Comparison of Sensitivity Gap Formation between Maybank
Syariah Indonesia and Maybank Malaysia
Puji Sucia Sukmaningrum, Achsania Hendratmi, Fatin Fadhilah Hasib, and Nisful Laila
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
{puji.sucia, achsania.hendratmi, fatin.fadhilah, nisful.laila}
Keywords: Asset-Liability Management, Gap Sensitivity, Rate Sensitive Asset, Rate Sensitive Liability.
Abstract: Maybank Malaysia is the top 5 largest bank in Malaysia means that will have an effect on the economy in
Malaysia which is currently expanding in Indonesia. The aims of this research are to investigate the factors
that affect the sensitivity gap between Maybank Syariah Indonesia and Maybank Malaysia. The methodology
using t-test and Mann-Whitney. The data used is maturity profile of both Banks. The results suggest that the
formation of the gap period sensitivity of 1 month and 3-12 > months shows the real difference between
Maybank Syariah Indonesia and Maybank Malaysia while having no significant difference in the gap period
sensitivity of > 1-3 month.
The regulation of Bank Indonesia as the central bank
must be obeyed by all banks in Indonesia. Therefore,
Islamic banks are no exception. According to Karim
(2014), even Islamic Bank does not set interest rate
on their operation, both in funding and financing side,
Islamic banking still cannot avoid the interest rate
Among the many tools of risk management, the
anticipation that can be done with regard to the risk
of interest rates is a management gap wich is part of
Asset-Liability Management (ALM). Framework for
ALM areas include interest rate risk, liquidity risk,
credit risk and exchange risks. ALM is an operation
to assess risks actively changing the portfolio of
assets-liabilities and strategically taking action to
manage risk in order to maximize profits. The main
objective of ALM is making Bank is fully prepared to
face the challenges that arise (Dash and Pathak, 2016)
The gap is the difference between assets that are
sensitive to interest rates (Rate Sensitive Assets/RSA)
with a liability that is sensitive to interest rates (Rate
Sensitive Liability/RSL). While the management gap
aims to narrow the gap between the Rate Sensitive
Assets (RSA) and Rate-Sensitive Liability (RSL)
(Riyadi, 2006). The position of the gap that is formed
due to the mismatch in the RSA and RSL can provide
information about the potential risk of Islamic
banking in line with interest rate changes so that the
proper gap management will affect the performance
of Sharia banking.
This study will compare the formation of the gap
that exists in banking have a dual banking system.
The Bank is used as a sample of the research is
Maybank Islamic Indonesia and Malaysia. The reason
for the sampling against Sharia in Maybank Indonesia
Malaysia is because the ownership of the bank is the
same i.e. Maybank Holding. Thus, this study will
compare the banks operating in different countries in
the period of ≤ 1 month sensitivity, month, and 1-3 >
> 3-12 month year 2012 2016.
2.1 Prior Research on Asset-Liability
Sood and Asaray (2017) analyzes the relationship of
dependency between the choice of portfolio asset-
liability from Islamic Banks (IBs) in developing
countries. IBs tend to make decisions on financial
resources based on their asset portfolio options. IBs
choose more investment financing to reduce risk of
the instrument which may share the risks with the
client and sale and purchase financing based rather
than financial instruments.
Dash and Patak (2016) indicates that ALM on IBs
more efficient. Therefore, it can gain more profit. At
Sukmaningrum, P., Hendratmi, A., Hasib, F. and Laila, N.
Comparison of Sensitivity Gap Formation between Maybank Syariah Indonesia and Maybank Malaysia.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 146-151
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the private bank, liquid assets, investments, advances,
and fixed assets from the assets side and net worth,
deposits, and borrowings from the liabilities side has
a significant correlation. There is a positive
correlation between, assets, investments and advance
smoothly on one side and net worth, deposits and
loans. And a strong negative correlation between
fixed assets and net worth, deposits, and borrowings.
Bidabad and Allahyarifard (2008) there are
dissimilarities between the ALM on Islamic banking
and conventional banking. First, the differences in
accounting systems in Islamic banking as compared
to conventional banking. Second, the prohibition of
riba and its specifications shows that not only
effective factor in improving equity (capital deposits)
return but also share profits and losses from
investments in the real sector of the economy wihich
is the basis important in monetary transactions
2.2 Gap Management
Riyadi (2006:133) explains that the gap is the
difference between assets that are sensitive to interest
rates (Rate Sensitive Assets/RSA) and liabilities that
are sensitive to interest rates (Rate Sensitive
Liability/RSL). While the purpose of gap
management is to narrow the width disparity between
the Rate Sensitive Assets (RSA) with a Rate Sensitive
Liability (RSL). By definition, the management gap
is a gap setting caused by the degree of sensitivity of
each post as well as assets liabilities to the post
Based on the level of sensitivity, asset/liability is
divided into two types; rate sensitive assetsliablities
and fixed rate assets-liabilities (Antonio, 2001).
Assets classified as rate sensitive assets (RSA) are all
assets, including assets with a fixed rate (fixed rate),
which have a maturity of less than one (1) year (short-
term) or assets with a floating interest rate (floating
rate) that should be updated every (1) month, three (3)
months, 6 (six) months, and a maximum of 1 (one)
year. The classified rate sensitive liabilities liabilities
(RSL) is all liability, including liability for fixed rate
(fixed rate liabilities), which has a maturity of not
more than 1 (one) year, or loans with a floating
interest rate that must be updated every (1) month,
three (3) months, or 6 (six) months, or not more than
1 (one) year.
2.3 Gap Position
According to Antonio (2001), the potential interest
rate risks arises while the gap between assets and
liabilities, where the composition of the RSA does not
match or mismatch with RSL composition. With
reference to the mismatch, it can form three types of
positions the gap IE (Riyadi, 2006):
a. Zero Gap ( RSA = RSL)
Zero gap indicates low risk in variable income
support due to the quantity of the asset sensitive to
interest rates equal to the quantity of liabilities
sensitive to interest rate.
b. Positive Gap (RSA > RSL)
On the position of the positive gap, sensitive to
interest rates on assets greater than liabilities
sensitive to interest rates (RSA > RSL). This value
indicates that the RSA portion is financed with
funds that are not sensitive.
c. Negative Gap (RSA < RSL)
On the position of the negative gap, Rate Sensitive
Assets are smaller than in Rate Sensitive
Liabilities (RSA < RSL).
Research conducted by the writer uses a quantitative
approach, that is a gap analysis of sensitivity and
difference to see the comparison of gap formation
result in Sharia banking and conventional banking
that came from the companies' financial report. The
difference test is one of the parametric statistical
techniques used to test the comparative hypothesis
(difference test).
3.1 Variables
Variables in this study refer to the analysis model
used by researchers in answering the problem. The
analytical model that contains some Variables
Variables in this study refer to the analysis model
used by researchers in answering the problem. The
analytical model that contains some analytical
techniques gives different variables used in each
technique. The variables used in this study are as
1. Rate Sensitive Assets (RSA)
Assets classified as rated sensitive assets (RSA)
are all assets, including fixed-rate assets, which
have maturities of less than 1 (one) year (short-
term) or floating rate assets which must be
renewed every 1 (one) month, 3 (three) months,
6 (six) months, and maximum 1 (one) year.
2. Rate Sensitive Liabilities (RSL)
Liabilities classified as sensitive liabilities (RSL)
are all liabilities, including fixed rate liabilities,
which have no maturity of more than 1 (one)
year, or floating rate loans which must be
Comparison of Sensitivity Gap Formation between Maybank Syariah Indonesia and Maybank Malaysia
renewed every 1 (one) month, 3 (three) months,
or 6 (six) months, or not more than 1 (one) year.
3. Gap Ratio
The ratio is used to measure the gap due to
fluctuating changes in interest rates. This ratio
shows the sensitivity to the interest rate.
Gap Ratio =
3.2 Types and Data Sources
This study uses secondary data obtained from the
annual financial statements of Maybank Sharia
Indonesia and Maybank Malaysia in the period of
2012-2015. Secondary data required in this study is
Maturity Profile or Maturity Analysis which contains
information on the amount of assets and liabilities in
each sensitivity period.
3.3 Sample
Samples taken are Maybank Syariah Indonesia as part
of Maybank Holding Malaysia and Maybank
Malaysia as the parent of Maybank Syariah Indonesia
3.4 Gap Sensitivity Analysis
The steps in this analysis are as follows:
3.4.1 Develop Mismatch Rate Sensitivity
Grouping of repricing/maturity schedules is the
preparation of assets and liabilities based on the
determination of new interest rates or profit sharing
rates and margins and based on maturity, as well as
the grouping of assets and liabilities based on their
level of sensitivity. Following the approach of Ali
(2004), the grouping of the interest rate gap is done
by grouping asset-liabilities in groups, namely Rate
Sensitive Assets (RSA), Rate Sensitive Liabilities
(RSL) and Fixed Rated and Non Rate Sensitive
Liabilities (NRSA) & (NRSL). Risk Analysis;
Analysis of gaps arising from changes in interest rates
3.4.2 Difference Test
The steps are as follows:
1. Determining the operational hypothesis
a. H0: μ1 = μ2, there is no significant
difference in gap formation between
Maybank Syariah Indonesia and Maybank
b. HA: μ1 μ2, there is a significant difference
in gap formation between Maybank Syariah
Indonesia and Maybank Malaysia
2. Determining the level of significant (α) of α = 5%
3. Determine the test criteria
a. H0 is accepted and HA is rejected if Sig. >
0.05 indicates that there is no significant
difference in the formation of gaps between
Maybank Syariah Indonesia and Maybank
Malaysia. (t-test)
b. H0 is accepted and HA is rejected if
Asymp.sig> 0,05 indicates that there is no
significant difference in gap formation
between Maybank Syariah Indonesia and
Maybank Malaysia. (Mann Whitney test)
4.1 Gap Sensitivity Analysis
From the gap analysis of sensitivity that has been
done then it can be concluded that the formation of
gap position by Maybank Syariah Indonesia during
2012-2016 is a negative gap in 2014 and 2015 while
in 2012, 2013, and 2016. The results of the sensitivity
gap analysis of Maybank Bank Malaysia show that
the establishment of Maybank Malaysia gap position
during 2012-2016 is the negative gap that occurred in
2012, 2014 and 2015. In 2013 and 2016 there is a
positive gap.
4.2 Analysis of Research Results and
Hypothesis Testing
4.2.1 Normality test
Table 1: Normality Test Results.
RATIO 3-12
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
Table 1. above shows the Gap Ratio of ≤ 1 month
sensitivity period and> 1-3 months period are
normally distributed because it has a 0.05
significance value so that the test uses t-test, while the
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
Gap Ratio of > 3-12 months sensitivity period is not
normally distributed because the value of significance
is below 0, 05 so that the test is done using Mann-
Whitney test.
4.2.2 Difference Test
1. Mann-Whitney Test
Table 2: Mann-Whitney Test Results.
Test Statistics
Mann-Whitney U
Wilcoxon W
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)
Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailed
a. Grouping Variable: BANK SAMPLE
b. Not corrected for ties.
Based on the results of different test calculations
with Mann-Whitney test in Table 2. above can be
seen that the value of Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) Gap ratio
sensitivity period> 3-12 months by 0.009. This
significance value is smaller than the limit of 0.05 so
it can be concluded that the formation of the
sensitivity gap between Maybank Syariah Malaysia
and Maybank Indonesia sensitivity period> 3-12
months there is a significant difference.
2. t-test
In Table 3. it can be seen that F arithmetic Levene test
Gap ratio period sensitivity ≤ 1 month and> 1-3
months have significance value of > 0,05 so that the
t-test different test analysis must use assumption on
the equal variances. From the output, it shows that the
Gap Ratio of 1 month sensitivity period has a
significance value of less than 0.05 so it can be
concluded that the formation of sensitivity gap
between Indonesian Syariah Bank and Maybank
Malaysia on 1 month gap period of sensitivity there
are significant differences. While > 1-3 months gap
period sensitivity has a significance value greater than
0.05 so it can be concluded that the formation of
sensitivity gap between Maybank Syariah Indonesia
and Maybank Malaysia in > 1-3 months sensitivity
period that there is no significant difference.
Table 3: T-Differences Test Result (T-Test).
4.3 Discussion
4.3.1 Sensitivity Period ≤ 1 Month
Based on the test that has been done, it can be stated
that the formation of the sensitivity gap between
Maybank Syariah Indonesia and Maybank Malaysia
in the sensitivity period ≤ 1 month seen from the Gap
Ratio differ significantly. The position of gap
generated by Maybank Syariah Indonesia and
Maybank Malaysia is in 2014 and 2015 occur
negative gap while in 2013 and 2016 in both banks
positive gap occurred and in 2012 in a positive gap
while Malaysia Maybank negative gap occurred.
The compositions of RSL and RSA of the 1-
month sensitivity period in the two banks showed
different patterns, most of which had a maturity in
different sensitivity periods where Maybank Syariah
Indonesia was always in negative position while
Maybank Malaysia fluctuated in 2012 - 2016. This is
what causes the formation of gaps in the two banks
then became significantly different.
The occurrence of this significant difference is
due to the business factors of sharia financial industry
model in Indonesia, especially sharia banking, which
is more focused on fulfilling the needs of the real
sector and maintaining "maqasid syariah". This is in
contrast to other countries whose role in the financial
sector (money market and capital market) is more
dominant although, in essence, the structure of
Leven’s Test
ity ≤ 1
(There is
ce not
ity > 1-
(There is
ce not
Comparison of Sensitivity Gap Formation between Maybank Syariah Indonesia and Maybank Malaysia
Islamic financial development in Indonesia will be
stronger than other countries. (Alamsyah, 2012)
The lack of instruments in the Islamic financial
market has an impact on the management of Maybank
Syariah Indonesia's gap for the 1 month sensitivity
period so that the number of RSA owned is not able
to compensate RSL as in Maybank Malaysia.
4.3.2 Sensitivity Period> 1-3 months
Based on the tests that have been done, it can be stated
that the creation of a sensitivity gap between
Maybank Syariah Indonesia and Maybank Malaysia
in the > 1-3 months sensitivity period seen from the
Gap Ratio differs significantly.
The cumulative position of the gap formed in the
sensitivity period > 1-3 months in both banks is
negative, but Maybank Syariah Indonesia is able to
generate positive gap positions during 2012 and 2013
while in Maybank Malaysia almost as a whole is
negative except in 2012 a positive gap. Differences in
the resulting gap position caused the calculation of
statistical tests for gap formation showed significant
The structure of RSL Maybank Malaysia in the
sensitivity> 1-3 months period consists of deposits
from customers, deposits from other banks and loans
received. While RSL on Maybank Syariah Indonesia
only consists of Temporary Syirkah Fund (DST)
which includes Mudharabah Deposit and
Mudharabah Deposit from Other Banks.
Depositors (customers) of sharia banking in
Indonesia is divided into several market
segmentation. Karim and Affif (2005) stated that in
Indonesia there is three market segmentation, namely
sharia loyalist (consisting of adherent religion),
floating segment (combination of religion and market
power) and conventional loyalist. Research
conducted by Khairunnisa (2001) found that
depositors in Indonesia are eyeing profit
maximization. Research Mangkuto (2004) also
confirmed that the factors that become the public's
consideration of investing funds in sharia banking are
the profit-sharing return factor.
4.3.3 Sensitivity Period> 3-12 Months
Based on the test that has been done, it can be stated
that the formation of sensitivity gap between
Maybank Syariah Indonesia and Maybank Malaysia
in the sensitivity period> 3-12 months seen from Gap
Ratio that there is a significant difference.
The formation of the gaps of both banks for the
sensitivity period> 3-12 months indicates the same
positive position but if seen in nominal terms, there
are big differences on 2012-2016. This then causes
the results of statistical tests seen from the Gap Ratio-
which is the percentage of gap positions against total
assets-shows there are significant differences.
The Gap position of sensitivity> 3-12 months
period in Maybank Syariah Indonesia and Maybank
Malaysia shows that the results did not differ
significantly due to the similarity of RSA and RSL
allocations of both banks in this sensitivity period.
Based on the Maturity Profile of Maybank Indonesia
and Maybank Malaysia, the > 3-12 months sensitivity
period is generally the period of sensitivity with the
second largest number of RSAs after the sensitivity
period of ≤ 1 month and on the other has the smallest
number of RSLs compared to the other two sensitivity
periods ( ≤ 1 month and> 1-3 months).
The number of RSA sensitivity periods of > 3-12
months greater than the sensitivity period of > 1-3
months is caused by longer periods of time, but the
smaller number of RSLs compared to the previous
two sensitivity periods was a limited indicator of fund
accumulation products in the sensitivity> 3-12
months both in Maybank Indonesia and in Maybank
Malaysia. Although the basic principles are different,
fundraising products in Maybank Indonesia and
Maybank Malaysia consists of three main structures,
namely demand deposits, savings accounts, and time
deposits. Deposits have different characteristics
compared to demand deposits and savings because
there is a grace period of storage. The existence of this
grace period makes the main purpose of the use of
deposit products is an investment rather than a
precautionary motive. The grace period also causes
the RSL-forming structure in the longer sensitivity
period to be ultimately dominated by deposits.
Conventional banks tend to avoid this by
preferring to use short-term funding sources to
finance long-term credit to minimize the negative
effect of interest rate volatility on profitability.
Maybank Syariah Indonesia as a Syariah bank should
not have to worry about the cost of these funds
because deposits with mudharabah Akad using profit
sharing approach so that the cost of funds that arise is
tailored to the performance rather than the promised
interest. However, as in the previous explanation, the
character of Islamic banking depositors, as well as the
level of profit sharing, is a critical bargaining power
for Maybank Syariah Indonesia. Socialization and
performance improvement by Maybank Syariah
Indonesia is necessary so that the quality of fund
sources from third parties and the gap setting for the
longer period of sensitivity will be better than
Maybank Malaysia.
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
The conclusion of the different forms of the gap on
Maybank Syariah Indonesia and Maybank Malaysia
Period 2012-2016 are:
1. Based on difference test = 0,05) gap
formation in the period 2012-2016 for the ≤ 1
month sensitivity period and > 3-12 month
there is a significant difference, whereas in the
sensitivity period of > 1-3 months there is no
significant difference.
2. The recommended suggestion is:
Maybank Syariah Malaysia should make
adjustments to the maturity of assets and
Maybank Syariah Indonesia should reduce
dependence on RSA components such as Murabahah
Financing and increase the volume of profit sharing-
based components such as Mudharabah and
Musyarakah Financing to reduce risk due to
fluctuations in the benchmark of interest rate
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Comparison of Sensitivity Gap Formation between Maybank Syariah Indonesia and Maybank Malaysia