Technological Communication Tools in Use
The Shape of Knowledge Shared within Software Development Teams
Danieli Pinto
, Karoline Garcia
and Nelson Tenório
Knowledge Management Masters’ Degree Program, UniCesumar, Av. Guedner n.1610, Maringá-PR, Brazil
Math, Technology, and Agrarian Center (CETA), UniCesumar, Maringá-PR, Brazil
Knowledge Management Masters’ Degree Program, UniCesumar, Maringá-PR, Brazil
Keywords: Technological, Communication Tools, Software Development Teams.
Abstract: Knowledge is a strong competitive source for organizations, giving sustainability, and generating long-term
success to them. Communication is the basis of the software project since it provides a way to share knowledge
among development team members. Technological tool adoption is one of the strategies to improve
communication within software development teams and provide the knowledge sharing among its members.
Thus, this paper aims to investigate the shape of the knowledge shared by software development teams
through technological communication tools (tech-comm-tools). We collected data through a structured
questionnaire and face-to-face interviews. The findings point out the team knowledge is shared by mean texts,
photos, and videos according to four categories, such as notification, issues, support to clients, and
Knowledge is something that can be processed and
stored in the human mind. It is originating from facts,
procedures, concepts, interpretations, ideas,
observations and judgments (Wiig, 1997). According
to Ipe (2003), knowledge arises through the
interaction between individuals at various levels of
the organization. However, is only possible to take
advantage of the knowledge when it is shared.
Sharing knowledge means to communicating
something (Hendriks, 1999) through information,
skills, or experience to other individuals (Bukowitz &
Willians, 1999), i.e., to make knowledge available to
other individuals within the organization, thus
creating a link between organization and individual.
When this knowledge reaches the organizational
levels, it is converted into economic and competitive
value for whole the organization (Ipe, 2003). Also,
the author suggests that knowledge sharing is not
giving up possession of what is known, but rather the
act of making knowledge available to others, enabling
the recipient to transform knowledge so that it is
understood, absorbed, and useful.
Sveiby (1998) highlights that Knowledge
Management only makes sense whether people's
knowledge can be shared. The author also emphasizes
that a satisfying organizational performance is linked
to people's efficiency to create new knowledge, share,
and use it for a continuous improvement of the
organization and the individuals involved.
There are unknown standards to share knowledge.
This sharing can vary among both individuals and
companies. They adopt the one that is most effective
and best suited to the requirements of the intended
recipient, depend on the type of task and knowledge
Communication plays a significant role within
development teams (Hummel, Rosenkranz, & Holten,
2013; Yague, Garbajosa, Diaz, & Gonzalez, 2016)
once the software development process is knowledge
intensive (Bradshaw, Pulakanam, & Cragg, 2015).
Knowledge is a tacit-asset spreading dynamically
within software development teams which evolves
technology, changes in software development
processes, and organizational culture (Aurum,
Daneshgar, & Ward, 2008). To be useful, the
individual knowledge must be shared, i.e., socialized.
This process requires interaction among team
members through face-to-face communication or
using a technological tool.
Communication can be established using text
messages, photos, and videos through technological
tools (Panahi, Watson, & Partridge, 2016). Although
Pinto D., Garcia K. and Tenøsrio N.
Technological Communication Tools in Use - The Shape of Knowledge Shared within Software Development Teams.
DOI: 10.5220/0006503401580166
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KMIS 2017), pages 158-166
ISBN: 978-989-758-273-8
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
stored into a tool, knowledge is still composed of tacit
elements which depend on the individual mental
model to be understood and internalized by them.
According to Tenório et al. (2017), development
team members use technological communication
tools (tech-comm-tools) to share project issues
among them. Those contents are related to the
development of techniques, process, bugs, tools, and
so forth. It can happen even when face-to-face
interactions are available. This communication can be
established easily through personal smartphones,
computers, or tablets belonging to development team
members and used by them during working hours.
Considering this background, we highlight
following research question: What is the knowledge
shape shared by software development team through
technological communication tools (tech-comm-
Thus, this paper uses an explanatory sequential
mixed method (ESMM) approach. It aims to deepen
findings presented by Tenório et al. (2017) using
interviews with software development experts. This
research becomes relevant because it can encourage
researchers and companies to build a robust
knowledge database based on knowledge-shared
through tech-comm-tools.
The remainder of this paper is structured as
follows. In section 2 is presented the related work.
Section 3 describes the research method. In section 4
are shown the findings regarding tech-comm-tools.
Finally, in section 5, is shown the conclusion drawn
from this paper answering our research question.
Software development involves complex tasks with
numerous interacting elements. The knowledge
within the software development teams is driven by
developers’ expertise to produce a finished product
(Ghobadi & Mathiassen, 2016). In this context, the
communication plays an important role in the
software development because it is capable of to
orchestrate the expertise of the team (or individual) to
perform project tasks (Cooper & Sommer, 2016;
Yague et al., 2016). However, the communication in
software development projects is tacit, informal, and
require especial attention for social interaction, i.e., a
face-to-face interaction where good quality of it is
related to tacit knowledge. Thus, both knowledge
tacit and explicit may be common to a group or
divided over individuals involving a complex social
process that shape the knowledge sharing (Ryan &
O’Connor, 2013).
In development teams, knowledge sharing is an
important practice for performing daily-project-tasks.
That offers a creative way to improve
competitiveness and sustainability of the software
development enterprises generating explicit
knowledge. Santos et al. (2015), suggest that the
knowledge exchange is achieved by practices adopted
for socializing individual expertise within
development teams. Licorish and MacDonell (2014)
used content analysis within a software developer
team to identify knowledge sharing behavior, coming
from shared expertise, during textual interaction
among developers. For instance, some software
development method encourages team members to
exchange knowledge among and across them using
different ways. According to Larusdottir et al. (2017),
software development teams are focused on
development speed and communication within them.
Ghobadi and Mathiassen (2016), studied
communication barriers within software development
teams pointing out that knowledge sharing is related
to communication quality. For those authors,
overcoming communication barriers is a way to
spread out knowledge within software development
teams increasing their productivity. Also,
communication problems generate rework and wrong
estimates within software projects. That explains why
the key to increasing the productivity and decrease
misunderstanding is the improvement of team
communication (Cooper & Sommer, 2016). Thus,
raises up new parallel communication channels such
as forums or tweets as an alternative to face-to-face
Conforto and Amaral (2016) present a framework
capable of facilitating the communication among
development team members. Majumbar et al. (2013)
identified benefits and emerging patterns in
communication using the social software within
software development companies according to
manager’s perceptions. Rola et al. (2016) validated a
model for an office space arrangement to support
software development teams in carrying out project
tasks aiming to improve, among others,
communication feature. That model institutionalizes
the communication arranging it into physical cells.
For instance, face-to-face communication during
‘off-task’ moments occur into specific social space,
such as social kitchen and chill out rooms. In contrast,
phone communication occurs into the conference
and/or relaxation rooms. The formalized spaces
presented by the authors provide knowledge sharing
among software development team members even
though occurring unstructured information exchange.
Software project information such as
documentation, plans, and models, can be exchanged
using tech-comm-tools (Hummel et al., 2013).
According to Daim et al. (2012), a tech-comm-
tools has two main aspects in a software development
project: i) communication planning; ii)
communication channels. The first one regarding
good practices involving information and
communication needs of the project stakeholders. The
second one regarding connections between
stakeholders in a project. Further, communication has
an important role to organize and store organizational
knowledge to be used for tracking purposes and
decision making (Daim et al., 2012). Boh and Wong
(2013) propose the “four-quadrant framework” to
identify unofficial and official communication
mechanisms. Framework quadrants 1 and 4 describe
an expertise shared through unofficial channels,
social activities, and informal document exchanges.
On the other hand, quadrants 2 and 3 describe a
formal knowledge sharing through communities of
practices, dialogue sessions, cross-training,
repositories, and intranet.
Tech-comm-tools provide knowledge sharing
within and across organizations. The knowledge
became explicit since it is shared and stored in
different formats, such as texts, photos, and videos.
Investigate and identify the shape of knowledge
sharing is relevant to create a knowledge database to
be used by organizations. Next section presents the
research method followed by findings and
This research is an explanatory sequential mixed
method (ESMM) approach. A mixed-method
research combines qualitative and quantitative
elements to explore and investigate a problem. This
provides more liberty to researcher to approach the
problem (Creswell, 2013). According to the author, a
ESMM start by a quantitative research and it is
complemented by a qualitative research.
In the quantitative research, we adopted the
questionnaire suggested by Pinto et al. (2016). This
questionnaire was answered by fifty-one different
software development experts, among them
developers, testers, leaders, and managers, from ten
medium and small-sized Brazilian software
development companies.
The questionnaire contained nineteen questions
regarding knowledge management, processes,
practices, and communication tools. For this paper,
we considered only six questions regarding tech-
comm-tools. They presented in Appendix A of this
document. The questionnaire's objective was to
investigate how often the tech-comm-tools are used
by software development team member. The
questionnaire was rating in five points of the Likert
scale, such as (5) Always, (4) Frequently, (3)
Sometimes, (2) Rarely, and (1) Never (Likert, 1932).
The response time to each questionnaire lasted on
average fifteen minutes.
We arranged questionnaires’ raw data in MS-
Excel and calculated the percentage of the Likert
scale answers (Creswell, 2013).
In the qualitative phase, we interviewed seventeen
different software development experts. All of them
responding the questionnaire in the quantitative
phase. They were selected randomly by availability.
The purpose for this phase was to deepen the findings
resulting from the application of the questionnaire.
The interview protocol was based in the quantitative
phase results. Table 1 shows the interviewees profile.
All interviews were face-to-face and recorded after
obtaining consent from the participants. The
interviewee’s identities were hidden and preserved,
and each interview took around forty minutes. After
that, we transcribed and analyzed the interviews
through six steps suggested by (Creswell, 2013).
Two researchers performed all phases. At the end
of data analysis, a technical report with research
results (phase 4) was written and sent to the
Table 1: Interviewee profile.
# Interviewee
used by
email, Skype, Slack,
email, Skype, Slack
email, Skype,
The questionnaire results evidenced the frequency
with which tech-comm-tools are used within software
development teams. Figure 1 presents the percentage
of utilization for each type of tech-comm-tool. The
data shows Email, Slack, Skype, and WhatsApp are
the tech-comm-tools more used. Conversely, Forums,
Blogs, FbIM, and SMS do not happen often.
In the following sections, we present the
interviews’ results that aided us in shaping the
knowledge sharing through tech-comm-tolls use by
software development team members.
Figure 1: Percentage of tech-comm-tools use.
4.1 Emails
The email is the most used tech-comm-tool, as shown
in Table 2. Also, the email is a way to formalize
decision taken with clients regarding new
functionalities, date to deliver requests, contract
values, and so on. Thus, the email is used in formal
ways. Interviewees 4 and 12 describe email use in this
INT4: “We always try to formalize the
conversations with our clients via email,
sometimes they call on Skype or phone reporting
system errors and asking for solutions, but this
needs to be registered somewhere, so I send an
email to register it.". (Interview INT4, date
INT12: “We following talking by Skype and at the
end, we say: ‘Right, we must formalize it.’. Thus,
we write an email, to register the conversation
and send it to people involved in the decision. That
is necessary because, in the future, can rise some
divergences among us and the email can prove the
decision that was taken.(Interview INT12, date
According to interviewee 8, emails are used for
clients to give their project’s feedback to managers
and development team-
INT8: Last week our leader sent us an email
reporting that one of our clients was very satisfied
with the project. He said that in the beginning, the
project was terrible (laughs), but the current
releases were very good and with quality.
(Interview INT8, date 17/03/17).
The interviews revealed that emails are used to
formalize subjects discussed with clients by mean
tech-comm-tools or face-to-face interactions. In
addition, the individual sends formal messages to
company’s departments regarding personal
bureaucratic and administrative issues.
4.2 Slack & Skype
Following email, the interviewees highlight the use of
Slack and Skype. Interviewee 5 describes a
discussion of the possibility to adopt a tool to analyse
and measure code quality by mean Slack use-
INT5: We discussed new rules and tools to
measure code quality by means Slack. We were
arguing and analyzing what kind of rules and
tools were relevant to be adopted. Our result
satisfied whole group members and was useful to
the company, of course (Interview INT5, date
Nonetheless, Skype is used mainly for meetings
with clients (by video or call) and text messages
exchange among team members, as describes
interviewee 5-
INT5: “(…) when we identify some problem or
divergence requirement, he [home-office
member] is online on the Skype. Then we contact
him by text or call asking him to figure it out. He
answers us and solves quickly our request
(Interview INT5, date 10/03/2017).
Interviewees emphasize that both tech-comm-
tools provide groups creation (channels in Slack) and
specific topics arrange discussions according to their
INT11: Slack permit us to create channels. We
create one channel to improve our project
management communication. Thus, we have some
specifics channels to notify homologation team
and code quality control team regarding issues,
such as bugs or a client request. The code quality
control team, for instance, exchange knowledge
about code standards defined by the group and
advises when standards are deviating from the
group definition (Interview INT11, date
INT12: We have the main group in the Skype
where participate all team members. However,
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Always Frequently Sometimes Rarely Never
those people also participate in other small
groups. Thus, we have groups to discuss specific
topics. We create groups by topics according to
new needs. We have development groups - divided
by teams-, homologation group, analysts group,
support group, and so on. The communication
occurs more intense within subgroups or small
groups.” (Interview INT12, date 06/04/2017).
Furthermore, according to interviewee 12 Slack
and Skype are used simultaneously by software
development teams-
INT12: We usually use Slack to solve some doubt
regarding our task. If it is a technical issue, since
I’m a developer, we text it in our developer's
group, such as ‘I have a problem here, do you
guys can help me?’. People see it there; they start
to discuss sometimes the discussion end into
Skype in private, right? Thus, I talk with the
person that is helping me until we get to a point
where the problem is solved and the conversation
ends up(Interview INT12, date 06/04/2017).
Considering knowledge sharing in Slack and
Skype, the interviewees 5 and 10 reveal subjects
regarding coding, bugs, standards, task assignments,
and task monitoring-
INT5: “We do a lot of things such as, solve coding
issues, define new rules for development, new
standards. We create a new group in the Skype or
new thread in Slack, invite the people, you know?
And everyone gives their suggestions about the
theme of the discussion (Interview INT5, date
INT10: We have a ‘general’ project group in
which all team members participate. Thus, we
send bugs messages, and everyone can read it,
you know? We try to help members to solve it.
That makes our work easier because if someone
has already gone through this, it can solve it
faster. I always share solutions in our group. Even
if they are situations that I face it, such as bugs, I
share so that the people know how to figure it out
whether they face it. We are using chat a lot
between the team members, even if we were close
to people. We used the chat a lot. Sometimes when
you're doing something, I've found something
interesting, or something to do tasks in a way
that's better that I see... So, I share it.” (Interview
INT10, date 30/03/2017).
Interviewee 6 describes an experience sharing a
photo to show doubt regarding his code and ask for
help in the Skype group-
INT6: “I already took some pictures from my
screen to ask help about my code (or even a
configuration). If I have doubts, for example, I do
that. One picture can say better than text a
message. It is fast to share and intuitive to
understand. I prefer it!” (Interview INT6, date
The interviews point out Slack as a tech-comm-
tools toward to discuss specific technical topics
arranged by channels. Conversely, the Skype’s use to
go further Slack use because Skype permits meetings
by videos and calls, media messages (photos and
videos), and screen sharing. Furthermore, Skype is an
enabler tech-comm-tools between local and home-
office teams for the most projects.
4.3 WhatsApp
The most famous tech-comm-tools is WhatsApp. It is
available through personal devices mainly
smartphones and has more than 1 billion users around
the world. In spite of some companies forbid
WhatsApp use during work hours, we observed
employees working with the personal smartphones
beside them.
That behavior confirms the reason why Table 2
shows WhatsApp in fourth place, as following
interview 1 statement-
INT1: We have Whatsapp group, and we use it.
We don’t use it to work, but sometimes somebody
text asking something related to work. Also, we
text some work's notices. (Interview INT1, date
The interviewee 2 describes his experience with
WhatsApp. He uses it to ask help in development
group regarding a component in software
development tool (Eclipse IDE)-
INT2: Once, I’d a doubt about the use of a
component in Eclipse IDE. So, I texted my
problem in our WhatsApp group. Past five
minutes, the solution was sent in the group.
(Interview INT2, date 10/03/2017).
We observed a technical support situation by
mean WhatsApp, as describes the interviewee 3-
INT3: Before yesterday, while I was lying down
on my bed, one of our clients texted me in my
Whatsapp 11:30 P.M. asking me that something
was ‘broken’ in the system and he lost all system
database. Thus, I turned on my laptop, and I
answered that all his database still was there (…).
I still told him to calm down because I identified
the issue and the next morning I’ll prioritize it.
(Interview INT3, date 16/03/2017).
As observed in Skype and Slack use, the
WhatsApp is arranged by groups. However, the
majority interviewees described participating in a
single WhatsApp workgroup to discuss several topics
both work and funny things (e.g. videos, pictures,
gifs). The project managers reported that as healthy
behavior because it provides relaxing time and
improves interaction among its members. WhatsApp
groups also are used to schedule happy hours, parties,
and barbecues. Thus, we notice the WhatsApp use
just in personal smartphones, while Skype and Slack
are used in company’s laptops.
4.4 Forums, Blogs, FbIM, SMS
According to interviewees’ narratives, there is a low-
use of Forums and Blogs. The reason is why the long
response time in that tools. Furthermore, they
highlight feel more “comfortable” trying to take out
doubts first by mean groups in instant messaging
tools, such as Skype and WhatsApp. Forums and
Blogs are used to take out doubts regarding
development tools, process, and practices. Also, we
observed enterprise’s policies to encourage team
members to participate in Forums and Blogs during
work hours.
Software development teams do not frequently
use FbIM and SMS. The interviewees reported that
the Facebook’s use is forbidden because “distract and
disturb” the workplace. Also, SMS has a cost, and it
is not cheap. According to interviewees, it is used in
the emergency case to talk to a client or team member
that is not online at the moment in the instant
messaging tool.
4.5 The Pitfalls of Tech-comm-Tools
Tech-comm-tools presented some pitfalls as
interviewees 5 and 6 describe-
INT5: The communication can fail. I mean, you
think that people understood the message, but they
didn’t. Thus, you cannot check this out, and it
becomes a mess. (Interview INT5, date
INT6: When you are texting a message, you can
lose some important information, such as physical
posture of the person who you are texting. If you
look into his/her eyes, you can observe if this
person is nervous, calm, and so on.
Communication tools is a hard way to identify that
and create empathy among people (…) It maybe
requires control and people awareness because
the focus of the communication must be on work
and not on personal issues” (Interview INT6, date
Therefore, considering software development
context, we observed three pitfalls: i) it does not
create empathy among people; ii) it can cause
communication misunderstanding; iii) it can cause
deviate work-focus because personal messages might
be exchanged.
Tech-comm-tools is an alternative tool that provides
a fast communication with low-cost. Furthermore, it
also allows their users to store and retrieve
information that can become knowledge to be used to
them during the project performance, as describes
interviewee 7
INT7: Nowadays, digital communication is
much better than traditional one, such as face-to-
face. The reason is that it can avoid future issues,
for instance, somebody says: ‘I didn’t know about
that!’ (…). Then, you can show the subject: ‘I told
you on this date/hour’” (Interview INT7, date
In this sense, our findings point out that the
knowledge sharing in software development teams
through tech-comm-tools can be shaped in
Notification, Issues, Support clients, Socialization,
and their subjects.
Notification is the knowledge shared by team
members to inform the group about some subject
matter. We observed following subjects in this
Standards: group members draw attention to
keep or define new standards for the code,
names of files, documents, and requests;
Delivery reminders: group members make
aware of delivery and important dates of client
Change of plans: warn group members about
the change of plans, such as a request to be
Issues are the knowledge sharing by team
members to ask help about following subjects:
System errors: group members report errors
occurred during system execution. These errors
are investigated by owner of code, i.e., who
developed it;
Doubts: they report doubts about installation
and tools use, business rules, and standards
adopted. Some pictures are sent in the group to
facilitate the comprehension.
Support to clients knowledge sharing happens
when a group member is contacted individually by a
client that has its contact. Thus, we observe following
Training: to learn a new functionality to the
client (user). That occurs sharing videos;
Bug report: the client (user) send an image to
his contact asking and “showing” a
misunderstood message. That occurs sharing
Usually, a Support Bug report can generate an
Issue System error. It can happen when the individual
contacted by a client unknown a solution to Support
Bug report. Thus, the individual share the bug in a
group asking for help.
Socialization is a peculiar category because it
involves various subjects not related to the previous
categories. Also, those groups are not available to
clients. Thus, socialization is not a formal way to
knowledge sharing, i.e., it does not happen through
official tech-comm-tools, such as email, Slack, or
Skype. Instead of that, it happens by personal
smartphone. We notice following subjects:
Exchange of experience and viewpoints: group
members freely expose their opinions about
policies, programming languages, processes,
databases, poems, texts, and so on. Also, they
exchange previous work and life experiences;
Information disseminating: group members
recommend books, movies, links, tools, foods,
drinks, and places.
Funny things: they send funny photos, videos,
audio, gifs, and jokes.
Table 2: The shape of knowledge sharing.
Change of plans
email, Slack,
Skype, WhatsApp
System errors;
Slack, Skype,
Support to
Trainning; Bug
Exchange of
experience and
Funny things
The shape of knowledge sharing is presented and
summarized in Table 2. The tech-comm-tools used to
notify team members is email, Slack, Skype, and
WhatsApp. Slack, Skype, and WhatsApp are used to
discuss technical issues with both clients and team
members. Client support is performed through Skype
and WhatsApp. Finally, the socialization is
performed just through WhatsApp.
The objective of this paper investigated the shape of
the knowledge shared by software development
teams through tech-comm-tools use. The research
was performed in two phases. The first phase was
based on a questionnaire and the second phase was
based on seventeen interviews with software
development experts from ten different companies.
We observed that email, Slack, Skype, and
WhatsApp as the most tech-comm-tools. We found
out that email, Slack, Skype, Blogs, and Forums is
considered official tech-comm-tools for the most
companies. Conversely, WhatsApp, FbIM, SMS are
considered unofficial tech-comm-tools.
The interviews revealed that the tech-comm-tools
provide an easy communication among and across
team members. Furthermore, it promotes, knowledge
sharing, storage, and retrieval. However, the
interviews also revealed some tech-comm-tools
pitfalls, such as: i) they do not create empathy among
people; ii) they can generate communication
misunderstanding; iii) they can deviate work-focus
from team members.
The main contribution here is the shape of
knowledge shared by software development team
members. Thus, we notice that the knowledge is
divided into four main categories and different
subjects according to tech-comm-tools related to
Identifying the shape of the knowledge shared
within software development team through tech-
comm-tools is relevant to create an integrated
organizational knowledge database.
The next step of this research is to investigate the
shape of knowledge shared through tech-comm-tools
within software development team in public sector.
We intend to compare the findings to improve our
actual results. Also, we suggest to investigate others
tech-comm-tools, such as Evernote, Wunderlist, and
Trello also revealed in our interviews data.
Our special thanks to Instituto Cesumar de Ciência,
Tecnologia e Inovação (ICETI) Maringá Paraná
Brasil. We also thanks to Programa de Suporte à
Pós-Graduação de Instituições de Ensino
Particulares (PROSUP) da CAPES (Coordenação de
Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior) that
provide master’s scholarship; to Fundação Nacional
de Desenvolvimento do Ensino Superior Particular
(Funadesp), that provide an undergraduate
scholarship; to Software by Maringá (SbM) entity
that aided us to contact the companies; and finally to
all companies and their workers, that gently accepted
to participate as a volunteer in this research.
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This appendix presents part of the questionnaire
applied within software development companies and
full interview protocol regarding tech-comm-tools
Question: How often do you use technological
communication tools to knowledge sharing with your
software development team members?
1. Email:
(5) Always, (4) Frequently, (3) Sometimes, (2)
Rarely, and (1) Never
2. Blogs:
(5) Always, (4) Frequently, (3) Sometimes, (2)
Rarely, and (1) Never
3. WhatsApp
(5) Always, (4) Frequently, (3) Sometimes, (2)
Rarely, and (1) Never
4. Skype
(5) Always, (4) Frequently, (3) Sometimes, (2)
Rarely, and (1) Never
5. SMS
(5) Always, (4) Frequently, (3) Sometimes, (2)
Rarely, and (1) Never
6. Facebook Messenger
(5) Always, (4) Frequently, (3) Sometimes, (2)
Rarely, and (1) Never
7. Forums
(5) Always, (4) Frequently, (3) Sometimes, (2)
Rarely, and (1) Never
8. Slack
(5) Always, (4) Frequently, (3) Sometimes, (2)
Rarely, and (1) Never
9. Other: _________________________________
(5) Always, (4) Frequently, (3) Sometimes, (2)
Rarely, and (1) Never
Background questions:
1. Gender: ______ Age:_________
2. How long do you work here?
3. What’s your position? [Manager, Developer,
Tester, Analyst, and so on]
4. How much experience do you have in this position?
Specific questions:
1. What technological communication tool do you
use? [Skype, Slack, WhatsApp, email, and so on]
2. Why do you use those tools? For what?
3. Do you participate in any group? [If Yes] What
kind of group(s)? Workgroups?
4. How often do you access the group and send any
5. Can you use your smartphone during working
hours? [If Yes] How often do you use it?
6. Does the conversation between you and your
colleagues happen only during working hours? [If
Yes] What kind of tech-comm-tools do you use to do
7. What do you prefer? a.face-to-face interaction; Whay? Which of them is more
8. Does is possible replace face-to-face interaction by
9. What tech-comm-tools do you prefer? Which of
them can you use during working hours?
10. Are there any tech-comm-tools that you cannot
using during working hours? [If Yes] Which? What
are the consequences if you were caught using it?