Effect of Frequency of Backhand Short Service Exercise between
Frequency of Exercise Three Times and Four Times a Week to
Improving Short Backhand Service Skills
Muhamad Tafaqur and Satriya Satriya
Sport Education Program, Postgraduate School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung,
Keywords: Exercise Frequency, Three and Four Times a Week, Backhand Short Service.
Abstract: This study aims to determine the difference in the effect of a short backhand service exercise between three
and four times a week training on short backhand service skills in badminton games. The sample was 20
young boy badminton players of PB Champion Comal. The method was experimental study. The result
showed that the t observed value 2,768 is higher than the t critical value 2,262 in 5% significance level and
df=9. It means that the hypothesis claiming that there is significant difference in the backhand short service
between three time and four times a week exercise frequency. The mean calculation results show that the
mean experimental group is larger than the control group, i.e. 18,1 > 16,7. This means that four times a
week short service backhand exercise is better than the frequency of training three times a week on the short
backhand service skills in badminton games.
To improve the quality of badminton games, from
the beginning a player needs to understand and
master basic techniques in badminton games. One of
the basic techniques that must be mastered by
badminton players is service.
Regarding the short backhand service, PBSI
(2010) explains that:
This type of service in general, the direction and
fall of shuttle cock as close to the attack line as
possible opponent player. And the shuttlecock as far
as possible hover relatively close above the net (net),
therefore, this type of service is often used by double
The correct standing position is that the right
foot is in front of the left foot, with the tip of
the right foot pointing to the desired target.
Both legs are open as wide as the hips, the
knees are bent. With this position, the weight
is placed between the legs. The posture
remains relaxed and full of concentration;
The racket swing is relatively short, so the
shuttlecock is only encouraged with the help
of a weight shift from the back to the front
foot, with the rhythm of continuous and
harmonious motion. Avoid using excessive
wrist power, as it will affect the direction and
accuracy of the shots;
Before serving, note the position and standing
stance of the opponent, so that it can direct
shuttlecock to the right target and as expected;
Get used to practice with the number of
Shuttle cock a lot and over and over without
boredom, to be able to master the movement
and skills of this service with a whole and
good / perfect.
The results showed that the kinematics pattern
was similar between smash and clear strokes, but
different from drop shot (Tsai et al., 2000). The
wrist joint exerted the greatest velocity and power in
all three kinds of strokes than the elbow and
shoulder. We found the extensor muscles of wrist
were suffering the eccentric contraction before
contact. It is the reason why the new learner is
always experience the pain of the wrist extensors. It
is realized that the regular training on the wrist
extensors will reduce likelihood of injury due to
stress the wrist extensor through eccentric
contraction during acceleration phase.
Badminton requires a combination of strength,
speed and stamina (Mills, 1977). Training of aerobic
and anaerobic mechanisms is advised. At a high
Tafaqur, M. and Satriya, S.
Effect of Frequency of Backhand Short Service Exercise between Frequency of Exercise Three Times and Four Times a Week to Improving Short Backhand Service Skills.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 417-419
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
level of performance intensive specific conditioning
is recommended. For younger players Begg (1973)
concluded that there is little value in embarking on
intensive training before the adolescent growth
spurt. Beggs' report of the death on the badminton
court of a 19-year-old girl found to have mitral
stenosis underlines the importance of medical
screening. This would particularly apply in
sedentary adults taking up badminton for recreation.
Apart from medical "screening" appropriate medical
attention to injury is important. Who to go to is not
always obvious to the injured player.
This study described the different biomechanical
characteristics between the smash, clear and the drop
shot of the elite badminton player (Chatzopoulos et
al., 2006). The results showed that the kinematics
pattern was similar between smash and clear strokes,
but different from drop shot. The wrist joint exerted
the greatest velocity and power in all three kinds of
strokes than the elbow and shoulder. We found the
extensor muscles of wrist were suffering the
eccentric contraction before contact. It is the reason
why the new learner is always experience the pain of
the wrist extensors. It is realized that the regular
training on the wrist extensors will reduce likelihood
of injury due to stress the wrist extensor through
eccentric contraction during acceleration phase.
To be able to master the skills of short service
backhand movement it is needed the process of
training. To get a good workout results then the right
training method is needed.
The method was experimental study. The
experimental method is a research method used to
find the effect of certain treatment on another in
controlled condition. The instrument used in this
research is by using the test. The test used in this
research is a placement short service skill test in the
game Badminton which has the validity of 0.68 and
reliability 0.84. The population in this study is the
male badminton player. Of PB Champion Comal
Kabupaten Pemalang consisting of 20 players. They
are between 13-15 years old. The sampling
technique in this study used total sampling technique
that is all the individuals in the population were
sampled. The sample was all the players of PB
Champion Comal Kabupaten Pemalang consisting of
20 players.
On the day following the completion of practice
the subjects were given a retention and transfer test
(Goode and Magill, 1986). Results replicated
previous findings of contextual interference research
by showing a significant group by block interaction
between acquisition trials, retention, and transfer.
The random group performed better on both
retention and transfer than the blocked group. The
significant trial block by contextual interference
interaction also supports the generalizability of
contextual interference effects, as posited by Shea
and Morgan (1979), to the teaching of motor skills.
The calculation results are entered into the t-test
formula to obtain the value of t, the result of the
calculation can be seen in appendix 12. The
observed value was 2,768 in 5% significance level
and df=9 and the critical value was 2,262. This
means that t observed is greater than the value of t
critical value.
It means that the alternative hypothesis claiming
that: There is a significant difference in the effect of
a short backhand service exercise between three and
four times a week training on short backhand service
skills in badminton games. In PB Champion Carnal
Kabupaten Pemalang” was accepted.
From the means difference analysis, the means of
experimental group 18,1 is better than that of the
control group 16,7. This means that four times a
week short service backhand exercise is better than
the frequency of training three times a week on the
short backhand service skills in badminton games
for PB Champion Kabupaten Pemalang players. The
result of the analysis, it was found out that four time
a week exercise is better than the tree time a week
exercise for PB Champion Kabupaten Pemalang
players. Skill exercises including a short serve
backhand exercise with a frequency of four times a
week will be better than three times a week. The
intensity for four time a week exercise is relatively
high. Because skills training requires technical
oversight and remediation of the techniques
themselves, Skills training requires considerable
time and practice, in contrast to physical exercise
(Côté, et al., 2007; Strecher et al., 1986). Frequent
training will lead to better motor enhancement that
will facilitate the autonomous movements. Thus,
doing backhand short service shot will find no
significant problem. Skill training with three time a
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
week exercise result in less effective result.
Exercise three times a week to provide skill training
is rare, because skill training requires a high
frequency of exercise. Kraemer and Ratamess
(2004) said that A relatively high exercise frequency
in skill training will lead to improved motor training.
Nevertheless, three times a week exercise is very
good for physical exercise. Three times a week for
physical exercise has a very good recovery cycle, so
the day of practice to the next exercise day the
energy has recovered. Thus, it can avoid fatigue and
Based on the statistical computation the t observed
of 2,768 is higher than the t critical 2,262 in df=9
and 5% significance level. It can be concluded that
there is a significant difference in the effect of a
short backhand service exercise between three and
four times a week training on short backhand service
skills in badminton games of PB Champion
Kabupaten Pemalang players.
From further analysis, it was discovered that the
means of experimental group 18,1 outscore the
control group 16,7. It means that: Four times a week
short service backhand exercise is better than the
frequency of training three times a week on the short
backhand service skills in badminton games for PB
Champion Kabupaten Pemalang players.
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Effect of Frequency of Backhand Short Service Exercise between Frequency of Exercise Three Times and Four Times a Week to Improving
Short Backhand Service Skills