Local People’s Perception of the Management Principle of Lake Toba
Tourism Destination: Case Study on Simanindo District, Samosir
J. Pardosi
, Nurcahaya Bangun
Tourism Departement, Culture Science Faculty, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Tourism, Local People, Tourism Development, Attraction.
Abstract : The aim of the research is: 1) to find out the local people’s perception to the principal tourism destination
management in Lake Toba, Simanindo district, Samosir Regency, 2) to find out the model of sustainable
tourism development in Simanindo district Samosir regency. Franc Lynch method is used to take the sample
from local people’s aged 15-64 years old and obtained 95 respondent. Data type used represent primary by
using questionnaire with Likert scale in each question. Data analysis techniques using the value perception
and multiple regression analysis. The result from this research are: 1)The local people’s perception to the
principal way in managing tourism in Lake Toba in the positive area or good. 2) The model of the sustainable
tourism development should be stressed on the attraction and the human resource in Simanindo district.
Lake Toba is a 1.145 km creater lake that an island
almost the size of Singapore in it’s center. It is the
widest lake inSouth East Asia and second biggest lake
in the world after Lake Victoria in Africa (Vazquez,
Prapat, Simarjarunjung, TanjungUnta,
Haranggaol and many other villages are some of
tourism destinations that located around Lake Toba.
However, one of the most favorite and famous
destinations is Simanindo a district in Samosir
Regency that has many tourist attraction. Located
right by the side of Lake Toba.Simanindo has a lot of
natural tourism attraction, culture, and local wisdom
custom that make Simanindo as one of the most
favorite destination for families to visit during
The beautiful and magical Lake Toba along
withit’s tourism potential that surrounding Simanindo
as a valuable asset for local people and central
government as well. The developed tourism industry
surely give a big impact to the locals, like income
enhancement new livelihood and economic
enhancement through the visitors.
However, according to BadanPusatStatistik
(BPS) the amount of International visitors that come
to Sumatera Utara through Bandara Kualanamu in
January 2016 was decreased by 47,41% compare to
December 2015, meanwhile compare to January 2015
it was decreased by 41,69 %. In other words, overall
tourism in North Sumatera was decreasing, include
Lake Toba.
In 2015, the amount of local visitors that come to
Lake Toba during holiday season was also
decreasing, compare to the same time in 2014. Head
of Destination Management Organization (DMO)
said that the amount of visitors that come to Lake
Toba trough Parapat, Simalungun regency reach
22.000 people each day and most of them are from
Riau and West Sumatera.
According to government policy No. 50 of 2011
regarding Rencana Induk Pembangunan
Kepariwisataan Nasional (2010-2015), one of 10
prioritized tourism destinations to be developed is
Lake Toba. The aim of this policy is to increase the
amount of visitors to 1 million people in 2019 by
making Lake Toba a landscape Scenery and Geopark.
The targeted international visitors are from ASEAN
(Malaysia and Singapore), Europe (Netherland and
France), Australia and America, meanwhile the
targeted local visitors are from big cities like Java and
The strategy that is used to develop Lake Toba is
only focusing on Attraction, Amenities, and
Accessibility; and most of them are physical
developments. However, to develop a tourism
Pardosi, J. and Bangun, N.
Local People’s Perception of the Management Principle of Lake Toba Tourism Destination: Case Study on Simanindo District, Samosir Regency.
DOI: 10.5220/0010086115181523
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
destination one should not depend only on
infrastructure, attraction and nature. Who lives
around Lake Toba also need to take part as well.
To develop means to follow the fundamental of
decentralization, using bottom up movement to
include local people (participatory) and do it together
(from and with people). Likewise, all stakeholders
that take part in developing the tourism need to
integrate and represented in planning, develop and
managing the operational of a tourism attraction.
Managing the tourism needs to involve all the
tourism stakeholders, including local people. To
make local people involve, they need to know what is
the real definition of tourism. After they got the real
definition, they can take part in planning,
implementation, supervising, acceptance and
Sihabudin (2011) state thatperception is an
internal process done to select, evaluate, andorganize
stimuli from the external environment. Other than
that Samovar (2010) state that perception is how a
culture teaches their communities to see the world
differently. Perception allows human to get a new
knowledge. Perception change sensation to
information. If sensation is how sense work, then
perception is the way individual processing those
sense to information so it has a meaning.
People around Simanindo and the visitors have
different culture background, they were born and
raise in different place. People near Simanindoraised
with Toba culture that is why they have a very
different culture experience from visitors, and all the
references that they got from their culture will have a
big impact in shaping their mindset or how to
interpret something.
Simanindo district with all its tourism potential
along with its tourism development strategy turned
out to be the opposite from the amount of visitors that
come through Kualanamu, were its decreased
significantly. This topic is really interesting to be
studied, more over if it’s linked to local culture. Local
people who work in entrepreneurship need to be
studied, because one of the key to success is
sustainable tourism development.
This research was done at Simanindo district,
Samosir Regency Province North Sumatera and held
from March 2018 –Juli 2018. This research
population is all the local people in
Simanindowithage from 15-64 years. Tihis
classification is taken because this age is a productive
age, especially in the tourism industry. Based on the
data from BPS Samosir regency of 2016, it was
known that population of Simanindo district with age
from 15-64 was 11.929 people. Sample calculation
using Frank Lynch’s formula (Irawan, 2016).
Based on the formula then it is set that the
research sample is 95 respondent. In this research, the
technic used in talking sample is purposive sampling.
Sample taking based on field observation on people
of Simanindo district who works as an entrepreneur,
because a side from being a productive local people
they also take part in managing the tourism based on
their business.
Descriptive quantitative methodology is used to
describe the problem focus in this research. The
research is an explanatory research which is
concerned to its variable and also the influence of
each variable to one another.
Primary data is taken directly from the source
trough interviewing the informant. The respondents
come from different background and demography
secondary data is taken trough documentary studying
from BPS, Direktorat Jenderal Kependudukan dan
Catatan Sipil, Dinas Pariwisata, dan Dinas
Perhubungan Sumatera Utara.
The methodology used in analyzing data is
perception value through analyzing the average score
and multiple regression. Value perception analyzes
explained the data and score achieved from the field
and the presented in a table. Regression analyzes used
to find out the direction of the dependent and
independent variables. The multiple linear regression
model as follows :
The effects of independent variables to
dependent variables is examined with a confidence
interval 95% or α=0,05. The hypothesis test used a
simultant test (test-F) and partial test (test t). The
independent variables in this research are service (x
attraction (x
Human resource (x
, Nature (x
, and
participation (x
Whilst the dependent variables are
tourism sustainable development (y)
Local People’s Perception of the Management Principle of Lake Toba Tourism Destination: Case Study on Simanindo District, Samosir
Validity test is done by comparing the value of
corrected item – total correlation in each question to
“r” value of the variable. Suntoyo (2009) stated that,
if the value of the correlated item – total correlation
and the value positively, then each question
on the variable is valid. Value of r
2=93 and α=0,05 is 0,169. There is no value of
correlated item – total correlation under 0,169 in this
research, then every single question is valid.
Suntoyo (2009) said that, every question is
reliable if the answer given to the question is
consistently the same time to time. The reliable
measurement used the statistics test of cronbach
alpha. According to Suntoyo (2009).”A construct is
reliable if only gives a value of cronbach alpha > 0,60.
In this research, every cronbach alpha for each
variable has value above 0,60, then it is considered
reliable. Based on the result of validity and reliability,
the instrument is good for actual measurement.
Classical assumption tests such as normality,
heteroscedasticity, and multicollinearity are qualified
for multiple regression analysis, then that the
regression model obtained best linear unbiased
A perception value analysis explained that the
data and the numeral found from the field is described
in table. And then, the analyzed data shown to figure
out mean (the average), and then the conclusion is
made based on the score achieved. The average value
on the dependent variable id 4,29 or 85%. The result
shows that the local people’s perception to the
principal way in managing the tourism in Lake Toba
in the positive area or good.
The positive perception is a great asset for
sustainable tourism development in Simanindo
district. When local people’s perception are positive
to the principles of tourism management, the foam
community can be optimized.
The effect of independent variables to the
dependent variable is examined by comparing F
and F
on the confidence interval 95% or α=0,05.
can be seen on table 1.
Table 1. The Result of Simultan Test (Test-F)
Model Sum of Squares F Sig.
Regression 10.988 11.542 .000
Residual 16.945
Total 27.932
Source: Processing Data Result
Based on table 1, variables of service, attraction,
human resource, nature and participation are
influenced to the tourism sustainability development
in Simanindosimultantly and significantly. This could
be know from table that showed F
count =
bigger than F
table =
2,31. And the significantly is less
than 0,05, so the decision is rejected H
and accepted
Table 2.The Result of Regression Estimation
Model T Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.002 .319
Service .307 .760
Attraction 2.008 .048
Human Resource 2.055 .043
Nature 1.241 .218
Participation .510 .611
(Constant) 1.002 .319
Source: Processing DataResult
Based on table 2 above resulting multiple linear
regression model as follows :
Y= 0,591 + 0,043 X
+ 0,326 X
+ 0.287 X
+ 0,168
+ 0,045 X
+ e
The result of the multiple linear regression made
conclusion that service, attraction, human resource,
nature, and participation have a positive relationship
to the sustainable tourism development in Simanindo
district. This could be know from table that showed
positive value on all of variables.
Based on table 3 ; variable of service, nature, and
participation has no significant influence to
sustainable tourism development in Simanindo
district. Meanwhile, Attraction and Human resource
significantly give positive impact to the variable of
sustainable tourism development in Simanindo
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
Table 3.The Result of Partial test (T-test)
Unstandardized Coefficients
B Std. Error
(Constant) .591 .589
Service .043 .140
Attraction .326 .162
Human Resource .287 .140
Nature .168 .136
Participation .045 .088
Source: Processing Data Result
This could be know from t-test. Service variable
has t
count =
0,307, while t
gain 1,66, so that
, makes H
rejected and H
is accepted. This
means that variable of service has no significantly
effect to the sustainable tourism development in
Simanindo district.
Based on t-test, it is found that attraction variable
has t
count =
2,008, while t
gain 1,66, so that
, makes H
accepted and H
is rejected. This
means that variable of attraction give significantly
influence to the sustainable tourism development in
Simanindo district.
Through the t-test, human resource variable has
count =
2,005, while t
gain 1,66, so that t
makes H
accepted and H
is rejected. This means that
variable of human resource give significantly
influence to the sustainable tourism development in
Simanindo district.
From the t-test, nature variable has t
count =
while t
gain 1,66, so that t
, makes H
rejected and H
is accepted. This means that variable
of nature has no significantly effect to the sustainable
tourism development in Simanindo district.
From the t-test, participation variable has t
0,501 while t
gain 1,66, so that t
, makes
rejected and H
is accepted. This means that
variable of participation has no significantly effect to
the sustainable tourism development in Simanindo
Based on the results of estimation of regression
and simultaneous test, it is known that sustainable
tourism development has a positive relationship and
influenced silmultan to service variables, attractions,
human resources, environment, and participation.
Therefore, the development of sustainable tourism
based on the local community can be directed to the
following points:
1. Increasing the ability of local community
services to tourists visiting tourist
destinations with emphasis on hospitality
and willingness to help
2. Preservation and creation of both natural and
cultural tourist attractions that are a source
of uniqueness and attractiveness of tourists
3. Increasing the capacity and quality of the
community in the tourism sector
4. Increasing the position and participation of
the community in planning, implementing,
monitoring and evaluating tourism
5. Environmental conservation
The results of this study are consistent with the
conclusions conveyed by Suansri (2003) and Sunaryo
(2013), that the development of sustainable tourism
based on local communities can be directed by
increasing the capacity, role, quality, position and
role of the community. Nevertheless, based on the
results of partial tests there are two variables that
influence the development of sustainable tourism in a
significantly positive way, namely; attractions and
human resources.
Tourist attractions are an important component in
tourism. Attractions are one of the core factors of
attracting the touristsmovementto tourism
destinations. There are two functions of attractions,
namely as a tourism stimulant and as one of the main
tourism products to attract visitors. Tourist attractions
must be well managed by the local community,
whatever their nature, culture, or special interests
Based on this research, in addition to Attractions,
Human Resources also has a significant positive
influence on sustainable tourism development in
Simanindo District. That is, the quality of human
resources must be improved to support tourism
development. Human resources in this case local
communities are required to understand tourism,
active in tourism associations, and capable in foreign
Based on the research result, the conclusions are :
1. The local people’s perception to the principal
way in managing the tourism in Lake Toba in
the positive area or good.
2. The Model of the sustainable community-based
tourism development in Simanindo district is as
Local People’s Perception of the Management Principle of Lake Toba Tourism Destination: Case Study on Simanindo District, Samosir
Figure 1: The Model of the Sustainable Tourism Development
Based on the research result, the suggestions are
1. In order to realize the Long and Medium
Term Development Tourism Plan, the
Samosir Regency Government is advised to
make policies that touch the local community
2. Local communities must improve their
personality and environment in order to
support the formation of sustainable tourism
3. Local communities have an important role in
the development of sustainable tourism,
therefore it is suggested that further
researchers explore the needs and strategies
of local community development.
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Local People’s Perception of the Management Principle of Lake Toba Tourism Destination: Case Study on Simanindo District, Samosir