Effectiveness of Implementation of Teachers Professional Education
Program After SM3T Program in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Asep Herry Hernawan and Rudi Susilana
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Teacher Professional Education (PPG), SM-3T Program.
Abstract: Teacher Professional Education Program (PPG) after The Program of Scholars Teaching in the outermost,
disadvantaged and frontier region (SM-3T) is one of the Ministry of Education and Culture policy in order
to accelerate education development in 3T area. The focus in this study includes: commitment, involvement,
and support in the implementation of PPG SM-3T, curriculum or syllabus, learning systems, facilities and
infrastructure, partner school involvement, and education management in dormitories and obstacles or
constraints faced by PPG SM -3T at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI). The research method used is
descriptive research conducted through survey technique. Research respondents consisted of the head of
study program, dormitory manager, lecturer / facilitator, principal and teachers involved in the
implementation of PPG SM-3T Program and participants who participated in PPG SM-3T Program at UPI.
The results showed effectiveness in the implementation of PPG SM program -3T in UPI as indicated by: (1)
the commitment, involvement and support of the leaders of the PPG SM-3T program of study; (2) the
curriculum and syllabus has been developed in accordance with the objectives and implementation of
curriculum in PPG learning activities in each study program of PPG SM-3T; (3) the existence of learning
systems and processes designed and implemented in each study program in PPG SM-3T organizer in UPI;
(4) adequate education management in the dormitory as supporting PPG SM-3T organizer in UPI; (5) the
involvement of partner schools as an integral part in the implementation of PPG SM-3T in UPI.
In the framework of accelerating the development of
education in the outermost, disadvantaged and
frontier regions (3T), the Ministry of Education and
Culture through the Indonesian Progressive Mutual
Program (MBMI) has pioneered the development of
PPG programs with several variations. The PPG
program includes: (1) Integrated PPG Program with
Additional Authority (PPGT), (2) Collaborative PPG
Program of Productive SMK (PPG Collaborative),
and (3) PPG Program after implementation of
Undergraduate Education program in 3T area (SM-
3T). In addition to the accelerated development of
education in the 3T areas, these programs are part of
the answer to address various education issues in 3T
The PPG SM-3T program is implemented after
the implementation of the SM-3T program
throughout Indonesia. The SM-3T program itself is
for undergraduates who are not yet teachers of civil
servant or Permanent Foundation Teachers to be
assigned for one year in 3T area. The SM-3T
program is designed to help in solving the problem
of teacher shortages, and simultaneously to prepare
for professional candidates who are tough,
independent, have caring attitude to each other, and
have a great soul to educate the children of the
nation, in order to progress together to achieve the
noble ideals as mandated by the founders of the
Indonesian nation. After completing a one-year
assignment in the 3T area, these undergraduate
educators have the opportunity to participate in a
one-year Preparatory PPG program on the
educational education officer's colleges (LPTK) of
the organizers set by the Government.
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) is one of
the LPTKs that are currently assigned to implement
the PPG SM-3T program. Until now, UPI has
entered its third year to undertake the assignment of
the PPG SM-3T Program. To know the level of
effectiveness in the implementation of PPG SM-3T
program in UPI required studies based on
continuous research as a reference in the
Hernawan, A. and Susilana, R.
Effectiveness of Implementation of Teachers Professional Education Program After SM3T Program in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 2, pages 294-298
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
implementation of PPG program as a means of
preparing professional teachers in the future.
Problems to be studied in this research are: how
far the effectiveness of PPG SM-3T program in
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia? The focus of the
study in this study will be limited to some sections
that are considered to be very influential on the
effectiveness of PPG SM-3T program
implementation. These sections include: 1)
commitment, involvement, and support of university
leaders, faculties, departments and courses; 2) the
curriculum or syllabus developed by the organizers
course; 3) designed learning system; 4) facilities and
infrastructure provided for the smooth
implementation of the program; 5) the existence of
partner schools involved; 6) education management
in dormitories; and 7) obstacles or constraints faced
in the implementation of PPG SM-3T in UPI.
Assessment of the effectiveness of PPG SM-3T
program held in UPI is very urgent considering UPI
as a pioneer and superior LPTK is required to give
more real contribution to the efforts made by the
Government in order to solve various education
problems in Indonesia, especially education
problems in the 3T areas as mentioned above. This
assessment is very important and contributes to
improve the image of UPI as LPTK has an
advantage in the implementation of PPG SM-3T
Assessment of teacher professionalism is
continuously done, and it is still going on. The
assessment is driven by the strong demand for
professionalism of teachers who are believed to be
the main indicators in improving the quality of
education and affect the improvement of the quality
of Indonesian human resources. In life in the current
era of globalization, professionalism of teachers has
a very strategic meaning because the teacher's
profession to carry out a real task, especially in the
nation's character building. According to Evans and
Brueckner (1992) to become a qualified and
professional teacher heavily influenced by aspects:
professional preparation, continual education,
professional involvement, and commitment.
To be professional, a teacher is required to have:
a commitment to the student and his learning
process, mastering in depth the subject matter and
how to teach it; responsible for monitoring student
learning outcomes through various evaluation
techniques; able to think systematically about what
he does, always learn from his experience; and
become part of the learning community in its
professional environment (Supriadi, 2003). A
teacher is also required to have an integrated
competency between knowledge, skills, values and
attitudes. In another term, Sudjana (1988) classifies
it in three areas of ability: cognitive ability, attitude,
and skill. Another opinion expressed by
Sukmadinata (2000) which classifies the ability of
teachers into three general dimensions of ability,
namely professional, social, and personal abilities.
Professional Education is a higher education
after Bachelor program that prepares participants to
have jobs with special skill requirements. Teacher
Professional Education (PPG) is an educational
program organized for graduates of S-1 Education
and S-1 / D-IV Non-Education who have the talent
and interest to become teachers, so that they can
become professional teachers after meeting certain
conditions, in accordance with the National
Standards of Education, and obtaining educator
certificates. The objectives of the PPG program, as
stated in Permendikbud Number 87 of 2013 are to
produce prospective teachers who have
competencies in planning, implementing and
assessing learning, following up on assessment
results, conducting mentoring and training learners
and conduct research, and able to develop
professionalism in a sustainable manner.
The PPG SM-3T Program is a Teacher
Professional Education Program for educational
graduates who have been performing duties in the
3T area for one year (Kemdikbud, 2015). The
program for the preparation of professional teachers
is linked to addressing educational issues in the
outermost, disadvantaged and frontier region (3T)
must be done comprehensively and integrated. This
is due to the complexity of problems to be faced by
prospective teachers, such as shortage of teachers,
unbalanced distribution, under qualification, low
competencies, and inconsistencies between
educational qualifications and field that is
The professional teacher preparation program
should be able to prepare teachers who are not only
mastering a set of competencies, but must be based
on the aspects of excellent attitude and personality,
as the opinion of Maister (Directorate of
Professional Educator, 2010) that "professionalism
is predominantly an attitude, not a set of
competencies ". The prime aspect of personality
should be the founder of the profession as a teacher.
A strong, thorough and uninterrupted mastery of
science and technology, supported by excellent
Effectiveness of Implementation of Teachers Professional Education Program After SM3T Program in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
private ownership, will impact teachers 'skills in
generating learners' interest in science and
The method used in this research, that is descriptive
method with survey technique. The survey was
conducted with the aim of obtaining data and
explanation on the implementation of PPG SM-3T
program in UPI covering aspects of commitment,
involvement, and support from university leaders,
faculties, departments, and study programs,
developed curriculum or syllabus, systems and
learning processes designed and implemented, use of
available facilities and infrastructure, involvement of
partner schools, education management in
dormitories, and obstacles or constraints faced by
PPG SM-3T organizers in UPI.
This research involves the subject of research on
7 (seven) study programs which is determined as the
organizer of PPG SM-3T program in UPI of the
third fiscal year 2015. The subjects consist of study
program leaders (7 persons), dormitory manager (2
persons), lecturers (7 persons), field supervisor (7
persons), and PPG SM-3T program participants (14
persons). To obtain accurate data and information on
the aspects of PPG SM-3T program implementation
in UPI, research instruments are used in the form of
questionnaires, interview format, documentation
study format, FGD format, and observation format.
The analytical procedures are analyzed by
collecting the collected data, followed by analyzing
the data based on the analytical model that has been
designed, constructed and discussed the conclusions,
concluding by formulating alternative
recommendations and preparing a complete research
4.1 Commitment, Involvement, and
Support of the Leaders of the Study
Program in the Implementation of
The commitment, involvement, and support of the
Head of Study Program as the organizer of PPG SM-
3T in UPI are very high, based on the total score of
learning activities, campus learning facilities, and
PPL activities at partner schools. The score is
compared to the predefined criteria. Criteria score
responses Head of Study Program on learning
activities on campus are as follows.
a. Learning activities on campus, are in very
high category based on the score criteria
obtained are 240 and compared with a
minimum score of 0 and a maximum of 280
on the instrument.
b. Learning facilities, are in very high category
based on the score criteria obtained are 150
and compared with a minimum score of 0 and
a maximum of 168 on the instrument.
c. Activities PPL in School, is in very high
category based on score criteria obtained that
is 199 and compared with a minimum score
of 0 and maximum 224 on the instrument.
The above data proves that UPI leaders
represented by the head of study program already
have commitment, involvement, and support in
organizing PPG SM-3T program according to which
has been discussed in the theory study section. UPI
as one of the LPTKs in Indonesia already has the
readiness to perform the duties as the organizer of
PPG SM-3T program. Indicators of such readiness
are demonstrated by the adequacy of human
resources, the feasibility of infrastructure, a good
academic culture, and high leadership commitment,
as well as a very well supported partnership program
with partner schools.
Organizational support will affect the
commitment of members of an organization. UPI as
an organization that organizes PPG SM-3T program
fully supports and expect the results of the program
can be maximized. Psychologically, the support will
affect the participants of PPG SM-3T program. In
some literature it is stated that organizational support
will make a person feel obligated to care about the
organization and help the organization to achieve its
goals. The data already obtained support the theories
that have been stated above. Support and
involvement of an organization in the
implementation of the program will increase
organizational commitment and increase the
confidence of participants. In this case UPI as the
organizer of PPG SM-3T program has provided
maximum support and involved directly from the
planning, implementation, until evaluation of the
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
4.2 Curriculum and Syllabus in
Organizing PPG SM-3T Study
The description of the suitability of the curriculum
component with the learning on the PPG SM-3T
program, based on the average response of the head
of the study program, is generally in a very adequate
category. Nevertheless, there are still inadequate
matters relating to the suitability of the curriculum
component and this lesson, among others relating to:
1) the suitability of learning activities carried out
with the competence / objectives of PPG SM-3T; 2)
the suitability between the competence demanded by
the material / material presented in the lesson; 3) the
suitability between the competence required by the
assessment instrument used to see the achievement
of the learning outcomes; and 4) the proportion of
PPG material between theory and application /
practice. Fourth, it can be caused by the different
curriculum used in partner schools, Curriculum 2013
and Curriculum 2006. In addition, there are still
many participants who have not fully understood the
implementation of the Curriculum 2013.
4.3 The Effectiveness of System and
Processes of PPG SM-3T in Each
Study Program
To find out the effectiveness of system and learning
process that is designed and implemented in each
study program in PPG SM-3T organizer in UPI, it
can be seen based on the relation between design
and implementation of learning process. The linkage
was obtained from Rank Spearman correlation
coefficient between design and implementation. The
use of the Rank Spearman formula is based on the
consideration of ordinal data, and the sample is less
than 30.
Based on the calculation result there is a
correlation coefficient between the design and
implementation of the learning process of 0.71
included in the strong category. This means that
between the design and implementation of the
learning process has a positive and strong linkages.
If the design of learning is good then the
implementation of the learning process will be good
as well, and expected learning results will also be
maximized. This is in line with future oriented
planning orientation expressed by Mulyasa (2009).
Planning involves setting goals and competencies
and estimating how to achieve them. Planning is a
central function of learning management and should
be oriented toward the future.
4.4 Effectiveness of Education
Management in Dormitory as
Supporting partner of PPG SM-3T
Organizer in UPI
To be able to answer the formulation of four special
problems (d) the supporting data is data generated
from the dorm management instrument. The result
of instrument data processing from the dorm
management respondents indicates that the
dormitory facility of PPG SM-3T participants in UPI
is generally included in the adequate category
(55%). These facilities include: bedrooms, including
beds, tables, chairs, cabinets provided by UPI;
facilities for the provision of food provided to PPG
participants; supporting facilities for sports;
supporting facilities for the arts; bathroom and toilet
facilities, dining room, and praying room (mushola).
The thing is inadequate according to the manager of
the dormitory is a means of supporting facilities for
relaxation / recreation / entertainment. The most
adequate is the activity developed for debriefing
attitudes and behaviors of participants as preparation
for teachers, such as mental coaching, joint learning
program, gymnastics, and scouting.
4.5 School Partner Involvement
Effectiveness in the Implementation
of PPG SM-3T
To discover the effectiveness of partner school
involvement as an integral part in the
implementation of PPG SM-3T on the
implementation of PPL and improvement of
competency of participants, can be seen based on the
relationship between PPL implementation and
improvement of competency of participants. The
linkage was obtained from Rank Spearman
correlation coefficient between PPL implementation
and increasing competency of participants. The use
of Rank Spearman formula is based on the
consideration of ordinal data, and the sample is less
than 30. The result of Rank Spearman correlation
coefficient calculation using SPSS program indicates
that the correlation coefficient between PPL
implementation and the competence increase is
0,562 in the medium category. This means that
between the implementation of PPL and the increase
in competency of participants has a positive and
moderate linkage. If the design of learning is good
then the implementation of the learning process will
also be good. We recommend that the
implementation of PPL is maximized again to
Effectiveness of Implementation of Teachers Professional Education Program After SM3T Program in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
improve the competence of PPG SM-3T
4.6 Barriers or Constraints of PPG
SM-3T Providers
There are obstacles that occur in the implementation
of PPL SMG-3T PP program in UPI. According to
the manager of dormitory barriers are associated
with the coordination between the Prodi, Faculty,
and universities that need to be improved. Obstacles
according to teachers and principals related to the
lack of PPL periods, differences in the making of
RPP between workshops and implementation in
schools, difficulties of local language
communication, there are several schedules of
conflicting activities, the use of teaching media by
trainee not maximized, understanding of 2013
curriculum by trainee yet and the PPL PPG
implementation guidance is not adequate. As for the
constraints posed by participants regarding the lack
of transport costs, the distance between dorms and
PPL venues is far away, inadequate information
sources (TV, internet access), less time management,
assignment and workshop too solid, habit in
studying science, and develop less LPP and LKS,
method presented less variative.
Based on the exposure that has been presented, it
can be summed up several things as follows. First,
commitment, involvement, and support of leadership
program of PPG SM-3T in UPI have been very
good. Secondly, the PPG SM-3T program organizer
at UPI has developed curriculum and syllabus which
is in line with PPG goals and curriculum
implementation in learning activities is very
adequate. Third, the system and learning process that
is designed and implemented in every study program
in PPG SM-3T organizer in UPI is adequate and
effective. Fourth, the management of education in
the dorm as supporting partner of PPG SM-3T
organizers in UPI is adequate and effective. Fifth,
school inclusion partners as an integral part in the
implementation of PPG SM-3T in UPI is sufficient.
Finally, the obstacles or constraints faced by PPG
SM-3T organizers in UPI, among others related to
coordination between dormitories, study program
and faculty that have not been optimal, which is too
short, the lack of synchronization between the theory
/ concepts taught in the camp with the
implementation that occurred in schools, the
implementation of workshops that are too crowded.
Several recommendations that can be submitted
based on the findings of this study are as follow.
First, the implementation of PPG SM-3T can be
used as a model for the preparation of professional
teachers. Secondly, the organizing colleges must
have guidelines and technical guidelines that can be
used as standard reference in the implementation of
PPG SM-3T, especially related to the process of
guidance and learning on campus, guidance and
learning in the school, and the process of guidance
and learning in the dormitory. Third, partnerships
between organizational colleges with the school
should be continuously woven and improved so that
the activities of PPL / internship in schools become
more optimal.
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ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences