A Study of Anemia Prevalence and Dietary Habits among Adolescent
Girls in Rural and Urban Area in North Sumatera, Indonesia
Sri Lestari
, Isti Ilmiati Fujiati
, Sake Juli Martina
, Dina Keumala Sari
, Siti Ardianti Ahmad
and Nur Hidayah Nasution
Departement of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. dr. Mansur No. 5 Kampus USU,
Medan 20155, Indonesia
Departement of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. dr. Mansur No. 5 Kampus USU
Medan 20155
Departement of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. dr. Mansur No. 5 Kampus USU, Medan
20155, Indonesia
Departement of Public Health Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Universitas No. 21
Kampus USU, Medan 20155, Indonesia
Master Student in Departement of Administration and Health Policy, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera
Utara, Jl. Universitas No. 21 Kampus USU, Medan 20155, Indonesia
Keywords: Anemia, Dietary Habit, Adolescence Girls.
Abstract: Anemia is one of the public health problems in developing countries. Adolescent is a part of the groups at
risk of anemia due to the increased need for iron during the age. Anemia in adolescent will lead to decreased
resistance to disease, impaired physical and mental development and decreased performance in schools.
This research aimed to determine the prevalence of anemia and associated with adolescent girls. This
research is an analytic study with cross sectional approach. Total sample 300 adolescent girls aged 12-19
years old from Mei-October 2018. Data collected by using Food Frequency questionnaire (FFQ),
anthropometric assessment and hemoglobinometer tool. Chi-square analysis was used to find the association
between dietary habits and anemia. The overall prevalence of anemia was found to be 30.0%, moderate
anemia (15.3%) was found to be more common than other forms of anemia. Anemia (23.0%) was found to
be more prevalent among girls with aged 13-15 years (mid adolescent). The dietary habits associated with
the anemia were consumption of heme sources, fruits, vegetables, tea (P <0.05). Anemia was more common
in rural adolescent girls. There was significant association between anemia and dietary habits of adolescent
Anemia is still a global problem in the world
especially in Indonesia. It has been proven to be a
public health problem affected the low, the medium,
and the high income countries and has been a
significant adverse health consequences, detrimental
to social and economic development (WHO, 2015).
Anemia can occur for a number of causes; with the
most important contributor is iron deficiency.
Anemia affects half a million women at reproductive
age worldwide. In 2011, 29% of non-pregnant
women aged 15-49 years were anemia (WHO,
2015). More than 50% of girls aged 12-15 years old
are reported to have anemia.
The results of a study conducted by (Stevens,
2013), the prevalence of anemia in Asia's highest
continent in Uzbekistan was 51.7% and the lowest in
Vietnam was 14.1%. The prevalence of anemia in
Southeast Asian countries such as Malaysia,
Thailand, and Philippines was 20.7%, 23.8%, and
25.4%, and the highest was in Cambodia with a
prevalence of 43.8%. The prevalence of anemia in
Australia showed a smaller number of 17.5%. The
prevalence of anemia in Indonesia according to
Basic Health Research (Riskesdas, 2013) was
21.7%, with the second highest prevalence among
children and adolescents aged 5-14 years ie 26.4%
(Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, 2013)
Anemia in young women has serious
implications and almost all consequences of iron
Lestari, S., Fujiati, I., Martina, S., Sari, D., Panjaitan, S. and Nasution, N.
A Study of Anemia Prevalence and Dietary Habits among Adolescent Girls in Rural and Urban Area in North Sumatera, Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0010082906520656
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
deficiency are closely related to the severity of
anemia. Anemia causes decreased resistance to
infection, impaired physical growth and mental
development, as well as reduced physical fitness,
work capacity, and school performance (Tesfaye,
2015). The most visible impact on adolescents,
especially those attending school, is the decline in
learning achievement.
Studies linking eating habits with the incidence
of anemia were among others done by (Thomas,
2015) who found that iron deficiency, folic acid,
vitamin B12, low-meat diets and menstruation were
associated with anemia in adolescents. Regular fruit
consumption, especially those containing iron and
vitamin C also decreases the risk of anemia in Indian
adolescents (Ahankari., 2017). The energy intake
influence the prevalence of anemia in pregnant
women (Lestari., 2018a), stunting in children
(Lestari, 2018), , and obesity in adult female
(Lestari, 2017).
Meanwhile, research on anemia in young
women in North Sumatera is still limited, so it is
necessary to do research to examine the relationship
of eating habits with anemia in young women in
North Sumatera.
This type of research is an analytic survey with cross
sectional study design. Total samples of 300
adolescent girls aged 12-19 years coming from 4
from Langkat Regency, and SMP Negeri 41 Medan
dan SMP Santo Yoseph from Medan City, of North
Sumatera Province. Data was taken in February-July
Types of data collected in this study were
primary data, using questionnaires and
anthropometry measurements and hemoglobin
examinations. Interviews with structured
questionnaires were to find socio-demographic data,
dietary habits and risk factors for anemia. While
anthropometric measurements include height, weight
and Body Mass Index (BMI). Food intake data
obtained by using a food recall 24 hours. The
measurement of anthropometry was included height
and weight. Height measurement using gauge height
"microtoice" with capacity measuring two meters
and the accuracy of 0.1 cm. Anemia was diagnosed
at haemoglobin level of less than 12g/dl (WHO,
2011). The level of hemoglobin (Hb) was measured
using the HemoCue blood photometer (Kisworini,
2005) and (Akhtar, 2008).
Data analysis was univariate and bivariate.
Univariate analysis used to describe the severity of
anemia, and age range in adolescent girls. The
bivariate analysis used was a chi-square test to see
the association of anemia with dietary habits. Data
was analyzed using SPSS Software.
Total of 300 adolescent girls were invited to
participate in the present study. In this study found
as many as 30.0% of respondents suffer from
anemia. As many as 13% of adolescent girls were
suffer from mild anemia, 15.3% had moderate
anemia and 1.7% had severely anemia (table 1).
Table 1: Prevalence of anemia in adolescent girls
Anemia Frequency %
Severe (Hb <8,0
5 1.7
Moderate (Hb
8,0-10,9 g/dL)
46 15.3
Mild (Hb 11,0-
11,9 g/dL)
39 13.0
Normal (Hb >12
210 70.0
Total 300 100.0
Table 2 shows that in the age group of 13-15
years (mid) adolescent girls suffered more the mild
and moderate anemia. While in the age group 10-12
years (early) suffered more the moderate anemia and
age group 16-19 years (late) suffered the mild
Table 2: Cross-distribution between age and severity of
Age Group
10-12 years
10.7 1.3 3.3 0.0
13-15 years
51.7 10.3 11.0 1.7
16-19 years
7.7 1.3 1.0 0.0
Total 70.0 13.0 15.3 1.7
In this study found that anemia of adolescent
girls more experienced by respondents who come
from rural (17.3%). Most girls in rural areas suffered
the moderate anemia. This is likely due to lower
socioeconomic status in rural areas. In addition, low
nutrition and anemia knowledge and nutritional
intake of young wom adolescent girls in rural areas
are inadequate (Table 3).
A Study of Anemia Prevalence and Dietary Habits among Adolescent Girls in Rural and Urban Area in North Sumatera, Indonesia
Table 3: Prevalence of anemia in adolescent girls in rural
and urban.
32.7 6.3 10.3 0.7
37.3 6.7 5.0 1.0
70.0 13.0 15.3 1.7
The association between nutritional status and
anemia is shown in Table 4. It was found that young
women with mild anemia were found in
Underweight group (BMI 16-18.4 and normal),
whereas in an overweight group there was only 2%
of adolescent anemia (Table 4).
Table 4: Cross distribution between Nutritional Status and
Nutritional Status
CED grade III
6.3 0.3 0.7 0.0
Underweight (BMI
17.7 5.7 3.0 0.7
Normal (BMI 18.5-
34.0 6.0 9.3 1.0
Overweight (BMI
6.3 0.3 1.7 0.0
Obese (BMI >25.0) 5.7 0.7 0.7 0.0
Total 70.0 13.0 15.3 1.7
Table 5 shows women's eating habits in
consuming sources of heme, green vegetables, tea
and breakfast in a week. It was found that adolescent
girls with anemia sometimes consume food sources
of heme (21.0%), sometimes consume green
vegetables (21.7%) and often drink tea after-meal
In adolescence there is a significant increase in the
need for iron. Deficiency of iron intake in this period
will lead to anemia. Anemia in young women will
decrease learning ability and physical capacity.
Generally, the prevalence of anemia in this study
was 30%. This figure is higher than the prevalence
of anemia in adolescents nationwide results
Riskesdas 2013 of 22.7%. Another study conducted
on junior high school students in Semarang found
26.7% of respondents suffered from anemia
(Indartanti and Kartini, 2014). Another study
conducted on high school students in Jogjakarta
found 17.0% suffered from anemia (Triwinarni,
2018). Greater prevalence was found by (Hapzah
and R. Yulita, 2011) in Polewali Mandar district of
South Sulawesi, 67% of adolescent girls were
anemic. A study by (Shaka and Wondimagegne,
2018) in South Ethiopia involving 443 adolescents
found anemia of 22.0%. While research conducted
by Jalambo (2013) in Gaza Palestine found the
prevalence of anemia in female adolescents by
33.5%. The results of this study indicate that the
majority of young women (15.3%) had Moderate
anemia and mild anemia (13.0%). Research by
(Chaturvedi, 2017) on 300 adolescent girls in Ranchi
India showed an 82% prevalence of anemia, that was
mild anemia (34.0%), moderate (30.3%) and severe
anemia (17.6%). The high prevalence of anemia also
found by (Gupta, 2012) found 77.3% adolescent
girls had mild anemia. While anemia studies in the
developed world showed a low prevalence of
anemia, (Kim, 2014) in Korea's study involved 1312
the 10-18-year-old girls found only 5.4% with
Table 5: Association between dietary habits and anemia in
adolescent girls.
Sources of
9.0 31.0 0.021
sometimes 21.0 39.0
8.3 32.0 0.004
sometimes 21.7 38.0
7.4 25.9 0.039
sometimes 22.6 44.1
Tea post
20.0 26.7 0.001
sometimes 10.0 43.3
17.3 45.0 0.286
12.7 25.0
When viewed in terms of age, the results of this
study showed anemia more experienced by young
women in the age group 13-15 years (mid) that is
equal to 23%. This study is in line with the
(Amarnath and Lakshmanrao, 2013) in Andhra
Prades involved 270 adolescent girls, 88.9% anemia
and adolescents in the 12-15 year age group
experienced the most anemia (54.8%). In this study
found the prevalence of anemia in adolescent girls in
rural (17.3%), higher than in urban areas (13.7%).
The results of this study are in line with studies
conducted by Shaka [14] in South Ethiopia, anemia
in the countryside found at 67.5%, urbanized 32.5%
anemia. Similarly, a study by (Sulakshana, 2014)
which found an prevalence of anemia among girls in
rural India by 75%. Lifestyle and socio-economic
level in rural areas are relatively lower than in urban
areas, which have an effect on anemia on young
women. Cross-distribution between nutritional status
and anemia in this study showed that adolescent
girls with underweight nutritional status were more
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
anemic (10.7%) than those with overweight (2.4%).
A similar study was conducted by (Kurniawan,
2006) in Tangerang Banten who found that the
majority of adolescent girls suffered from anemia
had underweight nutritional status (44.2%). A
similar study was conducted by (Kanodia, 2016), in
Nepal involve 433 adolescent girls and found no
significant relationship between nutritional status
and anemia, 75.4% of malnourished young women
suffered from anemia.
The results of this study indicated that young
women who rarely consume food sources of iron
heme such as meat, chicken and fish suffered more
anemia (21.0%). There was a significant correlation
between meat consumption and anemia in
adolescent girls. This result was in line with
previous research conducted by (Lestari., 2018) in
North Sumatera Province which found the influence
of food consumption of heme and non heme sources
with the incidence of anemia. Iron absorption is
influenced by two factors, namely the absorption of
heme iron and nonheme which indicate the existence
of two different types of iron in the food. The
sources of heme in human food are meat, fish, and
poultry, whereas nonheme sources are cereals, nuts,
vegetables and fruits (Briawan, 2012). Studies
conducted by Mikki in adolescent girls in Palestine
also showed a clear relationship between meat
consumption and anemia. Other studies that
supported the results of this study were conducted
by (Bhargava, 2001) in Bangladesh that found an
association of meat, fish and egg consumption with
haemoglobin concentrations in women. (Zuffo,
2017) study in Brazil found a strong influence
between the consumption of food sources of heme
(meat) with anemia in school children.
The results of this study also showed that the
consumption of green fruits and vegetables affect the
anemia of young women. This result was in line
with the (Jalambo, 2015) study in Gaza which
concludes that there is a significant association of
fruit and vegetable consumption with anemia in
young women. A study by (Alquaiz, 2015) in Saudi
Arabia with 495 adolescents concluded that
adolescents who ate less fruit were at anemia three
times more likely than adolescents who daily
consumed fruit. In this study found there is a
relationship to drinking tea after eating with anemia.
Tannin in tea can inhibit the absorption of iron.
Another similar study conducted by Tayel DI [29] in
Egypt involving 405 adolescents, it was found that
drinking habits had a significant effect on
adolescence anemia. The previous study in North
Sumatra also found a significant association of tea
drinking habits with anemia (Lestari, 2018)
Similarly, (Panat, 2013) study on 273 female
students in India found anemia prevalence (74.85)
more experienced by respondents with daily tea
The results of this study indicated that the
prevalence of anemia in adolescent girls in North
Sumatera was 30.0%. This prevalence number is
above the national rate. Dietary habits associated
with anemia incidence in adolescent girls (p <0.05)
were consumption of heme sources and non heme,
fruit, vegetable and tea post meal. So it is necessary
to immediately do nutritional intervention in
adolescent girls to reduce the incidence of anemia
and improve the quality of life of adolescent girls in
the future
The authors gratefully acknowledge that the present
research is supported by Ministry of Research and
Technology and Higher Education Republic of
Indonesia. The support is under the research grant
PDUPT of Year 2018 Contract Number
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ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches