Design of Interactive Multimedia Based IPS Learning Module Using
CTL Approach Based on Student Tendency Response in the Use of
Learning Module in Grade IV
Ade Sri Madona
Elementary School Teacher Education, FKIP, Bung Hatta University, Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: Module, IPS, CTL, Interactive Multimedia.
Abstract: IPS learning modules based on interactive multimedia using the CTL approach can be interpreted as teaching
materials as a tool that can be used by teachers and students in learning. The use of interactive multimedia for
IPS teaching material aims to develop the ability to think and improve student’s attitude toward learnings.
This research is development research (research & development). The research is limited to the design of IPS
modules based on interactive multimedia. The first phase is to analyse the need to design an interactive
multimedia-based IPS module for fourth grade students in 5 elementary schools in Padang Timur sub-district
in academic year 2016/2017. Need Analysis is conducted through questionnaire response tendency in using
module for learning. Then the questionnaire is used as a reference in designing the IPS learning module, after
that new interactive module design are designed. The result of the research is the design of IPS module based
on interactive multimedia using CTL approach on program android.
The social studies subject (IPS) is a science that
examines the various disciplines of social sciences
and humanities and basic human activities that are
compiled scientifically in order to provide insight
and deep understanding to learners, especially at the
elementary and secondary level (Susanto, 2013: 137).
IPS covers a variety of diverse social life, both social,
economic, psychological, cultural, and historical
relationships, all of which are embraced in the social
sciences (Imam, 2007).
Learning IPS should be presented as interesting as
possible so that learners can understand all the studies
contained in IPS learning easily. However, when
viewed in reality in the school, the learning process
of IPS subjects conducted by the teacher still has
many limitations among them are (1) the teacher still
often focused on the use of textbooks, (2) modules
used are existing modules such as pictures, besides
(3) the lecture method still dominates in the learning
process so that the learning process tends to teacher-
From the problems encountered in leaning IPS in
5 elementary schools in Padang Timus sub district,
there is still less availability of interactive module
using computer and LCD in schools and even
students are not involved in the use of projector
during the learning process. Therefore, the ideal
condition to be achieved in order to develop a module
supported by an interactive Multimedia-based
module that can provide clear information for learners
(Ramansyah, 2014). The teaching materials used are
expected to interact with students with or without the
assistance of teachers (Sri, 2014).
Technological developments that have been
incorporated into the family environment, especially
early childhood like android technology, tablets and
laptops provide space for children to get involved in
the use of a technology device (rakimahwati and
hendra, 2016). It is affirmed that "multimedia
technology if prepared in the best possible way
influences the effectiveness of learning and aids in
teaching and learning" (Pasnik et al., 2007; Neuman,
Newman, and Dwyer 2010; Corporation for Public
Broadcasting 2011). To generate the development of
interactive multimedia-based module the researcher
uses Akker's development research model (1999). At
this stage, the needs analysis and character of the
researcher's subjects, then the formulation and design
of the product, then small-scale trials to large-scale
and expert and user validation and trials. The product
Madona, A.
Design of Interactive Multimedia Based IPS Learning Module Using CTL Approach Based on Student Tendency Response in the Use of Learning Module in Grade IV.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 2, pages 78-83
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
will be generated in the form of modules supported
by modules made from flash macro module
applications that can run on android and PC
Operating System or laptop. This product allows its
use to be mobile anywhere and anytime, this is in line
with Bhaskar K (2013) One alternative is developing
android based interactive media can help learning
system while playing in the classroom, in the family
and society which must be under the control and
supervision of an adult.
The purpose of this research is to Produce
Interactive Multimedia Based IPS Learning Module
for Grade IV Elementary School Students in regard to
Implementation of Curriculum 2013 in order to
improve learning outcomes and create learning IPS
more fun for students. This is also supported to
improve the learning outcomes, both teachers, and
students using Information Communication
Technologies (ICT) (Nilay M. Vaidya et al., 2016),
the meaningful use of technology and innovation in
learning technologies. A good learning environment
to help students with more learning and pleasure. This
idea is especially relevant to early childhood learning
(rakimahwati and hendra, 2016).
2.1 Types of Research
Based on the background and purpose of this study,
then the type of research that will be done is research
development. This research includes research that
develops and produces new products in a learning
system that will be applied to learners as users. The
research includes research that develops and
manufactures interactive multimedia-based media
using android technology for elementary students.
The first stage needs assessment toward interactive
android-based media design for elementary students.
This stage begins with an analysis to describe the
initial condition of elementary school students. Initial
needs analysis is done through the direct deployment
of the coordinator to the students. Furthermore,
interactive android-based media designs are
conducted for elementary school students.
2.2 Research Subject
The subjects of the study were students of Grade IV
from 5 elementary schools in kec. Padang Timur
Padang academic year 2017/2018. The students
involved are high-grade students. The purpose of the
chosen the subject is based on the number of materials
that will be taught in class IV and at least teaching
materials in the form of learning modules used in
2.3 Research Procedure
2.3.1 Needs Analysis
This analysis includes analysis of learning facilities
and infrastructure, student’s needs, characteristics of
students, analysing the ability of educators in
constraints encountered during learning.
2.3.2 Design
At this stage the first thing to do is to establish the
main concepts of the characteristics of elementary
school students that will be integrated into interactive
multimedia-based IPS learning modules.
Figure 1: Design of learning module development.
2.4 Research Instruments
The research instrument developed to collect data in
this study is a requirement analysis sheet that is used
to collect information about the tendency of the use
of IPS learning module in class IV for the
consideration of the design of learning module.
2.5 Data Analysis Technique
2.5.1 Needs Analysis
In the need analysis phase, data collection is gathered
to obtain information about the characteristics of
students in using the module in school. Data collected
through questionnaires question the students'
tendency in using IPS learning module at school. Data
to get the average score of each indicator of the
acquisition of trends in the use of IPS module. Using
Formula (Arikunto, 2002).
Average Score =
Design of Interactive Multimedia Based IPS Learning Module Using CTL Approach Based on Student Tendency Response in the Use of
Learning Module in Grade IV
  
  
  
  
     
Fi = Frequency or number of respondents
SL = Always
SR = Often
KD = Sometimes
JR = Rarely
TP = Never
To find the level of achievement of respondent's
answer hence required formula which is based on
(Arikunto, 2002).
Table 1: Criteria of Students Response.
Range of TRA
81% 100%
Very Good
66% 80,99%
56% 65,99%
46% 55,99%
2.5.2 Design Stage
From the questionnaire data that has been obtained
from need analysis regarding to tendency of the use
of module by the students in school, the design is
composed by using several stages of computer-based
interactive design according to Susilanan (132: 2007)
(1) collecting material needs to design and make
application. (2) making flowchart, (3) storyboard
making, and (4) programming
Interactive multimedia-based IPS module serves as a
tool in the implementation of learning. Interactive
multimedia-based IPS module which is used as a
guideline is expected to improve the quality of
learning outcomes of learners. For that reason, it is
necessary to observe about the tendency of student
module usage in IPS learning.
3.1 Tendency Analysis of Learning
Module in Elementary School
The current learning is focusing on writing, reading,
and listening or better known as conventional
learning. Writing, reading, and listening are done
during teaching and learning process where
communication between teachers and students is
common in the classroom. Teachers' learning
resources come from textbooks and images that are
delivered to learners with teacher's narrative on text
or images.
In the use of learning modules there is a tendency
of the use of modules used by teachers, from the
tendency of such use can be obtained information
overview module commonly used by teachers in
learning, the extent to which the use of technology in
the form of android used by teachers in learning as
well as from information obtained designed
interactive multimedia-based learning module that
can access with android and can be used by teachers
and students in and out of learning.
3.1.1 The Tendency of the Use of Learning
Modules Based on Student Response
Student responses to learning are collected through
questionnaires that contain statements about the
learning that is applied in the classroom. Here is the
data of student response to IPS Learning module with
Table 2: The response to the tendency of the use of learning
My parents allow me to use phone with
Android program.
My parents allow me to bring phone /
laptop with Android program to school.
My parents allow me to use a computer
/ laptop that has an Android program.
I use phone during school hours.
I use phone for other purposes during
school hours.
I use my phone / computer / laptop to
study at home.
Parents admonish me if they see me
learning while playing phone / laptop /
Master admonished me for using my
phone / laptop while studying.
I am more diligent study after I use
phone / laptop / computer in learning
I better understand the material after I
use phone / laptop / computer in
Teachers use print modules such as
posters, newspaper clippings or
magazines, a collection of folklore in
Teachers use transparency modules like
OHP and PowerPoint in learning.
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
Teachers use audio modules such as
radio and tape-recorders in learning.
Teachers use video modules such as
film and television in learning.
Teachers use interactive multimedia
(which students can hold / move) in
Teachers use e-learning (internet) in
Learning by using learning modules is
more fun than just with lecture methods.
I feel bored when I follow the lesson
that just record and listen without any
learning module
The use of learning modules by teachers
can increase my attention to learning.
The use of the module as a learning
module makes me more eager to learn.
I would rather be involved in learning
when the teacher uses the learning
I am unable to clearly capture the
material presented only by using lecture
methods without any examples of
images or video
I want to know more if the teacher uses
the module in learning.
The use of the learning module made
me study independently.
The use of the learning module helped
me in resolving the issues that arose in
Based on the results of the analysis of IPS learning
tendency of teachers and students, Student response
shows that the use of learning modules is prospective
because students can relatively access the use of
modules that are operated with an android program.
As Guernsey (2012) states that technological
developments that have been entered into the family
environment, especially early childhood like android
technology, tablets and notebooks provide space for
children to get involved in the use of a technology
device. It is about 52% of children of ages 0-8 years
had been able to access a Smartphone, tablet or
similar electronic equipment.
3.2 Design Interactive Multimedia Based
IPS Learning Module
Design stage aims to find the optimal design of the
application by considering problems and needs that
exist in the system as defined in the need analysis
phase. The process includes the combination
technology, hardware, and software to get optimal
results obtained which easy to implement.
3.2.1 The Steps of IPS Learning Module
The design step is a series of stages of designing and
making interactive multimedia learning applications
as a learning module. The steps are as follows:
Development of computer-based interactive
media design according to Susilanan (132: 2007) can
be done by: (1) making flowchart, (2) storyboard
making, and (3) programming
a) Make specific details of the structure of
multimedia applications to be created, in this
case, the structure described in the form of
System Flowchart.
Figure 2: System Flowchart.
b) Designing storyboards
This stage provides the visualization of text that
describes the scene, including all the multimedia
objects and connected to another scene, or
describe the form of applications. Storyboard is
a series of manual drawings to describe a story
or sequence of actions. Storyboard describes the
look of each scene. First, the storyboard deals
with the first scene which is the initial use of the
application by the user. Then the storyboard
continues for the next scene. The storyboard
developed for each topic, including:
(1) Scane 1: cover, Main menu view, theme
menu, biodata, cover.
(2) Scane 2: topic 1
(3) Scane 3: topic 2
(4) Scane 4: topic 3
(5) Scane 7: Exercise
On each scane, there are some buttons, a button
back to return to the main menu and the exit
c) Combining text, images, sound, video, and
animation using the necessary tools then the
process of merging all multimedia objects that
Design of Interactive Multimedia Based IPS Learning Module Using CTL Approach Based on Student Tendency Response in the Use of
Learning Module in Grade IV
have been built into a single unit in the
multimedia animation learning.
3.2.2 Implementation Results
The results of the implementation of the design of
multimedia-based stenographic learning applications
to produce interactive interface of multimedia
applications. Details can be seen in the following
a) Opening Pages View (module cover)
This opening page view there is 1 button that is
the entry button. The entry button is useful for
entering into the application and leading to the
main menu. Here is an opening page view:
Figure 3: The cover view of interactive multimedia-
based learning module.
b) Display Main Menu
The main menu consists of a cover button,
instructions. Materials, exercises, personal
information and exit buttons. Here is the main
menu view when the entry button on the opening
page is clicked:
Figure 4: The main menu view of the interactive
multimedia-based learning module.
c) Display sub-topic
The menu display of sub-topic options consists
of 3 sub-themes and each sub-topic consists of 6
meetings and the following is how it looks:
Figure 5: Display interactive learning-based learning
module menu.
d) Display material form
In the material view contains button buttons and
images that support the material to be displayed.
Here is the visual appearance:
Figure 6: Initial display of interactive multimedia-
based learning module.
Figure 7: Initial display of interactive multimedia-
based learning module.
The design of interactive multimedia-based
learning module is assumed to be able to improve the
process and student learning outcomes. By looking,
listening and touch activities, students will be actively
involved in learning activities. This active learning is
enhanced by beautiful media display and the use of
sophisticated tools which widely used. According to
Neo and Neo (2004), if multimedia is integrated into
the teaching and learning process, the situation will
be changed. By using multimedia, the instructional
materials can be delivered in a multi-sensory
environment using multimedia elements such as text,
graphics, animation, sound, and video. This process
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
also cultivates some interaction between the student
and the information itself, making the learning
process more effective for the student. Multimedia
provides a means to garner attention, increase
retention, improve comprehension, and to bring an
audience into an agreement "(Lindstrom in Neo and
Neo, 2004). In accordance with the design of research
development (R and D), the instructional media that
has been designed this will be tested in a limited
manner and asked the opinion of practitioners and
experts about the reliability of this media.
The need of IPS Learning module is urged by
students. The accessibility in using hardware with the
android program is also quite high, either through
phone, laptop, and desktop based on android, both
owned and owned by their nuclear family. However,
in reality, the availability of interactive multimedia
modules is relatively low. The response of students'
tendency in using modules indicates that the use of
learning modules is possible because students can
relatively access the use of modules operated with
android programs. As Guernsey (2012) he states that
technological developments that have been entered
into the family environment, especially early
childhood like android technology, tablets and
notebooks provide space for students to get involved
in the use of a technology device. It is about 52% of
student’s ages 0-8 years have access to a Smartphone,
tablet or similar electronic equipment.
Therefore, this research provides developing
interactive multimedia-based learning module IPS.
The steps are: (1) gathering material requirements for
designing and creating applications, (2) specifying
the structure of multimedia applications to be created
in the flowchart system, (3) storyboarding, (4)
combining text, images, sounds, and animation.
In addition to mastering the learning materials,
students also have new experiences and can be active
in creating a good learning environment in the
process of module operation as well as through
pictures and text in the module. It is claimed that it is
capable of influencing the effectiveness of learning
and learning in the process of teaching and learning
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2010; the Corporation for Public Broadcasting,
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Children: A Randomized Trial. Ann Arbor, MI:
University of Michigan.
Neo Tse-Kian (Ken), Mai Neo. 2004. Classroom
innovation: engaging students in interactive multimedia
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Nilay M. Vaidya, Priti S. Sajja. 2016. Feasibility Study for
Assessing Readiness to a Collaborative e-Learning
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Pasnik, S., S. Strother, J. Schindel, W.R. Penuel, C.
Llorente. 2007. Report to the Ready To Learn Initiative:
Review of Research on Media and Young Children’s
Literacy. New York; Menlo Park, CA: Education
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Ramansyah, W. 2014. Pengembangan Multimedia
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Kelas 1 SDN Bancaran 3 Bangkalan. Jurnal Ilmiah
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Perangkat Multimedia Interaktif Di SDN 12 Ulak
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Design of Interactive Multimedia Based IPS Learning Module Using CTL Approach Based on Student Tendency Response in the Use of
Learning Module in Grade IV