Smoking Prevalence among Head of Household in Medan
and Maya Fitria
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Smoking, Head of Household, Medan City.
Abstract: Background: Smoking is an important public health problem in Indonesia. Smoking prevalence among
males and female is 66 % and 6,7 % (2013) increased from 53.4% and 1.7% (1995). Medan City has issued
Regulation on Non-Smoking Area No. 3/2014 which became effective since January 2014. Although Medan
already has regulation but data on the number of smokers has not been available, especially related to
smoking behaviour of household heads. The aims of this study were to analyze and identify smoking
prevalence in Medan. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted using questioner among 400 head of
household in Medan City. Results: The overall prevalence of smoking was 57,25 % (97,8 % among males
and 2,2 % among females). About 47,2 % of smokers smoke 5–14 sticks per day, and 41,5 % smoke 15 or
more sticks per day. Average age at smoking initiation is 19 years; 46,7 % smoker was Senior high school
graduates, 20,5 % junior high school and 10,9 % Primary school compare to 21,4 % with university. About
75,5 % smokers are The National Health Insurance participant, age of initiation of smoking was 19 years.
Conclusions: The prevalence of male smokers in Medan is higher than the national prevalence, while
women smokers is lower than the national prevalence, this needs to be a concern. Most smokers are national
health insurance participants, so this behaviour is very risky to cause preventable diseases. Health centre
should prioritize promotive and preventive services for smokers.
Smoking cigarette is the single, most important
preventable cause of death and the most important
public health issue. WHO described tobacco
smoking as an epidemic with an estimated three
million deaths annually worldwide because of
smoking. This figure is expected to rise to 10 million
by the year 2020 or early 2030, if the current trends
of smoking continue. Seventy percent of these
deaths will occur in the developing countries
Cigarette consumption in Indonesia is rising
more rapidly than anywhere else in the world.
Prevalence of active smokers was increasing from
1995 to 2013 in both males and females and in
almost all age groups. The prevalence of smoking
among male’s population age 15 years and above
increased from 53.4% in 1995 to 66% in 2013 and
from 1.7% in 1995 to 6.7% in 2013 in females
Medan has issued Regulation on Non-Smoking Area
No. 3/2014 which became effective since January
Although Medan already has regulation but data
on the number of smokers has not been available,
especially related to smoking behaviour of
household heads. Be advised that papers in a
technically unsuitable form will be returned for
retyping. After returned the manuscript must be
appropriately modified. Research Objectives: To
determine the prevalence of smoking among head’s
household in Medan.
This research is a cross sectional study was
conducted among head of household in Medan City.
A total of 400 head of respondent were investigated
using a structured questionnaire. Descriptive
statistics which included frequency, % distribution,
Sampel Size :
Information :
α = 5%, 1,96
Juanita, . and Fitria, M.
Smoking Prevalence among Head of Household in Medan.
DOI: 10.5220/0010083806790683
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
P = Proportion smokers in Indonesia= 66,0%
(Riskesdas, 2013)
Q = 1-P, 1-0,66 = 0,34
d = estimated difference proportion = 5%
Number of sampel = 400 household
Table 1. Distribution of Sample.
No Districts
r of hh Sampel
1 Medan Amplas 28364 22
2 Medan Area 22380 18
3 Medan Barat 17022 13
4 Medan Baru 11071 9
5 Medan Belawan 21898 17
6 Medan Deli 41235 32
7 Medan Denai 32587 26
8 Medan Helvetia 33460 26
9 Medan Johor 30342 24
10 Medan Kota 17684 14
11 Medan Labuhan 26131 21
12 Medan Maimun 9485 7
13 Medan Marelan 35780 28
14 Medan Perjuangan 23188 18
15 Medan Petisah 15705 12
16 Medan Polonia 12727 10
17 Medan selayang 28104 22
18 Medan Sunggal 27149 21
19 Medan Tembung 31048 24
20 Medan Timur 26104 20
21 Medan Tuntungan 20051 16
Total 511515 400
Prevalence of smokers by demographic
characteristics. The respondents were the head of
household in Medan who were willing to participate
in the study with a total of 400 people. The smoking
status in this study was grouped into 2 categories
namely smoking and not smoking. The results
showed that about. 57.25% were smokers, with
97.80% in males compare 2.2% to female. The
prevalence of male smokers is higher than female
smokers, with the number of stick per day averaged
5 to 14 stick (47.2%) and 15 - 25 sticks by 41.5%.
Based on the level of education, 46.7% of SMU-
educated smokers, 20.5% SMP and 10.9% SD
compared with those with an educated PT of 21.4%.
About 75.5% of smokers are JKN participants. The
following table is the distribution of respondent
Table 2. Demographic Characteristics of head’s household
in Medan.
Demographic Characteristics n %
Smoking status (n=400)
Yes 229 57,25
No 171 42,75
Males 224 97,8
Females 5 2,2
Education level
Primary school graduates 25 10,9
Junior high school graduates 47 20,5
Senior high school graduate 107 46,7
University graduates 50 21,4
JKN status
Yes 173 75,5
No 56 24,5
Number of stick per day
1 – 4 stick 17 7,4
5 – 14 stick 108 47,2
15 – 25 stick 95 41,5
>25 stick 9 3,9
Total 229 100,0
Table 3. Descriptive Data about age, age of smoking and
household expenditure cigarette of respondents.
Min Max
Age of
19 70
Age of
0 55
e on
36.000 1890000
The average age of smokers is 41.5 years with a
minimum of 19 years and a maximum of 70 years,
with a mean age of smoking initiation 19 years.
While the average cigarette expenditure is
Rp. 574,000.
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
4.1 Smoking Prevalence
The analysis shows that smoking prevalence in
Medan was 57.25% higher than the national rate of
54% in 2016. It means that from 100 heads of
households there were 57 people who smoked, more
than half of the heads of households were smokers.
The epidemic of cigarette consumption in Indonesia
is very worrying, where the number of smokers in
Indonesia shows a tendency to increase from the
previous year. In 2013 the prevalence of smokers by
36% increased to 54% by 2016. More than half of
Indonesia's population is categorized as permanent
smokers. This condition is very apprehensive for the
health of the people of Indonesia
4.1.1 Smokers by Gender
The results also indicate that there is a sharp
difference in the prevalence of male and female
smoking, where this habit is rarely done by women.
Smoking behavior in men is considered part of
normal behavior and acceptable to society
. which is
widely promoted through cigarette advertisements
In contrast, smoking behavior in women is
considered a deviant behavior and unacceptable to
. The dominance of male smokers and at
least female smokers can be attributed to a culture
that does not accept the behavior of women who
smoke. Promotion of the cigarette industry that
connects smoking with young women, singset and
beautiful, can be said to fail or still have not
succeeded in facing this cultural resistance. The
cultural view of women smoking is considered
discriminatory and as a stigma is something that
ultimately has a positive impact on women's health,
since the cultural outlook has made the prevalence
rate of smoking among women to be low
The psychological literature concludes that
gender differences in tobacco consumption are
mainly due to different behavior, having its roots in
traditional sex roles. Waldron (1991 identifies three
main reasons for gender differences in smoking
behavior: (i) general characteristics of traditional sex
roles lead to social pressure against female smoking,
(ii) traditional sex role norms cause dierences in
personal characteristics leading to more or less
acceptance of smoking (e.g. rebelliousness among
males is more accepted than among women and
causes higher smoking rates), (iii) sex roles
influence the assessment of costs and utility of
smoking (e.g. a thin women’s beauty ideal makes
weight control more important for women and
therefore increases the benefits of smoking
4.1.2 Smokers and Education Level
US surgeon general's report, upon a thorough review
of the literature, concluded that education is the best
sociodemographic predictor of cigarette smoking
. The general consensus has been that the
fewer years of education one has, the more likely
this person is to smoke. Good health is positively
associated with never starting to smoke, quitting
smoking, and choosing low levels of tar in cigarettes
and this is in line with expectations one would have
for these behaviours, because smoking is considered
to damage health
, higher levels of education may
lead to greater levels of knowledge, if this effect
exists it is actually likely to act through the greater
capacity of those with higher education to both
absorb and use information, education may have an
indirect affect through its impact on the structuring
of perceived risk and future orientation. lower
educated individuals being more likely to smoke
than higher educated individuals, have been widely
The economic literature discusses at least three
partly related reasons why high educated individuals
. First, education is an investment
raising future income, which increases the marginal
return to health capital and leads to a higher optimal
health stock
. Second, education can change the
inputs into health production itself
. For
instance, higher educated individuals may be more
likely aware of the harmful of smoking or better able
to process health information, such as following
medical advice, higher education and healthier
behaviour simultaneously
4.1.3 Smoker by Initiation of Smoking
Most smokers started smoking at the age of 19
years, it means that most beginner smokers come
from teenagers. If at a young age a person does not
start to learn to smoke then he will never become a
smoker. Most beginner smokers are teenagers who
do not yet have the ability to properly assess the
effects of smoking and they are unaware of the
powerful addictive effects of nicotine that will bind
and cause people to stop smoking. In order for the
public to make the right choice, appropriate
information is needed. There are still many
community members in Indonesia who do not
understand correctly about the dangers of smoking
for health. One difficulty to communicate health
risks is the 20-25 year grace period required since a
Smoking Prevalence among Head of Household in Medan
person starts smoking until the onset of various
diseases caused by cigarettes, such as lung cancer.
However, the existing evidence is sufficiently
convincing that the use of tobacco kills one of two
users and causes a large number of serious health
Two main strategies may be used to develop
preventive efforts against adolescent smoking: (i) to
identify the determinants of smoking initiation, and
(ii) identifying determinants of smoking cessation,
which includes smoking reduction
4.1.4 Household Expenditure on Tobacco
Data from Indonesia Statistic shows that tobacco and
betel is the third highest expenditure per capita
during 2014, after prepared foods and rice grains.
The analysis shows that the prevalence of smokers is
high among head of household in Medan males, less
educated and JKN participant, thus those population
are mostly affected by the ill impact of smoking.
Under a decentralized government system, local
authorities have more power to prevent negative
economic and social impact of tobacco consumption
with intensive supports from the central government.
Stronger pro-health leadership is required in central
and local government to support programs to prevent
hazardous impact of tobacco consumption.
This study was supported by the Research Institute
University of North Sumatra In accordance with the
contract of TALENTA Research Implementation
University of North Sumatra 2018 Fiscal Year No:
2590 / UN5.1.R / PPM / 2018 dated March 16, 2018.
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