“Objectivity” and “Situativity” in Knowledge It Artifacts
Incommensurable but Sensible Dimensions in Different Contexts
Carla Simone
DISCo, University of Milano Bicocca, Viale Sarca 336, 20126 Milano, Italy
Keywords: Knowledge Artifact, Under-specification, Bounded Openness, Learning, Knowledge Management,
Community of Practice.
Abstract: The main claim of the paper is that in order to design Knowledge IT Artifacts it is necessary to uncover the
Knowledge Artifacts that are currently in use (situativity) and to make the related technology respect the
practices around them. The alternative dimension (objectivity) can be leveraged when such KA are not
recognizable but in this case the tools characterizing this dimension can be used but with different purposes.
This claim is based on a series of empirical studies in real settings that show how the local conditions play a
fundamental role in the identification of the requirements of a technology supporting learning and problem
Following the framework proposed in (Cabitza and
Locoro, 2014) as a results of a survey on the concept
of Knowledge Artifact (KA), we adopt the two
dimensions, namely “objectivity” (i.e. “the capability
of a KA to represent true facts in an objective, crisp,
and context-independent manner, as well as the extent
it can be transferred among its users as an object
carrying some knowledge with itself”), and
“situativity” (i.e., “the extent the KA is capable to
adapt itself to the context and situation at hand, as
well as of the extent it can be appropriated by its
users and exploited in a given situation”), to articulate
our reflection on the concept of KA and its possible
computational counterpart (KITA).
The choice to consider both KA and KITA
separately is based on the need to avoid any undue
contamination between reflections on an artefact that
can exists in a not digitalized form and those on its
possible translation in a piece of technology.
We like to start from a question that shows an
example of the potential contamination we mentioned
above: Can objectivity and situativity be seen as
dimensions which can be present at different degrees
in each KITA? While a KITA, interpreted as those
specific IT artifacts, i.e., applications and software
platforms, that specifically support knowledge
creation and sharing, might contain objective and
situated (to put it shortly) components that can
suitably be present in a comprehensive technology
affording a unique interaction point, a KA as a logical
construct (possibly reified in a not computational
support) can hardly encompass both dimensions: in
our opinion they are fundamentally incommensurable
but more importantly potentially risky to be mixed
without a focused reflection. Unless specified, we
will use the acronym KA to refer to a web of artifacts
(Bardram and Bossen, 2005) that are somehow
interdependent and can be seen as a unique logical
To support our claim it is worth clarifying what we
consider as a KA (as there are many contradictory
definitions of this term) before considering its
possible computational counterpart. Our position is as
follows. First, knowledge belongs to the individuals
and cannot be separated form them: it is not and
cannot be transformed in an object out there;
moreover knowledge has an irreducible social nature
since it is the outcome of a social construction
(McDermott, 1999; Berger and Luckmann 1967).
Then, what is not constructed in this way cannot be
considered as knowledge and then be related to the
theme of learning (or to use a buzzword, of
Simone, C..
“Objectivity” and “Situativity” in Knowledge It Artifacts - Incommensurable but Sensible Dimensions in Different Contexts.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 415-420
ISBN: 978-989-758-158-8
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Knowledge Management (KM)): what is often, after
(Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995), called explicit
knowledge is nothing else than a representation that
can be shared only as mutually accessible information
(Blackler, 1995; Kakihara and Soerensen, 2002).
On the basis of this premise and in order to make
our argumentation coherent, it is necessary to
characterize what a KA is since this term has been
defined in contradictory ways as aptly discussed in
(Cabitza and Locoro, 2014). Moreover, and in
accordance with the above premise, this
characterization should be rooted in the practices of
knowledgeable professionals. On the basis of a
number of empirical studies, (Cabitza et al., 2013)
discussed the nuanced facets that characterize a KA
“in action” and proposed the following definition that
we will adopt in our argumentation: a KA is a
physical, i.e., material but not necessarily tangible,
inscribed artifact that is collaboratively created,
maintained and used to support knowledge-oriented
social processes (among which knowledge creation
and exploitation, collaborative problem solving and
decision making) within or across cooperative
settings and to support their actions according to its
negotiated structure, contingent content and
interpreted affordances; moreover, the representation
language and the representations shared in such a KA
allow for an affordable, continuous and user driven
maintenance and evolution of both its structure and
content at the appropriate level of underspecication.
The first implication is that it is not sufficient for
an artifact to contain some pieces of information that
can be related in some way to the (social)
construction of a professional knowledge to be a KA.
Second, between the two dimensions, situativiy is the
one that fits the above definition of a KA; objectivity
instead is incompatible with this characterization.
The next implication is that to recognize an
artifact as a KA it has to be considered from a
perspective that considers in an integrated way what
it contains and the process that lets the KA survive in
the collaborative setting where it plays its role. In
accordance with the above characterization of a KA
this setting can be naturally related to the notion of
CoP (Wenger, 1998) as the effectiveness of a KA is
based on a continuous “negotiation of meanings” of
its contents: indeed, a KA is a typical part of the
“common repertoire” that supports the joint action of
the community members; its usefulness and survival
in the community depend on the “joint enterprise”
and “mutual commitment” that bind the community
members. In (Cabitza et al., 2013) examples can be
found of CoPs and of the KA they have constructed
to support their practices in domains such as the
design of technical products and the hospital care: we
will refer to them in a following section.
We note in passing that uncovering “true” CoP is
not easy as they often are hidden (purposely or
unaware) from the more evident and explicit
organization and its operational rules. Too often this
notion has been misused by calling any group of
professionals a CoP and then by misinterpreting their
very nature and drawing undue implications on the
supportive technology. In this respect, looking for a
KA can be a fruitful way to uncover them, as it is a
symptom of a candidate CoP where collaborative
learning is at the basis of the common practices.
Moreover, according to the situative approach we
claim that CoPs cannot be built but are truly emergent
structures that can be at most facilitated by favourable
individual and organizational conditions (De
Michelis, 2012).
To sum up, the two dimensions of situativity and
objectivity are incommensurable when knowledge is
concerned; consequently, this holds for all the other
notions that refer to knowledge in their definition.
Then the question is if there is room for the
objectivity dimension and under which conditions.
Before answering this question, we consider the
features of a KITA that translates a KA in a
corresponding technology.
Which are then the characteristics of a KITA
supporting the life of a KA within a CoP? primarily,
the full respect of the nature of its contents and of the
practices around it. This means coping with under-
specification and bounded openness, avoiding
exogenous models and structures, avoiding undue
“optimization” of the way in which a KA is
constructed and maintained: in a word, respect the
actual users and their practices. These are the
outcome of a negotiation process whose effectiveness
cannot be overtaken by any external technological
and/or organizational intervention. The designer of
the technology has to take a humble position and
avoid any autonomous interpretation of the given
reality. She has to construct a “light” KITA in
relation to the typical knowledge management
technologies (ontologies, inference rules,
sophisticated and exhaustive knowledge
representations and related manipulation algorithms);
but at the same time deal with a demanding
conceptualization of a KITA to seriously respect the
KITA 2015 - 1st International Workshop on the design, development and use of Knowledge IT Artifacts in professional communities and
practices of the target CoP (how to support under-
specification in an effective way? how to make the
KITA flexible enough to support its co-evolution
with the related CoP?). The KA actually in use should
be a precious and fundamental source of inspiration
for such design.
We are now in the position to consider the
relationship between KA and KITA by illustrating
some examples of how the definition of a KA can be
instantiated in a real context and how a corresponding
technology can be conceived.
The empirical work has shown that different kinds
of documental KA. The first kind encompasses
artifacts that include self-contained representations.
Examples of this kind of KA are the schema that the
designers of technical products mentioned above have
collaboratively constructed to support their problem
solving and re-use of previous solutions. We refer to
(Cabitza et al., 2013) for a detailed description; here
is sufficient to recall the main tenets underpinning the
adopted schemas. Irrespective of the complexity of
the related domains (software production and the
definition of the composition of the rubber
component of a tire, respectively) the designer
defined very concise (that is highly underspecified)
schemas and used them to discuss new products and
to leverage the experience gained in the construction
of past solutions. These schemas are made of a very
limited number of basic concepts (kinds of software
components in one case and ingredients and
performances in the other case) and of a limited kind
of relations connecting them: for example the kind of
dependency among software components or the
degree of correlation between the amount of an
ingredient in the compound and a specific
performance (typically, grip, duration, cost and the
like). These highly qualitative and symbolically
represented relations were able to evoke in the mind
of these professionals the specific knowledge to put
to work to transform them in fully specified quantities
and solutions. In the case of the design of the
chemical compound the formalization of this kind of
knowledge in a knowledge base was considered
almost useless during the creative phase and was
instead appreciated as a sandbox for the purpose of
training newcomers. For the designers, the used and
useful part of the whole application, that is their
KITA, was a light support to share the schemas
recording the choices made during each design effort.
Another example of self-contained KA is the
Daily Work Sheet (called “report” in (Munkvold et
al., 2007)), an unofficial document where nurses
write information (clinical data, examination requests
and remarks/observations) that is used by the nurses
of the next shift for sake of coordination (which
relevant actions have to be done for critical patients)
but more importantly contextual information that
helps the incoming nurses to interpret the clinical
situation they have to manage. These notes are
textual, with conventional terms and symbols that
make them sufficiently concise and informative. Here
the KITA requested by the nurses was a collaborative
editing tool that should allow the flexible use of
conventional symbols and text structure.
The second kind of KA encompasses artifacts that
integrate existing information structures: the latter are
typically imposed from the top through various kinds
of Information Systems (IS). An example are the
various forms of annotation that are widely used in
the architectural design (Schmidt and Wagner, 2004)
to express hypothetical solutions and links to other
documents produced by a CAD system (Figure1).
Figure 1: Plan of a floor and its annotations.
An intermediate case is offered by the use of
Clinical Pathways (CP), that is representations of
clinical care procedures that can be added to the
patient folder (EPR) and annotated by the doctors to
express the actual execution of the care plan with the
critical points and deviations from the standard path.
CPs can be defined by the doctors working in a ward
(as in (Cabitza et al, 2013), see Figure 2) or by
external institutions on the basis of some recognized
In any case, the endogenous or exogenous
representation of the care procedure is augmented
“Objectivity” and “Situativity” in Knowledge It Artifacts - Incommensurable but Sensible Dimensions in Different Contexts
with information that expresses the choices made, the
criticalities meet and the workarounds followed
during the situated performance of the care procedure
and that constitute the inputs of a learning process for
whom has access to these pieces of information.
Figure 2: Clinical Pathways and their annotations.
In the last cases the pertinent KITA is an
application that offers the affordance of rich and
flexible annotation functionalities to enrich those
documents with information that contextualizes their
contents and that can evoke individual knowledge in
the mind of who writes and possibly in whom reads,
these annotations (Cabitza et al., 2005). In fact, this
contextualization can link annotations with specific
steps of the processes where the documents are used
or generated; it can convey information about the
applicability of some organizational rules and about
the workarounds that they generate in a given
situation; and so on.
We can generalize the use of flexible annotations
by considering them in combination with applications
that can be grouped under the umbrella of
(computational) supports where documents can be
archived, tagged, organized according to a (top-
down) strategy that can leave some possibilities to be
locally adapted; and where people can upload their
documents to be shared with (selected) colleagues
and look for and start conversations with them. These
are the typical affordances of the Enterprise Social
Media (ESM) that are increasingly introduced as light
KM tools within organizations. These ESM (or any
other technology that shares the same affordances)
could be constructed so as to facilitate the creation of
a common repertoire by the target group through the
introduction of functionalities that support the
negotiation of meanings, of which the annotations
proposed above are just an example.
The above examples show that the information
that collaborative professionals (that are engaged in a
collaborative learning process as part of their
activities) use and share can be separated into two
categories: the information that they collaboratively
construct and is fully under their control, that is what
we have characterized as a KA; and the information
that is made available to them “from outside”, that is
when the rules governing its creation (internal logic)
and maintenance (who is in charge of its changes and
updates) are defined by people outside the above
learning process (e.g., the management or some
professionals temporarily playing the role of
innovators who propose to modify the KA and the
related practices: these changes have still to be
appropriated by the other professionals).
In the first case, as already mentioned, the
technology should fully respect the situated practices,
avoiding any computational mechanisms that
introduce any sort of prescription in the aim to
guarantee “correct” behaviors and correct the “bad”
properties (such as underspecification, redundancy,
possible ambiguity). The competent professionals
know not only how to leave with them but especially
how to leverage them to understand (possibly by
additional negotiation of meanings) complex and not
yet experienced situations and to collaboratively find
the optimal solutions. Instead, when the available
information comes “from outside” it has to be
interpreted by the collaborative professionals under
the affordances and constraints of their current
situation. Here the rules governing the creation and
the maintenance reflect the logic of who is in control
of their definition: the receiving professionals have to
decide if they agree to comply with. As the examples
show, the KITA in this case should both support the
negotiation of meanings of what the given
information is about and help creating a connection
with the information managed by the component that
makes the local KA computational. The above
mentioned annotation functionality can be one, but
not the only one, typical example of such a support.
Now, as not all the groups of people interacting to
perform some interdependent and/or collaborative
actions according to a commonly understood purpose
can be considered as a CoP, it is likely that a KA
cannot be recognized, and even less can be
enforcedly introduced, in all collaborative settings.
This does not mean that the involved people are not
knowledgeable professionals: they simply did not
come to the point to be a CoP and to build their
shared repertoire accordingly. The reasons can range
KITA 2015 - 1st International Workshop on the design, development and use of Knowledge IT Artifacts in professional communities and
from individual attitudes up to organizational
strategies in managing human resources, or any
combination of them. Whatever these reasons are, the
issue is how to promote and support learning under
these conditions to achieve all the typical goals of a
KM initiative from the management perspective (re-
use, preservation, training of newcomers, and so on)
without the possibility to leverage any recognizable
KA. This question can be rephrased in terms of the
two dimensions we have adopted to organize our
reflections: since the situativity dimension, or better
yet the related (design) practices hinted above, are not
practicable/applicable in this case, can the objective
dimension be of some help? and under which
To answer this question we have to consider the
typical conceptual framework and tools that come
with the objectivity dimension: the knowledge
elicitation and representation methods that a
knowledge engineer applies to build a knowledge
base and the related inferences to support the
knowledgeable activities of a group of professionals
and the “sharing of the related knowledge”.
Are these framework and tools usable for achieving
the above goal? In our opinion, the answer is partially
positive as this would require some caveats.
We can say that those tools are applicable but the
conceptual framework does not. In other words, the
traditional goal of this “objectivistic” construction has
to be restated and the tools used accordingly. The
“objectivistic” conceptual framework is rooted in the
belief that it is possible to extract the knowledge from
the mind of the professionals in the aim to construct a
representation of this knowledge that is as complete
and coherent as possible. In case of conflicting
contents among the professionals the knowledge
engineer has to enforce a mediation through a
representation that is not so far from each
contributors’ perspective and for this reason can be
both accepted by them and serve as the basis for the
definition of the rules that would check the
correctness of the professionals’ actions/choices and
possibly provide them with adequate
We submit that the goal should be different:
namely, to trigger the professionals’ reflection about
their often unaware practices and about the artifacts
that they use to support them. The representation of
the experiences and practices that each professional
reports (typically, some representatives of them) does
not aim to a complete and fully coherent description:
under-specification, possible ambiguities and
conflicting contents with respect to other colleagues
have to be considered not as a fault, rather as an
occasion to open a discussion, a confrontation, a
negotiation of meanings. In this process, the
knowledge engineers offer their investigation and
representation tools and capabilities to keep trace of
what emerges, to highlight discrepancies and to
document them in the representations as a valuable
source of information to be shared in the whole group
of professionals.
Where does this process lead to? The outcomes
can be very different as too many factors (at the
individual, group and organization levels) can
influence this process. The most favourable outcome
is that the group comes to the point to collectively
behave as a CoP: it could adopt, amend, negotiate,
reformulate the above representations in a
collaborative way and these can become part of its
shared repertoire and be maintained as such.
Otherwise, this process can at least lead to various
degrees of mutual awareness about the fact that the
individual practices follow different patterns and to
different degrees and quality of the communication
within the group of professionals about these
practices: in any case, a potential mutual learning
process can start.
The conceptual separation between a KA and a KITA
that can potentially incorporate it allows one to avoid
the construction of a KITA without paying attention
on what are the implications on the work practices of
its users. These implications can encompass the
refusal or irrelevant usage of the proposed
technology; a low level of the ROI that is anyhow
necessary in any KM initiative; the hindering of a
virtuous learning process by an inadequate
technology; the emergence of even more hidden
practices to deal with knowledge creation and
diffusion in an organization, that is to go the opposite
way with respect the goals of any KM initiative; and
most importantly the possible waste of precious
resources (the KA and the shared practices around
them) that have been produced thanks to an almost
voluntary and hidden work of the organization
members (Suchman, 1995) to improve the learning
and the effectiveness of the problem solving needed
to reach the organization mission. In all these
situations, the balance is negative for both the
organization and its members.
“Objectivity” and “Situativity” in Knowledge It Artifacts - Incommensurable but Sensible Dimensions in Different Contexts
We are aware that knowledge can concern
different aspects of the organization life and by
consequence it can have different value; moreover
that this can influence the organization strategy to
“manage” them: often “core knowledge” is the term
used to refer to the most valuable knowledge
(Blumentritt and Johnston, 1999); consequently the
management is likely to invest more to protect, reuse
and preserve it. While protection is a serious issue
that requires a special attention in case of core
knowledge, we do not believe that its preservation
and reuse would require heavy weighted and
“objective” KM technologies to be supported. The
knowledge might regard more complex and crucial
phenomena, but its genesis and preservation is likely
to follow the same mechanism: in this case the
practices of competent professionals will be simply
suitable to master this complexity and will be
possibly reflected in KA that they might conceive
The considerations developed in this paper
concern a specific kind of artifacts: the empirical
work underpinning them considered various kinds of
documental artifacts. On the one hand, documental
artifacts are spread in many collaborative settings and
are used in many domains; on the other hand, it is
likely that other artifacts used to support
knowledgeable collaborative actions are of a different
nature. A further investigation is required to validate
the generalizability of our arguments to these kinds of
artifacts: however, we submit that the contents could
own different characteristics but the practices around
them should be almost of the same nature.
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KITA 2015 - 1st International Workshop on the design, development and use of Knowledge IT Artifacts in professional communities and