Female Politician Image in Indonesia Anti-corruption Poetry Frame
Chafit Ulya and Nugraheni Eko W.
Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Female politician, anti-corruption poetry, Angelina Sondakh.
Abstract: Female delegations on politics in Indonesia currently get increased rather than the previous times. Female
politicians began to hold various strategic positions on legislative and executive. Some of them were able to
proof themselves through their achievements, but the rests were arrested in connection with corruption cases.
One of female politicians who was quite prominent related to her achievement as well as corruption case
involvement was Angelina Sondakh. The research aims to describe and illustrate Angelina Sondakh’s image
in Indonesia anti-corruption poetry written by Indonesian female poets. The method of research employed
content analysis with poetry collection of PMK 5 Women Opposing Corruption (Perempuan Menentang
Korupsi) as the object of research. The result shows three images of Angelina Sondakh including celebrity,
politician and prisoner. These images represent the feeling of Indonesian female poets about Angelina
Sondakh who are admired and also abhorred.
Female delegations on politics in Indonesia currently
get increased rather than the previous times. The
validation of Law Number 12 Year 2003 about
affirmative action in terms of 30% quota for female
becomes the starting point of this change. It is also
supported by the validation of Law Number 10 Year
In many countries, the existence of female
politicians contribute to strengthening the position of
women's interests (Wängnerud, 2009, p. 51). Besides
articulating the aspirations of women, female
politicians are expectedly able to decrease corruption
case. Female politicians have the higher moral nature
and assumed propensity to bring this to bear on public
life, and particularly on the conduct of politics
(Goetz, 2007). Thus, the greater the representation of
women in parliament, the lower the level of
corruption (Dollar, Fisman, and Gatti, 2001).
Moreover, female politicians may improve the quality
of representation in the parlement not just by their
public service, but by their contributions as role
models to future generations of female citizens
(Campbell and Wolbrecht, 2006). Consequently,
female politicians have the strategic position on
In Indonesia, the situation seems different. The
political party only makes female politicians as a
means to increase polls and to fulfill law. The
recruitment process merely considers their
popularities. A major result of this, there are many
female politicians from artist. It certainly makes
citizens in doubt. However, this situation doesn’t
reflect Angelina Sondakh (then abreviated into AS).
She is a female politician who can be a role model by
Indonesian women (Susilo, 2016, p. 1425).
Many people had big expectation about her. Her
participation in legislative was expectedly able to
strengthen female delegations on politics. However,
their expectation were shuttered as AS was arrested
in connection with corruption case. Consequently, her
image as popular idol destroyed. Moreover, it
contributes the extreme fury of public. Therefore, this
paper is intented to reveal AS images revealed in
poetry collection of Women Opposing Corruption.
The research deployed ‘content analysis’
(Krippendroff, 2004, p. 18). The research tried to
describe the implied meaning of them. The sample
was obtained by using purposive sampling. It is
obtained six poetries related to Angelina Sondakh
from poetry collection of Women Opposing
Corruption. These poetries were analyzed
systematically by using interactive analysis model
which consist of three stages including data
Ulya, C. and W., N.
Female Politician Image in Indonesia Anti-corruption Poetry Frame.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 166-169
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
reduction, data display and conclusion (Miles and
Huberman, 1992, pp. 15-21).
The poetry collection of Woman Opposing
Corruption is the fifth book published by Poetry
Movement against Corruption (Gerakan Puisi
Menolak Korupsi, abreviated as PMK). Poetry often
become a means against injustice, corrupted
constitutional system and other social inequality
problems in terms of political and social contexts. For
example, there is W.S. Rendra who often criticized
the government of new era through his poetries. This
protested poetry can change political system (Srestha,
2000, p. 259) or can be used as an effective means for
uniting nation (Anedo: 2011: 281). Besides, poetry
still become a means to combat or at least to refuse
There are three images of Angelina Sondakh
revealed, including (1) celebrity image; (2) politician
image; and (3) prisoner image. The begining of AS
celebrity image coincides with her success in being
elected as Putri Indonesia 2001. Having predicate as
the former of Putri Indonesia, her appearance and
ability can not be doubted. Her enchanted physical
appearance makes AS admired by male and female.
In the poetry entitled “Not as beautiful as Your Face”
(Tak Secantik Parasmu) and “Miss Angie: I Sent
Poetry to Chase Your Loneliness” (Mbak Angie:
Kukirim Puisi Untukmu Pengusir Sepi), celebrity
image of AS is clearly portrayed.
Paras cantik putri Indonesia / Bodi
seksi bukan hanya di mata kaum pria
(Ismail, 2015: p. 79)
Beautiful face of Beauty Peageant of
Indonesia / Sexy Body is not only on the
eyes of Men
Perempuan paruh baya itu / Dengan
senyum manis / Rambut lurus berkilat-
kilat / Cantik dan anggun penampilannya
(Halimatusyadiyah, 2015: p. 107)
That middle-aged woman / With sweat
smile / Shining straight hair / Beautiful and
classy appearance
Wajah ayu hidung mancung bathuk
kinong-kinong, kinclong pasrah / juga
matamu kuyu, memandang hakim satu
persatu: lemah (Rohmah, 2015: p. 146)
Beautiful face pointed nose, shiny
defencelessly / and your lusterless eyes,
looking at judges one after another: weak
The lines above show that AS is an idol. Her
physical perfection become the important point to
participate in politics. She was elected as the house of
legislative (DPR RI) member of Democratic party in
2004 and elected again for 2009 2014 period.
Moreover, she occupied the Vice of General
Secretary of party stewardship structure and Budget
Committee of the house of legislative. Her
participation in politics expectedly gives possitive
contribution, particularly in raising women prestige.
In addition, politician image is
discovered as the following “Violating
Princess” (Putri yang Terjerembab) poetry
Ketika kau naik tahta dalam arena
kekuasaan / Kebanggaan kaum perempuan
penuh harap / Bisa merubah citra menjadi
perempuan perkasa / Kau cerdas
berpendidikan tinggi basutan luar negeri
(Ismail, 2015: 79)
When you ascend the throne on the
power arena / The prestige of women is fully
expected / Able to change women image as
strong / you are smart, high educated
graduated from foreign country
The appearance of female politicians from
celebrities have definitely ever been doubted. People
assume that celebrities only rely on their popularities.
This stereotype indicates that there is only the small
number of female politicians who can be considered
capable and qualified in committing their roles. The
rest are only considered luck to be elected, or due to
popularity factor (Tresnawaty dan Astuti, 2015, p.
200). However, this stereotype doesn’t affect
Angelina Sondakh. She doesn’t participate in politics
due to her beauty. By publishing book entitled
Beauty, It not my Basis to Be Commission X of the
House of Legislative (Kecantikan, Bukan Modal
Utama Saya di Komisi X DPR-RI), she clarifies that
she becomes the house of legislative due to her
competence and professionalism.
Gender ideology strongly affects the number of
women in national legislatures (Paxton and
Kunovich, 2003). At least, the competence and
professionalism have been quite trustworthy. Female
politicians will get acknowledgement, strength,
bargaining value if they have quality, potential and
ability (Sulaiman, 2010, p. 69). In some cases, the
factors of appearance of female leader in politics
(politician) are patriarchy culture, family bonds,
martyrdom, social class, life style, historical context,
Female Politician Image in Indonesia Anti-corruption Poetry Frame
prison experience and the general election system
(Astuti, 2008: 4). In accordance with Millbarth
concept, women participation in politics rely on
aphaty, spectator, gladiator and critics (Millbart cited
in Mukarom, 2011, p. 605). In relation to this, AS
proves herslef as gladiator.
However, the glorious celebrity and politician
images make her priggish about many expectations
borne. As the result, there are many dissappointment
expressions of women poets as the following lines.
Bukan sebagai ratu sejagat pengharum
prestasi bangsa / Tetapi sebagai bagian
tikus-tikus penjarah kebun sejahtera (Ismail,
2015: 79)
Not to be queen of universe raising
nation reputation / But to be rat, looter of
prosperous garden
AStaga lukisan rautmu penuh coretan
hitam penuh debu wahai cantik berbintik
(Roelie, 2015: 136)
Dammit, the painting of your face is full
of black stretch, full of dusk, oh pimple face
Karena kau bukan putri yang punya hati
nurani / Karena hak-hak mereka kaugerogoti
(Candra, 2015: 213)
Because you are not full-harted princess
/ because their rights you loot
The big faith of women addressed to AS is not
able to take responsibly. On her career peak, she was
exactly arrested in connection with various corruption
cases, including Hambalang, athlete building and
university laboratory tools provission cases. These
corruption cases simultaneously impair women
legislative image. Consequently, this directly affects
legislative general election result in 2014. Compared
to 2009, women delegation in legislative decreases,
from 18,2% in 2009 into 14% in 2014 (UNDP, 2010).
The prisoner image indicates the anti-climax of
AS carrier. Some poets have different perspectives
about her fate. However, as a woman, they still have
empathy. The lines of two poetries shows their
Lekaslah menulis agenda di hari tua dan
rambut ubanmu: (Nuraini, 2015: 109)
Hurryly, write the agenda for your old
days and gray hair
Bernaung dan merenunglah kau di sana /
Minta ampun dan bertobatlah / Untuk
ketenangan hidupmu setelah nanti
kaulangkahkan kaki / Keluar dari jeruji besi
(Ismail, 2015: 79)
Be ensconced and mediate / Ask for
forgiveness and repent / For your serenity of
life / after being free from jail
That’s the complete images of AS portrayed in
anti-corruption poetry written by Indonesian women
poets. The celebrities and politicians have fans and
supporters who will always expect the goods related
to their idols. Consequenty, they should obviously be
able to show their good attitude and behaviour, so
their fans don’t admire the wrong people. When the
idols are not able to fulfil that kind of condition, or
even violate norms, ethics and law, the admiration
will change into the great abhorance. These reflects
the expressions of female poets in terms of admiration
and dissapointment.
The corruption involving AS and other female
politicians are not actually expected by many people.
The appearance of female politicians is expected to
be the cure of corruption case sequences. In the
family environtment, women can implant anti-
corruption values to their children. Moreover, they
also play role to prevent their husband in corruption
involvement by showing empathy, affection, and
good household maintenance, not much demanded
material fulfillment (Azzubri, 2011: 470).
Therefore, female politicians are disapponting
51% women in Indonesa. One of disappointment is
expressed by poetry collection in terms of ignoring
corruption. It will become a document recording
corrupted behaviour, especially related to politician
From the explanation above, it can be concluded that
female politicians play the important role on
expressing women aspiration and preventing
corruption. These expectation was carried out by
politician women as well as Angelina Sondakh.
However, some politician women behaviours broke
this big expectation by involving corruption case.
Women expressed their disappointment by many
ways, anti-corruption poetry was one of them. In their
poetries, female politician’s images were simply
expressed, including celebrity, politician and prisoner
images. We don’t know what corruption involvement
behind is, but it clearly breaks women struggle for
women emancipation. These anti-corruption poetry
represented women poets’ dissapointment of
politician women betrayal.
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