A Reusable Requirements Catalog for Internationalized
and Sustainable Blood Donation Apps
Sofia Ouhbi
, Jos
e Luis Fern
, Ali Idri
, Ambrosio Toval
, Jos
e Rivera Pozo
and Manal El Bajta
Software Engineering Research Group, Department of Informatics and Systems, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain
Software Project Management Research Team, ENSIAS, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Rabat, Morocco
Centro Regional de Hemodonaci
on de Murcia, Murcia, Spain
Requirements, Reusable Catalog, i18n, Sustainability, Apps, Blood Donation.
Blood donation mobile applications are efficient tools to increase awareness about the importance of blood
donation acts and to attract blood donors. The aim of this paper is to define a reusable requirements repository
(catalog) for blood donation applications based on the main related software engineering standards, e-health
technology standards and literature. The catalog contains requirements regarding internationalization to bridge
the cultural and language barriers among blood donors. It includes also requirements for sustainable blood
donation applications which cover the individual, social, environmental, and technical dimensions of sustain-
ability. This catalog can be very useful to develop, evaluate and audit blood donation applications and it can
be adapted to other m-health applications.
M-health technologies are transforming healthcare
(Steinhubl et al., 2013) and empowering patients as
they are assuming greater responsibility for their own
healthcare decisions (Mirza et al., 2008; Norris et al.,
2009). In fact, mobile applications (apps) dedicated
to be used as personal health records (PHRs) allow
patients to access and coordinate their lifelong health
information through their mobile devices and to make
appropriate data available to those who need it (Ouhbi
et al., 2015e). Many apps have been used in a vari-
ety of health areas to improve patients’ lives and their
health (Idri et al., 2016; Ouhbi et al., 2015d; Zap-
ata et al., 2015). Blood donation (BD) apps can play
an important role to increase awareness among smart-
phone users about the importance of BD to ensure a
sufficient blood supply in BD centers (WHO, 2011).
BD act can save lives of patients in critical health situ-
ation (Tagny et al., 2010) and the ones who depend on
a constant supply of blood (Williamson and Devine,
2013). More than one hundred and sixty free apps
dedicated to BD are available in different app reposi-
tories (Ouhbi et al., 2015c).
Different types of BD apps exist (Ouhbi et al.,
2015c): i) apps which help the user find donors,
ii) apps which help the user find centers/hospitals at
which she/he can donate blood, iii) apps which record
the user’s donation history, iv) apps which explain
information about blood types to the user, v) apps
which estimate the user’s blood type by using the
blood types of relatives, vi) apps which provide the
user with information related to a BD center, vii) apps
which calculate the date on which the user may do-
nate blood based on the date of her/his last donation
of blood, and viii) apps which provide the user with
general information about the BD process. Therefore,
there is a need for a requirement catalog which pro-
vides different stakeholders of BD apps with different
requirements set to develop and/or audit BD apps.
BD apps should target as many smartphone users
as possible to promote the act of BD and to recruit
volunteers from different cultural backgrounds. In
order to achieve this objective, the content of these
apps should be designed in such a way that it can
be adapted to various languages and regions with-
out the need for engineering changes. The BD apps
which fulfills internationalization (i18n) requirements
can be valuable for users in multicultural environ-
ments (Zieli
nski and Ingram, 2004). Requirements
of i18n should therefore be specified before develop-
ing BD apps in the early phases of development. Re-
Ouhbi, S., Fernández-Alemán, J., Idri, A., Toval, A., Pozo, J. and Bajta, M.
A Reusable Requirements Catalog for Internationalized and Sustainable Blood Donation Apps.
DOI: 10.5220/0006360202850292
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2017), pages 285-292
ISBN: 978-989-758-250-9
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
cently, research has begun to be undertaken into how
to achieve sustainable software also known as green
software (Erdelyi, 2013; Penzenstadler, 2014; Pen-
zenstadler and Fleischmann, 2011). In fact, achieving
sustainability of health and care systems is one of the
objectives of research and innovation financed by the
EU (h20, 2016). Sustainability is concerned with the
economic, individual, social, environment and techni-
cal dimensions. To develop sustainable BD apps, re-
quirements about sustainability should be considered.
This paper aims to develop a catalog for the in-
herent properties of BD apps. Software properties
are either inherent properties or assigned properties
(ISO, 2011b). The inherent properties determine the
capabilities of a software product (ISO, 2007). They
are permanent features and are opposed to assigned
properties such as the software product price. They
are part of software product requirements which can
be classified as either functional requirements or soft-
ware quality requirements. Functional requirements
determine what the software product is able to do
while quality requirements determine how well the
software product performs (ISO, 2007). This catalog
contains also i18n and sustainability-related informa-
tion best practices for BD apps. The catalog presented
in this paper, denominated ISBD-CAT, is based on the
standards and recommendations from literature and
will be implemented using requirements engineering
techniques (Pohl, 2010).
The structure of this paper is as follows: Section 2
presents related work to this study. Section 3 presents
the research methodology. Section 4 reports the re-
quirements catalog of BD apps and presents an ap-
plication example on the use of the catalog to evalu-
ate BD apps. Section 5 discusses the finding of this
study, presents implications for researchers and prac-
titioners and outlines its limitations. The conclusions
and future work are presented in Section 6.
Requirements engineering is a multidisciplinary ac-
tivity of critical importance in software development
(Nuseibeh and Easterbrook, 2000). Research in soft-
ware development have found that the failures and
deficiencies of software systems are often rooted in
the requirements activities undertaken (Damian and
Chisan, 2006; Smith, 2001). Requirements activi-
ties consist mainly of eliciting, analyzing, specify-
ing and validating requirements (Bourque et al., 2014;
reb, 2013). System requirements specification (SyRS)
and software requirements specification (SRS) doc-
uments play a crucial role in software engineering
(IEE, 2011). Requirements documents are essential
to both communicate requirements to stakeholders in
an understandable manner and define requirements in
precise detail for developers (reb, 2013).
Many researchers have presented requirements
catalogs for different disciplines. Toval et al. (To-
val et al., 2002) have presented a reusable require-
ments catalog to improve information systems secu-
rity. Based on this catalog, Mart
ınez et al. (Mart
et al., 2010) have defined a personal data protection
requirements catalog to audit personal data protec-
tion. A reusable standard-based requirements catalog
for learning systems development has been defined
by Toval et al. (Toval et al., 2011). Cos et al. (Cos
et al., 2012) have presented an e-learning internation-
alization catalog for audit purposes. Filho and Bar-
bosa (Filho and Barbosa, 2013) have proposed a re-
quirements catalog for mobile learning environments.
Jensen et al. (Jensen et al., 2009) have presented
reusable security requirements for healthcare applica-
tions. As far as we know, there is no complete and
well-defined set of requirements for BD apps. This
paper is a step forward in this direction.
3.1 Requirements Specification
Requirements for the ISBD-CAT have been identi-
fied from literature reviews on BD apps (Ouhbi et al.,
2015a; Ouhbi et al., 2015c) and from previous re-
search dealing with software quality (Ouhbi, 2015;
Ouhbi et al., 2013; Ouhbi et al., 2015e), i18n (Cos
et al., 2012; Fern
an et al., 2012) and sus-
tainability (Calero and Piattini, 2015; Penzenstadler,
2014). Moreover, requirements from the following
standards were also extracted:
ISO/IEC 25010 standard (ISO, 2011b) for system
and software product quality requirements and
ISO 9241-151 standard (ISO, 2008b) for er-
gonomics of human-system interaction
ISO/TR 18307 standard (ISO, 2001) for interop-
erability and compatibility in trusted health in-
formation interchange between software apps and
systems in health care
ISO/HL7 27931 standard (ISO, 2009) for data ex-
change in health care environments
ISO 21090 standard (ISO, 2011a) for information
interchange in health informatics
ISO/TR 14292 standard (ISO, 2012) for the def-
inition, scope and context of personal health
ENASE 2017 - 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
ISO/TR 20514 standard (ISO, 2005) for the def-
inition, scope and context of electronic health
records (EHRs)
ISO/TS 14265 standard (ISO, 2011c) for process-
ing personal health information
ISO 27799 standard (ISO, 2008a) for information
security management in health
The W3C standards (w3c, 2016) for web and mo-
bile devices
Requirements based on Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) recommen-
dations (Carri
on et al., 2011; Control et al., 2003)
have been included in the catalog. Furthermore, us-
ability guidelines from app repositories (Ouhbi et al.,
2015b) have been taken into consideration in addition
to requirements from software engineering for sus-
tainability (SE4S) project (se4, 2016).
After identifying the standards and the other in-
formation sources, the corresponding parts of text
relevant to functionalities, i18n and sustainability of
BD apps have been identified, analyzed and spec-
ified. For requirements specification we have fol-
lowed recommendations from the IEEE 29148 stan-
dard (IEE, 2011) which has replaced the IEEE 830
standard (IEE, 1998) and which is a guide to SRS.
The quality of SRS documentation, which serves as
an input to the design, coding and testing phases, is
critical to the success of any software project (Or-
mandjieva et al., 2007).
3.2 Catalog Development
For the catalog development, guidelines from the
IEEE 29148 standard (IEE, 2011) to develop the SRS
and from SIREN (SImple REuse of software require-
meNts) (Toval et al., 2002) to develop reusable cat-
alogs of requirements have been followed. SIREN,
which is developed by the Software Engineering re-
search Group (GIIS) at the University of Murcia, is
a practical approach that can be used to create, select
and specify the requirements of a software system on
the basis of reuse and SE standards. Fig. 1 presents
the generation process of ISBD-CAT. The catalog
maintenance is an important task as it concerns the
adaptation of requirements which are changed due to
regulations, policies and standards changes or modi-
fications in the BD apps.
Requirements concerning functional (shown in Ta-
ble 1), i18n and sustainability (shown in Table 2) for
Figure 1: ISBD-CAT generation process.
BD apps are presented in this section. It should be
noted that the requirements related to the economic
dimension of BD app sustainability are not included
in the ISBD-CAT because they are not inherent re-
4.1 The ISBD-CAT
The general structure of the requirements catalog, as
recommended in IEEE 29148 standard (IEE, 2011),
is shown in Table 3. In order to facilitate the search
for and reuse of i18n and sustainability requirements,
along with their integration into current instantiated
requirements documents for BD app that is already
under way, two new subsections dedicated for i18n
requirements (i.e., Section 3.7.6) and for sustainabil-
ity requirements (i.e., Section 3.7.7) were added as
shown in Table 3. Each requirement identified has
a predefined set of attributes that provide additional
information on it, such as: unique identifier, source
and priority. Traceability relationships are used to de-
fine relationships between the requirements identified
which facilitates both reuse and maintenance tasks.
As much as possible, we have followed the principles
of minimal coupling and maximal cohesion in order
to reduce the degree of interdependency (low cou-
pling) and increase the existing conceptual and func-
tional relationships (high cohesion) among require-
4.2 Application Example
This section shows how to apply the ISBD-CAT to
evaluate a BD app. The Android version of the Blood
Donor+ app (https://goo.gl/LOeDNS), a free app, has
been chosen to illustrate the evaluation process. The
app Blood Donor+ has been chosen because of its
very high review score in Google Play Store (4.7 out
of 5 stars). The first step of the evaluation consisted
of carrying out a preliminary analysis of the app’s
work environment and its main features and function-
ality. The first author then carried out the evaluation
A Reusable Requirements Catalog for Internationalized and Sustainable Blood Donation Apps
Table 1: Functional Requirements.
1) The app shall have an authentication procedure
1.1) The user should be able to choose in the app’s settings whether to be authenticated or not
1.2) The user should be able to access the app using a login or social network account
2) The user should be able to manage his/her profile
2.1) The user should be able to edit data in the profile
2.2) The user should be able to remove data from the profile
2.3) The user should be able to add data to the profile
2.4) The user should be able to share data from the profile
2.5) The app shall create different profiles in the same device
3) The user should be able manage his/her BD record
3.1) The user should be able to edit the BD record data
3.2) The user should be able to remove data from the BD record
3.3) The user should be able to add data to the BD record
3.4) The user should be able to share data from the BD record
3.5) The user should be able to import data to the BD record
3.6) The user should be able to export data from the BD record
3.7) The user should be able to back up data from the BD record
4) The user should be able to find donors
4.1) The user should be able to find donors according to BD type
4.2) The user should be able to contact donors via email, SMS or phone
4.3) The user should be able to identify donors from his/her nearby location
5) The user should be able to find nearby BD centers
6) The user should be able to calculate his/her eligibility to donate blood
6.1) The app shall calculate eligibility from latest date of the user’s act of BD
6.2) The app should notify the user if s/he cannot donate blood
7) If the app connects with EHRs, PHRs or third parties, it shall provide users with the possibility to interchange data
7.1) The user should be able to send data from the app to EHRs, PHRs or other parties
7.2) The user shall be able to receive data from EHRs, PHRs or other parties
8) The user should be able to consult recommendations for BD
9) The user should be able to consult BD types information
10) The user should be able to calculate his/her BD type
11) The user should be able to consult Help information to manipulate the app
12) The user should be able to have an offline access to the app
12.1) The user should be able to access the app without Internet connexion
12.2) The user should be able to edit data offline
12;3) The app shall save edited data offline
on the 14th of January 2017. Then, a Checklist to
evaluate the app was generated from the ISBD-CAT.
The Checklist was in the form of a questionnaire con-
taining 27 questions so as to facilitate the work of
the evaluator. We have discarded requirements from
ISBD-CAT that are not applicable to this app. The
questions can be answered by “Yes”, “No” or “Par-
tially”. Table 4 presents the results of the evaluation.
The results of Q10 and Q19 were “Partially” as
for Q10 donors can not add BD entries manually,
they have to take a picture and link it to a BD event.
While for Q19, the app displays only nearby location
in Nepal. In the description of the app there was no
mention that this app is dedicated to Nepal BD users.
The coverage score of the Blood Donor+ app is:
Total questions: 27. Yes (+1): 12. No (+0): 13. Par-
tially (+0.5): 2.
Coverage = 13 100/27 = 48.15%
To improve this app, a list of recommendation is
provided below.
(i) An exhaustive description of the characteristics of
this app including number of languages supported
and geographical limitation should be available in
Google Play. Potential users can therefore check
if this app answers their needs.
(ii) The user should be given the option to manage
his/her BD history and personal information man-
(iii) The user should be able to choose other authenti-
cation options than login via Facebook.
(iv) The application should be available in more than
one language to target as many donors as possible
from different backgrounds.
(v) The app should be energy efficient by turning off
on idle mode and allowing users to create different
accounts in the same device. It should also allow
users to have offline access to its content.
ENASE 2017 - 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 2: i18n and sustainability requirements.
1) The tool shall be designed for cultural diversity and multilingual use
1.1) The app shall adapt its content to the user’s language preferences
1.2) The app shall be available in different languages, the languages supported and the links for selecting them should
be clearly presented
1.3) The app shall allow the user to switch between languages at more than one point while using it
1.4) The app shall allow the user to choose the language of the video or audio clips
1.5) The app shall adapt the online help section to the user’s language preferences
1.6) The app shall adapt the human anatomy terminology to user’s language preferences
1.7) The app shall show the text with a correct text align depending on the user’s language preferences (e.g. Right align
for Arabic language)
2) The app shall use pictures to explain ideas
3) The app shall use icons to explain its contents
4) The app shall use graphs to illustrate BD history
5) The app shall use appropriate formats, units of measurement or currency for international audience
5.1) The app shall adapt the number formatting to user’s language preferences
5.2) The app shall adapt the currency to user’s language preferences
5.3) The app shall adapt the units of measurements to user’s language preferences
5.4) The app shall adapt the temperature to user’s language preferences
5.5) The app shall adapt date and time types formatting to user’s language preferences
5.6) The app shall adapt the phone numbers to user’s language preferences
5.7) The app shall adapt the address to user’s language preferences
6) The app shall take into account the start day of the week by geographic location
7) The app shall control the advertisements showed to the user to avoid cultural discrepancies
8) The app shall allow the user to manage personal information, such as different countries’ specific legislation or
regulations regarding user ownership of personal information
8.1) The user should be able to adjust personal information in accordance with different countries’ specific legislation
or regulations regarding user ownership of personal information
8.2) The user should be able control personal information in accordance with different countries’ specific legislation or
regulations regarding user ownership of personal information
8.3) The user should be able to process personal information in accordance with different countries’ specific legislation
or regulations regarding user ownership of personal information
1) The app shall have a positive individual impact
1.1) The app shall respect security and privacy of the user
1.2) The app shall promote personal health and well-being of the user
2) The app shall have a positive social impact
2.1) The app shall promote interaction among users
2.1.1) The app shall connect to social networks
2.2) The app shall promote social solidarity among users
2.3) The app shall improve social services for users
3) The app shall have a positive environmental impact
3.1) The app shall reduce transportation means to find/donate blood
3.2) The app shall be convenient for frequent use
3.3) The app shall connect to other IT resources
3.3.1) The app shall back up data in data repositories, drivers or cloud systems
3.3.2) The app shall use device features such as bluetooth and/or near field communication (NFC) technologies
3.3.3) The app shall connect with maps repositories to display locations
3.4) The app shall be energy-efficient
4) The app shall have a positive technical impact
4.1) The app shall easily adapt with future changes
4.2) The app shall shut down in idle mode
In spite of the undeniable relevance of i18n and sus-
tainable software in our IT-driven globalized world,
no specific standards dealing with software sustain-
ability and e-health i18n were found. The catalog
presented in this paper is therefore very beneficial
for different BD app stakeholders. In fact, develop-
ers can use all or some requirements of this catalog
to develop internationalized and sustainable BD apps.
A Reusable Requirements Catalog for Internationalized and Sustainable Blood Donation Apps
Table 4: Questionnaire to assess the Blood Donor+ app.
ID Question Result
Q1 Is the user able to access the app using a login or social network account? Yes
Q2 Is the user able to choose in the app’s settings whether to be authenticated or not? No
Q3 Is the user able to edit personal data in the profile? Yes
Q4 Is the user able to remove personal data from the profile? No
Q5 Is the user able to add personal data to the profile? No
Q6 Is the user able to share personal data from the profile? No
Q7 Is the user able to consult blood donation recommendations? Yes
Q8 Is the user able to edit the blood donation record? Yes
Q9 Is the user able to remove data from the blood donation record? Yes
Q10 Is the user able to add data to the blood donation record? Partially
Q11 Is the user able to share data from the blood donation record? Yes
Q12 Is the user able to import data to the blood donation record? No
Q13 Is the user able to export data to the blood donation record? No
Q14 Is the user able to back up data from the blood donation record? No
Q15 Does the app promote interaction among users via social networks? Yes
Q16 Does the app promote social solidarity among users via a rewards system? Yes
Q17 Does the app adapt its content to the user’s language preferences? No
Q18 Does the app present in its description the number of languages supported? No
Q19 Is the user able to find nearby healthcare centers? Partially
Q20 Does the app use pictures to explain ideas? Yes
Q21 Does the app use icons to explain its contents? Yes
Q22 Does the app use graphs to illustrate health data history? No
Q23 Does the app connect to social networks? Yes
Q24 Does the app connect with maps repositories to display locations? Yes
Q25 Does the app shut down in idle mode? No
Q26 Does the app support different profiles in the same device? No
Q27 Is the user able to access the app without Internet connexion? No
Table 3: Table of contents (IEE, 2011).
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 Product overview
1.3.4 Limitations
1.4 Definitions
2. References
3. Specific requirements
3.1 External interfaces
3.2 Functions
3.3 Usability Requirements
3.4 Performance requirements
3.5 Logical database requirements
3.6 Design constraints
3.7 Software system attributes
3.7.1 Reliability
3.7.2 Availability
3.7.3 Security
3.7.4 Maintainability
3.7.5 Portability
3.7.6 i18n
3.7.7 Sustainability
3.8 Supporting information
4. Verification
5. Appendices
5.1 Assumptions and dependencies
5.2 Acronyms and abbreviations
BD health organization or development companies
which are willing to promote BD via apps can elicit
and specify their requirements from the ISBD-CAT.
Moreover, the i18n and sustainable requirements are
adaptable and can be reused for other e-health app
such as apps for cardiology or oncology.
Furthermore, audit organizations or BD app stake-
holders can use the ISBD-CAT to evaluate and/or
audit BD apps. A checklist can be generated from
the ISBD-CAT. To that end, a reuse-based approach
to generate new requirements documents from the
ISBD-CAT should be applied. This step is neces-
sary, since the variation points of the reusable require-
ments, which are basically parameterized require-
ments and traceability relationships, must be resolved
in reuse time in accordance with the system evalu-
ation and/or audit. The requirements documents will
then be mapped onto items of the Checklist in order to
carry out the evaluation and/or the audit of BD apps.
The catalog can be applied in different scenarios
and adapted to fully capture the needs and constraints
of BD app development. The requirements catalog
contents will be subject to continuous improvement
through the incorporation of new knowledge originat-
ing from additional information sources, such as other
recommendations, standards or policies.
This study may have several limitations, such as:
(i) the application example using only one app may
not be sufficient to demonstrate the applicability of
the catalog. However, the application example was
presented to give insights on how to use the ISBD-
ENASE 2017 - 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
CAT in the evaluation of BD applications; and (ii)
the catalog does not contain requirements for the eco-
nomic dimension of sustainability. They should be
identified to complete the sustainability aspect of the
reusable catalog.
This paper has presented the ISBD-CAT, which is a
reusable requirements repository for BD stakeholders
to assist them in eliciting, specifying and validating
requirements for internationalized and sustainable BD
apps. The requirements presented in this study have
been primarily established from the results of litera-
ture reviews conducted in this domain and analysis
of standards related to software engineering and e-
health. For future work, we intend to make progress
in the improvement of the requirements catalog by
harmonizing the multiple requirements that are scat-
tered throughout different sources. Moreover, we in-
tend to develop an audit method denominated ISBD-
AUDIT to determine whether BD apps meet require-
ments cited in ISBD-CAT. Furthermore, an evaluation
of ISBD-AUDIT will be conducted in a BD center in
Murcia (Spain).
This research wasconducted within the research
project MPHR-PPR1-2015-2018. The authors would
like to thank the Moroccan MESRSFC and CNRST
for their support. This research was also part of the
projects TIN2015-70259-C2-2-R financed by both the
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
and European FEDER funds.
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ENASE 2017 - 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering