The Implementation of Coordination of Benefit (COB) within
Indonesian National Health Insurance System (BPJS Kesehatan)
Hilda Yunita Sabrie, Zahry Vandawati, Prawitra Thalib
Faculty of Law, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
Keywords: Coordination of Benefit, Government, Health, Insurance.
Abstract: The Indonesian national health insurance program is organized by BPJS Kesehatan with a compulsory
membership covering the entire population of Indonesia; whom its implementation will be carried out by the
government gradually. Participants of the health insurance program by BPJS Kesehatan are required to pay
contributions as a premi in order to obtain health insurance benefits. The benefit in this case is social
security to the right of participants and their families. Benefits of health insurance that can be obtained by
these participants are individual health services, including promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitation
services, that includes health services and consumed medicine in accordance with the necessary medical
needs. Benefits provided by BPJS Kesehatan in such a way, by some scholars, are considered to be unable
to meet the health needs of the people. Therefore, the government provides this facilities in the form of
Coordination of Benefit (COB) or benefit coordination between BPJS Kesehatan and Commercial Insurance
in order to provide additional benefits of health services that have been obtained by BPJS Kesehatan
participants’ by purchasing additional health insurance products for participants in need of health services
improvement. However, the existence of this COB system can indicate the violation of Indemnity principle
so that there is a need for a deeper analysis and more careful arrangement in implementing COB system.
Coordination of Benefit (COB) or benefit co-
ordination is a method whereby two or more insurers
underwrite same person for the same health
insurance benefit with the limit of total benefit not
exceeding the amount of health services that are
financed (Peraturan Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan
Sosial Kesehatan Nomor 4 Tahun 2016 tentang
Petunjuk Teknis Penyelenggaraan Koordinasi,
2016). The first party to pay claims is called the
primary payer while the party who pays the
remainder of the claim is called the secondary payer
(Unit Pemasaran BPJS Kantor Cabang Batam,
2015). COB is a system used to determine the
liability of payments for health claims when there is
more than one guarantor. COB helps ensure that
participants who have more than one health
insurance will receive an appropriate benefit while
also avoiding overpayment by one of the guarantor
(Admin AdMedika, 2016).
This COB program is governed by the Badan
Penyelenggaran Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan
Regulation (Hereinafter, BPJS Regulation) No. 4 of
2016 on the Technical Guidelines for the
Implementation of Benefit Coordination in the
National Health Insurance Program. This COB
Program is the implementation of the Law of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 40 Year 2004
regarding National Social Security System, Law of
the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 Year 2011 on
Social Security Administering Body, and
Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 12 Year 2013 regarding Health Insurance as
amended several times the latest by Presidential
Regulation No. 12 of 2013.
This new COB system will be enforced if BPJS
Kesehatan participants purchase additional health
insurance from the provider of additional health
insurance programs that have cooperated with BPJS
Kesehatan. Presently, there are 33 additional Health
Insurance companies listed as the partners of BPJS
Kesehatan per 2017(Humas BPJS Kesehatan, 2017).
COB Principles in BPJS Kesehatan is
implemented when BPJS Kesehatan participants
purchase additional health insurance from the
provider of the Additional Health Insurance Program
or other Guarantee Agency in collaboration with
Sabrie, H., Vandawati, Z. and Thalib, P.
The Implementation of Coordination of Benefit (COB) within Indonesian National Health Insurance System (BPJS Kesehatan).
DOI: 10.5220/0010051000180023
In Proceedings of the International Law Conference (iN-LAC 2018) - Law, Technology and the Imperative of Change in the 21st Century, pages 18-23
ISBN: 978-989-758-482-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
BPJS Kesehatan (Humas BPJS Kesehatan, 2017).
BPJS Kesehatan will then guarantee the applicable
tariff charges under the JKN program, while the
remaining tariff will be the responsibility of
commercial insurance as long as it complies with the
prevailing rules and procedures.
This regulation of coordinated benefits or COB
is not a new thing. It has been known since the
issuance of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 40 Year 2004 regarding National Social
Security System (SJSN), whereas the government
has arranged the coordination of benefits as
mentioned in Article 23,:
"In case the participant requires hospitalization,
then the hospital service class is given based on the
standard class". The explanation of Article 23
further states that, "Participants who want a higher
grade than their rights (standard class), the
difference between the cost guaranteed by the Social
Security Administering Body at the cost of
improving the treatment class."(Undang-Undang
Nomor 40 Tahun 2004 tentang Sistem Jaminan
Sosial Nasional, 2004)
The COB system is an implementation of JKN,
every citizen will be guaranteed by the JKN program
and for those who already have health insurance, the
guarantee will be considered as a "top-up payer".
Top-up payers are conditions where if the health
insurance participant wants a higher class than the
participant's rights that is guaranteed by BPJS
Kesehatan, they can get upgraded by paying the
remaining fees to the Additional Health Insurance.
In accordance with Presidential Regulation No. 12
of 2013 on Health Insurance, Article 27 paragraph
(2) states that BPJS Kesehatan and the providers of
additional health insurance or insurance programs
must be able to coordinate in providing benefits for
health insurance participants.
COB system for COB participants conducted by
BPJS Kesehatan with an Additional Health
Insurance Provider by selling indemnity, cash plan
and managed care products, providing additional
condition as follows: (Berita Negara Republik
Indonesia, 2016)
a. BPJS Kesehatan as the first guarantor; or
b. Provider of Additional Health Insurance as the
first payer.
Regarding indemnity products, hospital cash
plan, and managed care, it can be described as
a. Indemnity
Indemnity is a health insurance product where cost
reimbursement is based on the limit / benefit owned
by health insurance participants referring to the
agreement at the time of policy closing.
Replacement fees are made based on when each
participant is being treated (Humas BPJS Kesehatan,
b. Hospital Cash Plan
Hospital Cash Plan is a health insurance product that
provides reimbursement of daily maintenance and
compensation expenses if the health insurance
participant is hospitalized due to a sickness or
accident in accordance with policy guarantees. The
amount of reimbursement of the cost is adjusted to
the type of premium agreed by the participant of the
health insurance (Adira Care, 2016).
c. Managed Care
Managed care is a health insurance product when
there is a healthcare financing system compiled
based on the number of registered members with
controls ranging from service planning and includes
contracts with health service provider (Henni
Djuhaeni, 2009). This product provides costs
reimbursement to health insurance participants in
accordance with the costs billed. The cost of bills
paid by the insurer is the result of an agreement
between the insurer and the hospital (Rachmad
Suhanda, 2015). Participants of health insurance
are limited to the hospitals that are cooperating with
the insurer and on the basis of the agreed agreement
at the time of policy closing. Things that can be
reimbursed are in accordance with the agreement,
such as reimbursement of medicine costs, patient
rooms, and so forth.
If a Participant or Business Entity has more than
1 (one) Additional Health Insurance for himself /
hers, workers and members of his / her family, then:
a. Coordination of benefits is only made by one
of the Additional Health Insurance Providers
in collaboration with BPJS Kesehatan;
b. Participants or Business Entities may directly
register and pay dues to BPJS Kesehatan
without going through an Additional Health
Insurance Provider.
Related to COB's objectives, there are actually quite
a lot of COB's goals, it depends on the viewpoint of
what the person is looking at. The government has
its own target on health, since improving health
services is also included in the criteria of advancing
public welfare as stipulated in the preamble of the
The Implementation of Coordination of Benefit (COB) within Indonesian National Health Insurance System (BPJS Kesehatan)
1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The
purpose of COB system is to increase the number of
BPJS Kesehatan participants, so then the
implementation of the JKN program is being
increasingly massive and be more comprehensive
(Humas BPJS Kesehatan, 2016). The
implementation of COB cooperation will have an
impact on the reduction of the contribution fee of the
participants with high commercial health insurance,
because part of the health insurance cost will be
borne by BPJS Kesehatan. It is expected to increase
the interest of COB participants because of the
relatively cheaper premium; yet, it offers more
benefits to be gained.
The next objective is that the COB participants
will obtain additional health protection coverage in
accordance with the needs required by the
participants. This is due to the fact that through
COB, participants are not limited to the facility
provided by BPJS Kesehatan, but participants can
also raise the level of health services and facility in
accordance with the standard needed by the
participants. With the COB, it is expected that
participants will benefit from the presence of
coordination between BPJS Kesehatan and
Additional Health Insurance (AKT).
Additionally, with the COB system, it is hoped
that it will decrease the stigma that there is business
competition between BPJS Kesehatan and
Commercial Insurance. BPJS Kesehatan is not a
private insurance, but the existence of BPJS
Kesehatan is intended for raising public awareness
about the importance of having health insurance.
With COB, participants who are financially capable
and want to get a better health care facility can apply
for the scheme. Through the coordination between
the two, BPJS Kesehatan and Commercial Insurance
can complement each other advantages and
BPJS Kesehatan in organizing COB program may
cooperate with Additional Health Insurance or other
guarantor that is in accordance with regulation
provisions in the form of: (Peraturan Direksi Badan
Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan Nomor 47
Tahun 2016).
a. Coordination of Benefit
Coordination of benefits is when two or more
insurers underwrite same person for the same health
insurance benefit with the limit of total benefit not
exceeding the amount of health services that are
financed. In this case, BPJS Kesehatan with
Additional Health Insurance (Commercial
Insurance) jointly collaborated to underwrite the
same person that applied for COB.
b. Participation Coordination
Coordination of participation includes the
registration of business entities that will cooperate
with BPJS Kesehatan and Additional Health
Insurance, data entry of workers and family
members, data change mechanism, including the
participant's identity sharing.
c. Coordination of Socialisation
Coordination of socialization between BPJS
Kesehatan and additional health insurance or other
guarantor body means that they can conduct joint
socialization to COB participants for the health
facilities, and other related parties programmed. The
coordination mechanism of socialization is
important because to succeed the COB system
program launched by the government it needs to be
socialized to the people.
d. Coordination of premium
Coordination of premium can be conducted through
the participants premium payment through BPJS
Kesehatan or through the Additional Health
e. Coordination of Information System
The coordination of the information system of BPJS
Kesehatan and additional health insurance or other
guarantor bodies taken form into the merging of
participants’ information.
3.1 Indemnity Principle on the
Coordination of Benefit System
(COB) within BPJS Kesehatan
BPJS Kesehatan is included in social / compulsory
health insurance. Social / compulsory health
insurance is conducted to provide social security to a
community or group of people. Implementation of
social / compulsory insurance is based on mandatory
legislation and in it; there are certain objectives of
the government to provide protection for the
community or some members of the community so
that the system is referred to as social insurance.
Health insurance is actually one of the development
variants of insurance money and loss insurance.
There are several principles underlying an
insurance agreement, one of which is the principle of
iN-LAC 2018 - International Law Conference 2018
indemnity. The indemnity principle applies in all
insurance agreements, except life insurance. This is
because human life is unable to be measured by
Indemnity principle is very essential in insurance
agreement. Based on Article 253 of Indonesian
Commercial Code (Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum
Dagang, KUHD), Indemnity principle is the amount
of compensation should be equal to the amount of
losses suffered. Within the indemnity principle, the
insurer is only required to compensate
proportionally to the loss suffered (Kornelius
Simanjuntak, et al, 2011).
In loss insurance, the Insured has the possibility
to suffer losses and the insurer is willing to bear it,
the event insured in general has been regulated in the
policy of events that provide financial losses and the
insurer is willing to bear it. An event will not be
guaranteed by the policy if the cause includes
exceptions in the policy. Thus, this principle
guarantees a reasonable and balanced compensation
wherein the insured is only allowed to receive
reimbursement of fees paid in accordance with the
amount of costs that actually being suffered by the
This can be explained in the insurance law
through a coverage contract based on the principle
of Indemnity that is in essence, is that the Insured
receives reimbursement of the cost of recovery
(financially) after a loss but the benefit can only be
amounted to the situation of the insured before the
loss occurs, so then there will be no additional profit
of the insured by making a claim.
The Indemnity principle of the COB system is in
principle the same as the Indemnity principle applied
in the insurance agreement as discussed earlier.
Indemnity principle in COB system can be
exemplified if we spend money Rp 25.000, - for the
cost of purchasing medicine, hence replacement cost
obtained by health insurance participant must also
match with suffered that is equal to Rp 25.000, - or
should not exceed from that amount.
In every insurance agreement there is always the
potential for violation of Indemnity principle.
Similarly in the COB system, there is potential for
violation of Indemnity principle. This is because the
concept of coordination of benefits that is applied
and become the basic reference in BPJS Kesehatan.
Coordination of benefits which in essence there is
more than one insurer who bear the cost of health
insurance from the insured may lead to potential
violations of Indemnity principle through the
payment of claim that is exceeding the value of the
total cost of health services.
Some potential violations of Indemnity principle
that is common in COB system in BPJS Kesehatan
are as follows:
1. Additional Benefit in Additional Health
When the insured filed a claim to the Additional
Health Insurance (Commercial Insurance), there is a
potential violation of Indemnity principle. This is
because sometimes the existing insurance agreement
in health insurance products owned by Commercial
Insurance is not only limited to the contracted-on
COB system, but sometimes there are additional
clauses that are included if the insured willing to pay
a premium with a greater value to Additional Health
Insurance (Commercial Insurance). Insured not only
get the cost of replacing the maximum amount of
health services that will be reimbursed by BPJS
Kesehatan alone, but the insured can also receive
reimbursement of the Additional Health Insurance in
order to cover the cost difference that has been borne
/ paid by BPJS Kesehatan. Additionally, when the
insured applied for a higher premium value as
mentioned above, it will then provide higher
compensation received causing the violation of
indemnity principle. When calculated, the amount
received by the insured already exceeds the amount
of costs that should be paid by the insured.
2. Product of Hospital Cash Plan
Health insurance products under the Hospital
Cash Plan scheme are health insurance products that
provide insurance coverage when the insured is
hospitalized on the basis of a medical indication and
on the recommendation of a doctor caused by illness
or accident. In this scheme, the insurer will provide
daily benefits of hospitalization in the form of daily
cash compensation (Admin, 2015). Such products
may potentially lead to violations of Indemnity
principle. This is because the product provides the
insured of cash when the insured suffers from an
illness. This could potentially violate the principle of
Indemnity because if the insured has already covered
BPJS Kesehatan and Additional Health
Insurance, but they still receive cash for their
hospitalization. Insured will then receive benefit that
is higher than the total value of health care costs
suffered by the insured.
3. Submission of Photocopied Invoice of the
Submission of Photocopied Invoice of the Claim
may potentially lead to a violation of Indemnity
principle. Submission of Photocopied Invoice of the
Claim referred here is the condition in which the
insured filed a claim for health care costs in the form
of a copied. The receipt is filed as a claim on the
The Implementation of Coordination of Benefit (COB) within Indonesian National Health Insurance System (BPJS Kesehatan)
cost of health services to Commercial Insurance.
This could potentially be a violation of the
Indemnity principle because the copy is a copy of
the original receipt that has been claimed to BPJS
Kesehatan. This cannot be denied or avoided since
there is no regulation that prohibits a person from
insuring an object of insurance on more than one
insurer and a person is also allowed to insure an
object of insurance on more than one insurer for the
same risk (Irene Nindia Laksmi, et al., 2016).
However, if we refers to the provisions of the
rules governing the COB system or the regulation of
claims filing procedures, there should be no
indication of violation of Indemnity principle in
COB system in health BPJS. COB scheme in BPJS
Kesehatan have been created to comply with the
indemnity principle through limiting the total benefit
in a certain amount that does not exceed the amount
of health care that is guaranteed.
In the regulation of health insurance, there are no
rules that concretely prohibit a person from insuring
an insurance object on more than one insurer for the
same risk. This happens because there are rules
where if the Insured has filed a claim for the whole
loss (claim for the full loss) to one Insurer, then the
Insured must not file another claim to the Insurer.
This is done to prevent the Insured benefit from the
payment of insurance claims (Irene Nindia Laksmi,
2015). In the health insurance mechanism,
indemnity principle can be understood that the form
of reimbursement given shall meet the cost of
This study concludes that there is some indication of
indemnity principle violation in the implementation
of COB system at BPJS Kesehatan. This violation
might exist in the form of reimbursement claim that
exceeding the cost of health treatment suffered.
Providing a clear regulation through the rules
governing the COB system or the regulation of
claims filing procedures can avoid violation of
Indemnity principle in COB system in BPJS
Kesehatan. COB scheme in BPJS Kesehatan have
been created to comply with the indemnity principle
through limiting the total benefit in a certain amount
that does not exceed the amount of health care that is
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Peraturan Direksi Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial
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iN-LAC 2018 - International Law Conference 2018
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The Implementation of Coordination of Benefit (COB) within Indonesian National Health Insurance System (BPJS Kesehatan)