Lexical Context for Profiling Reputation of Corporate Entities
ere Cossu
and Liana Ermakova
Vodkaster, Paris, France
MyLI - My Local Influence, Marseille, France
LISIS, Universit
e Paris-Est Marne-la-Vall
ee, France
e de Lorraine, France
Online Reputation Monitoring, Topic Categorization, Contextualization, Query Expansion, Natural Language
Processing, Information Retrieval, Tweet, Classification.
Opinion and trend mining on micro-blogs like Twitter recently attracted research interest in several fields in-
cluding Information Retrieval (IR) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). However, the performance of
existing approaches is limited by the quality of available training material. Moreover, explaining automatic
systems’ suggestions for decision support is a difficult task thanks to this lack of data. One of the promising
solutions of this issue is the enrichment of textual content using large micro-blog archives or external docu-
ment collections, e.g. Wikipedia. Despite some advantages in Reputation Dimension Classification (RDC)
task pushed by RepLab, it remains a research challenge. In this paper we introduce a supervised classification
method for RDC based on a threshold intersection graph. We analyzed the impact of various micro-blogs
extension methods on RDC performance. We demonstrated that simple statistical NLP methods that do not
require any external resources can be easily optimized to outperform the state-of-the-art approaches in RDC
task. Then, the conducted experiments proved that the micro-blog enrichment by effective expansion tech-
niques can improve classification quality.
The rise of online social media and the increasing
amount of user-generated content led an emerging
trend in Opinion Mining: Online Reputation Monitor-
ing (ORM) helping keep track of online reputation of
a personage or an organization. ORM helps respond
to comments in a timely manner, and improve/change
products, services or/and customer experience based
on the obtained feedback. Reputation affects deci-
sions, especially in business and politics. Tackling
this issue then necessitates new management tools
and strategies. We consider here, Reputation analy-
sis tools which may be viewed as a part of an ORM
platform. We define Reputation analysis as the pro-
cess of tracking, investigating and reporting entity’s
actions and opinions about those actions expresses by
other entities.
Web represents a large source of opinions about
various kind of entities (Malaga, 2001). Also, Twit-
ter is currently considered as one of the largest online
communities with an increasing number of users and
data becoming of first interest for researches in the
fields of Social Network Analysis, IR and NLP (An-
war Hridoy et al., 2015). Created in March 2006,
Twitter rapidly gained worldwide popularity and in
March 2016 had more than 310 million monthly ac-
tive users (Twitter, 2016). On the day of the 2016 U.S.
presidential election, Twitter proved to be the largest
source of breaking news, with 40 million tweets sent
that day (Miller, 2016). However, conversely to Yelp
or TripAdvisor
, tweets do not provide explicit rat-
ings and, therefore, cannot be directly used in a rep-
utation survey. Then, although significant advances
have been made with RepLab (Amig
o et al., 2013;
o et al., 2014), analyzing reputation of compa-
nies and individuals requires a complex modeling of
these entities (e.g. companies, artists) and it is still a
significant research challenge.
The reputation analysis as defined in RepLab in-
cludes 5 sub-tasks:
1. Filtering;
2. Reputation Polarity Detection;
Cossu, J-V. and Ermakova, L.
Lexical Context for Profiling Reputation of Corporate Entities.
DOI: 10.5220/0006284505670576
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 567-576
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
3. Topic Detection;
4. Priority Ranking;
5. Reputation Dimensions Classification.
In this research we mainly focus on the the lat-
ter task, namely Reputation Dimension Classification
(RDC). RDC is a classification task aiming at catego-
rizing tweets according to their reputational dimen-
sions, among those defined by experts for instance es-
teem in Products and Services or trust in Financial
Governance and Performance. These aspects repre-
sent a particular interest for stakeholders in the com-
panies. We propose a statistical classification method
based on lexical context relations. We tested the pro-
posed approach on the RepLab 2014 data-set
provides a framework to evaluate ORM systems on
We look towards improvements we can expect us-
ing (i) typical parameter optimization, e.g. weights,
vs. (ii) tweet expansion techniques, e.g. Query Ex-
pansion (QE) or contextualization. Tweet Contextu-
alization (TC) was introduced at INEX 2011-2014
(Bellot et al., 2014). This challenge, partially based
on RepLab data, aims at automatically providing con-
text information for a tweet using external text col-
lection such as Wikipedia to allow (a human) better
understanding of tweets meaning. The INEX orga-
nizers provide a framework to evaluate these contexts
which represents an interesting material to investigate
how much additional information could improve high
performing classifiers. In contrast to Query Expan-
sion that mainly provides keywords, Contextualiza-
tion takes the form of a small readable summary by
selecting appropriate passages in the restricted con-
text of topic related to the tweet which is much more
difficult than other generic tweet-based summariza-
tion tasks. This then raises the three following ques-
Does query expansion really improve a well
adapted classifier
Is there a way to automatically evaluate the qual-
ity of these additional information?
Is there a difference in terms of RDC classifica-
tion performances between query expansion and
In this paper we try to answer these questions.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 gives an overview of related work. Sections 3
A system which parameters had been tuned to obtain
a better performance for a particular task. Learn-to-rank is
currently a popular approach (Deveaud et al., 2016).
presents the proposed approach. The descriptions of
the used data set, evaluation measures and competi-
tors are provided in Section 4. A thorough discussion
of our results is provided in Section 5. Finally, Sec-
tion 6 draws the conclusions of our work and opens
several perspectives.
Much attention was paid to Opinion Mining over the
last decade. However, several times researchers lim-
ited the role of Opinion Mining tools to a module in
a more general framework providing feedback con-
cerning the sentiment of the population with respect
to several concepts. Moreover, previous researches
also exploited the use of supervised methods for Topic
Categorization of short social chat messages which
also required heavy human annotations. However,
due to the lack of applicable performance metrics and
exploitable gold-standard labels it is hard to report
the system performance, nor generalize approaches
used within these framework. Especially with large-
scale micro-blogging sets of messages, like tweet-
collection where annotation is not always available
and when it is not possible to consider specific lex-
icon such as (Peleja et al., 2014). Regarding politics,
many projects have also recently been started up, such
as POPSTAR in Portugal
(Saleiro et al., 2015) and
IMAGIWEB in France (Velcin et al., 2014). In this
context, RepLab made a significant impact in ORM
by providing a large annotated data-set and defin-
ing new tasks such as extracting sets of messages re-
quiring a particular attention from a reputation man-
ager (Amig
o et al., 2013) (that is to say the Prior-
ity Ranking task) to improve opinion analysis (Peetz
et al., 2016).
Within RepLab, participants shown that it is possi-
ble achieved strong performances to Topic Detection
using both unsupervised clustering algorithms and su-
pervised classification methods. We can cite among
them, Formal Concept Analysis (Cigarr
an et al.,
2016), Topic-Specific Similarity Function (Spina
et al., 2014) and well known Latent Dirichlet Alloca-
tion to discover latent topics in tweets (Yang and Rim,
2014). Different approaches tackling the classifica-
tion issue used links between content and meta-data
combining both supervised (Naive Bayes and Sequen-
tial Minimal Optimization Support Vector Machines)
and unsupervised algorithms (K-star) with terms se-
lection (S
anchez et al., 2013).
In 2014, RepLab (Amig
o et al., 2014) focused
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
on the RDC. The task can be viewed as a comple-
ment to Topic Detection, as it provides a broad clas-
sification of the aspects of the company under pub-
lic scrutiny. These dimensions reflect affective and
cognitive perceptions of a company by several stake-
holders and contribute to a better understanding of
a tweet’ topic or group of tweets. Participants em-
ployed different features. A first group proposed psy-
chometric and linguistic information (Vilares et al.,
2014) while a second group mainly considered infor-
mation beyond the tweet textual content in their ap-
proaches (Karisani et al., 2015). We can additionally
mention Query Expansion with pseudo-relevant doc-
ument (McDonald et al., 2015) or Semantic Expan-
sion (Rahimi et al., 2014) to improve a weak classifier
using enrichment from large web corpora. Focusing
on Wikipedia (Qureshi, 2015) proposed a Wikified
representation of the tweet content. This trend also
attracted several research teams (Amir et al., 2014;
Ling et al., 2015) in other domains.
However, according to the RepLab organizers
based on the results there is no correspondence be-
tween performances, approaches and features used.
Furthermore, none of these approaches were intended
to be used by computer science non-specialist. This
motivated us to investigate (i) the best possible perfor-
mance of tweet-content based classifier and if we can
expect further improvement by expanding the tweet
with additional resources, (ii) to provide humanely
comprehensible resources for decision support.
The purpose of this section is to improve understand-
ing our approach, particularly regarding how we deal
with textual contents. We start by providing the gen-
eral idea. Further, we detail our method by describing
the pre-processing procedure, introduce term weight-
ing and expansion techniques.
To tackle the RDC, we propose a supervised clas-
sification method based on a threshold intersection
graph computed over the discriminant bag-of-words
(BoW) representation of each tweet. In this graph
vertices represent tweets. Two vertices are linked by
an edge if the corresponding tweets share at least one
word (lexical relation). Edges are weighted here us-
ing a cosine
similarity. Classes are learned from a
labeled training set. A class is viewed as an aggre-
gation of BoW of the tweets belonging to it. Then,
we estimate the similarity of a given unlabeled tweet
by comparing it to each class represented as BoW and
We could have considered for instance Jaccard or any
else similarity measure.
rank tweets by decreasing cosine value. An unlabeled
tweet is assigned a class if its similarity to this class is
greater than a predefined threshold. Multiple classes
can be assigned to a single tweet but in our case we
only focus the class which obtained the best similar-
ity. Overall, the classifier entirely relies on the graph
of lexical similarities between tweets having common
3.1 Term Weighting
The features used by our proposals are words. To
compute the similarity between tweets (edge weights)
we consider n-gram (n<=3) and skip-grams
grams with gaps of length = 1). They compose the
tweet discriminant BoW representation. BoW is built
after the following pre-processing:
words are lower-cased;
, links and punctuation are removed;
the author name is added.
To weight terms we use the TF-IDF measure
(Sparck Jones, 1972) combined with the Gini pu-
rity criterion (Torres-Moreno et al., 2013), as several
works reported improvements using this association
such as (Cossu et al., 2015). The Gini purity crite-
rion G(i) of a word i is defined as follows:
G(i) =
where C is the set of document classes and DF
(i) is
the class-wise document frequency, i.e. the number of
documents belonging to class c and containing word
i, in the training set. G(i) indicates how much a term
i is spread over different classes. It ranges from 1/|C|
when a given word i is well spread in all classes, to
1 when the word only appears in a single class which
means that this word has a strong discriminant power.
This factor is used to weight the contribution ω
of each term i in a class c as (2):
= DF
× log(
× G
where N is the number of tweets in the training set
and the contribution ω
of each term i in document
d by replacing the word # of occurrences DF
We assume that words are not equally informative.
Thus, terms weighting can be improved by adding
weights to the main features (α, β and γ) which will
non-consecutive bi-grams
using short stop-lists from Oracle’s website
(http://docs.oracle.com) for English and Spanish
Lexical Context for Profiling Reputation of Corporate Entities
be later called optimized parameters. The optimized
values of these weights are obtained with a learn-to-
rank approach using the development set. We then
perform RDC with the expansion of initial tweets by
traditional query expansion mechanisms as well as
tweet contextualization considering both case, no pa-
rameters and optimized parameters. Details about the
employed tweets expansion mechanisms are given in
Subsection 3.2
3.2 Tweets Expansion
3.2.1 Word2Vec Model for Lexical Context
Literature often reports that the performances of sta-
tistical NLP approaches are limited by the data avail-
able to them. More precisely, these methods rely on
the lexical proximity of training and test documents.
In order to reduce the impact of the information loss
carried by Out Of Vocabulary words (OOV)
, we
project OOV into the known vocabulary in a Contin-
uous distributed words representation (Bengio et al.,
2003) (considered as a generalization engine). We
used a Word2Vec (Mikolov et al., 2013) model which
is learned by a Skip-gram neural-network. This net-
work tries to maximize the following log probabil-
ity (Mikolov et al., 2013):
c< j<c, j6=0
t+ j
) (3)
where N is the number of words in the training corpus,
is the sequence of training words, c is the size
of the training context.
Word2Vec models were proved being able to
capture syntactic and semantic relationship between
words (Mikolov et al., 2013). They allow to mea-
sure similarity with simple geometric operations like
sum and angle metrics. We trained a 600 dimension
10 context window multilingual (English+Spanish)
Skip-gram model over RepLab’s background mes-
sages (Amig
o et al., 2013) (as (Amir et al., 2014) did)
supplemented by a large amount of easily available
. This trained model is then used as a gen-
eralization engine by other classifier, i.e. it finds for
each OOV in the test sample the closest word in the
Continuous distributed words representation which
exists in the training vocabulary and has a sufficient
purity (0.5) as defined in Formula (1).
Out Of Vocabulary words are words occurring in the
test set while they were never seen in the training set.
enwik9, One Billion Word Language Modeling Bench-
mark, the Brown corpus, English GigaWord from 1 to 5,
eswik, parallel es-en europarl
3.2.2 Pseudo-relevance based Query Expansion
The principle of QE is to add new query terms to
the initial query in order to enhance the users’ need
formulation. Candidate terms for expansion are ei-
ther extracted from external resources such as Word-
Net or from the documents themselves; based on
their links with the initial query terms. In the latter
types of methods, the most popular one is the pseudo-
relevance feedback (PRF) (Buckley, 1995). The ini-
tial method was to add terms from relevant documents
(Rocchio, 1971); since this information is not eas-
ily available, Buckley suggested to consider the first
retrieved document as relevant and select candidate
terms from these documents. PRF is now a com-
mon practice and used in many expansion methods
(Carpineto and Romano, 2012).
We used several QE methods based PRF:
Divergence From Randomness (DFR) models im-
plemented in Terrier(Amati, 2003).
Proximity Relevance Model (PRM) (Ermakova
et al., 2016).
Word-based Proximity Relevance Model (PRM-
W)(Ermakova et al., 2016).
Terrier is a open-source state-of-the-art platform
for highly effective information retrieval based on
DFR models. The DFR models rely on the assump-
tion that informative words are relatively more fre-
quent in relevant documents than in others. The best-
scored terms from the top-ranked documents are ex-
tracted. Terms are ranked using one of the DFR
weighting models. We used the default parameter-
free settings, but Rocchio’s QE mechanism can be
also applied. We used the following DFR QE mod-
Kullback-Leibler (KL);
Chi-square (CS);
Bose-Einstein 1 (Bo1);
Bose-Einstein 2 (Bo2).
PRM is integrated into the language model for-
malism that takes advantage of the remoteness of can-
didate terms for QE from query terms within feedback
documents. In this approach the distance is computed
in terms of sentences from the query terms and its
combinations rather than in terms of tokens.
PRM-W is similar to PRM but the distance is cal-
culated at word level. As in (Ermakova et al., 2016),
we equalize the context length by multiplying by the
average sentence length.
We selected 50 expansion candidates from 5 best
scores documents from the English Wikipedia dump
provided by INEX organizers (Bellot et al., 2014).
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The initial retrieval was performed by default retrieval
InL2 model from Terrier platform which is based on
T F IDF measure with L2 term frequency normal-
ization. The other parameters were set as in (Er-
makova et al., 2016).
3.2.3 Contextualization
Contextualization can be considered as adding new
links between the nodes of the classifier graph.
INEX/CLEF TC organizers defined context as a small
readable summary which contains relevant informa-
tion (called passages) extracted from Wikipedia and
related to both the entity and tweet’s topic. Here-
after we consider context information as the out-
puts provided by systems that participated at the
INEX/CLEF Tweet Contextualization task 2014 (Bel-
lot et al., 2014).
Theses context were generated using a corpus
based on a dump of the English Wikipedia from
November 2012. Since notes and bibliographic ref-
erences are difficult to handle, they were removed to
facilitate the extraction of plain text answers as well
as were also removed empty pages (having less than
one section). We select information from the INEX
output that will be added in the tweet bag of words.
We selected the most relevant sentence as a short con-
text (equivalent to the tweet length). In addition to
the tweet content, the following selections were pro-
The most relevant sentence as a short context
(equivalent to the tweet length);
The 5 most relevant sentences as a long context;
The 5 most relevant sentences are also evaluated
alone in order to estimate if a context can stand in
for a tweet.
We perform RDC with this new document and
we look forward improvement of the classification re-
In this section we provide a detailed description of the
evaluation framework. We present the used data set,
evaluation measures and the systems we compared.
4.1 Data Set
The corpus is a bilingual collection of tweets (Amig
et al., 2014) related to 31 entities from Automotive and
Banking domains. For each entity 2 200 tweets cov-
ering a period going from the 1
of June 2012 to the
of December 2012 were extracted by querying
Twitter with entities’ canonical names. The standard
categorization provided by the Reputation Institute
is used as a gold-standard. 15 489 tweets compose
the training set, while the test set contains 32 446
tweets. Overall, RepLab test set vocabulary size is
twice as big as the one of the annotated set. The or-
ganizers also provides more than 300 000 unlabeled
tweets containing entities mentions. This set is con-
sidered as a large micro-blog text archive to build a re-
lated lexical context. It has also been considered with
Active Learning approaches (Spina et al., 2015). We
used this set to train our Word2Vec Model. Both train
and test sets are annotated regarding one of the fol-
lowing reputation dimensions: Products/Services, In-
novation, Workplace, Citizenship, Governance, Lead-
ership, Performance and Undefined. As reported in
Table 1, the Products & Services” class represents
around 50% of the data-set. Note that,Undefined is
Table 1: Label distribution in the training and test set.
Label Train Test
Citizenship 2209 5027
Governance 1303 3395
Innovation 216 306
Leadership 297 744
Performance 943 1598
Products & Services 7898 15903
Workplace 468 1124
Undefined 2228 4349
not a real class, but a label used by annotators to de-
note they were not able to assign a class with the
information given in the tweet. As it is ignored by
the Reptrak experts, this class was excluded from Re-
pLab official results. Undefined may be viewed as a
noisy-class. In this paper, we report results of our ap-
proaches for:
all classes including Undefined (+U);
all classes excluding Undefined (-U - as well as
RepLab official evaluation);
We selected the 3 000 last (across the time) tweets
from the training collection to build a development set
for parameters optimization.
INEX TC 2014 task may be viewed as comple-
mentary to CLEF RepLab and it was partially based
on RepLab dataset. For the INEX Track 2014, the
INEX’s organizers manually selected from the Re-
pLab collection a set of 240 tweets based on their
Lexical Context for Profiling Reputation of Corporate Entities
readability. These tweets, in English, have more than
80 characters and do not contain URLs in order to fo-
cus on content analysis. The entity name is used as an
entry point into Wikipedia or DbPedia to give the con-
textual perspective. From these 240 tweets, 77 tweets
match with the RepLab 2014 Dimensions Track test-
4.2 Evaluation Measures
We compare our proposal to RepLab baselines
best submitted systems using RepLab official metrics.
We use the absolute values from confusion matrix to
calculate the accuracy of the text mining approach,
that is to say average F-Score (AvgF)
and Accuracy
(Acc). Although accuracy is easy to interpret, it does
not represent the informativeness of non-informative
system under unbalanced test sets such as those re-
turning all tweets in the same class (here all “Products
& Services”).
4.3 Competitors
We conducted experiments with the following sys-
Naive: baseline which assigns the most frequent
class to a tweet.
SVM base: linear Support Vectors Machine
(SVM) classifier with binary representation of
tweet content (1 if the word occurs in the tweet,
0 otherwise).
Best F: best system according to F-Score partici-
pated in RepLab 2014. Best F uses semantic ex-
pansion (Rahimi et al., 2014).
Best Acc: best system according to accuracy par-
ticipated in RepLab 2014. In Best Acc tweet
enrichment is done via pseudo-relevant docu-
ment (McDonald et al., 2015).
CRF: linear Conditional Random Fields (Laf-
ferty et al., 2001) represent log-linear models,
normalized at the entire tweet level, where each
word has an output class associated to it. CRF
can localize specific positions in tweets that carry
information and highlight continuous contextual
The organizers provided two baselines in the RDC task.
A Naive one that assigns the most frequent class to each
tweet. A ML-based classification using a linear SVM for
each entity with Bag-of-Word’s (BoW) binary representa-
Macro Averaged F-Score, based on Precision and Re-
information. In this setup the probability be-
tween words and classes for the whole tweet (of
N words) is defined as follows:
) =
· h
,s)) (4)
Log-linear models are based on M feature func-
tions h
computed at each position from the previ-
ous class c
, current class c
and the whole ob-
servation sequence s (tweet). λ
are the weights
estimated during the training process and Z is a
normalization term defined as:
Z =
· h
,s)) (5)
The tweets from the training set were used to
train our CRF tagger with uni-gram (window’s
length neighborhood of 2 words around the cur-
rent word) and bi-gram features. Then the CRF
tagged each word in every tweet and decision for
the final tweet’s label is made by a majority vote.
SVM: linear multi-class SVM
trained with de-
fault parameters and the BoW representation of
each tweet d (each term weight is computed as
COS: similarity between the tweet BoW d and
each class BoW c is computed as follows (6):
cos(d, c) =
× ω
where ω
is the frequency of the ith term in .
TUNED: while COS considers α, β and γ set
to 1 by default (as it is described in Section 3)
TUNED represents the cosine similarity with op-
timized parameters, i.e. α, β and γ values which
led to the best AvgF on the development set (see
We applied QE (PRM, PRM-W, Bo1, Bo2, KL,
CS) and TC (Context) methods to COS and TUNED,
hereinafter referred to as -COS and -TUNED re-
spectively. We also analyze the influence of the ex-
pansion based on Word2Vec models on SVM, COS,
CRF and TUNED hereinafter called W2V−•.
http://www.cs.cornell.edu/people/tj/svm light/
svm multiclass.html
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
5.1 Contextualization Evaluation
Generating elaborated contexts is costly task. Before
considering to invest time in generating 32 000 con-
texts we set a limited evaluation protocol using INEX
TC framework. We started with investigating the per-
formance our NLP approach on tweets known to be
readable, that is to say, contents that a machine can
handle easily. RDC Performance on this small evalua-
tion set is reported in Table 2. This experiment reveals
Table 2: Performance Comparison over the INEX
Tweets Ordered by F-Score.
System AvgF Acc
-TUNED .650 .710
-COS .560 .600
-COS (complete test) .505 .735
SVM base (complete test) .380 .622
interesting results: the systems perform better on this
small set than on the whole set, meaning INEX se-
lected tweets may be easier to classify. We see two
major reasons to explain this. First the label distribu-
tion changed since Products/Services represent now
less than 30% while it was 56% for the complete test
set. The second explanation is that these tweets were
manually selected for their readability and their length
which mean that they are certainly easier to handle
from a machine learning point-of-view. We can ob-
serve that the basic version of the classifier already
performs well but the parameters adjustment provides
additional information that is reliable to find informa-
tion about the small classes. We then investigate how
much we can improve our results on this sub-set by
adding external context information provided by sys-
tems which participated to the INEX TC.
We first considered RDC performances consid-
ered the large context substituting the tweet content.
The baseline (tweet content only) outperformed each
proposed context. We then considered the tweet con-
tent embedded in its large context. Results were
slightly better, but the baseline is still outperforming
all other combinations. We finally experimented RDC
using the short context added to the tweet content.
Then, some context shown improvements of the RDC
performances according to F-Score. Probably be-
cause the information added was really related to the
tweet’s topic however accuracy remains lower than
without additional data. Considering this, the short
context seems to be better than a larger one, proba-
bly less noise is introduced regarding to the original
The Context context that has shown improvements
regarding RDC is provided by one of the best sys-
tems according by both informativeness and readabil-
ity that participated at the INEX/CLEF Tweet Con-
textualization task 2011-2014 (Ermakova, 2015). The
system is based on the cosine similarity smoothed
from the local context. This system takes into account
named entity recognition, part-of-speech weighting
and sentence quality measure. For each tweet, each
INEX output proposes different sentences more or
less related to the tweet that compose a context. In
the next experiments we only consider this system as
context generator.
5.2 Global Evaluation
Table 3 compares approaches performances accord-
ing to average F-Score (AvgF) and Accuracy (Acc)
over the test set for all classes including (+U) and
excluding (-U) Undefined. We report here only re-
sults obtained with tweet enrichment for COS and
TUNED since they demonstrated better scores than
other classifiers according to F-score. As interest-
ing results, we can see that the basic version of COS
already outperforms SVM and CRF-based classifiers
in terms of F-Score as well as the best systems par-
ticipated in RepLab. However, according to Acc,
CRF-based classifiers outperformed all other systems.
It is also obvious that CRF models are much more
robust to noise imported by Undefined class. The
optimized weights obtained on the development set
(TUNED) gave a light improvement according to F-
Score and Accuracy. In contrast, AvgF and Acc for
the contextualization-based systems are lower than
the corresponding baselines. Word2Vector expan-
sion slightly ameliorated results for only CRF base-
line on -U data set. However, the introduction of
the noisy class impaired the results whatever the sys-
tem considered. The use of the expansion methods
from the Terrier platform decreased performance of
the baselines. In contrast, PRM and PRM-W meth-
ods showed the highest improvement. According to
AvgF, the best results were obtained by the tuned co-
sine classifier with the sentence-based PRM query ex-
pansion method. Since Contextualization introduces
non-informative words to improve readability, it did
not improve results which is not surprising regarding
INEX organizers’ conclusions. Indeed they mention
that finding the right compromise between readability
and informativeness remains the main issue of these
Lexical Context for Profiling Reputation of Corporate Entities
Table 3: Dimensions detection performances. Best
performances are highlighted in bold. Statistical sig-
nificant improvements (averaged across entities) over
the SVM(-U) (two-sided pairwise t-test p < 0.05) are
denoted by *.
-U +U
Method AvgF Acc AvgF Acc
PRM-TUNED .527* .755* .463 .645
PRM-W-TUNED .523* .750* .458 .645
Bo1-TUNED .503* .740 .445 .635
Bo2-TUNED .508* .745 .447 .635
KL-TUNED .504* .740 .443 .635
CS-TUNED .503* .740 .443 .635
W2V-TUNED .514* .740 .451 .635
Context-TUNED .479 .725 .421 .620
TUNED .519* .740 .456 .635
PRM-COS .516* .755* .449 .645
PRM-W-COS .514* .750* .447 .645
Bo1-COS .467 .730 .410 .630
Bo2-COS .474 .735 .414 .630
KL-COS .468 .730 .411 .625
CS-COS .468 .730 .411 .625
W2V-COS .502* .735 .435 .625
Context-COS .460 .720 .406 .615
COS .505* .735 .446 .625
SVM .469 .732 .461 .679
W2V-SVM .468 .732 .456 .679
W2V-CRF .492 .771* .481 .761
CRF .491 .769* .483 .762
Best F .489 .695 - -
Best Acc .473 .731 - -
SVM base .380 .622 - -
Naive .152 .560 - -
In this paper we introduced a supervised classification
method for RDC task based a threshold intersection
graph. Overall, the literature claims that the perfor-
mance of statistical NLP approaches are limited by
the amount and quality of text available to them. We
observed statistical NLP perform significantly bet-
ter on a selection of readable tweets from RepLab,
than on the whole RepLab collection. Consequently,
we compared the performance impact of parameters
optimization against two lexical context expansions:
one using typical Query Expansion techniques; a sec-
ond one based on the insertion of most informative
Wikipedia sentences provided by the state-of-the-art
contextualization system that demonstrated the best
results on INEX TC track.
The performed experiments showed that contex-
tualization does not improve the best lexical clas-
sifiers on RepLab although the provided context is
much easier to read for reputation experts than the ex-
pansion terms provided by a QE system. Moreover,
the expansion of already well readable tweets does
not improve the classification performance. There-
fore tweet lexical content can be sufficient as long as
enough training data is available. In contrast, effec-
tive query expansion techniques improved the results
of various classifiers and do help to compensate for
a lack of optimization. CRF-based systems appeared
to be more robust to noisy data than other classifiers,
although they showed lower F-score on the pure data
Finally, the thorough analysis of INEX TC run
performances over the common subset of tweets from
RepLab revealed a close relationship between sen-
tence informativeness and efficient expansion for Pro-
filing Reputation, and, consequently, an indirect way
of evaluating informativeness. In an operational sys-
tem we then face a dilemma as, on the one hand, we
need to improve the classification performance and on
the other hand, businesses want information to under-
stand why a reaction to these contents is needed.
In future works, we will look more into details
where the systems fail. We will also analyze the rela-
tion between tweet readability and classification per-
formance since readable tweets (i.e. long ones with-
out URLs) may be easier to handle from a machine
learning point-of-view as well as it is the case with
This work was funded by French ANR project Imagi-
Web (under ref. ANR-2012-CORD-002-01). The au-
thors would like to thank Dr Eric Sanjuan, Dr Juan-
Manuel Torres-Moreno and Pr Marc El-Beze.
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