The Influence of the Direct Learning Model on Self-Confidence
Levels on Floor Exercise
Yusuf Meirianto and Nurrohman Nurrohman
Sport Education Program, Postgraduate School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
Keywords: Self-Confidence, direct learning model.
Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of direct learning model to the level of confidence in the skills of
backward roll. Samples in this study are students of class X SMAN 11 Bandung as many as 50 students.
Sampling is use by simple random sampling technique. The method of this research is experimental method,
with experimental design of Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The instruments used were self-
confidence questionnaires and backward assessment skill. From table t distribution for α = 0,05 and dk = 48
obtained by t table value equal to 1,678. After done Significance Test by using Test-t obtained result of t
count of confidence of experiment group and control group equal to (-0,49) < t table (1,678). While the results
of the backward skill of (0.328) < t table (1.678). Then (Ho) is accepted and (H1) is rejected. The conclusion
is that the Direct Learning Model has no significant effect on the level of confidence in the learning of floor
Exercise skills.
In a process of teaching and learning activities there
is certainly something to say with the term model of
learning. Many types of learning model, including
cooperative learning model, direct learning model,
inquiry learning model, learning model of sports
education, tactical learning model, and others.
The Learning Model has benefits for the learning
process in order to achieve the learning objectives, a
model provides an overall plan and a coherent
approach to teaching and learning. A model explains
the priority of the domain of learning and domain
interaction, a model giving the instruction theme, A
model allows teachers and students to understand
current and future events, A model completes a
unified theoretical framework, A model has research
support, a model providing language techniques for
teachers, the model has a relationship between
instruction and verification of learning outcomes, the
model is a valid assessment in the learning process,
Models encourage teacher decision-making with
integrated frameworks (Aggarwal and Cai, 1997).
The Direct Instruction model refers to various
expository learning techniques (the transfer of
knowledge from teachers to students directly, e.g.
through lectures, demonstrations, and frequently
asked questions) involving the whole class. The
purpose of the direct learning model (directive) is to
maximize the use of student learning time (Feltz,
In the learning of physical education, especially
the middle level, many students think that this
learning is just as entertainment, playful, and make
the body tired, so they follow the lesson optimally and
not really in performing the task of motion. Those
who assume such a view that when the task of motion
is considered difficult, they do not want to follow it
or even have an impact on injury to the body so they
are afraid of the task of movement, but there are also
students who think that learning physical education
activities is very important and will have a positive
impact on the condition of the body and soul, so that
they are serious in following the lesson.
If this is left alone, then the integrity of physical
education will be worse off from the views of society,
students, and others. In addition, low student learning
skills will be incompatible with what they want to
achieve later in life as a whole person.
Meirianto, Y. and Nurrohman, N.
The Influence of the Direct Learning Model on Self-Confidence Levels on Floor Exercise.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 515-518
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Selection of the learning model chosen by the
teacher is strongly influenced by the nature of the
material to be taught, also influenced by the goals to
be achieved in the teaching and the ability level of
learners, research in 1996 by Reynold and Farrel
which is an international comparative study. One
example is the “World Apart Report”. This report
describes the comparison of methods used in the UK
and Singapore. This report finds the fact that one of
the factors that led to differences in learning
outcomes in both countries is the use of whole-class
interactive teaching which is one of the major factors
of Direct Instructional (DI) (Fraenkel, Wallen and
Hyun, 2013).
In the teaching floor exercise, every learning skill
has a complex motion duties, so it takes a good
information processing and should have the
confidence in doing the series of motion well and
Some of the psychological effects of physical
education that can affect attitude, behavior, and
Thus, the effort to overcome the above problems
is the teacher is required to choose the learning model
that will be delivered in order to increase student
confidence in learning pemas, so that will impact on
the results of student learning in learning physical
education, especially learning activities of floor
2.1 Participants
The population in this study is the students of class X
SMAN 11 Bandung City as many as 340 students and
consists of 10 classes. Samples are part or
representative of the population studied. This
sampling technique is by using simple random
sampling (Kirk, 2001). The sample in this study is the
students of class X which amounted to 50 people.
2.2 Procedures
The method used in this research is the method of
experimental research (Pretest-posttest Control
Group Design) (Kirk, 2001). The study was
conducted three times a week for 12 meetings
(including pre-test and post-test) conducted in August
- September 2014.
In this study the authors give instructions, goals
and research interests to the subject of research to
Then do Pre-test regarding confidence
questionnaire filling and skill test backward roll
straight leg. After the initial data obtained from the
results (Pre-test), then students are given treatment
(treatment) in the form of learning activities of floor
exercises performed three times a week for 12
meetings. For ± 6 weeks.
After the treatment is done the subject of research
is given a final test or post-test regarding confidence
test questionnaire filling and skill test backward roll
straight leg, to determine the effect of direct learning
model to the level of student confidence.
2.3 Instruments
Instruments in this study that is based on the criteria
of motion tasks include: a) description of the
movement and certain errors; b) criteria with
measurement scales and standard descriptions
(Kovač, 2012). While the instrument in confidence
that is with the Questionnaire used in this study is a
closed questionnaire type. Questionnaire has been
composed of questions or statements that are firm,
orderly, concrete, and complete, does not contain
answers, only in accordance with alternative answers,
based on components of confidence indicators: 1)
cognitive efficiency, 2) physical skills and training, 3)
and resilience (Gould, Petlichkoff, and Weinberg,
3.1 Outcome Learning of Backward
Roll Skill
Table 1: Hypothesis test results using two-together
equivalence test (μ): one-part test of backward roll skills.
Group and
Control Group
From Table 1 above, it is known that the skill test of
the students' backward roll leg straight of the
experimental group and the control group is obtained
t count of 0.382 ˂ t table (1.678) so that H0 is
accepted and H1 is rejected. This means that, the
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
direct learning model does not give a significant
effect on the results of the skill backward roll leg
straight on the learning of gymnastics floor exercise
Class X at SMAN 11 Bandung.
Table 2: Hypothesis test result using two-typical
equivalence test ): one-part test level of student self-
Group and
Control Group
Not Significant
From Table 2 above it is known that the students'
self-esteem from the experimental group and the
control group is obtained -0.49 ˂ from t table 1.678
then H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected. This means
that, the direct learning model does not give a
significant effect on the level of student confidence in
learning gymnastics floor exercise class X at SMAN
11 Bandung.
Based on the results of research during the field of
students experimental group look conducive in the
learning process, so not so much feedback (feedback)
to the teacher. In the use of direct learning model in
this study, felt the influence of other variables that
cause insignificance to student self-confidence. These
variables come from academic focus, and teacher
control. Academic focus is defined as the priority of
the selection of tasks that must be done students,
during the learning, academic activities should be
Transfer as long a material explanation causes the
ability to receive information and interpretation of the
student will the task of movement become forgotten
and even when looking at the teacher's demonstration
of the task of the motion students tend to consider
something difficult. In relation to teacher control, in
this study, the researcher too oversees the student's
condition tightly so that it affects the confidence.
The limitation of the direct learning model is that
the direct learning model relies on the student's ability
to assimilate information through listening, observing
and taking notes (Fraenkel, Wallen and Hyun, 2013).
Because teachers are central to this model, the success
of learning strategies depends on the teacher's image,
then if the material is presented in a complex,
detailed, or abstract way, and the direct learning
model may not provide sufficient student
opportunities to process and understand the
information (Metzler, 2007).
In this study when preliminary tests and end-of-
life skill tests were straight-legged, the female sample
wanted in a room test in the absence of a men's
sample. This of course affects their confidence. This
is in contrast to the procedures instructed by the
teacher, requiring all students to be in the same room
at the time of the lesson or test.
High self-esteem actually refers only to some
aspect of the individual's life, where he feels
competent, confident, capable and believes that he
can, because it is supported by actual experience,
actual potential, and achievement of self-esteem.
Data from previous research on the relevance of self-
confidence in sports performance by Hidayat and
Sukadiyanto (jurnal iptek olahraga) that self-
confidence did not affect sports appearance
significantly tcalc (0.778) 0.05 and standardized
coefficient parameters of -0.022. In other studies
found a significant negative linear relationship
between cognitive anxiety and performance, even
they found no significant difference between
confidence and performance.
Good teachers should not only be skilled in
teaching methods, but can also provide learning
benefits related to positive evaluations and
assessments that enable them to measure student
learning outcomes individually and adjust activities
according to student needs Learning experiences and
assessment tasks are closely related to involving
simple or minor modifications to one another
(Reynolds and Farrell, 1996; Vealey and Hayashi,
Looking at some of the above opinions the authors
conclude that in the study of the implementation of
this direct learning model has no significant effect on
self-confidence in the skills of backward roll leg
straight, this is caused by several factors namely
academic focus, teacher control.
As an input for subsequent research, it is expected
Based on the conclusions of the findings of the study,
that the direct learning model has no effect on the
level of confidence in the skills of backward roll. On
the basis of the above, several recommendations are
made. One, the importance of applying various
learning models that can be used in floor exercise
learning in order to improve students' self-confidence
and skills. Second, learning with regard to
psychological aspects should be a top priority for the
realization of learning and education objectives.
Third, it provides knowledge for teachers of the
importance of using the model of learning in an effort
to increase confidence. And the last is by dividing by
category of each gender.
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education