to the knowledge of locations with the
lack of depth estimation (Schauwecker et al., 2012),
(Hsieh et al., 1992). In contrast, dense algorithms es-
timate disparity values for every pixel of the input
image. Dense algorithms can be roughly classified
into global and local approaches, and can be perfor-
med in four main steps : matching cost computation,
cost aggregation, disparity computation and disparity
refinement (Scharstein and Szeliski, 2002). An com-
mon key step in both global and local stereo matching
algorithms is the cost computation one. This latter
uses different cost function based on pixel intensi-
ties as absolute intensity differences, squared inten-
sity differences or normalized cross correlation, other
ones are based on image transformations such as non-
parametric census (Zabih and Woodfill, 1994), and
others examined in surveys (Hirschmuller and Schar-
stein, 2009), (Miron et al., 2014). Local approaches
estimate each pixel
s disparity based on the aggrega-
tion of the matching costs over a local support re-
gion. The commonly used support regions are rectan-
gular windows or their variations (Kang et al., 1995;
Bobick and Intille, 1999), weighted support window
(Yoon and Kweon, 2006) and adaptive support regi-
ons (Zhang et al., 2009). Global methods define an
optimized energy function over all image pixels with
some constraints. This energy function is minimized
using various algorithms such as dynamic program-
ming (Veksler, 2005), belief propagation (Sun et al.,
2003) or graph-cuts (Kolmogorov and Zabih, 2001).
The main contribution of this work concerns dense
disparity reconstruction. We propose a new method
which generates dense disparity maps based on set of
reliable seed points. These points are then propagated
to neighboring pixels in a growing-like manner (Sun
et al., 2011), (Hawe et al., 2011), (Liu et al., 2015),
(Mukherjee and Guddeti, 2014).
In this paper, we present a sampling and recon-
struction process to generate dense disparity maps
from reliable sparse seed points. First, the propo-
sed algorithm is initialized by sampling the reference
image using SLIC superpixel method (Achanta et al.,
2012). Then, a sparse disparity map is generated for
only the boundary pixels obtained from the segmenta-
Zeglazi, O., Rziza, M., Amine, A. and Demonceaux, C.
Efficient Dense Disparity Map Reconstruction using Sparse Measurements.
DOI: 10.5220/0006557405340540
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2018) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-290-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tion process. Second, the propagation process is per-
formed within superpixel graph along the scan-lines
based on the color similarity. Finally, an adaptive ver-
tical median filter is performed to tackle horizontal
streaking artifacts.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 describes the proposed method. In
section 3, we report experimental results and the con-
clusive remarks are made in Section 4.
Our algorithm calculates the depth map following the
flowchart in Figure 1. Details with respect to each
step are addressed in the following sub-sections.
2.1 Data Sampling
Superpixel methods have been widely used for ste-
reo matching algorithms to provide smoothness prior
while strengthening all the other pixels to belong to
the same 3D surface (Yamaguchi et al., 2012), (Ya-
maguchi et al., 2014), (Kim et al., 2015). Compared
to these methods, our approach considers the boun-
dary pixels of each superpixel region as seed points.
In particular, the reference image is beforehand ab-
stracted as set of nearly regular superpixels using the
SLIC method. The obtained superpixels are there-
fore composed of pixels that have similar attributes,
which preserves image edges. Therefore, we focus
on boundary pixels that lie on the borders segment
produced by the segmentation process. The sparse
disparity map can be obtained using any stereo ma-
tching algorithm. However, an early erroneous dis-
parity values lead to large disparity errors during the
propagation process. Since the study of the reliabi-
lity of initial disparity measurement is out the scope
of this paper, we generate the initial disparity mea-
surements using ideal disparity measurements extrac-
ted from the ground truth disparity maps. To more
evaluate our method, we have also used other initial
disparity measurements as the semi-global matching
(SGM) method (Hirschmuller, 2008).
2.2 Propagation Process
The pixels within the same superpixel region are as-
sumed to belong to the studied 3D object, as long
as the scale of that superpixel is small enough (Yan
et al., 2015). However, this assumption can be vio-
lated, especially, in region near depth discontinuities.
Figure 2 presents a typical case from Tsukuba stereo
pair, where pixels within same superpixel (colored re-
gions) have different depth information, although the
scale of superpixel is very small. Consequently, as-
signing the same disparity value for all pixels in one
superpixel is not effective. In order to deal with this
issue, the disparity value was captured from boun-
dary pixel of each superpixel region, then we scan-
ned the disparity map in row-wise manner, whenever
we found an unseeded pixel p, we sought for the clo-
sest seed pixels which the disparity value are already
known, and which lie on the same scanline superpixel
(pixel row). Then, if a unique seed pixel is found,
the disparity of this latter is assigned to the unsee-
ded pixel p. Otherwise, if it finds left and right seed
pixels (p
, p
) with known disparity values d
, respectively. We assign to the unseeded pixel the
disparity d using the following rule :
d =
, p) < D
, p)
Where D
, p) = max
) I
(p)| repre-
sents the color difference between p
, i {1, 2} and
p. The disparity maps obtained after the propaga-
tion process are presented in figure 3, which shows
the efficiency of the proposed method, since it pro-
duces small errors. In order to remove the remainder
errors, we used the vertical median filter, which will
be detailed in the next section.
2.3 Adaptive Vertical Median Filter
Since the above propagation process is performed in
row-wise manner, horizontal streak-like artifacts can
occur in the disparity map. Thus, including disparity
information from the vertical direction can effectively
reduce them. For this purpose, we incorporated the
vertical disparity information by assigning to the pixel
under consideration the vertical median value. Strea-
king artifacts can be located mainly at object bounda-
ries. Therefore, to limit at constant vertical filter size,
this enable to construct a support filter with outliers
from other image structure, and then leads to errone-
ous disparity results. To address this issue, we opted
for the construction of an adaptive vertical support
filter, which only contains pixels of the same image
structure. In this context, our attention was paid to
the cross-based median filter described in (Stentou-
mis et al., 2014), which was used as a post proces-
sing method to tackle with outliers produced through
the left-right consistency check method. We have also
followed the color assumption in order to build verti-
cal support filters. The vertical line of each pixel p , is
defined using its both directional arms (up or bottom)
using the following rules:
Efficient Dense Disparity Map Reconstruction using Sparse Measurements
Figure 1: Flowchart of the proposed stereo matching algorithm using the ”Tsukuba” stereo pair input.
Figure 2: Example of close-up superpixel segmentation on Tsukuba stereo pair, from left to right: Reference image, ground
truth disparity map, superpixel graph on disparity map with 2000, 2200, 2400 and 2600 number of superpixels, respectively.
(1) D
, p) < τ, where p
is a pixel lying on the
vertical arm of p. D
, p) = max
(p)|, which denotes the color difference between
and p, and τ is the preset threshold value.
2) D
, p) < L, where D
, p) = |p
p|, which
represents the spatial distance between p
and p,
and L is the preset maximum length.
The first rule guarantees the color similarity assump-
tion while the second one poses a limitation on the
vertical line length to avoid any over-smoothed dispa-
rity results.
In this section, we perform an evaluation to assess the
performance of the proposed stereo algorithm. Expe-
riments were carried out on the standard and the new
Middlebury datasets. The sparse disparity measure-
ments were extracted from the ground truth and also
from other disparities such as SGM disparity results
(Hirschmuller, 2008). In the construction of the adap-
tive vertical median, the spatial and the color simila-
rity thresholds were experimentally fixed at L = 7 and
τ = 8, respectively. Since, in our work, the number of
superpixels define the data sampling ratios. We first
represent the corresponding data sampling ratios for
the standard Middlebury datasets in various number
of superpixels in table 1.
3.1 Reconstruction Results using
Ground Truth Sparse Disparity
We discuss the reconstruction accuracy with respect
to different superpixel number using the ground truth
Table 1: Sampling Ratios for each superpixel number for
Tsukuba, Venus, Teddy and Cones stereo pairs.
Number of superpixels Sampling ratios (%)
Tsukuba Venus Teddy Cones
600 15.44 12.98 12.73 12.75
800 17.87 15.06 14.81 15.08
1000 19.67 16.53 16.38 16.57
1200 21.51 18.33 17.95 18.03
1400 22.93 19.86 19.13 19.21
1600 24.50 20.86 20.55 20.71
1800 25.80 21.82 21.71 21.82
2000 27.22 23.09 22.90 23.02
2200 28.39 23.92 23.67 23.84
2400 29.06 25.00 24.74 24.97
2600 30.37 25.60 25.88 26.01
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Propagation process results for the four Middlebury stereo pairs (Tsukuba, Venus, Teddy, Cones). From the top to
the bottom: The produced disparity maps, disparity errors (marked in black) in all regions with 1 pixel error threshold.
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600
Number of superpixels
Average disparity error (%)
(a) Tsukuba
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600
Number of superpixels
Average disparity error (%)
(b) Venus
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600
Number of superpixels
Average disparity error (%)
(c) Teddy
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600
Number of superpixels
Average disparity error (%)
(d) Cones
Figure 4: The disparity results obtained with respect to su-
perpixels number for Tsukuba, Venus, Teddy and Cones ste-
reo pairs.
disparities. Figure 4 shows the obtained disparity er-
rors with different superpixel numbers for the four
stereo pairs. The errors are given in non-occluded re-
gions, all and near depth discontinuities, and compu-
ted at 1 default pixel error threshold. It can be noted
that the performance of the proposed approach incre-
ases with the number of superpixels. This can be ex-
plained by the fact that a small number of superpixels
(i.e. large superpixel scale) can hold several objects
or a small part of them. Then, in the propagation pro-
cess, same disparity value may be assigned to pixels
from different 3D objects.
we have also evaluated our algorithm over some of
state of the art disparity reconstruction algorithms. In-
deed, we have compared our method with the recently
introduced method (Liu et al., 2015) using both its
both variants Alternating Direction Method of Mul-
tipliers (ADMM) on Wavelet (WT ) and Contourlet
(CT), ADMM WT+CT Grid and ADMM WT+CT2-
Stage, where Grid and 2-stage refer respectively to
data used for the sampling and the method (Liu et al.,
2015). To fairly carry out the experiments, we used
the same data samples for both methods (Liu et al.,
2015) and ours. Thus, we used 2600 superpixels
which represent data sampling ratio of 30%, 25%,
25% and 26% for Tsukuba, Venus, Teddy and Cones
stereo pairs, respectively. Since for the method (Muk-
herjee and Guddeti, 2014), the sampling is performed
using the k-means method, if defined, we keep the
same value of the k parameter (Mukherjee and Gud-
deti, 2014). Otherwise, we set K = 12, as its gives
experimentally the lower disparity errors.
Table 2 presents the disparity error in non occlu-
ded (nonocc), all and near depth discontinuities. The
errors were computed at the default 1 pixel error
threshold for the Middlebury database. The obtai-
ned results demonstrate the efficiency of the propo-
sed method. Indeed, our method achieves depth re-
construction with the lower error rate for the Teddy
and Cones stereo pairs in all different regions. In the
case of the Venus stereo pair, the ”ADMM WT+CT2-
Stage” (Liu et al., 2015) method and our approach
give almost exactly the same error rates.
Overall, satisfactory disparity results were achieved
for all the stereo pairs. Moreover, in terms of exe-
cution time, the proposed method performs better in
term of execution time. Indeed, the computational
time for the four stereo pairs (Tsukuba, Venus, Teddy
and Cones) are 13.1 seconds, 13.2 seconds, 11.6 se-
conds and 13.4 seconds, respectively.
The intermediate and final disparity results for the
four stereo pairs from the standard Middlebury data-
set are presented in Figure 5.
Efficient Dense Disparity Map Reconstruction using Sparse Measurements
Table 2: The error percentages in different regions (nonocc, all , disc) with 1 pixel threshold.
Algorithms Tsukuba Venus Teddy Cones
nonocc all disc nonocc all disc nonocc all disc nonocc all disc
Our Method 0.48 0.58 2.60 0.13 0.16 1.86 1.82 2.15 5.49 2.39 2.80 7.00
ADMM WT+CT2-Stage (Liu et al., 2015) 0.51 0.62 2.01 0.08 0.11 1.19 2.06 2.56 7.37 2.68 3.16 8.09
ADMM WT+CT Grid (Liu et al., 2015) 1.14 1.43 5.19 0.26 0.39 3.73 2.57 3.36 8.98 3.39 4.05 10.21
Method (Mukherjee and Guddeti, 2014) 2.57 2.77 10.82 2.92 3.00 20.05 11.36 12.17 18.39 13.20 14.15 21.03
Figure 5: Results on the standard Middlebury data sets. From left to right and from left to right: Reference image, Initial
disparity maps, propagation results and final disparity maps.
Table 3: Percentage of erroneous disparities in non-
occluded regions for the Middlebury training set.
Algorithms 0.75 px threshold 1 px threshold 2 px threshold
nonocc nonocc nonocc
Our method 18.10 3.00 2.05
ADMM WT+CT2-Stage (Liu et al., 2015) 29.11 5.92 3.20
Method (Mukherjee and Guddeti, 2014) 23.73 10.94 7.92
We carried out one further experiment on one of the
widely used dataset for stereo matching , the 2014
Middlebury datastes. This benchmark is divided into
two parts, training and testing sets which contain 15
stereo pairs each. The training set is available in three
resolutions, for which the ground truth disparity maps
are provided. The testing set uses an evaluation plat-
form to recorded the results. In our experiments, we
used 15 images in quarter resolution from training set.
We also used the same number of superpixels, which
is set to 2600 as the first experiment. Figure 6 gi-
ves the corresponding percentage of samples for each
Table 3 presents the mean errors in non-occluded
Figure 6: Percentage of samples for each pair from the new
Middlebury training set using sampling with 2600 super-
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 7: Results on the new Middlebury training set for (a) ArtL. (b) Piano. (c) Playtable. (d) Shelves. From left to
right: Reference image, disparity maps produced by (Mukherjee and Guddeti, 2014), (Liu et al., 2015) and ours, respectively.
Finally ground truth disparity maps.
Table 4: Percentage of erroneous disparities in non-
occluded regions for the Middlebury 2014 training set.
Algorithms 1 px threshold 2 px threshold
nonocc nonocc
SGM (Liu et al., 2015) 12.47 9.44
Our method 13.40 9.77
regions computed at 3 different pixels error thres-
The obtained results demonstrate that the propo-
sed method gives the lowest disparity error rate in
all pixel error threshold. Finally, figure 7 shows ex-
amples of disparity results from the new Middlebury
2014 datasets for Method (Mukherjee and Guddeti,
2014), ADMM WT+CT2-Stage (Liu et al., 2015) and
ours, respectively.
3.2 Reconstruction Results using other
Initial Disparity Maps
To more evaluate the efficiency of the proposed met-
hod, we studied the performance of reconstruction
using the SGM algorithm (Hirschmuller, 2008). We
opted for the SGM method as it is the best studied
approach in-between local and global matching. We
kept the same configuration set used previously for
the Middlebury 2014 datasets, and we changed the
initial disparity seeds by the ones derived from the
SGM algorithm using the same sampling ratios in fi-
gure 6.
Table 4 presents the disparity results obtained
using the SGM algorithm and the reconstruction ones.
according to results reported in table 4, we note that
the proposed approach enables to reconstruct images
based on the SGM method without losing informa-
tion. For instance, using 2 pixels error threshold, the
mean error changed slightly from 9.44 to only 9.77.
This suggest the efficiency of the proposed method
when dealing with other initial disparity maps rather
than the ground truth.
In this paper, we presented a new stereo matching al-
gorithm based on SLIC superpixel sampling. The es-
timation of dense disparity maps is based on super-
pixel boundaries disparities. The reconstruction of
the dense disparity map from the boundaries dispa-
rities was performed using the scanline propagation
technique. Streaking artifacts were effectively addres-
Efficient Dense Disparity Map Reconstruction using Sparse Measurements
sed using an adaptive vertical median filter. Experi-
mental results conducted on the Middlebury datasets
have demonstrated the accuracy and the efficiency of
the proposed method.
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