Green Industrial Revolution in Indo-Pacific Region: Economic and
Political Implications
Albert Sutanto
and Maydi Amorzy
Department of International Relations, Universitas Airlangga
Keywords: green industry, political implication, and economic implication.
Abstract: The dynamics of International Economy and Politics is strongly shaped by the industrial revolution an era
has. A few decades ago, the dominant industry was mining industry. In comparison to the mining industry,
the contemporary green industry is more sustainable and environmental friendly. The green industry is used
often in the world of developmental policy, hence the shift from the unsustainable policies towards the more
sustainable ones is a very significant change in the modern history. The shift can be seen in the ratification of
Paris D’accord and the governments’ official statements of their commitment to be a part of Sustainable
Development Goals. The trend of green industry is caused by the public awareness of its necessity, and
therefore the trend creates a huge market for entrepreneurs and job opportunities. However, the implication
of the green industry is not always positive due to amount of reasons. For instance, the U.S market was getting
better when Trump administration announced their withdrawal from the Paris D’accord, and therefore in some
cases the absence of green industry results in positive economic outcome which implies that the presence of
green industry can result in negative economic outcome. Besides the economic implication, the rise of green
industry also impacts other sectors including the political sector. The green industry and sustainable
development that once was a second-tier political issue has now entered the main political stage. The
implication of green industry as one of the main political issues results in the possibility of politicization of a
necessity that green industry is. In this paper, the author(s) will try to understand the gap of what theoretically
ought to happen and what really is happening in regards of green industry rising trend and its implication via
qualitative methodology.
Over the course of last few decades, it has become
apparent that the green sector has an undeniable
increased significance in our daily lives. The green
industry is experiencing massive growth in all parts
of the globe. The use of solar photovoltaics (PV),
wind, solar powered water heating system, and
biofuels have been growing on average 15-50%
annually. Environmental regulations established by
states also doubled since 2005 to 2012 with 119
countries having some sort of regulations. Along side
with the regulations, the investment on green industry
due to the implementation of Green Industrial Policy
shows paramount increases; an increase of 32% in
2011 to $211 billion (Larry and Stevenson, 2012: 8).
Corporations and firms that are expected to have
more than 60% of their projects being green-certified
is anticipated to double from 18% in 2016 to 37% in
2018. The outliers in such statement lies in the
developing green markets like China, India, and
South Africa. China’s firms which have done more
than 60% green-certified projects amounts only 5% in
2015 and is rising to 28% in 2018. India on the other
hand will have its number rise from 20% to 52%.
Large parts of such rises are attributed to
environmental regulations for green economy and the
market demand on green industry. Such recognition
applies to most developing green market in the globe,
including China and India (SmartMarket Report,
2016: 5). While discussing green industry in large-
populated nations, Indonesia is a great subject due to
its significance in the Indo-Pacific region. Referring
to Indonesian Green Economy Model by UNDP, the
amount of agricultural green jobs is predicted to
increase exponentially under green economy while
conventional agricultural employment is decreasing
(UNDP: 105). Indonesia’s biggest industry is
agriculture and the transition brought upon by the rise
of green industry appears to be economically
beneficial to Indonesia. Such transition is also
apparent as shown by the decrease of annual carbon-
Sutanto, A. and Amorzy, M.
Green Industrial Revolution in Indo-Pacific Region: Economic and Political Implications.
DOI: 10.5220/0010273500002309
In Proceedings of Airlangga Conference on International Relations (ACIR 2018) - Politics, Economy, and Security in Changing Indo-Pacific Region, pages 86-91
ISBN: 978-989-758-493-0
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
dioxide emission from 2015 to 2016, and such
decrease will only continue in an exponential manner
(UNDP: 109).
Public policy is affected by the political and
economical sector, hence the sectors also inevitably
affect the formulation of public policy. Corporate
economy has significant implications on the
operations of political system, whereas political
system is reflected in actual policy outcomes
(Salamon & Siegfried, 1977). The implication of
green industry on the economy and politics can be
linked to the rising significance of Green Industrial
Policy around the globe. For instance, the rise of
green industry and its policies also creates trade
issues between countries such as the dispute between
the US & Brazil and the US & China (Larry and
Stevenson, 2012: 1). Besides the economic sector, the
rise of green industry also affect the political domain
of our lives. Other than the increases of GIP
implementation, green industry which harness
sustainable energy as the foundation for society’s
productivity also imply the tendency to support
democratization, in particular the developing
countries which are not yet democratically advanced.
Such statement is based upon Ross’ statement which
says that tendency for reliance on oil wealth has a
good amount of anti-democratic effects in poor
countries. Ross believed that the link between oil
reliance and authoritarianism could be caused by the
combination of social and political factors that
demobilizes the public (Ross, 2001). By that logic,
the switching priority and the increase in GIP
significance will inevitably create implications on the
political domain, mainly by increasing
Green Industry is a situation where economies are
striving towards a more sustainable future in terms of
growth. Green industry is achieved by undertaking
green public investments and implementing public
policy initiatives that encourage environmentally
responsible private investments (UNIDO, 2010). It
can be said that the rise of green industry is closely
tied to Green Industry Policy (GIP), up to the point
where both terms could be used interchangeably. GIP
means that the government attempts to hasten the
development of low-carbon alternatives to fossil fuel
(Larry and Stevenson, 2012: 1). Nowadays, due to the
massive increases in the trend of Green Industry
around the globe, some would call the phenomena as
Green Industrial Revolution (GIR) (Clark, 2015).
Green Industrial Revolution started when the middle
class in developing nations grows rapidly. Such
people begins to want to have nicer things that
previously could only be enjoyed by the middle class
in developed countries. To keep up with the immense
demand brought by the middle classes, sustainability
is no longer prioritized by the producer of goods. The
lack of sustainability caused environmental damages
and climate changes, up to the point where the leaders
of the world have to unanimously acknowledge the
need for solutions. Therefore, a new era based upon
sustainable green energy generation, innovative smart
green technologies, and public sensitivities toward
the environment has emerged. It started in Asia in the
1980s and catches up to Nordic countries in the
1990s, resuming its wave with Germany leading at
the end of 21st century. It has been proven to be
successful in its growth. As a result, GIR has been
proven to be viable, economic, and succesful in
Japan, Korea, and the Nordic countries. Arab Oil
Embargo of the 1970s plays a huge part in the success
of GIR. After starting in Korea and Japan, Germany
caught up with its Energiewende and its feed-in-tariff
(FIT) program. That made Germany to be the number
one producer and installer of solar panels from 2006-
2009. In 2010, Italy took the FIT concept and
implement it until it has became one of the distinct
world leader in solar panel installation. In 2011,
China took the lead as the number one solar panel and
PV manufacturer and installer. The GIR is currently
trying to make its way in America along with its new
technologies and the prospect of new green jobs
(Clark, 2015).
GIR does not guarantee or even promise to protect
environmental degradation, but instead it serves as a
trigger for a new wave of growth that will get
industrialized countries out of the problems imposed
by their outstanding growth. The main instruments
that might support Green Industrial Revolution to
achieve its purpose are technological advances and
market potential (Demailly and Verley, 2013).
Looking back at past technological innovations, the
innovations unintentionally drastically increase
productivity. There is an optimism about how green
industry might revolutionize productivity and
therefore also boosts the economy. Green industry is
projected to improve welfare and worthy to be
prioritized in long-term investment. Such optimism
that is taking place due to increased awareness has
given green industry great significance in influencing
outcomes and trajectories. The significance that
further leads to extensive pursuance of green industry
can be observed in every part of the globe including
the Indo-Pacific region.
Green Industrial Revolution in Indo-Pacific Region: Economic and Political Implications
Arguably, the most important region when
discussing the rise of green industry in Indo-Pacific
region might be the Southeast Asia region. The coral
triangle in Southeast Asia is one of the most
biologically diverse and economically productive
marine regions in the world (Strange & Bayley, 2008:
8) Southeast Asian countries have benefitted from
rapid yet unsustainable growth in the recent years
(Strange & Bayley, 2008:4). Hence, Southeast Asia is
highly vulnerable to climate change that will hurt
farmers and people in coastal cities. Most Southeast
Asian countries also face infrastructure challenge.
Green growth however is believed to lay the
foundation for a stronger, cleaner, and fairer
economies and societies in ASEAN (Strange &
Bayley, 2008: 5). In another word, generally around
the globe but especially in Southeast Asian region,
green growth should not be separated from economic
development strategies. Southeast Asia is currently in
the phase that constitutes perfect timing for transition
towards green growth. Green growth and GIR main
keys for activation is the political leadership in the
region in combination with the policies and
institutions. In the recent years, the rise of green
industry in Southeast Asia is triggered by the three
golden opportunities; sustainability of natural wealth,
locking in clean and resilient infrastructure, and the
possibility of becoming a hub for green investment.
The most strategic actor in the global political stage,
China, has managed to seize on the opportunities and
ride on the demand of green industry. Solar power in
china has risen for approximately 50% in 2015
(World Economic Forum, 2016). China is also acting
as the biggest investor in renewable energy, with its
investment amount twice of those of Europe’s. China
is just one of the instances that showcases Indo-
Pacific’s very positive attitude towards green
industrial revolution, making the rise of green
industry an apparent phenomena in the Indo-Pacific
In an attempt to explain the implications GIR has over
Indo-Pacific region, we ought to refer back to green
politics theory and green economy theory. These
theories serve as the foundation to green growth
theory. According to Barry (1996, 60), green politics
theory mostly talks about environmental ethics. The
most distinct feature from green politics theory is that
the relationship between human and nonhuman world
is a legitimate object of moral concern. In other
words, the preservation of development as much as
conservation for development of the future or
ecological restoration, all within a broad 'ecological
management' framework (Barry 1996, 143). Even
profound ecological experts that held typically
contradictory pinrciples as their main position ended
up acknowledging that wildlife conservation requires
social intervention and an especially active
institution. The distinction between the two subjects
human and non-human opens up a space within
green moral theory that talks about anthropocentrism
and ecocentrism. That space is an effort to overcome
the fact that the legitimate object of moral concerns
has been largely neglected by contemporary moral
theories. The moral concern should be applied to
green politics because of its ability to accommodate
the normative thrust of the ecocentric concern
through public policy while protecting the interests of
the nonhuman world. We need the right guiding
principles that could help us make the right choices to
create a better live for all human beings (Strange and
Bayley 2008, 16). The deep ecological idea of the
preservation of wilderness, the preservation of the
nonhuman world from certain types of collective
human transformation, in the form of 'development',
paradoxically requires another form of human
management, in the form of institutional structures
and practices which serve as forms of social
governance to limit and / or change development, in
order to achieve the aim of preserving the wilderness.
The political issue for green politics is on the type,
scale, and institutional structure to manage social-
environmental interactions that best suit the values
and principles of green lifestyle. The
institutionalization of green values in the collective
management of ecology must be considered in terms
of 'governance' as opposed to 'government' (Barry
1996, 143-4).
Economic system and policy execution could not
be separated in their application (Hacket, 2006).
There are three assumptions supporting the theory.
First, economic system gets its input mostly from
natural processes like ecological, hidrological, or
geological system. Second, economic activity could
get negatively effected by misconduct of system and
natural processes, albeit these effects can be
substantially reduced through public policy. Such
assumption acts as the premise for the third
assumption; activities that endanger the environment
can be reduced through an economic scheme. This
scheme may take the form of ecolabels, subsidies, and
taxes, and aims to change the incentives of people or
businesses. The relations between green political
theory and green economic theory that leads to green
growth theory can simply be seen from the stringent
ACIR 2018 - Airlangga Conference on International Relations
definition of green growth, which means fostering
economic growth and development, while ensuring
that natural assets continue to provide the resources
and environmental services on which our well-being
relies (Jacobs 2012, 4).
The fact that GIR trend has been going upward
happen because people start to understand the
challenges that are being faced. Balancing between
the use of sustainability and profit will produce true
impact. Keeping the ecosystem in balance is very
important that it reaches beyond environmental
concerns (Strange and Bayley, 2008: 11). As we can
see in the society, the balance between births and
deaths, or emigrations and immigration bring huge
implication in demography hence society. Therefore,
people have to manage the balance of the system
because societies will not able to stay stable when
resources are limited. It is worth nothing that
ultimately, humankind will grow and develop. The
imbalances of supply and demand, in savings and
expenditure, in loans and investments, can lead to
economic collapse, recession and depression (Strange
and Bayley 2008, 16). It is very important for society
to preserve the balance of the systems. Development
of greener industry has been a really great help to
preserve the balance of the systems. It all could
happen because the world is facing threat from the
imbalance of nature that is happening now. Human
beings need to be more aware and understand the
importance of green living. A human will acquire
more capabilities, evolve, and getting better while
getting bigger (Hess 2013, 313). But because growth
could also serve as an obstacle for the progress of
human beings, there exist the need for better welfare.
Green Industry acts as a way to increase welfare by
minimizing the amount of pollution released to the
environment. The growth of the population and the
increased per capita consumption have affect the
production of goods. The increasing production will
require more resources and also will produce more
wastes (Hess 2013, 314). GIR will add an important
dynamic dimension towards economic development.
As stated by Tracey Strange and Anne Bayley (2008,
15), economic development has made it possible for
advancements that fundamentally changed the way
people lived from the previous century, but this
economic activity could also create problems with
potentially dramatic consequences.
The significance of GIR in Indo-Pacific regions
have been adequately apparent, however the
significance in Southeast Asia is particularly standing
out. Southeast Asian countries possess an abundant
amount of natural resources, unfortunately
accompanied with lacking human resources to
properly manage the natural resources. That serves as
an opportunity for the core countries to exploit the
condition; using Southeast Asian countries as the
main producer of goods without having to face the
environmental consequences. As time goes by,
Southeast Asian countries started to realize the
importance of prioritizing economic growth and
growth in other sectors, which therefore also realizing
the importance of sustaining such tremendous
economic growth (Observer Research Foundation,
2017). There are three basic components of
sustainable development that are identified by Harris
et al (2001, in Hess 2013, 317); economic,
environmental, and social. Those three components
are related to each other. A nation will always put the
best effort to maintain their economy by controlling
their goods and services production. The production
needs to maintain the environmental equilibrium,
both in the source and sink functions that are provided
by natural resources and the environment. As for the
social dimension, it serves as the key that connect the
other two components because equity and
opportunity ought to be upheld in order to optimize
how a country works. The three components work to
strengthen the need and therefore the progress of
Green Industrial Revolution. If the combination
between those three works, the systems will be in
balance, and the run of the production will be ensured.
Ensuring production means increasing the chance of
welfare increases. We do know that economic,
environmental, and social systems must all be kept in
relative equilibrium point and must be balanced with
each other, in order to maintain sustainability
(Strange and Bayley 2008, 16). The rise of climate
awareness in Indo-Pacific implies human growth and
development. Societies started to understand more
about the importance of environment, because
environment can make a huge effect to economy and
when economy is affected, politics and other social
sectors will be effected too. In the end, with the rising
awareness regarding climate change, the political and
economical sector is also affected. The chain reaction
between those three components are undoubted. For
example, countries that experience greater economic
growth have been more successful at reducing
absolute poverty and not only increasing life
expectancy, but also improving their quality of life
(Hess 2013, 314). When a country could not manage
their economic growth, what will happen is poverty
and the absence of improved quality of life. That
condition will brings a lot more problems, because the
political system will also get affected. And when it
reaches the political area, things will just become
more complicated. The climate change could
Green Industrial Revolution in Indo-Pacific Region: Economic and Political Implications
symbolize a larger and wider problem of the danger
that inherent in pushing our ecosystems out of
balance (Strange and Bayley 2008, 15). Climate
almost certainly undergoes significant changes as a
result of human activity , but human activity could
also be affected by the climate change. Tracey
Strange and Anne Bayley (2008: 46) stated that
climate change issue has always face the same
problem about how to fairly share the burdens
between the developed countries and developing
countries. The fact that most of the developing
countries have to face climate change and other
problems they never create is considered unfair.
Therefore, the way to solve this is that the developed
countries could help by giving technologies and
financial aids to tackle down this issue.
GIR trend has been undeniably going upwards.
The implication of GIR has on economic and political
sector is to bring and stimulate balancing trajectory.
There are plenty of evidence and indicators that
guarantee that fact. The political significance of GIR
which reflects its progress can be seen in the
establishment and growth of Indo-Pacific Greens
Federation (APGF). APGF is a federation of national
green parties, social and environmental organizations
from countries across Asia and Oceania, established
with the purpose of realising the Global Greens
Charter. APGF can be used interchangeably and is
formerly known as APGN (Indo-Pacific Greens
Network). The root of APGF can be traced with the
rises of greens in Australia & New Zealand,
eventually leading to the first ever Planetary Meeting
of Greens in May 1992. In the meeting, 250 greens
from 28 countries gathered in Rio De Janeiro. The
next summit was held in August 2000 where Asia
pacific Green Politics Workshop was held by Asia
Pacific Green network in Brisbane. The first ever
Global Greens Congress was held in 2001 and since
then, the Greens have been increasing its political
influence; notably winning 34 seats in European
Parliament in on June 2004 and contesting Australian
Federal Elections. After the first APGN congress is
held on February 2005, the green parties continue to
consolidate political power, including the 2009
victory in Senegal Regional Seats. This also plays a
part on the fact that Inamura has managed to become
the first popularly elected Greens Mayor of Japan in
late 2010 (Global Greens, 2010). Green policies can
maintain and appreciate natural capital stocks along
with creating a structurally higher rate of innovation.
Such are based upon Hotelling’s (1931) statements of
the value on non-renewable stocks and the
Schumpetarian (1942) view of fundamental role of
innovation in value creation. These statements apply
in specific on Indo-Pacific economic condition of
GIR (Fankhauser, Sam, et al 2017, 3). Economically,
from an industrialized continent that were obviously
unsustainable, Indo-Pacific has undoubtedly became
one of economically greenest continent. The process
of estimating the size of green industry in Indo-
Pacific can be done by observing Low Carbon
Environmental Goods and Services Sales (LCEGS)
sales and Climate Change Mitigation Technologies
(CCMT) trade data. Indo-Pacific boasts the highest
value of LCEGS in absolute terms and per unit of
GDP. Asia also accounts for 44% of global climate
change mitigation exports (Fankhauser, Sam, et al
2017, 7). The Indo-Pacific region is experiencing
green economy growth due to the GIR and the trend
upwards is going to be continuous for a great amount
of foreseeable future. Referring to the political and
economical implications brought by GIR in the Indo-
Pacific region, plenty of occurrences available. On
the macro level, there are the establishment of
international organizations like UN ESCAP, and
regimes such as UNCSD and MCED. On the micro
level, there are green growth success stories which
reflects political and economical implications which
otherwise wouldn’t exist without Green Industrial
Revolution. Such stories would include Solar Tuk-
Tuk in Thailand, BYD Electric Bus in China, Green
Subsidy Reform in Indonesia, et cetera (Nikolova,
The rise of Green Industry around the globe has
become very apparent these last decades. Such rise is
named as Green Industrial Revolution (GIR) by the
experts. Global GIR is started due to the exponential
rise of middle class in the demographic hence the rise
of goods consumption. In order to keep up with the
increased demand of goods, sustainability is
sacrificed to prioritize efficiency. The rise of middle
class however also opens up the access to information
and therefore green awareness, which ends up
producing pressures to apply and implement green
policy that further enhances the GIR. Economically,
there are two basis for the rise of green industry,
which are; market potential and technological
advances. Market potential is reflected by the demand
caused by the increased awareness. Technological
advances on the other hand is the optimism on
technological innovations that believe that
innovations will increase productivity and boost the
ACIR 2018 - Airlangga Conference on International Relations
The implications brought by GIR in the sector of
politics and economic can be attributed to the theory
of green politics. Green politics theory focuses mostly
on environmental ethics. Green politics theory stated
that wildlife conservation and green trajectory require
social involvement. Green policy is therefore
established in order to address the moral concerns
brought by green politics. Policies execution require
human management, governance, and economic
system. That is because environmental equilibrium is
required to maintain economic equilibrium; as
sustainability must be prioritized to make sure that the
supply provided by nature can keep up with the rising
demand of goods. The implication of GIR upon
politic and economic can simply be summarized that
GIR brings upon balance for societal system in
accordance with the 3 components of sustainable
development which consist of economic,
environmental, and social. The motive of balance is
reflected in a lot of evidence as the rise of greens in
the political world and the rise of green sales in the
significantly growing economy of Indo-Pacific.
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Green Industrial Revolution in Indo-Pacific Region: Economic and Political Implications