Revealing the Mental Toughness of the Fighter of Paguron
Mulyana Mulyana and Agung Prayoga
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Local Wisdom, Pencak Silat, Mental Toughness.
Abstract: In the globalization era, the values of Pencak Silat culture as a product of local wisdom are increasingly eroded
by foreign culture. The tendency of the young generation to prefer the foreign culture is progressively more
increasing when foreign culture is not necessarily match with the personality of Indonesian people, so the
young generation tends to be unfamiliar with pencak silat as a cultural heritage. The purpose of this research
is to obtain the fighter’s mental toughness image of Panguron Pencak Silat Manderaga. This research employs
descriptive method with quantitative approach. The sample of the research was 30 randomly selected people.
Data collection tool is in the form of closed questionnaire instrument about mental toughness. Based on the
data processing and analysis, it is found that: (1) the fighter’s mental toughness score of Panguron Manderaga
is in the criteria of "Very Good" (2) The indicators of mental toughness are revealed, they are: confidence,
positive energy, imagination, motivation, behavior, and attention.
Local wisdom is a value that is considered good and
right so that it can survive for a long time even
institutionalized. Local wisdom is formed as a local
community advantage in geographical conditions in
the broadest sense. In the anthropology it is known as
the local genius term that was first introduced by
Wales, which means the ability of local culture in the
face of foreign cultural influences when the two
cultures are related (Rosidi, 2011).
Ayatrohaedi, (1986) says that local wisdom is
interpreted as a custom or ethic that guides human
behavior in a life of society. Customs are natural and
well-valued, because they are repetitive and
reinforcing social actions, because they are
perpetuated continually. Local wisdom has forms as
a community identity in a particular area. According
to Radmila (2011) forms of local wisdom can be
values, norms, ethics, beliefs, customs, customary
laws and special rules.
Pencak silat as a traditional martial art originating
from Indonesia, is part of the culture of Indonesia
people which is evolving in line with the history of
Indonesian people who are believed to have a high
level of local wisdom. According to Tisnowati
(1986), in the kingdoms era, nobles and knights
learned pencak silat in addition to learning martial
arts as well as studying state and literature. Therefore
pencak silat continues to live and grow throughout the
history of the Malay clan community and
experiencing rapid development with style and
diverse local-ethnic styles during the Hindu, Buddhist
and Islamic kingdoms in the residential areas of
Malay clan populations in the 5th century up to the
20th century AD. Pencak contains motion attacks in
forms of dance and rhythmic dance movement that is
complemented by certain customary courtesy rules
that must be demonstrated by the perpetrators
(Maryono, 1999).
As a manifestation of the local wisdom value,
Pencak Silat has 4 value systems as a whole, namely
ethical, technical, aesthetic, and athletic values
(Notosoejitno, 1997). These four values are closely
related to the social ideals and moral aspirations of
Malay society. Ethical and technical values refer to
the fulfillment of the needs and interests of security,
while aesthetic and athletic values refer to the
fulfillment of the needs and interests of the spiritual
and physical well-being.
The four value systems of pencak silat are
considered as a character education that is allegedly
embedded in its learning. So it is necessary to find
Mulyana, M. and Prayoga, A.
Revealing the Mental Toughness of the Fighter of Paguron Manderaga.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 476-481
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
empirical evidence of that, through an in-depth
assessment of what exactly happens when one learns
pencak silat. Why someone who mastered the science
of pencak silat is identical with role models who have
good morals and inherit the characteristics of a
It is a big challenge in this era, where there is a
drastic decline in moral values in the community
either children, adolescents, youth, adults, even
elderly people as though it is easily ignited by a lack
of emotion. Therefore, there must be a systematic
effort to improve this condition. The effort is
improving the five pillars of character education in
pencak silat. The five pillars are increasing the value
of piety to God Almighty, Responsive, Tough,
Tanggon, and Trengginas which are the characteristic
of a fighter (Mulyana, 2013). Simply, the formulation
of the value is proposed by Notosoejitno, (1997)
namely: Takwa means being faithful to God
Almighty by carrying out all His commands, and stay
away from his prohibitions. Responsive is caring,
sensitive, anticipatory, proactive and ready for
change and development of the era. Tough means
having a tenacious nature and being able to develop
the ability in facing and responding to challenges and
being able to overcome various obstacles that
occurred. Tanggon means being able to uphold truth,
justice, and honesty and also being consistent in
holding the principle. Trengginas means energetic
and vigorous, creative, innovative and being able to
think far ahead to create noble desires.
The main study in this research focused on the
value of mental toughness, which is the main pillar
for the fighter. Why so, it can be seen from the
meaning of tough in the context of pencak silat itself
that is closely related to the personal nature of fighter
who must have toughness in living life. A fighter who
does not have a strong character in himself will easily
fall down when he is exposed to something that
threatens his soul and body, while people who have a
strong character will always be able to face all
obstacles and trials that come without having to
endanger him and others.
Mental toughness based on Kremer dkk. (2012:
113) is: “mental toughness is a multidimensional
personality construct that defines the ability to
preserve towards goal accomplishment through the
display of resilience and hardiness, and irrespective
of circumstance success or failure”. One must have a
strong mental toughness as a multi-dimensional
personality concept that encourages him to persevere
in reaching his goal. A fighter can show the mental
strength with the characteristics of not wanting to
give up and keep trying to get out of a difficult
situation with the main goal of winning the game.
In the context of pencak silat, fighters as
individual creatures or personal beings must improve
and develop quality of personality which is valuable,
high quality and ideal according to the views of
society and religion. The moral values contained in
pencak silat, in addition to being able to secure
themselves from the adverse effects of the
environment, also can broadly secure the successive
generations of the invasion of foreign cultures that are
not necessarily compatible with the existing local
Trace the shifting configurations of the body
and its modes of construction. The organization
and training of the body in pencak silat, via body
techniques and the social institutions through which
they are transmitted, reflects a politics of the body
and the powers ascribed to it by Wilson, I.D.,
Aziz, A.R., Tan, B. and Teh, K.C., (2002).The
present investigation describes the physiological
attributes of exponents and match responses during
actual competitive duels of an emerging martial art
sport, pencak silat. It appears that a silat match is
characterized by high anaerobic and aerobic
metabolic responses, although conclusions
concerning the contribution of the various metabolic
pathways requires a more detailed investigation. In
comparison with elite judo and taekwondo athletes,
the elite silat exponents have better explosive leg
power and comparable ability to perform short
duration high-intensity exercise in the lower body;
but possessed a lower grip strength, aerobic fitness,
and anaerobic upper body capability.
Successful implementation of disaster
management requires a high degree of adaptability to
the local conditions. The success or failure of disaster
management depends on the involvement of culture,
traditions and customs. In other words, it is pivotal to
take into account the cultural context of affected
localities and regions. The custom, traditions, local
practices and ethnic composition of an area should all
be factored in when devising an appropriate user
friendly package for effective and easy
implementation (Gopalakrishnan and Okada, 2007).
Based on the above explanation, it can be
concluded that pencak silat has a purpose to give
moral teachings, about the values of local wisdom
associated with virtue for everyone who learns
pencak silat. The mental coaching that is owned and
taught by each pencak silat school is expected to be
the right medium to create a new generation with
dignity. The members of pencak silat school are not
Revealing the Mental Toughness of the Fighter of Paguron Manderaga
only proficient in martial arts skills or kicks but they
must be a generation that has good morals and is
expected by the Indonesian people. This belief comes
from experience and by looking at the elders of
martial art fighters who show the nobility of moral
and behavior. Therefore, researchers want to reveal
more deeply about increasing the mental toughness of
members of the martial art school Paguron Pencak
Silat, especially in the Manderaga school.
This research applies descriptive method that is a
research method that makes the description of
situation (Moh Nazir 1983). To obtain an accurate
description of the desired data or facts, the researcher
undertakes the following steps: (1) Determining the
population and location of the study. The research
population is determined by Paguron Pencak Silat
Manderaga which is located in Bandung City Region,
(2) Determining the sample of research that is part of
Paguron Pencak Silat Manderaga about 30 people. (3)
Implement data collection by spreading the
questionnaire to the research sample. (4) Processing
and analyzing data through statistical approach of
IBM SPSS Statistics Software version 22.
2.1 Research Instrument
The collected research data is quantitative data. Data
collection using a questionnaire, the questionnaire of
mental toughness adapted from Leoher (in Kremer
dkk. 2012). Scale used in making this research
instrument is Likert’s scale model with score range 1-
The following are data presented in the form of tables
as a result of and data processing and analysis as
3.1 Description of Test Results
To provide a general overview of the data distribution
obtained through a questionnaire of mental
toughness, then the data is processed and analyzed as
closely as possible. After done data processing and
analysis by using IBM Software SPSS Statistics 22
obtained data as follows:
Table 1: Description of mental reliability data.
Descriptive Statistics
Based on table 1 above, obtained the mental
toughness score of the fighter of Paguron Pencak Silat
Manderaga that is equal to 142.77 with standard
deviation score 10.991.
3.2 Data Normality Test Results
To determine whether the data is normally distributed
or not, the normality test using Kolmogorov-Smirnov
Test SPSS Statistics 22. The following Table 2 results
of normality test:
Table 2. Normality test results.
Most Extreme
Test Statistic
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)
Table 2 shows the normal distributed variables.
Based on the result of the calculation it is known that
Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.200. Based on the data it can be
said that Sig. (2-tailed) is greater than 0.05, it is
concluded that the data is distributed "normal".
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
3.3 Data Processing and Analysis
The results of data processing and analysis of mental
toughness of Paguron Pencak Silat Manderaga
Mentality are seen in table 3 as follows:
Table 3: Indicator data analysis of mental toughness of
fighters of panguron manderaga.
Percentage Indicator of Mental Toughness
Controlling the
influence of
Influence of
positive energy
Percentage Indicator of Mental Toughness
Total score
*BS = Very Good “Baik Sekali”
*B = Good “Baik”
Table 3 above shows the percentage of mental
toughness of the fighters of the Paguron Pencak Silat
Manderaga as follows: 1) Self-confidence by 80%
with very good criteria, 2) Controlling Influence or
Negative Energy equal to 83% with excellent criteria,
3) Imagination control equal to 81.3% with excellent
criteria, 4) Motivation of 88% with excellent criteria,
5) Positive Influence or Energy of 82.7% with
excellent criteria, 6) Behavior control of 81.5% with
excellent criteria, 7) Attention Control 72 % with very
good criteria. Overall score obtained 81.6%. For
further, the following are presented in the form of
Figure 1: Paguron manderaga's mental toughness chart diagram.
Overall the table above shows that the percentage
generated by 81.6%, which shows that the Mental
Toughness of the fighter in Paguron Manderaga into
the category very well. Based on these results several
things that need to be discussed in the discussion as
The fighters’ mental toughness in Paguron
Manderaga shows excellent criteria. This shows that
the value of mental toughness, especially in Paguron
Manderaga, is owned by almost all members of
paguron. The author mentions almost all because in
Revealing the Mental Toughness of the Fighter of Paguron Manderaga
fact there are members who are still new to learn
pencak silat so that the value of mental toughness has
not been fully embedded, but overall the value of
mental toughness is clearly visible to members of
Paguron Manderaga.
A more in-depth study of the percentage gained
from the assessment of mental tough indicators of
self-confidence, influence or negative energy,
imagination, motivation, influence or positive energy,
behavior control, and attention control are as follows:
Self-confident, from this confident indicator, the
fighters of Paguron Manderaga get percentage of
80%. So from these results can be concluded that the
level of confidence is high, and included in the
criteria very well.
Controlling Influence or Negative Energy, in
which case one must have control over the energies
affecting him so as not to be easily carried away or
affected by the negative energy. From the resulting
percentage of 83%, then the indicator has good
negative energy control.
Imagination Control. Controlled imagination is
important because in the process of pencak silat
practice, students or members of Paguron Manderaga
are required to be able to assemble a new movement
of the basic moves that have been previously taught.
Therefore it would be difficult if the control of the
imagination is ugly, and from the percentage of
81.3% it can be concluded that the imagination
control of the fighter is very good.
Motivation, motivation can encourage individuals
to feel like to try and work hard to achieve something.
Similarly for the fighter of paguron manderaga, if
without motivation of course they will surrender
early, this is evident from the percentage of 88%
which is quite high value and quite good.
Influence or Positive Energy. Positive energy is
important to possess, as it is useful for reducing or
eliminating negative energy coming both from within
and from outside. By having a positive energy, the
benefits are not only felt by yourself but also by the
people around him who feel comfortable and happy
to be nearby because the positive energy seemed
contagious to the people around him. In this case
paguron manderaga fighter has a percentage of 82.7%
which results are very good criteria.
Controlling Behavior. Controlled behavior can
keep people from things that endanger themselves or
the people around him, in relation to the martial artist
has become a duty to be able to control his behavior
because if one who gets a bad value not only himself
but also the martial art school. In this case, the fighter
from Paguron Manderaga has a percentage of 81.5
which is a very good criteria.
Attention Control. Controlled attention can help a
person to digest the information he gets, in fact the
attention is easily distracted by many causes. It also
causes the percentage for this indicator is only 72%,
but still quite a good criteria.
Based on the above opinion after going through
the process of data processing and determining the
criteria, it can be concluded that the criteria of mental
toughness value in the Paguron Pencak Silat
Manderaga members classified as "Very Good".
Based on the description of the results of data
processing and data analysis of the level of mental
toughness value of the fighter in Paguron Pencak Silat
Manderaga is as follows:
The values of mental toughness of the fighter in
Paguron Manderaga have the criteria of "Very
Out of the seven indicators of mental toughness
values are self-confidence, negative energy,
imagination, motivation, positive energy,
behavior, and attention. Only attention reaches
the "Good" criteria while the rest have the "Very
Good" criteria.
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Revealing the Mental Toughness of the Fighter of Paguron Manderaga