Developing Tutorial Video of Karate Basic Technique (Kihon)
Sukendro Sukendro and Fitri Ayu Syahrita
Department of Sports and Health Education, Faculty of Sports Science, Jambi University, Jambi, Indonesia
Keywords: Media, Kihon, Junior.
Abstract: This instructional media is developed due to the fact that the teacher had not taught karate basic techniques
(kihon) yet and that there are no interesting instructional media for teaching basic technique (kihon) to junior
high school students. Therefore, a strategy that could attract students and facilitate them understanding of
kihon became a necessity. The aim of this study is to produce a tutorial CD of karate basic technique (kihon).
The conducted research and its method was a research and development (R&D). It was carried out through
the following steps: potential and problem identification, collecting information, designing product, creating
product, expert validation, product revision, tryout, final production. Collecting data method was instrument
in the form of assessment sheets. The data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive and percentage
quantitative descriptive. The research result is a tutorial video of karate basic technique (kihon) for junior high
school students that material experts and media experts said it includes in the “excellent/very appropriate”
criteria to tryout. Thus, this instructional video is appropriate to be used as students’ learning media.
Karate is one of many sports especially as the long-
developed martial arts in Indonesia. Karate is also a
prestigious sport competed in regional, national and
international. The development of karate today can be
proved by the number of championships, from
elementary, secondary to university. The
championship level also exists from university level
to world championship. Karate is a martial art
consisting of several punches, kicks, and parries
techniques. However, the combination of taking
action and jumping in the kicking technique of Karate
is only 25%. Nevertheless, it includes in hard martial
arts compared to other martial arts (Dijk, Leffers and
Lodder, 2014).
Bermanhot (2014: 2) says that technique of karate
is divided into three main parts: (1) Kihon, i.e. basic
techniques such as hitting, kicking, and parrying; (2)
Kata, i.e. the moments practice; (3) Kumite, i.e. a
fighting exercise or sparring. According to Nakayama
(1981: 04), kata is a moment which is a combination
of all the basic techniques i.e. parrying, punching,
jolting, or pounding and kicking arranged in such a
unified form. The kumite is a battle of two people
facing each other and showing each other techniques.
Kihon (basic technique) is a series of basic
movements that must be learned before further
learning kata and kumite and a foundation of karate
technique, thus a karateka must first master it well
before learning kata and kumite.
Research on Karate has been much discussed.
Rusdiana (2017) states that there is no difference of
reaction and anticipation between kumite and kata for
karate athletes, but in terms of personality, physical,
social, confidence, and identity, Karate has a higher
level than other martial arts (Shireman, 2010).
Another opinion suggests that women learn Karate in
order to maintain their physical and self-defense,
while men tend not to function Karate as defense
(Kyoura, 2012). Purnamasari (2017) mentions that
interaction quality between karate athletes is good,
although karate is included as a hard martial arts by
relying on several techniques of punches and kicks.
In some cases, there are journals discussing
injuries in Karate as well as some Karate techniques
which are are connected to mechanics and chemistry.
Karate and non-karate practitioners demonstrate the
execution of asymmetrical movements of backlash in
reactive and self-started conditions. The difference is
departed from the skill level of the participants,
although karate practitioners respond with higher
peak speed and average decelerations (de Quel 2014).
The tendency toward opponents is not only in
competition, aggressive battles, and attempts to win
supremacy, but also a tendency towards self-attitude
expressed by the spirit of combat, sacrifice,
permanent desire for self-improvement, etc. It can be
Sukendro, S. and Syahrita, F.
Developing Tutorial Video of Karate Basic Technique (Kihon).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Spor ts Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 37-41
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
concluded that research on athlete’s personality is
valuable documentation for the process of improving
their training and preparation (Sabina 2013).
High-energy phosphates also play a key role for
the rapid movement of Karate in Energetics of Basic
Karate Kata (Bussweiler, 2012). “Nerve efficiency”
reflects one of the larger neurophysiological
mechanisms affecting brain changes and structures
associated with training. This shows medium
amplitude in amateur karate with respect to athletic,
non-athletic and elite athletes on the dorsal track
(Babiloni, 2010).
There is no karate movement that directly affects
the neck; only a minor trauma that becomes a key role
in the injury in karate (Kusabiraki 2014). There is a
compulsion in drafting guidelines of regulation
regarding the need for expertise to anticipate and
manage accidents. Pre-training screening guidelines
are urgently needed to meet the requirements for
undergoing physical demands of martial arts training
as well as holding of an injury supervision system
(Nandi 2013). The angular momentum results
supports a view that coordination strategy facilitates
the control of the end point (foot) in the final phase of
kicking action (Quinzi 2013).
Sports learning media is quite a lot but based on
the observation in July 2016 in the famous media
stores in Jambi, there has been no medium of learning
karate yet related to basic techniques of karate in the
form of an interesting and complete tutorial video,
there is only a media about the rules of karate match .
Therefore, we intend to conduct a research by
designing instructional media in the form of a tutorial
video on karate basic techniques (kihon) for junior
high school students. This tutorial video is developed
with the concept for students can easily learn the basic
karate technique movements wherever and whenever
without having to stare at sports lessons, and relied on
the teacher/trainer. Hopefully, this tutorial video can
serve as an alternative media in learning the basic
techniques of karate.
2.1 The Nature of Instructional Media
Media is one of the tools as well as mediator for
teachers and students in the learning process. Media
in the learning process can be interpreted as a tool to
present the object of learning that can not be
presented directly to the students. Arsyad (2002: 3)
states the word media is derived from the Latin
medius which literally means middle,
intermediary or introduction. Definition of media
leads to something that delivers / passes information
(messages) between the source (deliverer) and the
recipient of the message. The purposes of
instructional media as a learning tool according to
Sanaky (2013: 5) are as follows:
1) Make easier classroom learning process.
2) Improve the efficiency of learning process.
3) Maintain relevances between subject matter
and learning objectives.
Through video, students will get everything such
as moving pictures and sound so that students is like
in the same place with the program being shown in
the video (Prastowo, 2012: 300).
According to Lowther, Russell and Smaldino
(2011: 407-408), because video as one facility
designed to produce realistic images from the world
around, viewers tend to forget that the video’s
fundamental attribute is the ability to engineer the
perspective of space and time.
1. Time Engineering
Video allows students to increase or decrease the
time required to observe an event. For example, it
takes a very long time for students to really
observe the construction of toll roads, but keenly
video editing from different activities can
rearrange the importance of the event in just a few
2. Place Engineering
Video allows students to watch phenomena in
both macrocosm and microcosm, which is in a
very close or great distance. Students can see the
Earth from a space shuttle (macro-view). At the
other extreme, students can see the release of cells
in a microscope (micro-view).
3. Animation
Time and place can also be engineered with
animation. This is a technique that takes
advantage of vision persistence to give movement
to objects that do not have animation. There are
several techniques for making animation, but
basically created from a series of photos, images,
or computer images, by small moving of objects
or images.
Adobe Flash Creative Suite5 was released in 2010
by Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe Flash
Creative Suite5 is a program dedicated to designers or
programmers for designing animations in a web page,
creating interactive games, creating presentations for
business purposes, for learning process, making
cartoon and can be used to build a valuable
application and other more specific purposes
(Pranowo, 2011: 15).
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
A research by Weny (2014) i.e. Developing
Learning Media of Smart Coloring Book in
Introducing Basic Karate Techniques for Early
Childhood, is a kind of research development (R&D).
This research was conducted with several steps, they
are: potential and problem identification, collecting
information, designing product, creating product,
expert validation, product revision, final production,
limited trial. Developing Learning Media of Smart
Coloring Book in Introducing Basic Karate
Techniques for Early Childhood was first validated
by 1 material expert, 1 media expert, and 5 students
for field trial. Data collection techniques used in the
research utilizing the instrument of check-list. Data
analysis technique was qualitative descriptive and
percentage quantitative descriptive. The results
shows that Smart Coloring Book in Introducing Basic
Karate Techniques for Early Childhood is feasible.
2.2 The Nature of Karate
2.2.1 Definition of Karate
Literally Karate-do can be interpreted as follows;
Kara = empty, horizon, Te = hand or all parts of the
body that have ability, Do = path. Thus karate-do can
be interpreted as a tactic that allows a person to
defend himself with a bare-handed hand without
2.2.2 Technique of Karate
Bermanhot (2014: 2) says that technique of karate is
divided into three main parts: (1) Kihon , i.e. basic
techniques such as hitting, kicking, and parrying; (2)
Kata, i.e. the practice of moments; (3) Kumite, i.e. a
fighting exercise or sparring.
1) Kihon
Kihon literally means basic or foundation.
Karateka must master kihon well before learning
kata and kumite. Kihon exercises start from
learning punches and kicks (white belt) and beat
(brown belt). At dan or black belt, karateka is
considered to have mastered the entire kihon
2) Kata
Kata literally means form or pattern. In
karate, kata is not just a physical or aerobic
exercise. Kata contains lessons about fighting
principle. Each kata has different rhythm of
movement and breathing. There is bunkai in
kata i.e. movement application of kata.
3) Kumite
Kumite or fighting literally means hands-on.
Kumite is performed by advanced students (blue
belt or higher).
2.2.3 Basic Technique of Karate (Kihon)
According to Irianto (2002: 81), basic technique is a
movement performed on the simple or motionless
environment or target, such as kicking the ball at
place. We says that kihon is a movements technique
used as a foundation before learning kata and kumite.
2.3 Characters of Junior High School
Referring to Zulkifli in Darmawan (2014: 35),
prominent characteristics of junior high school
students are: rapid physical growth, sexual
development, causality way of thinking,
overwhelming emotions, getting attracted to opposite
sex, attracting attention of environment and are tied
to groups.
Based on opinion above, it can be concluded that
junior high school students are between 13-15 years.
The tendency of interest in sport has begun to appear.
We observed that Karate, as a sport, has been in great
demand by children at the ages. However, many
teachers of Physical Education of Sport and Health
have not taught martial arts yet, especially karate.
Even if otherwise, the process presented by the
teacher is still monotonous and conventional.
Therefore, if students at the ages are given learning in
accordance with their characteristics, it will increase
their knowledge, motivation, interest, and even
achievements, especially in karate.
3.1 Place and Time of Research
This research was conducted at Sekolah Menengah
Pertama Negeri No. 03, Batanghari Regency while
the research implementation is planned to be held
from August to October 2016.
3.2 Research Instruments
The assessment instrument by the material expert is
in the form of a questionnaire consisting of two
aspects, learning material quality and learning content
aspects (Sismadiyanto et al, 2008: 83-84).
Developing Tutorial Video of Karate Basic Technique (Kihon)
3.3 Data Collection and Data Analysis
Data collection and analysis technique in this research
was by documentation and questionnaire.
Documentation is intended to obtain data directly
from the research site, including relevant books,
regulations, activity reports, photographs,
documentaries and data to the research (Riduwan
2008: 58).
Questionnaire is a data collection technique
conducted by giving a set of written questions or
statement to the respondent to answer. Questionnaire
is an efficient data collection technique in case of
researchers know for sure the variables to be
measured and what can be expected from the
This kihon tutorial video is designed and produced
into a product of karate basic technique (kihon)
tutorial video for junior high school students,
especially seventh grader, packaged with help of
adobe flash and CD (Compact Disk). M. Nakayama
(1980: 54) says that the there are 32 basic techniques,
but according to our observations and experiences
there are 12 techniques taught to junior high school
students. Therefore, there is only 12 kihon in the
tutorial video that have low difficulty level, for
seventh grader of junior high school. This research
adopted a method developed by Sugiyono because it
steps is very suitable to create a learning media
product. The steps are (1) potential and problem
identification, (2) collecting data/information, (3)
designing product, (4) creating product, (5) validation
by expert, (6) limited tryout, (7) product revision.
Data analysis results show that assessment of
product quality from the first stage until the final
stage is included as "Excellent/Very Appropriate".
First stage assessment was validation from material
expert and media expert. Validation by material
expert was conducted in two-step while by media
expert was in three-step.
Table 1: First stage assesment.
Assessment Aspect
No. of Items
Learning Material Quality
Learning Material Content
In the table 1, first step of validation, material expert
gave score 79.85% i.e. “Good/Appropriate” and
94.1% i.e. “Excellent/Very Appropriate” for second
Table 2: The second stage assessment.
Assessment Aspect
No. of Items
In the table 2, first step of validation, media expert
gave 56.66% i.e. “Fair”; 83.17% i.e. “Excellent/Very
Appropriate” for second step; and 85.23% i.e.
“Excellent/Very Appropriate” for third step. Overall,
material expert and media expert said that this product
of kihon tutorial video for junior high school students
is included in “Excellent/Very Appropriate” criteria
to try out.
Table 3: The final stage assessment.
Assessment Aspect
No. of Items
According table 3, students’ assessment from analysis
the one-on-one test result, the product was
“Excellent/Very Appropriate” with percentage 90%.
Students’ assessment in try-out by small group was
“Excellent/Very Appropriate” with percentage
87.55% while by large group was 89.09%.
This research aim is to produce a product that is
learning media of karate basic technique ( kihon )
video tutorial for junior high school students
especially 7
grader in the form of Compact Disk
(CD) and can be used by students as self-study media.
After the initial product was produced, it is evaluated
by the experts through validation and tested to
students. The evaluation stage was carried out by
material expert and media expert. Besides of that,
research step was done with one-on-one tryout, small
group tryout, and large group tryout.
Students feel enthusiastic to learn karate and
hope this product can be disseminated to other
students. According to students, there are several
advantages in this product: interesting display, not a
boring product, can motivate students to learn
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
material that is rarely taught by the teacher that is
karate material. The language used is accordance with
the correct Indonesian grammar and understanding
level of junior high school students. Specific
advantages in this product is audio visual (non-print
media learning) rich in information and
straightforward because it can be showed directly to
students. Explanation of how to perform movements
and meaning of the technical name are specifically
described in this product with the accompanying
examples of movement sequences, in contrast to
books that generally having too broad content in its
discussion. Delivering material with tutorial video
makes students become enthusiastic, happy, and
interested in learning. Student interest in this media is
a positive sign that can improve students’ learning
process. The product also allows students to learn
independently because it is easy to use.
Based on the results, it can be concluded that this
research succeeded in producing "Instructional Video
of Karate Basic Technique (Kihon) Tutorial for Junior
High School Students" with very good category and
feasible to be used as a medium of learning basic
technique (kihon) for junior high school students.
However, there has been no more detailed
movement analysis yet such as how many foot angles,
direction of foot movement pattern in this video
tutorial; it is only an explanation of two corners i.e.
front and side corners. Therefore, further research and
development to improve teaching methods by
creating and developing other better and creative
learning media is needed.
Thank you for Universitas Jambi and Sekolah
Menengah Pertama Negeri No. 03 Kabupaten
Batanghari which supporting this research.
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