Data-driven Relation Discovery from Unstructured Texts
Marilena Ditta, Fabrizio Milazzo, Valentina Rav
ı, Giovanni Pilato and Agnese Augello
ICAR CNR, Viale delle Scienze Edificio 11, Palermo, 90128, Italy
Latent Semantic Analysis, Triplet Extraction.
This work proposes a data driven methodology for the extraction of subject-verb-object triplets from a text
corpus. Previous works on the field solved the problem by means of complex learning algorithms requiring
hand-crafted examples; our proposal completely avoids learning triplets from a dataset and is built on top of
a well-known baseline algorithm designed by Delia Rusu et al.. The baseline algorithm uses only syntactic
information for generating triplets and is characterized by a very low precision i.e., very few triplets are
meaningful. Our idea is to integrate the semantics of the words with the aim of filtering out the wrong triplets,
thus increasing the overall precision of the system. The algorithm has been tested over the Reuters Corpus and
has it as shown good performance with respect to the baseline algorithm for triplet extraction.
Nowadays the knowledge contained in the Web has
exceeded the human capacity to access it and the use
of technology capable of automatically understanding
written texts has become mandatory. The major chal-
lenge for researchers in automatic text understanding
is thus to create tools that can scale to the Web: the
basic idea is to transform text in structured informa-
tion through using semantic contents.
Traditionally, Information Extraction (IE) systems
focus on the identification of pre-specified target re-
lations between entities, such as person, organization
or location, or between tuples/pairs of common nomi-
nals (Bach and Badaskar, 2007). Such approaches use
language processing algorithms either supervised or
semi-supervised tuned for the domain of interest and
they are able to extract tuples of words linked by cer-
tain kind of relationships. In particular, the task of se-
mantic relation extraction consists in recognizing tu-
ples in the form (e
, e
, . . . , e
) where e
are entities or
common nominals in a predefined relation r. To this
aim, Named-Entity Recognizers (NERs) (Nadeau and
Sekine, 2007; Richard Socher and Ng., 2015a) or de-
pendency parsers (Kubler et al., 2009; Richard Socher
and Ng., 2015b) may be used to ease relation ex-
traction: as an example, in the sentence The bowl
contained apples, pears and oranges the nominals
(bowl, pears) and (bowl, apples) are connected in a
contained-in relation.
The past literature proposed to solve the rela-
tion extraction task as a binary classification problem
(Bach and Badaskar, 2007): a labeled training set of
sentences containing entities in a given relation r is
provided as input to the system; any new sentence
s is thus processed by the classifier which provides
a binary output specifying whether the entities in s
are linked by r or not. The main drawback of these
approaches consists in the severe human intervention
required to create new hand-crafted extraction rules
or new hand-tagged training examples; even worse,
these approaches do not scale to wide heterogeneous
corpora such as the Web, where target relations are
not known in advance.
The Open Information Extraction (OIE)
paradigm, has been developed in order to over-
come the limits imposed by supervised and
semi-supervised approaches; OIE avoids rela-
tion specificity (Shinyama and Sekine, 2006), does
not need domain-specific training data and scales to
wide heterogeneous corpora such as the Web (Etzioni
et al., 2008). An OIE system, in a preliminary
stage, learns , for a language, a syntactic model of
the sentences where two entities are linked by a
relation;in a subsequent stage, the corpus is given
as input to the system, which returns a set of tuples
(i.e., entities or nouns and adjectives linked by a
relation) on the basis of the learned model. Such
tuples are usually generated in a verb-based form: as
an example in the sentence Several investors form
an alliance in a hostile takeover.”, the system extracts
the tuple (investors, form, alliance). The works
(Soderland et al., 2010) implemented a prototype of
an OIE system, by using a noun-phrase chunker and a
Ditta, M., Milazzo, F., Ravì, V., Pilato, G. and Augello, A..
Data-driven Relation Discovery from Unstructured Texts.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 597-602
ISBN: 978-989-758-158-8
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
relation generator to extract the possible relations for
each sentence; in a second step, the system maps each
relation into a feature vector and trains a Na
ıve Bayes
model. The Reverb system (Fader et al., 2011) is an
evolution of such former works and is implemented
as an extractor for verb-based relations which uses
a logistic regression classifier trained with syntactic
features. The extracted relations are filtered by two
kinds of analysis: syntactic and lexical; the syntactic
analysis requires the constituents of the relation to
match a pre-defined set of POS tags patterns. The
lexical analysis filters out overly-specific relations by
looking to the frequency of their constituents over the
considered input corpus.
Finally, the work (Rusu et al., 2007), (Atap-
attu Mudiyanselage et al., 2014) and (Ceran et al.,
2012) propose a rule-based approach for the ex-
traction of subject-verb-object triplets from unstruc-
tured texts: the parsing tree of the input sentence
is browsed and the subject is computed as the first
noun found in the noun-phrase, the verb is the deep-
est leaf found in the verb-phrase, while the object is
the first noun/adjective found in a phrase sibling of
the verb-phrase. Such an approach is very fast if com-
pared to its predecessors as it does not require learn-
ing pre-defined relations; on the other hand its pre-
cision seems to be quite low (as shown further in the
experimental section) and this is due to the use of only
the POS Tagging information.
The main contribution of this paper is the de-
velopment of a methodology to extract meaningful
triplets from unstructured texts. We chose to build
our methodology on top of the baseline algorithm de-
veloped by Rusu et al. (Rusu et al., 2007): such
as algorithm, if compared to other state-of-the-art
methods, needs very low computational requirements,
avoids learning and does not need hand-tagged exam-
ples. Such baseline algorithm, on the other hand, uses
only syntactic information to extract relations and this
may lead to a low quality of the generated triplets
(poor precision/recall); to this aim we propose to in-
tegrate Latent Semantic Analysis (Landauer and Dut-
nais, 1997; Deerwester et al., 1990), whose statisti-
cal foundation has been recently explained in (Pilato
and Vassallo, 2015) in order to filter out low quality
triplets thus improving precision/recall. At a prelimi-
nary stage, pairs of tightly semantically related words
are extracted from the corpus; in a further stage the
sentences containing such words are parsed and syn-
tactically analyzed to discover the linking relations.
As this is a preliminary work, we will focus only on
the extraction of first-order relationships i.e., triplets
in the form (subject, verb, object).
The main purpose of this work is to extract a set of
triplets of words in a subject-verb-object form from
a documents corpus; the proposed algorithm does not
require any pre-defined relation and tries to discover
valid relations through the analysis of the semantic of
words. Firstly, the algorithm builds a semantic space
by means of the Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) in
order to reveal pairs of words which are somehow re-
lated each other. Any pair of words in a tight semantic
association (high values of the cosine similarity in the
semantic space) is then expanded in a triplet form (if
possible) by looking into the corpus for a verb binding
that pair: i.e., the algorithm looks for svo triplets.
The triplets extraction task is accomplished by
four main blocks: a) Micro-documents Extraction:
extracts sentences from the corpus and records them
as micro-documents; b)Word-Tags-Documents Gen-
eration: pre-processes the micro-documents and cre-
ates a list of unique words; each word will be as-
sociated to a tagset representing its different part of
speech (POS) tags as well as to its frequency counts
in the extracted micro-documents corpus; c) Pairs
Extraction: builds the LSA semantic space and se-
lects relevant pairs of words semantically related;
d) Triplet Generation: tries to match the relevant
pairs into s v o triplets extracted from the micro-
2.1 Micro-documents Extraction
The aim of this block is to segment the input corpus
in a sequence of sentences. As described in Figure 1,
the sentences-extractor module reads the corpus and
produces a sequence of sentences (i.e., a sequence of
words included between two periods). Case-folding
is applied to the sentences. Each sentence is therefore
saved in a text file.
2.2 Word-Tags-Documents Generation
As shown in Figure 2, the extracted micro-documents
are tokenized, tagged and lemmatized in order to re-
duce the dimensionality of the term-document matrix
that will be provided as input of LSA; stop-words are
also removed. After such pre-processing steps, the
dictionary extractor module associates to each dis-
tinct word w
W its related tagset tags
T and
the frequency counts doc f req
i, j
of the word w
each micro-document d
D, where W, T, D are re-
spectively the sets of unique words, tags and micro-
documents. The output of the block is a dictionary
data structure W T D = {w
, doc f req
i, j
DART 2015 - Special Session on Information Filtering and Retrieval
Figure 1: Micro-Documents Extraction block. The input corpus is split into sentences saved as text-files.
Figure 2: Word-Tags-Documents Generation block. Each word is associated to a tag-set and to a frequency vector.
2.3 Pairs Extraction
The Pairs Extraction block, depicted in Figure 3, ac-
cepts as input the W T D structure and provides as out-
put a list of pairs of semantically related words of the
type (noun, noun) or (noun, adjective).
The words belonging to the WTD structure are ini-
tially filtered with respect to their frequency distribu-
tion, in order to reduce noise. In particular, a word-
frequencies histogram is built by computing the value
doc f req
i, j
for each word w
; the words are
thus sorted according to their c
value. Finally, only a
percentage φ of the distribution is retained so that less
frequent words are filtered-out and removed from the
W T D dictionary.
The next step involves computation of LSA which
projects the filtered words onto a dimensionally-
reduced semantic space (Deerwester et al., 1990)
where semantically similar terms lie near each other.
The word-document matrix A R
is built by
linking W to D and then it is factorized in three matri-
ces: A = UΣV
U is a |W | × r matrix;
V is a |D| × r matrix;
Σ is a r × r diagonal matrix, containing the square
roots of the eigenvalues of AA
Truncated SVD considers only the largest k << r
singular values of Σ, and removes the least significant
A = U
. Words are represented as
points in such kdimensional space which is used to
evaluate semantic affinity i.e., the degree of connec-
tion in terms of meaning, with their topological prox-
imity in the semantic space. The output terms are
filtered by the tag-filtering module, which produces
a set of candidate words CW i.e., all those words w
labelled as noun or adjective by the tagging module.
Thereafter, the cosine distance cd
i, j
between all the
words (w
, w
) CW ×CW is computed; the relevant
pairs RP will be selected so that cd
i, j
> θ, where θ is
a proper threshold.
2.4 Triplets Generation
The Triplets Generation block, shown in Figure 4 ac-
cepts as input the RP set, the W T D structure and
the micro-documents and produces as output a set of
triplets in the form s v o.
For each pair of words belonging to RP only the
micro-documents containing both the words are se-
lected by the document intersection block. In order to
extract a triplet of the form subject-predicate-object,
such micro-documents are syntactically parsed in or-
der to obtain a treebank representation (Surdeanu,
2015). The Triplet extraction module is implemented
by the algorithm presented in (Rusu et al., 2007),
which will be named as Blind Triplet Extraction
(BTE) in the following. Such algorithm runs along
the tree of each sentence and identifies the subject as
the first noun found in the NP subtree; a further search
detects the deepest verb in VP subtree; finally, the ob-
ject is extracted as the first noun/adjective lying in the
siblings of the subtree containing the verb. The triplet
matching module tries to match the s-o portion of the
Data-driven Relation Discovery from Unstructured Texts
Figure 3: Pairs Extraction Block. A set of pairs subject-object is provided as output.
Figure 4: Triplet Generation block. Relevant pairs are matched with the (s-v-o) triplets found in micro-documents.
generated triplets with the pairs contained in RP; if a
match is found, that triplet is recorded and provided
as output of the block.
The aim of this Section is to evaluate the performance
of the proposed algorithm under several different pa-
rameters settings. We extracted 150 KBytes of text
from Reuters Corpus (Rose et al., 2002) and gener-
ated 1640 micro-documents (sentences) which give
rise to a total amount of 2864 distinct words; after
running the blind triplet extraction (BTE) algorithm
described in (Rusu et al., 2007), 941 triplets in the
form subject-verb-object were extracted. A team of
three experts validated the 941 triplets and classified
436 as syntactically correct and 505 as wrong.
Different external tools were used to implement
the modules depicted in Figures 1,2,3 and 4:
the lemmatization and tagging modules were im-
plemented by using TreeTagger (Schmid, 1995);
The LSA module was implemented by using the
SVDLIBC package (Berry et al., 2015);
The triplet extraction module was implemented by
using Stanford-Core-NLP (Manning et al., 2014),
which allowed for building the parsing trees,
while the BTE algorithm was used to extract the
s-v-o triplets.
In our experiments we set the number of LSA
components to k {70, 150}; the tag-filtering mod-
ule was set to recognize all the words tagged as noun:
{NN, NNS, NP, NPS} or as adjective: {JJ, JJR, JJS}
so the candidate subject-object pairs, provided by the
pairs extraction block, were all of the types: noun-
noun, noun-adjective and adjective-adjective. The
threshold of the distribution filtering module was set
to φ {0.5, 0.75, 0.85, 1.0} and finally, the cosine
distance filtering threshold θ ranged in the interval
[1.0, 1.0] with a step equal to 0.1.
Figures 5 and 6 provide a brief comparison of the
performance achieved by our algorithm against BTE.
As expected, BTE achieves the worst performance in
terms of precision ( 46%) which is also indepen-
dent on the recall value as the extraction method does
not take into account the statistical properties of the
triplets constituents. As it can be easily seen from the
figures, the more the infrequent words are discarded
(i.e., φ decreases), the more the average precision in-
creases. Also, while the θ threshold increases then
recall decreases (less triplets are selected by our al-
DART 2015 - Special Session on Information Filtering and Retrieval
Figure 5: Average Precision as a function of the recall, for
k=70 components of the LSA.
Figure 6: Average Precision as a function of the recall, for
k=150 components of the LSA.
gorithm) but, at the same time, the related precision
increases (high values of the cosine distance repre-
sent tightly related constituents). In the best case,
the average precision approaches 70% in the case of
φ = 0.5, k = 70 which drops to 50% in the worst case
where φ = 1.0, k = 150; as a final remark, the perfor-
mance, for this experiments set, appears to be slightly
better for k = 70 components of the LSA and this
is probably due to the small number of the involved
This work presented an unsupervised data-driven
methodology to relation extraction from text corpus.
Unlike other works, our methodology does not re-
quire learning pre-defined relations and discovers re-
lations by exploiting a mixed syntactical-semantic ap-
proach. The baseline algorithm needed very low
computational requirements but was characterized by
very low precision. In contrast, experimental results
demonstrated that our methodology shows a good de-
gree of precision if compared to the baseline triplet
extraction algorithm although the respective recall
stayed quite low. As a future work we are planning
to discover high-order relationships where more than
two constituents are involved in the relations; more-
over the use of our methodology may be investigated
as a tool to support the automatic creation of on-
tologies by generating sets of RDF triplets. Finally,
we are currently investigating the performance of our
proposal over the ClueWeb09 Dataset (Callan, 2009)
which is made up of about 1 billion pages and 604
million triplets.
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DART 2015 - Special Session on Information Filtering and Retrieval