Legal Protection for Refugees in Indonesia in the Perspective of
National and International Law
, Jelly Leviza
, Syaiful Azam
International Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Private Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keyword: Humanity, Human Rights.
Abstract: Protection of refugees is needed in view of humanity and with regard to the concept of human rights. Refugee
protection can be seen in the perspective of national law and the perspective of applicable international law.
Indonesia has not ratified international agreements on refugees. But the reality is that Indonesia also faces
problems with the entry of refugees. The handling of refugees in the international order was carried out,
among others, by UNHCR. The Indonesian government needs to cooperate with UNHCR in handling
refugees. Introduction.
The handling of refugees in Indonesia has
experienced difficulties due to several factors. Even
though Indonesia is the main country of refugees as a
transit country, especially, to Australia. Some
obstacles become obstacles to handling refugees in
Indonesia. These constraints include:
The ratification of the 1951 Convention on the
determination of refugee status and the 1967 protocol
has not been ratified.
Until now Indonesia has not become a party to the
1951 Geneva Convention on refugees and the 1967
protocol. The parties to the 1951 Convention have
responsibility and authority in determining the status
and survival of refugees and their implications. Thus,
it is no longer the authority of UNHCR in handling
refugee problems. The position of Indonesia as a State
not a ratification of the 1951 convention caused
Indonesia to have no obligation to deal with the
problem of refugees. Under these conditions,
Indonesia has not issued a provision that has juridical
powers for refugees and asylum seekers and the
Indonesian government does not have more
involvement than as a temporary transit country and
helps find a place for refugees until they are
dispatched to the destination country offered or
By not being a party to the 1951 Convention and
the 1967 Protocol, the Indonesian government also
does not have the authority to provide refugee status
determination or what is commonly referred to as the
"Refugee Status Determination" (RSD), so the
regulation of issues regarding refugees is determined
by UNHCR (the UN deal with refugees) in
accordance with the mandate it receives under the
UNHCR Statute of 1950. This authority is carried out
considering that Indonesia is not a party to the
Convention in 1951. All countries including those
that have not ratified the Convention on refugees
must uphold refugee protection standards that have
become part of general international law because the
convention has become jus cogens, and no refugee
can be returned to an area where his life or freedom is
Indonesia does not have a legal umbrella for
handling refugees in Indonesia. Whereas from day to
day the number of refugees entering Indonesia is
increasing. The absence of specific legal regulations
regarding refugees causes a legal vacuum in dealing
with refugees. At the practical level the absence of
this legal instrument has led to confusion and
overlapping authority among institutions that have an
interest in dealing with issues relating to refugees and
asylum seekers in Indonesia.
With the absence of operational legal instruments
to be a reference for interested institutions to
anticipate refugee problems and seek asylum it is
clear that the refugee legal instrument needs to be
institutionalized in the national legal system in
Sutiarnoto, ., Leviza, J. and Azam, S.
Legal Protection for Refugees in Indonesia in the Perspective of National and International Law.
DOI: 10.5220/0010097917521754
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This paper uses the normative juridical method.
Normative legal research method or literature law
research method is a method used in legal research
conducted by examining the library materials in the
form of applicable legal norms contained in the
legislation or judgment decisions.
Normative juridical research methods are used in
this paper to analyze national and international legal
norms that regulate refugee protection.
3.1 Lack of Adequate Legal Protection
in Indonesia
The refugee problem in Indonesia is still positioned
from the point of view of immigration so that the
issue of refugees is only seen from an immigration
perspective. Immigration positive law in Indonesia
does not contain provisions specifically applicable
(lex specialis) for asylum seekers and refugees. For
example there is no specific immigration
administration procedure.
There are no provisions regarding temporary
residence permits, shelters, handling mechanisms and
evaluation processes. Law No. 9 of 1992 concerning
immigration designed in the late 1980s has not made
human rights an important consideration as a standard
in it.
3.2 National Law Instrument
Regarding Refugee Problems
Indonesia is a country that is not a participant of the
1951 Convention and the 1967 Protocol and
legislation in force in Indonesia does not yet
specifically highlight the problem of refugees. Even
so, the Indonesian government cannot escape the
problem of refugees residing in Indonesia. In
addition, Indonesia is an active member of the United
Nations (UN) Indonesia has the responsibility and the
law in upholding the values of Human Rights (HAM)
for both Indonesian citizens and other nations. We
can see this from the 1945 Constitution of the
Republic of Indonesia (RI 1945 Constitution), the
second principle of Pancasila which reads "just and
civilized humanity" and the fourth paragraph of the
opening of the 1945 Constitution of 1945 along with
its amendments and also the Law The Republic of
Indonesia No. 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights
clearly shows that the government of the Republic of
Indonesia has an appreciation of the protection,
enforcement, fulfillment and promotion of human
The issue of international refugees is no exception
being the duty of the government, let alone those
international refugees are in the territory of the
Republic of Indonesia. Some laws mention the
problem of handling refugees, even though there are
no specific legislation that addresses refugees.
Although there is no specific legal provision that
addresses refugees and asylum seekers in Indonesian
law, the issue of refugees has been discussed in a
number of laws and regulations in Indonesia,
although the issue of refugees is discussed in causing
Law Number 5 of 1998.
3.3 Refugee Handling Mechanism.
The mechanism for handling refugees in Indonesia
depends on how we see these refugees and from
which point of view. So far the problem of refugees
in Indonesia is only seen from the point of view of
immigration. "There must not be a country that
refuses, returns, extradites someone to a country
where there is a strong belief / reason that he will be
dangerous because of being subjected to torture."
This problem was also discussed in Law No. 37 of
1999 concerning Foreign Relations in Article 25 to
Article 27. Article 25 of Law No. 37 of 1999 states:
1. The authority to grant asylum to foreigners is in the
hands of the President, taking into account the
Minister's consideration. 2. The exercise of authority
as referred to in paragraph (1) is regulated by a
Presidential Decree. Article 26 of Law No. 37 of 1999
states that: granting asylum to foreigners is carried
out in accordance with national legislation. As well as
taking into account international law, customs and
Article 26 states that: granting asylum to
foreigners is carried out in accordance with national
legislation. And by paying attention to laws, customs
and international practices.
Article 27 of Law No. 37 of 1999 states:
1. The President determines the policy of the
problem of refugees from abroad by taking into
account the Minister's consideration.
2. The policy principles as referred to in paragraph
(1) are regulated by a presidential decree.
Act no. 37 of 1999 concerning Foreign Relations
in Chapter VI Article 25-27 which has been used as a
reference in providing asylum and handling refugees,
in no way explains specifically how the process of
granting asylum and handling refugees must be
Legal Protection for Refugees in Indonesia in the Perspective of National and International Law
carried out by the Indonesian government. The
regulations and laws made by the government
basically cannot answer the problem of refugees in
Indonesia anymore.
Indonesia is a participating country that ratifies
the Convention on Civil and Political Rights. That
ended with the birth of Law Number 12 of 2005
which was the endorsement of the convention. Article
12 paragraph (2) of Law Number 12 of 2005 states
that: ”Everyone is free to leave any country including
his country".
Article 1 paragraph (9) of Law Number 6 of 2011
concerning Immigration is stipulated in the provision
for foreigners that foreigners are people who are not
Indonesian citizens. In the Immigration Act, a refugee
or asylum seeker refers to the article that they are still
in the general category, namely called and equalized
as foreigners. That is why Indonesia has not yet
ratified the 1951 Refugee Convention because there
is still a national legal instrument concerning
The mechanism for handling refugees in Indonesia
depends on how we see these refugees and from
which point of view. So far the problem of refugees
in Indonesia is only seen from the point of view of
immigration. The refugee problem in Indonesia has
not been seen from the point of view of human rights.
Refugees and asylum seekers are still compared to
immigrants. Even though the definition between
refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants is different
from each other.
The limited capacity of UNHCR in Indonesia to
deal with the increasing number of asylum seekers
and the lack of places for placement in third countries
results in long waiting times. The lack of information
and assistance available to asylum seekers and
refugees to help themselves and their families results
in frustration and depression for many of the people
In general, the lack of access to the right to health
care, education and employment resulted in refugees
and asylum seekers becoming very vulnerable to
health emergencies and daily life. The waiting list for
assistance such as shelter and health care is very long.
Without the right to work, there is no means for
asylum seekers to support themselves and their
families when they transit in Indonesia or when
waiting for the placement process to a third country.
UNHCR reported that as of December 2013, only 322
vulnerable people were served, through the services
of implementing partner institutions, Church World
Service (CWS). Other civil society organizations
such as Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) in Indonesia can
only provide limited assistance for food and shelter.
In 2013, JRS assisted 143 people located in Bogor
and Jakarta. Even for asylum seekers and refugees
who have received assistance, financial assistance
from UNHCR is reported to be very small.
Asylum seekers and refugees can only receive
services from the International Organization for
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Training Module RLD 1 june 1992 UNHCR, An
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ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches