The Influence of Scientific Approach to the Ability of Solving the
Movement Situation Problem of Invasion Game in the Teaching of
Physical Education
Anjar Muhamad Ikbal, Reza Ryanantama Cristi and Acep Sulaeman
Sport Education Program, Postgraduate School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung
Keywords: Scientific approach, problem-solving skill, invasion game.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to see the influence of scientific approach to the improvement of ability to
solve movement situation problem of invasion game. The method applied in this study was the experimental
method and the population was all students of class X IPA SMA Negeri 1 Nagreg. The samples of this
research were 92 people who were taken using cluster assignment random sampling technique. Based on the
testing and analysis results the use of scientific approach and conventional method has an influence on the
ability to solve the problem of movement situation of invasion game in the learning of physical education.
Based on the result of calculation in the experimental group obtained t-count of 7.942 and in the control
group obtained t-count of 3.693 > t-table 2.015. The scientific approach has more significant influence than
conventional method. Based on the calculation results, obtained t-count data was 11.552 > t-table 2.015.,
then H1 is accepted
The ability to solve the movement situation problem
is seen from the cognitive ability to the movement
response or the movement response then the students
think to solve the movement situation
problem. Movement situation is the ability of how
students are able to think to solve the motion tasks
assigned by the teacher in the learning activities by
training students to face various problems, whether
they are personal or individual problems or group
problems, to be solved individually or jointly in
the form of sport games in the learning of physical
education (Hendrayana and Widyawan 2016).
Education through physical movement is expected to
provide a real learning experience to students.
Physical activity provides various contributions to
the development of critical thinking skills, including
both low-level thinking skills as, well as high-order
thinking skills, especially to solve problems in the
form of game activity.
In sport games, there are a lot of problems faced
by a player to complete the movement tasks,
especially in sport games. (Yigiter 2013) Problem
solving skill is defined as a cognitive-affective
behavioral process through which an individual or
group identifies or discovers effective means of
coping with problem encountered in everyday living.
For example, when a player carries a ball and
encounters a tight guard from the opponent, the
player must be able to decide what task to do,
whether the ball should be dribbled or baited to
another player. Then, when a player faces the
problem of not being able to score, the player must
be able to work together to utilize the space and use
the tool so the purpose of the game can be
completed, they can discuss to first determine the
position for where they stand, which will later have
their respective movement tasks in a game,
especially in an invasion game where students have
to solve various movement problems in the game to
stimulate the ability to think fast and precisely in a
game. (Harvey 2007) This unit invasion game aims
to teach and assess both on- and off-the-ball skills.
In soccer, players constantly need to make on-the-
ball decisions about when to pass, dribble, or shoot.
They also often have trouble deciding when to use
which type of pass (e.g., push pass, instep pass,
driven pass) and how hard they should kick the ball.
Ikbal, A., Cristi, R. and Sulaeman, A.
The Influence of Scientific Approach to the Ability of Solving the Movement Situation Problem of Invasion Game in the Teaching of Physical Education.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 9-13
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
To achieve that goal, it is necessary to apply the
learning approach in physical education, which
apply the concept of learning by developing
movement related to cognitive side to stimulate
students to be able to think critically, one of which
is by applying a scientific approach in teaching and
learning activities. The scientific approach is a
means or mechanism of learning to facilitate
students to gain knowledge or skills by procedures
based on a scientific method. The scientific
approach is a scientific framework of learning
promoted by the 2013 Curriculum. (Hidayat 2015) It
is said scientific because the learning process should
be based on evidences of an observable object,
empirical, and measurable with the principles of
specific reasoning. Therefore, the learning
opportunity using scientific methods needs to be
given to students to be able to understand why and
how their bodies when displaying a mastery of
invasion game in the learning of physical
education. Then, the students are given the freedom
to develop the cognitive side by solving the
problems assigned by the teacher. Research
conducted by (Tarigan, Hendrayana, and Wijawa
2017) states that scientific approach in physical
education can improve creativity and physical
fitness of junior high school students living on the
coastal area. By using a scientific approach, it is
expected to improve the ability of solving the
movement situation problem in invasion game.
The steps on a scientific approach are a form of
adaptation of scientific steps in science. "The
learning process with the 2013 Curriculum in High
School (SMA) that used a scientific approach had
indeed a lot of features, other than improving the
students’ critical thinking skills, it also gave deeper
practical experience regarding a symptom or a
problem. (Said, Sutadji, and Sugandi 2016)
Learning with a scientific approach is one of
activities with more effective learning outcomes
than traditional learning. The scientific approach
model in the 2013 curriculum can be integrated and
combined into several learning models, one of the
learning models that can be integrated into science-
based learning is the problem-based learning model.
"Because the problem-based learning model is a
learning model that is considered appropriate to
solve the problem of motion in the game of invasion,
(JR 2006) problem based learning as an instructional
(and curricular) learner-centered approach that
empowers learners to conduct research, integrate
theory and practice, and apply knowledge and skills
to develop a viable solution to a defined
problem. (Senel, Ulucan, and Adilogullari 2015)
problem based learning helps students to apply the
knowledge they have in a meaningful way to solve
problems that can occur in real-life situations. The
problem-based learning model, in its curriculum, is
designed to address issues that require students to
gain important knowledge, make them proficient at
solving problems, and have their own learning
strategies and have the skills to participate in team.
The correlation of learning of the scientific
approach with the ability to solve the movement
situation problem in invasion game can be
understood through the theory of cognitive
development which is called Proximal Development
Zone in forward (Schunk 2012) This concept is
defined as the distance between the actual level of
development determined through the independent
problem solving and the level of development
potential that is determined through problem-solving
with the help of adults or by working with more
capable peers. Therefore, the scientific approach
with the problem-based learning model involves
observation or observation activities required for the
formulation of hypotheses or collecting data, thereby
providing an opportunity for students to explore the
knowledge that he has not known cognitively. In
addition, the learning experiences from social
environment are very important for learning and
thinking because they are very influential on the
outcome of his decision. The ability to solve
problems related to this movement situation is
oriented on cognitive abilities in relation to
movement that can improve cognitive function and
can develop critical thinking and involving many
students in the learning process (Ak and Özkarde
2007) have said that in the classroom where
problem- based learning is used, learners take much
more responsibility for learning.
The samples used in this research were 2 classes of
92 students, i.e. IPA class X SMA N 1 Nagreg. The
samples were taken based on cluster assignment
random sampling. The used research method was
experimental method with pretest-posttest control
group design (Fraenkel, Wallen, and Hyun
2012). The study took place from July 28 to
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
September 1, 2016, with a duration of 3 hours of
lessons from 07.00 to 09.15 WIB according to
physical education subject hours with the total
amount of 12 meetings with 105 minutes / meetings,
2 times per week. Researchers used the instrument
to solve the movement situation problem, the
concept that is used according to (Abduljabar 2011)
Movement situation problem solving is the ability to
think analytically and action to the situation of
movement problems in a game, so that players are at
ease to do their game strategies. (Harvey 2007) The
unit will also teach many of the teams of ballots,
such as making decisions about what to do
teammates when teammates when the opposing team
has the ball (e.g., giving defensive cover to a
teammate making a play on-the-ball or guarding /
marking players and space). By that, the situation of
movement in the invasion game includes; opening
up the game room, facilitating the movement of
friends, closing the opponent's danger movements,
facilitating friends to "assist", standing in a
favourable position, running to a profitable position,
intercepting an opposing ball, helping / facilitating
playmates. Instrument of this research is not yet
standard, so there were validity and reliability tests
to make the later gained data can be trusted.
Table 1: Research instruments.
Solving is
the ability
to think
and action
problems in
a game, so
that players
are at ease
to do their
1. Open the
a. Trying to find an
empty or unattended
b. Trying to ask for the
c. Trying to get out of
2. Facilitate
of friends
a. Move quickly and
change direction to
deceive the
b. Trying to limit the
movement of
c. Protect friends who
carry the ball by
following them
from behind or
3. Close the
a. Closing the
opponent's firing
b. Slows the
movement by
blocking their
movement pace.
4. Facilitate
friends to
do scoring
a. Provide accurately
directed assist to
b. Assist at the right
c. Assist in empty
space in front of the
ugh feed.
5. Stand in an
a. To be in a position
that is not guarded
by the opponent.
b. To be in a position
to score.
6. Run to an
a. Run into the
opponent's defense
area to receive the
ball of assists
(assist) from
b. Run to a place that
is not guarded by
the opponent and
ask for the ball.
c. Run closer to area
for scoring.
7. Intercept
ball throw
a. Take-over/cut the
ball that will be
transferred by the
b. Prevent the
opponents to
transfer the ball
8. Help/facili
tate friends
in playing
a. The players
actively in the field.
b. The players support
each other in doing
defense against the
c. The players support
each other in
creating attacks to
The Influence of Scientific Approach to the Ability of Solving the Movement Situation Problem of Invasion Game in the Teaching of
Physical Education
Table 2: Normality test of pre-test and post-test data
Table 3: Homogeneity test of pre-test and post-test data
Table 4: Test of t-test.
The scientific approach method provided to the
experimental group has a significant influence on the
ability to solve the movement situation
problem. This can happen because learning activity
by scientific method using problem based learning
model can create the learning environment as
proposed by (Abdullah sani 2015) that "the scientific
approach involves observation or observation
activities needed for hypothesis formulation or
collecting data, thus giving an opportunity to student
to explore the knowledge that he or she has not
known cognitively. "The problem-solving ability of
this movement situation is based on cognitive ability
in relation to movement. (Jr 2010) Problem-Based
Learning was used to enhance cognitive thinking
while learning to develop physical fitness
programs. The level of cognitive thinking is
enhanced throughout the class participation as well
as the motivation for learning more about physical
education. Students are able to think critically,
imaginatively, creatively and innovatively and are
associated with problems related to movement
situations, such as students are able to utilize space
during the game, facilitate the movement of
opponents, students are able to close the movement
of the opponent, allowing friends to score (assist),
standing in an advantageous position, running to an
advantageous position, students are able to intercept
the opponent's throw, and the students are able to
help or facilitate friends to play.
The application of scientific method in the
learning of physical education through invasion
game helps students to improve cognitive function
and can develop students' critical thinking. As noted
(Abdullah Sani 2015) a scientific approach is used in
learning because it can improve skills such as
critical thinking, communication, collaboration,
investigation and character behaviour. From the
results of data processing and analysis, it is found
that the use of scientific approach method has
significant difference compared to learning by using
conventional method. Although all hypotheses are
accepted, there are however influence differences in
significance level. The test proves a positive effect
of the use of scientific method in the experimental
group on the ability to solve the movement situation
problem in invasion game.
In this study, the hypothesis of the same control
group was accepted and there was a significant
influence. This occurs because the researchers
suspect that this control group learned with scientific
process on other subjects, and there was less
supervision from the researchers so that this control
group can not be controlled because of the
limitations for the researchers in terms of time, cost,
and understanding of the scientific process.
Scientific approach is a learning approach with a
scientific process. The model problem based
learning is one of the learning models contained in
scientific learning which greatly affects the
improvement of problem solving ability of the
movement situation, especially in invasion
games. Learning with scientific approach and
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
conventional approach has an effect and there is
improvement of problem solving ability of
movement situation, but scientific approach has a
more significant improvement since in learning with
scientific approach, learners are directed to
independently find facts, build concept, and solve
problems as needed for their lives. The focus of the
learning process is aimed at the development of
students‘ skills in processing knowledge, finding and
developing needed facts, concepts, and values
By that, the two learning models are influential,
between the learning groups that used a scientific
approach with the group that did not use the
scientific approach in their study, to the ability to
solve the movement situation problem in invasion
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The Influence of Scientific Approach to the Ability of Solving the Movement Situation Problem of Invasion Game in the Teaching of
Physical Education