Interconnecting Smart Grids and Clouds to save Energy
ecile Orgerie
CNRS, IRISA, Rennes, France
Energy Efficiency, Cloud Computing, Smart Grids.
Cloud computing is becoming an essential component for Internet services. However, its energy consump-
tion has become a key environmental and economic concern. The distributed nature of Cloud infrastructures
involves that their components are spread across wide areas, interconnected through different networks, and
powered by diverse energy sources and providers, making overall energy monitoring and optimizations chal-
lenging. In this paper, we present the opportunity brought by the Smart Grids to exploit renewable energy
availability and to optimize energy management in distributed Clouds. The presence of smart sensors which
are both integrated into the electricity Grid and connected to the Internet, indeed offers for the first time the
possibility of exploiting the availability of various energy sources, and of making complete energy measure-
ments of all the Cloud resources – computing, storage and especially networking resources – problems which
have previously been intractable.
Global warming, oil reserve limits and ever-growing
electricity consumption are all powerful motivations
for designing more energy-efficient systems. The en-
ergy consumed to power Information and Communi-
cation Technologies (ICT) has become a major con-
cern. Data centers and network infrastructures repre-
sent an ever-growing part of this consumption (Mills,
2013). As an example, for 2010, Google used
900,000 servers and consumed 1.9 billion kWh of
electricity (Koomey, 2011). Electricity becomes the
new limiting factor for deploying data center equip-
ment. Indeed, the energy consumption of state-of-the-
art servers grows inexorably as they embed more and
more powerful cores and advanced features and tech-
nologies. So, electricity consumption is hampering
technological advances. It also raises major environ-
mental, economic and societal concerns. Curbing this
consumption is thus crucial and urgent.
In this paper, we mainly aim at investigating how
to exploit the capabilities of Smart Grids technologies
in the context of Cloud computing in order to save en-
ergy. This has the potential for reducing global energy
consumption and thus, inducing real economic, envi-
ronmental, and societal benefits. On the Cloud’s side,
we also aim at increasing the user’s energy-awareness
and the Cloud’s energy-efficiency which are the main
levers needed to trigger substantial involvement from
Cloud providers and designers in order to reduce the
electricity demand, and contribute to a more sustain-
able ICT industry.
On the generation side, it is estimated that 10%
of electric energy produced by power plants is cur-
rently lost during transmission and distribution to
consumers, with 40% of these losses occurring on the
distribution network (Feng et al., 2009). As an ex-
ample, in 2006 in the United-States, the total energy
losses and distribution losses were about 1,638 billion
and 655 billion kWh, respectively (Feng et al., 2009).
Smart Grids provide the means to control the energy
supply more efficiently and to dynamically manage
peak load. We argue that their utilization will greatly
improve understanding of the energy consumption of
Clouds and will help to reduce it significantly.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 presents the context and motivation,
which is further discussed over a canonical example
on Section 3. Section 4 illustrates the problem com-
plexity. The related work is presented in Section 5.
Section 6 concludes and presents our future work.
Recently, the maturity of virtualization techniques has
led to the emergence of Cloud Computing, which
is a new paradigm becoming increasingly essential
Orgerie A..
Interconnecting Smart Grids and Clouds to save Energy.
DOI: 10.5220/0005484903760381
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS-2015), pages 376-381
ISBN: 978-989-758-105-2
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
to Information Technology (IT) services. It aims
to provide dynamic, reliable, customized and QoS-
guaranteed environments to end-users. By putting to-
gether individual requirements and by gathering the
needed equipment, Cloud providers can efficiently
manage and offer virtually unlimited resources, mini-
mizing the costs incurred by organizations when pro-
viding Internet services.
To offer better QoS and support more users,
Clouds are distributed: they consist in several data
centers geographically distributed. Computer net-
works are the crucial elements that interconnect the
data centers providing the computing and storage ca-
pacities of these distributed Clouds. As the size of
Clouds increases and their traffic demands diversify,
computer network resources, inside and in-between
the data centers, are often stretched to their limits and,
in many cases, become a performance bottleneck. Be-
sides, they represent a non negligible part of the en-
ergy consumption of these distributed systems (Org-
erie et al., 2014).
Advances in distributed systems have historically
been related to improving their performance, scala-
bility and quality of service. Yet, it is now urgent
to drastically increase the efficiency of large-scale
distributed systems in order to curb the rising en-
ergy consumption of ICT (Information and Commu-
nications Technologies). Indeed, a recent study fo-
cused on Clouds (Mills, 2013) estimates that the ICT
ecosystem now approaches 10% of world electric-
ity generation. The authors promise a faster growth
in ICT energy use, pointing out the information ap-
petite of Big Data, big networks and big infrastructure
which unavoidably leads to big power.
Smart Grid sensors are the monitoring devices of
Smart power Grids. They provide high fidelity control
through high-speed, two-way communication, sens-
ing, and real-time coordination of all assets down to
the customer meter and the end-user devices (Pratt
et al., 2010). As they are literally located at the in-
tersection between the electrical and communication
networks, smart sensors enable improvement in the
stability, efficiency, flexibility, and reliability of elec-
tricity services. Through their communicating sen-
sors, they offer better support of renewable energy
and more comprehensive views of the consumption
of infrastructures. As for the Smart Grid actuators,
the operating counterpart of smart sensors, they can
act directly on the devices to enforce energy-efficient
policies (Hledik, 2009). For instance in smart homes,
they can adjust air conditioning level according to the
parameters detected by the smart sensors: the temper-
ature, the operation of appliances producing heat and
human presence.
While the design of smart actuators is under study,
smart sensors starts to be deployed at the scale of en-
tire cities (like in Lyon, France, with the smart city
project for instance). This deployment comes along
with a Big Data challenge since the collected data rep-
resent huge amounts, coming from distributed places,
and requiring cross-computations. While Clouds
come naturally to the rescue of Smart Grids for deal-
ing with this big data issue, little attention has been
paid to the benefits that Smart Grids could bring to
We propose exploiting Smart Grid technologies to
come to the rescue of energy-hungry Clouds. Unlike
in traditional electrical distribution networks, where
power can only be moved and scheduled in very lim-
ited ways, Smart Grids dynamically and effectively
adapt supply to demand. This recent technology of-
fers the unique chance to monitor the energy con-
sumption in real-time of entire and distributed infras-
tructures through their smart sensors, to reduce en-
ergy use through their smart actuators, and to act as
the bridge enabling hitherto impossible joint energy
production/consumption synergies.
When a user submits a Google request (such as a
search for instance), it is routed to a data center that
processes it, computes the answer and sends it back
to the user. Google owns several data centers spread
across the world. For performance reasons, the cen-
ter answering the user’s request is more likely to be
the one closest to the user. However, this data cen-
ter may be supplied by a far away energy source. A
more distant data center may be using a renewable en-
ergy source which happens to be close by and avail-
able at the time of the request. This request may have
consumed less energy, or a different kind of energy
(renewable or not), if it had been sent to this further
data center. In this case, the response time would have
been increased but maybe not noticeably: a different
trade-off between performance and energy-efficiency
could have been adopted.
However, two issues make this trade-off impos-
sible to determine: 1) the cloud (hosting Google’s
services here) is not able to estimate the energy con-
sumption of a user’s request because it implies vari-
ous and distributed resources (several servers to pro-
cess the request and communication networks to carry
the request and the answer), and 2) the cloud has no
means of knowing where the energy for its data cen-
ters comes from, and whether it is sufficiently avail-
able at a given time. Such data could be provided by
User Router Power stations Data center
Smart Grid
Figure 1: Representation of the involved resources and layers on the example of a worldwide Cloud.
the smart sensors included in Smart Grid infrastruc-
tures. Smart sensors and Cloud’s knowledge about its
utilization could be combined to take near real-time
allocation decisions for the Cloud’s resources, and en-
ergy management optimizations through the smart ac-
tuators for the electrical Grid.
Figure 1 shows an example of a large-scale Cloud in-
frastructure. Its hardware layer is constituted of two
physical components: data centers to process the user
requests and communication network resources (i.e.
routers) to transport the requests and to link the data
centers together. Electricity, which is also a physical
resource, is distributed through the electrical network
from power stations to data centers and network re-
But, as shown in Figure 1, the electrical network
and the communications network of a Cloud infras-
tructure are not directly interconnected. So, the Cloud
manager has no access to the electrical information.
This implies two inherent problems for the Cloud
manager which aims to optimize the energy consump-
tion of the entire Cloud infrastructure: 1) it has no
way to know the consumption of the networking re-
sources as they belong to other (numerous) compa-
nies; 2) it has no access to the electricity availability
in the power stations used by its resources.
As illustrated in Figure 1, Smart Grids constitute
the autonomic management layer that enables cooper-
ation among the electrical network and the communi-
cation network. Our goal is to make the Cloud layer
and the Smart Grid layer cooperate in order to save
energy in the Cloud infrastructures (with its underly-
ing physical resources) and in the electrical network.
As pointed out in the figure, the communication net-
work will play a key role in this cooperation as it
physically stands in between.
Smart Grids have been designed to be deployed at
large scale in order to improve the efficiency of the
production and distribution of electricity in a compre-
hensive context. Although some smart sensors (home
smart meters for instance) are already available, smart
actuators are still under development. This currently
leaves Smart Grids with a measurement role only (ex-
ploited for a smarter accounting for instance), and
considerably limits the power of Smart Grids, which
are here simply able to collect more detailed monitor-
ing information than regular power grids. Thus, the
current status of deployed Smart Grid technologies
is not allowing them yet to dynamically adapt sup-
ply to demand. Nonetheless, we believe that they will
strengthen in the forthcoming years in order to answer
to the urgent need of smarter infrastructures for sav-
ing energy.
In this paper, we limit the investigation of the po-
tential impact of Smart Grids to distributed Cloud in-
frastructures, impact which has not been estimated yet
to the best of our knowledge. Interconnecting Cloud
computing infrastructures and Smart Grid technolo-
gies is not straightforward due to the complexity of
these two systems. It requires to face multi-parameter
modeling and multi-objective optimization challenges
with distributed algorithmic and real-time constraints.
A fine-grained modelization of the considered Cloud
applications is also needed in order to be able to ac-
comodate users’ expectations in terms of QoS and in
order to anticipate the impact of infrastructure recon-
figurations and optimization algorithms.
Large-scale distributed systems such as computing
data centers, Grids, Clouds and dedicated networks –
consist of vast collections of computing and storage
resources interconnected through a network. These
systems, with different levels of scalability, interoper-
ability and respect to user constraints, have become
the building blocks for numerous applications and
services ranging from weather forecast to web search.
Cloud infrastructures consist in geographically
distributed data centers which are linked through
communication networks (Wang et al., 2008a). With
the emergence of the Future Internet and the dawning
of new IT models such as cloud computing, the usage
of data centers (DC), and consequently their power
consumption, increase dramatically. As an example,
for 2010, Google used 900,000 servers and consumed
1.9 billion kWh of electricity (Koomey, 2011). Other
big Cloud companies present similar figures and sim-
ilar issues (Katz, 2009).
Electricity becomes the new limiting factor for de-
ploying data center equipment. Indeed, the energy
consumption of state-of-the-art servers grows inex-
orably as they embed more and more powerful cores
and advanced features and technologies. So, elec-
tricity consumption is hampering technological ad-
vances. It also raises major environmental, economic
and social concerns. Curbing this consumption is thus
crucial and urgent.
The first way to save energy at a data center level
consist in locating it close to where the electricity is
generated, hence minimizing transmission losses. For
example, Western North Carolina, USA, attracts data
centers with its low electricity prices due to abundant
capacity of coal and nuclear power following the de-
parture of the region’s textile and furniture manufac-
turing (Greenpeace, 2011). As of writing, this region
has three super-size data centers from Google, Apple
and Facebook with respective power demands of 60 to
100 MW, 100 MW and 40 MW (Greenpeace, 2011).
Other companies opt for greener sources of en-
ergy. For example, Quincy (Washington, USA) sup-
plies electricity to data facilities from Yahoo, Mi-
crosoft, Dell and Amazon with its low-cost hydro-
electrics left behind following the shutting down of
the region’s aluminum industry (Greenpeace, 2011).
Several renewable energy sources like wind power,
solar energy, hydro-power, bio-energy, geothermal
power and marine power can be considered to power
up super-sized facilities.
In spite of these approaches, numerous data facil-
ities have already been built and cannot be moved.
Cloud infrastructures, on the other hand, can still take
advantage of multiple locations to use green sources
of energy with approaches such as follow-the-sun and
follow-the-wind (Figuerola et al., 2009). As sun and
wind provide renewable sources of energy whose ca-
pacity fluctuates over time, the rationale is to place
computing jobs on resources using renewable energy,
and migrate jobs as renewable energy becomes avail-
able on resources in other locations.
Within the data center itself, a range of tech-
nologies can be utilized to make cloud computing
infrastructures more energy efficient, including bet-
ter cooling technologies, temperature-aware schedul-
ing (Fan et al., 2007), Dynamic Voltage and Fre-
quency Scaling (DVFS) (Snowdon et al., 2005), and
resource virtualization (Talaber et al., 2009). The
use of VMs (Barham et al., 2003) brings several
benefits including environment and performance iso-
lation; improved resource utilization by enabling
workload consolidation; and resource provisioning
on demand. Nevertheless, such technologies should
be analyzed and used carefully for really improv-
ing the energy-efficiency of computing infrastruc-
tures (Miyoshi et al., 2002).
Concerning wired networking resources, which
constitute an important part of Cloud infrastructures,
the energy-efficient management techniques can be
divided into two primary categories (Orgerie et al.,
2014; Bolla et al., 2011): sleeping techniques mak-
ing use of future foreseen on/off capabilities of net-
work devices, and rate adaptation techniques. The
most emblematic solution of the sleeping techniques
is named Low-Power Idle (Christensen et al., 2010),
standardized under the name 802.03az, and starting
to be implemented on Network Interface Cards and
switches available on the market. The precursor of
rate adaptation techniques is named ALR (adaptive
Link Rate) (Gunaratne et al., 2006), and proposes to
adapt the negotiated link rates (between the two link
end devices) to the actual load.
As detailed in a survey (Orgerie et al., 2014),
numerous works target resource allocation and task
scheduling with energy constraints for both comput-
ing (Lef
evre and Orgerie, 2010; Goiri et al., 2011),
and networking (Baliga et al., 2011; Bolla et al., 2011;
Betti et al., 2013) resources separately. However, for
both of these disjointed propositions, they either fo-
cus on energy-efficient goals (ie. reducing the amount
of consumed energy), or on energy-aware objectives
(ie. maximizing the amount of consumed renewable
energy). Only few works consider both aims at the
same time, like it is the case in this position paper;
and none considered both aims for both kind of re-
sources: computing and networking.
The Cloud workload varies widely on a short time
scale (Elson and Howell, 2008). To quickly and de-
centrally adapt Cloud resource allocation to renew-
able energy availability, efficient real-time autonomic
reconfiguration mechanisms are required. Centralized
solutions have been proposed to this issue (Orgerie
et al., 2014). Yet, their scalability is limited, and thus,
their applicability to Cloud infrastructures is arguable.
In order to solve this technical barrier, we argue for
the use of Software-Defined Networking techniques.
These techniques allow for virtual networks decou-
pling the control (routing messages for instance) and
data planes(users’ messages) (Jain and Paul, 2013).
OpenFlow is currently the mostly used SDN technol-
ogy (Lara et al., 2014).
Network virtualization is also a promising solu-
tion to enable energy savings (Orgerie et al., 2014).
Virtual ROuters On the Move (VROOM), a network
management primitive, pioneering research work, is
presented in (Wang et al., 2008b). It simplifies the
management of routers by virtualizing them and al-
lowing them to freely move from one physical node to
another, thus avoiding logical topology changes. The
migration of virtual routers can also be used to save
energy (Chen and Phillips, 2013).
On the electricity side, it is estimated that 10%
of electric energy produced by power plants is cur-
rently lost during transmission and distribution to
consumers, with 40% of these losses occurring on the
distribution network (Feng et al., 2009). As an ex-
ample, in 2006 in the United-States, the total energy
losses and distribution losses were about 1,638 billion
and 655 billion kWh, respectively (Feng et al., 2009).
Smart Grids provide the means to control the energy
supply more efficiently and to dynamically manage
peak load. Their utilization has the potential to greatly
improve understanding of the energy consumption of
Clouds and to help to reduce it significantly.
To take advantage from this new technology, we
need to deal with three major issues: 1) complexity in-
curred by the proliferation of energy sensors, the fact
that different systems are interconnected (communi-
cation networks and distribution networks), these sys-
tems are highly multi-scale by nature, different tech-
nologies are employed (different manufacturers), and
a lot of parameters are involved (energy sources and
availability, location, etc.); 2) interdependability be-
cause our solution relies on the collaboration between
electricity networks and communication networks; 3)
performance of the system: it is mandatory for the
monitoring infrastructure to provide real-time anal-
ysis in spite of the large data volumes to process,
and for the Cloud management system to integrate
distributed management and failure recovery mech-
Current works on Smart Grids are dealing with
smoothing energy peak demand (Tang et al., 2013),
improving the effective utilization of intermittent and
fluctuating renewables, and improving the scalability
of the proposed solutions (Fang et al., 2012). Our goal
here is not to contribute to the development and tech-
nical advances of Smart Grids. It only consists in uti-
lizing this emerging and innovative technology.
Most of the work on energy-efficient management
of Clouds does not consider networking resources as
they go beyond the limits of the data centers. Thus,
they are not entirely managed by one provider and
their consumption is not accessible to the cloud man-
ager. Yet, the intrinsic energy consumption of the
Google request includes transporting the request to
a data center, computing the request and transport-
ing the answer back to the user. Taking into account
only the computing costs leads to proposing optimiza-
tion algorithms that do not optimize the overall energy
consumption, but only the consumption of one data
center. Indeed, network resources account for a non-
negligible part in the energy equation (Orgerie et al.,
2014; Orgerie et al., 2011). Making Smart Grids and
Cloud managers collaborate could solve these issues
and lead to important energy savings.
Our future work will focus on exploiting this en-
ergy saving potential resulting from the interconnec-
tion of Smart Grids and Clouds. This challenging goal
will require to propose implementable distributed re-
configuration mechanisms and task scheduling algo-
rithms for the allocation of Cloud resources (both
networking and computing resources) taking into ac-
count energy efficiency and utilization of renewable
energies. It will also led us to dsign an efficient man-
agement of electricity distribution and utilization in
the context of distributed energy sources linked by
Smart Grids and used to power a distributed Cloud
infrastructure. Working towards this objective should
both increase the knowledge about these two complex
systems namely Cloud infrastructures and Smart
Grids and remove technological barriers towards
their interconnection for coping with the big power
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