Daily Activity Recognition based on Meta-classification of Low-level
Audio Events
Theodoros Giannakopoulos and Stasinos Konstantopoulos
Institute of Informatics and Telecommunication, National Center for Scientific Research ‘Demokritos’, Athens, Greece
Audio Event Recognition, Raspberry PI, Audio Sensors, Activity Recognition, Fusion.
This paper presents a method for recognizing activities taking place in a home environment. Audio is recorded
and analysed realtime, with all computation taking place on a low-cost Raspberry PI. In this way, data acquisi-
tion, low-level signal feature calculation, and low-level event extraction is performed without transferring any
raw data out of the device. This first-level analysis produces a time-series of low-level audio events and their
characteristics: the event type (e.g., ‘music’) and acoustic features that are relevant to further processing, such
as energy that is indicative of how loud the event was. This output is used by a meta-classifier that extracts
long-term features from multiple events and recognizes higher-level activities. The paper also presents exper-
imental results on recognizing kitchen and living-room activities of daily living that are relevant to assistive
living and remote health monitoring for the elderly. Evaluation on this dataset has shown that our approach
discriminates between six activities with an accuracy of more than 90%, that our two-level classification ap-
proach outperforms one-level classification, and that including low-level acoustic features (such as energy) in
the input of the meta-classifier significantly boosts performance.
Home automation is quickly becoming a widely avail-
able commodity, with an increasing variety of sensing
and actuation hardware available in the market. This
is an important enabler for telehealth and assisted liv-
ing environments, transforming in marketable prod-
ucts the considerable volume of research on remotely
collecting medically relevant information. Advance-
ments in artificial intelligence and intelligent moni-
toring have been explored as a way to prolong inde-
pendent living at home (Barger et al., 2005; Hagler
et al., 2010; Mann et al., 2002). Several methods have
been used to detect activities of daily living in real
home environments, focusing on elderly population
(Vacher et al., 2013; Vacher et al., 2010; Costa et al.,
2009; Botia et al., 2012; Chernbumroong et al., 2013;
Stikic et al., 2008; Giannakopoulos et al., 2017). In
addition, special focus has been given in fall detection
(El-Bendary et al., 2013) and physiological monitor-
ing (Li et al., 2014; Petridis et al., 2015b; Petridis
et al., 2015a).
These opportunities for prolonging independent
living at home are needed to sustain our aging pop-
ulation, but their application also raises concerns re-
garding the acquisition and processing of the data col-
lected. Commercial solution always deploy very sim-
ple units at the customers’ location that record and
transfer raw content to cloud services operated by the
solution manufacturer. This is ethically questionable
even in cases of providing non-health related automa-
tion services, but becomes even more so in the face
of medical problems and the collection of data that
pertains to such problems.
Additionally there is an obvious issue with user
acceptance if raw audio or visual data is sent to the
cloud. In this work, we demonstrate a framework that
uses audio information in order to extract low-level
events and then recognizes a series of higher-level
activities usually performed in the context of a real
home environment. Towards this end, we have inte-
grated a Raspberry PI device that records and analy-
ses audio in real time. The result of this procedure is
a sequence of low-level audio events, i.e., a sequence
of labels that characterize short segments of the audio
signal. Naturally, the selection of labels depends on
the application at hand. For the application and use
cases presented here, we have labels for the sounds
typically occurring in a home environment. At a sec-
ond stage, a meta-classifier maps the low-level events
to high-level and long-term activities (e.g. watching
TV, cleaning up the kitchen, etc.) The conceptual ar-
Giannakopoulos, T. and Konstantopoulos, S.
Daily Activity Recognition based on Meta-classification of Low-level Audio Events.
DOI: 10.5220/0006372502200227
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2017), pages 220-227
ISBN: 978-989-758-251-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Conceptual architecture of the proposed scheme.
chitecture of this rationale is illustrated in Figure 1.
The contribution of the work described here is the fol-
a state-of-the-art sound analyser is integrated on a
low-cost sensor that functions both as data acqui-
sition and pattern analysis module
experimentation on a real-world dataset from a
join living-room and kitchen space has proven that
the proposed metaclassifier is very accurate (more
than 90% on 6 basic activities), and more accurate
than directly recognizing the high-level activities
from the raw audio features
Audio-based low-level event recognition is achieved
through a Raspberry PI device that performs both au-
dio acquisition and real-time signal recognition. In
particular, the Raspberry PI captures audio samples
from the attached microphone device and executes a
set of real-time feature extraction and classification
procedures, to provide online audio event recogni-
tion. We have presented more details of this architec-
ture in the context of a practical workflow that helps
the technicians setup the device through a fast, user-
friendly and robust tuning and calibration procedure
(Siantikos et al., 2016). In this way, ‘quotestraining
of the device is performed without any need for prior
knowledge of machine learning techniques. In partic-
ular, in order to train the classifier that discriminates
between low-level audio events, we developed Graph-
ical User Interface (GUI) for Android. This app acts
as a ‘remote control’ for the Raspberry Pi device and
through that, the user can: (a) Record and annotate
sounds: the user notifies the Raspberry Pi device that
Figure 2: MQTT-based calibration procedure.
a particular audio event (e.g., music playing) is cur-
rently taking place, so that the Raspberry Pi can col-
lect recordings of each class (b) Train the audio clas-
sifier: The user triggers the training procedure, which
results in a probabilistic Support Vector Machine clas-
sifier (SVM) of audio segments (Platt, 1999).
Communication between the mobile app and the
Raspberry PI device is achieved through MQTTm
which is is a lightweight messaging protocol. In our
use case, it is used both for sending commands to the
Raspberry PI (for example to start/stop recording a
sample of a given class) and for remotely receiving
the processing results.
An example of screenshots of such a training pro-
cedure is shown in Figure 3. Here, the technician suc-
cessively records sounds from all 6 classes (Figure 3
a–d). As more recordings are added, the total dura-
tion dynamically changes in the respective GUI area.
When the data are sufficient (typically at least 20 sec-
onds are recorded from each class), the user triggers
the classification training by selecting the appropri-
ate audio classes and pressing ‘Create Classifier’ (Fig-
ure 3e). Then, the SVM tuning procedure is executed
on the Raspberry PI device. As soon as this step is
executed, the confusion matrix of the internal cross-
validation procedure is returned (Figure 3f) and the
Raspbery PI device is now equipped with the audio
Daily Activity Recognition based on Meta-classification of Low-level Audio Events
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e)
Figure 3: Screenshots of the training (calibration) Graphical User Interface.
classifier, and ready to function as an audio event de-
tector. When the audio segment classifier is trained,
the Raspberry PI device is ready to record sounds
from the microphone and (in an online mode) rec-
ognize low-level audio events. Figure 4 shows three
screenshots of the GUI when the Raspberry PI device
in on the ‘testing mode’: first the user selects a pre-
trained classifier (in our case the classifier trained as
shown in Figure 3) and then the Raspberry PI device
starts recording and classifying audio segments. The
results of this classification procedure are pushed to
the mobile GUI interface (Figure 4c).
Audio feature extraction and classification has
been achieved using the open-source pyAudioAnal-
ysis library (Giannakopoulos, 2015), that implements
a wide range of audio analysis functionalities. The
complete set of features and more details on the clas-
sification procedure is presented in (Siantikos et al.,
2016), where this architecture has been adopted for
recognizing low-level audio events in the context of
a bathroom activity monitoring scenario. Finally, we
have selected to adopt a 1 second of signal length for
each classification decision. In other words, in the
runtime mode the Raspberry PI device broadcasts a
classification decision every one second.
The procedure described in Section 2 trains a classi-
fier integrated on the Raspberry PI device, using an
Android mobile device as a ‘remote controller’ for
making the whole process faster and easier. As soon
as this process is completed, the Raspberry PI de-
vice can record audio streams from the microphone
and automatically classify audio segments of 1 sec-
ICT4AWE 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Figure 4: Screenshots of the testing Graphical User Interface.
ond length to any of the 6 audio classes. The goal of
this work is to extract higher-level labels regarding ev-
eryday human activities that typically occur the living
room and kitchen area. In the context of this work,
we have defined the following higher-level events:
(1) no activity (NO), (2) talking (TA), (3) watching
TV (TV), (4) listening to music (MU), (5) cleaning
up the kitchen (KI) and (6) other activity (OT). Our
task here is to infer these activities in a long-term
rate (e.g. every one minute) using the short-term,
low-level events. Towards this end, we have adopted
a simple meta-classification procedure according to
which low-level audio segment decisions are used to
extract feature statistics that are fed as input to a su-
pervised model, namely a Support Vector Machine
meta-classifier. In particular, the adopted features are
the following:
1 : λ( j) = i, where i = 1, ..6,, λ( j) is
the class label of the j-th audio segment and N is
the total number of audio segments in a session
(recording). These first 6 features are actually the
distribution of short-term, low-level audio event
labels as extracted by the audio classifier
is the average number of transitions from si-
lence to any of the non-silent audio classes per
to F
are the mean, max, min and std statistics
of the normalized segment energies.
This 11-dimensional feature vector is used to clas-
sify the whole session (recording) in terms of its re-
spective activity. As shown in the experiments section
of the paper, the simple low-level energy statistics add
to the performance of the low-level event statistics
(i.e. the first 6 high-level features). The classification
methods adopted, in order to classify the high-level
features to any of the activity classes are the follow-
k-Nearest Neighbor classifier
Probabilistic SVMs (Platt, 1999)
Random forests is an ensemble learning method
used for classification and regression that uses a
multiude of decision trues (Ho, 1995), (Pal, 2005)
Gradient boosting: an ensembling approach inter-
preted as an optimization task, widely used both
in classification and regression tasks (Breiman,
1997; Friedman, 2002)
Extremely Randomized Trees (or Extra trees) is a
modern classification tree-ensemble approach that
is based on strong randomization of both attribute
and cut-point choice while splitting the tree node
(Geurts et al., 2006), and has been adopted in vari-
ous computer vision and data mining applications.
It has to be noted that this meta-classification stage
can be either executed as a cloud or a home-PC ser-
vice, or even as an independent submodule in the
Raspberry PI device. In any case, the core concept of
the proposed approach is that the joint audio feature
extraction-audio event recognition module broadcasts
only low-level events and no raw information, in or-
der to be be complied with the privacy requirements
of a health monitoring or assisted living application.
Furthermore, in order to compare the proposed ap-
proach with the straightforward classification of high-
level activities from low audio features, the pyAudio-
Analysis library has also been used to train and eval-
uate an SVM classifier that learns to discriminate be-
tween high-level activities based on the low-level time
sequences of short-term features. As shown in the ex-
periments section, this approach achieves much lower
performance rates compared to the proposed meta-
classification module.
Daily Activity Recognition based on Meta-classification of Low-level Audio Events
4.1 Datasets
In order to train and evaluate the proposed methodol-
ogy, three separate datasets have been compiled and
manually annotated. The first two of the datasets are
associated with the traing and the evaluation stage
of the audio segment classification submodule (i.e.
the low-level audio event classifiers), while the third
dataset is used to train and evaluate the meta-classifier
(using cross-validation). In mode detail, the following
datasets have been adopted:
Audio segment classification dataset (Training):
This dataset consists of one uninterrupted recording
for each class, recorded through the mobile calibra-
tion GUI (Section 2). The total duration of each
recording is 200 seconds, giving 20 minutes in total
for all six classes. This is the total time required to
‘calibrate’ the audio recognition model, plus the time
required for the SVM model to be trained.
Audio segment classification dataset (Evaluation).
This dataset consists of 600 audio segments (100
from each audio class). Each audio segment is 1-sec
long, since this is the selected decision window dura-
tion. This dataset is used to evaluate the audio clas-
sification module. Obviously the segments of these
datasets are totally independent to the segments of the
previous dataset to avoid bias in evaluation.
High-level event dataset This dataset is used to
evaluate the proposed high-level activity recognition
method. It consists of 20 long-term sessions for each
activity class (120 sessions in total). Each long-
term session corresponds to a recording of 20 sec-
onds to 2 minutes that has led to a series of short-
term, low-level audio events. This dataset is openly
Each recording-session corresponds to an-
other file. All files follow the JSON format, with the
following fields: (a) winner class probability (b) (nor-
malized) signal energy (c) timestamp and (d) win-
ner class. Note that these four fields are provided
for each 1-second audio segment of the recording.
Therefore, each file has several rows that correspond
to several audio segments of the same recording-
session. Training and classification performance eval-
uation has been achieved using repeated random sub-
sampling using this dataset. In particular, in each sub-
sampling 10% of the data is used for testing.
Available at https://zenodo.org/record/376480
4.2 Experimental Results
4.2.1 Low-level Audio Event Recognition
Table 1 presents the confusion matrix, along with the
respective class recall, class precision and class F1
values for the audio segment classification task. The
second dataset described in Section 4.1 has been used
to this end. The overall F1 measure was found to be
equal to 83.5%. This actually means that more than 8
out of 10 audio segments (1 second long) are correctly
classified to any of the 6 audio classes, on average.
4.2.2 High-level Activity Recognition
First, we present the F1 measures for all meta-
classifiers applied on (a) meta-features 1 to 6 (b)
meta-features 1 to 7 and (c) all meta features. The
best performance is achieved for the Support Vector
Machine classifier, when all features are used. In
addition, the 7th meta-feature (the average, per sec-
ond, transitions from silence to other audio classes)
adds 2%. Furthermore, if the energy-related features
are also combined, the overall performance boosting
reaches 4%. Note that for the SVM classifier, a linear
kernel has been adopted. Probably this is the reason
that the SVM classifier overperforms the more sophis-
ticated ensemble-based classifiers, since it is proven
to be more robust to overfitting due to low training
sample size. Second, Table 3 presents the detailed
evaluation metrics for the best high-level event recog-
nition method, i.e. the SVM classifier for all adopted
high-level features.
According to the results above, the proposed
methodology achieves a very high recognition ac-
curacy for the six activities, based on simple low-
level audio decisions and signal energy statistics, es-
pecially when the SVM classifier is used. The high-
est confusion is achieved between ‘watching TV’
and ‘talking’–‘music’, as well as between ‘kitchen
cleanup’ and ‘other activity’. As explained in the next
section, our ongoing work focuses on the expansion
of some of the high-level classes to more detailed rep-
resentations: for example, the music-related activities
could be expanded to ‘listening to music’ and ‘danc-
ing’ and ‘other activities’ may be further split to ‘eat-
ing’, ‘drinking’, ‘exercising’ and ‘cooking’. However
such information requires both more detailed low-
level audio representations and other modalities, e.g.
visual and motion information, stemming from cam-
eras and accelerometers respectively. An example of
accelerometer information and an explanation of how
it could be used for fusion with audio sensing is pre-
sented in the last section.
ICT4AWE 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Table 1: Audio segment classification results: Row-wise normalized confusion matrix, recall precision and F1 measures.
Overall F1 measure: 83.5%.
Confusion Matrix (%)
True activity boiler music silence speech waterbasin
activity 79.3 0.0 0.0 5.2 6.9 8.6
boiler 32.4 51.4 2.7 13.5 0.0 0.0
music 0.0 0.0 88.0 0.0 12.0 0.0
silence 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0
speech 0.0 0.0 12.9 0.0 87.1 0.0
waterwasin 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0
Performance Measurements (%, per class)
Recall: 79.3 51.4 88.0 100.0 87.1 100.0
Precision: 71.0 100.0 85.0 84.3 82.2 92.1
F1: 74.9 67.9 86.5 91.5 84.6 95.9
Table 2: Comparison between classification methods and
feature sets for the high-level activity recognition task. Per-
formance is quantified based on the F1 measure.
Method 1-6 1-7 1-11 (all)
kNN 84 88 84
SVM 88 90 92
Random Forests 89 89 90
Extra Trees 88 89 88
Gradient Boosting 88 88 89
Table 3: High-level event recognition based on all meta-
features for the best classifier (SVM) Overall F1 measure:
Confusion Matrix (%)
NO 100 0 0 0 0 0
TA 0 96 4 0 0 0
TV 7 11 71 5 0 5
MU 0 5 5 89 0 0
KI 0 1 0 0 95 4
OT 0.5 0 0 0 0.5 99
Performance Measurements (%, per class)
Recall: 100 96 71 89 95 99
Precision: 93 85 89 95 99 91
F1: 96 90 79 92 97 95
Finally, for comparison purposes, we have eval-
uated the ability of a one-level audio classifier that
directly maps mid-term audio feature statistics to
high-level activities. Using the same dataset, the
F1 measure for this method was significantly lower
(80%). Additionally, such an approach would require
more training data, since it needs to much a high-
dimensional audio feature space to semantically-high
activity classes. This is not only computationally de-
manding, but impractical, since acquiring annotations
for high-level activities is a laborious and intense task.
On the other hand, the proposed approach has made
training low-level, short-term multidimensional audio
classifiers an easy task (through the calibration proce-
dure described in Section 2), while the training of the
meta-classifier requires only a few training samples,
since it is based on audio segment classification de-
cisions, not on very low-level and multi-dimensional
audio features.
We have presented a low-cost solution for recognizing
human activities in a home environment using low-
level audio labels. Towards this end, we expanded
our previous related work (Siantikos et al., 2016)
by (a) training an audio segment classifier that dis-
tinguishes between low-level audio events that usu-
ally appear in the context of a joint living-room and
kitchen environment (b) proposing and evaluating a
meta-classification technique that uses low-level au-
dio events and simple signal energy values, in order
to recognize long-term and high-level activities. Both
the dataset and the prototype implementation used
for the experiments described here are publicly avail-
A range of modern classifiers has been evaluated
on this meta-classification task and the results have
See https://zenodo.org/record/376480 and
Daily Activity Recognition based on Meta-classification of Low-level Audio Events
Figure 5: Example of accelerometer data for two activities: eating (upper left), kitchen cleaning up (upper right), listening to
music (lower left) and dancing (lower right).
proven that probabilistic SVMs that combine both
low-level audio classification decisions and simple
energy values of raw audio segments outperforms all
other classifiers and feature combinations. In partic-
ular, this experimentation on a real dataset has shown
that the proposed approach successfully classifies ac-
tivities in 92% of the cases.
Further work on this topic aims to refine the ac-
tivity taxonomy, to fuse acoustic results with other
modalities, and to include temporal information about
the low-level events. Specifically, it is obvious that the
classes used here can be expanded to a more detailed
taxonomy of types and sub-types of activities, but also
that further top-level activities related to one’s abil-
ity to function independently (such as preparing and
consuming a meal, currently lumped under ‘other’)
should be added. It is also obvious that as the taxon-
omy gets finer, the performance of acoustic-only clas-
sification will start dropping, as some activities can-
not be distinguished using only-audio information;
consider, for example, making the distinction between
‘listening to music’ and ‘dancing to the music’.
In order to boost the classification performance for
such cases, we have started experimenting with fusing
audio information with accelerometer data, which has
been lately used in human activity recognition for the
elderly (Khan et al., 2010), (de la Concepci
on et al.,
2017). Figure 5 illustrates the raw accelerometer val-
ues (along the three spatial axes) for four activities,
namely: eating, cleaning up the kitchen, listening to
music and dancing. It is obvious that these time series
can be used to discriminate between the dancing and
listening to music classes, once acoustic modelling
has established the presence of ‘music’ in the envi-
A second opportunity to improve the discrimina-
tion ability of the classifier, is to include information
about the temporal evolution of the low-level events.
In future work, we will experiment with methods
from complex event recognition (Artikis et al., 2014)
to describe complex events in a way that takes into
account temporal information.
This project has received funding from the European
Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation pro-
gramme under grant agreement No 643892. Please
see http://www.radio-project.eu for more details.
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Daily Activity Recognition based on Meta-classification of Low-level Audio Events