Effect of Multiball Exercise Method and Wall Reflection to
Increasing of Forehand Drive in Table Tennis Game
Indra Safari and Diki Syafwan Subagja
Program Studi PGSD Penjas, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Kampus Sumedang, Jl. Mayor Abdurahman No 211,
Sumedang, Indonesia
Keywords: Multiball, Wall Reflection, Forehand Drive, Table Tennis.
Abstract: Based on the finding on the field, there are still many extracurricular participants who have not been able to
do forehand drive techniques such as frequently hit the ball out of field or the ball is caught on the net. This
research is an experimental research with pre-test and post-test design model which is not equivalent. The
sample used is SDN Cisitu as experiment group and SDN Corenda as control group. The instrument used in
this research is a backboard test. The results of this study show that from the two-sample difference test
(Independent sample t-test) with the assumption of two homogeneous variances (Equal Variance Assumed)
with significance level α = 0.05 obtained P-value (Sig 2 tailed) post-test of 0.035. It shows that P-value α
= 0,05, so that the influence of multiball practice method and wall reflection is accepted. The multiball
practice method is much more significant to the forehand technique of a table tennis game drive with an
average post-test score of 29.25 compared with the wall reflection method with a post-test average of 24.67.
Table tennis is a popular sport in the world even in
Indonesia, this is proved by the many championships
that take place in some areas. It aims to conduct a
coaching of table tennis athletes.
Table tennis is a sport that requires dynamic
movement so that the motor and sensory system in
the athlete's body will be well trained. Because when
playing or practicing table tennis, there will certainly
happen a combination of physiological, be it speed,
strength, endurance and motor coordination. This is
stated by Can (2014). Racket sports such as tennis,
table tennis and badminton require a combination of
physiological requirements like speed, resistance,
strength, motor coordination, short-term maximal or
submaximal efforts, game-based techniques and
strategies. These demands make the racket sports
particularly challenging for athletes at different
levels such as professional, amateur and beginner
(8.9) ".
In addition to the presence of table tennis clubs
(PTM), extracurricular table tennis activities held in
schools can be an effort in coaching table tennis.
Hence, SDN Cisitu still haven’t got the achievement
in O2SN activities on the table tennis, this is due to
some weaknesses that existed in table tennis
extracurricular participants such as there are still
many forehand drive blows that are caught in the
net, then the forehand drive that is blown out from
the field and the uncontrolled forehand drive blows
so that the ball is not in accordance with the desires.
Though this technique is the most basic
technique and technique used in table tennis as
suggested by Lubrica (2013) which states that
The standard forehand drive is a basic skill in
table tennis. The initial position of the arm is
extended and weight shifted to the racket arm. In
executing the forehand drive, the arms wings
forward and slightly upward in the same direction as
the ball. This action is simultaneous to the weight
shift to the other leg while twisting the waist. The
forehand drive is an aggressive attacking stroke; the
ball is made to land close the opponent's side-line or
Practicing this forehand technique can be quite
easy, because it only uses the legs and hips are
played, so it will support power to the arm to beat
Safari, I. and Subagja, D.
Effect of Multiball Exercise Method and Wall Reflection to Increasing of Forehand Drive in Table Tennis Game.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 378-381
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the ball in forehand. In line with Whiting &
Zernicke (in Muhamad, 2016) stating that Rotation
of both upper body and the upper body has been
described as a source of power in the forehand
stroke. The energy is transferred upward from the
legs to the pelvis, through the trunk of the arm and
then to the racket. In the kinetic chain of the lower
body, the knee joint is regarded as the "critical
middle link" in the proximal transfer of force.
In more detail Tepper (2002) describes the steps
of doing the forehand drive as follows:
Ready Position: Feet shoulder width apart,
Knees bent and leaning slightly forward, Left
foot slightly forward, and Racket in front of
the body;
Backswing: Right foot moves back into side-
on position, left foot adjusts to side on
position, rotate backwards from hips and
waist, and arm rotates back at elbow and
slightly down;
Forward Movement: Transfer weight onto
front foot as, arm moves forward and up,
contact in front of the body and waist and hips
rotate forward. 4. Follow Through: Racket
follows through forward and up and recover to
ready position.
To solve the mentioned problem, the practice
method would be able to overcome the above
weaknesses. Training methods are often done at his
special table tennis club in the region of Sumedang
Regency by using the method of Multiball practice.
This practice method is fine to be applied in
extracurricular program in SDN Cisitu because this
Multiball practice method is very effective
especially in using to train amateur athletes as
proposed by Zheng et al. (2016) Multi-ball training
in table tennis is an effective training method. Multi-
ball training with different means of rotation,
strength, speed, placement, arcs, combinations of
different technologies and continuous ball hitting
can compensate for the fewer to-and-fro times, more
space and other weaknesses, in order to improve the
exercise efficiency and make athletes grasp and
strengthen a variety of difficult movements.
According to Houdges (2007) Table Tennis is
the most famous racket sport in the world and the
second position in the number of participation.
Meanwhile, according to Seve (in Jafarzadehpur,
2004) Table tennis is a dynamic sport that training of
sensory and motor systems may be more influence
in expert performance.
The Manpower Services Commission (in
Masadeh, 2012) suggests the definition of the
exercise a planned process to modify attitude,
knowledge or skill behaviour through a learning
experience to achieve effective performance in any
activity or range of activities. Its purpose, in the
work situation, is to develop the abilities of the
individual and to satisfy the current and future
manpower needs of the organization.
From this opinion it can be concluded that the
exercise method is a way to process the exercises
systematically and done repeatedly with increased
training loads each time the exercise to improve
skills, achievements and achieve goals that have
been determined first. Zheng and Keyi (2016)
suggested that when do tactical training for athletes,
multi-ball training is a good choice. In the technical
combination of training in table tennis, the quality of
training and the results in some technical training
content with single ball training methods and means
are not ideal.
The advantage of using the mutliball training
method proposed by Katsikadelis (2014) is The
advantage of the Multiball method is that it
simulates the match conditions while, at the same
time it develops the players' strokes accuracy,
aiming on the high intensity and quality training.
Siahaan (2014) stated that the teaching of table
tennis strokes skills still need attention on the best
learning method to be used, the learning stages that
would be reached, the improvements in the learning
result, and the parameter used to measure the
learning result.
In practice there is still a problem in the practice
of training efficiency for athletes and trainers this is
conveyed by Young (2006) is a key issue for athletes
and coaches at all levels is efficiency of training,
that is, achieving the greatest gains in performance
for a given amount of work effort. Therefore, the
concept of maximizing the transfer of training to
performance is paramount.
However, with the method of practice will
provide a solution to the problem as said by Bompa
(in Murugaian and Alexandra, 2015) opines that a
broader base of knowledge about sports is now
reflected in training methodology.
2.1 Research Design
The design of this study is quasi experimental design
with The Non-Equivalent, Pretest-posttest Design
(non-equivalent pre-test and post-test design). In this
research, the experimental group and the control
Effect of Multiball Exercise Method and Wall Reflection to Increasing of Forehand Drive in Table Tennis Game
group are both doing pre-test and post-test. The form
of research design is as follows:
S : O1 X O2
S : O3 X O4
S = Sample
X = Treatment
O1 = Pre-test to multiball experiment group
O2 = Post-test to multiball experiment group
O3 = Pre-test to wall reflection control group
O4 = Post-test to wall reflection control group
2.2 Research Location
This research was conducted in two elementary
schools which are located in Kecamatan Cisitu
Kabupaten Sumedang. Both schools are SDN Cisitu
as experimental group and SDN Corenda as the
control group.
2.3 Research Subject
The population in this study are all extracurricular
participants from four elementary schools that have
extracurricular table tennis in Kecamatan Cisitu
Kabupaten Sumedang. Sample is randomly selected
based on class / group. Based on the description, the
sample used are extracurricular table tennis
participants in SDN Cisitu about 12 participants as
an experimental group and extracurricular table
tennis participants in SDN Corenda about 12
participants as a control group.
2.4 Research Instrument
In this research, data collection and processing
obtained from test instrument from Nurhasan and
Cholil (2007) namely back board skill test with
validity level of 0.77 and reliability of 0.87.
2.5 Data Analysis
Quantitative data obtained from the pre-test and
post-test are identified first and then analyzed. Then
the average calculation was done, where the data
obtained are tested by using gain test, normality test,
homogeneity test and two-tailed T-Test. In this
study, after obtaining pre-test and post-test data, data
processing techniques and data analysis were done
by software SPSS 16.0 for Windows.
3.1 Pre-test Data Processing of
Forehand Drive in Table Tennis
Based on the data analysis, it is known that the pre-
test data normality test of the experimental group
has p-value of 0.825 for the Shapiro-wilk normality
test. Meanwhile for normality test of pre-test data of
control group has p-value of 0,839. Thus, for the
normality test (Shapiro-wilk) the experimental and
control groups obtained values greater than α = 0.05,
so the data came from normally distributed samples.
Therefore, the data for the experimental and control
groups are normally distributed.
3.2 Post-test Data Management of
Forehand Drive in Table Tennis
Based on result of data analysis that test of normality
of post-test data of experiment group have p-value
of 0,590. While for normality test of data of post-test
of control group have p-value of 0,579. Thus for the
normality test (Shapiro-wilk) the experimental group
and the control group obtained the value of ≥α =
0.05, so the data came from a normally distributed
sample. Therefore, the data for the experimental
group and the control group are normally
After the normality test, then the homogeneity
test of post-test data. Based on result of data analysis
that result of homogeneity test of post-test data from
both group have p-value (Sig) equal to 0,077. Thus
0.077 α = 0.05, then 𝐻
is received and post-test
data there is no difference in variance of the two
groups of post-test data.
After the normality and homogeneity tests, the
second difference test was done with the data
analysis result that the post-test data from the data
analysis result stated that when the post-test data
with the average value of 29.25 for the experimental
group and the average value of 24.67 for control
group. And the value has a p-value (Sig 2-talent) of
0.035, and the value of t test of 2.252. Thus 𝐻
declared rejected and 𝐻
is declared accepted. So in
the posttest data there are differences in the
experimental and control groups.
Hence the average value of 29.25 24.67 based
on the statistical result states the average value of
29.25 can be said that the influence is more
significant than the average value of 24.67.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
From the results of the above research can be
concluded that there is a significant influence of
multiball practice method and wall reflection
method to increase forehand drive in table tennis.
With the result of pre-test data analysis showing
no difference, but for post-test data showed that both
methods give effect to table tennis forehand with p-
value (sig 2-tailed) of 0,035 meaning p-value α =
0,05 and 𝐻
is rejected.
However, in posttest data the group receiving the
multiball practice method had an average score of
29.25 indicating that the multiball method was
significantly more influential on the table tennis
forehand compared to the wall reflection practice
with an average value of 24.67.
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Effect of Multiball Exercise Method and Wall Reflection to Increasing of Forehand Drive in Table Tennis Game