Literacy of Islamic Banking Products
Survey on Members of Islamic Mass Organization in Bandung City
Husniati Husniati
, A. Jajang W. Mahri
, and Rida Rosida
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia, {ajajangwmahri, rida.rosida}
Keywords: Islamic Mass Organization, Saving and Islamic Banking.
Abstract: The majority of Indonesian people are Muslim and there are many Islamic Mass Organizations. However,
this potential can not help the development of Islamic Banking in Indonesia, as evidenced by the Islamic
banking market share growth in 2016 only reached 4.8% has not been able to reach the expected 20%. Besides,
the use of Islamic banking among the Ulama, kyai, society around the pesantren and the perpetrators of Islamic
mass organizations are still very few that only reached 37%. The problem is due to the understanding of ulama
about the operational of Islamic banking is still low, they only know the theory based on Al-qur'an and Hadith.
Therefore, ulama difficult to communicate about Islamic banking to the public. The purpose of this study to
find out how the general description of the literacy of Islamic banking products among members of the Islamic
Mass Organization in Bandung City.This research method using quantitative descriptive approach to describe
the characteristics of respondents and knowledge variables Islamic banking products. The sample used in this
research is the Islamic mass organization Nahdlatul Ulama, Muhammadiyah and Persatuan Islam. The results
of this study indicate that knowledge of Islamic banking products in the category enough.
As well as phenomena in other Muslim countries,
Islamic banking in Indonesia has also recorded
progressive developments. Caused by "the
overwhelming majority of Muslims are 87.1% of
government support, banking regulations, and the
role of ulama, Muslim scholars and Islamic mass
organizations" (Ismal, (2011:2). But the market share
of Islamic banking in 2016 just 4.81%, has not
reached the expected 20%. The cause of market share
is still low according to Sari, Bahari, & Hamat,
(2013:129) that "the cause of the small market share
of Islamic banking in Indonesia is the lack of the role
of Islamic scholars and organizations in Indonesia".
The problem in line with the research of Noor
(2012) and Wartoyo (2014) about pesantren society
(ulama, kiai, santri and surrounding community)
using Islamic banks is still small, with result can be
seen as follows:
Figure 1: Pesantren Community using Islamic bank.
Based on Figure 1, the research result of Noor
(2012) of Islamic boarding school using Islamic bank
only reaches 31% meaning that not yet using Islamic
bank as much as 69%. In line with research Wartoyo
(2014) using Islamic banks as much as 43% means
that have not used as much as 57%. Though the target
respondents have been or are studying the chapter
mu'amalah in the study of yellow books, but still
many who have not used Islamic banks. In line with
research Herinza (2013:93) namely "NU Islamic
Society and Muhammadiyah Islamic banking
perception only know the theory based on Alqur'an
and Hadist, so they do not understand the operational
Using Islamic Banks
Not Using Islamic Banks
Research of Wartoyo (2014) in City and District
Research of Noor (2012) In DKI Jakarta
Husniati, H., Mahri, A. and Rosida, R.
Literacy of Islamic Banking Products - Survey on Members of Islamic Mass Organization in Bandung City.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 256-260
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of Islamic banks". Machmud & Rukmana, (2010:71)
"The level of Ulama understanding about the
opersional of Islamic banks is still minimal so that
ulama are difficult to communicate to the public". In
line with the study according to Abdullah &
Anderson (2015:9) that public knowledge assumes
there is no distinction between Islamic banking
products and conventional bank products. Therefore,
there are still few users of Islamic banking so market
share is still low.
The large number of Islamic mass organizations
should be able to inflate Islamic banking, but in
reality it has not been able to develop Islamic
banking. Number of Islamic Organizations in the city
of Bandung until reaching 21 Islamic Organizations,
if Islamic mass organizations that have a large
Regional Leaders, Branch Leaders, Regional Leaders
with so very many in number. Whereas the role of
activists in the field of Islam is very important so that
the Islamic community better understand how fiqh
muamalah one of them is Islamic banking world
(Isnurhadi, 2014).
The purpose of this study to find out how the
general description of the literacy of Islamic banking
products among members of the Islamic Mass
Organization in Bandung City.
Acording to the opinion of Rusdianto & Ibrahim
(2016) and Huston (2010:304) Financial literacy is
the ability to use knowledge and skills to
managefinancial resources effectively for lifetime
financial security”. Financial literature occurs when
an individual has a set of skills and abilities that
enable the person to utilize the resources available to
achieve the goal. The definition of financial literacy
according to Mason & Wilson (Krishna, Rofaida, &
Sari, 2010: 64) is "one's ability to obtain, understand,
and evaluate relevant information for decision
making by understanding the financial consequences
it brings." Stating that financial knowledge is an
which is inseparable dimension of financial literacy,
but can not describe one's financial literacy. Financial
literacy has additional application dimensions that
imply that one must have the ability and confidence
to use his financial knowledge to make decisions
(Huston, 2010).
The study on Islamic financial literacy can be
considered as a new concept being brought into the
area of financial literacy. Due to its novelty, there is
currently no commonly accepted meaning of Islamic
financial literacy (Abdullah M. , 2014). However, it
should be noted that there are certain elements in the
existing constructs used to assess financial literacy
which are not compatible with the underlying
philosophy of Islamic finance such as the interest
element. Indeed, there is a crucial need to develop the
constructs for assessing Islamic financial literacy.
Thus, this study attempt to fill this void by developing
the appropriate constructs for Islamic financial
literacy (Rahim, Rashid, & Hamed, 2016).
This research is using quantitative descriptive
method. The object of this research is Islamic mass
organization in Bandung. Population Organization of
Islam in Bandung there are 21 groups. Sampling with
sample method of non-probability sampling with
sampling type used is purposive sampling with
judgment sampling technique and quota sampling.
The criteria of the Islamic Mass Organization
determined in this study are the three largest Islamic
Islamic mass organizations in Bandung. According to
the Kementrian Agama Jawa Barat (2010), Persis
(2015), and NU (2015), the three largest cities in
Bandung are seen from the number of Heads of
branch offices. Having many branches in Bandung
City, so that has many manager and members.
Besides Having a lot of boarding schools, teachers or
boarding board is part of the members of the Islamic
Mass Organization. Based on these criteria and
opinions, then obtained sample of Islamic Mass
Organizations that meet these criteria are:
1) Nahdatul Ulama (NU)
2) Muhammadiyah
3) Persatuan Islam (Persis)
Table 1: Samples of Members of Islamic Organizations in
Nama Ormas Islam
Jumlah Sampel
Nahdatul Ulama (NU)
Persatuan Islam
Based on the results of research in the field, known
general description of the characteristics of
respondents are as follows:
Literacy of Islamic Banking Products - Survey on Members of Islamic Mass Organization in Bandung City
Table 2: Characteristics of Respondents by Position in Islamic Mass Organizations.
The result above that is in Table 2 that in every
Islamic Mass Ogranization many respondents as
members, because it is more number of members in
comparison with management. While management
consists of various positions that are becoming
chairman, deputy, secretary, treasurer, economic
field, education, human resources and others both in
branch, regional and regional levels.
Ownership of savings accounts are do not have,
only conventional / Islamic only and having both,
with the following result:
Figure 2: Ownership of savings account.
Research on the ownership of savings accounts
based on Figure 2 shows that conventional savings
ownership is more widely used in the NU and
Muhammadiyah Islamic Mass Organizations,
whereas in the Islamic Mass Organizations Persis
more are using Islamic banks. NU Islamic Mass
Organizations have not used many Islamic banks
since there are not many who cooperate with the
Islamic Mass Organization, many still do not
understand Islamic banks, do not know the difference
between Islamic banks and conventional banks.
While the use of Islamic banks because of institutions
that require and from savings hajj. The view of NU
Islamic Mass Organization against savings and the
danger of riba, that riba has indeed been prohibited
and explained in the Qur'an or hadith. But if we save
in a conventional bank is not the intention to get
interest then it is allowed. So with so few who use
Islamic banks in NU Islamic Mass Organization.
Islamic Mass Organizations Muhammadiyah the
use of Islamic banks is less than conventional banks,
but the difference is small. If in this Muhammadiyah
Islamic Mass Organizationis already a lot of
cooperation with Islamic banks so many are using it.
But they are also working with conventional banks so
the use of the bank is almost balanced. Basically they
also do not really know the difference Islamic
banking system and conventional, visible glance is
still the same. The view of the Muhammadiyah
Islamic Mass Organization against saving in Islamic
banks and conventional as well as views on riba, they
say that the ror interest is haram and the use of the
bank will get its reward from Allah swt. They prefer
to use Islamic banks and they expect more and more
to use Islamic banks. However, because of the need
for easier transactions then many are also using
conventional banks.
Islamic Mass Organizations Persis are more likely
to use Islamic banks because they have cooperated
with Islamic banks. They are convinced that riba is
haram, once haram remains haram. Then they also
still see that Islamic banks are still many
shortcomings, so there is the possibility there is still
riba. But they know that not all of them can be directly
according to Islam but must be gradual, therefore it is
better to choose the less mudharat. However,
basically if there is another solution from the bank
then they choose not to use Islamic banks. Therefore,
leaving the bank will be better and far away from riba.
It can also be seen from the results of many Islamic
Mass Organizations Perisis that do not use any bank.
Yet they continue to support Islamic banks, but much
has to be fixed. General overview literacy of Islamic
banking products variable are as follows:
Figure 3: Recapitulation of response each Islamic Mass
Organization variable literacy of Islamic banking products.
- 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00
Product confidence
Products as a benefit tool
Knowledge of the types
of products
NU Muhammadiyah Persis
0 5 10 15 20 25
Conventional dan…
Do Not Have
NU Muhammadiyah Persis
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
Table 2: Category variable literacy of Islamic banking
Very Low
Very High
When seen from Figure 3, which is seen in this
indicator is the indicator of knowledge about this type
of product Islamic Mass Organization many
answered the average on the low category. Questions
in this indicator are, understanding, terms of contract
and legal requirements. In this indicator is more to the
theory of banking products, so the answer is not a lot
of good. The Islamic Mass Organization, does not
know much about the mechanisms in Islamic banking
and the science of Fiqh muamalah is also still low. In
the process of study about fiqh muamalah it self is
still rare, so the result is also low. However, of the
three Islamic Mass Organizations are the best answer
is from Persis. Because, Persis use of Islamic banks
and the number of management more than others, so
the knowledge is better than other Islamic Mass
Then on the product indicator as a set of benefits
in Figure 3 with result at the category is moderate.
Because, the Islamic Mass Organizations know
enough about the benefits derived from Islamic
banking products. Each make a savings account or
financing will explain the benefits that will be
obtained, so the possibility of higher knowledge.
Therefore, Persis is more knowledgeable about the
benefits of its products than any other Islamic Mass
Furthermore, from the third indicator of product
confidence, with the results can be seen from Figure
3 where the product beliefs are in accordance with the
rules of Islamic and avoid the dangers of riba, the
literacy of Islamic Mass Organizations in the high
category. Because the discussion ever studied at the
recitation / study routine every Islamic Islamic Mass
Organization. In muamalah study more often
discussed only about the dangers of riba compared
with others, so that knowledge is high on this
indicator. In this Indicator it is also Persis higher than
other Islamic Mass Organizations, due to the more
frequent review of riba compared with others. In
addition, more management so the respondents so
that the knowledge is higher than the members.
Overall in one variabel literasi of Islamic banking
products that the Islamic NU Muslim Mass
Organization has an average of 49, then
Muhammadiyah for 50.43 and for Persis is 58.5. If the
overall average of the Islamic Islamic Mass
Organization is equal to 52.64, that is, the value is in
medium / enough category.
The results of research and discussion in the previous
chapter, So it can be concluded that the literacy of
Islamic Mass Organization about Islamic banking
products as a whole is in the medium category, either
Islamic Mass Organization NU, Muhammadiyah or
Persis. While each indicator is, the first indicator of
knowledge of the types of products found in low
kateogri for NU Muslim Mass Organization and
Muhammdiyah while Persis in the medium category.
Then on the second indicator is the product as a
benefit device is in the medium category in all the
Islamic Mass Organization. Lastly on the product
confidence indocator is in the high category in all
Islamic Mass Organizations.
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ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy