The Implementation of Renewable Energy Programme on Tackling
Climate Change through ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy
Cooperation (APAEC) 2010-2015
Nurhasanah and Rizka Zahrotun Khoirina
University of Muhammadiyah Malang
Keywords: Globalization, Climate Change, APAEC, Renewable Energy Programme.
Abstract: In the globalization era, environmental issues has grew significantly especially regarding the climate change,
it can be understood as the change of global temperature and global climate as whole due of human activities
which are directly or indirectly contributed to increasing Greenhouse Gas Emission (GGE) such as on energy
sector through the release of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere due of the increasing supply and
demand of non-renewable energy such as coal, oil, fusel fuel burning to fulfill the necessities of industry,
transportation, and electricity. Therefore, renewable program which focus on resources such as of
hydropower, geothermal, solar, wind are the essentials on tackling climate change which is related with the
concept of Green energy that explores the evolution of green energy system for sustainable development,
energy security, also focuses on development of new technologies which enable the provision of energy with
minimal negative effect on society and the environment. In a view of high threat of climate change and
addressing sustainable energy, ASEAN develop renewable energy agenda through the third series of ASEAN
Plan Action for Energy Cooperation (APEC) 2010-2015 to enhance a cleaner energy, more efficient and
sustainable energy consumption. In order to achieve the development of renewable energy, APAEC has
implemented several approaches such as promote technical cooperation to strengthen renewable energy
program and sharing information on research and innovation policies regarding renewable energy. Thus, this
paper will be focus on how ASEAN implementation of renewable energy agenda in the third series of APAEC
through using the concept of green energy, environment security, and energy security to achieve the
understanding of renewable energy and climate change which focus on how renewable energy will decrease
the impact of climate change.
Climate change has been transformed as the global
environment threats since the beginning of 21st
century. According to United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), climate
change defined as the change of climate due to the
increasing number of greenhouse gas emission from
carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and methane which
is directly or indirectly related with the human
activities. According to data release by International
Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in 2012, the
largest number of greenhouse gas emission was
coming from energy sector with total emission 72%,
following with 11% from agriculture sector, 6% of
industry, 6% of illegal logging and over land
functions, and 3% from waste. The evidence of
climate change are including the rising of sea levels,
the global warming, and the changing of precipitation
pattern of weather (Adedeji, Reuben and Olatoye
2014, p.1). The increasing of the world temperature
was one of the most significant impact of climate
change, United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP) estimated the global warming will highly
increase in 2100 with the averages 4,0oC or 6,0oC.
Climate change have been impacted all countries
in the world, no exception to Southeast Asia
countries. Southeast Asia was one of the most
vulnerable region impacted on climate change
including on the rising of sea levels, extreme weathers
and global warming through the increasing of annual
temperature. As one of the most vulnerable region
impacted on climate change, therefore the issue
climate change has been the challenge for Association
of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN) in many sectors
Nurhasanah, . and Khoirina, R.
The Implementation of Renewable Energy Programme on Tackling Climate Change through ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2010-2015.
DOI: 10.5220/0010273600002309
In Proceedings of Airlangga Conference on International Relations (ACIR 2018) - Politics, Economy, and Security in Changing Indo-Pacific Region, pages 92-100
ISBN: 978-989-758-493-0
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
which are economy, environment, development,
energy, agriculture, fisheries, livestock and forestry
(Sahraie 2011, p.5). To address the climate change,
Southeast Asia through ASEAN in 2003 started to
build the commitment to strengthening the
cooperation within the region to reduce the risk and
further impact of climate change by the establishment
of ASEAN Community (AC) based on three pillars
which are ASEAN Political Security, ASEAN
Economic Community and ASEAN Social-Cultural
Community in 2015 (Sahraie 2011, p.6).
ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) has
mentioned the importance to address climate change
through the ensuring of sustainability and reduce the
use of fossil fuel energy towards the development of
renewable energy such as bio-fuels. The AEC also
emphasize the need to strengthen the cooperation and
the investment on renewable energy development in
the region (Sahraie, 2011:p.6). ASEAN Plan of
Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2010-2015
was one of the agenda of AEC to implement the
mitigation of climate change through the renewable
energy development Programme (ASEAN Center for
Energy 2015, p.5). APAEC launched on July 2009 by
ASEAN Ministers as the third series of
implementation plan of ASEAN Vision 2020 as
stated earlier, the establishment of APAEC is to serve
as the blueprint for ASEAN cooperation in the field
of energy started from 2010-2015 (Suryadi 2014,
p.6).Basically, the renewable energy highlighted the
reduce of fossil fuel from coal, oil, and natural gas to
fulfill the needs of energy to renewable resources
including hydropower, biofuels, geothermal, solar,
and wind energy which is effective to reduce the
greenhouse gas emission as the cause of climate. One
of the target of APAEC is to increasing the utilization
of renewable energy into 15% from energy total of
ASEAN countries.
This paper will highlights the implementation of
renewable energy development programme on
tackling climate change through the APAEC 2010-
2015 as one of the mitigation of ASEAN countries to
respond and address climate change. Therefore, the
aim of this paper is to increasing the understanding
regarding on how ASEAN produce climate change
mitigation through the renewable energy
development towards APAEC 2010-2015. In general,
the explanation on this paper will be divided into
several parts, this paper is using of environment
security theory and the concept of renewable energy
in that will going to be explain in the method section.
Then, the explanation of this paper will focus on the
issue of climate change including the risk and impact
in the context of global and in the region of ASEAN
and will continue to the main focus and mandate and
also the purposes of APAEC 2010-2015 as one of the
climate change mitigation of ASEAN to address
climate change. Next, this paper will explain the core
of this paper which is the implementation of
renewable energy as the mitigation of climate change
of ASEAN to addressing climate change which is
focus to describing the strategy to achieve the target
15% of renewable energy by 2015 and the
achievement of APAEC 2010-2015 to the
development of renewable energy in the region.
2.1 Environment Security Theory
In this paper, the researcher will use the environment
security theory in order to analysis the mitigation of
climate change through the renewable energy
program during APAEC for period 2010-2015. The
study of environment security include a central idea
of environmental problem such as climate change,
global warming, droughts, and others environment
degradation. The starting point of the emergence of
environment security was Stockholm Declaration in
1972 that produced the Declaration of Human
Environment where the countries in United Nations
talked about the environment problems including
pollution as well as the global warming (Spiegel
1995, p.404). Therefore, since the Stockholm
Declaration, the environment security has emerged as
the new security studies in global security in 1970s.
Then, Barry Buzan on his book with the title People,
States, and Fear brought the new concept of security
which is non-traditional security at the end of cold
war in 1991 that called as “New Patterns of Global
Security in the Twenty First Century” (Stonne 2009,
P.6). Through his book, Barry Buzan emphasized the
new global security threats at the beginning of 21st
century from traditional security such as conflict and
war towards non-traditional security which is
including environment security. Environment
security underlined the change of environmental
condition will possible as the sources of social
conflicts due to the societies face dangers of
environment destruction (Swatuk 2004, p.1).
According to Collin in 2007, the environment
security was the interpretation of others perspective
of security such as on Common Security and Human
Security. In the context of common security towards
the environment security, Collin argued that the
environment issues such as climate change was the
common issue due to the impact of climate change
The Implementation of Renewable Energy Programme on Tackling Climate Change through ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation
(APAEC) 2010-2015
has spread to all of the countries across the world.
Then, on the connection between environment
security and human security, Collin argued that
environment problems was one of the largest threats
of human security such as the spread of diseases,
droughts, hunger, and many more (Jonsson 2009,
p.17-18). Besides that, the environment security
theory emphasized and underlined the importance of
the institution or international organization such as
United Nations as well as regional organization
including ASEAN to being the platform to addressing
the issue of environment degradation such as climate
change by produce the policies or actions. Therefore,
the essential meaning of environment security was the
mechanism, rules, treatments on the protection of
environment from the threats of further impact of
environment problems.
Based on the explanation above, environment
security has been understood as the theory which
emphasize the environment issue as the new
perspective of global threats, therefore the existence
of the institution or international organization actions
to reduce the risk and further impact of environment
destruction such as on climate change was the
necessity. The implementation of environment
security in this paper is to look the respond of
ASEAN countries to reduce the risk and impact of
climate change as the kind of environment threats
especially in the region of Southeast Asia which
focused on renewable energy program through the
implementation of ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy
Cooperation (APAEC) during the period 2010-2015
as one of the key to support the ASEAN Economic
Community (AEC) Blueprint 2015.
2.2 The Concept of Renewable Energy
To explain the case that is up in this paper, researches
using the concept of Renewable Energy. This concept
is derivative from green energy concept. From a
historical perspective, the rnu970s can be considered
to be the time of the true formation of the Renewable
Energy Sources (RES) concept. The main reason for
this was the petrol crisis, which had been gaining
force at the time, as a result of a decision, adopted by
the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OPEC). They imposed restrictions on the
production and supply, and established total control
over the prices. This shortly became a global energy
issue for the petroleum importing countries.
Achieving diversification of the energy sources and
finding sources that are additional or alternative to
petrol, fossil fuels, and, following the series of
nuclear accidents, also to nuclear power plants, has
become a task of prime importance. A look at the
world’s economic history would be enough to prove
the great significance of such issues and their possible
impact on the national and world economy. Therefore
energy safety topics have become a global issue
(Yordanov 2014, p. 1-2).
All the country has mentioned this issue as the
important issue. So they were concern to protect the
environment and natural resources preservation, it is
call the Lisbon strategy. For example another similar
initiative strategy was launched by European council
on March 2010 named “Europe 2020” plan. That was
focus on, firstly decreasing the carbon dioxide
emissions that produce Greenhouse Gas emission by
20% as compared to the 1990. Secondly, cutting
down energy consumption by 20%, achieving a
significant increase in energy efficiency as well as a
20% RES share of the total energy consumption
(European Commission, Europe 2020). These
strategy focus on the most efficiently and reasonably
utilize natural resource. The main forms of renewable
energy as the RES concept, which are being
developed and used worldwide, are the energy from
biomass, sunlight, hydro and wind energy as well as
ocean/sea wave and tidal energy. Each of these
energy sources has its specific characteristics that set
the pattern for the methods and locations of their full
utilization. Along with the gradual development of
production technologies, their constant improvement
and position establishment, RES are becoming
increasingly reliable and widely used. (Yordanov
2014, p. 2).
The development of Renewable energy concept in
the contemporary era, as the key way to reducing the
climate change, climate change have linkage of the
environmental issues. Fossil fuels energy create
environmental problem such as increasing
greenhouse gas emission that cause climate change.
The depletion of fossil fuels and the environmental
hazards posed by the needs of future development are
gradually shifting the path of development toward
sustainability, better sociability and environmental
responsibility which in turn emphasize the need of
renewable energy sources (Centre for International
Law 2009, p.1).
Regarding explanation above, fit to this paper,
renewable energy concept emphasize to use the
natural resources energy such wind, solar power,
Biomass, Biofuels, Hydropower as replacement
Fossil fuels as to reducing the carbon dioxide
emission that caused climate change. To respond this
issue ASEAN under APAEC 2010-2015 took place
the renewable energy program as one of the APAEC
agenda to reducing climate change. Recognizing the
ACIR 2018 - Airlangga Conference on International Relations
limited global reserve of fossil fuels and unstable
energy prices, the APAEC emphasizes strategies to
further strengthen renewable energy development,
such as bio-fuels which is crucial to support and
sustain economic and industrial activities, sustainable
energy development, through mitigating greenhouse
gas emission, strengthen regional cooperation on the
development of renewable energy and alternative
energy including hydropower and bio-fuels, the
ASEAN Energy Ministers to set a collective target for
renewable energy in the total energy mix for the next
five years, and promote the development of centers of
research and development on renewable energy in the
region (Centre For International Law, 2009, page 11
). Renewable energy program APAEC 20102015
have the program fit to each ASEAN member country
policy toward implementation Renewable energy to
tackle climate change.
Global warming over the past 50 years that have
released Greenhouse gases emission coming from
Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Nitrogen Dioxide (N2O), and
methane (CH4) into the atmosphere. The most recent
assessment report by the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) concludes that the global
average surface temperature has increased by about
0.6°C during the 20th century, creates the
phenomenon named climate change. Increasing the
temperature already showing adverse effects for all
the country. (Anand 2013, p.5) ASEAN is
particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate
change due to the concentration of people and
economic activities in the coastal areas, rich
biological diversity, and resource based on
economies, and increased vulnerability of the people
especially the poor. Due to its geological and
geographical factors, the region is also one of the
world’s vulnerable regions to suffer from a range of
climatic and natural hazards such as earthquakes,
typhoons, sea level rise, volcanic eruptions, droughts,
heat waves and tsunamis which are becoming more
frequent and severe. In addition, the geophysical and
climatic conditions shared by the region have also led
to common and trans-boundary environmental
concerns such as air and water pollution, urban
environmental degradation and trans-boundary haze
pollution. (Raman 2010, p.4). Therefore, the climate
change have been impacted many sector of ASEAN
including economic, politic, and social (Norwegian
Institute of International Affairs 2017, p. 2).
The Asian Development Bank in 2009 reported
the three main factors regarding why climate change
impacted the region: (1) the growing number of
population, (2) long coastlines, (3) high concentration
of people and economic activities in coastal areas
(Guemide 2017, p.8). Then, The Asian Development
Bank in 2009 also reported the change of temperate
in Southeast Asia countries. In Indonesia, the high
temperature is estimated from 1, 4-1,40oC per
century, following by Philippines with the
temperature increase of 1,4oC per century, Singapore
0,3oC per decade, Thailand 1,04-1,80oC per century,
and Vietnam 1,0oC per century (Guemide 2017,
p.10). Another study of Asian Development Bank
also have been released the rise of temperature as the
implication of global warming have been estimated
around 4,8oC in annual temperature and the rising sea
level estimated 70 cm by 2100 especially in
Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam
(Overland 2017, p.2). According to the Global
Climate Risk Index, four of the world’s ten countries
most affected by climate change are located in
Southeast Asia: Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and
Vietnam. Another version regarding the most
impacted countries on climate change in ASEAN
released in 2016 by the table description below.
Table 1: Ranking Climate Risk of ASEAN Countries
(Overland 2017, p.3).
Index of Climate Change
Brunei Darussalam
As started earlier, the issue of climate change
connected with the increasing number of greenhouse
gas emission which is one of the source was coming
from energy sector. As one of the region with the high
mobility of industrialization, the large number of
greenhouse gas emission from energy fossil fuel as
the major source of energy in ASEAN was one of the
The Implementation of Renewable Energy Programme on Tackling Climate Change through ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation
(APAEC) 2010-2015
biggest compared to another region. According to
data released from World Bank and International
Energy Agency in 2011, total greenhouse gas
emission in Southeast Asia grew significantly from
1971-2009 from 106 MtCO2 to 1,022 MtCO2 which
33% of the greenhouse gas emission each year were
coming from fuel-mix related with energy
consumption. In 2000, ASEAN contributed to 12% of
the world total greenhouse gas emission which
remaining 15% was coming from energy sector
(Asian Development Bank 2009, p. xxiii). In 2013,
around 1,3 Gt of CO2 emission in ASEAN was
coming from energy, and in 2040 the emission of
CO2 from energy sector estimated will increase to
almost 2,4 Gt (International Energy Agency 2015,
p.35). As an addition, International Energy Agency in
2011 also have been mentioned Indonesia, Malaysia,
Philippines and Thailand as the largest contributor of
greenhouse gas emission from energy sector among
others Southeast
Asia countries. Therefore, renewable energy
development was the priority of ASEAN countries to
reduce the greenhouse gas emission on tackling the
climate change through the implementation of energy
mix from non-renewable energy sources including
oil, coal, and natural gas and renewable energy
sources. ASEAN have been formulated the special
body to addressing climate change which is ASEAN
Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC)
2010-2015 through the development of renewable
energy due to the region has been known as the region
rich on the potentials on renewable energy sources
(Table II) such as on hydropower which estimated
around 170 GW in the region (International Energy
Agency 2015, p.44) to decrease the dependent on
non-renewable energy sources.
Table 2: Energy Resources Overview in ASEAN Countries.
Overview of Renewable Energy
Solar Energy
Hydropower, Biomass, and Biofuel
Highest Potential on Geothermal
Small Hydropower
Hydropower, Solar, and Biofuels
Biofuels and Biomass
Geothermal and Hydropower
Solar Energy
Solar, Bioenergy and Hydropower
Biomass and Biofuels
(Rahmadi, Hanifah & Kuntjara 2017, p.3)
Basically, APAEC 2010-2015 was the energy
component on the implementation of ASEAN
Economic Community (AEC) Blueprint 2015 which
is focus to ensuring the secure and reliable energy
supply in the region through the implementation of
collaborative partnership on ASEAN power Grid
(APG), Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline (TAGP) by the
promotion of the cleaner coal use, energy efficiency
and conservation, and the implementation of
renewable energy development programme which is
more specific focus on the development of bio-fuels
and hydropower. The formulation and establishment
of APEC 2010-2015 was supported by ASEAN
Center for Energy (ACE), ASEAN Secretariat,
Renewable Energy Support Programme for ASEAN
(ASEAN-RESP), by ASEAN Renewable Energy
Sub-Sector (RE-SSN) and others energy bodies in the
regional and international which consist of 26
strategies and 91 actions. Besides that, APAEC 2010-
2015 is also a product of deliberation by the APAEC
Drafting Committee chaired by the Thailand in
Singapore on 15 November 2007 as the third series of
implementation plan of ASEAN Energy cooperation,
as a continuation of the two previous energy plans
which are APAEC 2004- 2009 completed on June 30,
2009 that have been installed the renewable energy
was around 37,100 MW and APAEC 1999-2004
completed on June 30, 2004.
The APAEC during the period 2010-2015 have
been recognized the regional and global challenges on
energy and the environment issue including climate
change which impacted on the energy development,
health, safety, and environment circumstances in the
region, as stated earlier. Therefore, the main focus of
APAEC 2010-2015 through the development of
renewable energy and others program was on
initiatives to support the development of energy in the
region through the development of energy
infrastructure and enhance energy security by the
integration of energy development energy policies to
achieve the sustainable development on the
protection of environment. (ASEAN Research
Institute 2017, p.2). As the third energy outlook in
ASEAN, APAEC 2010-2015 have emphasized the
fourth strategic goals of renewable energy in the
region which are; (1) to achieve a collective target of
15% renewable energy installed capacity in the region
by 2015, (2) strengthen the regional cooperation to
support the development of renewable energy such as
ACIR 2018 - Airlangga Conference on International Relations
on biofuels and hydropower which is crucial to
achieve the sustainable economic development and
industrialization activities, (3) the promotion of
renewable energy centers and research institutions in
the region, (4) promote the liberalization of trade,
facilitation and others kind of cooperation to support
the installation and the development of renewable
energy in ASEAN countries.
ASEAN body have been expressed their concern and
commitment for ASEAN to play a proactive role to
addressing climate change through the establishment
of The ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy
Cooperation (APAEC) 2010-2015 to produce the
cleaner and green energy sources. The importance of
renewable energy development in the region was to
transform ASEAN into stable, secure, prosperous,
rules-based, competitive, resilient, and integrated
towards ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)
Blueprint 2015. During the period 2010-2015 of
APAEC, the core renewable energy development is
needed to increase the diversity of energy in the
region and reduce the risk climate change as the cause
of greenhouse gas emission from fossil fuel energy,
although the number of energy from nonrenewable
energy resources is still widely installed in Southeast
Asia (Center for International Law 2009, p.25). The
renewable energy target on APAEC for 2010-2015 is
15% in the total power installed capacity in 2015, as
what this paper been mentioned earlier on the result
section. Basically, there are several strategies on
APAEC 2010-2015 to achieve the target of 15%
renewable energy in the region of ASEAN that have
been formulated to support the program of renewable
The strategies of APAEC 2010-2015 are include:
(1) increasing the development of renewable energy
sources in order to achieve the target 15% of
renewable energy through the promotion of technical
cooperation to complement efforts on renewable
energy targets of the ASEAN member, funding
institutions, project developers and the promotion of
renewable energy program (2) enhancing the
awareness and information sharing by strengthening
the networks in the level of regional and international
through innovation policies, market based on energy
policies, organize media campaigns, conferences,
seminar, workshops and the competition on
renewable energy, (3) promoting intra- ASEAN
cooperation through the regional market studies on
renewable energy, propose the standards for
renewable energy products, strengthen local
manufacturing capabilities for renewable energy,
increasing the number of investment, encourage the
establishment of ASEAN renewable energy
association forum, (4) promotion of renewable energy
financing scheme by strengthening the collaboration
with ASEAN dialogue partners and international
agencies and encourage the involvement of banking
sector and financial to support renewable energy
project in the region, (5) promotion of the commercial
development and utilization of biofuels as the source
of renewable energy through the development of
“ASEAN Renewable Energy Policy Paper” on long
term sustainability of biofuels and enhance the
commercialization of biofuels in the region, (6)
Develop ASEAN as the region of renewable energy
that include the strategy to create renewable energy
roadmap and stockpile of renewable energy in the
region (Center for International Law 2009, p.27).
To support the implementation of renewable
energy target of 15% by 2015 in the region, ASEAN
through APAEC 2010-2015 and also collaborated
with ASEAN Center for Energy (ACE) under
Renewable Energy Support Programme for ASEAN
(ASEAN-RESP) have been cooperated with agency
which originally located in Germany named as the
Geselschaft Fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit
(GIZ) known as a development agency. The
cooperation with GIZ consist on several agenda,
which are: (1) the adoption of regional guidelines on
renewable energy by ASEAN specialize energy
bodies, (2) the development and the promotion of
renewable energy through the formulation of policies
to establish access to renewable energy sources, (3)
formulation of the group which is focus to works on
the implementation and the development of
renewable energy in ASEAN by ASEAN Renewable
Energy Sub-Sector (RE-SSN) to support the target of
APAEC during the period of 2010-2015 (ASEAN
Research Institute 2017, p.8). One of the
implementation of the cooperation with GIZ were
conducted of the workshop focused on “Innovative
Rural Electrification Approaches in ASEAN” in
order to encourage the development of renewable
energy for electricity in the region (Shi & Malik 2013,
Besides that, APAEC along with RE-SSN also
cooperated with HAPUA WG 4 (renewable energy
and environment) to working on the assessment of the
capacity of ASEAN to achieve the target of 15%
renewable energy installed by 2015. To support the
financing system during the APAEC 2010-2015, RE-
SSN have been prepared the concept of paper on the
framework to promoting innovative financing system
The Implementation of Renewable Energy Programme on Tackling Climate Change through ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation
(APAEC) 2010-2015
through the involvement of banking sectors and
financial institutions in renewable energy projects
which also supported by ASEAN-RESP (Shi & Malik
2013, p.35). In order to prepare the paper on the
standardization of renewable energy in the region,
SSN was conducting the regional stakeholder
workshop, and in order to enhancing the sharing
information and strength the network in the region,
RE SSN have been actively to conduct ASEAN
Energy Awards on renewable energy project (Shi &
Malik 2013, p.36). Then, ASEAN Hydropower
Competence Sector (HYCOM) was also active to
support the implementation of renewable energy
through APAEC 2010-2015 by promoting the
services on renewable energy project in regional and
international networks (Shi & Malik 2013, p.36).
Another international cooperation that focused on the
financing assistance during the implementation of
renewable energy through APAEC, ASEAN have
been cooperated with ASEAN Dialogue Partners
which including European Union, Japan, Australia,
China, South Korea, and India, and another countries
such as Switzerland and United States. Then, ASEAN
also cooperated with United Nations and others
agencies such as Institute of Energy Economics Japan
(IEEJ), International Energy Agency (IAE), New
energy and Industrial technology development
Organization (NEDO), Japan Coal Energy Center
(JCOAL), Energy Charter Secretariat, Asia
Development Bank (ADB), Asian Institute of
Technology (AIT), and Japan Oil, Gas, Metals
National Cooperation (JOGMEC). The key
achievements of APAEC during the period 2010-
2015 on the implementation of renewable energy
program in the region was include: (1) in 2013, total
powered installed capacity on energy from fossil fuel
and renewable energy sources estimated 184, 156
MW which 45,673 MW or around 25% was coming
from renewable energy sources on hydropower,
biomass, biogas, geothermal, solar and wind energy,
(2) in 2013, total electricity generation in the region
was about 821 TWh and 169 TWh or around 21% was
coming from renewable energy sources that had
surprised and beyond the target of 15% renewable
energy on APAEC 2010-2015 (ASEAN Center for
Energy 2015, p.18). Another achievements of
APAEC 2010-2015 to increasing the capacity of
ASEAN on the installed renewable energy had more
than double compared from 2006 to 2014 with total
capacity 197, 581 MW with the contribution 26,1%
was coming from renewable energy which overall
accounts around 28,000 MW renewable energy have
been produced and built with annual rate 10,25%
during 2006-2014 (ASEAN Research Institute 2017,
Figure 1: Renewable Energy Development of ASEAN in 2013.
Another data have been mentioned the high
number of the installed renewable energy capacity in
the region which increased by 42% from 2010-2013.
Among the renewable energy sources, hydropower
(of all sizes and types) had the highest contribution,
with about 37.2 GW in installed capacity in 2013.
Indonesia through HYCOM in Banding in 2011
develop and transfer best practices in small-scale
hydro power to achieve APAEC 2010-2015 program
(Zamora 2016 p. 32). Another Renewable resources
program is Geothermal energy will be further
developed in the Philippines and Indonesia which will
result to 3.9 percent annual growth rate in the primary
energy supply (Centre For International Law,2006
Page 8 ). In the study case of biofuel, the ASEAN
member states which are Indonesia, Malaysia, the
Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam have
incorporated their renewable energy target into their
national energy mix into the APAEC 2010 often use
this alternative fuel as a substitute for fossil fuel.
Fossil Fuels 75%
ACIR 2018 - Airlangga Conference on International Relations
(Rahmadi, Hanifah and Kuntjara 2017, p.3). As an
addition, according to ASEAN Research Institute in
2017 on the cooperation of energy in ASEAN have
been released the data regarding the performance of
ASEAN member states during the implementation of
renewable energy program through APAEC 2010-
2015. Lao PDR and Vietnam have been performed
well during the APAEC 2010-2015 on the exploration
and the development of renewable energy sources,
Loa PDR relied on hydropower and Vietnam have
increased the capacity to 12 GW between 2006 until
2014 which is the highest compared to another
ASEAN countries with the average 1,76 GW.
Based on the explanation above, this paper has been
explained regarding on how ASEAN adress climate
change through renewable energy program to reduce
the greenhouse gas emission and to prevent the larger
impact of climate change from energy sector. But,
there are several important points that should be
underlined on this paper, (1) climate change have
been impacted all countries in the world, no exception
for Southeaset Asia countries as one of the most
vulnarable region which impacted on the climate
change in term of the incresing of the temperture,
rising sea levels, extreme weathers that has been the
challenges of economic, social and politic
development in the region, (2) renewable energy
program development was one of the mitigation in
order to addressing and decreasing the larger impact
of climate change of ASEAN countries that
formulated through the ASEAN Plan of Action for
Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2010-2015, (3)
APAEC 2010-2015 focused to increasing the
renewable energy capacity in the region and have the
target of 15% renewable energy by 2015 to support
the implementation of ASEAN Economic
Community (AEC) Blueprint 2015 on reducing the
use of fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas, and coal to
fullfil energy needs in the region, (4) APAEC have
cooperated with United Nations and others countries
including Germany, United States, Swtizerland,
European Union, Japan, Austalia and others
competence agencies to support the implmentation of
renewable energy program in th region, (5) Through
the stregth international and regional cooperation,
APAEC have been succesfull to increasing the
capacity of renewable energy in Southeast Asia such
as in 2013, total electricity generation in the region
was about 821 TWh and 169 TWh or around 21% was
coming from renewable energy sources that had
surprised and beyond the target of 15% renewable
energy on APAEC 2010-2015.
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ACIR 2018 - Airlangga Conference on International Relations