Socio-economic Empowerment of Womens through Enterprise
Handicraft Activities "Meronce" in the Framework of Family
Economics at Dolok Merawan Village,
Dolok Merawan District, Serdang Bedagai Regency,
Province of Sumatera Utara
, Lina Sudarwati
and Ermansyah
Department of Sociology, The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl.
Dr. A Sofyan No.1 Kampus USU Medan 2015,Indonesia
Department of Social Anthropology, The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sumatera
Utara, Jl. Dr. A Sofyan No.1 Kampus USU Medan 20155,Indonesia
Keywords: Women's socio-economic empowerment, skills, job diversification.
Abstract: Women often become marginalized in society because of their powerlessness in contributing to family income
sources, particularly to poor families. The socio-economic empowerment of women, especially housewives,
becomes important in order to raise the dignity of women as well as to sustain family income. This community
service activity aims to make women, especially housewives become more empowered, in the sense of better
understanding the importance of organizing, having skills as an alternative to job diversification, and bettering
the level of their economic welfare. To achieve these objectives, the method of devotion used is lecture and
discussion techniques, handicrafts training "meronce" by providing tools and equipment, and strengthening
management of existing organizations of existing business groups. The results of the devotion show that
women belonging to two Joint Business Groups can understand the lectures conveyed in relation to
organizational matters which can be seen from the questions they raised in the discussion sessions. In addition,
some members of the women's group also possessed the "meronce" skills where they had gained in training
conducted by the Village Administration. Limited capital they have, making them have not been able to pass
it on to members of the group. In addition to limited capital, access to marketing of handicrafts is also a major
Basically, development is a conscious and sustainable
process that covers various aspects of community life.
Development should also be enjoyed by every class,
including women. However, today the development
process is felt to be still less touched women groups,
especially in rural areas. One source of the problem is
that women are only considered as housewives, and
not as agents of development. The role of women is
always identified with the role of educating children
and taking care of the household. This situation
causes women to have no access to actualize
themselves in the process of community
development, especially the development of rural
communities. It is in these circumstances that the
empowerment of women becomes necessary.
Empowering women is essentially an effort to
enable women to gain access and control over
economic, political, social and cultural resources in
order for women to be self-regularized, and to
increase their confidence to participate actively in
solving development problems and building
themselves. Simon in (Widjajanti, 2011) mentions
empowerment can be interpreted as a delegation or
giving power that will result in a hierarchy of strength
and lack of power; empowerment is an activity of
reflection, a process that is maintained only by agents
or subjects who seek strength or self-determination.
At present, women's empowerment programs in
the socio-economic field are crucial in addressing
challenges while taking advantage of opportunities in
the increasingly fierce competition for household
income. The main reason for the empowerment of
women in general is to overcome the lack of income
Badaruddin, ., Sudarwati, L. and Ermansyah, .
Socio-economic Empowerment of Womens through Enterprise Handicraft Activities "Meronce" in the Framework of Family Economics at Dolok Merawan Village, Dolok Merawan District,
Serdang Bedagai Regency, Province of Sumatera Utara.
DOI: 10.5220/0010093216431647
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of head of household by involving women to work
and increase family income (diversification
Dolok Merawan Village, Dolok Merawan
District, Serdang Bedagai Regency, North Sumatera
Province is a village whose area is squeezed by oil
palm plantation and rubber plantation owned by
government and swata. This geographical condition
makes Dolok Merawan people have very limited job
opportunities. The agricultural sector which is the
livelihood of most of the villagers of Dolok Merawan
is in a condition that can not provide an encouraging
hope, and even tends to decrease due to the
conversion of agricultural land into a settlement.
Therefore, diversification of work becomes important
done by the people of Dolok Merawan Village,
including women.
In line with the ongoing development program in
Dolok Merawan Village, women, especially
housewives in this village have also been touched by
the development programs in the village. From the
results of initial observations and interviews with
women in this village, it can be seen that some
housewives in the village of Dolok Merawan have
been trained in handicraft skills (meronce) conducted
by officials from the district, and they have been able
do it though it still needs to improve the skill. Figure
1. shows the results they have received from the
training made by the District Official.
Picture 1: Results of "Meronce" Training Activities Ever
Provided Member of Partner Group From Serdang Bedagai
Regency Official
When they talk to them it is known that they still
want the "meronce" training so they can be more
skilled. Another problem they think is how to market
the results later if they are able to produce the craft
items, and how to manage the associations they have
created in the form of Joint Business Group (KUBE).
The problem is equally important is the issue of
capital to be able to buy materials and equipment
(tools) handicrafts.
Limited employment available in Dolok Merawan
Village, especially for women workers, which can be
done to sustain the household economy (income) is a
problem also faced by Dolok Merawan Villagers. On
the other hand, women, especially housewives, have
no other skills except to conduct their husbands'
business activities as farmers. While housewives who
do not have agricultural land, can not do anything
except rely on her husband's income. This is what
makes women helpless in sustaining the family
economy. Socio-economic empowerment activities
through "meronce" activity is expected to be an
alternative solution for the helplessness. Choice of
"meronce" activities as one of the solutions because
these housewives have already done this activity, but
not sustainable because of lack of knowledge in terms
of organization, and still low skills in the process, and
limited capital owned.
Geographically, Dolok Merawan Village is
surrounded by plantation area (State plantation and
private plantation). Such geographic conditions make
access to economic resources very limited, especially
women. This situation makes people have difficulty
in terms of job opportunities, so it is necessary
alternative work that is able to sustain the family
The description and condition of the people of
Dolok Merawan Village, especially the women who
have been presented, indicate the need for a touch for
women in this village. This touch is done in an effort
to empower women in the village, both social and
economic empowerment. On the basis of situational
analysis as described above the author is called to
perform community service through entitled "Women
Social Economic Empowerment Through
Merchandise Handicraft Business" Meronce "In
Order To Support Family Economics In Dolok
Merawan Village Dolok Merawan District, Serdang
Bedagai Regency, North Sumatera Province
According to (Rahardjo and Rinakit, 1996) the
powerlessness of the community becomes more
severe due to the involvement of several factors, such
as institutional and educational weaknesses.
Therefore, the efforts of institutional activation and
improvement of education are expected to increase
community empowerment. One of the successful
efforts of community empowerment can be seen from
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
the utilization of social capital in an effort to solve
problems that arise in individuals and community
groups through the establishment of institutions.
Research results (Badaruddin, 2016) indicates that
villagers actually have potential social capital that can
be utilized and utilized in the development effort of
rural communities. Efforts that can be made in the
framework of village community development is to
empower the socio-economic community of the
(Moeljarto, 1996) argued that community
empowerment can be done by giving people the
freedom to develop an idea so that they can actualize
all their potentials. Meanwhile, according to (Salman,
2001), "participatory approach" is one approach that
can be operationalized in development work for
community empowerment. The essence of a
participatory approach actually lies in the learning
process based on experience to the local people
through the cultivation of critical awareness,
organizational development and capacity building in
terms of knowledge, attitude and skills (Ohama,
2001). There are several steps that must be taken in a
participatory approach. These steps include (1)
awareness process and (2) community organizing
formation (Salman, 2001).
Methods of community service is done by way of
counseling, discussion, tasks and training "meronce"
by involving instructors who have experience in
handicrafts, especially "meronce". The lecture
method is done by giving explanation of the material
about empowerment and capacity building of Partner
Group which serve as Community Service Partners,
especially related to organizational, building socio-
economic network in product marketing effort, and
exploring the economic potency in village.
Discussion method is done after the lecture and
explanation method is given and then give
opportunity to the participants devotion to question
and answer and solve the problems that exist in the
middle of society. The task is carried out by asking
participants to identify the economic potentials of the
village that may be developed into alternative
activities in the effort to diversify the work.
Training is done by an experienced instructor in
handicrafts, especially "meronce". In this "meronce"
training, tools and materials will be provided. The
instructor will teach the Partner Group, and the
Partner Group will practice its creation. Hopefully,
Participants Group Group also has their own idea
about the design that will be produced.
In this devotional activity, the Partner Group
(Joint Business Group "PERTIWI" and Joint Business
Group "MELATI") will contribute to preparing the
venue for lectures and discussions and inviting people
to be involved in this activity. Participants are also
expected to participate fully in each activity
(discussion and training), so they can understand the
counseling and training provided. In order to know
the level of participants' understanding of the
materials and training that have been given, an
evaluation will be conducted which includes: (1)
Participant's response to the material presented by the
speaker, (2) The participant's participation in the
discussion, and (3) The participant's ability in
practicing decoration meronce.
In order to know the level of participants'
understanding of the materials and training that have
been given, an evaluation will be conducted which
includes: (1) Participant's response to the material
presented by the speaker, (2) The participant's
participation in the discussion, and (3) The
participant's ability in practicing decoration
Evaluation of the implementation of this activity
simultaneously continues to be done, from the
beginning to the end of the activity. A through
evaluation will be undertaken at the time all activities
are undertaken, so it can be seen what still requires
follow-up for similar activities in the future.
To ensure the sustainability of this empowerment
effort an agreement will be made at the end of the
activity with village officials to establish a system or
mechanism of continuous monitoring and
communication mechanisms.
In line with the method of implementing the devotion
that has been described in the previous section, which
is to conduct extension activities and discussions with
the partner groups as well as provide financial
delivery in the form of the provision of materials and
equipment necessary for the "meronce" activity to the
partner group, the first step taken on this community
service activity is the arrangement of permission to
carry out community service activities to the village
administration in this case to the village officials.
Socio-economic Empowerment of Womens through Enterprise Handicraft Activities "Meronce" in the Framework of Family Economics at
Dolok Merawan Village, Dolok Merawan District, Serdang Bedagai Regency, Province of Sumatera Utara
4.1 Capacity Building and
Organizational Leadership
Implementation of counseling is done by community
service team with lecture method and discussion. The
participants of the discussion are members of 2 (two)
partner groups namely Joint Business Group
"PERTIWI" and Joint Business Group "MELATI"
plus the Village Head and its officials and also
management of Dolok Merawan Village. There are
two extension materials that are submitted are: 1).
Capacity Building and Group Empowerment; 2).
Leadership in Organizations.
The first material was presented by the Team
Leader, discussing the importance of the organization
to achieve group goals, and the need for strong and
solid groups to achieve group goals. While the second
material delivered by the team members with the
main content of lecture content revolves around how
the role of a leader in an organization. Leaders are the
main motors to move the wheel of the organization or
group in achieving its goals.
After the submission of the finished material,
followed by a discussion of the material that has been
submitted. In the discussion revealed various
problems which, according to the residents become
problems and obstacles in running the group so far.
Issues that arise from members of the partner group is
the issue of lack of capital, and marketing of
handicrafts. However, from a fairly relaxed
discussion, there are indeed many brilliant ideas from
group members about how the group should go
forward in order to achieve their goals. The delivered
lectures have opened their horizons of thinking about
what exactly they can do to diversify
their occupations. Their hope that such lectures
and discussions can be done in a sustainable manner.
One participant (village apparatus), offers that in
the future North Sumatera University can conduct
similar activities for other economic fields and related
to the marketing strategy of the community's
production, including the handicrafts of the citizens.
Especially for women, according to him, women have
more free time at home, so it needs to be empowered
to sustain family income.
After the lecture and discussion have been done,
it is continued with the delivery of materials and
equipment needed by the group to practice
"meronce". Prior to the delivery of materials and
equipment to the group leader, a handover ceremony
was first signed by the group leader and several
members of the group present and witnessed by the
Village Chief of Dolok Merawan.
Furthermore, each group leader distributes
materials and equipment for each member to start
learning and practice "meronce". This "meronce"
practice is guided by one of the members who are
already skilled at doing this job with various types of
motifs and types of items such as wallets and purses.
Once the "meronce" practice is completed, it is agreed
with the group leader that they will continue their
work in their respective homes, and if there are
obstacles they can be conveyed to the group leader so
that each member will be able to "meronce". It was
also agreed that the handicrafts would belong to the
group and be entirely handed over to the group leader
in the management.
The result of this dedication shows that women
actually have the ability and skill to diversify their
business in sustaining the family economy, but there
needs to be assistance for them, so that they have
higher self confidence to be able to rise in the effort
to improve their household economy. Increasing the
capacity of women groups, both individually and in
groups, needs to be done so that women become
women who are truly empowered.
From the description that has been described above
can be drawn some conclusions, namely:
1. Villagers of Dolok Merawan in general and
members of the partner groups in particular are
very welcome to the community service activities
conducted by the team of University of North
2. Knowledge of partner group members is increasing
especially in relation to leadership knowledge and
organizational/group strengthening. In other
words, the group's capacity is getting better.
3. The horizon of thinking that members of the group
of partners is more open in view of the economic
opportunities that exist in the midst of their
environment that can be utilized for economic
empowerment of rural communities.
4. Through the help of materials and equipment
"meronce" to the group of partners, the group's
economic assets become increasing and this
makes their motivation to succeed to be higher.
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
The authors gratefully acknowledge that the present
of community services is supported by niversitas
Sumatera Utara (USU) of Year 2018.
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Socio-economic Empowerment of Womens through Enterprise Handicraft Activities "Meronce" in the Framework of Family Economics at
Dolok Merawan Village, Dolok Merawan District, Serdang Bedagai Regency, Province of Sumatera Utara