Indonesian Language Interference in Mandarin Writing Discourse
of Chinese Literature Student
Niza Ayuningtias
, Vivi Adryani Nasution
Departement of Chinese Literature , Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Universitas No. 19 Kampus USU, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords : Language Interference, Syntactical Interference, Language
Abstract : This study dealt with Indonesian interference in Mandarin Writing discourse of Chinese Literature’s student.
It aimed at describing syntactical interference which found in Mandarin writing discourse of Chinese
Literature’s student in Universitas Sumatera Utara and describing interferences which were the most
dominant syntactical interference There were 101 including phrases and sentences collected as primary data.
All these data were analyzed by using interference theory and sociolinguistic perspective. This research also
used qualitative descriptive method and applied Miles and Huberman theory for the analysis. The research
findings showed that the Interference on sentences is prominient. The highest frequency is sentence (83%)
and followed by phrase (16,83%).
The development of Mandarin language has
experienced a significant increment in Indonesia.
This is evidenced by the number of educational
institutions both formal and informal which
organize Mandarin teaching. One of universities that
sees the importance of organinizing Mandarin
language in this global trade period is the Universitas
Sumatera Utara. The Universitas Sumatera Utara
established the Department of Chinese Literature in
Mandarin language learners in Department of
Chinese Literature of Universitas Sumatera Utara are
from various cities and regions in Indonesia and their
first language must be Indonesia language. The first
language will affect the second language (foreign
language) because the first language is the language
that is first known and learned by the speakers, while
the second language is learned after mastering the
first language. This is language contact which
probably occur language interference. The language
interference is a phenomenon of one’s failure in
acquiring the second language.
Mandarin is used by bi/multilingual people
commonly influenced by the fisrt language.
According to Harmer (1990:215), the first language
acquisition commonly influnces the students’ ability
in acquiring the second language. The way it
influnces in the procces of acquiring the second
language may be indirect, in which learnes cannot
differ the patterns and rules of those language (Troike
Although Weinrich (1970), Mackey (1970),
Haugen (1978) and Apple & Muysken in (Fauzianti ,
2016:97) said that language interference occurres
commonly in speech (oral), but it can possibly occurr
in writing. The language interference can be a
positive transfer and negative transfer. But in this
research dealt with the negative transfer of language
Weinrich (1953:14-47) in Chaer (2004:67)
divided the form of interference into three parts.
phonological interference, lexical interference, and
grammatical interference (morphology and syntax).
Grammatical interference consists of two
elements. This elements are morphology interference
and syntactical interference. In the syntax field
consists of sentence and phrase. The following are
examples of interference which found in Department
of Chinese Literature’s students from Indonesian to
Mandarin :
1) Syntactical interference on phrase
Budi X
Lǎoshī Budi
(teacher) Budi
Ayuningtias, N. and Nasution, V.
Indonesian Language Interference in Mandarin Writing Discourse of Chinese Literature Student.
DOI: 10.5220/0010103218371843
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Budi 老师
Budi lǎoshī
Budi (teacher)
This phrase above meant to “Mr. Budi”. The
correct stucture of the prase above is “ Budi lǎoshī ”.
But due to the influence of the first language
( Indonesian) structure, many students had made
2) Syntactical interference on sentence
老师 对不起, 今天
课, 因为 生病。 X
Lǎoshī duìbùqǐ, jīntiān wǒ bù néng lái shàn
gkè, yīnwèi wǒ shēngbìng
(Sir, I am sorry, today I can not attend
class, because I am sick.)
老师 对不起,因为 今天 生病,
今天 上课。
lǎoshī duìbùqǐ, yīnwèi wǒ jīntiān
shēngbìng, suǒyǐ jīntiān bù néng lái shàngke
(Sir, I am sorry, because I am today
sick , therefore today can not attend class.)
This sentence above meant to Sir, i’m sorry,
because today i am sick, therefore i can not attend
your class”. This sentence expressed “cause and
effect” by using 因为 yīnwèi.....所以 suǒyǐ……”.
The patterns of sentence should first mention the
reason or cause statement then followed by the
consequences statement. The pattern of sentence
should be 因为”+ reason/ jīn tiān shēng
bìng “今天我生病+ 所以”+ bù nén lái shàng kè
能来上课”. But because it was influenced by the first
language (Indonesian) habits, the use of the
words yīnwèi ... suǒyǐ "因为 ... 所以" were reversed.
Many sentences come to the consequences first and
then followed by the reasons.
3) Syntactical interference on sentence
我们 打算 吃饭 印尼 饭馆 X
Wǒmen dǎsuàn chīfàn zài yìnní fànguǎn
(We plan to eat in Indonesia restaurant.)
我们 打算 印尼饭馆 吃饭
Wǒmen dǎsuàn zài yìnní fànguǎn chīfàn.
(we plan in Indoneisa restaurant eat)
This sentence above means "we plan to eat in
Indonesian restaurants". The adverb zài " " has
the meaning "di (in)". In Mandarin, the adverb zài "
" was placed after the subject, because many
students who put adverbs zài "" after the predicate
still followed the structure of Indonesia language.
Because of several factors such as habits, level of
students and length of study of Mandarin, students of
the Department of Chinese Literature still brought
and interfered with the elements of Indonesian into
Mandarin. If this continues to occur, habits of the
mother tongue will confuse the mastery of good and
true Mandarin.
Based on phenomena above, the researcher did
this study to figure out the form of syntactical
interference and the most dominant of the syntactical
interference was.
This type of research was field
research. The data were collected in the environment
of the Departement of Chinese Literature, Faculty of
Cultural Sciences, University of North
Sumatra. Qualitative descrptive method was used as
the reserch method. Descriptive research is a study
of certain phenomena or populations obtained by
researcher and the results of the analysis were
presented through informal and formal methods.
Data collection was divided into primary data and
secondary data. Primary data consisted of phrases
and sentences that contain interfaces in thediscourse.
Primary data was collected through the assignment of
writing discourse that had been determined by the
researcher. The number of words in one writing
discourse was 300 words. There were five themes
that had been given and students could choose one of
them. Discourse’s themes were, (1) "爱好", (2) "
", (3) "朋友", (4) " 旅游", (5) " 学校 生活".
Secondary data was obtained through journals, books,
prior research and the internet.
2.1 Data Analysis
The data of grammatical interference that had been
collected then come to the stage of data analysis.
According to Miles and Huberman (1992:15) there
are three stages of data analysis, there are :
The data that had been through the collection process
by using note-taking techniques were classified based
on the grammatical interference of the syntactic field
in the form of phrases and sentences.
2. Presentation of Data
The information obtained through the informant were
presented sequentially starting from the data from the
essay and the type of syntactic interference.
3. Conclusion / Verification Conclusion
The results of data that had been reduced and
presented were evidence for drawing conclusions to
get the truth verified.
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
Data analysis calculation method suggested by
Halliday and Hasan (1976: 201) was used to calculate
langugage interference. The number of language
interference is divide by the total number of
language interference then multiplied by one hundred.
The number of language interference
The total of language interference
× 100%
2.2 Data Persentation and Technique
The results of the analysis were presented through
informal and formal methods. According to
Sudaryanto in (Mahsun, 2005: 116) informal methods
are formulations using ordinary words, including the
use of technical terminology. Formal methods are
formulations using signs or symbols.
In this grammatical interference study, researcher
used two colors as markers. Green was used to mark
phrases and red was used to mark sentences.
In this study, researcher also used the procedure
for marking the examination of Mandarin writing
discourse. He Lirong (2003: 22-24) divided the
markers for examining essays/discourse in Mandarin.
1. 删减符号 shān jiǎn fúhào is a marker used to
delete words or sentences that are not needed.
This marker uses a sign
2. 增添符号 Zēngtiān fúhào is a marker used to add
words or the sentence needed.This marker is used
at the top of words or sentences that need addition
by writing words or sentences that need to be
added. This marjer uses a sign
3.填到符号 tián dào fúhào is a marker used to move
the position of a word or sentence from front to
back or vice versa. This marker uses a sign
4. 复原符号 fùyuán fúhào is a marker that is used to
maintain the previous one that is wrong and has
used the 删减符号 shān jiǎn fúhào sign to be
deleted. But by using the sign 复原符号 fùyuán
fúhào under the word or sentence it is considered
correct.This marker uses a sign
5. 错字符号 cuòzì fúhào is a marker used to mark
grammatically incorrect sentences. This marker
uses an X sign.
6. 别字符号 biézì fúhào is a marker used to mark
wrong words or pronunciation. This marker uses
two signs, namely a sign placed under the wrong
word, and can also use a sign by circling the
wrong word or pronunciation.
7. 好词句符 hǎo cíjù fúhào is a marker used to
express the use of phrases or sentences that are
very good and true. This marker uses two
signs, or ~~~~~~~~~ which is used
under the phrase or sentence
8. 问题符号 wèntí fúhào is a marker used to mark
confusing and awkward words or sentences. This
marker uses two signs, or ? which
are used under the wording of the word or
9. 前移符号 qián yí fúhào is a marker used to direct
a sentence to move the position to the front. This
marker uses a sign
10. 后移符号u yí fúhào is a marker used to direct
a sentence to move position to the back. This
marker uses a sign
11. 另起行符号 Lìng qǐ háng fúhào is a marker used
to direct a sentence to move in a new line. This
marker uses a sign
The result of this research showed that there
were language interference on sentence and
phrase. This research found 101 data consisted
of indonesian interference in the use of Mandarin
writing discourse on phrase and sentence.
3.1 Syntactical Interference on Phrase
1) 韩国 语言
hánguó yǔyán
(Korean) (language)
Hán yǔ
Mandarin interference was found on the phrase "
韩国语言 hánguó yǔyán". In Indonesia language, this
phrase means "Korean". The students were
influenced by the Indonesian language pattern by
translating the words "language and country" directly
into Mandarin.
Indonesian Language Interference in Mandarin Writing Discourse of Chinese Literature Student
The right pattern in Mandarin is "country name
(without ) + ". Therefore the right phrase should
be "韩语".
2) 韩国 X
Nán hán guó
(Guy) (Korea)
hán guó nán hái
(Korean guy)
Mandarin interference was found on the phrase "
男韩国 nán hán guó". In Indonesian language this
phrase means "Korean guy". The students were
influenced by the noun phrase pattern in Indonesia
language “explained and explain (diterangkan
menerangkan)” but the other hand, the pattern of noun
phrases in Mandarin is “explain and explained
(menerangkan diterangkan”. While the word " hái"
was placed after the word " nán" to emphasize the
purpose was "guy" (young man). Therefore the
correct phrase to replace the noun phrase above is "
韩国男孩 hán guó nán hái".
3) 和其他 X
Hé qī ta
(and) (another)
or 什么
děng déng shénme de
(and so on/etc)
Chinese interference was found on the phrase "
其他 Hé qī ta". In Indonesian language this phrase is
referred to "and others / etc.". The students were
influenced by the Indonesian language phrase pattern
where the word "and another" translated word by
word into Chinese.
The use of the word " 其他 Hé qī ta" in
Mandarin does not sound natural (自然 zíran
yǔyán) In Mandarin to express “and so on or etc.” The
right phrase is "等等 děng déng or 什么 shénme
4) 低学校
dī xuéxiào
(basic) (school)
xiǎo xuéxiào
(Elementary School)
Mandarin interference was found on the phrase "
学校 dī xuéxiào". In Indonesian language this
phrase is referred to "elementary school (SD)". The
students were influenced by the Indonesian phrase
pattern where the word "basic" was translated as "
dī" which means a "basic / low".In Chinese the right
phrase for referring to elementary school level (SD)
is "小学校 xiǎo xuéxiào"
Dú shū sān jì
(study 3 grade)
Dú sān nián jì
(grade 3 )
Chinese interference was found on the phrase "
三级 shū nián jì". In Indonesian language this
phrase referred to "grade 3". The students were
influenced by the Indonesian language pattern where
the word "school" was translated "读书 shū" and
"grade 3" was translated "三级 sānjí".
The phrase pattern above did not match the pattern in
Mandarin. The right word used is "年级 nián jì"
while the word " shū" does not need to be placed
after " dú". Therefore, the correct phrase to replace
the phrase above is " 年级 dú sān jì".
3.2 Syntactical Interference on
1) 但是 姐姐 参加 旅游 我们。X
dān shì de jiějie bù cānjiā lǔyóu gēn wǒmen.
(but) ( my sister) (did not) (take a vacation with
但是我的姐姐不 参加旅游跟我们
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
姐姐 不跟 我们 参加
姐姐 不跟 一起 参加
dān shì wǒ de jiějie bù gēn wǒmen yīqǐ cānjiā
(but my sister did not have a vacation with us)
Mandarin interference was found on the sentence
"但是我的姐姐不参加旅游跟我们 dān shì de
jiějie bù cānjiā lǔyóu gēn wǒmen". In Indonesian
language this sentence means "But my sister did not
had a vacation with us". The students were influenced
by the Indonesian language pattern. Although this
sentence is acceptable in Indonesian, but the pattern
is not acceptable in Mandarin.
" tidak ikut liburan dengan kami (did not have a
vacation with us)" was not in accordance with the
Mandarin language pattern. In Indonesian language
pattern, the word bù (tidak)” was placed before
the word 参加 cānjiā (ikut)”. The other hand, the
nagation sentence pattern in Mandarin commonly
used together with the word " gēn" or the pattern is
" + gēn + ........ + (一起 yī qǐ)". Therefore,
the right sentence should be 我的姐姐 不跟我
一起 参加 旅游。dān shì de jiějie bù gēn
wǒmen yīqǐ cānjiā lǔyóu.
2) 我们学到
中文系。 X
wǒmen xuédaò le hěn duō guānyǔ zhōngguó (de)
zhīshi zài zhōngwénxi.
(We) (learn) (have) (a
lot) (about) (China) ( knowldage) (in
Departement of Chinese Literature)
我们 学到 了很 多关于 中国 知识
我们 中文系 学到 了很 关于
wǒmen zài zhōngwénxi xuédaò le hěn duō
guānyǔ zhōngguó (de) zhī shi.
(We have learnt about China a lot at Departement
of Chinese Literature.)
Mandarin interference was found on the sentence
"我们 学到 关于 中国 知识 中文
wǒmen xuédaò le hén duō guānyyǔ zhōng guò (de)
zhī shi zài zhōng wénxi". In Indonesian language this
sentence means " We have learnt about China a lot at
Departement of Chinese Literature ". The Indonesian
sentence pattern above was different from the
Chinese sentence pattern. The adverb in Indonesian
sentence above was placed at the end of the sentence
while in Chinese the adverb was placed after the
The sentence pattern in Mandarin should be
Attributive ( díng yǔ) + subject (主语 zhǔyǔ) + Kt.
Description (状语 zhuǎngyǔ) + Predicate (谓语 wèyǔ)
+ complement (补语 bǔyǔ) + attributive (dìng yǔ) +
object (宾语 bìnyǔ). Therefore, the correct one is
在中文系 学到了很 关于 中国
识。 wǒmen zài zhōngwénxi xuédaò le hěn duō
guānyǔ zhōng guó (de) zhī shi.
3) 作业。X
Wǒ s ér diǎn wǎn sha
̀ng wan zuò de
(I) (12 o’clock) (in the night) (finish) (do)
(auxilary) (homework)
业。 X
Wǒ shí ér diǎn wǎn shàng wan zuò de
Subject adverb of time Predicate Object
Wǒ wǎn shàng shí ér diǎn zuò wan zuòyè.
(I finished doing my homework at 12 o’clock in
the night.)
Chinese interference was found on the sentence "
十二点 晚上 作业 Wǒ shí ér diǎn wǎn
shàng wan zuò de zuòyè". In Indonesian language,
this sentence means "I finished doing homework at 12
o'clock ". From the sentence structure above, it looked
like that the students were influenced by the
Indonesian language pattern "finished doing(selesai
mengerjakan)" became " " wan zuò ( wan
(finished), zuò (do) and "12 o’clock in the night
(jam 12 malam)" became " shí ér diǎn
wǎn shàng ".
In Mandarin the predicate must be followed by the
word " wan (finished) or others result
complement’s words. Except wan, there are other
results complement such as dòng, kāi, jiàn,
dào and so on. The right sentence structure in
Mandarin is "Subject + Predicate (verb) +
Indonesian Language Interference in Mandarin Writing Discourse of Chinese Literature Student
Complementary results (结果 补语 jiē guǒ bǔyǔ)".
a. 老师 话。
Wǒ tīngdòng le laǒ shī de huà.
Subject Predicate (auxilary) Object
( I listened to the teacher )
Therefore, the correct sentence to replace the
sentence’s pattern above is
作业 Wǒ wǎn shàng shí ér diǎn zuò wan zuòyè.
4) 一直 妈妈 骄傲。 X
wǒ yīzhí zuòmāma jiāo ào.
(I Always make) my mother proud)
一直 妈妈 骄傲
一直 我妈妈 骄傲。
wǒ yīzhí ràng wǒ māma jiāo ào
(I always make my mother proud of me.)
Mandarin interference was found on the sentence
" 一直 妈妈 骄傲 Wǒ yīzhí zuò wǒ māma
jiāo ào". In Indonesian language this sentence means
"I always make my mom proud of me ". It looked
like the students were influenced by the Indonesian
language element where the word "membuat (make)"
was translated directly into " zuò" which means
doing or making. In Indonesian language, the word
“membuat (make)” could mean “produce; make
(influence someone). Therefore the use of word
zuò " in this sentence was wrong, because this word
referred "produce; become ; make/doing something
(no indication to influence someone) ". But the word
"makes" which was referring to was"influential
activity (引起 动作 yǐnjìn dòngzuò de shī
dòng zhě) . Therefore the right word to replace the
word " zuò” is" ràng "( 一直 妈妈
wǒyīzhí ràng wǒ māma jiāo ào).
5) Marsela Putri
10 了。 X
cóng Marsela, Putri dǎo bù yuán zuò
chuán 10 fēn zhong jiù daò le.
(from Marsela, Putrri island not far by boat
10 minutes then arrive (auxilary)).
Marsela Putri 10
Marsela Putri
10 到了。
Cóng Marsela dào Putri dǎo bù yuán . zuò chuán
10 fēn zhong jiù daò le.
(From Marsela island to Putri island is not far. It
is only 10 minutes by boat.)
Mandarin interference was found on the sentence
" Marsela, Putri 不远 10
cóng Marsela, Putri dǎo yuán zuò chuán 10 fēn
zhong jiù daò le". In the Indonesian language this
sentence means "From Marsela island to the Putri
island is not far. It is only 10 minutes by boat". From
the sentence structure above, it looked like that the
students were influenced by the Indonesian language
sentence pattern "from Marsela, the Putri island is not
far ". In Indonesian language this expression is still
acceptable where the word "to" is changed to a
punctuation mark ", (comma)". But in Mandarin the
word " cóng (from) must be followed by the word"
dào ", therefore the correct pattern to fix the
sentence pattern above is" cóng .... + dào ... " .
The right sentence is Marsela Putri
10 到了Cóng Marsela dào
Putri dǎo bù yuán . zuò chuán 10 fēn zhong jiù daò
6) 他们 都。 X
Wǒ hěn ài tāmen dōu.
(I) (very) (love) (them) (all (particle))
他们 都。
Wǒ dōu hěn ài tāmen.
(I love them.)
Mandarin interference was found on the sentence
" 很爱 他们 都。wǒ hěn ài tāmen dōu." In
Indonesian language this sentence means“ I love all
of them”. It looked like the students were influenced
by the Indonesian language element where the word
"semua" was translated directly became " dōu"
which means “all”.
The particle dōu” in the sentence above was
not appropriate with the mandarin structure. It only
can use before the object. Therefore the use of
dōu” in this sentence was wrong. The sentence should
be “ 很爱他们” (Wǒ dōu hěn ài tāmen).
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
The research result showed that the total number
of Indonesian interferences in the use of
Mandarin writting discourse were 101 data. The
sytactical interference occured on sentence and
phrase. Of the two elements observed,
syntactical intereference on sentence was
prominent. The highest frequency was sentence
(83%) and phrase (16,83%). It shows that the
majority of the third year students need to learn
more intensively Mandarin so that they can
master the Mandarin very well.
This reserch was funded by Universitas
Sumatera Utara, based on “Kontak Pelaksanaan
Penelitian TALENTA Universitas Sumatera
Utara Tahun Anggaran 2018 Nomor:.
2590/UN5.1.R/PPM/2017 tanggal 16 Maret
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Indonesian Language Interference in Mandarin Writing Discourse of Chinese Literature Student