Entrepreneurship Learning for Early Childhood
A Case Study of Children Age 4 5 in TK Khalifah Ciracas Serang
Lizza Suzanti and Siti Maesaroh
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Serang Regional Campus, Serang, Banten, Indonesia
Keywords: Entrepreneurship learning, Early Childhood.
Abstract: Introducing entrepreneurial values from an early age is one of the most important efforts in shaping the
character of future generations. Therefore, entrepreneurship learning in children leads more to child mental
change so that entrepreneurship education will form a strong child character such as being creative, discipline,
critical, able to solve problems, able communicate, appreciating time, self-controlled, and so on. In
entrepreneurship learning for early childhood, it is not only the efforts of cognitive formation by informing
children about the definition, benefits, and ways of entrepreneurship but also being able to integrate it through
the themes in the curriculum used. This research analyzes and identifies how the entrepreneurship learning is
implemented to children in TK Khalifah of Serang through teacher-designed activities. The results show that
the activities of cooking day and market day effectively in still entrepreneurial values in early childhood.
1.1 Background of Study
Early childhood is children from 0 - 8 years of age. In
this age, the child's brain develops rapidly to 80
percent so as to receive and absorb a variety of in-
formation. Experts say that it is called the golden age
of a human being which all the physical, mental, and
spiritual development of the child are formed.
Childhood is the earliest period of human life,
started at the time of birth and ended at the time of
adulthood. It is a very decisive period of human life,
having certain characteristics and potentials which
become the basis for growth in the future (Thaha,
Thus, early childhood education should be able to
form the strong trait, character, and personality of
children in order to achieve their success in the future.
The character of being independent, intelligent,
creative and confident can be learnt through examples
given. For instance, to develop independence in
children, parents prepare and carry their own brief-
case. This example someday will make children
imitate to be independent which is consistently shown
by his parents. The character will be formed through
what they see, they hear, and they feel.
Moreover, the expected characters of children do
not necessarily appear, but require gradual training.
Hence, it is necessary to habitually implanted to them.
This can be started from simple activities in everyday
life, such as putting the toys away after playing and
washing hands before eating. This habit will cultivate
characters including discipline and responsibility.
Some efforts are needed to build the traits and
characters as expected. Parents and teachers as
educators should take a role in motivating, evaluating,
stimulating and appreciating their children.
However, in reality they still have not given
enough roles yet in shaping the characters. Some-
times parents threaten, dictate, criticize, and limit
their children. As a result, the children are not willing
to express their opinion. Similarly, teachers at
schools, even though the teachers have done the pro-
cess of instilling the characters, it still has not been
internalized well in children.
Such phenomenon shows that the instilling
character in children by educators is still not optimal.
One of the educational services to build characters
is entrepreneurship education (Wasty Soemanto,
2008). Children are trained to be able to recognize
their own potential, to manage time, to be able to
communicate, to able to control emotions and to be
flexible in choosing and making decisions. The
entrepreneurial spirit can be instilled by parents and
teachers when their children are at an early age.
Suzanti, L. and Maesaroh, S.
Entrepreneurship Learning for Early Childhood - A Case Study of Children Age 4 5 in TK Khalifah Ciracas Serang.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 403-410
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Unfortunately, the education system in Indonesia,
especially for the initial level is considered not
enough to pay attention to the value of entrepreneurial
learning. The orientation of municipal learning in
educational institutions in Indonesia is limited to the
theoretical level only. The method of learning is still
not able to build and create the character of a tough
businessman (El Khuluqo, 2016).
Implementing the entrepreneurship education
especially in early childhood is not just teaching
children about how to do business or make them as
businessmen or entrepreneurs, but they are trained to
have a strong mental and characters. This is supported
by Do Paço and João Palinhas (2011) whose study
shows that it is important that entrepreneur-ship
education is implanted in children because it aims to
in still and develop personal characteristics.
At the pre-school level, the instillation of
entrepreneurship can be integrated with themes in the
school curriculum used. Teachers can plan the
learning that can indirectly shape the mental and the
TK Khalifah is one of kindergartens in Serang that
includes entrepreneurship in their school materials.
To foster the entrepreneurial spirit, they uses various
learning methods such as class outing, market day,
cooking day and so on. With their mission, they want
to provide educational and nurturing materials based
on tauhid by growing entrepreneurial spirit from an
early age as well as to provide friendly facilities with
a touch of affection according to the growth of the
child's age so that the child's development will be
optimal in golden age.
Based on the above explanation, this research will
analyze and identify how the entrepreneurship
learning is implemented to the children in TK
Khalifah of Serang through activities designed by the
1.2 Research Question and Purpose of
According to the background of the study, the
research questions are:
How is the implementation of entrepreneurship
learning in TK Khalifah of Serang?
What entrepreneurial values are expected to
appear in learning in TK Khalifah of Serang?
The research aims to analyze and identify the
implementation of entrepreneurship learning in
growing the child’s characters in TK Khalifah of
2.1 Early Childhood Education
Early childhood is children aged 0-6 years old and in
the golden age, where the development of the child's
brain reaches 80% of the overall brain development
until adulthood later (Suyadi, 2014).
Furthermore, in Law on the National Education
System No. 20 of 2003 states that Early Childhood
Education is a coaching effort aimed at children from
birth up to the age of 6 that is done through the
provision of educational stimuli to assist growth and
physical and spiritual development so that children
have readiness to enter further education.
Early childhood education is the first and fore-
most part of the children's development in terms of
character, physical, cognitive, linguistic, artistic,
social, emotional, spiritual, self-discipline, self-
concept, and self-reliance. Therefore, it is necessary
to set up the right environment so that it can provide
an opportunity for children to explore various
experiences with different situations and it is also
necessary to pay attention to the uniqueness of
children and it should be adjusted to the stage of
development of the child's personality.
Early childhood education can serve as a mirror
to see the success of children in the future. Children
who get good educational services from an early age
have a greater hope in achieving success in the future.
On the other hand, children who do not get ad-equate
educational services require considerable struggle to
develop their success (Mulyasa, 2012).
2.2 Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is the creative and innovative
ability that is used as the basis, tips, and resources to
find opportunities for success. The essence of
entrepreneurship is the ability to create something
new and different through creative thinking and
innovative action to create opportunities (Suryana,
In the past, entrepreneurship was deemed to be
done only through direct experience in the field and
was an innate talent so entrepreneurship could not be
learned and taught. Now that understanding has
changed. Entrepreneurship is a separate discipline
because it contains a complete and real body of
knowledge which has objects, concepts, and methods.
The discipline of entrepreneurship has rapidly
grown. Initially, entrepreneurship was applied in the
field of trade, but later it developed in other fields
such as industry, government, health, and education.
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship has become the core competency in
creating change, renewal, and progress.
In the field of education, entrepreneurship aims to
foster entrepreneurship spirit in students so that in the
future it can create entrepreneurs. However, the
integration of entrepreneurship education in the
learning process itself is an internalization of
entrepreneurial values in learning activities. The
values developed in entrepreneurship education are
the development of values from the characteristics of
entrepreneurs that should be owned by the learners.
Some of the entrepreneurial values along with their
descriptions will be integrated through
entrepreneurship education as follows:
Table 1: Values and description of values of
entrepreneurship education.
Attitudes and behaviors that are
not easy depend on others in
completing tasks
Think and do something to
produce different ways or
outcomes from existing products /
Take a risk
A person's ability to love
challenging, courageous and risk-
taking jobs
Take the initiative to act, and not
wait, before an unwanted event
The attitude and behavior of
someone who is always open to
suggestions and criticism, easy to
get along, cooperate, and direct
Hard working
Behaviors that indicate efforts to
complete tasks and to overcome
various barriers.
Behaviors based on an attempt to
make oneself trustworthy in
words, actions, and works
Action that demonstrate orderly
behavior and abide by various
rules and regulations.
Ability to apply creativity in order
to solve problems and
opportunities to enhance and
enrich life.
Attitudes and behavior of a
willing and capable to carry out
duties and obligations.
Behavior based on an attempt to
make oneself able to establish
relationships with others in
carrying out actions, and jobs.
Attitudes and behavior of
someone who does not easily give
up to achieve goal with various
Agreement about something made
by a person, both to himself and to
Ability to use facts / reality as a
rational basis of thinking in every
decision and action
Attitudes and actions that always
strive to know in depth and
breadth of what is learned, seen,
and heard
Actions that show the pleasure of
talking, getting along, and
working with others
Strong motivation
for success
Attitudes and actions are always
looking for the best solution
Source: Agus Wibowo (2011, p. 35)
2.3 Entrepreneurship for Early
Introducing entrepreneurship in school could affect
children’s views on entrepreneurship, and childhood
is considered the ideal stage to educate and develop a
positive attitude towards it.
Additionally, preschool constitutes the take-off
for the evolution of the entrepreneurial self, and child-
hood has been considered to be the most appropriate
age group to acquire positive attitudes towards
entrepreneurship and to adopt an entrepreneurial
approach (Axelsson et.al, 2015).
Growing the entrepreneurial spirit in early child-
hood is basically more on building the traits and
characters of being independent, responsible,
optimistic, and not easily giving up. Therefore,
entrepreneurship learning in early childhood can be
integrated into the curriculum through programs or
activities designed by schools which the
implementation involves not only principals, teachers
and children but also involving parents.
To cultivate strong traits and characters as
expected, according to Mursid (2015) learning for
early childhood should take into account the
following principles:
Children as active learners
Education should lead children to become active
learners. Creatively designed education will
produce an active learner. The process of
education like this is a form of learning that
relies on active learning activities or known as
the Student Active Learning (CBSA = Student
Active Learning)
Children learn through sensory and senses
Children gain their knowledge with their
sensory, they can see with their eyes, they can
Entrepreneurship Learning for Early Childhood - A Case Study of Children Age 4 5 in TK Khalifah Ciracas Serang
hear the sound with their ears, they can feel hot
and cold with their touch, they can distinguish
the smell with their nose and they know the
different tastes with their tongue. Therefore,
learning in children should lead children to the
various abilities that can be performed by all
Children build their own knowledge
Children are allowed to learn through their
experiences and their knowledge that they have
experienced since they were born and they have
gained during their life.
Children think through concrete objects
Children need to learn with real objects so that
they are not confused. It means they are
stimulated to think with learning methods that
use real objects as examples of learning
Children learn from the environment
Education is a conscious effort which is done
deliberately and planned to help children
develop their potential optimally so that they are
able to adapt to the environment.
The establishment of the entrepreneurial spirit
especially in children does not occur in a short time,
but it takes time as the child's development process.
They can be directed to form their entrepreneurial
spirit. The formation of the entrepreneurial spirit is
not an activity to form a child to become an
entrepreneur directly, but it can be directly or
indirectly internalized to the child.
The internalization of entrepreneurial spirit at the
stage of preschool and kindergarten (TK) can be
conducted with various methods of games. The
purpose of this game is not shaping the skills of the
child's business directly but forming the specific
character needed to become a successful entrepreneur
later. For example, children are asked to sing while
crossing the wooden bridge. This stimulates the
courage of children to take risks for the purpose to be
achieved. Similarly, when they are grown-up, an
entrepreneur should be able to take risks for the
development of his business (Muhamad Jufri and
Hilman Wirawan, 2014).
3.1 Research Approach
This research is a case study and uses qualitative
descriptive approach as it explains problem solving
based on data. According to Suharsimi Arikunto
(2002), a case study is a study conducted with
intensive, detailed, and depth to a particular
organization, institution. Therefore, this research will
be described in detail and depth about implementation
of early childhood entrepreneurship learning in TK
Khalifah Serang.
3.2 Location and Research Subject
The research takes place at TK Khalifah on Jl. Tb.
Suwandi behind Ruko Puri Tiara Kelunjukan Ling-
kar Selatan Ciracas, Serang-Banten. While the
subject of research is all parties who contribute in the
learning process, including teachers, students and
managers of TK Khalifah Ciracas, Serang.
3.3 Data Collection
Data are gathered using techniques of Interview,
observation, and documentation. Interview is con-
ducted to obtain information related to institutional
and learning programs. The observation use
participatory observation techniques which involve
the re-searchers in the daily activities of the observed
or the used as the source of research data (Sugiono,
The observation process uses field notes to de-
scribe the research subject. Meanwhile, the
documentation is used to support data obtained from
interviews and observations.
3.4 Data Analysis
Miles and Huberman (1994) model is used to ana-
lyze the data as shown in picture 1.
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
Figure 1: Component of data analysis: Interactive
In qualitative research, the validity of the data is
tested through (1) Triangulation technique of sources
and methods, namely comparing and cross-checking
multiple data sources from teachers, students, and
managers of TK Khalifah which gain through
methods of interview, observation (field notes), and
documentation; (2) Persistent observation.
4.1 TK Khalifah Ciracas Serang
TK Khalifah is an educational institution of
kindergarten and Play Group as well as a day care for
early childhood that emphasizes on tauhid and
entrepreneurship in education materials. In the
beginning, the TK Khalifah was founded in Batam,
Kepulauan Riau in 2007 by Ippho Santoso known as
a motivator and an author of the book "7 Miracles of
Rizki". Until now, it has grown rapidly into 70
branches in all provinces in Indonesia. In Serang it-
self there are 5 branches, in Sempu, Ciracas, Cipocok
Jaya, Sumurpecung, and Unyur.
The vision of TK Khalifah Ciracas Serang is to
become one of favourite kindergartens and Play
Groups in Indonesia and to create entrepreneur-
minded Muslim generation with strong tauhid and
with the examples of Rasulullah Muhammad SAW.
TK Khalifah Ciracas has a solid team consisting
of 8 people including a principal, 2 Group A teachers,
2 Group B teachers, 1 Play Group teacher, and 2 day-
care teachers. The ratio between teachers and students
in TK Khalifah; Play Group A is 1: 4, Play Group B
is 1: 6, and Kindergarten is 1: 9.
The facilities and equipment’s in TK Khalifah
consisting of classroom, principal room, library,
kitchen, dining room, warehouse, toilet, and open
space for children to play which are also used for the
learning process and other activities are in good
4.2 Programs in TK Khalifah Ciracas
The curriculum of TK Khalifah Ciracas Serang refers
to the 2010 curriculum which is integrated with the
education of faith, devotion and “akhlakulkarimah”
on the basis of the child development theory as well
as incorporated values of entrepreneurship education
which is typical of TK Khalifah.
The Annual Program, Semester Program, Weekly
Activity Plan (RKM) and Daily Activity Plan (RKH)
used has been designed by the Central Khalifah
Foundation which is equated with all the Khalifah in
Indonesia covering 7 aspects of ability indicators such
as tauhid, language, cognitive, physical, skill,
behavior, and entrepreneurial value. However,
teachers can develop activities that will be
implemented in accordance with the situation and
In order to realize the vision, TK Khalifah Ciracas
develops various programs. The entrepreneur-based
programs that aims to direct and introduce
entrepreneurial values are divided into two, namely:
4.2.1 Habituation Program
Entrepreneur Stimuli
Entrepreneur Stimuli are activities that stimulate
the mindset of children to become
entrepreneurs. The activities are daily given to
the children through daily learning activities
such as building blocks that is making high and
luxurious apartment buildings so that later they
become an apartment businessman or any other
building that children want according to their
Dhuha Prayer
Dhuha prayer or so-called “Rizki” prayer is one
of the TK Khalifah programs that is routinely
conducted every day.
A charity program is an activity that teaches
children to share. The school facilitates each
child to have a piggy bank called "zakat house".
Every day children bring their money to put into
the “zakat house” which will be given to the
orphanage at the end of the semester.
Monday-and-Thursday Fast
Entrepreneurship Learning for Early Childhood - A Case Study of Children Age 4 5 in TK Khalifah Ciracas Serang
Monday-and-Thursday fast is the activity that
teaches children to fast on Monday and on
Thursday, modeling the trait of Rasulullah SAW
as a pious merchant.
4.2.2 Featured Program
Outing to entrepreneur
1) Visit a Farm
Visit a farm is a program of outing or visit to the
animal farms conducted once a year to introduce
the world of entrepreneurs in children. The
activity is carried out by students of TK A and
In this activity, a lot of entrepreneurial value
that can be given to children such as being
brave, confident, creative to mention business
opportunities, and visionary that the child can
have big dream such as being a dairy
2) Visit to Bank
A visit to the bank is a program that can
introduce the meaning of money to children.
The activity includes visiting every teller and
customer service. There children can ask what
the teller and custemer service do. In addition,
children are also introduced ATM and how to do
transactions using ATM.
In this activity, the children know the use of
money, kinds of money and how to use it.
Besides they learn to be efficient and to love
saving money.
3) Outing to Culinary Entrepreneurs
Outing to culinary companies is a visit activity
conducted by grade A and B of TK Khalifah to
introduce children to culinary entrepreneurs. It
starts from visiting the place, introducing the
product and how to make it untill participating
directly to make the product. Then the children
are also introduced to how the marketing
process of the product runs.
This visit aims to provide knowledge to
children about how to be a manager of a creative
and innovative culinary company instead of
being a worker and a company's labor. Children
can more develop ideas and business
opportunities as they wish.
Cooking class dan Market day
Cooking class dan Market day are a set of
activities that every child of TK Khalifah awaits.
Cooking class is a cooking learning activity. In
this activity, the participants are taught how to
cook, starting from introducing raw materials,
tools used for cooking, cooking practice untill
how to organize and serve food.
After the cooking class, the market day is the
next activity. It is a macro role-play activity held
at school. It involves class A and B. In this
activity they act as sellers and buyers like in the
market, either traditional market or modern
Ramadhan Market
Ramadan Market is an annual routine activity
conducted every Ramadhan month in TK
Khalifah. This activity aims to provide
experience directly to the child to become an
entrepreneur or a trader.
In this activity children are required to be
brave, Independent, able to communicate with
the public and able to promote products in the
form of “ta'jil” that they bring from home. With
this activity they do not feel like they are
learning, but they consider it as a fun activity.
4.3 Learning Activity
In this study, observed activities were performed in
life skill centers. Learning activities are more
designed on the activities of making fruit satay using
watermelon and melon and JaSuKe (Corn, milk, and
Cheese). This activity aims to train the independence
of children in making their own work and learn to
know money through buying and selling transactions.
4.3.1 Pre-activity
The opening activity began at 08.00 am. The children
were gathered in line and performed the “pat and
sing“. The next activity was wudhu and dhuha prayer.
Teachers asked children to queue when performing
wudhu (ablution). At that moment, several children
were seen pushing each other. A teacher asked, "May
you push each other? Who does the wudhu not in
order? If it is not orderly, please do it yourself, I will
not help you who are not orderly "At that time, the
children were silent and they did in an orderly
manner. With this activity, the children are taught the
value of discipline, honesty, and dare to take risks.
Then dhuha prayer, besides it aims to teach them to
worship God, the other essence is they know that
dhuha prayer is the way to ask for”rizki” to God.
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
4.3.2 Main Activity
Teachers combined two activities, market day and
cooking day. Firstly, the children carried out cooking
day activity, and then the products from cooking day
were sold to friends, teachers and even parents of
children when they came pick up.
The cooking day activity began at 09.00 to 09.45
which was at the time of morning learning material in
the life skill center. The steps of morning cooking day
activity were:
The teacher opened the lesson by saying
greetings, asking dates, telling themes and sub
Teacher did question-and-answer about the sub
theme, kinds of jobs.
The teacher explained the activities for that day,
which was to make the fruit satay using
watermelon and melon and to make JaSuKe.
Before doing the cooking activity, the teacher
showed the ingredients and steps of making the
fruit satay and JaSuKe.
The teacher set rules before the cooking day
activity, namely no making messy, no disturbing
others, no walking around.
The teacher distributed the materials to each
group and then asked the children to make the
fruit satay and JaSuKe.
Children’s works were collected, then the
teacher together with the children arranged the
creation of children for further sale through
market day activities.
Market day is a macro role play activity held at
school combining group A and B. In this activity the
children act as sellers and buyers in the market, either
traditional market or modern market. They are
introduced to money as a tool of payment, to buying
and selling transaction, to how to be a good seller as
the example given by Rasul and how to be a good
Cooking class and market day programs are very
useful for children. In those activities there are some
entrepreneurial values trained such as independence,
meticulousness and neatness.
Cooking class activity can help stimulate children
in the development of intelligence that includes:
intelligence and ability to think, problem-solving
skills, sharpening creativity and imagination. While
market day activities can stimulate the child in terms
of business opportunities, visionary and courage.
Figure 2: Learning activities in TK Khalifah.
4.3.3 Post-activity
At the end, the teacher evaluated the activities that
had been done through the questions given to each
student. At that moment it appeared that children
were able to answer loudly with enthusiasm. In this
section, it also appeared that there were some efforts
made by teachers in building children’s courage.
Learning activities to introduce and in still the values
of entrepreneurship in TK Khalifah are implemented
through two programs, habituation program and
featured program, namely cooking day and market
day. All learning activities from the beginning to the
end are done in accordance with the principles of
learning for early childhood and directed towards the
achievement of learning objectives.
Entrepreneurial values instilled through those
activities are creative, unyielding, action-oriented,
hardworking, honest, resilient, imaginative,
inquisitive, and communicative.
The suggestions of this study are addressed to: (1)
the school. They should pay attention and organize
the existing infrastructure of the school so that the
learning process through the activity programs that
have been made can be more optimized; (2) teachers.
They should develop self-capacity with an additional
set of knowledge and skills through seminars and
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