Improving Learning Achievement through Memorizing Verses of the
In Its Role Build a Sociological and Psychological Peace Approach
Elan Sumarna
Study Program of Islamic Education Science, Faculty of Social Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
Jl. Dr.Setiabudhi no. 229 Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Keywords: Learning Achievement, Memorizing Verses of The Qur’an, Sociological peace Approach.
Abstract: This study aims to reveal that, memorizing verses of the Qur’an can improve student achievement. In relation
to that, those who memorize verses of the Qur’an can generate sociological and psychological peace. The
sociological peace is defined to man who can manages social interactions in a more useful direction for the
future. The psychological peace is a conducive learning atmosphere that appears and accompanies them when
memorizing verses of the Qur’an. Both peace in turn can lead to a good learning ethos by which can improve
learning achievement. This study used a qualitative approach with the method of interview and observation
of the learning outcomes of two groups of respondents, i.e. those who have memorized verses with groups
that do not have them. A limited quantitative approach is also used to further refine the results of the study.
The results showed that, it is true the activity of memorizing the verse has a significant influence in improving
learning achievement. From the above information, then memorizing verses of the Qur’an on the sidelines of
learning can accompany the students to be able to focus in following learning.
The study of memorizing verses of the Qur’an which
affect learning achievement is still small. This is
evident from the limited research on the subject,
which although factually the fact (memorized verses
can affect learning achievement) can be accounted
for. In this regard, in educational institutions, these
are still considered to be stories and may even still be
tales that have not been scientifically revealed.
However, the above description does not mean
negating the real fact, that there is a significant
difference between the learning achievements of
those who memorize verses with those who do not
memorize verses. For those who memorize verses,
this study is aimed to examine the fact that students
who memorize verses of the Qur'an, can have a
positive impact in improving their academic
As for this research, Sumarna (2011) said that the
formulation of the following questions:
How is the process that memorizing verses of
the Qur’an can improve student achievement?
How did didactic and methodical format so the
accumulation of verses of the Qur’an could
improve students' learning achievement?
As described above, the research related to
memorize verses of the Qur’an can affect learning
achievement, is not much done. However, other,
generally related studies can be found everywhere.
This is for example what is written by Hamidi
(2010) in their research The Role of Islamic
Education in Mental Health state that human mental
health is a special matter of knowledge and insight.
Of course, mental health is the result of the
achievement of sociological and psychological peace,
which is rooted in a memorizing verses of the Qur'an.
These two peace, in turn can be the main instrument
in achieving learning achievement. Related to the two
peace, Allah SWT said:
"Those who believe, and whose hearts find
satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah. For without
doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find
satisfaction (QS.13:28)
Sumarna, E.
Improving Learning Achievement through Memorizing Verses of the Qur’na - In Its Role Build a Sociological and Psychological Peace Approach.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 395-400
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
As for that peace is related to ease in seeking
knowledge, Allah SWT said:
“They not travel through the land, so that their
hearts (and minds) may thus learn wisdom and their
ears may thus learn to hear? Truly it is not their eyes
that are blind, but their hearts which are in their
breasts (QS.22:46)”
This verse describes the peace that must begin
with its basic rule, that is, with one's heart it is
knowledgeable. The heart is the foundation of science
shows that the success of a person in seeking
knowledge must begin and accompanied by peace
itself both sociologically and psychologically. In
addition, this verse shows that the epistemology of
science in Islam is the heart. Hence, in the verse the
reason (aqala) is defined with the heart, that the heart
is the intelligent one which then becomes the source
of knowledge. Thus, in the Qur’an the Reason (aqala)
is not one of the organs in the body by which he can
understand. This kind of understanding, strengthened
by Iqbal in Bilgrame (1982), in his writing Iqbal
Sekilas tentang Hidup dan Pemikirannya (Iqbal
Review about Life and Thought) stated that the
Reason (aqala) must be defined with the heart of
reality and the realization of knowledge. Therefore,
all reality that is sensitive to the senses must be
subject to this essential science. In that connection,
the awareness of the reality that gave birth to science
can be divided into two. First: the science which is
based on the development of the brain which is then
called the mechanical consciousness which Iqbal is
called sensual consciousness, and the second is the
awareness of ruhiyah which is based on the silence a
heart that continues to be forged. Therefore, ruhiyah
awareness should be the guide of the mechanical
From the above description, it is clear that, both
for students and teachers in developing their
knowledge must be based on the Qur'an itself. This is
as confirmed by al-Karasneh (2010) in his writings
Islamic perspective of creativity: A model for
teachers of social studies as leaders which states that,
learning based on the Qur'an can encourage teacher
optimism to be more innovative and creative in
developing learning, at Side will be more blessing
because the Qur'an will continue to encourage
creativity. Similarly, Jaafar (2012) in his article The
Importance of Self-Efficacy: A Need for Islamic
Teachers as Murabbi that Teachers should act as
murabbi (counselor) is not just a mere transfer of
knowledge. Teacher, with such a principle must
develop the nature of optimism so that the inner
connection exists between the two sides. If so, where
the teacher can open the inner relationship with his
student, then this education meets his criterion as a
tool to pass on values.
Based on the above description, learning based on
the Qur'an will further wetter the spirituality that is
not only for students but for teachers though.
Likewise Dajani (2015) reinforces in his research The
Ideal Education in Ibn Khaldun's Muqaddimah states
that, learning based on the Qur'an will encourage the
level of spirituality of learners to more concentration
in learning.
Nevertheless, all of the above research results are
still general and have not directly addressed the main
issue of "memorizing the Qur'an can improve
learning achievement." Therefore, this study is
directed to how the actual process so that the process
of memorizing the Qur'an can affect learning
achievement. This is an empty gap, which to this day
still few people research on it. Therefore, this study
tries to fill the empty gap.
This research uses qualitative approach with
interview and observation method. After that, the
results are described by using the descriptive-
analytical method of the learning outcomes of two
groups of respondents, those who have memorized
verses with groups that do not have memorized verse
In terms of the approach used, to provide
sharpness of research results, this research is
conducted using limited quantitative analysis.
The object of this research is Student of Islamic
Religious Education Science -UPI by taking sample
from students of second semester and IV academic
year 2009/2010 number 100 people from 180 people.
Thus long research about 1 semester.
In terms of stages of research, data processing is
done by first taking the following steps:
Data verification.
This step is taken to choose which data can be
processed and which data should be set aside. The
data is processed only complete data. Of the 100
copies collected, as many as 77 copies filled
completely. For the purposes of this study, as many
as 77 respondents that are processed next.
Data tabulation and scoring.
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
This step is taken to determine the value of each
answer given by the respondent.
Data recapitulation.
This step is done to facilitate data processing.
As illustrated in advance that this study aims to reveal
that, memorizing verses of the Qur’an can improve
student achievement. The process gained from
memorizing activities of the Qur'an can give birth to
sociological and psychological peace. The meaning
of sociological peace is related to their effectiveness
in managing social interactions in a more useful
direction for their future. In this sociological peace,
he is expected to be able to create conflict resolution
that can change social issues that tend to be negative
to be positive. In this connection, all the problems that
arise in the form of challenges ultimately make it a
success by standing on a solid foundation. The
psychological peace is the creation of a conducive
learning atmosphere that arises from the internal of
his memorizing. Thus, there are two things that can
manifest intelligence: first: sociological peace factor
by which one is capable of giving birth to a right and
beneficial interaction. True in a sense, he can plan a
useful interaction both for the science he is
experiencing, as well as related to the relationships he
develops so that will build a more focused vision and
mission. This applies not only to learners, but to
teachers as described above. Second: is the
psychological peace factor that is the foundation of
sociological peace. This psychological peace can
ultimately lead to a conducive educational
atmosphere. It is these two forms of peace which in
turn contribute to the enhancement of a strong
learning ethos, which in this case is born by their
interaction with the Qur'an by either memorizing it,
or by understanding and implementing it.
In the world of education, sociological and
psychological peace is absolutely necessary as it
relates to how much learning is achieved. Therefore,
it can be said that the failure of education can be seen
from the creation or absence of sociological and
psychological peace in the education process. Thus, it
is natural that the education should be likened to the
process of planting rice that must continue to be
weeded as its sociological severity and must continue
to be nurtured as an analogy of its psychological
peace so that it will eventually get abundant harvest
(Suwaid, 2003)
From the above, it is clear that if the sociological
and psychological peace is not created then resulted
in the decrease in student concentration in continuing
up his studies. Of course, this leads to a decline in
achievement which in Ilfiandra terms (2008: 102-
108) in his research Pengembangan Model Konseling
Kelompok Berorientasi Cognitive-Behavior Therapy
untuk Menanggulangi Gejala Pokrastinasi Akademik
Mahasiswa ( Development of Cognitive-Behavior
Therapy Group Counseling model to cope with
Academic Procrastination Symptoms Students ) call
this a phenomenon of Procrastination
Related to the above problem (procrastination), as
mentioned by Ilfiandra, there are many theories that
can be solved to overcome such problems, among
them are the theories conveyed by Bandura in his
Self-Efficacy, Meichenbaum in his Self Instruction,
and Kanfer in Self- Control it.
In his Self-Efficacy, Bandura sees that one's
ability to devote power is to what he believes. While
the tenacity of doing so all depends only on the
interaction of the person's evaluation power on the
efficacy and relative values of the anticipated goal.
According to Meichenbaum in Self-Instruction
emphasized the principle of self instruction as a
manifestation of self-management that focused on the
importance of self-learning process.
Meanwhile, according to Kanfer in Self-Control it
emphasizes the self-control is a process whereby an
individual can change a possibility of support that is
external to the immediate / immediate. In other
words, Kanfer's model emphasizes self-monitoring to
listen to internal events such as thoughts and
After listening to the three theoretical models
presented above, the researcher argues that the
theories are only held to anticipate the problems that
appear on the surface only by not touching the root of
the problem. Thus, the theories are merely relocating
the symptoms on the surface so as not to develop
further, not then to treat them. Therefore, the root of
the problem is how to treat the root of the problem not
the symptoms that grow on it.
In relation to that, the root of the problem that
must be considered is the sociological and
psychological factors that continue to grow along
with the growth of moral consciousness to take
responsibility in every problematical life which if
uncontrollable will generate excessive sensitive
which in turn can bear the feeling Excessive anxiety,
fear of taking risks and so on so as to give birth to
To treat the problem, Abas Asyafah (2014) in his
research The Method of Tadabur Qur'an: What Are
the Student Views? To extract the method by creating
conditions that are conducive to students who are
Improving Learning Achievement through Memorizing Verses of the Qur’na - In Its Role Build a Sociological and Psychological Peace
psychologically able to internalize the Qur'anic
values. Abas referred to this as a process of tajawwub
where by this process a learner has a prime condition
in opening up to be able to concentrate in the process
of internalizing values. It is this condition, which in
turn can be more reassuring and psychological
reconcile in tackling his growing sense of
responsibility as the maturity grows.
In the Islamic point of view, reading the Qur'an is
a panacea that can shake the psychic from these
problems so as to cultivate an attitude of optimism to
continue to try and work step by step.
From this point of view, memorizing verses is the
first step to try to intervene on psychological issues
which in turn leads to optimism to try to think
positively on the problems that arise. So from here the
beginning of intelligence that will ultimately give
birth to their learning achievement.
Based on the above description, then this research
is made under the heading "Memorizing verses of the
Qur'an can improve the achievement of Learning".
However, as noted above, that scientific and
measurable research directly related to paragraphs
can have an effect on learning achievement, not much
has been done. Therefore, references from other
research results submitted are merely supportive and
corroborate this research.
Among the results of general research relating to
the success of learning based on interaction with the
Qur'an or with a minimum limit to make Islam as a
basis in learning has been done a lot of people. Thus,
as stated by Hasan (2013) in his research Khatam Al-
Quran in Islamic Education Curriculum in Malaysia
aims to find that the end of the Qur'an gives a certain
role in Islamic education. In terms of mental health
(spiritual) it turns Alquran role. This is as described
by Isgandarova (2014) in his research Effectiveness of
Islamic Spiritual Care: Foundations and Practices of
Muslim Spiritual Care Givers states that, Muslim
scholars can be maintained health if in learning
process based on the Qur'an.
As explained above, this study can automatically
generate two new approaches, namely the approach
to creating psychological peace and both sociological
approaches. In addition, didactic and methodical
development can be born also from this research. This
is, for example, what Anshari (2012) wrote in his
research An Assessment of Teaching and Learning
Methodology in Islamic Studies considers that Islam
embraced by a fifth of the world's population has a
real need to examine Islam itself in order to be born
out of it methodology and approaches in answering
the continuing relevance and in response to the
demands afforded by globalization and presented by
modernity. Therefore, beginning in the late 1970s, the
scholars have been seriously discussing this and
suggesting many plans to overcome weaknesses, one
of which encourages ways to improve the Islamic
learning method of learning. Likewise, in the creation
of the goals of the Shari'a the scholars call it the
maqashid of shari'ah. In this regard, Sulayman (2014)
in his research Values-Based Curriculum Model: A
Practical Application of Integrated 'Maqasid Al-
Sharia' for the Wholeness Development of Mankind
states that, they are entitled and must receive moral
guidance to be poured in their school curriculum.
From the above description, the birth of new
approach and methodology from the result of Islamic
study is a necessity. Related to that, research of
memorizing verses can improve learning
achievement, in the end can give birth two new
approach that can be used as instrument to improve
student achievement. As in the Qur'an and hadith the
approaches can be explicitly seen as follows:
“Those that lower their voices In the presence of
Allah’s Messenger, - their hearts has Allah tested for
piety: for them is forgiveness and a great reward.
Those who shout out to Thee from without the inner
apartments - Most of them lack understanding.
"Received from 'Amrah, the daughter of Abdur
Rahman from Aisha, the Prophet's wife that the
Messenger of Allah said, O Aisha is indeed a gentle
God and loves meekness and Allah will give the meek
to something not given to the abusive And likewise to
other than that "(Muslim)
The Hadith explains the individual of an educator
(murabbi) who must be soft in giving education to his
students. This is very useful in creating a conducive
educational situation so that not only successful
transfer of knowledge, but also guidance and
direction that becomes the spirit of a science can be
embedded in a process of education. Therefore, with
respect to that (that the meekness of an educator can
create a conducive educational situation), then
education should be interpreted as a facility to
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
develop the growth of human inclination with the
strength that exists to improve what is crooked to be
straight and educated morals. Education must be
transformed into an optimal process in fostering noble
As for the case, that this research can give birth to
a sociological and psychological approach can be
strengthened also by other research results, among
which what is delivered by Rissanen (2012) in his
research Teaching Islamic Education in Finnish
School: A Field of Negotiations states that religious
education is faced on the challenges of contemporary
multicultural societies that must be effective against
social changes. Therefore, in this research (in this
case in Finland) Rissanen reports that there are three
PAI teachers as a sample capable of negotiating to
establish connectivity among different cultural and
religious groups. They organized the ideological,
pedagogical and interpersonal negotiations between
them to create an amazing curriculum, in which Islam
became the commander of the educational curriculum
and was able to defeat the ideas of liberal democracy
in Finland. This is reinforced by Omar (2015) in
their study Multicultural Education Practice in
Malaysia states that education offers a fair
opportunity in protecting all the differences both
about differences in ethnicity and culture. Education
must also produce a quality generation that integrates
the physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual
elements. Of course in relation to the creation of such
a generous generation on the basis of this
multicultural concept, Islam which in this case is the
Qur'an speaks volumes.
Meanwhile, in relation to the necessity of
developing a psychological approach in pursuit of
learning achievement, is what Burde (2015) say
in their research: Islamic Studies as Early Childhood
Education in Countries Affected by Conflict: The Role
of Mosque Schools in Remote that education in the
mosque will be more successful than the Western
education that puts it up in school. Of course, in this
context, the psychological peace that is substantively
found in the mosque becomes the main instrument in
pursuing educational success. As for conducting
school in the hustle and bustle of the problem is
clearly not able to create a conducive atmosphere that
is educative.
As illustrated in advance, this study aims to reveal
that, memorizing verses of the Qur’an can improve
student achievement. This is because the Qur'an is a
miraculous reading tool. The Qur'an in addition to
reading it is rewarded, it can also provide an antidote
to an anxiety that can calm down who reads it. It is
this fact that can ultimately create sociological and
psychological peace. Sociological societal intent is
when he is able to remain optimistic in managing all
his problems. While psychological peace is
characterized by constantly guided them to always be
optimistic in continuing all rights and obligations.
The two approaches created by the accumulation
of memorized verses of the Qur'an (i.e. sociological
and psychological approaches) are concrete
interventions in building a strong learning ethos that
can contribute to improving learning achievement.
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ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education