Avoiding Free Riders in the Cloud Federation Highways
Marcio Roberto Miranda Assis and Luiz Fernando Bittencourt
Institute of Computing, University of Campinas, Av. Albert Einstein 1251, Campinas, S˜ao Paulo, Brazil
Cloud Computing, Inter-clouds, Cloud Federations, Free Riders, Multi-clouds Tournament.
The maturity of the Cloud Computing paradigm has highlighted a set of obstacles which isolated cloud
providers are not being able to handle. To overcome these obstacles, isolated providers can organize them-
selves in entities called Inter-Clouds, mainly to share resources. However, this kind of resource-sharing envi-
ronment may face the emergence of free riders, which only consume resources without caring for the whole,
in a modern version of the Tragedy of the Commons. This work characterizes the free riders and proposes
an Inter-Cloud architecture to avoid them based on the main features of Cloud Federations. This Inter-Cloud
architecture, called Multi-Clouds Tournament, organizes multiple cloud providers in a tournament-based fash-
ion, allowing those with better scores, determined by a function of offer and consumption, to take advantage of
the system. On the other hand, those with low expected returns to the system, free riders for example, face dis-
advantages or even are eliminated from the tournament. We show preliminary tests of a score function within
the tournament, illustrating how the system promotes or eliminates participants according to their behavior.
Cloud computing (Zhang et al., 2010; Mell and
Grance, 2009) is a paradigm that has emerged as
the answer to the search for solutions for delivering
computational assets as utilities (Assis et al., 2016).
A precursor of this paradigm is the Grid Comput-
ing (Berman et al., 2003; Foster et al., 2008), which
has been inspired by the electric power grids delivery
model to provide computing power to its stakehold-
ers. As grid computing was focused on non-utility
resource sharing, it has been applied for more suc-
cessfully in academic collaborations. On the other
hand, Cloud Computing has been focusing on more
diverse types of customers, making it suitable to a
wider range of areas and applications, including both
enterprises and academia.
In Cloud Computing, the computational assets are
made available to clients in the form of services -
infrastructure (IaaS), platform (PaaS), and Software
(SaaS). Customers in general acquire these services in
a self-service way, most often via portals. Such ser-
vices can be accessed ubiquitously, as long as there is
a network communication between the client and the
provider, and the quality of service requirements are
defined in a service level agreement (SLA). Another
feature of the paradigm is the elasticity, which allows
customers to increase or decrease the amount of re-
sources acquired according to their current needs in a
pay-as-you-go basis.
As the Cloud Computing paradigm matured, a
number of limitations began to emerge. Because
the services offered are directly tied to the physical
resources, isolated Cloud Service Providers (CSPs)
are led to deny customer requests when their re-
sources become exhausted, thereby limiting the elas-
ticity. QoS is also compromised due to the impact of
the possibility of providers having their physicalfacil-
ities in regions temporarily subject to high data traf-
fic for example. Moreover, certain customers, such
as governments, may have restrictions that prevent
them from storing data on providers physically lo-
cated in other countries. In addition, the lack of stan-
dards and market competition lead providersto imple-
ment their own data schemas, libraries, and function-
alities. Named Lock-in (Petri et al., 2014), this behav-
ior imprisons the clients to their respective providers,
making changes too costly, which can generate dis-
interest in this type of technology. To overcome
these and other limitations (Toosi et al., 2014) cloud
providers have begun to interconnect, forming associ-
ations called Inter-Clouds (Grozev and Buyya, 2012).
Inter-Clouds are pools of resources shared among
providers. These pools can stimulate the emergence
of free riders, which have a selfish profile aimed only
at maximizing its own needs to the detriment of the
Assis, M. and Bittencourt, L.
Avoiding Free Riders in the Cloud Federation Highways.
DOI: 10.5220/0006304901970207
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2017), pages 169-179
ISBN: 978-989-758-243-1
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
needs of other providers. Such behavior may lead
to degradation of the association, either through re-
source exhaustion or disinterest in use. Some so-
lutions to avoid free riders in resource sharing en-
vironments have been proposed in the literature re-
cently, such as approaches involving game theory
(Mashayekhy et al., 2015; Khethavath et al., 2013),
definition of supply and demand policies (Toosi et al.,
2011), and networks of favors (Falc˜ao et al., 2015).
However, they are focused on specific types of Inter-
Clouds (centralized federations, decentralized feder-
ations, etc.), and do not focus at the same time on
promoting the offer/consumption of resources and the
elimination of selfish providers in the environment. In
addition, they are implemented as a service over the
Inter-Clouds, and not built on the architecture itself.
This may lead to increased complexity and labouring
maintenance (Joe-Wong et al., 2016).
Considering the context described above, this
work formalizes one of the main economic problems
related to environments where there is resource shar-
ing: the presence of free riders. To deal with this
problem, we describe an architecture called Multi-
Clouds Tournament (MCT). Inspired by a soccer tour-
nament, the MCT implements, at the architectural
level, a mechanism to prevent free rider providers.
Section 2 shows the definition of free riders and
the historical/economic context from which the term
appeared. The set of Inter-Clouds composed of sev-
eral solutions of multiple cloud organizations pro-
posed to solve the limitations of isolated clouds
providers is described in Section 3. The main solu-
tions that multi-cloud organizationsimplement to pre-
vent free riders are covered in Section 4. Section 5
describes the MCT, the solution used by the proposed
Inter-Cloud architecture to avoid free riders. Section 6
discusses the simulation and preliminary results, and
section 7 concludes the paper.
In 1968 Garrett Hardin published The Tragedy of the
Commons (Hardin, 1968). This article was inspired
by a pamphlet written by William Forster Lloyd de-
scribing the overuse of a common area, called Com-
by several users. In the article published by
Hardin, the consequences of the disordered consump-
tion of a set of resources were described when they
are made available to various stakeholders.
Private area offered to a group of people for explo-
ration: grazing, gathering of firewood, etc.
According to Hardin, there are several factors that
influence the dynamics of using a set of shared re-
sources where users are not owners but can consume
the resources present there. This behavior was de-
scribed in an example where a pasture area was of-
fered, without any control mechanism, to the var-
ious stakeholders to raise cows. Since no regula-
tions have been enforced, each pastor can put the
amount of animals that he/she finds convenient in
the area. Initially, this behavior generated benefits
(products, revenues, etc.). However, with the multi-
plication of this behavior, the pasture consumption in-
creased proportionally to the number of animals (Fig-
ure 1), which led to the exhaustion of the food and the
decrease in the number of cows, causing injury to all
Figure 1: Without control mechanisms as the number of
consumers increases the resources are finishing.
In resource-sharing environments, consumers can
adopt different behaviors in relation to the consider-
ation of the stakeholders and the consumption of ex-
isting resources, which in one case can degrade the
entire environment (as in The Commons example).
Thus, we consider three roles of consumers in those
resource sharing environment: altruistic, conscious,
and selfish.
2.1 Altruist
The altruist prioritizes the neighbor,not expecting any
kind of reward for his actions. The altruist offers the
maximum resources to the other stakeholders in the
shared environment, while maintaining the consump-
tion of resources to meet his/her needs at the mini-
mum level.
Considering a behavior function f : B B (B =
Behavior), for the altruistic elements of an environ-
f(altruist) = (offer , consume )
It is possible to conclude that, because of disinter-
ested and selfless concern for the well-being of oth-
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
ers, the altruists consume as little as possible and offer
the most they can. Consequently, in case of resource
shortage, altruists may face lack of resources due to
no reserve. With this, it has a fragile life-cycle, being
the first type of stakeholder to be harmed when the
amount of resources available starts to decrease.
2.2 Conscious
The conscious are aware of resources scarcity and
tries to keep the balance of the environment, thus con-
suming and providing resources at a proportional rate.
f(conscious) = (offer consume )
The conscious elements are more resistant to
enviroment’s resources shortage. This resistance
allows them to make decisions regarding mainte-
nance of their own environment (periods of greater
and lesser consumption) as well as abandonment of
the environment when the resources are being extin-
2.3 Selfish
Also referred as free rider elements in the context of
multiple-cloud associations, this is the opposite of the
altruist. His/her behavior is oriented to maximize at-
tention to particular needs, consuming disorderly the
resources present in the environment and offering as
little as possbile (resources) back. Selfish do not care
about maintaining the environmentand focus on max-
imum benefit in the shortest possible time.
f(sel fish) = (offer , consume )
In resource shortage scenarios, this consumer is
one of the last elements to disappear from the environ-
ment because they have a greater reserve of resources
than altruists and conscious. They can also migrate to
another resource pool and maintain the same behavior
in order to keep resources avaliable.
2.4 Commons Maintenance
Elinor Ostrom et al. (Ostrom et al., 1999) com-
plement Hardin’s work by stating that to prevent
the degradation of environments that have shared re-
sources, there must be mechanisms of control of the
environment. Among these mechanisms, two of them
stand out: i) the election of a leader to regulate access
to the pool, or ii) incentives and punishment toward
the preservation of shared resources. In (i) an element
(individual, groups of individuals, or an organization)
is responsible for maintaining order of consumption
within the environment. In this approach, this element
can be established by consensus or by imposition, and
both cases involve problems regarding the leading ac-
ceptance factors that can be difficult to solve in en-
vironments where there are elements with heteroge-
neous behavior (altruist, conscious, and selfish). The
point (ii) involves the offer of incentives for good be-
havior and punishment if the behavior is not appropri-
ate. The challenge in this approach is to characterize
“good behavior” and find ways to incentivize it, as
well as establish the set of punishments to be applied
to offenders without disencouraging participation.
With the maturation of the Cloud Computing
paradigm, some providers have begun to associate
themselves. The purpose of this association was in-
creasing their respective revenues with the commer-
cialization of idle resources and overcoming limita-
tions of service provision. Additionally, expect to
overcoming challenges (Buyya et al., 2010) they face
when acting alone (limited elasticity, legal restriction,
and affected QoS).
Limited elasticity: inability that some CSPs have
in providing scalability of resources to their cus-
tomers. This is because scalability is related to the
limited amount of physical assets present in CSPs,
which mainly affects small- and medium-sized
providers that have few resources and have dif-
ficulty acquiring more computational assets. The
main consequences of this property is the contain-
ment of resources, and possible loss of QoS.
Legal restrictions: providers have the ability to be
physically located in a particular region and offer
their services to their target audience, regardless
of the geographical region they are in. This prop-
erty affects those customers who by rule or force
of laws (e.g. government) have restrictions on the
location of their data. This can limit their interest
in using Cloud Computing, harming CSPs.
Affected QoS: the main communication network
used by CSPs to provide services is the Internet.
The Internet is composed of a set of networks with
distinct characteristics that are exposed to the re-
spective local traffic. For example, during the sale
off day called Black Friday there is a significant
increase in the access of virtual stores in the
USA. This behavior increases the network traffic
in that region and can affect the providers present
there compromising the QoS of services provided.
Interconnected-Clouds (Grozev and Buyya, 2012;
GICT, 2010), or simply Inter-Clouds, can be defined
Avoiding Free Riders in the Cloud Federation Highways
as a set of all associations of interconnected cloud
providers. The subsets of Inter-Clouds most cited
in the current literature are: Multi-Clouds, Hybrid
Clouds, Sky Computing, and Cloud Federations. The
Multi-Clouds (Kurze et al., 2011; Grozev and Buyya,
2012; Toosi et al., 2014) are associations of CSPs
made from applications with the support of libraries
e.g. Libcloud (Foundation, 2015b) or frame-
works Jcloud (Foundation, 2015a). In the Hy-
brid Clouds (Mell and Grance, 2009; Bittencourt and
Madeira, 2011), CSPs intend to a specific group of
customers to use resources from provider open to the
general public to meet their needs when it is con-
venient (price, availability, resource expertise, etc.).
Sky-Computing (Keahey et al., 2009) is a facilitator
service that, through the execution requirements of an
application, creates an association of several indepen-
dent CSPs with sufficient resources that meet the de-
mand of the application. Another significant subset is
Cloud Federations which will be described below.
3.1 Cloud Federations
The cloud federations (Grozev and Buyya, 2012;
Buyya et al., 2010; Celesti et al., 2010; Manno et al.,
2012; Chaurasiya et al., 2012; Panarello et al., 2014),
are Inter-Clouds organizations with a set of particular
properties (Assis et al., 2016) that make them attrac-
tive to customers and CSPs. The main properties are:
Autonomous and voluntary providers: CSPs can
leave the federation at any time, when they find it
Geographic dispersion: the diversity of physical
location of the CSPs allows services to be mi-
grated to another region in a timely manner.
Defined by contract: all technical aspects of the
federation and the behavior of the providers are
described in a contract signed between the fed-
eration and the providers the Federated Level
Agreement (FLA) (Assis et al., 2016; Toosi et al.,
Real elasticity: providers can use federation to
scale horizontally (amount of resources for a ser-
vice) and/or vertically (classes of services).
SLA end-to-end: SLAs between clients and
providers are honored when services migrate to
other providers within the federation.
From a customer point of view, federations are at-
tractive because they enable clients to acquire services
with resilience, guaranteed QoS, reliability that their
data will be in the region of interest, and the freedom
to migrate to another provider whenever convenient.
Providers can maximize their revenue by selling or
consuming resources and services to/from the feder-
ation, ensuring that the agreement among them and
their customers are being respected if there is a need
to use resources from other providers, and leave feder-
ation when convenient. In addition, the FLA guaran-
tees each provider the knowledge of the possible ac-
tions of the other elements present in the environment,
resulting in more predictability and stability to the
Cloud Federation. However, they are still resource-
sharing environments that are prone to the presence
of free riders.
Some solutions have been proposed to address the
presence of free riders in Cloud Federations. These
proposals can be grouped into three classes that de-
scribe the approach used to solve the problem: Poli-
cies, Game Theory, and Network of Favors.
4.1 Policies
Toosi et. al (Toosi et al., 2011) propose a set of re-
source provisioning policies by providers to increase
the profitability of the federation and thereby encour-
age sharing. However, this approach only covers
cloud federations at the IaaS level. Another limitation
is that defining a set of policies that meet the wishes
of all providers can be an arduous task, considering
the conflicting local policies that may exist among
providers. In addition, this approach does not di-
rectly address free riders, but rather offers incentives
to “good providers” (i.e., autruist and conscious).
4.2 Game Theory
In (Mashayekhy et al., 2015) game theory is used
to create a model of uniform and proportional dis-
tribution of profitability obtained in the federation to
providers. Distribution works as an incentive mech-
anism, while allowing the rational definition of the
amount of resources offered to the organization by
each service provider. This is another approach that
deals with free riders, but in an indirect manner. In
addition, it is focused only on centralized federations,
which have a controlling element.
4.3 Network of Favors
Falc˜ao et. al (Falc˜ao et al., 2015), to avoid the pres-
ence of free riders, propose the incentive to share
resources in decentralized federations (Peer-to-Peer)
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
through the use of Network of Favors (Andrade et al.,
2004) focused on justice. Cloud providers when of-
fering resources to the federation receive credits that
can be used later in the acquisition of resources. Con-
sequently, the approach hopes to avoid the presence
of free riders within the federation while maintaining
the satisfaction of the participating providers. How-
ever, the solution only includes decentralized federa-
tions focused on IaaS.
MultiClouds Tournament (MCT) (Assis and Bitten-
court, 2015) is an Inter-Clouds environment based on
cloud federations and focused on the resources of the
CSPs. Its main objective is to keep the resource-
sharing environment free of free riders. To do this,
MCT establishes (at an architectural level) the incen-
tive to the provision of resources through the consti-
tution of a tournament inspired by a divisions scheme
and a ruleset of a soccer tournament. The MCT is
defined as:
An Inter-Clouds organized in a tournament
format, where volunteer CSPs, named play-
ers, are grouped into divisions ruled by a rule-
set that defines the players’ behavior within
the environment. Depending on the progress
(monitoring in regular periods of time) a
player can be raised to higher divisions ob-
taining advantages (e.g. access to special-
ized resources, more resources) or demoted to
a lower division, decreasing its access privi-
5.1 Architecture
Architecturally (Figure 2), MCT is composed of n
divisions, the players (cloud service providers); the
shared resources available in the environment; the
statute with the set of tournament rules, and the ref-
eree that mediates the environment.
Formally, the proposal is described as a tuple T =
(D, J, Ψ) consisting of three elements: a finite set of
divisions D (|D| 2), a finite set players J, and a bi-
jective function Ψ : J D responsible for mapping
each player j J to a division d D.
5.1.1 Divisions
The divisions D is a logical partition of the set of play-
ers. Each division has a specific set of rules described
Figure 2: Elements whitin MCT architecture.
in the statute (Section 5.1.3). These rules define the
behavior of the players within the environment. In
MCT there may be n divisions, among which two are
special and should be present in any implementation:
the access and the premier division. The access divi-
sion is where new players stay when they become part
of the tournament. In this division are found many re-
sources but there are no guarantees of specialization
or QoS. In this division is expected to contain those
players with multiple clients, lots of features and/or
specialized resources because this profile contributes
to increase the provider’s score.
The divisions are hierarchical in the rules as well
as in the access to resources. Regarding the rules, in
higher divisions, more rules are inserted in the corre-
sponding subset. With this procedure, it is expected
that the excellence level from the players present in
those divisions increases. Regarding to the resources,
players at higher divisions will have more resources
available: in MCT, players have access to the re-
sources of their own division as well as the resources
belong to all other lower divisions.
The players’ life-cycle in the divisions is defined
by a set of individual attributes. In MCT, two at-
tributes are provided: scores and history. The first has
an immediate character, and describes the state of the
relation offer × consumption of a player at a certain
moment. The score is calculated at the end of each
time period called round. Also at the end of this time
period it is verified if the player’s score is within the
criteria to remain in that division, enabling the referee
to rise or to demote a player to other divisions. As the
history reflects the behavior over time of each player,
it can influence for example the amount of rounds of
Avoiding Free Riders in the Cloud Federation Highways
tolerance that a given player stays in the division if it
does not have a high enough score at a certain point
in time. The implementations of the score and his-
tory functions are defined in the implementation of
the MCT, making it flexible to different niches and
situations possible.
Within each division, there is an area called play-
off, where players who failed to keep the established
criteria can be sent if they have a history that subsi-
dizes this decision. Once in that area, a player can
be reinstated or recessed from the corresponding di-
vision. After a predetermined period of time, if the
player can improve its own score it is reinstated to the
division. Otherwise, it is demoted. This procedure
aims to give a chance to players who perform well
over time, but for exceptional reasons have failed to
maintain the division permanence criteria.
Another peculiarity of the divisions is the presence
of dimensions, which are structures that allow a given
player to be classified in more than one division at the
same time. This depends on the dimensions present in
the tournament. For example, in a tournament where
dimensions are service levels (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS)
a player can be in several divisions according to each
level of service, or even give up exposing one of these
5.1.2 Players
A player is a CSP where there are resources that will
be offered. These resources can be seen as the prizes
of the tournament. Players may be heterogeneous
in what regards to the type and amount of resources
available in their own domains. Another feature in-
herent to the players is that they are volunteers to join
the organization as well as free to leave the MCT at
any time. Each player or team j J is defined as a
tuple j = (A
), where A
stands for a set of
technical properties that the player j has,
is a di-
mensional vector exposed by the player to allow the
classification by divisions, and the vectors
respectively contain the calculated scores and the his-
tory of scores for each dimension in
5.1.3 Statute
The statute, named Tournament Level Agreement
(TLA), is a set E consisting of a subset R represent-
ing the FLA in the MCT context. Unlike the FLA at a
global scope, each subset R the from TLA is applied
to a specific division of MCT. Another feature is that
a player may refuse a subruleset, so the player can re-
main in a division even having a score high enough to
be promoted to a superior division .
Subruleset R should not be empty (R 6=
0). Each
subset must have at least four rules called Fundamen-
tal Rules (FRs): FR
score calculation criteria for
each player belonging to division; FR
– how the his-
tory of each player is defined in the respective divi-
sion; FR
upper and lower score limits to stay in
the division; and FR
– round time.
5.1.4 Referee
The referee is the mediator of the architecture and acts
as a Broker (Grozev and Buyya, 2012) centralizing
all activities within the MCT. It makes the process
of managing the players and the environment softer.
Among the activities of the referee there are: access
management and identity, monitoring, calculation of
player’s attributes, mapping player, scheduler, cata-
log, and data repository.
5.2 MCT Avoiding Free Riders
The MCT avoids the proliferation of free riders
through the divisions, accessible by a score that each
player has and that is determined by its behavior dur-
ing their life cycle within the tournament. Two sit-
uations may occur in relation to a free rider within
the MCT: i) the player is already a free rider when
entering the tournament or ii) the player modifies its
behavior during the evolution of the divisions. In the
first case, as the player does not offer resources to the
other players of the respective division its score is not
increased. Thus, free rider does not reach the lower
boundary of the access division at the same time that it
does not present sufficient history to stay in the play-
off area, being eliminated from the tournament after
some rounds. In the second situation, a similar be-
havior occurs, however, depending on the division the
player is, while it is conducted to the lower divisions,
it is still able to consume resources until it becomes
eliminated from the tournament.
5.3 Prototype
For the initial proposal validation, a prototype of the
MCT was implemented in Python and submitted to 8
test cases. The prototype code and data resulting from
the tests below are stored in a public repository
Three divisions {d
, d
, d
} named premier, sec-
ond and access have been defined. All divisions share
the same value of round interval (t), but they aren’t
synchronous. The resources considered were: vCPU,
memory and storage. They were grouped into three
types of virtual machine flavors describes in Table
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
1. The dimension addressed was the Infrastructure
as Service (d D,
v = [IaaS]). Finally, the statute
comprises three sets of rules R, E = {R
|div =
, d
, d
}. One peculiarity is that the VMs used in the
tests are simulated and do not perform actual work-
load, so they have a fixed duration time.
Table 1: Description of the types of VMs in the test cases.
FLAVORS (MBytes) (GBytes) (minutes)
Big 8 8192 80 10
Small 4 4096 40 20
Tiny 2 1024 20 30
The Figure 3 illustrates the prototyped MCT.
Figure 3: Layered diagram representing the implementation
of the MCT prototype.
Equation 1 describes the function used to calcu-
late the players’ score (s
). In it, the score is deter-
mined by two terms: the first one considers the sum
of the execution times of the VM instances (k = t, s, b
tiny, small, and big) from the requests the provider
has accepted (I
). The execution time of each
type of virtual machine is multiplied by a weight (p
that is proportional to the size (in capacity - Table
1) of the VM type considered: the larger the exe-
cuted virtual machine, the greater the weight applied
(Big > Small > Tiny). The second term of the equa-
tion considers the requests not fulfilled by the player,
i.e., the number of requests denied by the provider
). This amount is multiplied by a value
) that represents the cost that the player will
be burdened for not fulfilling a request. The history
of each player is represented by the number of times
it had its score above the minimum limit of the divi-
sion at the end of each round.
= (
× I
)) (Qty
An initial score was also assigned to the new play-
ers, defined as the harmonic mean of the scores of all
the players present in the access division. The def-
inition of this value had as a premise to avoid that
the player is disadvantaged in the environment or that
stands out exaggeratedly in front of the others players
as soon as it enters the tournament. If the disadvan-
tage was not considered, a new player when entering
the access division (depending on the dynamics of the
division) could be eliminated in the next round even
though it should remain in the tournament. On the
other hand, if a new player is offered a lot of advan-
tage, in the next round it could be raised to higher di-
visions without having collaborated to the other play-
ers in the tournament.
The purpose of the simulation is to verify, as a proof
of concept, basic situations regarding the design and
objectives of the MCT. This proof of concept helped
validate and guide the research and development of
MCT. The basic situations were: i) permanence of
the players in the MCT; ii) flow of players through
the divisions; and iii) elimination of free rider play-
ers from the tournament. To perform this verification,
eight types of players identified as A, B, . . . , H have
been implemented. All players were implemented
in Python and based on the features of OpenStack
(OpenStack Foudantion, 2015). Each type of player
is distinguished from the others by the amount and
flavors (Table 1) they accept. Another characteristic
of the players is the possibility of choosing which di-
vision they wants to achieve. The types and charac-
teristics of each player are shown in the Table 2.
The players were arranged in a set of eight test
cases. In each test case there are five instances of cer-
tain types of players (Table 2) that send requests for
, VM
, and VM
every 4 minutes (value
obtained empirically for the initial tests). The exe-
cution time of each type of VM is described in Ta-
ble 1 (value obtained empirically). Since there are
divergences between request period and VM execu-
tion time, some players can refuse new VM instances
request at certain occasions.
The performed tests were arranged as follows:
Avoiding Free Riders in the Cloud Federation Highways
Table 2: Types of players. Type B, C, and F have typical
free riders behaviors. The FINAL DIVISION field indicates
which division a player expects to achieve.
A 10 0 0 First Division
B (free rider) 0 10 0 First Division
C (free rider) 0 0 10 First Division
D 10 10 0 First Division
E 10 0 10 First Division
F (free rider) 0 10 10 First Division
G 10 10 10 First Division
H 10 10 10 Variable
Test 1 and 5:
Description: in test 1 there are five players in
the tournament who only accept requests for
virtual machines of type Tiny. In test 5, the five
players accept requests for VMs
Behavior: the chart of Figure 4 describes a
cyclic variation of players across divisions.
Each player after being promoted to intermedi-
ate division is put into a playoff state returning
to the access division after the number rounds
has been exhausted.
Discussion: cyclic behavior happens because
when entering the second division, the players
generate negative scores because they do not
accept requests of virtual machines of Small
type. This returns them to the previous divi-
sion once the number of rounds of permanence
in the playoff ends.
Figure 4: Behavior of players in test cases 1 and 5.
Test 2, 3, and 6:
Description: there are five players in the tour-
nament that do not accept requests for virtual
machines of type Tiny;
Behavior: because players do not accept re-
quests from instances of VMs
, they are
quickly eliminated from the competition as
they do not have enough score nor enough his-
tory to enter playoff status (Figure 5).
Discussion: the behavior of the five players
in the three test cases is similar to that of free
riders who only expect to consume resources.
Thus, as expected, the MCT excludes this type
of player as quickly as possible.
Figure 5: Evolution of the five players in the test cases 2, 3,
and 6.
Test 4:
Description: there are ve players in the tourna-
ment that accept requests for virtual machines
of types Tiny and Small. All players intend to
reach the premier division.
Behavior: as the five players accept requests for
virtual machines of types Tiny and Small, they
can reach at most the second division. There
is a recurring behavior of rise to the premier
division and back to the second division.
Discussion: this behavior comes from the fact
that no player is able to generate good scores
when they are in premier division. Good scores
are not generated because the five players do
not accept requests for virtual machines of type
Big. This behavior is described in Figure 6.
Test 7:
Description: there are five players in the tour-
nament. These players accept requests from all
types of VMs. All players intend to reach the
premier division.
Behavior: the chart (Figure 7) shows the evo-
lution of the five players for the three divisions
available in the MCT instance. As the five play-
ers accept all types of VM requests, and there
is no restriction on permanence in divisions or
variation of behavior, they reach the premier di-
vision and remain in it indefinitely.
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Figure 6: Cyclical behavior between divisions 2 and 1.
Discussion: at first, the result of this test is pre-
sented as the ideal to MCT execution. How-
ever, this situation can lead to a reduction in
the incentive to resource offers and specializa-
tion of the environment. If this behavior is ob-
served and it is not welcome, it may be con-
sidered the creation of dynamic divisions that
change in quantity and rules according to the
overall behavior of the tournament.
Figure 7: All players accept requests by VMs
Test 8:
Description: test case similar to test 7, however
these players differ by the division they intend
to reach: player 1 - premier division; players
2 and 3 - intermediate division; and the other
players - access division.
Behavior: as shown in the graph of Figure 8,
groups of players develop distinct behaviors
throughout rounds even though they have the
ability to reach the premier division. This is be-
cause each player explicitly defines which divi-
sion it wants to reach.
Discussion: the definition of division is a proac-
tive property of each player and should be indi-
cated if appropriate. In addition, each player
may not accept a subset of rules from supe-
rior divisions and thus remain in the current di-
vision. With this property players can choose
which division to stay.
Figure 8: Distribution of players in the divisions.
The increasing use of Cloud Computing in different
domains has been highlighting some paradigm limi-
tations while leveraging new approaches to overcome
these limitations. One such approach is the associa-
tion of multiple providers called Inter-Clouds. How-
ever, these resource-sharing environments are suit-
able to the appearance of elements called free rid-
ers, which focus only on satisfying their own inter-
ests without regard to the other elements present in
the environment. In this scenario, this paper proposed
an Inter-Clouds architecture called MultiClouds Tour-
nament that has as premisses the main characteristics
of Cloud Federations. The MCT intends to encourage
the consumption and supply of resources by providers
through a tournament. In this way, it is expected to
eliminate the free riders of this type of resource shar-
ing environment. The literature shows that this is still
an open challenge, and the preliminary results of this
work point to an effective development of MCT.
7.1 Future Works
As future work, we will map the impacts of the ac-
tions that eventual free riders can perform inside the
divisions in the period from the beginning of the be-
havior to the elimination of it from the tournament.
This mapping will be analyzed and depending on the
results will be considered the use of a mechanism to
Avoiding Free Riders in the Cloud Federation Highways
mitigate the action of these elements. It will also
be evaluated the use of means that allow more spe-
cialized providers to be led to the superior division,
avoiding to interpret them as free riders. The im-
pact of the insertion of adaptive thresholds (lower
and upper limits) in each division will be verified.
These adaptive thresholds will be based on the play-
ers’ o f fering × consumption relationship dynamics
inside of each division (or entire tournament). In addi-
tion, it is expected that adaptative thresholds will help
maximize this relation while avoiding players who of-
fer the minimum resources to stay or evolve in the
tournament. Also as future work, the implementation
of a functional version of the MCT will be finalized
and evaluated in a real environment.
This research was partially funded by the European
Commission H2020 programme under grant agree-
ment no. 688941 (FUTEBOL), as well from the
Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innova-
tion, and Communication (MCTIC) through Brazilian
National Research and Educational Network (RNP)
and CTIC. The authors also would like to thank CNPq
and CAPES for the financial support.
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Avoiding Free Riders in the Cloud Federation Highways