Information Quality in Online Social Networks: A Fast Unsupervised
Social Spam Detection Method for Trending Topics
Mahdi Washha
, Dania Shilleh
, Yara Ghawadrah
, Reem Jazi
and Florence Sedes
IRIT Laboratory, University of Toulouse, Toulouse, France
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Birzeit University, Ramallah, Palestine
Twitter, Social Networks, Spam.
Online social networks (OSNs) provide data valuable for a tremendous range of applications such as search
engines and recommendation systems. However, the easy-to-use interactive interfaces and the low barriers of
publications have exposed various information quality (IQ) problems, decreasing the quality of user-generated
content (UGC) in such networks. The existence of a particular kind of ill-intentioned users, so-called social
spammers, imposes challenges to maintain an acceptable level of information quality. Social spammers sim-
ply misuse all services provided by social networks to post spam contents in an automated way. As a natural
reaction, various detection methods have been designed, which inspect individual posts or accounts for the
existence of spam. These methods have a major limitation in exploiting the supervised learning approach in
which ground truth datasets are required at building model time. Moreover, the account-based detection met-
hods are not practical for processing ”crawled” large collections of social posts, requiring months to process
such collections. Post-level detection methods also have another drawback in adapting the dynamic behavior
of spammers robustly, because of the weakness of the features of this level in discriminating among spam and
non-spam tweets. Hence, in this paper, we introduce a design of an unsupervised learning approach dedicated
for detecting spam accounts (or users) existing in large collections of Twitter trending topics. More preci-
sely, our method leverages the available simple meta-data about users and the published posts (tweets) related
to a topic, as a collective heuristic information, to find any behavioral correlation among spam users acting
as a spam campaign. Compared to the account-based spam detection methods, our experimental evaluation
demonstrates the efficiency of predicting spam accounts (users) in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, and
F-measure performance metrics.
Online social networks (OSNs) have appeared, nowa-
days, as a powerful communication media in which
users have the ability to share links, discuss and con-
nect with each other. Such networks have attracted
a tremendous amount of research interest and me-
dia (Nazir et al., 2008). One key feature of OSNs is
their reliance on users as primary contributors in ge-
nerating and publishing content, so-called as a user-
generated content (UGC). The reliance on users’ con-
tributions might be leveraged in positive ways, inclu-
ding understanding users’ needs for legal marketing
purposes, studying users’ opinions, and improving in-
formation retrieval algorithms. However, the easy-to-
use interactive interfaces and the low barriers to publi-
cation characteristics have exposed information qua-
lity (IQ) problems (e.g., social spam, and informa-
tion overload) (Agarwal and Yiliyasi, 2010), increa-
sing the difficulty of obtaining accurate and relevant
information. These characteristics have made OSNs
vulnerable to various attacks by a particular kind of
ill-intentioned users, so-called as social spammers, to
post social spam contents. Social spammers post gib-
berish or non-sensical content in a particular context.
For instance, posting a tweet talking about ”how to
lose your weight in five days. under the ”#Trump”
topic is a spam tweet because this tweet has no re-
lation with the given topic at all. More generally, a
wide range of goals drives social spammers to publish
a spam content, summarized in (Benevenuto et al.,
2010): (i) spreading advertisements to generate sales
and gain illegal profits; (ii) disseminating porn ma-
terials; (iii) publishing viruses and malware; (iv) and
creating phishing websites to reveal sensitive infor-
Washha, M., Shilleh, D., Ghawadrah, Y., Jazi, R. and Sedes, F.
Information Quality in Online Social Networks: A Fast Unsupervised Social Spam Detection Method for Trending Topics.
DOI: 10.5220/0006372006630675
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 663-675
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
DolceAmore Engagement #KCA Opening the picture of brightness
DolceAmore Engagement #KCA How life can really be unfair
DolceAmore Engagement #KCA So quietly without a sound,
Figure 1: An example of three correlated spam tweets rela-
ted to the same spam campaign.
Motivation and Problem. In the battle of detecting
Twitter social spam, a considerable set of methods has
been designed for detecting spam campaigns and in-
dividual spam accounts, with little efforts dedicated
for individual spam tweets. These methods work by
using the feature extraction concept combined with
the supervised learning approach to build a predictive
model based on a given annotated dataset (ground-
truth). However, relying on the supervised learning
approach in designing predictive models becomes less
useful in detecting spam users or spam contents due
to the fast evolution of social spammers (Hu et al.,
2013; Washha et al., 2016). Also, social spammers
adopt dynamic content patterns in OSNs as well as
they change their spamming strategies to pretend as
normal users. Consequently, the static anti-spamming
methods have a considerable lag in adapting the fast
evolution of social spammers’ behaviors.
Beyond the obvious dynamicity of social spam-
mers, the current spam detection methods of
campaign-based and individual account-based are not
suitable for ”crawled” large-scale datasets of Twitter
trending topics, requiring months to process such vo-
lume of data. Given the fact that the tweet object con-
sists of simple meta-data (e.g. username, and creation
date), these methods have been designed based on ex-
tracting advanced features (e.g. user’s tweets time-
line) requiring additional information from Twitter’s
servers. Twitter provides functions to retrieve further
information (e.g., user’s followers and followees) for
a particular object (e.g., tweet, or user) using REST
. However, Twitter constrains the number of
API calls allowed to a defined time window (e.g., 40
calls in 15 minutes). For instance, retrieving informa-
tion, including the meta-data of users’ followers and
followees, for half million users posted one million
tweets may take about three months.
Collective Perspective. In manipulating spam ac-
counts on OSNs, social spammers launch their spam
campaigns (bots) through creating first thousands of
spam accounts in an automated way. Then, spam-
mers leverage the REST APIs provided by Twitter
to coordinate their spam accounts automatically. For
instance, spammers can automate the posting beha-
vior of each account through tweeting at a fixed fre-
quency. Moreover, REST APIs provide the current
trending topics that are circulated among users, faci-
litating spammers’ campaigns in attacking the tren-
ding topics by a spam content. Hence, given the fact
that each spammer may employ thousands of spam
accounts to spread a particular spam content, the pro-
bability is relatively high to find a correlation among
spam tweets as well as their accounts. For example,
Figure 1 shows three spam tweets posted by three dif-
ferent correlated spam accounts under the ”#KCA”
trending topic. The similarity in writing style of the
three spam tweets, including the way of naming ac-
counts, gives a strong indication that an individual so-
cial spammer controls these three spam accounts to
act as a single spam campaign. Thus, shifting the
perspective from inspecting individual tweets or ac-
counts for the existence of spam to a collective one
increases the effectiveness and the efficiency of de-
tecting spam accounts in a fast way, especially when
targeting large-scale collections.
Contributions. In this paper, we design an unsuper-
vised method for filtering out social spam accounts
(users) existing in large-scale datasets of Twitter tren-
ding topics. More precisely, we leverage only the
available meta-data of accounts and tweets posted in
trending topics, without retrieving any information
from Twitter’s servers. Our method detects spam
accounts through passing tweets of a trending topic
into four consecutive stages, distributed among clus-
tering, community inference, feature extraction, and
classification. We demonstrate the effectiveness of
our unsupervised method through a series of experi-
ments conducted on a crawled and an annotated da-
taset containing more than six million tweets belon-
ging to 100 trending topics. The experimental results
show that our method has superior performance in
terms of four common and standard metrics (Accu-
racy, Precision, Recall, and F-measure), compared to
supervised-based baseline methods. With the results
obtained, our method might be leveraged in different
A wide range of OSNs (e.g., event detection, and
tweet summarization) considers Twitter as a source
of information and a field for performing their ex-
periments in which Twitter trending topics datasets
are adopted in a massive way. Hence, our method is
suitable for these researches to increase the quality
of collections in a fast and a practical way.
Twitter can integrate our method with its anti-spam
mechanism to detect spam campaigns in trending
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 presents the Twitter’s anti-spam me-
chanism as well as the Twitter social spam detection
methods proposed in the literature. Section 3 presents
notations, problem formalization, and our method de-
sign. Section 4 details a dataset used in experimenting
and validating our approach. The experimental setup
and a series of experiments evaluating the proposed
approach are described in section 5. At last, section 6
concludes the work with giving directions as a future
Social Spam Definition. Social spam is defined as a
nonsensical or a gibberish text content appearing on
OSNs and any website dealing with user-generated
content such as chats and comments (Agarwal and Yi-
liyasi, 2010). Social spam may take tremendous range
of forms, including profanity, insults, hate speeches,
fraudulent reviews, personally identifiable informa-
tion, fake friends, bulk messages, phishing and ma-
licious links, and porn materials. One might view
the social spam as an irrelevant information; howe-
ver, this interpretation is quite not accurate. We justify
this misinterpretation through the definition of infor-
mation retrieval (IR) systems (Manning et al., 2008).
The relevancy of documents in IR systems is depen-
dent on the input search query. Thus, the irrelevant
documents with respect to an input query are ”not”
necessary to be a spam content. Hence, the social
spam can be further defined as irrelevant information
that doesn’t have an interpretation in any context as
long as the input query is not a spam one.
Social Spammers’ Principles. Social Spammers mi-
suse all legal methods or services supported by social
networks to spread their spam contents. Regardless
the targeted social network, spammers adopt same
principles in their goals and behaviors, summarized
in (Washha et al., 2016):
Social spammers are goal-oriented persons targe-
ting to achieve unethical goals (e.g., promote pro-
ducts), and thus they use their smartness to accom-
plish their spamming tasks in an effective and a
quick way.
Social spammers often create and launch a cam-
paign of spam accounts in a short period (e.g.,
one day), to maximize their monetary profits and
speedup their spamming behavior.
As a set of APIs is provided by social networks,
spammers leverage them to automate their spam-
ming tasks in a systematic way (e.g., tweeting every
10 minutes). More precisely, they avoid the random
posting behavior because it may decrease the target
profit and decelerate their spamming behavior.
Twitter’s Anti-spam Mechanism. Twitter fights so-
cial spammers through allowing users to report spam
accounts simply by clicking on ”Report: they are
posting spam” option available in the user’s account
page. When a user reports a particular account, Twit-
ter’s administrators manually review that account to
make a suspension decision. However, adopting such
a method for combating spammers needs great efforts
from both users and administrators. Moreover, not
all reports are trustworthy, meaning that some repor-
ted accounts might belong for legitimate users, not
spammers. Besides this manual reporting mechanism,
Twitter has defined some general rules (e.g., not allo-
wed to post porn materials) for public to reduce the
social spam problem as much as possible with suspen-
ding permanently the accounts that violate those rules
(Twitter, 2016). However, Twitter’s rules are easy to
bypass by spammers. For instance, spammers may
coordinate multiple accounts with distributing the de-
sired workload among them to mislead the detection
process. These accounts distributed tend to exhibit an
invisible spam behavior. Consequently, these short-
comings have motivated researchers to propose more
robust methods for the applications that use Twitter
as an information source. Hence, we categorize the
spam detection approaches dedicated for Twitter into
two different types based on the automation detection
level: (i) machine learning level as a fully automated
approach; (ii) and social honeypot as a manual appro-
ach requiring human interactions.
Machine Learning Approach. In this approach,
researchers have built their methods through em-
ploying three levels of detection, distributed between
tweet-level detection, account-level detection, and
campaign-level detection.
Tweet-Level. Martinez-Romo and Araujo
(Martinez-Romo and Araujo, 2013) have identified
the spam tweets by using probabilistic language
models by which the topical divergence is mea-
sured for each tweet. Using statistical features as
a representation for the tweet object, Benevenuto
(Benevenuto et al., 2010) has identified spam tweet
only by leveraging some features extracted from
the tweet text such as the number of words and the
number of characters. Then, the well-known SVM
learning algorithm has been applied to a manually
created dataset to learn a binary classifier. The main
strength of this level is in having lightweight features
Information Quality in Online Social Networks: A Fast Unsupervised Social Spam Detection Method for Trending Topics
suitable for real-time spam detection. However,
adopting the supervised learning approach to have
a static classification model is not a useful solution
because of the high evolving and changing over
time in the spam contents. In other words, hundred
millions of ground truth spam tweets are required to
have a robust model, which is not possible to have
such a model.
Account-Level. The works introduced in (Wang,
2010; Benevenuto et al., 2010; McCord and Chuah,
2011; Stringhini et al., 2010; Washha et al., 2016)
have turned the attention towards account-based fea-
tures, including the number of friends, number of fol-
lowers, similarity between tweets, and ratio of URLs
in tweets. In more dedicated studies, the work pro-
posed in (Cao and Caverlee, 2015) have identified the
spam URLs through analyzing the shorten URLs be-
havior like the number of clicks. However, the ease
of manipulation in this type of features by spammers
has given a motivation to extract more complex fe-
atures by using the graph theory. For instance, the
studies presented in (Yang et al., 2011; Yang et al.,
2012) have examined the relation among users using
some graph metrics to measure three features, inclu-
ding the node betweenness, local clustering, and bi-
directional relation ratio. Leveraging such complex
features gives high spam accounts detection rate; ho-
wever, they are not suitable for Twitter-based applica-
tions because of the huge volume of data that must be
retrieved from Twitter’s servers.
Campaign-Level. Chu et al. (Chu et al., 2012b)
have treated the spam problem from the collective
perspective view. They have clustered a set of desi-
red accounts according to the URLs available in the
posted tweets, and then a defined set of features is
extracted from the accounts clustered to be incorpo-
rated in identifying spam campaign using machine le-
arning algorithms. Chu et al. (Chu et al., 2012a) have
proposed a classification model to capture the diffe-
rence among bot, human, and cyborg with conside-
ring the content of tweets, and the tweeting behavior.
Indeed, the methods belonging to this detection level
have a major drawback that the methods use features
requiring a great number of REST API calls to obtain
information like users’ tweets and followers. Conse-
quently, exploiting the current version of campaign le-
vel methods is not appropriate for filtering large-scale
collections of tweets or users.
Beyond the features design level, the works intro-
duced in (Hu et al., 2014; Hu et al., 2013) have propo-
sed two optimization frameworks which use the con-
tent of tweets and basic network information to detect
spam users using efficient online learning approach.
However, the main limitations of such works are the
need for information about the network from Twitter,
raising the scalability problem again.
Honeypot Approach. Social honeypot is viewed as
an information system resource that can monitor so-
cial spammers’ behavior through logging their infor-
mation such as the information of accounts and any
available content (Lee et al., 2010). In fact, there is
no significant difference between Twitter’s anti-spam
mechanism and the social honeypot approach. Both
of them need an administrative control to produce a
decision about the accounts that have fallen into the
honeypot trap. The necessity of administrative cont-
rol is to reduce the false positive rate, as an alternative
solution to blindly classifying all users dropped in the
trap as spam users.
In this section, we introduce first definitions and nota-
tions used in modeling our solution. Then, we present
the design of our method for detecting spam accounts
existing in large-scale datasets of Twitter trending to-
3.1 Terminology Definition and
Problem Formalization
The concept of ”Topic”
can be defined as a repre-
sentation of hidden semantic structures in a text col-
lection (e.g., textual documents, or tweets). ”Tren-
ding Topic” is a word or phrase (e.g., #Trump, #KCA,
and TopChef) that is mentioned at a greater rate than
others. Trending topics become popular either be-
cause of a concerted effort by users, or due to an event
that encourages users to talk about a particular topic.
The main purpose of trending topics is to help users
in understanding what is occurring in the world and
what users’ opinions are about it in a real-time man-
ner. Trending topics are automatically identified by
an algorithm that identifies topics that are massively
circulated among users more than other topics.
As multiple users might do tweeting about simi-
lar topics, we model a particular trending topic, T , as
a finite set of distinct users, defined as Topic(U
) =
, u
, ...}, where the user (or account) element u
is further defined by a quadruple-tuple of attributes,
= (UN, SN,UA, T S). Each attribute inside the user
element is defined as follows:
Username (UN): Twitter allows users to name their
accounts with maximum length of 20 characters.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
UN: Mischief
SN: Mischiefs_51
UA: 10 days
UN: Mischief
SN: Mischiefs_63
UA: 10 days
UN: Mischief
SN: Mischiefs_58
UA: 10 days
UN: Mischief
SN: Mischiefs_12
UA: 10 days
UN: Balder Dash
SN: balderdashTM06
UA: 10 days
UN: Dash
SN: balderdashTM07
UA: 10 days
UN: Balder
SN: balderdashTM05
UA: 10 days
UN: Elizabeth
SN: ElizTomo
UA: 50 days
UN: Jade Rider
SN: asianmagic
UA: 50 days
UN: Mike
SN: Mikeaprietoo
UA: 50 days
Features Extraction
Community 1
Input Users Set
UN: Sarah
SN: Sarah12
UA: 50 days
UN: Ngoc
SN: Ngoc12
UA: 50 days
UN: Pala
SN: Pala12
UA: 50 days
10 days cluster
Age Clustering
UN: Mischief
SN: Mischiefs_51
UA: 10 days
UN: Mischief
SN: Mischiefs_63
UA: 10 days
UN: Mischief
SN: Mischiefs_58
UA: 10 days
UN: Mischief
SN: Mischiefs_12
UA: 10 days
UN: Balder Dash
SN: balderdashTM06
UA: 10 days
UN: Dash
SN: balderdashTM07
UA: 10 days
UN: Balder
SN: balderdashTM05
UA: 10 days
UN: Elizabeth
SN: ElizTomo
UA: 50 days
UN: Jade Rider
SN: asianmagic
UA: 50 days
UN: Mike
SN: Mikeaprietoo
UA: 50 days
UN: Sarah
SN: Sarah12
UA: 50 days
UN: Ngoc
SN: Ngoc12
UA: 50 days
UN: Pala
SN: Pala12
UA: 50 days
50 days cluster
10 days cluster
Community Detection
UN: Mischief
SN: Mischiefs_51
UA: 10 days
UN: Mischief
SN: Mischiefs_63
UA: 10 days
UN: Mischief
SN: Mischiefs_58
UA: 10 days
UN: Mischief
SN: Mischiefs_12
UA: 10 days
UN: Balder Dash
SN: balderdashTM06
UA: 10 days
UN: Dash
SN: balderdashTM07
UA: 10 days
UN: Balder
SN: balderdashTM05
UA: 10 days
UN: Elizabeth
SN: ElizTomo
UA: 50 days
UN: Jade Rider
SN: asianmagic
UA: 50 days
UN: Mike
SN: Mikeaprietoo
UA: 50 days
50 days cluster
Community 2
Community 1
UN: Pala
SN: Pala12
UA: 50 days
UN: Sarah
SN: Sarah12
UA: 50 days
UN: Ngoc
SN: Ngoc12
UA: 50 days
Community 3
Community 4
Writing Style Similarity: 0.8
Username Patterns Similarity:0.85
Screen-name Patterns Similarity: 0.7
Posting Behaviour Similarity:0.3
Community 2
Writing Style Similarity: 0.7
Username Patterns Similarity: 0.9
Screen-name Patterns Similarity: 0.4
Posting Behaviour Similarity: 0.6
Community 3
Writing Style Similarity: 0.4
Usermame Patterns Similarity:0.6
Screen-name Patterns Similarity: 0.8
Posting Behaviour Similarity:0.4
Writing Style Tweets Similarity: 0.1
Username Patterns Similarity: 0.05
Screen-name Patterns Similarity: 0.1
Posting Behaviour Similarity: 0.1
Community 4
Community Classification
Community 1
if (Max(0.8,0.1,0.85,0.7,0.3)>= )
Spam Community
Spam Users
Spam tweets
non-Spam Community
non-Spam Users
non-Spam Tweets
Classification Threshold ( )=0.6
Community 2
if (Max(0.7,0.5,0.9,0.4,0.6)>= )
Spam Community
Spam Users
Spam tweets
non-Spam Community
non-Spam Users
non-Spam Tweets
Community 3
if (Max(0.4,0.6,0.6,0.8,0.4)>= )
Spam Community
Spam Users
Spam tweets
non-Spam Community
non-Spam Users
non-Spam Tweets
Community 4
if (Max(0.1,0.1,0.05,0.1,0.1)>= )
Spam Community
Spam Users
Spam tweets
non-Spam Community
non-Spam Users
non-Spam Tweets
Four Features per Community
Figure 2: An example detailing the functionality of the four-stages, starting by a set of users posted tweets in a topic, and
ending by the classification of the input users.
Users can use whitespaces, symbols, special cha-
racters, and numeric numbers in filling the user-
name attribute. This field is not necessary for
being unique and thus users can name their accounts
by already used names. We model this attribute
as a set of ordered characters, defined as UN =
{(1, a
), ..., (i, a
)}, where i Z
is the character,
{Printable Characters}
, position inside the
username string.
Screen-name (SN): This attribute is a mandatory
field and it must be filled at the creation time of the
account. Users must choose a unique name not used
previously by other users, with maximum length of
16 characters. Twitter also constrains the space of al-
lowed characters to alphabetical letters, numbers, and
” character. Similarly to the username attribute, we
model this field as an ordered set of characters, defi-
ned as SN = {(1, a
), ..., (i, a
)}, where i Z
is the
character, a
{Al phanumeric Characters} { },
position inside the screen name string.
User Age (UA): When a user creates an account on
Twitter, the creation date of the account is registe-
red on Twitter’s servers without providing permis-
sions to modify it in future. We exploit the crea-
tion date, as an accessible and available property in
user’s object, to compute the age of the account. For-
mally, we calculate the age in days time unit through
subtracting the current time from the creation date
of the account, define as UA =
where Time
, Time
are number of mil-
liseconds computed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00
Tweets Set (TS): Each user u
) might
post more than one tweet in the topic, T , where
each tweet may describe user’s thoughts, and inte-
rests. Thus, we model this field as a finite set of
tweets, defined as T S = {TW
, ..., TW
}, where n
represents the number of tweets published by the
user u
. Also, we model each tweet by double-
tuple of attributes, TW
= (Text, Time), where Text =
{(1, w
), (2, w
), ...} is a finite set of string words, and
Time Z
is the publication date of the tweet in
minutes time unit computed since January 1, 1970,
00:00:00 GMT.
Problem Formalization. Based on the above defini-
tions and notations, we formlizae our problem in this
work as follows. Given a set of users, U
, such that
each user has posted one or more tweets in a tren-
ding topic T . Our main problem is to predict the
type (spam or non-spam) of each user in the given
set U
, without requiring any prior knowledge in ad-
vance such as the relation between users (e.g. fol-
lowers and followees of users). More formally, we
aim at designing a function y such that it proces-
ses and handles the given set of users, U
, to pre-
dict the class label of considered users set, defined as
y : u
{spam, non spam}, u
3.2 Four-stages Model Design
Leveraging Twitter REST APIs to retrieve more in-
formation about users is the optimal solution for filte-
ring out accurately spam users (accounts). However,
the impractically of this approach in regards of time
brings serious challenges to design a method suitable
for processing large-scale Twitter data-sets. Hence,
beyond inspecting each user or tweet individually, we
overcome these shortcomings through searching for a
correlation among spam accounts at different levels
and in an unsupervised way (i.e. no training phase
required). We design four-stages method illustrated
by an example in Figure 2. For a particular set of
users posted tweets in a trending topic, the first stage
performs clustering based on the age of users (ac-
counts). In the next stage, for each cluster resulted,
users’ communities are detected through an optimi-
zation process. In the third stage, we extract four
Information Quality in Online Social Networks: A Fast Unsupervised Social Spam Detection Method for Trending Topics
community-based features from users’ attributes and
tweets. The last stage exploits the value of each fe-
ature to make a decision (spammy or non-spammy)
about each community identified using feature-based
classification function, where each user of a spammy
community will be directly labeled as ”spam”.
3.2.1 User Age-based Clustering
Social spammers have the ability to create hundreds
and thousands of Twitter accounts in a short period
not exceeding few days, for launching their spam
campaigns. In such a case, the creation date of ac-
counts may contribute in grouping and isolating the
spam accounts that might have correlation between
each other. Hence, we cluster the input users set ba-
sed on the user age (UA) attribute. In a formal way,
let C
= {u|u U
, u.UA = age} be a cluster contai-
ning the users that have user age equaling age Ages
where Ages = {u.UA|u U
} is a set of distinct users
ages. Obviously, the number of age clusters equals
exactly to the size of the Ages set (i.e. |Ages|).
3.2.2 Community Detection
Several uncorrelated spam campaigns might be crea-
ted in the same time by spammers. Indeed, this means
that we might have age clusters containing spam ac-
counts belonging to different spam campaigns. Also,
many non-spam users join Twitter daily, increasing
the probability to have non-spam users created in the
same day of spam ones. Hence, to distinguish among
different uncorrelated spam campaigns and non-spam
accounts, we perform community detection on each
cluster resulted by Age-based clustering stage. More
precisely, we view each spam campaign as a commu-
nity having high correlation among its users. The cor-
relation in a community might be at naming accounts
level, duplicated tweets content, or similar posting be-
In this paper, we exploit the use of non-negative
matrix factorization (NMF) method, as an unsupervi-
sed way, to infer communities’ structure because of
its outstanding performance in clustering (Yang and
Leskovec, 2013). NMF works through partitioning
an information matrix into hidden factor matrices for
an age cluster, C
, of users, defined mathematically
as an optimization minimization problem:
||X HH
where || ||
is the Frobenius norm of the consi-
dered matrix, X R
is an information ma-
trix representing the strength of social connections be-
tween users, H R
is the community structure
hidden factor matrix of K communities. The entry
X(i, j) reflects the strength of the social connection
between the u
user and u
user. The
entry H(i, j) in the hidden factor matrix can be inter-
preted as the confidence degree of user u
longing to the j
community. It is important to men-
tion that each user belongs to one community only,
not more than one.
Obviously, inferring the hidden matrix H requi-
res a formal definition of the information matrix X.
For example, X might be an adjacency matrix repre-
senting the social connections or links among users
of the given age cluster C
. However, obtaining
the adjacency matrix in our case is not possible be-
cause the available information about users are limi-
ted to simple meta-data describing accounts without
providing information about the followers and follo-
wees. Hence, in this paper, we leverage the availa-
ble and accessible information to estimate social con-
nections among users through proposing two definiti-
ons of the information matrix X denoted as X
, and
, where each of which is formally defined as fol-
Screen Name Similarity (X
): As the screen
name field must be unique, spammers tend to adopt
a particular fixed pattern when creating multiple ac-
counts to act as a spam campaigns. For instance, in
Figure 1, the spammer has adopted the name ”votedd-
lovatu” as a fixed pattern for the screen name field.
Intuitively, the high overlapping or matching in the
screen name among users increases the probability of
the users to belong to the same community. There-
fore, we define the information matrix X
to mea-
sure the degree of matching in the screen name attri-
bute. More precisely, given two users u
, u
, the
degree of matching for a particular entry in the matrix
is defined as:
(i, j) =
max{|m| : m Patterns)}
.SN|, |u
Patterns =
N gram(u
.SN)N gram(u
where | | is the cardinality of the considered
set, Max = {1, ..., min(|u
.SN|, |u
.SN|)} is a set con-
sisting of positive integers representing the poten-
tial number of characters that have overlapping be-
tween the given names, N gram() is a function
that returns a set of contiguous sequence of charac-
ters for the given name (set of ordered characters)
based on the value of N. For better understanding,
the 3-gram (or tri-gram) of this screen name ”vote”
is {{(1, v), (2, o), (3,t)}, {(1, o), (2,t), (3, e)}}. The
above definition can detect the matched pattern wher-
ever it appears in the screen name attribute. For in-
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
stance, let ”vote12” and ”tovote” be screen names for
two different spam users, the degree of matching ac-
cording to equation 2 is around (
)66.6%, resulted
from the use of pattern ”vote”, regardless the position
of the pattern.
User Name Similarity (X
): Differently from
the screen name attribute, spammers may duplicate
username attribute as many they wish. They exploit
representative (not random) names to attract non-
spam users. Therefore, the full or partial matching
among users in such attribute increases the perfor-
mance of community detection. We define the infor-
mation matrix X
to measure the degree of simila-
rity among users in the user name attribute. Formally,
given two users u
, u
, the degree of similarity
is defined as:
(i, j) =
max{|m| : m Patterns)}
.UN|, |u
Patterns =
N gram(u
.U N) N gram(u
.U N)
where here Max = {1, ..., min(|u
.UN|, |u
Combining Information Matrices. With these two
information matrices, NMF method allows to inte-
grate them together in the same objective function.
Thus, the new version of the objective function is de-
fined as:
+ ||X
Obviously, equation 4 infers the hidden factor ma-
trix H to represent the consistent community structure
of the users.
Optimization Method. The objective function is not
jointly convex and no closed form solution exists.
Hence, we propose the use of gradient descent as an
alternative optimization approach. As we have one
matrix free variable (H), the gradient descent method
updates it iteratively until the variable converge.
Formally, let L (H) denotes to the objective
function given in equation 4 . At the iteration τ, the
updating equation is given as:
= H
L (H
= H
+ X
+ (X
where the parameter η denotes the gradient des-
cent step in updating the matrix H. We assign the
value of η to a small constant value (i.e. 0.05). As
the gradient descent method is an iterative process, a
stop condition is required in such a case. Thus, we
exploit two stop conditions: (i) the number of iterati-
ons, denoted as M; (ii) and the absolute change in the
H matrix in two consecutive iterations to be less than
a threshold, i.e. |(||H
)| ε.
3.2.3 Community-based Features Extraction
In order to classify each community, a set of fea-
tures is required to be extracted for discriminating
among spam or non-spam communities. No single
feature is capable for discriminating effectively be-
tween spam and non-spam communities. Also, the
target design of the features must maintain the strong
condition that retrieving information about users from
Twitter’s servers is not allowed at all. Hence, we
propose a design of four features that examine the
collective perspective of users, with leveraging only
the available information about users. Our featu-
res are distributed between tweet-based and user-
based features, listed as: username patterns simila-
rity (UNPS ), scree-name patterns similarity (SNPS),
tweets writing style similarity (TsWSS), and tweets
posting behavior similarity (TPBS). We formalize
the j
community features as 6-tuple of attributes,
= {U,UNPS, SNPS, T sW SS, T PBS, L} where U is
a set of users belonging to the j
community that can
be extracted from H matrix, and L {spam, non
spam} is the class label of the j
Username Patterns Similarity (UNPS) and
Screen-name Patterns Similarity (SNPS): Spam-
mers may adopt a pattern (e.g. ”voteddlovatu”) in
creating their spam campaigns. Thus, when a com-
munity is biased toward a particular pattern used in
creating accounts, that community has high probabi-
lity to be a spam campaign and consequently all users
inside that community are spam users (accounts). We
model this spamming behavior through finding first
all possible patterns used in naming accounts, extrac-
ted from username and screen name attributes. Then,
we compute the probability distribution of patterns
extracted from either username or screen name. At
last, we compare the computed probability distribu-
tion of an attribute with the uniform distribution of
the extracted patterns. Indeed, we hypothesize that
the probability distribution of non-spam communities
patterns must be close to the uniform distribution.
In a formal way, let PT
and PT
be two
finite set of string patterns extracted from user-
name and screen name attributes of j
users, respectively. Also, let P
and P
be the
probability distributions of username and screen
name attributes patterns, respectively. For the uni-
form distribution, let P
uni f orm
be a corresponding
Information Quality in Online Social Networks: A Fast Unsupervised Social Spam Detection Method for Trending Topics
uniform distribution of the considered attribute
patterns. For instance, for a particular community, let
= {mischie f , isch, 12”, 14”}, P
{(mischie f , 0.7), ( 15”, 0.1), ( 14”, 0.1), ( 12”
, 0.1)} be a set of screen name patterns with its
probability distribution, the uniform probability
distribution of these patterns is {(mischie f ,
0.25), ( 15”, 0.25), ( 14”, 0.25), ( 12”, 0.25)}.
To extract string patterns from username or screen
name attribute, we apply the N-gram character met-
hod on user name or screen name in the inferred com-
munity. As spammers may define patterns varying in
both length and position, to catch all or most potential
patterns, we use different values of N ranging from
three to the length of the name. We avoid N {1, 2}
since it is meaningless to have one or two characters
pattern. Formally, for a given name in form of Name
= {(1, a
), (2, a
), ...}, the potential patterns of which
are extracted by
Patterns(Name) =
N gram(Name) (6)
where Max = {3, ..., | Name |} is a finite set of
possible values of N.
With the introduced definition, the string patterns sets
of j
community are given as:
Patterns(u ·U N)
Patterns(u · SN)
We quantify the similarity between distributi-
ons through performing cross-correlation between the
probability distribution of patterns set associated with
a community and the corresponding uniform distribu-
tion of the considered patterns set. Formally, we com-
pute the probability distribution similarity for user-
name and screen name attributes through the follo-
wing formulas:
) = 1
? P
uni f orm
uni f orm
? P
uni f orm
) = 1
? P
uni f orm
uni f orm
? P
uni f orm
where Area () is a function that computes the
area under the new resulting distribution by the cor-
relation operation. The key idea of performing auto-
correlation between uniform probability distribution
and itself is to normalize the area value that comes
from cross-correlation operation, ranging the features
between zero and 1. The values of these two features
have direct correlation with the probability of being a
spam community.
Tweets Writing Style Similarity (TsWSS): Each
community being inferred has a set of tweets pos-
ted by its users. Given the fact that spammers auto-
mate their spam campaigns, the probability of finding
a correlation in the writing style among the conside-
red tweets is high. For instance, the spam tweets of
a campaign in Figure 1 has a common style struc-
ture in writing tweets (word, word, hashtag, word,
word,word, word, word, and then URL). In this in-
stance, spammers had been tricky in writing tweets so
that they avoid the duplication in text; however, they
follow the same writing style.
We model this feature through transforming first
the texts of tweets to a higher level of abstraction.
Then, we measure the writing style similarity among
tweets of the j
community using Jaccard simila-
rity index. A transformation function, Type(ST )
{W, H,U, M}, is defined that takes ST string as a pa-
rameter and returns the type of the input string(Word,
Hashtag, Url, and Mention).
Hence, for a tweet TW
, the new abstraction repre-
sentation set is Trans(TW
) = {(i, Type(S))|(i, S)
.Text} where i is the position of the word string
in the tweet text and S is a word string that requires
transformation. With these definitions, we compute
the writing style similarity among a set of tweets as
) =
where Tweets
u.T S is a unification of all
tweets posted by the users of the j
inferred commu-
nity. The upper and lower values of this feature is one
and zero, receptively. High value of this feature me-
ans that the probability of j
community for being
a spam is high because of the closeness of tweets in
writing style.
Tweets Posting Behavior Similarity (TPBS):
The posting behavior (e.g. positing every 5 min) of
tweets at timing level might be an additional impor-
tant clue in identifying spam communities. Thus,
we propose a feature that measures the correlation
among users’ posting behavior. We model this be-
havior through computing first the posting time pro-
bability distribution of each user belonging to a par-
ticular community. Then, for each pair of users, we
measure the similarity of their posting time probabi-
lity distributions using cross-correlation concept, re-
sulting a single real value ranging between 0 and 1.
After that we compute the probability distribution of
posting time similarity to compare it with a uniform
distribution drawn on the interval [0,1]. More for-
mally, let P
be a probability distribution of posting
time of user’s u tweets. P
can be drawn simply from
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the tweets time of the user u who already posted them
in the topic T . We compute the similarity between
two posting time distributions of two different users
belonging to u
, u
community, as follows:
, u
) =
where Area() is a function that computes the area
under the new resulting distribution, Min(, ) is a mi-
nimum operation that selects the minimum area. The
key point of taking the min operation is to normalize
the area that results from doing cross-correlation. The
low value of PostSim means that the two input users
have low correlation in posting time behavior.
In computing the ultimate value of the T PBS
feature, we compute first the probability distribu-
tion of PostSim over all possible user pairs exis-
ting in the C
community. Formally, let P
(e.g. {(0.25, 0.4), (0.1, 0.6)}) be the probability dis-
tribution of the posting similarity and P
Uni f orm
{(0.25, 0.5), (0.1, 0.5)}) be the corresponding uni-
form distribution of PostSim. We quantity the dif-
ferent between the distributions through performing
cross-correlation between them, defined as:
) = 1
? P
Uni f orm
Uni f orm
? P
Uni f orm
where the high value (close to 1) of T PBS me-
ans that all users of the j
community have almost
same posting behavior (i.e. almost same posting fre-
quency) and thus that community has high probability
for being a spam campaign, On the other side, when
the P
be close to the uniform distribution, it me-
ans that almost no users have same posting behavior
and thus that community has low probability for being
a spam campaign.
3.2.4 Classification Function
We leverage the four community-based features de-
signed to predict the class label of each user posted
tweet(s) in the topic T . Simply, we classify users of a
community to spam if and only if one of the three fe-
atures be greater than a particular threshold, named as
. The intuition behind this proposition is that the fe-
atures designed are to detect spam communities, me-
aning that having at least one high feature value (i.e.,
T sW ss(C
) or T PBS(C
) or SNPS(C
) ) is enough to judge on the C
munity as spam. Otherwise, we label the C
as non-
spam. Once the C
community is classified, the cor-
responding users will be given the same label of the
Table 1: Statistics of the annotated users (accounts) and
tweets of 100 trending topics.
Spam non-Spam
Number of Tweets 763,555 (11.8%) 5,707,254 (88,2%)
Number of Users 185,843(8.9%) 1,902,288(91.1%)
The data-sets used at tweet level detection (Beneve-
nuto et al., 2010; Martinez-Romo and Araujo, 2013)
are not publicly available for research use. Also, for
privacy reasons, social networks researchers provide
only the interested in object IDs (e.g. tweets, ac-
counts) to retrieve them from servers of the target so-
cial network. However, inspired by the nature of spam
problem, providing IDs of spam tweets or accounts is
not enough because Twitter might already have sus-
pended the corresponding accounts.
Crawling Method. Hence, we exploit our research
team crawler to collect accounts and tweets, launched
since 1/Jan/2015. The streaming method is used to
get an access for 1% of global tweets, as an unbiased
crawling way. Such a method is commonly exploited
in the literature to collect and create data-set in social
networks researches.
Data-set Description. Using our team Twitter data-
set, we clustered the collected tweets based on the to-
pic available in the tweet with ignoring the tweets that
do not contain any topic. Then, we selected the tweets
of 100 trending topics (e.g. #Trump) randomly sam-
pled to conduct our experiments.
Ground Truth Data-set. To evaluate the effective-
ness of the spammy string patterns in retrieving spam
accounts, we created an annotated data-set through la-
beling each account (user) as a spam or non-spam.
However, with the huge amount of accounts, using
manual annotation approach to have labeled data-sets
is an impractical solution. Hence, we leverage a wi-
dely followed annotation process in the social spam
detection researches. The process checks whether the
user of each tweet was suspended by Twitter. In case
of suspension, both the user with his tweets are la-
beled as a spam; otherwise we assign non-spam for
both of them. In total, as reported in Table 1, we have
found that more than 760,000 tweets were classified
as spam, posted by almost 185,800 spam accounts.
Information Quality in Online Social Networks: A Fast Unsupervised Social Spam Detection Method for Trending Topics
Table 2: Performance results of baseline A and baseline B in terms of different metrics.
Learning Algorithm Accuracy Precision Recall F-Measure Avg. Precision Avg.Recall Avg. F-Measure
Baseline (A): All Tweets Labeled as Non-Spam
————— 91.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0.% 91.1% 91.1% 91.1%
Baseline (B): Supervised Machine Learning Approach
Naive Bayes 81.2% 13.7% 10.5% 11.9% 79.0% 81.2% 80.1%
Random Forest (#Trees=100) 86.4% 13.2% 2.8% 4.6% 79.0% 86.4% 80.1%
Random Forest (#Trees=500) 86.5% 12.6% 2.6% 4.7% 79.4% 86.5% 82.8%
J48 (Confidence Factor=0.2 ) 86.4% 13.8% 2.9% 4.9% 79.6% 86.4% 82.5%
SVM (Gamma=0.5) 87.2% 15.7% 0.2% 0.4% 78.3% 87.2% 82.5%
SVM (Gamma=1.0) 87.0% 15.9% 0.1% 0.3% 77.9% 87.0% 82.2%
5.1 Experimental Setup
Performance Metrics. As the ground truth class la-
bel about each user is available, we exploit the accu-
racy, precision, recall, F-measure, average precision,
average recall, and average F-measure, computed ac-
cording to the confusion matrix of Weka tool (Hall
et al., 2009), as commonly used metrics in classifica-
tion problems. As our problem is two-class (binary)
classification, we compute the precision, recall, and
F-measure for the ”spam” class, while the average
metrics combine both classes based on the fraction of
each class (e.g., 4.9% * ”spam precision” + 95.1% *
”non-spam precision” ).
Baselines. We define two baselines to compare our
method with: (i) baseline ”A” which represents the
results when classifying all users as non-spam di-
rectly without doing any kind of classification; (ii)
baseline ”B” which reflects the results obtained when
applying supervised machine learning algorithms on
state of the art ”tweet” features described in (Be-
nevenuto et al., 2010; McCord and Chuah, 2011;
Martinez-Romo and Araujo, 2013) to use them in pre-
dicting the class label of users. It is important to men-
tion that we adopt voting method to determine users’
class labels. More precisely, for each user, we predict
the class label of each tweet that the user had pos-
ted and then we perform voting on the tweet labels to
compute the final class label of the considered user. In
case of non-dominant class (e.g., 5 spam tweets and 5
non-spam tweets predicted) among user’s tweets, we
classify such user as spam one. As many learning al-
gorithms are provided by Weka tool, we exploit Naive
Bayes, Random Forest, J48, and support vector ma-
chine (SVM) as well-known supervised learning met-
hods to evaluate the performance of the mentioned
state of the art features.
Baselines Methods Settings. For the Naive Bayes
method, we set the ”useKernelEstimator” and ”useSu-
pervisedDiscretization” options to false value as de-
fault values set by Weka. For Random Forest, we set
the option max depth to 0 (unlimited), with studying
the effect of changing number of trees {100, 500}.
For J48 method, we set the minimum number of in-
stances per leaf to 2, number of folds to 3, and confi-
dence factor to 0.2. For the SVM method, we use the
LibSVM (Chang and Lin, 2011) implementation inte-
grated with Weka tool with setting the kernel function
to Radial Basis and examining the impact of gamma
{0.5, 1}, where the rest parameters are set to the
default ones.
Our Method Settings. For community detection
stage, we set η = 0.001, M = 10,000, and ε = 0.0001
as values for the learning rate, number of iterations,
and the threshold of absolute change in the hidden
matrix H, respectively. For the number of commu-
nities K, we experiment our method at three different
values, K {5, 10}, to study its effect. For the size of
information matrices X, we consider all distinct users
(accounts) of each hashtag without excluding any user
available in the testing collection. As an iterative al-
gorithm is used for solving the community detection
optimization problem, we initialize each entry of the
hidden matrix H by a small positive real value drawn
from a uniform distribution on the interval [0, 1]. For
the threshold , we study the impact of changing its
value through performing experiments at different va-
lues of [0.1, 1.0] with 0.1 increment step.
Experiment Procedure. For each trending topic in
our data-set, we perform the following steps: (i) we
extract and select randomly the users who posted
tweets related to the considered topic; (ii) we clus-
ter the users extracted based on their account’s ages;
(iii) then, for each cluster, we apply the community
detection method on the extracted users set using a
predfined number of communities K; (iv) afterward
each community is labeled as spam and non-spam ac-
cording to the designed classification function using a
particular threshold (), applied on the degree of si-
milarity UN, degree of similarity SN, tweets writing
style similarity, and posting behavior similarity; (vi)
as the ground truth class label about each user, we
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 3: Our method performance results in terms of various metrics, computed at different values of number of communities
K {5, 10}, and at various classification threshold {0.1, 1}.
Model () Accuracy Spam Precision Spam Recall Spam F-measure Avg. Precision Avg. Recall Avg. F-measure
Number of Communities (K = 5)
=0.1 63.0% 14.6% 65.8% 23.9% 87.9% 63.0% 73.4%
=0.2 66.3% 15.4% 63.0% 24.8% 87.8% 66.3% 75.6%
=0.3 68.1% 15.9% 60.7% 25.2% 87.8% 68.1% 76.7%
=0.4 69.7% 16.1% 57.5% 25.1% 87.5% 69.7% 76.7%
=0.5 77.4% 18.2% 44.3% 25.8% 87.0% 77.4% 81.9%
=0.6 78.2% 17.7% 40.3% 24.6% 86.7% 78.2% 82.2%
=0.7 82.0% 18.6% 30.9% 23.3% 86.3% 82.0% 84.0%
=0.8 85.6% 19.7% 20.2% 19.9% 85.8% 85.6% 85.7%
=0.9 89.1% 20.3% 7.6% 11.1% 85.2% 89.1% 87.1%
=1.0 91.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 83.1% 91.1% 86.9%
Number of Communities (K = 10)
=0.1 69.0% 15.9% 58.6% 25.1% 87.6% 69.0% 77.2%
=0.2 71.5% 16.7% 56.0% 25.8% 87.6% 71.5% 78.8%
=0.3 73.3% 17.2% 53.3% 26.0% 87.5% 73.3% 79.7%
=0.4 75.1% 17.5% 49.0% 25.8% 87.2% 75.1% 80.7%
=0.5 81.3% 19.5% 35.7% 25.2% 86.7% 81.3% 83.9%
=0.6 82.1% 19.0% 31.5% 23.7% 86.3% 82.1% 84.2%
=0.7 85.1% 19.8% 22.3% 21.0% 85.9% 85.1% 85.5%
=0.8 87.7% 20.7% 13.5% 16.3% 85.6% 87.7% 86.6%
=0.9 90.0% 20.7% 4.0% 6.6% 85.0% 90.0% 87.4%
=1.0 91.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 83.1% 91.1% 86.9%
compute the accuracy, spam precision, spam recall,
spam F-measure, average precision, and average re-
call, computed according to the confusion matrix of
Weka tool.
Obviously, each topic produces a confusion ma-
trix. Thus, in computing the final performance me-
trics, we sum the confusion matrices of the 100 tren-
ding topics to have an one single confusion matrix by
which the proposed metrics are computed.
5.2 Experimental Results
Baseline Results. We report the performance results
of the baseline methods in Table 2. Based on the va-
lues of recall metric (4
column), the supervised clas-
sification models have a strong failure in filtering out
the spam users that exist in the 100 trending topics,
where the high value is obtained by NaiveBayes lear-
ning algorithm. The 10.5% of spam recall obtained by
NaiveBayes means that less than 19,000 of spam ac-
counts can be detected from more than 185,000 spam
accounts existing in our data-set. The low spam pre-
cision values also give an indication that a significant
number of non-spam accounts has been classified into
spam ones. Subsequently, as spam F-measure is de-
pendent on recall and precision metrics, the values of
spam F-measure are definitely low. The accuracy va-
lues of baseline ”B” are relatively close to the accu-
racy of baseline method ”A”. However, given the low
values of spam precision and spam recall, the accu-
racy metric in this case is not too much an indicative
and useful metric to judge on the supervised learning
as a winner approach. More precisely, the supervised
learning approach does not add significant contribu-
tions in increasing the quality of the 100 trending to-
pics. The key idea of using different machine learning
algorithms with playing in their parameters is to high-
light the badness of the state-of the-art tweet features
as simple ones to judge on spam users. Overall, the
results obtained by the learning models draw various
conclusions: (i) the state-of-the-art features are not
discriminative among spam and non-spam, ensuring
the dynamicity of spam contents in OSNs; (ii) spam-
mers tend to publish tweets pretending as non-spam
ones; (iii) adopting a supervised approach to perform
training on an annotated data-set of trending topics
and applying the classification model on future or not
annotated trending topics are not the solution at all.
s Effect. Taking a look at our method performance
results in Table 3, the behavior is completely diffe-
rent in recalling (classifying) spam accounts, especi-
ally when the value of gets lower. The recall results
are completely consistent with the equation 14 desig-
ned for classifying users. For low values of , there
are some non-spam communities classified as spam.
Indeed, this explains the dramatic degradation in the
accuracy when decreasing the value of , as well as
the degradation in the spam precision. Although of
high recall values, the spam precision values of our
method are almost similar to the supervised learning
approach ones.
K’s Impact. Number of communities, K, has di-
rect and obvious impact on the accuracy, spam pre-
cision, and spam recall metrics. Indeed, the accuracy
Information Quality in Online Social Networks: A Fast Unsupervised Social Spam Detection Method for Trending Topics
and spam precision increase as long as the number
of communities increases. The justification for this
behavior is that the experimented 100 trending topics
had been attacked by many uncorrelated spam cam-
paigns. Subsequently, increasing the number of com-
munities allows to detect spam campaigns precisely
and accurately. At spam recall level, the behavior in-
versely correlates with the number of communities.
Using higher number of communities than the real
(unknown) number of spam campaigns leads to se-
parate those campaigns on more communities. As
spam communities might contain non-spam users (ac-
counts), in such a case, the values of features decre-
ase, classifying those communities as ”non-spam”.
False Positive v.s. High Quality. In email spam fil-
tering, great efforts are directed toward the false po-
sitive problem that occurs when a truly ”non-spam”
email is classified as ”spam”. However, in the context
of social spam, the false positive problem is less im-
portant because of the availability of large-scale data
collections, meaning that classifying non-spam user
as spam is not a serious problem. Thus, the attention
is turned in OSNs context to increase the quality of
data where a wide range of Twitter-based applications
(e.g. tweet summarization) has high priority to work
on noise free collections. Also, the computational
time aspect is significant when targeting large-scale
collections. Hence, our method is completely suita-
ble to process large-scale collections with providing
high quality collections. For instance, the time requi-
red to process our Twitter data-set is no more than
one day. At last, as various experiments are given for
different values where no optimal value can satisfy
all performance metrics, the selection is mainly de-
pendent on the desired requirements of the final col-
lection. For instance, low value is recommended
to have too high quality collection with having high
probability to lose not noisy information.
In this paper, we have designed an unsupervised ap-
proach for filtering out spam users (accounts) ex-
isting in large-scale collections of trending topics.
Our method takes the collective perspective in de-
tecting spam users through discovering the correla-
tions among them. Our work brings two additional
benefits to the information quality field: (i) filtering
out spam users without needing for annotated data-
sets; (ii) and performing the filtration process in a fast
way because of the dependency on the available meta-
data only, without needing for retrieving information
from the Twitter’s servers. With this new idea, we
plan as a future work to study the impact of perfor-
ming collaboration with other social networks to im-
prove the current results. Also, we intend to design
more collective-based robust features such as the sen-
timent of tweets.
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Information Quality in Online Social Networks: A Fast Unsupervised Social Spam Detection Method for Trending Topics