The Federated Ontology of the PAL Project
Interfacing Ontologies and Integrating Time-dependent Data
Hans-Ulrich Krieger
, Rifca Peters
, Bernd Kiefer
, Michael A. van Bekkum
, Frank Kaptein
and Mark A. Neerincx
DFKI, The German Research Center for AI, Campus D3 2, Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3, 66123 Saarbr
ucken, Germany
Interactive Intelligence Group, EEMCS, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 4, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands
TNO, Kampweg 5, 3769 DE, Soesterberg, The Netherlands
Knowledge Representation & Ontologies, Description Logics & OWL, Representation of & Reasoning
with Time-dependent Data, Transaction Time, Semantic Interoperability, Integration of Upper & Domain
This paper describes ongoing work carried out in the European project PAL which will support children
in their diabetes self-management as well as assist health professionals and parents involved in the diabetes
regimen of the child. Here, we will focus on the construction of the PAL ontology which has been assembled
from several independently developed sub-ontologies and which are brought together by a set of hand-written
interface axioms, expressed in OWL. We will describe in detail how the triple model of RDF has been extended
towards transaction time in order to represent time-varying data. Examples of queries and rules involving
temporal information will be presented as well. The approach is currently been in use in diabetes camps.
In this paper, we describe ongoing work carried out
in the European project PAL (Personal Assistant for
a healthy Lifestyle) which will improve child’s dia-
betes regimen by assisting the child, health profes-
sional and parent. The PAL system will be composed
of a social robot (NAO), its (mobile) avatar, and an ex-
tendable set of (mobile) health applications . . . which
all connect to a common knowledge-base and rea-
soning mechanism (citation taken from the project’s
homepage; see
The focus of this paper lies on the construction
of an integrated ontology, PALO, the PAL Ontology,
that has been assembled from several independently-
developed ontologies which are brought together
by an interface specification, expressed in OWL
(McGuinness and van Harmelen, 2004).
PAL, PALO serves as the common language which
helps to interlink data, delivered from both symbolic
and statistical components of the PAL system.
We will also detail how the triple data model of
The ontologies are publicly available for open re-
search and to other institutions upon request; see http://
RDF is extended by two further arguments to incorpo-
rate temporal information in order to represent time-
varying data (transaction time). In order to record the
resulting quintuples, they can either be transformed
into a set of semantic-preserving triples when stored
in a triple repository, such as OWLIM (Kiryakov
et al., 2005), by applying, e.g., W3C’s N-ary relation
encoding scheme (Hayes and Welty, 2006), or can be
utilized immediately, when transferred to an n-tuple
repository, such as HFC (Krieger, 2013). In PAL, we
have opted for the latter case for various reasons. In
this paper, we will also sneak a peek on the temporal
entailment rules (Krieger, 2016) and queries that are
built into the semantic repository hosting the data and
which can be used to derive useful new information.
Overall, PALO consists of eight sub-ontologies,
seven of which are truly independent and do not have
knowledge of one another. One further ontology
brings them together through the use of hand-written
interface axioms, employing axiom constructors such
as rdfs:subClassOf and owl:equivalentProperty, or
Krieger, H-U., Peters, R., Kiefer, B., Bekkum, M., Kaptein, F. and Neerincx, M.
The Federated Ontology of the PA L Project - Interfacing Ontologies and Integrating Time-dependent Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0006015900670073
In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2016) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 67-73
ISBN: 978-989-758-203-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
by posing domain and range restrictions on certain
underspecified properties. It is worth noting that
across the ontologies, each property has been cross-
classified as being either synchronic, i.e., property in-
stances staying constant over time, or diachronic, i.e.,
changing over time (Krieger, 2010). This property
characteristic can be used, amongst other things, to
check the consistency of a temporal ABox or as a dis-
tinguishing mark in an entailment rule.
When we talk about an ontology here, we have
to make a distinction between information from the
TBox (terminological knowledge), RBox (general in-
formation about properties), and ABox (assertional
knowledge). The TBox and RBox of the PAL do-
main stays constant, i.e., will not change over time.
Only relation instances from the ABox might undergo
a temporal change, e.g., the weight of a child at cer-
tain times, but not the birthdate.
2.1 HFC
HFC is a bottom-up forward chainer and semantic
repository implemented in Java, comparable to popu-
lar systems such as Jena and OWLIM. HFC supports
RDFS and OWL reasoning
a la (Hayes, 2004) and (ter
Horst, 2005), but at the same time provides an ex-
pressive language for defining custom rules, involving
functional and relational variables, complex tests and
actions, and the replacement of triples in favour of tu-
ples of arbitrary length. The query language of HFC
implements a subset of SPARQL, but at the same time
provides powerful custom M:N aggregates, not avail-
able elsewhere. In PAL, we are using HFC to store
universal knowledge (TBox, RBox), to query time-
varying data (ABox), and to reason about temporal
change. This is explicated in detail in Section 3.
2.2 Upper
PAL makes use of a minimal and stripped-down up-
per ontology that we have originally developed for
the EU projects MUSING, MONNET, and TREND-
MINER (Krieger and Declerck, 2014), showing a
tri-partite division of the most general class Entity,
viz., upp:Abstract, upp:Happening, and upp:Physical.
Most notable for PAL is the upp:Happening rep-
resentation which distinguishes between atomic
upp:Situations and decomposable upp:Events, using
properties such as upp:startsWith, upp:continuesWith,
and upp:endsWith. This allows us to encode
PDL-like processes and makes it also possible to
define pre- and post-conditions. upp:Happenings
are upp:basedOn upp:Entitys, upp:leadsTo other
upp:Entitys, and upp:involves other upp:Agents.
2.3 DIT++
The DIT++ ontology is based on the taxonomy
of dialogue acts, defined by Harry Bunt and col-
leagues (Bunt et al., 2012). The DIT++ taxon-
omy is translated into a subclass hierarchy, led by
the most general class dial:DialogueAct. We have
taken over the general-purpose communicative func-
tions and parts of the dimension-specific communica-
tive functions. The former dimension involves di-
alogue acts, such as dial:Request, dial:Instruct, or
dial:AcceptSuggestion. The latter contains commu-
nicative acts which help to maintain a dialogue, by
indicating, e.g., dial:AlloFeedback or dial:Pausing.
dial:DialogueActs are equipped with several important
properties, such as dial:sender and dial:addressee. A
dialogue act furthermore incorporates the (shallow)
semantics of a natural language utterance through
property dial:frame. Property dial:follows records
the temporal succession of dialogue acts, whereas
dial:refersTo allows to refer back to previously intro-
duced dialogue acts (e.g., as used in indirect speech).
2.4 Time
The time ontology basically defines the classes
time:DiachronicProperty and time:SynchronicProper-
ty, making it possible to characterize OWL proper-
ties (via rdf:type) as being able to undergo a temporal
change or not (see Section 2), for instance
dom:birthdate rdf:type time:SynchronicProperty
dom:weight rdf:type time:DiachronicProperty
We have furthermore defined the property
time:assign to implement the concept of an impera-
tive, programming language variable that can change
over time and whose time series needs to be recorded.
Such functionality is used in PAL in the dialogue pro-
cessing module (see Section 4.1).
2.5 Logic
The representation of transaction time in Section 3
needs to talk about the truth (= >) and falsity () of
statements. For this, we make use of a logic ontol-
ogy which includes even more general polarity val-
ues, such as don’t know (?) and error (!), arranged in
a class subsumption hierarchy: ! v {>, ⊥} v ?.
2.6 Domain
The domain ontology defines concepts and rela-
tion which are relevant to the PAL domain, e.g.,
dom:Activity (playing a game, cooking, making a di-
ary entry), dom:Actor (child, family members, health
KEOD 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
professionals), emotional dom:Mood, or (learning)
dom:Goals which progress over time (see Section
2.8). As the child (and its diabetes’ history) is at the
heart of the PAL project, dom:Child is consequently
equipped with a large number of properties, deal-
ing with family relationships, serious issues (hypo-
glycemia symptoms), hobbies, activities, or lab val-
ues. dom:LabValue bundles datatype properties rel-
evant for the initial anamnesis and the diabetes use
case, such as dom:bmi (body mass index), dom:height,
or dom:bsl (blood sugar level). It is worth noting that
such datatype properties usually map to custom XSD
datatypes, designed for PAL (see Section 2.10).
2.7 Semantics
The shallow semantic representation in PAL is
loosely build on thematic relations or roles (Fillmore,
1977), leading to general verb frames and includ-
ing named arguments such as sem:agent, sem:patient,
sem:theme, or sem:manner which can be found
in frameworks, such as VerbNet, VerbOcean, or
FrameNet (Ruppenhofer et al., 2006). These proper-
ties are defined on the very general class sem:Frame
and are domain-restricted by very general classes; for
instance, sem:agent and sem:patient map to the un-
derspecified class sem:Actor. These general dock-
ing classes will later be interfaced with more specific
classes from other sub-ontologies by means of inter-
face axioms (Section 2.9). Even though the semantic
representation is almost flat, additional roles such as
sem:purpose (typed to sem:Frame) allow us to build
up nested structures, say for a sentence like OK, you
will be asking (frame: sem:AssigningRole) in a natu-
ral language quiz scenario between robot and child.
2.8 Goal
The goal ontology formalizes diabetes self-
management progression and is based on the Dutch
Diabetes “weet & doe” doelen (know & do goals) as
formulated by the EADV (
These recommendations structure knowledge and
skills supposed to be obtained by the child from
onset to adolescence in order to gradually increase
autonomy. Thus, goals are attuned to age ranges and
are divided into important topics, such as nutrition
and insulin. These goals are translated into sub-
classes of goal:KnowledgeGoal and goal:SkillGoal,
led by the superclass goal:T1DMGoal. One aim
of the PAL system is to support self-management
progression, by offering educational content and
activities. The PAL system objectives that contribute
to diabetes learning goals are defined as subclasses
of goal:SupportingObjectives. Multilingual labels
for Dutch, Italian, and English have been added to
the goal classes as they were used in the dialogue.
Properties, such as goal:hasLevel (the suggested age
range) and goal:hasProgress (capturing percentage
of completion) are defined on the general goal class
goal:Goal. Dependencies between goals are captured
via property goal:requiresAsClass which directly
operates on class objects (see Section 4.2).
2.9 Pal
The PAL ontology first of all imports the previously
introduced sub-ontologies, but also defines interface
axioms in order to properly integrate the distributed
information. This includes, e.g., restricting the do-
main and range of (possibly underspecified) proper-
ties or identifying (subsuming) classes and properties
across ontologies. For example:
dom:Actor upp:Agent dial:Agent
dom:Goal goal:Goal v upp:Event
goal:contributesTo v upp:leadsTo
dial:frame . sem:Frame
The first axiom identifies the important ac-
tor/agent classes that can be found in the various
ontologies. The second statement makes goal:Goal
(and dom:Goal) a subclass of the very general class
upp:Event from the upper ontology (see Section 2.2).
As a consequence, properties, such as upp:startsWith
or upp:continuesWith, defined on upp:Event become
available in instances of goal:Goal (goals behave
like events, occupying time). The third declaration
defines goal:contributesTo as a subproperty of the
general property upp:leadsTo and constraints the re-
lation signature from hupp:Happening, upp:Entityi to
hgoal:SupportingObjective, goal:T1DMLearningGoali.
The fourth restriction links the underspecified dia-
logue act property dial:frame to shallow semantic
frames (see Sections 2.7 and 4 for an example).
2.10 XSD Datatypes
Some of the datatype properties from the domain on-
tology utilize custom XSD types. For instance:
body mass index dom:bmi, measured in xsd:kg m2
blood sugar level dom:bsl, either measured in
xsd:mmol L or xsd:mg dL
diastolic blood pressure dom:dbp, measured in
The Federated Ontology of the PAL Project - Interfacing Ontologies and Integrating Time-dependent Data
This section shed some light on the representation of
time-varying data in PAL and the underlying model,
viz., transaction time. We will also look into how
temporal information is utilized in queries and rules.
3.1 Metric Linear Time
In the following, we assume that the temporal measur-
ing system is based on a metric linear time, so that we
can compare starting/ending points, using operators,
such as < or , or pick out input arguments in aggre-
gates, using min or max. We furthermore require that
time is discrete and represented by natural numbers.
The implementation of HFC employs 8-byte long in-
tegers (XSD datatype long) to encode milli or even
nano seconds w.r.t. a fixed starting point (Unix Epoch
time, starting from 1 January 1970, 00:00:00). As a
consequence, given a time point t, the next smallest
or successor time point would then be t + 1.
3.2 Transaction Time
Transaction time (Snodgrass, 2000) makes use of
temporal intervals in order to represent the time dur-
ing which a fact is stored in the database, even though
the ending time must not be known in advance. This
is indicated by the wildcard ? in the database table
below which will later be overwritten by the concrete
ending time.
We deviate here from the interval view by speci-
fying both the starting time when an ABox statement
is entered to the ontology, and, via a separate state-
ment, the ending time when the statement is invali-
dated. For this, we exploit the polarity values > and
from the logic ontology that we have already intro-
duced in Section 2.5. This idea is shown below for
a binary relation P. We write P(c,d,b,e) to denote
row <c,d,b,e> in the database table P for relation P.
add: P(c,d,t
,?) add: >P(c,d)@t
overwrite: P(c,d,t
) ——
+ 1 —— add: P(c,d)@t
As we see from this picture, the invalidation in the
ontology happens at t
+ 1, whereas [t
] specifies
the transaction time in the database. Clearly, the same
transaction time interval for P(c,d) in the ontology can
be derived from the two statements >P(c,d)@t
+1, assuming that there does not exist a
P(c,d)@t, such that t
< t t
(we can effectively
query for this by employing the ValidInBetween test;
see Section 3.4 for its use in a rule).
Extending ontologies by transaction time the way
we proceed here gives us a means to easily encode
time series data, i.e., allows us to record the history of
data that changes over time, e.g., the blood sugar level
of a child (see Section 2.4). The formal foundations
for extending the triple model with transaction time
can be found in (Krieger, 2016).
Given polarity value π = {>, ⊥}, the above state-
π P(c, d)@t
are written in HFC as quintuples, i.e.,
π c P d t
As we opt for a uniform representation, axiomatic
triples from the TBox and RBox of an ontology need
to be extended by two further arguments; for instance,
owl:sameAs rdf:type owl:TransitiveProperty
becomes quintuple
true sameAs type TransitiveProperty ”0”ˆˆlong
We read the above statement as being true (> =
logic:true) from the beginning of time (long int 0 =
Information uploaded into HFC is also backed
up by an external file. However, entailed informa-
tion, obtained through successive rule applications
(see Section 3.4) is not stored at all, as it can be re-
stored through the same rules again. As a conse-
quence, wrongly-entered information at time t can ei-
ther be deleted directly in case no rule application has
taken place since, or is deleted together with derived
information from a later time t
> t (like a DB roll-
back), followed by an application of the rules.
3.3 Queries and a Use Case
The query language of HFC can be seen as an ex-
tension of a subset of SPARQL towards general n-
tuples. Consider the following quintuple excerpt from
the ABox for Lisa who has undergone anamnesis at
time 5544 and further lab values taken at 5577:
logic:true lisa rdf:type dom:Child ”5544”ˆˆxsd:long
true lisa dom:hasLabValue lv22 ”5544”ˆˆxsd:long
true lv22 dom:height ”133”ˆˆxsd:cm ”5544”ˆˆxsd:long
true lv22 dom:weight ”28.2”ˆˆxsd:kg ”5544”ˆˆxsd:long
true lv22 dom:bsl ”9.0”ˆˆxsd:mmol L ”5544”ˆˆxsd:long
. . . . . .
true lisa dom:hasLabValue lv33 ”5577”ˆˆxsd:long
true lv33 dom:weight ”28.6”ˆˆxsd:kg ”5577”ˆˆxsd:long
We sometimes omit namespaces here in order to make
sure that a quintuple fits into a single paper line.
KEOD 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
true lv33 dom:bsl ”165.6”ˆˆxsd:mg dL ”5577”ˆˆxsd:long
. . . . . .
What this example shows is that the blood sugar
level dom:bsl for Lisa was measured using different
units at different times (cf. Section 2.10). Given that
all possible lab values will not be taken every time a
medical examination takes place, we would neverthe-
less like to know the latest value for each individual
property; for instance in our case, that Lisa is 133 cm
tall (time: 5544), weights 28.6 kg (time: 5577), and
has been measured with a blood sugar level of 165.6
mg/dL also at 5577. This information can be obtained
through the following quintuple-based query which
utilizes the complex aggregate GetLatestValues:
SELECT ?prop ?val ?t
WHERE logic:true lisa dom:hasLabValue ?labvalue ?t &
logic:true ?labvalue ?prop ?val ?t
AGGREGATE ?measurement ?result ?time =
GetLatestValues ?prop ?val ?t ?t
The meaning of SELECT and WHERE does not
differ from SPARQL, except that quintuples are in-
volved instead of triples. AGGREGATE specifies an
aggregate with four input and three output arguments
which sorts the result table obtained from SELECT-
WHERE and headed by h?prop,?val,?ti according to
the last fourth element ?t. It then takes the newest
values h?val,?ti (argument 2 and 3) for each property
?prop (argument 1) and finally returns the following
?measurement ?result ?time
dom:height ”133”ˆˆxsd:cm ”5544”ˆˆxsd:long
dom:weight ”28.6”ˆˆxsd:kg ”5577”ˆˆxsd:long
dom:bsl ”165.6”ˆˆxsd:mg dL ”5577”ˆˆxsd:long
3.4 Rules
As we have shown in (Krieger, 2016), the entailment
rules for RDFS (Hayes, 2004) and OWL (ter Horst,
2005) can be extended naturally towards a treatment
of time-varying data which mimics transaction time
(Snodgrass, 2000). Here, we will present two such
entailment rules which will derive new information
for the PAL domain. The first one deal with proper-
ties and subproperties (see Section 2.9 for two such
properties). The original rule rdfs7x from (ter Horst,
2005) is (we separate the if-then parts by writing ->):
?p rdfs:subPropertyOf ?q
?v ?p ?w
?w ?q ?w
This is exactly the syntax used in HFC for writing
rules. The transaction time extension using quintuples
is quite natural:
logic:true ?p rdfs:subPropertyOf ?q
logic:true ?v ?p ?w ?t
logic:true ?w ?q ?w ?t
As we see, the underlined parts of the three clauses
correspond one-to-one to the original rule and all
statements are valid (first argument: logic:true). In-
stantiations of the first clause will be RBox axioms
which will not change over time, thus we assign
time 0 here, whereas changing time in the other two
clauses is addressed by a coinciding logic variable ?t.
The next rule does not have a counterpart in nei-
ther (Hayes, 2004) nor (ter Horst, 2005). It addresses
a functional property P defined on x whose value y at
time t
is specified differently at a later time t
by z,
without invalidating y before:
true ?p rdf:type owl:FunctionalProperty
true ?x ?p ?y ?t1
true ?x ?p ?z ?t2
error ?x ?p ?y ?t2
error ?x ?p ?z ?t2
?y != ?z
?t1 < ?t2
ValidInBetween ?x ?p ?y ?t1 ?t2
This rule derives that P(x,y)@t
as well as
is an inconsistent (but not a false) state-
ment in case P(x,y) does not get invalidated at t < t
P(x, y)@t. Whether this is the case is checked by
ValidInBetween as explained before in Section 3.2. If
the test succeeds, we mark the inconsistency through
the use of the error modality ! (see Section 2.5) on the
We have already presented an use case involving the
ontology in Section 3.3, where a health professional is
interested in obtaining the most recent lab values for
a specific child. Here, we will look into two further
4.1 Use Case 2: Dialogue Processing
The natural language dialogue engine in PAL utilizes
sets of reactive if-then-like rules for the various health
applications (e.g., diabetes diary, educational quizzes,
The Federated Ontology of the PAL Project - Interfacing Ontologies and Integrating Time-dependent Data
sorting games). Simplified, the rules match against
general as well as specific dialogue situations (= dia-
logue acts enriched by semantics and other informa-
tion; see Sections 2.3 and 2.7) and generate continu-
ations, describing how the dialogue proceeds. Both
the matching information as well as the derived new
information is grounded in time, represented by the
transaction time model presented above, and stored in
HFC . Even though the transaction time model and the
ontology schema lead to a high abstraction level, HFC
queries (Section 3.3) and rules (Section 3.4) would
still be too talkative to be of easy use. Thus the re-
active dialogue rules abstract away from things that
need to be repeated over and over again (e.g., prop-
erties, such as dial:sender or dial:addressee; property
chains; time). Here is an example of such a rule, a
specialization of a general answer:
if (myLastDA <= @Request(Top)
&& lastDA < @Answer(Top)) {
if (lastDA <= @Confirm(Top))
lastDA.dialogueAct = AcceptRequest;
lastDA.dialogueAct = RejectRequest;
If the senders last dialogue act myLastDA is at
least as specific as dial:Request (see Section 2.3) and
we are given a confirmation by the addressee (stored
in lastDA), the rule will assign a more specific dia-
logue act, viz., AcceptRequest to the field dialogueAct
of variable lastDA; otherwise, RejectRequest is as-
signed. Even though lastDA and myLastDA look like
imperative variables, they are implemented with the
help of time:assign to record time series data (see Sec-
tion 2.4). Furthermore, complex conditions, such as
the subsumption tests above are compiled into com-
plex SPARQL-like ASK queries.
4.2 Use Case 3: Goal Progression
The goal ontology is used to inform the child, its
parents, and the healthcare professionals on the cur-
rent status of self-management, but also to direct
the PAL system to provide suitable content and ac-
tivities. Imagine a child Henk, recently diagnosed
with diabetes and started treatment, including self-
management educational goals. Henk already learned
that insulin intake is needed, thus goal:InsulinIntake is
achieved and is given progress value 1.0. Note how
the domain and goal sub-ontologies interacts (below,
we omit the first argument logic:true and the transac-
tion time argument of the quintuple in lack of space):
henk dom:hasTreatment henks
henks treatment dom:hasGoal insulinIntake henk
insulinIntake henk goal:hasProgress ”1.0”ˆˆxsd:float
Henk’s first selected objective is to learn to inject
insulin. This requires knowledge on the location for
injection and skills to prepare the insulin pen. Upon
selection of goal:InsulinInjection, the progress value of
this goal and its pre-conditions goal:PreparePen and
goal:InsulinLocation is set to 0.0, as for related sub-
classes of goal:SupportingObjectives:
InsulinInjection goal:requiresAsClass PreparePen
InsulinInjection goal:requiresAsClass InsulinLocation
InsulinLocation goal:requiresAsClass AnswerI1
henk goal:hasProgress ”0.0”ˆˆxsd:float
answerI1 henk goal:hasProgress ”0.0”ˆˆxsd:float
preparePen henk goal:hasProgress ”0.0”ˆˆxsd:float
While playing a quiz, the PAL system keeps track
of the scores and for each correct answer, the corre-
sponding progress value is updated at a later time:
answerI1 henk goal:hasProgress ”0.2”ˆˆxsd:float
After correctly answering all related quiz ques-
tion, the goal is achieved and all connected learning
goals advance progression. Since goal:InsulinLocation
has no other pre-condition, progress is updated
to 1.0. As goal:InsulinInjection also specifies
goal:PreparePen as a further pre-condition via prop-
erty goal:requiresAsClass (see above), it is therefore
progressing to 0.5 (both pre-conditions are equally
answerI1 henk goal:hasProgress ”1.0”ˆˆxsd:float
insulinLocation henk hasProgress ”1.0”ˆˆxsd:float
preparePen henk goal:hasProgress ”0.0”ˆˆxsd:float
insulinInjection henk goal:hasProgress ”0.5”ˆˆxsd:float
The research described in this paper has been partially
financed by the European project PAL (Personal As-
sistant for healthy Lifestyle) under Grant agreement
no. 643783-RIA Horizon 2020.
Thanks to Antoine Cully and Maxime Petit (Impe-
rial College London) for the preparation of the PAL
Data Definition. We would like to thank the reviewers
for their suggestions.
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The Federated Ontology of the PAL Project - Interfacing Ontologies and Integrating Time-dependent Data