Information System Integration, Knowledge Management, and
Management Accounting Adaptibility
Zul Azmi
, Abdillah Arief Nasution
and Iskandar Muda
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sumatera Utara
Keywords: Information System Integration, Knowledge Management Enablers, Knowledge Management Process,
Accounting Management.
Management accounting practices are expected to adapt and evolve along with changes in expected
information needs and changes in information technology. The influence of knowledge management and
information system integration on management accounting adaptibility has become an important concern.
Knowledge management enablers (KME) and knowledge management process (KMP) is an important tools
for improving information system utilization. Internal information system intergration (IISI), external
information system integration (EISI) and information system flexibility (FSI) together with knowledge
management roles are expected to improve management accounting adaptibilty (AAM) to change in
information needs and expected adjustments. The questionnaire survey was conducted at the managerial
level for middle and upper level companies in Riau Province Indonesia using the use of information systems
in activities for decision making. 159 respondent were obtained andmet the criteria for use in this study. By
using partial least square SEM (SEM-PLS) obtained FSI, IISI and KMP have significant effect on AAM.
KME is supporting KMP to improve AAM. Increasing KMP level can effect FSI and IISI level. Increased
IISI level can improve EISI utilization level.
Contingency theory suggest that management
accounting practices in organization should develop
and change the environment for the better at internal
and external conditions. Management accounting
change related to global competition, changes in
manufacturing technology (Innes et al., 2000),
information technology (Waweru, et al., 2004),
organizational structure (Abernethy & bouwen,
2005) and strategy (Fullerton, 2012). The ability of
management accounting to change over time or its
effectiveness is a critical point to achieve
management accounting conformity (Yigitbasioglu,
2016). Despite the known technological resources as
a facilitator for change (Innes & Mitchell, 1995), but
information system integration can lead on
technological embeddedness, and the stability of
management accounting (Rom dan Rohde, 2007).
Information integration is a present challenge in data
management (Quix & Jarke, 2014). The
development of new technologies and application
will form new conformity criteria that enhance the
information system integration.
Krumwiede & Charles (2014) show that for
firms with low price strategy had a positive impact
on earnings performance, especially when the
activity based costing is used with high quality
information system. Support to improve the quality
of management accounting can be facilitated by
information system integration, such as the
availibility of software budgeting, enterprise
resources planning systems,business intelligence and
analytics (Rom & Rohde, 2009; Yigitbasioglu &
Prasad, 2013). Business intelligence technology can
provide data collection, analysis and information
presentation as a decision making tool that support
the activities of management accountiants
(Rikhardson & Yigitbaisoglu, 2018; Appelbaum et
al., 2017). In addition, the use of business
intelligence and analytics with visualization
techniques in management accounting in big data
becomes an interesting concern because of the
relative lack of knowledge and empirical finding
(Rikhardson & Yigitbaisoglu, 2018). Thus, data
Azmi, Z., Nasution, A. and Muda, I.
Information System Integration, Knowledge Management, and Management Accounting Adaptibility.
DOI: 10.5220/0010070118871894
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
limitation are not related to manager accountability,
although data problems do not inhibit the
development of measurement systems, but tend to
hamper goverment employees using the resulting
system to evaluate performance (Cavalluzzo &
Ittner, 2004). Thus, the availability of data as
information seems to be inconsistent. Therefore, it
needs to be seen how the integration of information
systems affect managers in providing management
accounting information.
Yigitbasioglu (2016) show that the share
knowledge among managers positively associated
with management accounting adaptibility.
Information system integration can affect the share
knowledge between IT and managers in improving
performance. In relation to organizational
performance, share knowledge is part of knowledge
management. While knowledge management
consist of knowledge management enabler and
knowledge management process that can improve
performance (Lee & Choi, 2003). However, the
influence of knowledge management and
information system integration in improving
management accounting adaptibility is still
uncommon in empirical research.
Accordingly, knowledge become an important
factor in business development. Although some
forms of intellectual capability can be transferred,
but intrinsic knowledge is not easy transferred.
Therefore, the fundamental objective of
management is to improve the process of
acquisition, integration, and utilization of knowledge
known as knowledge management (Kovacic, Bosity
& Loncar, 2006). Knowledge management still has
obstacles. One of the impediment is that
organizations often do not know what they know
(William, John & Peter, 2012). The particular skills
and knowledge possessed by employeses can
sometime be of no value to their colleagues and
superiors, at those who can make use of this
knowledge do not know who is knowledgeable and
unaware of its existence (Nevo et al., 2012).
Therefore, this research needs to be directed to the
elements those who have a knowledge management
that would support management accounting
adaptibility that will in turn improve performance.
McKeen, Zack & Singh (2009), Nnabuife (2015),
and Wahda (2017) shows the effect of knowledge
management on organizational performance.
Knowledge management (KM) can consist of
different elements, such as on Lee & Choi (2003),
Awan dan Khalid (2015), Hermawan et al. (2015).
To show the effect of enablers on knowledge
management then used KM enablers (KME). KME
will support KM creation process (KMP) consisting
socialization, externalization, internalization, and
combination (SECI) (Lee & Choi, 2002; Hermawan
et al., 2015).
Management accounting adaptibility related to
information systems that support the organization.
The flexibility of information system is an important
element of the organizational information
technology infrastructure (Bird & Turner, 2000).
Information technology resources related to human
resources and organizational skills, knowledge
management, competence, commitment, value,
norms and orgnizational structure. Thus, the
flexibility of information system in information
technology infrastructure can improve management
accounting adaptibility (AAM). AAM associated
with the integration of information system and
information system flexibility. The integration of
information system makes information processing
visible and supports global transparency (McAdam
& Galloway, 2005; Chapman & Kihn, 2009).
Integration and reconfiguration transform the
application of the information system infrastructure
into unique capabilites that provide streaming and
sharing information within the organization and
between the organization (Maiga, 2017). Integratin
of internal and external information system relates to
AAM and operational performance.
Management accounting that can adapt to
changes can improve the effectiveness of
management accounting functions. In other word,
adaptibility is important because the environment in
which the organization operates may change rapidly
(Yigitbasioglu, 2016). Changes in technology,
market conditions, strategies and organizational
style requires a new management accounting
practices. Therefore an adaptable management
accounting system will be more effective than a
relatively static system.
This paper aims to demonstrate knowledge
management enablers and knowledge management
process affect on the integration of internal and
external information system and information system
flexibility on management accounting adaptibility at
the firm. Characteristics of information systems can
be seen in the information system flexibility and
information system integration. Maiga (2017)
demonstrate the operational performance of
manufacturing companies affected by internal
information system integration and external
information system integration. Based on Maiga
(2017) the integration of the internal and external
information system can be describe adaptibility level
of management accounting. The remainder of this
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
study is organized as follows. Section 2 provides the
hypothesis development, while section 3 discuss the
research methods. Section 4 presents the result and
discussion, Finally, section 5 presents conclusion.
The role of management accounting system has
evolved starting form the emphasis of the financial
analysis orientied and budgetary control, then
evolving into management accounting that includes
a more strategic approach with emphasis on
identifying, measuring, and managing key financial
and triggers operation to the value of shareholder
(Ittner & Larker, 2001). The responsibilites of the
management accountants evolve from merely
reporting aggregate historical value to also include
measurement of organization al performance and
providing information for decision making
(Appelbaum, et al., 2017). The ability of accountant
to utilize integrate information system capabilities
can dynamically improve the value. Past research
has shown that management accounting practices
can be effective if suppoerted by integrated
information system (He, 2007; Maiga et al., 2013;
Quix & Jarke, 2014; Chapman & Kihn, 2009;
Yigitbasioglu & Prasad, 2013;Yigitbasioglu, 2016).
Integrated information system can be divided into
two internal information system integration (IISI)
and external information system integration (EISI)
(Fayard et al., 2012; Ward & Zhou, 2006; Maiga,
2017), but few research explains EISI and IISI on
IISI capabilities can provide enhanced role to
integrate and coordinate information and diverse
activities within the company’s internal fuctional
areas. Information system can continuously monitor
all corporate activities, updating data can be
reflected in the information system, and facilitate the
sharing information on internal company for
decision making. While on EISI, accountants can
retrieve informationm share information among
members in a value chain whre suppliers and
customer can be invited to join a certain information
areas that can improve their performance (Maiga,
2017; Saxena & Jaiswal, 2013). Inadequate
information in corporate information system
infrastructure, resulting in insufficient enterprise
data input for decision making. With the integration
of information, companies can manage resources to
improve their capabilites in certain field so that the
information needed is available on time and
relevant. In the context of information system, the
effect of internal integration on external integration
can be explained by sharing information, strategic
alliances, and work together (Flynn et al., 2010;
Maiga et al, 2015). If the internal information
system is not integrated, it will be difficult to share
information to supply chain partner and customers.
This is because the information to be shared can be
inaccurate and not timely. Therefore, improvement
at the IISI will impact on EISI. Adequate EISI level
will drive AAM improvement. Therefore,
H1. IISI is positively associated with AAM.
H2. EISI is positively associated with AAM.
H3. IISI is positively associated with AAM.
Environment uncertainty encourage companies
working to improve its capability to take advantage
of their resources in order to collect, combine,
integrate the information needed for decision
making. The formulation and implementation of
strategies on the flexibility of efficient information
systems in an important aspect of risk management
(Palanisamy &Sushil, 2003). Information system
flexibility refers to Gebauer & Schober (2006) who
view the system information from flexible to use and
flexibel to change the system. The integration of
informatin system is claimed to make the form of
analysis more sophisticated and flexible to improve
performance (Chapman & Kihn, 2009). The
characteristics of the integrated data architecture that
underlie the integration of information system affect
the perceived success of the system. This
characteristics include improvements, internal
transparency, global transparncy and flexibility that
refers to Adler & Borys (1996). Flexibility in
information system is an important part of the
enabling approach to control, but does not affect the
performance of information system, this is due to
insufficient conditions of performance (Chapman
&Kihn, 2009). Yigitbasioglu (2016) demonstrate
that the flexibility of information system is
positively and significantly related to AAM. The
flexibility to change hte system is important to
consider because in some cases it require changes to
management accounting that can be done by user
and some other cases should involved technicians
for programming or program modification
(Yigitbaisoglu, 2016). Therefore,
H4. FSI is positively associated with AAM.
Knowledge management deals with the reception
and the storage of knowledge and makes knowledge
accessible to others within the organization (Meso &
Smith, 2000). Reffering to Lee & Choi (2003)
Information System Integration, Knowledge Management, and Management Accounting Adaptibility
knowledge management enablers (KME) consists of
collaboration, trust, learning, centralization,
formalization, t-shape skills, and information
technology support. Some researcher view
knowledge management from a particular
perspective and seldom use integrative perspectives.
Collaboration explains the degree to which
individuals or groups are actively helping each
other. Collaborative culture affect the creation of
knowledge through the exchange of knowedge.
Trust can facilitate openness and influance
knowledge exchange. While centralization refers to
the locus of decision and control authority within the
entity. The more centralized a structure will hinder
communication and reduce the sharing of ideas.
Without communication and discussion of ideas the
creation of knowledge does not occur. The
participatory work envirenment supports knowledge
creation by motivating the involvement of members
of the organization. The same direction also occurs
in formalization. T-shaped skills means the owner
can explore the domain of certain knowledge and its
application to something deeply and broadly. Lastly,
information technology support is an essential
element for knowledge creation. This seven KMEs
as enablers for knowledge creation will become
more useful if the knowledge management process
(KMP) such as socialization, externalization,
combination, and internalization occurs
inorganizational entities (Nonaka & Takeuci, 1995).
Socialization transform from the tacit knowledge
through social interaction among members.
Externalization complies tacit knowledge into
explisit concepts. Combination convert explisit
knowledge into a systematic set way to combine it.
And in the internalization of the process of creating
knowledge absorbed by individuals, therefore can
enrich the tacit knowledge. Accordingly, we argue
that KME can improve the management accounting
adaptibility. Yigitbasioglu, (2016) explained that
share knowledge between IT nd managers in
organisations can influence the improvement of
AAM. KME can affect the integration of
information systems. Therefore,
H5. KME is positively associated with AAM
H6. KME is positively associated with KMP
H7a. KME is positively associated with IISI
H7b. KME is positively associated with EISI
H7c. KME is positively associated with FSI
H8a. KMP is positively associated with IISI
H8b. KMP is positively associated with EISI
H8c. KMP is positively associated with FSI
H9. KMP is positively associated with AAM
Figure 1 : Research Model
3.1 Sample
Sample taken from companies that located in Riau
Province. Questionnaire survey method was
conducted on the respondents. The sample is not
resticted to certain sectors or industries, although the
restrictions are applied to companies of middle and
upper category companies such as in the category of
companies that have SMEs with minimum omzet
Rp. 2,5 billion. Respondent should have an
involvement in the use of information system or
information technology in their work. Respondents
used are managerial level who experience working
more than two years and also have experience of job
involvement with information technology and
information system in management accounting field.
Through the database in the office of UMKM
obtained the list of company and company address.
We send a letter and or email to the respondent to
ask them to fill in the questionnaire. Due to
restrictions, participants with less than 2 years of
experience were excluded from the data, so only 159
responden were used. Survey conducted in
February-May 2018 at hte company in the Riau
Province. This survey is not limited to business
sector of the company. Thus the business services,
trade, manufacturing sectors are included in the
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
3.2 Measures
The size of the flexibility of the information system
is based on Yigitbasioglu (2016) that derived from
Gebauer & Schober (2006). Five point likert-type
scale is used for this questionnaire. For the above
item size the range is used from “1 = strongly
disagree” to “5= strongly agree”. All of the variables
in this study used range 1 to 5. The size of EISI and
IISI refers to Maiga (2017). IISI is measured using
four items and EISI is used four item questions with
a five point likert-type scale. EISI and IISI used to
measure information system integration. KME and
KMP size refer to Lee & Choi (2003). KME
measures include the seven constructs that include
collaboration, trust, learning, centralization,
formalization, T-shape skill, and IT support. Some
items on KME are acually measured on the negative
direction such as in centralization. The size of KMP
include four contructs: socialization, externalization,
combination, and internalization known as SECI. As
for the variable adaptibility management accounting
is based on Yigitbasioglu (2016). Data analysis
technique used is structural equation modelling
(SEM) approach with PLS.
Result for test of influence of contruct presented in
the picture 1.
Figure 2 : path diagram and hipothesis test results
Based on the calculation of PLS can be seen that
coefficient path of 0,637 and p<0,001 for KME
effect on KMP. Thus H6 is supported. This mean
that socialization, externalization, combination,
internalization (SECI) in KMP run well because it is
supported by KME which become enablers.
Collaboration, trust, learning, centralization,
formalization, t-shaped skills and IT support as part
of KME have an effect on socialization,
externalization, combination, internalization. The
essence of SECI is the alteration to tacit knowledge
to exsplicit knowledge or vice versa, or as well as
from tacit knowledge to tacit knowledge and from
exsplicit knowledge to explicit knowledge
(Hermawan et al, 2015; Yeleneva et al., 2017;
Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995). To improve the
capability of the management accounting
adaptibility that has to move change to adjust the
analysis needs for management, it needs to be
managed by KME and KMP.
For calculation of KME on FSI, path coefficient
=0,121 and p=0,06 which mean bigger than p<0,05.
KME has no significant effect on FSI. Thus, H7c is
rejected. While the calculation of KMP on FSI, path
coefficient = 0,636, p<0,001. H8c is therefore
supported. This explained that the creation process,
knowledge lead to the success of SECI than KME
toward FSI. H8c is therefore supported. For
calculation KME to IISI known path coefficient
equal to 0,166 and p=0,016. This means H7a is
supported. While the result of calculation of KMP
on IISI obtained path coefficient equal to 0,599,
p<0.001 meaning significant effect. Thus, H8a is
supported. Information integration can make visible
processing and support cognitve processes so that
the presentation of information become responsives.
The ability of IISI to provide information can enable
user to obtain detailed internal information regarding
their work. KME and KMP are very useful to
support the integration of information system on
internal activites of the company.
The effect of KME on EISI is shown bt hte path
coefficient of 0,116 and p=0,068. Therefore H7b is
rejected. The effect of KMP on EISI is described by
path coefficient equal to 0,101 and p=0,098. Thus
H8b is rejected. This indicate that the effect of KME
and KMP to EISI are not significant. The integration
of information system is sourced from both internal
dan external. This insignificant influence is probably
because manager feel quite satisfied with existing
information system and are reluctant to spend time
and knowledge for the new system (Cavalluzzo &
Ittner, 2004). In addition, the supply chain
information system refers to conformity between
firms so that the design of outgoing information
system is not the main focus of attention.
Information System Integration, Knowledge Management, and Management Accounting Adaptibility
The effect of KME on AAM is shown by the
path coefficient of 0,087 and p=0,132. Thus, H5 is
rejected. The effect of KMP on AAM is equal to
0,273 and p<0,001, so that H9 is supported. This
mean that KMP with SECI elements can improve
AAM. The result of FSI calculation on AAM
obtained the path coefficient equal to 0,337 and
p<0,001, so H4 is supported. This indicate that FSI
related to changes or modification to the interface or
features required can be tailored to the individual
needs of the user. In the context of capturing the
user’s reaction to the financial statements, AAM can
be facilitated because of FSI support.
For the calculation of the effect of IISI on EISI,
path coefficient equal to 0,668, p<0,001. Hence, H3
is supported. Because EISI is related to standardize
information exchange, digitizing sharing between
organizational business activities, integration will
make information available on time and relevant to
information exchange with supply chain partnersfor
business decision making (Zou & Benton, 2007).
The higher the IISI level the higher the level of EISI,
in other words IISI inline with EISI. If you want to
build EISI capability, IISI capability will built first
(Maiga et al., 2015). For the calculation of IISI on
AAM, path coefficient equal to 0,382 and p<0,001
which mean IISI have significat effect on AAM.
Hence, H1 is supported. Because IISI deal with the
application of enterprise information technology to
systematic data acquisition, data processing, and
data storage, that support accurately and timely
information, its useful for AAM’s adaptation
To calculate effect of EISI on AAM, the result
show path coefficient equal to 0,04 and p=0,290.
This mean EISI has no significant effect on AAM,
so H2 is rejected. Although the EISI level increases,
it does not contribute significantly to AAM. This
indicates that EISI is still important to AAM but not
sufficient to support AAM performance.
Table 1 : Summary of the results
Effect Coeff. p Description
KME on
0,64 <0,01 Significant
KME on
0,09 <0,13 Insignificant
KME on
0,12 <0,06 Insignificant
KME on
0,17 <0,02 Significant
KME on 0,12 <0,07 Insignificant
KMP on
0,64 <0,01 Significant
KMP on
0,60 <0,01 Significant
KMP on
0,10 <0,10 Insignificant
KMP on
0,27 <0,01 Significant
FSI on
0.34 <0,01 Significant
0,38 <0,01 Significant
0,04 <0,29 Insignificant
0,67 <0,01 Significant
The indirect effect model can be statistically
identified through the path. To know the indirect
influence or influence of mediation can be seen
through the path diagram. The indirect effect of
KME to AAM can be though five liner; (1) KME-
AAM. If one or more of these indirect effect are
significant than the indicate partial mediation
(Solihin, 2013). Thus there can be a significant
direct influence as well as significant indirect
influence. On line 1 is not significant because KME-
FSI is not significant. In liner 2 significant because
KME-IISI and FSI-AAM are both significant. On
line 3 and 5 are not significant. While in line 4
The indirect effect model of KMP-AAM can
be explained through four line: (1) KMP-FSI-AAM;
is significant and so in path 2. While in path 3
and 4
are no significant. Thus FSI and IISI mediate partial
effects of KMP-AAM. In other words, KME
positively affects AAM through KMP and IISI as
mediating variables. KMP positively affect AAM
with FSI and IISI as mediation variables.
AAM can work well if the integratio of internal
information system improved. The agility to adapt is
determined by how flexible the information system
is. Flexible means flexible to use and flexible to
change. Thus, flexibility of information system can
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
improve AAM. Improvement of IISI quality depend
on KME and KMP. Knowledge management in this
case is important for IISI readiness providing
information to accountant. All KME enablers needed
to improve KMP quality. The proces of knowledge
management can improve the fungtinality of IISI in
providing information for the need of management
accounting adaptibility in responding to change
quickly. It seems that flexibility in the FSI has no
significant effect on KME. However, KMP has a
significat effect on FSI.
The readiness of information system integration
in the context of accounting is associated with big
data. The general concensus is that big data can lead
to disruptive conditions in accounting. Therefore
some management accounting techniques will
become obsolate and unused, so that management
accounting changes and the role of management
accounting can shift. Significant change can occur
that require adaptibility of management accounting.
However, we did not examine the effect of big data
in IT readiness providing information for business
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ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches