The Profile of Emotion Stability and Tend of Aggressive Behavior
at the Members of Dalmas Unit of Kepolisian Daerah Sumatera
Utara (Poldasu)
Raras Sutatminingsih
, Josetta M. R. Tuapattinaja
, Rodiatul Hasanah Siregar
Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Dr. Mansyur No. 7 Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Emotional stability, aggressive behavioral tendencies, trait, demographic factors.
Abstract: This study aims to obtain a profile of emotional stability and tendency of aggressive behavior associated with
personal factors that influence it, namely trait and demographic factors of members of Kepolisian Daerah
Sumatera Utara (POLDASU). This research uses descriptive quantitative method, by conducting descriptive
statistical analysis in the form of mean, standard deviation, and cross tabulation contained in tables, charts or
graphs about the descriptiom of emotional stability, tendency of aggressive behavior, personal factors
influence it. The measurement tools used in this research are the scale of emotional stability, the scale of
aggressive behavior tendency, the scale of Big Five Inventory (BFI) and the life background questionnaire on
the member of Dalmas Unit of POLDASU. The results of this study are expected to be the basis for evaluating
and developing units of Dalmas POLDASU in order to carry out their duties and functions in accordance with
the fixed procedure of units of Dalmas contained in the Regulation of the Chief of Police of the Republic of
Indonesia at Police Number 16, 2006 Article 7 and also anticipate and prevent the occurrence of psychological
problems that can occur to members of the police unit of Dalmas.
Tired, provoked, threatened, and protecting them
selves from the rampage of the masses are always
justified by the police force control unit behind the
violence he perpetrated. Mass control, hereinafter
referred to as Dalmas, is an activity undertaken by
Police of the Republic of Indonesia units (companies,
platoons) in order to deal with the mass of protesters
(Buana, 2017). In the Dalmas fixed procedure issued
by the Indonesian National Police, Dalmas are
preventive, not repressive. The facts on the ground
say something else. A lot of the action was marked by
clashes between demonstrators and police units that
controlled the masses (Dalmas) (“Menakar sikap,”
The cases of aggressive actions of units of
Dalmas against the demonstrators that have been
exposed are inconsistent with the Regulation of the
Head of the Police of the Republic of Indonesia im
Police Number 16 of 2006, Article 7 on the
prohibition of being conducted by the unit of Dalmas,
namely: 1) Be arrogant and hooked by the behavior
of the masses; 2) The use of force not in accordance
with the procedure; 3) Carrying equipment outside
Dalmas equipment; 4) Bring sharp weapons and live
ammunition; 5) Get out of the unit / formation bond
and perform individual pursuit of mass; 6) Backing
back to protesters masses; 7) Spoken obscenities,
sexual harassment/immoral acts, cursing protesters;
and 8) Perform other acts that violate the laws and
regulations. (“Peraturan Kepala,” 2006).
The task of police units Dalmas closely related
to the condition of emotional stability. Morgan (2005)
explains that emotional stability is a state of emotion
a person who when emotionally stimulated from the
outside does not show emotional disturbances such as
aggressive acts, or depression and anxiety. According
to Morgan (2005), there are differences in
psychological characteristics between individuals
who have stable and unstable emotions. Individuals
who have stable emotions have characteristics,
namely creative, productive, not easily anxious,
independent, high spirit, and efficient. In contrast,
individuals who have unstable emotions have the
Sutatminingsih, R., Tuapattinaja, J. and Siregar, R.
The Profile of Emotion Stability and Tend of Aggressive Behavior at the Members of Dalmas Unit of Kepolisian Daerah Sumatera Utara (Poldasu).
DOI: 10.5220/0010082014571460
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
following characteristics: unproductive, easily
anxious, tense, frustrated, lacking caution, dependent
on others, lack of spirit, and inefficiency.
The results of Susanti's study (2007) indicate
that there is a positive relationship between emotional
intelligence and professionalism in police function of
Samapta; the higher the emotional intelligence of the
police the higher the professionalism, the lower the
emotional intelligence of the police will be the lower
the professionalism. These results provide
information to the police Samapta to improve
emotional intelligence, so as to improve
professionalism in the implementation of tasks.
The results of Yunis and Rahardjo's research
(2011) show that there is a very significant correlation
between emotional regulation with attitudes toward
the effectiveness of police officers of Purbalingga
Police Department. It is that the higher the emotional
regulation will be the better the attitude toward the
effectiveness of his work and the lower the regulation
of emotions will be the worse the attitude towards the
effectiveness of his work.
In addition, based on the phenomena that have
been described can be concluded that the
implementation of duties police units Dalmas can also
trigger them to behave aggressively. Understanding
aggressive behavior described by Myers (2002) and
Buss and Perry (in Reyna, Lello, Sanchez, and
Brussino, 2011) focuses on behaviors that harm or
injure and harm others, physically, verbally, or
Buss and Perry (in Reyna, Lello, Sanchez, and
Brussino, 2011) argue that in general aggressive
behavior is influenced by two main factors, namely
personal factors and situational factors. Personal
factors include the innate character of the individual
that determines the individual's reaction when faced
with a particular situation. Meanwhile, situational
factors include features or things that occur in the
environment that also affect the individual's reaction
to an event. The description of the emotional
problems experienced by the police officers is
supported by the results of the research.
Pribadi, Fitrianti, Irfani, Rini, and Zulkaida
(2007) conducted research on the form of aggressive
behavior in traffic police terminal Blok M. The results
showed that there were some forms of aggressive
behavior of respondents; (hitting body or windshield
car, kicking car body), verbal (cursing, yelling,
scolding) and nonverbal (putting on a fierce /
unfriendly face). In addition, it can also be concluded
that the density/congestion factor, air quality, and
terminal users are not orderly often trigger aggressive
behavior of respondents.
The results of qualitative descriptive research on
members of the police conducted by Hutahaean
(2015) illustrate that uniforms, rank and firearms give
effect that can form a particular psychological state
when owning and using it, especially the influence on
the emotional state. The work process carried out by
the police often confronts him with very heavy
pressure (stressfull), that is dangerous situations,
violent rioting (Gudjonsson and Adlam in Hutahaean,
2015), traumatic experiences, frustrations and other
negative things. Not to mention long working hours,
less time to rest, also contributed to pressure on police
work (Swatt, Gibson and Piquero in Hutahaean
Based on the phenomena that have been
described above, it can be concluded that the unit of
Dalmas has the opportunity to commit violations of
Dalmas fixe procedure as regulated in the Regulation
of the Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia in
Police Number 16 of 2006 Article 7. In the execution
of its duties, the unit of Dalmas still has the possibility
of physical and psychic clash between the units of
Dalmas and the mass of demonstrators. Therefore,
researchers consider it important to understand how
emotional stability profiles and aggressive behavior
trends in members of the Kepolisian Daerah Sumatera
Utara (POLDASU) unit, which in turn can be a basis
for making efforts on prevention and development on
aspects of emotional stability and tendency of
aggressive behavior so that these problems are not it
happens again. In this case the researcher perform
profiling emotional stability, tendency of aggressive
behavior and personal factors that is trait and
demographic factors that influence the tendency of
aggressive behavior in Kepolisian Daerah Sumatera
Utara (POLDASU) units.
The results of this profiling will illustrate the
conditions of emotional stability, the tendency of
aggressive behavior and personal factors, namely trait
and demographic factors that influence the tendency
of aggressive behavior possessed by Dalmas unit in
Kepolisian Daerah Sumatera Utara (POLDASU)
which becomes the basis for evaluating and
developing units of Dalmas units in Kepolisian
Daerah Sumatera Utara (POLDASU)in order not to
behave aggressively and can perform its function in
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
accordance with the Protocol of the Regulation of the
Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia and to
anticipate and prevent the occurrence of
psychological problems that may occur to members
of the Dalmas police unit. In addition, by
understanding the profile of emotional stability and
the tendency toward aggressive behavior in members
of the Kepolisian Daerah Sumatera Utara
(POLDASU) group, researchers will be able to
criticize the emotional stability theory of Schneider
(in Saebani, 2003) and the aggressive behavioral
tendencies of Buss and Perry (in Reyna, Lello,
Sanchez , and Brussino, 2011.
The variables in this study are emotional stability,
tendency of aggressive behavior and trait as a
personal factor affecting the tendency of aggressive
behavior on the member of Dalmas unit of Kepolisian
Daerah Sumatera Utara. This research uses
quantitative descriptive method is a form of research
based on data collected during the systematic study of
the facts and properties of the object under study, then
interpreted based on theories and the literature-
literature. In this study, this method aims to provide
an overview, in this case is the emotional stability, the
tendency of aggressive behavior and personal factors,
namely trait and demographic factors that influence
the tendency of aggressive behavior in the Dalmas of
Kepolisian Daerah Sumatera Utara (POLDASU)
member unit.
The technique used to collect data in this research
is questionnaire. To measure the emotional stability,
the tendency of aggressive behavior and trait as a
personal factor affecting the tendency of aggressive
behavior in members of Dalmas unit of Kepolisian
Daerah Sumatera Utara, the researcher compiled the
questionnaire item as the main instrument, namely
Life Background Questionnaire, Emotional Stability
Scale that is based on Schneider's theory, Aggressive
Behavioral Scale Scale that is based on Buss and
Perry's theories, Big Five Inventory Scale (BFI) that
is based McCrae and Costa theory.
Data analysis techniques in this study using
quantitative descriptive analysis techniques.
According to Arikunto (2016), quantitative research
of non-experimental data analysis can be done using
statistical formulas, can also be simple statistics in the
form of average, standard deviation, cross tabulation,
and presented in the form of tables, charts or graphs.
This profiling will illustrate the conditions of
emotional stability, the tendency of aggressive
behavior and personal factors, namely trait and
demographic factors that influence the tendency of
aggressive behavior possessed by Dalmas unit in
Kepolisian Daerah Sumatera Utara (POLDASU)
which becomes the basis for evaluating and
developing units of Dalmas units in Kepolisian
Daerah Sumatera Utara (POLDASU)in order not to
behave aggressively and can perform its function in
accordance with the Protocol of the Regulation of the
Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia and to
anticipate and prevent the occurrence of
psychological problems that may occur to members
of the Dalmas police unit. In addition, by
understanding the profile of emotional stability and
the tendency toward aggressive behavior in members
of the Kepolisian Daerah Sumatera Utara
(POLDASU) group, researchers will be able to
criticize the emotional stability theory of Schneider
(in Saebani, 2003) and the aggressive behavioral
tendencies of Buss and Perry (in Reyna, Lello,
Sanchez , and Brussino, 2011).
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ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches