School Effectiveness
Situational Leadership and School Cultures
Aan Komariah, Mawardi Mawardi and Abubakar Abubakar
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No 229, Bandung, Indonesia
{aan_komariah, mawardi.student, abubakarditruna}
Keywords: School Culture, School Effectiveness, Situational Leadership.
Abstract: This research was based on the lack condition of elementary-school’s effectiveness in Aceh Tengah Region.
The purpose of this research is to describe situational leadership, school culture, and school effectiveness in
the governmental elementary schools in Aceh Tengah. The approach used in this research is quantitative
approach with descriptive method. The samples are 40 schools with 124 respondents. The result illustrates
that situational leadership as the independent variable had been positively and significantly affecting the
school effectiveness. Furthermore, the school effectiveness as the dependent variable had been positively and
significantly affected by the school culture as the independent variable. Then, it is safe to conclude that both
situational leadership and school culture have positive and significant impact on the school effectiveness. The
recommendation suggested regarding the result is that the principal as the school leader should be able to lead
all school personnel, so they can possibly do their jobs thoroughly, also the teachers should be able to teach
and educate communicatively to the students.
Education becomes determinant part for
advancement and tenacity of one nation in the future.
Education is an alternative strategy to educate people.
Education is primary asset in a nation development.
Through education, people can master science and
technology. Therefore, advancement, prosperity, and
development can be reached if human capital is
qualified. The qualified human capital depends on a
quality of education. The quality of education can be
seen from the effectiveness of school institution.
Attaining the effectiveness of school in this
autonomy decentralization era, the school is given
discretion and full authority in managing resources
based on the school priority needs. Effectiveness is
utilization of resources, funds, facilities and
infrastructures in certain amount which is in
conscious allocated previously to produce some
products in certain quality on the right time (P.
Siagian, 2002). Effectiveness as work orientation
highlights four things, such as: (a) resource, fund,
facility and infrastructure which can be used, is
already determined and limited, (b) amount and
quality of product or service which must be produced
is fixed, (c) deadline for producing product or service
is already determined, (d) procedure which must be
taken is already formulated.
A study on school effectiveness in Education
Administration is a fundamental problem. School
administration has recognized that organization
effectiveness issues represent eternal and
fundamental problem for their practice (Hoy, Wayne
K. and Miskel, 2008). It is caused by two factors such
as, (1) administration concept and school
management always focus on education outcome
attained by an organization that can be interpreted
success or not. Organization management can be seen
from the obtained final outcome, (2) management is
always challenged to be familiar with management
procedure which can make an organization more
effective rather than other organizations. School
effectiveness refers on performance expectation of
learning process represented by high quality of
students’ learning outcomes based on their main task
(Satori, 2000). Therefore, both satisfied quality and
learning outcome are accumulative products from all
school services, and influence conducive
environment created by school.
Effectiveness on elementary schools in Aceh
Tengah region, Aceh province is still far from
expectation. It can be seen from the lack of discipline
standard prevailed over principal, teacher, student
Komariah, A., Mawardi, M. and Abubakar, A.
School Effectiveness - Situational Leadership and School Cultures.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 2, pages 352-357
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and school staff. For example, there are many
principals who are not competent, student rules are
still adapted with geographic and student economy.
In result, culture of effective school has not been
created in all elementary schools in Aceh Tengah.
School as an organization has own culture and
influenced by values, perception, custom, rule, and
behavior of its own people. As an organization,
school shows peculiarity based on learning
requirement. This culture influence school
effectiveness due to Aan Komariah who said that
school culture is school unique characteristic
identified from embraced values, displayed custom,
and action which are showed by all school staffs
forming one special unit from school system
(Komariah, 2014). School without positive culture
will be difficulty to find characterized education for
children, and if school culture is already positive,
whoever enters into school will automatically follow
the existing habits (Komaruddin, 2010).
School also has its own unique attribute which
becomes identity, or imaged by school, in similar to
organization. The difference between school and
organization is their own cultural structure. School
culture tends to focus on the successof education
aimswhilst organization culture focuses on the
success of group or individual. School culture is the
same of the values, culture, safety practice, and
organization (McBrien, J.L and Brandt 2004) whilst
(Deal, T. E., and Peterson, 2004) define school
culture as deep values, belief and tradition formed in
the schoolwhich becomes history, and over time
school leader relates with values and belief embraced
by school and modifying in transformation element.
School as an organizational unit has culture
(custom) which is created. Culture also arise and be
developed by individuals inside the school
organization which must be maintained and embraced
by the new participant because culture is
characteristic differentiating between a school with
other schools.
School culture is regarded as one of special
characteristics to influence several factors such as,
manners, beliefs, and norms which form student
character. School culture can be determined by
several factors: common goal, reliance on school
management, school management and organization
structure, management focus, workload, control, staff
motivation, school communication between
surroundings and parents, development on teacher
motivation, working condition for education,
environment aesthetic and policy, relation among
employees, relation between teacher and student.
Achieving education aim as expected above,
therefore, it is vital to improve principal
competencies as administrator and person in charge
of elementary school should work hard to effectively
improve education. Principal is a leader similarly
with organ which ought to influence manner and
behavior of his subordinates. Leadership from leader
should flexibly adapt to the organization condition,
working environment, and his subordinate maturity
condition (Hersey and Blanchard). Principal is a
teacher who is given extra work to lead school which
is inside held learning process between teacher and
student (Wahjahsumidjo, 2010). Several assumptions
about principal leadership from experts, it is safe to
conclude that principal leadership is one of principal
efforts in affecting his followers or subordinates
(teachers) to educate, encourage and motivate his
subordinates to reach the goal which is already
Situational leadership is one of leadership styles
in school. Situational leadership also predicts relation
between three conditions such as, leader
consideration, organization management and the
level of staff or subordinate maturity (Thompson and
Vecchio, 2009). Situational leadership also focuses
on the level of guidance and referral (job behavior) by
leader, and the level of socio-emotional support
(relation behavior) which are provided by leader in
the execution of job, function, and certain aim
(Hersey, 2000). Situational leadership suggests that
effective leadership needs rational understanding
about situation and appropriate respond (Graeff,
2010). From description above, situational leadership
is leadership which reviews harmony between leader
behavior and subordinate situational characteristic
particularly the level of subordinate maturity, or
leader can decide variety situations based on his
subordinate maturity. Maturity in this condition is not
about age or emotional stability, but the desire for
achievement, willingness to take responsibility, and
ability and experience relating to job. Situational
leadership is vital factor in organization specifically
in school, however it is difficult to get effective
leader. For efficient, a leader should implement
policy on the right situation.
It is needed an effort to improve elementary
school effectiveness impacting generally on
education quality improvement. If this condition has
not been done, primary education matching national
education will not be achieved. Due to review above,
there are several factors which influence school
effectiveness, for instance, school culture in which
there are learning culture and professional
behaviorinside, relations with external
School Effectiveness - Situational Leadership and School Cultures
communication, and effective leadership in which
one of them is situational leadership.
After reviewing, authors assume that there are
several predominant factors in influencing school
effectiveness which one of them is school culture.
Therefore, in this research, authors examine how the
culture representation in governmental elementary
schools in Aceh Tengah, and how much the effect
both situational leadership and school culture towards
school effectiveness in governmental elementary
schools in Aceh Tengah Region.
This research is conducted using quantitative
approach. Quantitative approach is an approach to
show statistic outcome shown by numbers which its
measurement uses an instrument that its procedure is
developed before the study is started, and develops
relation among measurable variables (McMillan,
2002). Then, method used in this research is
descriptive. Descriptive method is research
methodology which focuses on problems or
phenomena which are actual when research is
conducted, then illustrates facts about the examined
problem without intervention and using rational and
accurate interpretation.
This research uses descriptive method and
quantitative approach. Descriptive research relates to
status or history of something. Quantitative approach
is an approach conducted by researchers themselves
using indicators between variable of X1, X2 towards
Y, therefore it is obtained illustration about problem
that will be researched (Purwanto, 2011). Descriptive
research does not involve independent variable
manipulation (McMillan, James, Schumacer, 2011).
Population in this research are governmental
elementary schools in Aceh Tengah about 186
schools with sample used about 40 schools and 124
respondents. Collecting data in this research uses
structural observation technique with research
instrument such as questionnaire and literature study.
Literature study is theoretical data which relates with
used theories, and has relation with the researched
problem, consequently authors will obtain reference,
additional knowledge in investigating and analyzing
and help in problem solving.
Data analysis technique in this research is
statistical analysis:
Variable Descriptive Analysis which in this
research aims to see the trend of frequency
distribution variable, and determines the level of
respondent variable attainment in every examined
variable. Observing general illustration in every
variable can be obtained from mean score with uses
Weighted Mean Scored (WMS) technique with
formulation as shown below:
= researched mean score
x = total of accumulation score (product between
frequency and value weight in every alternative
n = total of respondents
Research Hypothesis Testing
Finding out the best possible conclusion in this
research is conducted hypothesis test. The used
technique in hypothesis testing are simple correlation
test, determination correlation test, and regression
Based on WMS calculation, it is discovered that
school effectiveness shows mean score at 4.38 with
very high category. School effectiveness is divided
into 14 dimensions, such as both school vision and
mission, school output quality, school environment,
performing program continually, evaluation system,
parents support and participation, organization
characteristic, environment characteristic,
management policy, achievement, curriculum
quality, climate, high expectation, and evaluative
potential. Dimension of parents support and
participation is the highest dimension at 4.533 (very
high) while the lowest dimension is school
environment at 4.17 (very high).
School leadership variable shows mean score at
4.38 with very high category. School leadership is
divided into 7 dimensions, such as the level of
follower (subordinate) maturity, focusing from group
process, individual behavior acceptance, giving
positive influence, intellectual stimulation, giving
inspiration to the followers, and both leader
willingness and belief in motivating to obtain the best
result. Dimension of leader willingness and belief in
motivating to obtain the best result has the highest
score at 4.41 and dimension of individual behavior
acceptance is the lowest score at 4.18.
School culture variable shows mean score at 4.38
with very high category. School culture is divided
into 11 dimensions, such as artefact, norm, values,
ethic code, assumption, school history, strong culture,
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
moral responsibility, school philosophy, work ethos,
and belief. The highest score dimension is norm at
4.48 whilst the lowest score is values dimension at
Based on statistic accumulation, it is found
correlation between school culture and school
effectiveness is at 0.280. If it is compared with table
score at 0.176 obtained based on sample total about
124, accordingly score of arithmetic r at 0.287 higher
that table r (0.280 > 0.176). Therefore, the conclusion
is that “there is school culture influence on school
effectiveness in governmental elementary schools in
Aceh Tengah”. The influence scale based on
coefficient analysis result shows low impact. It is
discovered by scale of determination coefficient score
at 7.9% meaning that “school culture affects school
effectiveness at 7.9% whilst the rest 92.1% is affected
by other variables”. Based on regression analysis
result, it is acquired that regression result between
school culture and school effectiveness shows score
at 0.343. Therefore, it is concluded that regression
coefficient is significant. Consequently “school
culture significantly influences on school
effectiveness in governmental elementary schools in
Aceh Tengah”.
Influence scale of situational leadership on school
effectiveness is at 0.370. That score reveals that there
is low correlation between both situational leadership
and school culture on school effectiveness in
governmental elementary schools in Aceh Tengah.
On the contrary, contribution of situational leadership
and school culture on school effectiveness can be
calculated using determinacy coefficient formula
about 0.3702 x 100% = 13.69% which means
variables of situational leadership and school culture
give contribution on school effectiveness variable at
13.69% whilst the rest 86.31% is determined by other
4.1 School Effectiveness
Based on the obtained result in research data analysis
from situational leadership in elementary schools in
Aceh Tengah shows mean product at 4.38 which is in
the very high category. This score is obtained from
the mean of school effectiveness dimensions: vision
and mission indicator at 4.43, school output quality at
4.39, school environment at 4.17, performing
program continually at 4.36, evaluation system at
4.44, parents support and participation at 4.53,
organization characteristic at 4.49, environment
characteristic at 4.37, management policy at 4.27,
achievement at 4.34, curriculum quality at 4.35,
climate at 4.34, high expectation at 4.36, and
evaluative potential at 4.53.
In similar with other researches showing that
school effectiveness can be well held which is
indicated by school goals, principal leadership,
curriculum quality, student achievement, graduation
level and job satisfaction showing best result (Sari,
2013). Likewise, Sumarmo (2014) who concludes his
research showing high result in execution school
effectiveness shown by several aspects: leadership,
good planning and curriculum, concrete school goals,
high expectation, both parents support and
involvement and school management.
4.2 Situational Leadership
Situational leadership shown on school elementary
leadership has been seen the best showing by the high
category result. In this way, situational leadership has
already been well held by elementary school
Situational leadership based on relation between
total of clues, guidance and socioemotional supports
are owned by leader as well as the level of readiness
and follower maturity.
The result of this research is supported from
previous research showing best execution regarding
situational leadership which illustrates four aspects in
situational leadership style, such as instruction,
consultation, participation and delegation (Hidayati,
Utami, and Prasetya, 2015). It is also shown from
research about situational leadership implementation
showing high value trend because it can show style of
good telling, selling, participating and delegating in
school and also other aspects (Hoeriah, 2010).
4.3 School Culture
School culture illustrates that school as an
organization has culture which in real grows because
it is created and developed by individuals working in
a school organization, and it is accepted as values
which should be maintained and inherited to every
new member. Those values are used as guideline for
every member as long as they are in that organization
environment, and can be considered as special
characteristic which differentiates a school from other
schools (Suhayati, 2013).
Based on obtained result from research data
analysis on situational leadership in elementary
schools in Aceh Tengah shows mean product at 4.38
which is in very high category. This product is
School Effectiveness - Situational Leadership and School Cultures
obtained from the mean of school culture dimensions:
artefact at 4.45, norm at 4.48, values at 4.15, ethic
code at 4.339, assumption at 4.47, school history at
4.43, strong culture at 4.30, moral responsibility at
4.41, school philosophy at 4.47, work ethos at 4.47,
and belief at 4.35. The result score of norm dimension
reaches the best result which in the highest mean in
compare with other dimensions.
This research is also supported by another
research revealing that in general culture developed
in school is already conducive which is shown by
both artefact and learning environment, developed
norm, dominant value, school philosophy, then
enforcement school rules (Buhaiti, 2016).
4.4 School Culture Influence on School
Based on the result of correlation analysis, it is
obtained p value = 0.000. That p value is less than
significance level at 0.05. It means hypothesis posit
that there is school culture influence on elementary
school effectiveness in Aceh Tengah “accepted”
because it is significant.
Based on accumulation result obtained from
correlation between school culture and school
effectiveness is r = 0.280. After examining correlation
coefficient, school culture influence on school
effectiveness shows low correlation. It is safe to
conclude from that correlation product has positive
effect regarding school culture towards elementary
school effectiveness in Aceh Tengah. Based on
correlation analysis which then it is supported by
result of determinacy coefficient analysis showing
relation between school culture and elementary
school effectiveness in Aceh Tengah at 7.84% whilst
92.16% is influenced by other factors which is not
examined by the authors.
One of school effectiveness indicators is student
achievement. Both Principal leadership and teacher
have vital role in creating the best school culture in
school environment to improve student achievement.
It showshow far school goal can be achieved which is
an aspect in achievement of school effectiveness
(Saripudin, 2014).
Conversely, knowing the correlation significance
between variable X2 and variable Y with comparing
value t and table t based on SPSS 20.0 accumulation
is acquired at 2.772 whilst table t and dk = (n-2) at
1.645. All in all, value t is higher than table t (2.772
> 1.645). It means there is significant influence
between school culture and school effectiveness.
School culture influence on school effectiveness is
shown in equation:
Ŷ = 63.825 + 0.238 X2
Value at 63.825 is constant value showing that if
there is no relation with school from school culture.
Hence school effectiveness is at 63.825 whilst value
at 0.238 is regression showing that every increase of
school culture about 1 consequently there will be an
increase school effectiveness value about 0.238, and
every increase in school culture about 10,
consequently there will be an increase about 2.38.
Considering that finding, it is significantly proven
that school culture has influence on school
effectiveness. Based on the result accumulation of
determinacy coefficient analysis on school culture
towards school effectiveness is at 7.84%. It means the
higher school culture can support more than 7.84% on
elementary school effectiveness in Aceh Tengah.
Considering school culture variable, it is found
values dimension is in the lowest grade in which the
loyalty towards tolerance among school personnel is
poor. Afterward, in elementary school unit, the spirit
of nationalism is still poor applied by schools in Aceh
Tengah. For instance, there are many principals and
teachers who do not join state ceremony in
independence commemoration.
Considering school effectiveness variable, it is
found school environment dimension is in the lowest
category like teacher indicator in which there is lack
of teacher in countryside schools affecting
environment school which supposed to be place for
learning process corresponding to school aim will not
be achieved. The next prominent problem is
curriculum system. In this case, there is school which
cannot conduct K13 curriculum because facility and
infrastructure, and also procurement of guidebooks
are still not well distributed, in consequence, it
influences the method of grading to student as the
provided format by education authorities.
Based on the result of correlation analysis, it is
obtained value P = 0.000. That value Pis less than
significance level at 0.05. It means hypothesis which
posits there is influence situational leadership and
school culture on elementary school effectiveness in
Aceh Tengah “accepted”.
Based on accumulation of double significance
test, it is obtained value F at 9.616 whilst table F in
the level of trust at 95% with dk (n-2) is obtained table
F at 3.06 after it is known that value F 16.686 > table
T 3.04. Therefore, it is safe to conclude that there is
significant double positive correlation between
situational leadership and school culture towards
school effectiveness.
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
Based on accumulation, it is obtained correlation
between situational leadership and school culture
towards elementary school effectiveness in Aceh
Tengah about R = 0.370 if looking criterion of
correlation coefficient value shows low contribution
Based on both data and result analysis in this research
show influence between variables which influence
elementary school effectiveness in Aceh Tengah
consist of situational leadership and school culture,
and it is supported with empirical data and fact. Based
on hypothesis test which is already presented, it is
safe to conclude as shown below:
The result of Hypothesis test shows situational
leadership has relation with school effectiveness and
has effective influence on school effectiveness. It can
be interpreted variation has occurred on school
effectiveness variable. Situational leadership is
predicted can improve school effectiveness. In other
words, situational leadership as independent variable
has positive and significant effect on school
effectiveness as dependent variable, and it means that
the first research hypothesis can be accepted.
The result of Hypothesis test shows school culture
has relation with school effectiveness and gives
effective influence. It can be interpreted variation has
occurred in school effectiveness variable that school
culture which is predicted has influenced in
improving school effectiveness. In other words,
school culture as independent variable has positive
and significant effect on school effectiveness as
dependent variable, and it means the second research
hypothesis can be accepted.
The result of Hypothesis test shows situational
leadership and school culture have significant relation
with school effectiveness and give effective
influence. It can be interpreted variation has occurred
on school effectiveness variable that situational
leadership and school culture which is predicted has
influenced in improving school effectiveness. In other
words, situational leadership and school culture as
independent variable has positive and significant
effect on school effectiveness as dependent variable
which means the second research hypothesis can be
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School Effectiveness - Situational Leadership and School Cultures