Analysis of Factors Affecting Property Value at Residence with
Cluster Concept: Case Study - J City Residence
F. F. Sigit
, K. A. Fachrudin
and H. T. Fachrudin
Master of Property Management and Valuation Program, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. dr. Mansur Campus USU,
Medan 20155
Faculty of Economic and Business, UniversitasSumatera Utara, Jl. TM Hanafiah Kampus USU, Medan 20155
Faculty of Engineering, UniversitasSumatera Utara, Jl. Almamater KampusUSU, Medan 20155
Keywords: Property value, Location, Facility, Design, Neighbourhood, Cluster Characteristic.
Abstract: Most of the citizens choose to live in the residence. The need of residence based on trends lead to the
development of many residential properties offering residence with cluster type. J City is one of the cluster
residences with three types of clusters that have different property values. The purpose of this research is to
know and analysis the impact of location, facility, design, neighbourhood and cluster character to property
value. The population was taken with a sample of 87 respondents in the residence. The testing of hypothesis
uses multiple linear regression test with the level of significance 5%. Statistical application program SPSS
and STATCAL are used to analysis data. The results of this study indicate that simultaneously and partially
where the location, facility, design, neighbourhood, and cluster characteristics have a positive and
significant effect on the value of residence property on J City residence cluster.
The real estate market is one of the most rapidly
developing goods markets that attract massive
investments (Renigier-Biłozor, 2015). Some people
assume that live in the residence has many benefits
in terms of security, comfort, and tranquillity. Real
estate development is the continual reconfiguration
of the built environment to meet society’s needs
(Baldi, 2013).
The property value is determined by several
factors, namely: physical, location, and law. In
physical factor, there are several components that
are considered appropriate such as property area,
building facility, quality construction, and land area
(Fanning, 2005). Basically property prices affected
by demand, usability, scarcity and transferability
(Eldred, 1987). The factors that affect the value of a
property are divided into 4 factors, namely demand
and supply factor, physical property factor, location
and placement factor, and national and political
factors (Hidayati and Budi, 2001).
The needs of home based on trends cause many
development of residence property offering cluster
type residence. Along with the lifestyle of citizens
that is dynamic modern society is more likely to
require a home with various facilities such as sports
facilities, security, recreation in one area (Nugroho,
Currently in KaryaWisata region is growing with
various residential properties that are constantly
increasing. Various residences appear both
conventional and cluster residence.J City is one of
the cluster residence in Medan City with three
different cluster types namely J Crown, J Elite, and J
Metropolis. These three types of residence have
different property prices with different land values.
Table 1: Differences house price on J City
Property price Market Value
J Crown Rp1.680.160.000 Rp1.700.000.000
J Elite Rp Rp 900.000.000
J Metropolis
Rp 954.700.000
Rp 686.500.000
Rp 499.480.000
Rp 850.000.000
Rp 750.000.000
Rp 500.000.000
Table 1 showed that some market value is higher
than property value given from the developer but the
phenomenon in this research is where market value
Sigit, F., Fachrudin, K. and Fachrudin, H.
Analysis of Factors Affecting Property Value at Residence with Cluster Concept: Case Study - J City Residence.
DOI: 10.5220/0010074313471351
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of J Elite and J Metropolis Monaco are lower than
new house’s property price.
The problem formulation in this research is
whether the location, facility, design,
neighbourhood, and cluster characteristics affect the
property value in J City residence. The purpose of
this research is to know and analysis simultaneously
and partially how big location, facility, design,
neighbourhood, and cluster character have influence
to value property at house J City.
2.1 Cluster Residence
Cluster residence is a cluster concept using one
access (gate) to exit and enter, the application of one
access allows all mobility within the cluster to be
monitored by security personnel (Widodo, 2012).
Residence with cluster type, which is residence that
classifies an architectural style of the same
residential building and is intended for upper middle
class society who tend to have a modern lifestyle
(Okterina, 2008).Cluster residence model is
collection of buildings without guard rail in real
estate with the main gate as security control, should
not modification facade to beautify the house or put
the guard rail to safety (Kustamar, 2013).
The advantages of cluster residenceare (Widodo,
Resident’s privacy and safety are more safe with
one gate system
The safety of children is higher, because the
traffic is not crowded
Voice pollution can be suppressed
Support the environmental program with the
existence of environmental planting as a water
catchment area
There is a balance between integrated security
with a good socialization life
Integrated housing becomes one, there are
workplaces, homes and recreation areas
The disadvantages of cluster residenceare
(Kustamar, 2013):
There is an additional cost to pay for security
guards or housing security, but on the other hand
this is good because it can create new jobs
The security of a secure housing environment in
cluster residence may be misused by residents by
parking vehicles carelessly on the road so that it
can disturb neighbuors or the other road users
The absence of freedom in modifying the
architectural appearance of facade so that the
houses seems standard and uniform.
Residents must really like the design of the house
because to add trinkets in the future especially
the fence design may not be possible unless the
cluster residence rules are no longer used
2.2 Property Value
The real property represents most of the world's
wealth, and its valuation is very important to the
survival of global property and financial markets
(IVSC, 2003). The value of a property such as land
influenced by factors influencing the motivation of a
human activity is differentiated into social,
economic, governmental, and environmental factors
(Walcott, 1987).
(Chin and Chau, 2002) classify attributes that
determine values on residential property are
locational, structural, and neighbourhood factors.
According to (Wong, 2002), property attributes are
classified into three classes, namely, location
attributes (access to social and economic facilities),
structural traits (floor area, floor height, etc.) and
neighbourhood characteristics (neighbourhood
quality). (Choy, 2007) mentioned that property
valuehas been established to be a function of some
attributes on the residence and supporting attributes
such as, neighbourhood characteristics, accessibility
and environmental quality.
Price of the real estate property in international
housing market have differences because in terms of
culture, economics, spatial and legal structures are
also different (Jenkins, 2000). This is the reason why
the value of real estate property is always associated
with location, location and location (Hui, 2007).
Based on the theory and conceptual framework
that has been described, the hypothesis that can be
proposed in this research is the location, facilities,
design, environment, and cluster characteristics have
a significant effect on the value of residential
property of J City.
The population in this research is the resident of J
city residence in three different types with 692
families. The sampling method uses proportional
sampling method with number of respondents is 87.
Data collection methods conducted in two ways,
namely questionnaires and observations.
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
This research uses validity and reliability test to
test the questionnaire. Furthermore, SPSS and
STATCAL were used to perform classical
assumption test and linear regression (Gio, 2015).
4.1 Brief Overview of J City Residence
J City residence has an area of 23 ha with three
different clusters, namely J Crown, J Elite, and J
Metropolis. The facilities provided by this residence
include shopping centers, ATM centers, and banks.
The construction of this residence not only provides
complete facilities but also provides additional
infrastructure that is access between Karya Wisata
street and Pintu Air street.
Based on the interview results with management
of J City residence, development of residence and
unit house are still continuing. The management side
plans to add additional cluster type and shop-house
development in the prepared area but when the
researcher conducts this research, the process of
developing new cluster and shop has not been
realized so that the research is only limited to the
type of cluster that has been built.
4.2 Validity and Reliability Test
4.2.1 Validity Test
The questionnaire has 43 questions. Based on
validity test, all questions are valid with correlation
score > 0.361 (critical value). Table 2 is displayed
validity test.
Table 2: Validity test
Variable Question Correlati
on score
Near the main
Near school 0.833 Valid
Near office 0.836 Valid
Posisition 0.834 Valid
Being on the main
0.868 Valid
ease of
0.849 Valid
Doctor / hospital
0.793 Valid
Recreation place
0.757 Valid
Sport facilities
0.804 Valid
Shopping center
0.717 Valid
ATM center
0.751 Valid
House of worship
0.827 Valid
Good road
0.810 Valid
Street lights
0.788 Valid
Facade 0.780 Valid
0.697 Valid
Inner layout 0.717 Valid
Window for
natural lighting
0.628 Valid
Openings for air
0.649 Valid
House structure 0.810 Valid
Soil absorbs water 0.629 Valid
Wall quality 0.745 Valid
wall paint quality 0.775 Valid
Ceramic / marble
0.732 Valid
Roof quality 0.722 Valid
Door quality 0.751 Valid
Window quality 0.778 Valid
Installation of
0.804 Valid
Low pollution 0.748 Valid
Low noise level 0.766 Valid
Safe from crime 0.735 Valid
Safe from
0.729 Valid
Tribal diversit
0.786 Valid
Close to family /
0.746 Valid
Side of the road
for parkin
0.793 Valid
One gate system 0.772 Valid
Special security 0.810 Valid
Park 0.701 Valid
Peddler 0.730 Valid
Waste maintenance 0.807 Valid
0.797 Valid
Clean water
0.812 Valid
4.2.2 Reliability Test
The next test is reliability test using Cronbach
Alpha. The expected Cronbach Alpha is greater than
0.6 (Gio, 2013). Table 3 is displayed reliability test.
Analysis of Factors Affecting Property Value at Residence with Cluster Concept: Case Study - J City Residence
Table 3: Reliability test
Variable Cronbach
Location 0.919 Reliable
Facility 0.909 Reliable
Design 0.933 Reliable
Neighbourhood 0.887 Reliable
0.903 Reliable
4.3 Classical Assumption Test
4.3.1 Residual Normality Test
The assumption test of normality uses Kolmogorov-
Smirnov test. Based on the result of normality test,
the value of p-value (p) is 0.326 which is greater
than significance level 0.05, then normality
assumption of residuals is satisfied.
4.3.2 Heteroscedasticity Test
Heteroscedasticity test uses Glejser test. Based on
Glejser test in Table 4, all values of Sig Glejser<
Table 4: Heteroscedasticity Test with Glejser Test
Model t Sig.
1 (Constant) -10.550 .000
Location 2.281 .025
2.344 .022
n 3.215 .002
3.119 .003
Cluster characteristic 3.517 .001
a. Dependent Variable: Y
4.3.3 Multicollinearity Test
Multicollinearity test uses variance inflation factor
(VIF). The expected VIF is less than 10 indicating
there is no multicollinearity symptom. Table 5 is
displayed multicollinearity test uses VIF. Based on
the multicollinearity test result in Table 5, VIF for
each independent variable are less than 10 indicating
there are no multicollinearity symptom.
Table 5: Multicolinearity Test with VIF
Variable VIF Conclusion
Location 2.072
There is no
Facility 2.301
There is no
Design 1.742
There is no
Neighbourhood 1.464
There is no
There is no
4.4 Hypothesis Testing
4.4.1 Multiple Linear Regression
In this research, multiple linear regression is used to
test the hypothesis. This method is used to analysis
the magnitude of influence between independent
variable of location (X), facility (X), design (X),
environment (X), and cluster characteristic (X) to
dependent variable (Y) that is property value. Table
6 is displayed the result.
Table 6: Multiple Linear Regression Result
Variabel Sig. Result
Constant 0.000 Significant
Location 0.025 Significant
0.022 Significant
n 0.002 Si
0.003 Si
0.001 Significant
R Square
Adjusted R square
Sign. F
= 0.860
= 0.739
= 0.723
1) Simultaneously Test (F test)
Based on simultaneously test with F test (Table 6),
the value of F statistic is 45,975, with p-value 0,000
< significance level 0,05. It means that location (X),
facility (X), design (X), environment (X) and
cluster characteristic (X) simultaneously have
significant effect to property value. The following is
multiple linear regression equation.
Y = -4049764189.88 + 34218078.92 X1 +
38971600.93 X2 + 23595663.95 X3 + 40064597.73
X4+ 37020304.41 X5
2) Partial Test (t Test)
Based on partial test with t test in Table 6:
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
1. H₁: The location variable has significant effect to
property value, with p-value 0,025 < 0,05. The first
hypothesis is received.
2. H₂ : The facility variable has significant effect to
property value, with p-value 0,022 < 0,05. The
second hypothesis is received.
3. H₃ : The design variable has significant effect to
property value, with p-value 0,002 < 0,05. The
third hypothesis is received.
4.H₄: The neighbourhood variable has significant
effect to property value, with p-value 0,003
<0,05. The fouth hypothesis is received.
5. H₅ : The cluster characteristic variable has
significant effect to property value, with p-
value 0,001 <0,05. The fifth hypothesis is
3) Coefficient of Determination
The value of coefficient determination is 0,739.
It means that location, facility, design,
environment and cluster characteristic can
affect property value as 73,9%, with 26,1% for
other factors.
Property value of J City Residence is affected by
location, facilities, design, neighbourhood, and
cluster characteristic based on the research result
thatsimultaneously and partially, the five variables
have a positive and significant effect on the property
value. Thus, respondent take notice for every aspect
of residential. The better the residential is managed
will causethe property value increased.
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