Nationality Values of Sundanese Words and Proverbs
Agus Suherman
Department of Sundanese Language Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Nationality Values, Sundanese Words, Proverbs.
Abstract: The nationality values should be embedded in every individual as a pillar in running the life of nation and
state. These sources of values in addition to the ideal and constitutional foundation, are also widely
distributed in society as a whole encapsulated in local wisdom. The spread of local wisdom is almost evenly
distributed in every tribe, one of them is words (babasan) and proverbs (paribasa) in Sundanese society.
Using a descriptive method, this paper reveals the values of nationality contained in babasan and paribasa,
and grouping those values based on the reference sources of nationality values i.e. Pancasila (the five
foundations), UUD 1945 (the 1945 Constitution), NKRI (the Republic of Indonesia), and Bhineka Tunggal
Ika (Unity in Diversity). Based on the analysis results, the words and proverbs are strongly encumbered
with national values that have long been embraced and practiced by the community, so it has become the
collective memory of Sundanese society in running daily life.
Nationality values that have been formulated in
various concepts are actually crystallization of the
values of life which has been widely spread in the
society. The sources of these values include customs
and traditions that are passed down from one
generation to other generation.
Various ethnic in Indonesia have their own
traditions that are filled with values of life. The
distribution of these traditions encompasses various
aspects and cultural institutions, ranging from
languages, arts, knowledge systems, livelihood
systems, social organizations and kinship systems,
equipment and technology systems, and religious
systems and beliefs.
In daily practice, the community has been
accustomed to perform a work related to cultural
institutions by promoting its values, such as
determining the structure of customary leadership by
means of consensus, building irrigation technology
cooperatively, working on agricultural land or
commerce on the principle of kinship, building
relationship between citizens by prioritizing the
value of tolerance, and based all actions of life on
the basis of religion or religiosity.
The community also work hand-in-hand together
to build economic independence through
entrepreneurship implantation. In native society,
independence to meet the needs of food is done by
building a granary. Likewise, to keep regional and
cultural unity, people will react spontaneously if
their cultural works or territorial are snatched.
Similarly, to maintain the value of nation unity, the
people are accustomed to associate with various
ethnic, religions, and various cultures.
The above condition is a simple description of
the practice of national values in our community life.
The source of reference to these values is not very
difficult to find. It can be found in our religious
values that have been inherent in the Indonesian
people, as well as the many scattered values of local
wisdom contained in oral and written sources that
almost all ethnic groups have.
Therefore, what is needed is the excavation and
analysis of the sources value, one of which is
contained in the Sundanese words (babasan) and
proverbs (paribasa) commonly used in everyday
conversations of the Sundanese. Words (babasan)
and proverbs (paribasa) according to Sudaryat
(2010; 2014) are part of Sundanese idiom besides
rakitan lantip, cacandran, candrasangkala,
caturangga, and uga. Similar opinion was also
expressed by Salmun (1970) and Prawirasumantri
Babasan (words or word phrase) is a complex
word or group of words, usually a compound word
or phrase, whose sequence is fixed and contains
Suherman, A.
Nationality Values of Sundanese Words and Proverbs.
DOI: 10.5220/0007170905590562
In Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference
on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017) - Literacy, Culture, and Technology in Language Pedagogy and Use, pages 559-562
ISBN: 978-989-758-332-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
figurative meanings, for example: ngaburuy, siduru
isuk, and hampang birit, while paribasa (proverbs) is
a string of words in the form of clauses or sentences
that the composition of these words has been fixed
and have a specific purpose, for example: kudu boga
pikir rangkepan, nyeungeut damar di suhunan, and
napsu nu matak kaduhung badan nu katempuhan.
The phrase is a summary of all thought patterns,
attitudes, and actions formulated in pakeman basa
(idiom). Some of words (babasan) and proverbs
(paribasa) meaningfully corresponds to the
nationality values sourced from Pancasila (5 state
foundation), UUD 1945 (the 1945 Constitution),
NKRI (Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia),
and Bhineka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity). The
four sources of value are then broken down into
more specific sub-values.
The procedure in this study include data collection
and data analysis. The data collection in the form of
words (babasan) and proverbs (paribasa) are
gathered through library research. The literature
references are babasan and paribasa book written
by Sumarsono (2001), and Pakeman Basa book
written by Sudaryat (2016). Data analysis stage is
processed by using descriptive method. This stage is
to explore the values contained in words (babasan)
and proverbs (paribasa) and compared to the
national values derived from the four pillars of value
mentioned above.
3.1 Distribution of Nationality Values
of Sundanese Words and Proverbs
In general, the values of nationality originated from
Pancasila (5 state foundation), UUD 1945 (the 1945
Constitution), NKRI (Unitary State of the Republic
of Indonesia), and Bhineka Tunggal Ika (Unity in
Diversity) (Lemhanas, 2011). The nationality values
originating from Pancasila include: (1) religious
values, (2) family values, (3) harmony values, (4)
social values, and (5) justice values.
The religious values are the high spiritual values
that must be possessed by Indonesian human beings
based on their religion and beliefs and have high
tolerance towards other religions and beliefs
recognized in Indonesia. This is as a consequence of
the principle of Belief in God Almighty who calls all
components of the nation to be culturally religious
and believe in their belief. Words (babasan) and
proverbs (paribasa) that indicate these values
Dihin pinasti anyar pinanggih, everything that
happens has been determined by God.
Milik tara pahili-hili, bagja tara paala-ala, the
belief in the fate that the provisions of life are
God govern.
Saliring dumadi, all the world and everything
around us are created by God.
Umur gagaduhan, banda sasampeuran, both age
and possessions are not ours. All belong to God.
Weweg bendunganana, strongly hold both moral
and religious values.
These five words (babasan) and (paribasa)
represent the deterministic mindset of the Sundanese
people, who obey and faith and surrender all affairs
to God.
The value of kinship, the values of togetherness
and the same fate with fellow citizens without
discriminating the origin, religion, beliefs, social and
political background of a person. Words (babasan)
and proverbs (paribasa) that indicate these values
Sing bisa ngarampa haté batur, in speaking or
acting should think about the consequences for
Sakanyeri sakapeurih or sapapait samamanis,
always together in joy and sorrow.
Bengkung ngariung bongkok ngaronyok, living
harmoniously despite having to face problems
and distress.
Ka bala ka balé, are able to make good
relationship with various kind of society and are
able to complete various kind of jobs.
Runtut raut, lives together peacefully.
The value of harmony, the ability to adapt
and the desire to understand and accept culture and
local wisdom as a manifestation of the values of
pluralism Indonesia. Words (babasan) and proverbs
(paribasa) that indicate these values include:
Ciri sabumi cara sadésa, each place has its own
Désa mawa cara, nagara mawa tata, life in the
village based on customs, and the state regulate
the order of life that is wider than the village
Jawadah tutung biritna, sacarana-sacarana,
each region has their own customs.
Sareundeuk saigel, sabobot sapihanéan, sabata
sarimbagan, united without any dispute.
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
Sing bisa mihapékeun manéh, should be able to
adjust to the environment.
The value of democracy, which has the nature
and commitment to take side with the interests of the
people in planning, formulating and implementing
public policy, as a manifestation of the principle of
sovereignty of the people and the nation sovereign.
Words (babasan) and proverbs (paribasa) that
indicate these values include:
Cai di hilir mah kumaha ti girangna, people
always imitate the behavior of the leader.
Mangka asak-asak ngéjo, in doing the work
should be with careful consideration.
Hadé ku omong goréng ku omong, all problems
can be discussed or resolved by deliberation.
Hurip gusti waras abdi, if leaders are wise, then
the people will be prosperous.
The value of justice, having the ability to
uphold and do justice to all human beings and
realize justice for all people of Indonesia. Words
(babasan) and proverbs (paribasa) that indicate
these values include:
Kudu matang timbangan, to be fair.
Landung kandungan laér aisan, fair and wise.
Leuleus jeueur liat tali, wise in handling every
Ulah cueut ka nu hideung, ulah pontén ka nu
konéng, must be fair and wise, should not take
sides for unclear reasons.
The nationality values derived from the 1945
Constitution include: (1) democracy values, (2)
degree of equalilty values, and (3) legal obedience
The value of democracy is that the sovereignty is
in the hands of the people, and every citizen has
freedom of association and expresses his opinion
responsibly. Words (babasan) and proverbs
(paribasa) that indicate these values include:
Hérang caina beunang laukna, completing or
achieving goal without causing any problems.
Ngeduk cikur kudu mihatur, nyokél jahé kudu
micarék, ngagégél kudu béwara, all activities
must be based on mutual agreement.
The value of equal degree, i.e. every citizen has
the same position before the law. The value of legal
obedience, i.e. every citizen must obey the laws and
regulations. Words (babasan) and proverbs
(pribasa) that indicate both values are:
Nyanghulu ka hukum, nunjang ka nagara,
mupakat ka balaréa, obey the law and the state,
and in accordance with the norms of society.
Katindih ku kari-kari, katerka ku kira-kira,
become suspect by strong evidence.
Geus labuh bandéra, the case has been decided.
Unggah balé watangan, involving in the legal
cases and must come to the court.
Adu telu ampar tiga, the litigants are tried.
Nationality values originating from NKRI
include: (1) the regional unity values, (2) the
national unity values, and (3) independence values.
The value of regional unity is a consequence of the
geographical reality of Indonesia as an archipelagic
country with waters as a unifier of thousands of
islands. Words (babasan) and proverbs (paribasa)
that indicate these values include:
Bali geusan ngajadi, homeland or place of birth.
Ka cai diangir mandi, batu lenjang panuusan,
homeland, place of birth and settled.
The value of national unity, as the realization
of the reality of Indonesia as a pluralistic nation:
religion, ethnicity, culture, politics and so forth.
Words (babasan) and proverbs (paribasa) that
indicate these values include:
Bengkung ngariung bongkok ngaronyok, living
harmoniously despite of having to face problems
and distress.
Paheuyeuk-heuyeuk leungeun, paantay-antay
tangan, unite to help each other to achieve
common goals.
Runtut raut sauyunan, living together in peace
and harmony.
Sareundeuk saigel, sabobot sapihanéan, sabata
sarimbagan, united without any dispute.
The value of independence, which is to build the
nation and state on the principle of independence by
optimizing the ability of human resources, nature
and culture owned by Indonesia primarily for the
welfare and glory of the Indonesian nation. Words
(babasan) and proverbs (paribasa) that indicate
these values include:
Asak warah, well-educated and skilful regarding
to politeness and work.
Saeutik mahi loba nyésa, expertise in managing
resources, especially finance.
Bluk nyuuh blak nangkarak, actively earn a
Dug hulu pet nyawa, working tirelessly.
Kajeun panas tonggong batan tiis beuteung,
working hard to be self-sufficient.
The value of tolerance is the willingness to
understand and accept the presence of different
people (belief, ethnicity, language, politics and so
on) to live together peacefully. Words (babasan) and
proverbs (paribasa) that indicate these values
Nyaur kudu diukur, nyabda kudu diungang-
ungang, should feel other people feelings.
Nationality Values of Sundanese Words and Proverbs
Handap asor, polite behavior and always
appreciate others and do not like to show off
Padarubak sisi samping, forgiving each other.
Sing bisa ngarampa haté batur, in speaking or
acting must think about the consequences for
Silih élédan, mutual succumbing, all are winners.
The value of justice, a balanced attitude between
having our rights and obligations as citizens. Words
(babasan) and proverbs (paribasa) which indicate
these values among others as the value of justice
derived from Pancasila.
The value of gotong royong, the attitude and
action to cooperate with other people or groups of
citizens in matters related to the common goals, the
community and the state. Words (babasan) and
proverbs (paribasa) that indicate these values
Gugur gunung, work together cooperatively for
the needs of the community.
Paheuyeuk-heuyeuk leungeun, paantay-antay
tangan, helping each other hand in hand to reach
the common goal.
Bengkung ngariung bongkok ngaronyok, living
harmoniously despite of having to face problems
and distress.
Tugur tundan, cuntang gantang, susuk bendung,
ngepung maung, ménak kudu kapundayan, various
obligations of the people (especially in feudal age)
such as mutual cooperation or social work.
The source of the nationality values contained in
Pancasila (5 state foundation), UUD 1945 (the 1945
Constitution), NKRI (Unitary State of the Republic
of Indonesia), and the motto of Bhineka Tunggal Ika
(Unity in Diversity), is a crystallization of values
that are scattered in the society which are still alive
and practiced by their adherents. These values have
become the collective memory of the people
recorded in various cultural institutions, both oral
and written, one of them is the Sundanese words
(babasan) and proverbs (paribasa). Both Sundanese
idioms are strongly encumbered with values that can
be applied in instilling national values and building
the character of the nation, especially the Sundanese
people. The distribution of values is very much
aligned with the values developed in the national
insight that lead to the core values: divinity,
humanity, unity, democracy, justice, plurality and
multiculturalism, and patriotism. To revitalize and
actualize the values it is necessary to have some
efforts to excavate, appreciate, and rejuvenate in
everyday life, so that the ancestral wisdom message
can again be interpreted and useful in contemporary
Lemhanas., 2011. Buku Pedoman Nilai-Nilai Kebangsaan
Indonesia Yang Bersumber dari Konsensus Dasar
Bangsa. Jakarta: Lemhanas RI.
Prawirasumantri, A., and Agus, S., 1973. Idiomatik Sunda.
Bandung: FKSS IKIP.
Rosidi, A., 2005. Babasan & Paribasa Kabeungharan
Basa Sunda. Bandung: Kiblat Buku Utama.
Salmun, M. A., 1970. Kandaga Tata Kalimah. Bandung:
Sudaryat, Y., 2010. Pedaran Basa Sunda. Bandung: Geger
Sudaryat, Y., 2014. Wawasan Kesundaan. Bandung:
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Pustaka Jaya.
Sumarsono, T., 2001. Babasan jeung Paribasa Sunda
Larapna dina Omongan. Bandung: Geger Sunten.
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education