Cooperative Learning in Math Teaching for Students with Learning
Sri Rizqi Widasari, Rikrik Triwiaty, Kabia Nur Lestari, Diajeng Tyas Pinru Phytanza and Arti
Special Education Program, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi no. 229
Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
{sririzqiwidasari, diajengtyas}
Keywords: Cooperative approach, primary school mathematics, students with learning difficulties.
Abstract: This study investigated the influence of cooperative learning approach on mathematics teaching to the
students with learning difficulties. The study used experiment which was conducted using a one group pretest-
posttest design. The samples were 31 students including 3 students with learning disabilities in 3rd grade
elementary school at an inclusive school in Bandung. The result showed that cooperative learning approach
was proven effective to enable students to construct mathematics instructional materials actively. The
implementation of cooperative learning approach for students with learning disabilities increases the
acquisition of learning outcomes. It improves math skills scores on students’ learning disabilities for about
20% to 30%. Implications for learning mathematics using cooperative learning approaches, students are more
motivated to participate actively and independently solve mathematical problems so that students form their
own knowledge based on group experience.
Each student is a unique individual which has
different characteristics form one to another,
including in the level of intelligences. Some students
have above the average level of intelligences, while
some others are below the average. Student who are
below the average are students with special needs,
and these students require an instructional approach
that is truly specialized for their individual needs
(Rotatori et al., 2005; Sahebjamei et al., 2012).
Individual differences in abilities in inclusive schools
demand that the teacher designs a learning program
that can accommodate all the needs of each student in
the classroom (Marita and Hord, 2016). Therefore,
teacher should prepare what-so-called individualized
educational program or IEP (Vionea and Purcacu,
The use individualized educational program or
IEP can accommodate students with learning
disabilities in the classroom (Blackwell and Rossetti,
2014). Students with learning disabilities caused by
the malfunctioning of neurologist and intangibles
have a deficiency in one or more academic areas, both
in the subjects of reading, writing, math, and spelling;
or in a range of more general skills such as listening,
speaking, and thinking (Abdurahman, 2012).
Sometimes people use the terms interchangeably. In
general, though, a learning disability is a condition
that affects learning and intelligence across all areas
of life, whereas a learning difficulty is a condition that
makes specific areas of learning difficult, but does not
affect the overall intelligence of an individual. For
example, dyscalculia affects only the processing of
information (usually problems with perception and
organising information) and not all other areas of life
(Dagnan, Burke, and Davies, 2015).
Mathematics is one branch of science that is
necessary in everyday life. To help students master
mathematics constructs, a systematic learning process
is required to be implemented at schools. In the view
of constructivism, learning mathematics is a process
where learners actively construct mathematical
knowledge. Students not only receive information but
also construct knowledge with a variety of learning
activities. Thus, learning becomes meaningful and
can be applied in the lives of learners. The curriculum
and learning programs also require a learner-centered
Widasari, S., Triwiaty, R., Lestari, K., Phytanza, D. and Budiarti, A.
Cooperative Learning in Math Teaching for Students with Learning Difficulties.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 2, pages 444-448
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
learning where learning is more focused on the
process of constructing the acquired knowledge and
experience so as to produce new knowledge. The
ability to construct knowledge can be obtained from
the process of cooperative learning (Garcia-Carrion
and Diez-Palomar, 2015; Liuand Xin, 2016).
The implementation of cooperative learning
approach for learners with special needs has currently
received significant attention from researchers.
Cooperative learning provides an opportunity for
learners to actively participate in the learning
activities. It is shown with the involvement of each
learner in the group, such as giving an opinion or idea,
and having a discussion with their peers. (Lunenburg,
2011; Obradovic, Bjekic, and Zlatic, 2015; Serafin,
2016). This approach becomes one of alternative
teaching methods for children with special needs in
inclusive schools (Bryant and Bryant, 1998;
Capodieci, Rivetti, and Cornoldi, 2016). Individuals’
difficulties in understanding mathematics may lead
some of them to a failure. Thus, cooperative learning
can be useful if implemented for children learning
disabilities in understanding mathematics. Using this
approach, students with learning difficulties in
inclusive schools can learn collaboratively with their
peers. Cooperative learning is a small group of
students who work as a team to solve the problem,
complete a task, or do something to achieve a
common goal. This enables them to construct
information collaboratively in a group (Rowe, 2006;
Ayaz and Sekerci, 2015).
Based on previous studies, cooperative learning is
effective to help students’ learning, particularly
students with disabilities. However, studies related to
the use of assessment in this context are limited. Thus,
this current study examines the use of assessment and
curriculum alignment in cooperative learning for
inclusive school to develop students’ potentials
This paper examines the implementation of
cooperative learning approaches for learning
disabilities in inclusive schools. Through experiments
conducted on 31 students 3rd grade at elementary
school using a pretest-posttest groups (one group
pretest-posttest design). Cooperative approach
succeeded in making learners construct mathematics
instructional materials actively marked by a yield
increase math skills as much as 20% -30%. This
cooperative approach is expected to be implemented
on learners construct learning disabilities in math
knowledge through participation in study groups in
inclusive schools. So that the influence of a
cooperative approach to improvement math skills
learners learning disabilities.
Using a quantitative one group pretest-posttest pre-
experimental design, this study was carried out at one
of elementary inclusive schools in Bandung. The
samples of this study were31 students in 3rd grade
elementary school at an inclusive school in Bandung.
The purpose of this study was to find out the
effectiveness of using cooperative learning approach
in improving mathematics skills of students with
learning difficulties. This study was conducted to
measure the influence of the treatment (X) on the one
group sample in question. First, a pretest (O1) was
administered to measure initial mathematics
knowledge of the students with learning difficulties.
Afterward, the students were given treatment (X) in
the form of the application of cooperative learning
approach. Then, the posttest was administered to
measure the mathematics skills of students having
received the treatment. The data were collected from
the written test and performance test of mathematics.
If described in the flow chart of this research process
as follows figure 1:
Figure 1: Cooperative learning research process.
Mathematics teaching is a process of transferring
learning experience to learners through a series of
well-planned activities so that they become
competent in mathematics. Mathematics is the study
of computation and using reason or ability to think
logically (Impecoven-Lind and Foegen, 2010;
Marcelino et al., 2012). The learning process in
question is an activity undertaken by teachers to
create classroom situations in such a way that learners
can learn using a guided learning model.
Cooperative approach in mathematics learning
can help learners improve positive attitude. Students
build confidence in their ability to solve mathematical
problems. The interaction within the group can enable
students to humbly receive information from other
students with different knowledge and backgrounds
Analysis of
Frustasion level
Analysis of
Indendent level
Implementation of
the program with
cooperative learning
Evaluating program
Intructional level
Cooperative Learning in Math Teaching for Students with Learning Difficulties
(Dymond, Renzaglia, and Slagor, 2010; Mafra,
2015). This model can improve students' critical
thinking and ability in problem solving. The
application of cooperative learning approach to
teaching mathematics can improve students’
independent thinking ability (de Weerdt, Desoete,
and Roeyers, 2013). Cooperative learning is a small
group of students who work as a team to solve the
problem, complete a task, or do something to achieve
a common goal.
Cooperative learning emphasizes the goals and
the success of the group, which can only be achieved
if all members of the group meet the desired goals or
comprehend material. The main objective of a
cooperative learning is to bring out the best in
students in the effort to improve their academic
achievement and understanding both individually and
as a group. Teamwork can accommodate a wide
variety of students’ skills (Malekian and Nadi, 2012).
In a cooperative learning mode, there are six main
phases (Suprijono, 2009). This model is suitable to
actively engage students with learning disabilities.
Figure 2 explains the phases of implementing a
cooperative learning model. It can begin with stating
the objectives, delivering material, organizing,
working as a team, evaluating and reinforcing. These
steps were applied to teaching mathematics to the
third grade students with learning difficulties at one
of inclusive schools in Bandung.
Figure 2: Phases in cooperative learning model.
Source: Suprijono (2009; 65)
Figure 3 shows a classroom setting management
at an inclusive school for third grade students with
learning difficulties. Out of 31 students, 3 are those
who have learning difficulties. The students were
divided into five groups. In each group, there is a
member who has learning difficulties. That way,
students with learning difficulties can actively engage
in the learning process. Teammates can serve as peer-
tutors so that students can learn in a pleasant manner,
and can understand mathematics learning materials
directly so that they can construct their own
knowledge through cooperative learning activities
(Waiyakoon, Khlaisang, and Koraneekij, 2015).
Peer-to-peer learning is a student-centered
learning, in which students learn from other students
who have an age status, maturity / self-esteem that is
not much different from itself. So the child does not
feel so compelled to accept the ideas and attitudes of
his "teacher" who is none other than his peers. In peer
tutors, peers are smarter to provide learning
assistance to their classmates at school. Studying
assistance by peers can eliminate awkwardness. The
language of peers is more easily understood, besides
with peers there is no reluctance, low self-esteem,
embarrassment, and so forth, so hopefully students
who do not understand do not hesitate to express the
difficulties that it faces.
The cooperative learning approach was applied to
teaching mathematics in 6 meetings. The result
proved that a student with learning difficulties could
more actively engage in the learning activities. He
became more confident in giving opinions and in
completing questions provided by the teacher. He was
made more quickly understand the learning material
provided by the teacher.
For the pre-test we make the items that are tailored
to the material already delivered in the class. Then
from the results of the pre-test we categorize into 3
categories i.e. independent level, instruction level,
and frustation level. Students who fall into our
frustation-level tests are re-examined with different
questions to confirm whether the student is right in
the category of frustration level or not. Then after
getting the students into the frustation level category,
we and the teacher designed cooperative learning to
help the students. After learning all students are given
post-test to know the ability after the lesson is given.
Figure 3: Classroom setting in cooperative learning for
students with learning difficulties.
Figure 4 shows the comparison of the scores of all
students before and after the implementation of
cooperative learning. The improvement can be seen
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
in this chart. The average increase in the score ranges
from 10% to 30% for group without student with
learning difficulties and for students with learning
difficulties have 20 to 30% increase in their scores
indicating that cooperative learning approach can be
an alternative approach to teaching students with
learning difficulties in inclusive schools.
Figure 4: The comparison of the scores before and after the
implementation of cooperative learning.
As educators should be in the learning process
using methods tailored to the needs and
characteristics of students, such as cooperative
learning. This approach can be an alternative solution
to help students in learning difficulties in building and
understanding mathematical knowledge in addition to
this it can also accommodate the needs of students
with learning difficulties interacting with classmates
so that the learning objectives can be achieved
effectively and efficiently.
Cooperative learning approach can make learning
mathematics fun for students because they are
actively involved in the learning activities as
members of groups. In addition, the contextualized
instructional materials can encourage students to
apply their acquired knowledge in everyday life. This
approach can become an alternative solution to help
students with learning difficulties in construct and
understand mathematics knowledge. This approach
can also accommodate the needs of students with
learning difficulties to interact with their classmates
so that the learning objectives can effectively and
efficiently be achieved. Implications for mathematics
learning using cooperative learning approach,
students are more motivated to participate actively
and independently solve math problems that students
form their own knowledge based on experience in the
This study is expected to be a material
consideration and reference for teachers who teach
students having trouble learning math in primary
school. Each case would require a different solution,
but with this research can be made one example of a
solution in dealing with students' learning difficulties
in math, especially at the primary school level.
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ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences