Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) Method can Affect the Creative
Problem Solving Skil (CPSS) Students Based on Regional Differences
of School
Iksan Mukhlis and Gayatria Oktalina
Economic Education Study Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Case based reasoning, school region, creative problem solving skill.
Abstract: This study aims to compare the use with the method of case-based reasoning (CBR) towards creative problem-
solving skills (CPSS) students based on regional differences within the school. This research is a study of
experiments with a 2 x two factorial research design. Sample research amounted to 62 high-school students
of Class XI IPS in SMAN 15 Bandung and SMAN 1 Parongpong. The two classes at each school are given
the same treatment then given post test. The results showed there is the interaction between the use of CBR
method and the regional differences within the school to the city and of the urban against the CPSS students
depending upon the factors that influence such as self-reliance, social environment and learning conditions
parental socio-economic.
The problem in the learning process for students
especially on economic subjects remains the actual
problem. In general learning process still seems
dominated by the role of the teacher who serves give
or transmit knowledge in students. As if the substance
through the learning delivered a final is a teacher and
students should take it for granted without critical and
creative thinking. Science seems to be something that
happens in life that is understood by teachers, but the
students do not perform the assimilation and
transformation in himself so that science students
accepted into just out-there knowledge is not in-here
knowledge Learning strategies should not only be
limited to conveying material from teachers, but
should be able to push the students doing something
against the accepted interpretation of the outside so it
can be an understanding in itself. Learning strategies
which only gives human dignity have destroyed in the
independence and capacity of their creative.
In this 21st century, students are expected to
develop the ability to think creatively and the ability
to solve the problem which is the highest intellectual
skills (Dick, 2003) in which students can learn in any
setting (Jonassen, 2000). A combination of both that
ability known as creative problem solving (CPSS) i.e.
a person's ability and finish issues with some thought
creatively. CPSS not just problem solving. The
creative aspect is needed. Creativity is needed to find
a variety of ideas in order to choose the optimal and
best solution. In accordance with the opinion of
Isaksen (1992), 'the CPS is not merely problem
solving. The creative aspect to the CPS means the
focus is on the new challenges facing us
opportunities, dealing with unknown or ambigouos
situations and productively managing the tension
caused by gaps between your vision of the future
reality and actual current reality'. Similar with the
opinion stating that, 'This approach to problem
solving is typically inefficient when the problem is
too complex, ill understood, or ambiguous. In such a
case, a creative approach to problem solving might be
more appropriate'. With creative thinking someone
would be able to solve problems not only common,
but also able to see the different alternatives of
solving that problem. Creative thinking ability is very
important in solving the problem because it can
increase the positive attitude a person so it's not easy
to despair in resolving the problem.
The expectations about high value of creative
problem solving skills that are not yet aligned with
student achievement in schools in Indonesia. This is
supported by empirical data obtained from test results
to creative problem solving skills students in SMAN
15 Bandung and SMAN 1 Parongpong. Researchers
Mukhlis, I. and Oktalina, G.
Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) Method can Affect the Creative Problem Solving Skil (CPSS) Students Based on Regional Differences of School.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 847-852
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
did a pre-research to students of class XII by giving a
test on the material of international trade, and get the
results of student data as follows:
Table 1: Average Value of Creative Problem Solving Skill
Test Result.
Indicator of Creative Problem Solving
50 siswa
50 siswa
Source: Pre-research Data
The above table 1 shows the information that
creative problem solving skill students in both of
school is still low for materials of international trade.
Of these three indicators of creative problem solving
skills of students above we can see that the indicator
of flexibility (the ability provide the answer to the
problem of more than one) and originality (the ability
give an answer that is rare) is an indicator of the most
low in achievement of creative problem solving skills
of students. Students are able to solve the problem
given smoothly (fluency) is seen with a value that is
already above the KKM, but still lacking in providing
completion or creative solutions are proven in table 1
shows low levels of flexibility and originality. Still
the lack of ability of the students gave more than one
answer or specific and different, students tend to give
an answer that is common.
Conditions of low CPSS students it certainly
should not be allowed to casually, as if left constantly,
so it is feared will cause bad impact towards middle-
school graduates who will be facing the world of
work. This condition becomes one of the
consequences of the use of methods that monotonous,
which is not in keeping with the times. So the less
capable of providing stimulus for students to be active
in learning, students are just being passive subjects
which should always be encouraged to learn.
Therefore, teachers need to do strategies to solve
those problems by using the method of learning based
on the students because the learning process of the
economy requires the existence of a real case in
illustrations the application of the knowledge
acquired, but in fact the learning in the classroom just
make students become passive, whereas an effective
learning process is a process that involves reflection
and direct experience of the learner.
There are many methods that are currently based
on the students. However, in this study the author will
only examine two methods i.e., casebased reasoning
(CBR). The method is the main paradigm of CBR in
automated reasoning and machine learning, so that
students who do the reasoning can solve new
problems with the way the notice its similarity with
one or more problem solving of problems previous.
Our understanding of learning from the experience of
the model suggested is CBR (Kolodner, 1987;
Schank, 1997) because it provides a good model of
the processes and the representation of knowledge
necessary to transfer learning (Kolodner, 1987).
2.1 Case Based Reasoning Method
CBR is a method used to resolve problems by
utilizing the genesis of Genesis long as the solution of
new cases by looking at the level of similarity.
According CBR based on Ausubel's theory of
meaning. Ausubel stated that learning must be
meaningful, the material is studied diasimilasikan in
non arbitrer and dealing with the knowledge that has
been owned previously (Nielsen, 1980). CBR is
included into the clump method in information
processing (the information processing metodes). The
learning process will go well if the subject matter or
new information to adapt to cognitive structure of
tang has been owned by someone. Discussion of
CBR, heavily influenced by research in cognitive
science. The research of CBR are based on a study of
the history of human knowledge (Schank, 1977),
particularly research on the role of memory in the
CBR is grouped into two main types: CBR CBR
for interpretive and problem solving (Kolodner,
1987). At CBR interpretive, an important aspect is
arguing whether a new situation should be treated as
before on the basis of equality and difference,
whereas CBR for problem resolution, aimed at
getting settlement new problem with doing adaptation
to completion on previous cases. The methodology of
problem solving CBR is based on memory, so one
would imagine problems and settlement of the
diingatnya as a starting point for resolving problems.
An observation on CBR-based problem resolution,
stating that the same problem will have the same
This study will use a CBR-based problem solving
that can briefly described the steps as follows:
(Mantaras, 2006)
The taking back the appropriate cases from
memory (this requires the giving of the index
against the cases by adjusting its features);
The selection of a group of cases that best;
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
Select or determine the settlement;
Evaluation of settlement (this is intended to
convince in order not to repeat the wrong
The latest case resolution Storage in a storage
2.2 Creative Problem Solving Skill
Gagne confirms that the CPSS is the highest
intellectual skills in which is a person's ability and
finish issues with some thought creatively. Learning
to solve problems are the most important skills in
which students can learn in any setting (Jonassen,
2000). Creative thinking is able to create
opportunities for students to generate a lot of ideas,
which is very useful in complex problem solving.
Many of the ideas that are inappropriate, stupid or
useless, but capable of generating ideas helps a lot
with different thinking necessary to solve complex
problems in our world today. As we get from the past
and see the future, creative problem-solving
capabilities can provide the solution to the problems
of the 21st century and citizens can learn to use in the
community by teaching problem solving skills to
students in class.
There are four elements in the CPS investigation
(Isaksen and Treffinger, 2004): 1) understand the
challenges; 2) generate ideas; 3) prepare action and 4)
do the planning. And there's action, namely: stage
eight 1) building opportunities; 2) exploring data; 3)
frame the problem; 4) generate ideas; 5) develop
solutions; 6) build acceptance; 7) design process; and
8) rate of duty. Stated that during the process of
CPSS, constantly thinking is crucial to any solution.
CPSS goals not only solve problems with CPSS
creativity, but also requires the learners to think of
creative ideas and innovative and for critical thinking
to reflect the solution of the problem.
Research design in this study uses 2 x 2 factorial
design. As for the research variables, x is the learning
method CBR as the independent variable and Y is the
dependent variable as the CPSS. The table 2 below
shows details of the factorial design has been drawn
Table 2: Factorial Design 2x2.
H0: (βα) m1 = (βα) m2 = (βα) m3 = 0 (there is no
interaction between the learning methods, regional
differences against CPSS school students).
Hypothesis testing using test two-ways Anova.
Table 3: Research Hypothesis Test Results.
Corrected Model
No Significant
a. R Squared =. 338 (Adjusted R Squared =. 318)
Source: the research hypothesis test results main effect and
interaction effect SPSS (attachments).
The table 3 above shows that the significance of
the interaction effect of 0.12 smaller than 0.05 means
that H0 is rejected and there is interaction between the
use of methods and regions against the CPSS
students. Next to see the interactions between these
two variables then the champion and the post hoc
analysis to analyze each variable. Post hoc analysis
showed that students using CBR method in areas of
the city have a higher compared CPSS with students
residing in the urban area.
Obtained findings that in the region the City give
more effective impact in improving CPSS students
compared to areas of the city. The learning
achievements of students are influenced by several
factors, both internal factors such as the physical
factors, psychological factors, factors of fatigue as
well as external factors such as family factors, factors
of the home atmosphere, factors of the school
environment, and community factors, as well as the
factor approach to learning. Directly or indirectly the
State of the environment, the atmosphere around the
residence and the climate is very important in
affecting learning achievement. This is supported by
the opinion of Wechsler in that a child's achievements
in learning the value always changes can occur on the
basis of individual and situational factors. The quality
of the environment it can hold a lot of stimulation that
influenced the development of intelligence in terms
Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) Method can Affect the Creative Problem Solving Skil (CPSS) Students Based on Regional Differences of
of the achievements of the children. Based on the
results of a test of the hypothesis thus regional
differences in the learning process can affect students
' ability in handling the problem creatively.
As for things that become factors that differentiate
the results obtained from the two methods that are
affected by the region namely: 1) independence of
learning; 2) social environmental conditions; 3)
socio-economic status of parents. Self-reliance is a
major key learning from the success of the
implementation of both of these methods. The ability
of the SDL must be owned by the individual primarily
who follow education education. With the
independence of individual learning may initiate
study with or without the help of others; diagnose
your own learning needs, formulating learning
objectives; identify learning resources that can be
used; choose and apply learning strategies, and
evaluate the results of his studies, Eric Lowy (on
Sumarmo:-). CBR method relies heavily on the
independence of the students because it is in this
method students are required to be active and
independent. The teacher only as facilitators in the
learning process so that students must construct its
own findings that they get from a variety of sources
and then formed into a new knowledge. In line with
the research ever undertaken, with findings that
collectively learning achievements PMP, Indonesian
Language, SOCIAL SCIENCE, mathematics and
SCIENCE are influenced positively by the level of
intelligence of children, socio-economic status
parents, parenting, and children's learning
Therefore the method of CBR is more effective if
applied in the region with the condition of students
who have a high learning independence. Students
with a high learning independence will have a habit
of active learning, they can learn from any source
without having to rely on the teacher and the school.
Usually students with these conditions we
encountered in the area of town where kids are
familiar with ease in the U.S. source of learning and
interacting with other advanced technologies. While
the child in the area of the villages tend to be more
passive and are unfamiliar with the technology so that
when both are equally exposed to the conditions
under which children should be prosecuted is actively
utilizing the technology and learning resources
besides textbooks then in the urban area will be more
The literacy abilities of children in urban areas
lower than students in the city because of the
environment around them live not accustom them to
interact with technology that allows them to absorb
information from outside sources. In line with the
results of the research which States that ' there is a
linear effect among literacy ability against
information achievement student learning. If
information literacy ability is less then the
achievements are also less. If information literacy
ability is good, then a good achievement. '
The application of CBR method in needed a
conducive social environment conditions, either in
the school or community environment, as in the
method of CBR students are required to be active and
independent and able to find learning resources on its
own without having to wait the teacher because the
primary role of the teacher as a facilitator in this
method. The environment must be able to be a
learning resource for students. City and urban
environmental conditions are very different. The
school is located in the town tend to apply discipline
in high school to the citizens, every citizen should
obey school rules set either at school or in the
classroom. Competition and the demands in the strict
city make the motivation of students to compete to be
the best is very high. However, for most urban
schools have to adjust with the environment
surrounding communities, because many children
lacking parental support in school or kids with
parental data collection low so they should work for
the purposes of the school. So many kids who come
too late. In addition the motivation of students at
urban including low, because many who thought that
finally they will return to work as their parents.
The gaps of provision facilities in the city and in
urban also caused that to happen. In the city's myriad
public facilities that support the learning process of
the child so that the child can be explore the
knowledge they get at school. Many of the learning
resources provided the City Government to support
education. For example the only place les and courses
are mushrooming in the city. While on urban still
rarely let alone in a far from urban cities. This finding
is supported by the findings of Arends (2012) which
States that ' influential study facilities are directly
against the achievements of learning subjects of
economy. '
The next reason why CBR more effectively
applied in the schools of the city, because of the status
of social economy of the parents of students who were
in the area of the city is usually more well established
compared to parents of students residing in the urban
area. CBR method requires the independence of
students in learning, to foster independence while
students should be facilitated with a complete
learning resource that not only comes from the
school. Usually parents with social economy will be
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
more concerned with the education of his children so
that they will attempt to provide the best facilities to
support education children. While parents with low
social status have low concern also to education of
children, even if they have a high concern to their
children they are not able to provide the best facilities
to support education his son because of the limitations
of cost and economic demands. When parental
support in the form of the granting of facilities and
infrastructure, information on the importance of
learning, and the attention of the parents on the child
affects the child's motivation and interest in learning.
The existence of the interest and motivation that will
certainly affect the accomplishment of learning
The influence of socioeconomic status,
intelligence parents, parenting, and children learn
independence against the achievements of elementary
school students ' learning. ' shows that there is a
relationship between economic and social condition
of parent motivation learning with achievement
learning students on the lesson of geography '. The
above findings are reinforced by research that has
been done in the field of Economics conducted and
the results show that, ' there is significant influence
between the conditions of parental economic and
social learning motivation of students with the
learning achievements of students on economic
subjects '. A child who gets noticed by parents in their
learning achievements learning better than children
who do not get noticed by parents in education
(Azizah, 2009).
On the basis of the findings obtained during the
research authors, parents with higher socioeconomic
status have high hopes against the success of children
at school and they often give an appreciation of the
intellectual development of the child. They are also
capable of being a great model in speaking and
reading activities. Parents often read together, supply
a praise to children when the children read a book on
its own initiative, bringing children to the bookstore
and visit the library and they became the model for
the child with more often make use of spare time to
read. Meanwhile, older people with low
socioeconomic status often give a negative example
in talking, especially when they fight because of
financial limitations. They also rarely praising
children when the children read, even the parents
have low expectation of success against school
children so that they do not want to get involved to
help the children's homework or other school
assignments. The result of the next child to be not
Excel in school and this adds to the pressure of the
family when the parents were called to the school to
guarantee the failure of the education of the child. It
appears that families with low socioeconomic status
experience high stress.
These findings are supported by some previous
studies done by earlier Research that support the
results of this research are Wood (2003:4) stated that
CBR method fosters active learning, improve
reasoning, develop skills analysis/problem-solving
and attitude displayed in her future practice. While
based on the results of earlier research by Worrell and
Profetto (2007) and Wood (2003) CPSS students can
be developed by using the method of learning CBR in
learning process. Bable to gather and assess relevant
information, using ideas to misinterpret an effective
conclusion by giving reasons and solutions, open
thinking and able to communicate effectively with
others in figuring out solutions to complex problems.
There is a difference ability of the CPSS learners
between a group of learners who are in the territory
of the city and the urban area. The ability of the CPSS
is influenced by regional differences of school
learners. On learners who attended the city tend to
have higher CPSS ability compared to students who
attend school in urban areas due to the factor-factor
gap between the two areas as environmental
conditions social learning, independence, and socio-
economic conditions of the parents. There is an
interaction between the learning method of CBR on
the different schools against CPSS ability learners.
This means that the third variables are inter-related to
the third factor influenced by supporters who have
been mentioned above.
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ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy