Development of Volleyball Course Scoring Instrument for Students
Dona Sandy Yudasmara and Fadhli Fadhli
Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jalan Semarang 5, Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: Assesment, Validity, Skills.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to compile the instrument of assessment of the theoretical subjects and
practice of volleyball game which is valid, reliable and objective of participants in volleyball game course.
The research design used is Research and Development. The test points used include: Lower Passing Test,
Upper Passing and Service. The results of the research are as follows: Validity Battery test is obtained from
the correlation between standardized test results with judges' assessment of learning outcomes of Technique
and Volleyball Practice with correlation with criterion method, and obtained correlation coefficient of = 0,
684 (r0.123) valid. The reliability of the instrument grains used with the test-retest method obtained by each
result is as follows: (a) the bottom passing of the wall is obtained by correlation coefficient (r): 0.660, (b)
test passing over the wall obtained correlation coefficient (r): 0.490, (c) Service test obtained correlation
coefficient (r): 0,545 so it is declared reliable. Objectivity of the lower passing test instrument obtained
correlation coefficient (r): 0.787. The result of regression value (β) is 0.266. This test is easy to do in one
place in a short time. The conclusion that this volleyball scoring instrument is valid, reliable and practical is
used to assess the ability / skill of the students in the course subjects and volleyball game practice.
Education in the present is very important for human
life. Education is one way to develop the potential
that exists in every human being. Learning comes
from the basic word "ajar" which means trying to
gain intelligence or knowledge (KBBI). The learning
process is a complex process, depending on the
learning theory it embraces. There are several
opinions about the notion of learning. (Proctor,
2005) learning is a process of change in human
beings which is displayed in the form of quality and
quantity of behavior such as the improvement of
skills, knowledge, attitudes, habits, understanding,
skills, thinking power and other abilities So,
essentially learning is all process or a conscious,
deliberate, active, systematic and integrative effort
to create changes in itself toward the perfection of
life. In studying, there will be a learning process.
Processes that will involve students and learners.
According to UU No. 20/2003, Chapter I Article
Verse 20, learning is the process of interaction of
learners with educators and learning resources in a
learning environment. It is concluded that the
studying activities can lead to activities called
Learning activities are activities that involve
learning and learning elements. Learning activities
start from elementary school level, middle, advanced
until level of higher education. The college level is
the level after the mandatory education
recommended by the government. College is a place
where one can choose field according to interest
owned. This level can also hone one's talent ability
not only in the cognitive field but affectively or
Faculty of Sport Science is in charge of several
disciplines of science in sport fields which is divided
into several majors. The majors of the Faculty of
Sport Science include: Physical Education and
Health, Sports Coaching Education, and Sport
Science. Especially for the Department of Physical
Education and Health, it discusses about education
and learning in this case through the media of
physical activity as the main material. Physical
Education is a process of behavioral change that
aims to improve human performance through
physical activity tailored to its purpose, Bucher and
Wuest (1991). Department of Physical Education
and Health discusses the nature of physical
education in general, theories in learning, learning
strategies, teaching strategies and health related to
Yudasmara, D. and Fadhli, F.
Development of Volleyball Course Scoring Instrument for Students.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 153-157
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
human life. To fulfil the requirements, the materials
are divided into several courses that are based on the
field and skill.
Learning which was conducted in one semester
period must meet the objectives in accordance with
the basic competencies set in each course. Learning
objectives can be achieved if the learning indicators
can be resolved. Learning indicator is a marker or
reference mastery of the given material and as a
basis to decide whether the learners are able to
receive teaching materials provided by teachers and
lecturers. To find it out, it needed a tool to know the
achievement of learning outcomes which are
implemented. The process of learning outcomes is to
use the evaluation of learning outcomes. Evaluation
of learning is one stage of the implementation of
learning to interpret the results achieved learners.
The main function of evaluation in this case is to
provide information useful for the decision maker to
determine the policy to be taken based on the
evaluation that has been done. Evaluation is a
systematic activity to determine the value (Verducci,
1980). Evaluation activities can also be interpreted
as a process for obtaining information for decision
making (Isaac and Michael, 1995). Past research that
discusses the development of observational
instruments on volleyball skill levels can reflect the
level of mastery of techniques and the application of
tactics in play (Palao et al 2015). It can be concluded
that to achieve the purpose of something that can be
measured systematically it can be done by doing
evaluation. Understanding of learning evaluation is a
process to determine the value of learning that is
implemented, through measurement activities and
assessment of learning to obtain data information
about the learning outcomes experienced by students
and cultivate or interpret it into value in the form of
qualitative or quantitative data in accordance with
certain standards.
Based on the findings made by researchers at the
time of volleyball learning activities, it was
concluded that there is no test instrument that is
sequenced to measure the mastery of basic passing
and service techniques as an early indication of
mastery skills for students with beginner skill level
in playing volleyball. It takes a test instrument that
can measure the basic skill mastery of the volleyball
so that the student can perform a good volleyball
game. In a learning activity of volleyball skill, the
appropriate measuring instrument is needed and
done almost simultaneously, so that skill mastery
can be observed appropriately (Grgantov et al,
2013). With the measuring tool for good skills it will
be able to meet the desired learning objectives.
This research uses development research method
because it is suitable with the problem found in the
preliminary study, so that it can solve the gap
between expectation and reality happened.
Development or often referred to as development
research is done with the intention of bridging the
gap that extends wide enough between research and
education practice. This research uses research and
development method by adopting conceptual model.
In development research does not always develop
new products, can by refining existing products that
can be accounted for.
Research and development always begins with
the needs, problems that require solving by using a
particular product. Researches in the field of
education, generally not directed to the development
of a product, but aimed at finding new knowledge
regarding fundamental phenomena, as well as
educational practices. Thus research development is
a study that examines a theory, concept or model to
create a new product or refine an existing product
that starts from the existence of a requirement of a
problem that can be solved with the product. The
procedure for developing the Bolavoli skill test
instrument was then developed in accordance with
the steps of composing the test instrument described
as follows:
a. Determine the purpose of a test
b. Identify the ability to be measured
c. Choose a test item
d. Facilities and equipment
e. Test and revise test items
f. Select the subject to use
g. Determine the validity of the test items
h. Determine the reliability of test items
i. Determining the norm to use
j. Create a test manual
Data obtained in this study by using the subject
of students of the course of volleyball, Faculty of
Sport Sciences Universitas Negeri Malang includes
the test results of volleyball skill test using Battery
Test. These data include test Validity of test items,
Test of Test item reliability and Test Objectivity.
The development of this skill test instrument is
preceded by the identification of the criteria of each
instrument. The purpose of this study was to
determine the validity of a series of bolavoli skills
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
tests for students. Test validity was analyzed by
correlation with criterion method of Pearson
(r0.123), Reliability with test-retest and test method
by comparing each value of observer or judge. The
test items in the series consist of the lower Passing
Test, the Upper Passing Test and the Service Test.
This tests are chosen based on the frequency of skill
that appears in a volleyball game.
Figure 1: service test instrument.
As shown above, Figure 1 describes an
instrument about service test. In this test the
participant performed 10 repetitions in 1 set of
experiment. Service performed with 2 sets of
experiments. Assessment is based on the objective
score of service objectives and the observation
results of the movement implementation process.
Figure 2: Instrumen Tes Passing atas dan Passing Bawah
dari Brady.
Implementation of the test is (as revealed in
Figure 2); the student passes the upper or lower
passes to the specified target area for one minute at a
distance of 2m and the target height is also 2m.
Assessment is done based on the score in one minute
and the results of observations of the process of
implementation of the movement.
The test results of the instrument is done twice so
that the results obtained as follows:
Table 1: Test Instrument Criteria.
X1 : Lower Passing Test
X2 : Higher Passing Test
X3 : Service Test
In the next stage, it is known intercorrelation of
each test of skill points to play volleyball so that the
results obtained as follows:
Table 2: Intercorrelation of Test Point.
Base on the Table 1 and Table 2 it can be
concluded that the correlation results between X1
and X2 obtained correlation coefficient 0.105.
Result of correlation between X1 and X3 obtained
correlation coefficient 0,230. Result of correlation
between X2 and X3 obtained correlation coefficient
From the result, the regression value (β) was
analyzed so that the correlation coefficient test of r =
0,671 can be concluded that each test item has
positive correlation and can be used as battery test
for volleyvall playing skills.
The process of learning activities consists of
planning, implementation and evaluation. In the
learning activities are required to contain learning
objectives tailored to the curriculum. The goal of the
volleyball course is "Students have the knowledge
and skills in performing basic techniques of
volleyball games.". Referring to the objective, a
volleyball test skill test instrument consisting of
passing down, passing and service. The item is
selected based on the basic technique level
frequency that appears when the bolavoli game is
performed. The test is selected based on the
2 m
1 m
2 m
Development of Volleyball Course Scoring Instrument for Students
specifications of the sport. A test should reflect skills
related to the actual state of the game.
Research and development results stated that "to
further develop the traditional bolavoli skills test, a
series of basic bolavoli techniques have been
developed, such as service, passing down and
passing over which can assist in achieving bolavoli
learning objectives (Bartlett ett al 1991)
Appropriately written in the Indonesian National
Qualification Framework (KKNI) In the level of the
college level at the level of 6 that states that students
or learners are able to apply the field of expertise,
mastering theoretical concepts of the field of
knowledge, take the right decisions and responsible
for the work itself in the field of their knowledge . It
is used as a basis in determining the purpose of
bolavoli lectures conducted in FIK UM and
specified mandatory basic techniques that must be
mastered is passing down, passing over and service.
To identify the learning objectives achieved or not it
must be measured and assessed. In sports
performance should be measurable. This is
consistent with the findings of a study which
suggested that a suitable measuring instrument could
make the identification of exercise practice well
done (Robertson et al, 2017)
The results of the preparation of the instruments
performed, each of which has a very good test
criteria. Each test item used is required to have the
following criteria:
4.1 Validity
A test item should measure what should be
measured. A test instrument must be in accordance
with the object to be known the level of competence.
Validity is very important to determine because a
test must be true and in accordance with something
that will be of concern to be measured. Previous
research mentioned the importance of test
instrument validity is the study of the style of the ski
jumping exercise, finding an effective system using
inertia sensors. The results suggest that the inertia
sensors are very valid to measure the exactness of
the style on the ski jumping level intermediate
(Brock and Ohgi, 2016). Based on the above, it
needs a valid measuring tool also in measuring the
level of achievement of skill mastery from a sport.
4.2 Reliability
A test instrument must have a consistency level in
the results obtained. The results obtained at the time
of the data retrieval activity, between the first test
results and the subsequent tests did not have
significant differences.
4.3 Objectivity
A test is said to be objective if it is independent of
the measure, meaning that if the measurement is
done by several people, then the results obtained are
relatively close to the same. The degree of similarity
of results obtained from some people who make
these measurements is referred to as the coefficient
of objectivity.
The result of intercorrelation of test item got
coefficient number not too high. This is because the
skill level of each student on each test item is
different. Some test subjects are only able to master
one basic technique well.
The result of the regression value for the chain
test is obtained high correlation coefficient level it
can be stated that the criterion of the arranged chain
test can be categorized very well. Round tests are
strongly recommended to know the level of
achievement mastery of basic techniques of playing
volleyball from students. This is in line with
previous research which says that series tests are
very useful in describing the ability to play bolavoli
from junior athletes at various levels and can be
maximally improved through practice (Gabbett and
Georgieff, 2006). With this series of tests it is
assumed that if students are able to master these
three basic techniques in learning, they will be
applicable in a game of volley.
The results of research developing the test
instrument have positive correlational coefficient
values so that it can be used by teachers and
lecturers to proceed to evaluation in volleyball
learning. The test is easy to do in any places in a
short time. In addition, the instrument has also been
proven to be valid, reliable, and practical to evaluate
either theoretical or practical matters in volleyball.
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Development of Volleyball Course Scoring Instrument for Students