Simulation-Praxis-Collaborative Lecture Method Design for
Students’ Self-Regulation Development
Pupun Nuryani and Ani Hendriani
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Collaborative Learning, Integrated Learning, Praxis, Self-Regulation, Simulation Method.
Abstract: This research aims to explain simulation-praxis-collaborative based lecture method design. This method is
designed to develop students' self-regulation in the integrated learning lecture of PGSD (Primary Teacher
Education) department of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. The self-regulation is the ability to generate and
monitor one’s own thoughts, feelings and behaviours to achieve a goal. The purpose of self-regulation in this
study is that students are able to plan, implement and evaluate integrated learning well. Pattern of self-
regulation in this study is using the revealing tool in the form of reflective journals that include questions
related to the determination of normative goals, self-assessment, attribution, and self-reactions (solute effort).
Simulation-Praxis-Collaborative learning method is a learning method that emphasizes collaborative
reflection among students, observers, and lecturers in integrated learning course. Reflected object is the
performance simulation of integrated learning practice. The method of this research is R & D, and is currently
entering the validation stage of the learning model by the Education Experts. After the design of the learning
model is validated, the next step is to test the hypothetical learning model on a limited scale. This research
has a theoretical and practical significance. Theoretically, this research helps to enrich the scientific literature
of pedagogy lectures on PGSD study program. Practically, this study provides an alternative method of
lectures that can improve student’s self-regulation ability.
The essential courses for preparing PGSD graduates
with expertise in basic education are integrated
learning courses. The integrated learning lectures
provide theoretical and practical knowledge on how
to implement integrated learning in the context of the
2013 curriculum. Based on the preliminary studies,
FGD (Focus Group Discussion) with some students
concluded that they have not fully mastered the
concept of integrated learners, not yet adept at
designing integrated learning, not even skilled in
implementing integrated learning. Some of the causes
are limited teaching materials, so students have
limitations to review the concepts that relate to
integrated learning. Related to the limitations of
teaching materials, the complexity of integrated
learning materials is also the cause of the lack of
optimal mastery of material on integrated learning
content. In addition, the methods used in the
integrated learning courses of discussion and lecture
methods have not been optimal in developing the
students' ability in designing, implementing and
evaluating the integrated learning.
In this case, the ideal of lecturing integrated
learning should more emphasizes the principles of
self-regulation development that facilitates more for
student's autonomy in learning to build understanding
through learning practices that promote simulation,
reflection and collaboration.
Why is self-regulation important for student
learning development? Many studies of learning and
training, covering a wide range of fields, have
consistently shown that self-regulatory capabilities
are essential not only for acquiring new knowledge
and new skills, but also for the high-level expertise
achievement (Hoffman et al., 2014). In addition, self-
regulation refers not only to the monitoring and
controlling the cognitive resources such as attention
and effort, but also to modulate the emotional
experiences that are stimulated during learning.
(Balzarotti, Gross, and John, 2010); evaluate self-
progress and formulate expectations about the
possibility of goal achievement (Nenkov, Inman, and
Hulland, 2008); assessment and management of
Nuryani, P. and Hendriani, A.
Simulation-Praxis-Collaborative Lecture Method Design for Students’ Self-Regulation Development.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 2, pages 101-108
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
potential risks associated with achieving one's goals
(de Haan et al., 2011); and an assessment of how to
reward new knowledge will ever be learned, which
can also affect future learning goals (Carver, 2006).
Referring to these problems, it can be understood
that there is a gap between the ideal conditions of
integrated learning lectures and the today's facts.
Therefore, the researcher wants to develop the lecture
design by using simulation-praxis-collaborative
In Sanjaya (2008, p.159) the simulation method
can present the learning experience using artificial
situations to understand about certain concepts,
principles, or skills. In this research the simulation
method is presented by prioritizing praxis (reflection-
action) collaboratively between the simulator group,
the lecturer and the observer group. The hope of this
study is the student’s self-regulation ability in
managing integrated learning from planning,
implementation, evaluation can increase
The research which is carried out belongs the type of
RandD (Research and Development) research. It is
particularly noted that in the field of education,
research and development abbreviated RandD is a
process used to develop and validate educational
products and discover new knowledge through "base
research" (Gall et al., 2003: 569-570) . Furthermore,
Gall (2003: 569-570) suggests that the process
using the research and development model is carried
out through the following ten steps:
1) Assess needs to identify goal (s).
2) Conduct instructional analysis.
3) Analyze leaners and contexts.
4) Write performances objentives.
5) Develop assessment instruments.
6) Develop instructional strategy.
7) Develop and select instructional materials.
8) Design and conduct formative evaluation of
9) Revise instruction.
10) Design and conduct summative evaluation.
This research has entered the sixth step, which is
to construct instructional strategy (hypothetical
learning model) that will be described in the results
and discussion section. The hypothetical model of
simulation-praxis-collaborative process will be
described by the researcher in the chart below:
Figure 1: The hypothetical model of simulation-praxis-collaborative process.
Video and
Lesson Plan
Self-Regulation Ability
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
3.1 Simulation Method
The simulation method is based on the theory of
social constructivism, which assumes that learning is
not a mere transfer of knowledge, but builds learning
through doing through constructive social interaction.
The simulation learning method can describe the true
condition of a situation, the simplification of a
phenomenon in the real world. Simulation is an
imitation or pretentious act (Sunaryo, 1989: 137). In
each form of simulation there will occur things as
a. The players play a role that represents the real
world, and also make decisions in reacting their
judgments to the settings that they find by
b. They experience artificial deeds associated with
their decisions and their general appearance,
c. They monitor the results of their own activities,
and are directed to reflect on the relationship
between their own decisions and the final
consequences that show the composite of the
various actions. Based on that opinion, it can be
interpreted that the method of simulation is a
method of learning that seeks to bring the real
situation of the theory being learned through
demonstration, role play, and a series of
activities that emphasize the learning experience
3.2 Praxis Learning
Referring to Sunaryo's opinion, it can be concluded
that the simulation method does not stand alone as a
learning that only focuses on "imitating or practicing
scenes", the simulation method requires collaborative
reflection. Reflection will help the simulator to
identify weaknesses and strengths, monitor the
achievement of goals, identify attributions, and
design improvement efforts. Reflection accompanied
by transformative action is called praxis. The
foundation of praxis-based learning is the critical
pedagogic theories popularized by Paulo Freire. In
Freire (Fakih, 2008) "Education should be a process
of independence, not socio-cultural taming.
Education aims to work on human reality, and
therefore, methodologically based on principles of
action and total reflection."
In other words, praxis is an integral part of
reflection, words, and action, since man is essentially
a unity of functions of thinking, speaking and doing.
Through praxis, education in every process must
stimulate the direction of an action, then it is reflected
again, and from that reflection, a better new action is
taken. And so on, so the process of education is a
cycle of acting and thinking that is going on
At the moment of acting and thinking that is how
a person expresses the results of his actions and
thoughts through words. With this learning cycle,
every student is directly involved in the problems of
world reality and their self-existence in it. Praxis-
based learning places teachers and students in parallel
position as a subject that reflects his knowledge and
actions with words that are rich in meaning. When
reflecting, both teacher and student, both play a role
to reflect the result of reflection as a reality operation
tool in a dialogical-intersubjective way. Freire calls
him the disciplined teacher, and the patronized
student. Student and teacher go hand in hand to build
knowledge through dialogical interaction. The main
features of praxis-based learning are:
3.2.1 Learn from Reality or Experience
The material being studied is not a doctrine (theory,
opinion, suggestion, discourse, advice, etc.) of a
person, but the real condition of society or the
experience of one who is involved in a particular
reality. So, there is no authority of knowledge of a
person who is regarded as superior to the others.
Validity of one's knowledge is determined by his
proof in the reality of action or direct experience, not
on theoretical rhetoric.
3.2.2 Not Patronizing
Therefore, there is no "teacher" and no "patronized
student". Everyone involved in this educational
process is "teacher and student" at the same time.
3.2.3 Dialogical
In praxis-based education, there is no longer a one-
way teaching-learning process, but a multilevel
communication process, multimedia and multi-
strategies such as participatory discussions or role
playing. The various communication processes
nowadays are more likely creating the critical
dialogue between teachers and students.
Simulation-Praxis-Collaborative Lecture Method Design for Students’ Self-Regulation Development
3.2.4 Doing
Education begins with experiences, events, stories,
case studies, games and other media as a way to see
the available data.
3.2.5 Uncover Data (reconstruction)
The reconstruction phase can be interpreted as a
process of re-explaining the details (facts, elements,
sequence of events, etc.) of the reality (object) under
discussion. This stage is called the process of
experiencing, because it always begins with the
experience of extracting by way of direct activities
3.2.6 Review the Analysis
That is the activity to examine the causes and plurality
of relationships of existing problems in the particular
reality, whether it concerns the order, rules, or system
that became the root of the problem.
3.2.7 Conclusion
It is formulating the meaning or the essence of reality
as a lesson and a new lesson and understanding or a
new understanding which is more complete. The
formulation is in the form of general principles and
conclusions (generalizations) of the review of
experience results. This way will help to formulate,
detail, and clarify the things that have been learned.
3.2.8 Action (Application)
The final stage of this cycle of learning is to decide
and implement new actions that is better both based
on the results of an understanding or a new
understanding of the reality.
In order to keep the learning process remains on
the basis of critical education as its philosophical
foundation, its learning and implementation guidance
should be structured in a process known as the
"structural experiences learning cycle”. This learning
process has been tested as a learning process that
fulfils all the tuition or critical education
prerequisites. This happens because the sequence of
processes makes it possible for everyone to achieve
an understanding and awareness of a social reality by
engaging (participating), directly or indirectly, as part
of that reality. The experience of involvement is what
enables everyone to do so. (Faqih, et al, 2008).
3.3 Collaborative Learning
Referring to Faqih's opinion, that praxis-based
learning seeks to awaken the critical awareness of
human beings to always be intentional in observing
social reality, refusing to be passive in the effort to
transform it, and most of all collaborative human
involvement. One of the foundations of collaborative
learning theory is Vygotsky's theory. Basic
assumption of the Vygotsky's social constructivism
theory is "What the child can do in cooperation today
he can do alone tomorrow". (Warsono, 2012: 59).
What children do or learn today by working together
(group) can be done independently in the future.
Referring to the Vygotksy statement, it can be
interpreted that the learning process in the classroom
must involve social interaction among students
through study groups where students are positively
dependent on each other to achieve common goals.
Collaborative learning can also be called cooperative
According to Johnson and Johnson collaborative
learning cannot be equated with group learning,
group learning will look like collaborative learning if
it meets the following five elements:
Positive interdependence, is when team
members are bound to cooperate with each other
in achieving learning objectives. If any team
member fails to work on his or her part,
everyone else will get the consequences. (Swim
or sink together)
Individual responsibility, that is, all students in
the team are responsible for doing their own part
of the job and are obliged to master all learning
Face-to-face interaction, although each team
member individually does his own part of the
job, a number of tasks must be done
interactively, each providing input, reasoning
and conclusions, and more importantly teaching
each other and encouraging each other.
Implementation of collaborative skills, where
students are encouraged and assisted to develop
mutual trust, leadership, decision making,
communication and conflict management skills.
The group process, in which team members set
group goals, periodically assesses what is well
achieved in the team, and identifies changes that
must be made to enable the team to function
more effectively. (Warsono, 2012: 168).
Regarding to the characteristics of collaborative
learning, research reports that self-regulatory
capacity is learned through interaction with others in
the social environment, internalized and then used by
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
individuals to interact with the social world. From this
perspective, self-regulation development involves the
use of cultural tools, such as electronic
communication, to mediate the relationship between
the mental processes of learners and their social life.
Current studies use text messaging, cultural tools, to
mediate relations between their subjective and social
life. (Connover and Daiute 2015).
3.4 Simulation-Praxis-Collaborative
It has been described before about the notion of
simulation methods, praxis-based learning, and
collaborative learning. If all three terms are
combined, it can be a whole method of learning, it is
a simulation-praxis-collaborative method. This
method can be interpreted as a simulation method that
emphasizes the combination of simulation practice,
reflection, and corrective actions discussed
collaboratively that involves simulators, observers,
students and lecturers.
3.5 Self-Regulation
Self-regulation, is one of the main drivers of human
personality (Boeree, 2010). According to Steinberg
(2014) "the capacity for self-regulation may be a
major contributor in achievement, mental health, and
social success. Research has reported a link between
adolescent self-regulation and maturity goals,
highlights the impact of self-regulation on academic
achievement, creating good relationships,
maintaining the profession and positive mental health
(Mischel, 2014; Tough, 2012).
The term self-regulation was first raised by Albert
Bandura in his social learning theory, defined as a
person's ability to control his own behavior (Boeree,
2010). Self-regulation is an internal motivation,
resulting in a person's desire to set the goals in life,
plan strategies to be used, and evaluate and modify
behaviours to be performed (Cervone and Pervin,
According to Zimmerman (2000) self-regulation
of the social cognitive theoretical lens "encompasses
more than metacognitive knowledge and skills, they
also include affective and behavioural processes, and
self-efficacy to control behavior toward goals" In this
perspective, it is understood that self-regulation is not
as a single condition internal experience, but as a
process in which a person has an agency over their
cognition, emotions and their behavior (Zimmerman,
There are three stages that can be done by humans
to emerge self-regulation. Among them are
manipulating external factors, monitor and evaluate
internal behavior. Basically self-regulation is formed
by the existence of interconnected external and
internal factors. In the context of external factors,
self-regulation affects in two ways, first by providing
a personal standard to evaluate the behaviours
obtained from the interaction. The second is by
providing reinforcement. While in the context of
internal factors, self-regulation affects with three
things, including observation of self (self-
observation) to the behavior it raises. Next is the
assessment of the behavior (judgmental process), that
is our behavior will be compared with the personal
norms and norms on society. After that, there will
appear self-affection (self-response), the results of the
assessment will determine whether to get a
punishment or reward (Alwisol, in Alfiana 2013).
Related to Alwisol's findings, this study
formulates self-regulation ability into four stages: 1)
Determination of Normative Objectives, 2)
Observation and Self-assessment, 3) Self-attribution,
4) Self-Reaction (Solutive Efforts). The explanations
are as follows:
3.5.1 Normative Objectives Determination
The first step of self-regulation process is the
determination of the normative goal of an action. In
this study, the determination of normative objectives
can be revealed with the guidance of RPP design. The
essence of the RPP design is to set learning objectives
to be achieved in the simulation process, the
reflection results of the simulation process can be
used as feedback and benchmarks achievement goals.
In Bandura's opinion, "Self-assessment reflects the
importance of goal attainment. When a person does
not really care about their performance, they cannot
judge their performance or move effort to develop it
"(Bandura 1986 Schunk 2008).Regarding to
Bandura's opinion, it can be understood that in order
to keen self-regulatory skills, students must be able to
determine the objectives to be achieved in the
simulation process, whether it is related to RPP,
implementation, or evaluation of integrated learning.
Through the ability to set goals, students are guided
to assemble the roadmap to achieve that goal, to
organize strategic steps for the effectiveness of goal
achievement, and to build internal motivation
Simulation-Praxis-Collaborative Lecture Method Design for Students’ Self-Regulation Development
3.5.2 Self Evaluation Observation
The second step is observation or self-evaluation,
According to Cheng (2011), independent learners
optimize their learning strategies continuously after
they are able to do self-assessment of their success
learning. Furthermore, according to Mace et al (2001)
"Self-observation refers to emphasizing attention to
some aspects of one's behavior and often combined
with recording of frequency or intensity". Methods
include narrative, frequency calculation, duration
setting, behavioural rating, and behavioural traces
and related records (Mace et al., 1998). Regarding
Mace et al's opinion, students should be able to
observe their capacity and self-competence in
integrated learning courses. Self-observation
activities can be done by reflecting on the advantages
and disadvantages identified in the simulation
process. Self-observation or self-assessment can also
be done by comparing the current performance levels
with goals. Self-evaluators depend on the type of self-
evaluation standard used. The nature of purpose, the
importance of goal attainment, and attribution
(something that realized as the cause of the outcome).
First, self-assessment refers to the normative standard
or code of ethics carried.
In Bandura's short opinion (Schunk, 2008)
"normative standards are often obtained when
observing models". Contrary to the opinion of
Bandura, the author's opinion about normative
standard refers to SOP Simulation of the ideal
integrated learning. Before simulation of integrated
learning, lecturers can present simulator models that
are considered skilled in planning, implementing and
evaluating integrated learning. Through performance
comparisons with a model simulator, students have
greater chance of authentic self-assessment.
To develop self-regulatory competences, it is vital
to help them succeed now, and also to ensure their
success in the future. Actions that relates to the
performance control have an important role in the
self-regulation process that leads to the process of
monitoring students' learning. Control of this action
allows them not only detect the weaknesses of the
learning process, but also alert to the effectiveness of
learning strategies which is in use, teachers can assist
students in this self-regulation process, so that
students can develop their responsibilities towards
learning (Goulão and Menedez, 2015). New
predictors of academic success are placed on the
ability to manage their own learning processes.
Autonomous learning requires self-management
competence and proactive, independent, and self-
control knowledge of the learning process. (Macejka,
3.5.3 Attribution
After self-evaluation, the next step of self-regulation
is to be aware of the attribution of an experience
successfully achieving its goals. Attribution is called
the identification of the cause of success or failure.
Attribution is divided into two part, those are internal
and external. Internal attribution refers to the ability
of self efficacy and goal attainment. While external
attribution refers to the normative standards,
modeling, and demands of the profession. In Schunk's
opinion "Associated with attribution, people will be
more proud of their achievement when they associate
it with ability and effort rather than turning it to
external causes". (Schunk 2008). Another opinion
says "it is said that one can achieve better results
through harder work will motivate someone to do it,
because the feedback conveys the impression that a
person has the ability (Schunk 2008). In this research,
attribution identification process is done
collaboratively. Students and lecturers collaborate to
find the cause of the shortcomings and advantages of
the simulation process that has been implemented.
This is done in order to build a common perception so
that the formulation of improvement can be
formulated together.
3.5.4 Self Reaction
Self-reactions related to outcome that was resulted
from previous processes. Self-reactions are
manifestations of behaviours or actions that can
influence self and social situation. Self-reactions are
the results of beliefs gained from the reflective
experience of a successful achievement of a goal. In
Schunk's (2008) "belief that someone is showing
progress, along with the predicted satisfaction in goal
completion, strengthens self-efficacy and maintains
motivation". Furthermore Schunk affirmed "If one
believes that they are less effortful but can show
progress by strengthening effort, they will feel
confident and multiply their efforts. Motivation will
not develop if students believe that they are lack of
ability and will not succeed no matter how hard they
try. " It can be understood that self-reactions are a
motivational explosion because of the satisfaction of
the goal achievement, the experience succeeds in
making confidence in strengthening potential, and the
effort to do something better will be symptomatic and
The self-reactions in this research are revealed
through reflective journal, the student is assigned to
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
write a solute effort to improve the simulation process
of integrated learning in the future. To reveal the
process of students' self-regulation in integrated
learning courses. Researchers designed a reflective
journal format that will be used in a collaborative
praxis simulation process. The reflective journal
format can be seen in the table below:
Table 1: Reflective Journal of Self-Regulation Activities.
Question or
Goal Setting
1. What do you
want to
achieve in
2. Try to
describe the
situation that
you are
and Self-
1. List the 3
things you
think need to
be improved
on your
2. Mention 3
things you
have seen
well in your
3. Have you
succeeded in
achieving the
that have
been planned
1. Try to
describe the
cause of your
2. Please
describe your
1. Describe the
steps you
will take to
improve the
practice in
the future!
This study presents an alternative lecture method by
prioritizing the simulation practice as the basis of
experiential learning, the simulation method in this
research is accompanied by practical activities
(reflection-action-transformative) which is done
collaboratively between simulator, student, observer,
and lecturer. The simulation-praxis-collaborative
method can be a good practice alternative for
integrated learning lectures. Guided by reflective
journals, students are expected to be able to identify
normative goals, reflect on their strengths and
weaknesses, recognize and describe the attribution of
successes and failures, and make solute attempts to
improve the practice of integrated learning
simulations. The study is still in the refinement of
instructional design that has been validated by
experts, hopefully by the end of 2017 the revision and
refinement of learning methods can be solved well.
Authors thank to every parties, especially to
researchers which focus on theory of self-regulation.
Their ideas inspire the authors to finalize this paper.
Authors also thank to “The First International
Conference on Educational Sciences” (ICES)
committees which have facilitated authors to publish
this paper. Hopefully it could provide benefits for the
readers and academic society.
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