Mapping the Specialization and Management of Special Gift in Sport
Fajar Adi Nugroho, Jazzdica Rekayasa, Aris Eka Wandiana and M. Safitri
School of Postgraduate studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Mapping The Talent Class of Special Sports.
Abstract: This study aims to determine the mapping of the most popular sports among students and describe the
management of the Special Talent of Sports (KBIO). The design of this research is a mix (mix method).
Technique of collecting data is done through observation, interview, and documentation. Data analysis
techniques used are descriptive statistics quantitative and descriptive qualitative. The population in this study
is all elements of coaching achievement in schools that have a special talent sport class with 7 samples of
research. The results of this study show an increase in interest from prospective sports talent class talent in
two years. Management of Special Talent Classes Overall sports have met good standards to improve sporting
achievements, the relationship of sports enhancement improvement has been done with various sports
According to SEA GAMES data from 1977-201, the
achievement of Indonesian sports championship has
decreased dramatically since 1997, then in 2011 it
began to increase again during SEA GAMES in
Palembang (Cole, Field and Harris, 2004).
Furthermore, to develop sports achievement in
educational institutions, a unit of sports activities can
be established in every educational path, such as
sports classes, as well as training and training centers,
sports schools, as well as the holding of tiered and
sustainable sports competition (Crenshaw, 1991).
It is required to structure and manage the
achievement coaching thoroughly. Mapping of sports
can be used to structure the sport achievement. In
addition, performance management coaching is
required to manage and carry out performance
coaching. This is a shared responsibility of
government, educational institutions, sports clubs,
and all elements of society or from national to the
Sports Talent Class (KBIO) is one place to
accommodate and develop students‘ special talents of
sports in the region in the hope of improving sports
achievements in various regions (Kemendiknas,
2010). The importance of management is applied
within an organization, because basically human
capacity is limited (physical, knowledge, time, and
attention) while the need is unlimited (Fauzi, pp.64-
Enterprises to meet the needs and limited ability
to do the job to encourage people to share work,
duties and responsibilities. Given this division of
labor, duties, and responsibilities, the tough and
difficult work will be done well and the goals can be
achieved. Thus, the role of management in the
development of sports achievements is very
important because it makes it easier to do structured
guidance to achieve achievement (Farmer,
Mulrooney, and Ammon, 1996).
This research is aimed to answer some questions
1) how the data mapping of students who join in
Special Talent Class Sports so that schools can
determine the superior sport?; 2) how possible
students are interested in whether there is an increase
or not?; 3) how schools conduct evaluation through
tests at the beginning and end of the semester is
included in the evaluation of good management.
Nugroho, F., Rekayasa, J., Wandiana, A. and Safitri, M.
Mapping the Specialization and Management of Special Gift in Sport (Kbio).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 34-37
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Population
The population in this study are all elements of
coaching the achievement of Special Talent Class of
Sports, which consists of: Headmaster, Class
Teacher, Sports Teacher, Special Talent Class Sports
Talent, Special Talent Class Sports, Special Talent
Class Sports. So, there are 7 research samples. This
research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Slogohimo,
Wonogiri Regency.
2.2 Procedures
The design of this research is a mix (mix method)
combination of quantitative and qualitative methods
(Sugiyono, 2013). The study period was conducted in
December 2015 until February 2016.
2.3 Instruments
The instruments used in this study are structured and
unstructured interviews. Data collection techniques in
this study is conducted by observation techniques, in-
depth interviews and documentary studies (Kaplan
and Meier, 1958).
Mapping Special Interest in Sports
Talent Classes in 2014 dan 2015
The tabs of special sport class registered in SMAN
Slogohimo in 2014 can be described in the table as
Table 1: Animo of special interest in sports talent class of
Overall, it was found that the level of interest in
2014 can be described as follows (Kowal, et al.,
Of the total students who enrolled, the total
frequency of the sport was 40 male and female
Of the total male students, the total frequency is
32 students or 80% of the total results of the
Of the total female students the total frequency
of 8 students or 20% of the total results of the
Furthermore, the description of mapping of the
branch of the sport enthusiast KBIO SMAN 1
Slogohimo in 2014 in general through graph can be
described with the following diagram (Rassias,
Figure 1: Students’ interest diagram at the Sport Branch of
The tabulation results of a special sport class
registrar SMAN Slogohimo in 2015 can be described
in the table as follows:
Table 2: The results of special interest in sports talent class
of 2015.
Overall, it was found that the level of interest in
2015 can be described as follows:
Of the total students who enrolled, the total
frequency of the sport was 52 male and female
Soccer Basketball Athletics Badminton Swimming Takraw
female (%)
No Cabor Registrant M F M% F% Rank
1. Socce
21 21 0 52,5 0 I
2. Basket
all 11 7 4 17,5 10 II
3. Athletics 2 1 1
2,5 III
4. Badminton 2 1 1
2,5 IV
5. Swimming 2 1 1
2,5 V
6. Takraw 2 1 1
2,5 VI
Amount 40 32 8 80 20
Branch of
Registrant M F M% F% Rank
Soccer 22 22 0 42,3 0 I
Athletics 8 7 1 13,5 1,9 II
Badminton 7 4 3
5,7 III
Basketball 6 3 3
5,7 IV
Takraw 3 3 0
0 V
Volleyball 2 1 1
1,9 VI
Martial arts 2 0 2
3,8 VII
Swimming 1 1 0
Gymnastics 1 1 0
0 IX
Amount 52 42 10 80,5 19,5
Mapping the Specialization and Management of Special Gift in Sport (Kbio)
Of the total male students obtained a total of 42
students or 80.769% of the total results of the
Of the total female students, the total frequency
of 8 students or 19.23% of the total results of the
Furthermore, the description of mapping of the
branch of the sport enthusiast KBIO SMAN 1
Slogohimo in 2015 in general through graph can be
described with the following diagram drawings
(Crenshaw, 1991):
Figure 2: Students‘ interest activity diagram at the sports
branch of 2015.
3.2 Mapping Special Interest in Sports
Talent Classes in 2014 and 2015
Classroom Management of Special Talent of Sports
(KBIO) of SMA Negeri 1 Slogohimo can be
described as follows (Cole, Field, and Harris, 2004):
Students of Special sport class are a student of
choice who has a talent in sport, selected by
invitation and regular path in several test
procedures of administration, skill and health.
KBIO coaching consists of academic and non-
academic (coaching achievement through
practice). The curriculum applied in learning is
KTSP. The exercises performed by KBIO
students are done four times a week on Monday,
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Training
schedule is done after teaching and learning
activities for approximately two hours, except
on Thursday morning exercise, which is done in
the morning. Every Thursday, students of KBIO
get additional food nutritional fulfillment (Liu,
et al., 2011).
KBIO students‘ trainers are professional trainers
with training and experienced licenses that have
received recommendation from KONI
Kabupaten Wonogiri. The duties and authority
of the coach during the exercise are entirely the
responsibility of the coach. The exercise is done
according to each sport. In addition, every sport
has a long-term training program and short-term
that has been built by each coach and has been
adapted to the applicable curriculum schedule.
To improve the human resources, the trainer
manager of KBIO involves the trainer in the
workshop / training seminar if there is an
invitation about the activity from outside the
example from the Faculty of Sport Science
University of Yogyakarta.
Facilities and infrastructure in the coaching
program of Talent Sports students of SMAN 1
Slogohimo are divided into two, namely
consumables and not consumables.
Consumables are allocated and planned at the
beginning of the new school year in the RAB
School. The training ground is still less
crowded, because most of the practice sites are
not own property for example badminton and
swimming pool. Some sports also have to share
training ground in one field such as volleyball,
sepak takraw, and basketball.
Training program of Special High School Talent
Class 1 Slogohimo at the beginning of the
establishment was funded by the government,
but the current funding from the government has
not continued. So to fund talent coaching in
KBIO managers use funds from BOS and school
committee money (Aritonan, 2008).
There are some relationships that are
intertwined in the development of talent in
SMAN 1 Slogohimo including Faculty of Sport
Science State University of Yogyakarta select
students, PUSKESMAS Slogohimo District,
KONI Wonogiri District.
Mapping interest in the sporty talent category in this
study showed that many generations of the nation‘s
true generation has the talent of sports privilege to be
a valuable asset and capital for the improvement of
Indonesia’s sporting achievements. Football sporting
branches are still the main choice of sports
enthusiasts, and it may be this sport that became the
leading sport. The results of this study showed an
increase in interest in sports talent enthusiasts in the
last two years. The increasing mapping and interest
conditions in this special sporting talent class can
hopefully be a motivational tool for all aspects
involved to improve the responsibility of Indonesian
sports achievements in order to always conduct joint
evaluations in order to improve the performance of
Indonesian sports in general.
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Mapping the Specialization and Management of Special Gift in Sport (Kbio)