Independence in Resolving Safety and Health Issues and
Occupational Occupations of Road Sweepers in Town X
Umi Salmah¹, Isyatun Mardiyah Syahri¹, Sri Novita Lubis
and Yenny Obsi Satra
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl.Universitas No.21 Medan, Indonesia
: Age, Education, Working Length, Independence, Occupational Accident.
Abstract: The biggest contributor to occupational accidents is the unsafe act. It needs self awareness from the workers
to avoid them from increasing harmful acts so that they can be independent. The purpose of this study is to
find out the independence in solving the problem of k3 and the incident of occupational accidents on road
sweepers in city X. This is a descriptive research with cross sectional study approach, 21 districts in city X
and the population of 815 people. Based on the Slovin’s formula, it is obtained 260 people as the sample.
Based on the analysis result obtained age ≤ 48 years counted 163 people (62,7%), elementary education 135
people (51,9%) and work period 22 years counted 200 person (76,9%). Respondents with the category of
Self-Independent is as many as 130 people (50%). The low level of independence in overcoming the
problem of OSH on road sweeper workers and the most respondents claimed to have experienced work
accident in the last year that is as many as 139 people (53.5%). Needs to improve the road sweepers
independence on k3 through training, illumination and module of information resources by considering
education and worker age.
According to the data in Social Insurance
Administration Organization for employment (later
is called as BPJS Ketenagakerjaan), there has been
105,182 cases of occupational accidents in Indonesia
until the end of 2015. The heavy accidents occurred
2.375 cases from the total accidents which can result
in deaths. It is recorded that the number of accidents
increased to 5 % each year. The heavy occupational
accident has increased highly which is about 5% -
10% every year (, 2016).
The biggest contributor to occupational accidents
is the unsafe act which is the reflection of workers'
behavior on work safety. Avoiding workers from
doing harmful actions requires increased awareness.
To raise awareness and concern about OHS among
others is by guidance of safe behavior (Cecep,
2013). Research to investigate unsafe work behavior
on worker accidents found that there is lack of safety
awareness, work pressure, co-worker attitude and
the result strengthens the important role of safety
procedure, experience, work security, education, and
safety orientation and training (Rafig and
Dongping, 2017).
Briefly, the process of Heinririch's Dominos'
(domino theory) explains that the social environment
where humans act unsafely, can be improved by
means of continuous education and training
(Tarwaka, 2012). The results of quasi experimental
study in which the training involves the behavioral
modeling, a large number of exercises, and
dialogues, are generally more effective than other
health and safety training methods (Burke at all,
Health and Occupational Safety (K3) should be
instilled and built through coaching and training. We
create workers who are cultured by Health and
absolute workplace safety through coaching and
training (Ramli, 2013). Coaching and training for
workers is aimed at making self-employed workers
in workplace. Independence is the attitude
(behavior) and mental of the workers in order to
have the ability to manage themselves, in
accordance with the rights and obligations, so that it
can solve the problem of K3 that they experience
and can be responsible for all decisions that they
have taken.The effort is an effort to encourage
workers to behave safely in work that aims to
Salmah, U., Syahri, I., Lubis, S. and Satra, Y.
Independence in Resolving Safety and Health Issues and Occupational Occupations of Road Sweepers in Town X.
DOI: 10.5220/0010080005950599
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
prevent Occupational Health and Occupational
Given the magnitude of safety and health
problems experienced by the road sweeper identified
from the research results, there are 15 sources of
potential hazards, ie 3 physical factors hazard: solar
thermal, cold in rainy season and car horn noise; 2
biological factors hazardous and vector-borne
diseases; 3 chemical dangers are dust, garbage smell
and vehicle fumes; 1 physiological factor hazard is
uncomfortable work clothes used; 3 hazards of
psychological factors are reprimanded, harassed and
workload and 3 safety hazards that are bumped into
a vehicle, beaten by a madman and impaled by a
sharp object (Salmah, 2016; Salmah dan Lubis
2017). Health problems occurring on the road
sweeper also experienced by other countries which
can be concluded that is respiratory irritation,
shortness of breath and backache, noise, heat, cold,
toxic substances, and physiological disorders
(Co.NKU at all, 2005; Smilee at all, 2014; Astraful
at all, 2015; Kanjanar dan Wattasit, 2015). Based on
the above it is necessary to do a study to determine
the independence of road sweepers in coping with
the problem k in the workplace. This study aims to
determine the independence in solving health and
safety problems and occupational accidents in road
sweepers in City X so it can be used as input for the
activities of prevention program of work accident in
the future.
The type of research methodology used in this study
is descriptive research with cross sectional study
approach to know the description of the level of
independence and work accidents that occurred in
road sweeper workers in city X. The the study was
conducted in 21 sub-districts in city X with the
population of Melati group street sweepers working
in cleaning services of 815 people. Samples were
obtained based on the Slovin formula of 260 road
sweepers in 21 subdistricts. Workers are given a
self-reliance questionnaire with independence
measurements taken from 2 indicators namely the
ability to make decisions in preventing accidents and
changes in conformity, by giving a check mark on
one of the answers that are already available.
3.1 Frequency Distribution of
Respondent Characteristics
From the below table obtained respondents aged
48 years as many as 163 (62.7%), and those aged>
48 years as many as 97 people (37.3%).
Respondents with elementary school education are
135 people (51,9%), junior high school 61 (23,5%),
high school (equal to 62 people (23,8%) and college
(2 degree) 2 people (8,0%). Respondents who have a
working period of 22 years as many as 200 people
(76.9%), and> 22 years as many as 60 people
Table 1: Distribution of Age Frequency, Level of
Education, Working Period, Knowledge and Unsafe
Actions on Road Sweepers In Town X
≤48 Years 163 62,7
>48 Years 97 37,3
Total 260 100
Education Fre
Junior high
High School/
Total 260 100
Work Period
Frequency (n) Percentage (%)
≤ 22 Year
Total 260 100
3.2 Distribution Frequency of
Independence in Occupational
Health and Safety Respondents
Frequency Distribution Level of Independence of
Road Sweepers In Town X presented in table form
(see Appendix for table).
From the table above, it is obtained that 256
people (98.4%) respondents are the most cautious in
working. The highest number of respondents stated
that sometimes they were looking for information
about workplace health problems are 212 people
(81.5%). Most respondents who stated that they did
not think that Health and safety was more important
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
than salary / money are 114 people (43.9%). Table
can be seen in appendix
Respondents who at least stated that they were
always looking for information about the causes of
occupational health and safety issues at work were
32 people (12.3%). The fewest respondents stated
that sometimes they were careful in their work, ie 3
people (1.2%). The least respondents stated that they
never stated cautious in their work as much as 1
person (0.4%).
Table 2. Level of Independence
Level of
Frequency (n) Percentage
Less Independent
Not Independent
Total 260 100
From the above table obtained the most respondents
with the category of Self-Independent is as many as
130 people (50%). The least respondent with the
category No Self is as much as 26 people (10%).
3.3 Frequency Distribution of
Respondent Work Accident
From the table below, it is obtained that the most
respondents who claimed to experience occupational
accident in the last year are 139 people (53.5%).
Respondents who did not have an accident were 121
people (46.5%).
Table .3. Distribution of Frequency of Worker Accident of
Road Sweeper In Town X
Work accident Frequency (n) Percentage (%)
139 53,5
121 46,5
Total 260 100
4.1 Independence in Solving
Occupational Health and Safety
Issues on Road Sweepers in City X
Independence of respondents in the study was
conducted on the basis of existing situational
workplace, most respondents who always work
carefully are 256 people (98.4%). Road sweepers
are cautious in their work but still seem to be unsafe
workers like others who do not follow work
procedures such as sweeping in the middle of the
road and against the flow of vehicles. If we take a
look at the results of this study that the respondents
stated cautious but lack of understanding about how
careful it is, in other words, road sweeper workers
do not understand how to prevent accident or illness
caused by the job. Workers also do not understand
the position of the survivors when they are
working, and less understanding that the wrong
attitude of work impacts on health problems.
Workers also do not understand that collecting
garbage must use work equipment and use personal
protective equipment such as gloves. Similar results
to a study of street sweepers in Kota Baru found 24
people (52.2%) applied poor PPE (Sari P dkk,
Provide an understanding to workers that waste
can cause various diseases is also very important by
employers. Giving audiences such as counseling is
essential to raise the workers awareness. Health and
safety counseling is a form of effort undertaken to
encourage and strengthen workers' awareness and
behavior about OSH so as to protect workers,
property, environment (Sari P dkk, 2013). There is
a significant relationship between knowledge and
attitude with accident prevention behavior
(Notosiswoyo, 2014).
The highest number of respondents stated that
sometimes they were looking for information about
workplace health problems 212 people (81.5%).
This study also found workers who find out their
own information about occupational safety and
health issues that exist in the workplace such as
with the foreman, family and by looking at the
internet. It is necessary to increase self-reliance by
constantly improving the knowledge of the situation
and working conditions by ensuring that workers
are familiar with the needs of their work so that
they are protected from the dangers of accidents
and illness. It can be concluded that each worker
will be more familiar with the needs of the job
because of a system to monitor their efforts to
implement Work safety and health, work
experience and knowledge is also one of the
resources in the integration process of occupational
safety and health (Somad, 2013).
Most respondents stated that they did not feel
OSH more important than salary / money are 114
people (43.9%). It shows that some workers work
more material-oriented than prioritizing safety and
health. From the results of this study, it shows that
the worker’s motive is to make money that can give
workers satisfaction. The results shows that
Independence in Resolving Safety and Health Issues and Occupational Occupations of Road Sweepers in Town X
motivation has positive and significant effect on job
satisfaction (Juniari at all, 2015).
Those who use a complete self-indulgence tool
are only 60 people (23.1%). This is only
occasionally, there are even road sweepers who do
not use personal protective equipment. This may be
due to the minimal education of the respondents, the
majority of primary schools. This is in line with the
results of research on educational factors and
policies on Personal Protective Equipment that have
significant relationship with compliance using
Personal Protective Equipment of all factors studied
namely age factor, work period, knowledge,
motivation, personality, training on Personal
Protective Equipment, communication, and training
using Personal Protective Equipment (Sertiya at all,
The results of this study indicate that the road
sweepers who have experienced occupational
accidents in the past year are 139 people (53.5%).
Work accidents experienced in the form of impaled
food sticks, impaled needle spikes and other sharp
objects. Being hit and bumped by a vehicle and
falling and slipping while pushing and lifting
garbage. Based on the results of this study there is a
need for safety and health efforts aimed at the safety
and health of workers. Occupational safety and
health includes the value of labor protection from
work accidents or diseases (Ramli, 2013). The
purpose of occupational safety and health is to avoid
injury, illness, and death (Cascio, 2014). The
magnitude of the proportion of workers who have
had workplace accidents is assumed to be due to low
knowledge of work risk, not using Personal
Protective Equipment, lack of concentration at work,
lack of care and ignoring work procedures. Efforts
should be made to increase the independence of
sweeping workers on occupational safety and health
through training, extension and module of
information resources by considering the educational
factors and age of the workers. It is also hoped that
the workers will give priority to their safety while
working among others by increasing their
knowledge and insight about occupational safety and
The independence in overcoming health and safety
problems on road sweeper are still low and the
respondents who has Self-Independent category are
130 people (50%) and the most respondents stated
that they have experienced occupational accidents in
the workplace in the last year are 139 people
Efforts should be made to increase the
independence of sweeping workers on occupational
safety and health through training activities,
extension and module of information resources by
considering educational factors and age of workers.
It is hoped that the workers will give priority to their
safety while working, among others, by increasing
their knowledge and knowledge about occupational
health and safety.
Thank you for the support provided by the
University of North Sumatra through research
institutes that have provided opportunities in basic
research leading scholarship fund resources DRPM
Kemenristekdikti Fiscal Year 2018. thanks to the
research and development agencies of Medan City
Government, Sanitation Department of Medan City
Government and all road sweepers, Melati Group, as
respondents in this study.
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Table 2: Frequency Distribution Level of Independence of Road Sweepers In Town X
No Statement Always Sometimes Never Amount
n % n % n % n %
1. Use full personal protective equipment
(shoes, masks, gloves, hats)
60 23.1 196 75,4 4 1,5 260 100
2. I pay attention to work health and safety 223 85.8 28 10.8 9 3.4 260 100
3. I know the risk of work 201 77.3 22 8.5 37 14.2 260 100
4. I work carefully 256 98.4 3 1.2 1 0.4 260 100
5. I follow the work procedure 65 25.0 173 66.5 22 8.5 260 100
6. I focus on my work 220 84.6 27 10.4 13 5.0 260 100
7. I am looking for information on what causes
occupational safety and health issues at work
32 12.3 212 81.5 16 6.2 260 100
8. I communicate with coworkers in
understanding workplace conditions
65 25.0 173 66.5 22 8.5 260 100
9. I give ideas and suggestions to make my
colleagues pay attention to work safety and
78 30.0 176 67.7 6 2.3 260 100
10. I think Safety and health is more important
than salary / money to be earned
102 39.2 44 16.9 114 43.9 260 100
Independence in Resolving Safety and Health Issues and Occupational Occupations of Road Sweepers in Town X